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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 17, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm MSK

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they have been talking about the digital ruble for a long time, but today vladimir putin ordered the transition from pilot projects to its larger-scale implementation, roman sobol looked into what it is and what the effect will be. in the southern donetsk direction, operators of a loitering lancet destroyed a rare ukrainian -made artillery system. details in the report by rostislav skidan. the last journey of the last russian emperor. the great religious procession became the culmination of the royal days in yekaterinburg. olga zenkova about what other the events took place on the anniversary of the shooting. become a mathematician for half a million, a nuclear physicist for 600 thousand. per year, about
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why prices for studying at universities are rising, report by pavel rybalchenko. in the kaliningrad region , the remains of a deceased soviet pilot, found in the cockpit of an airplane discovered by search engines, while the defender of the homeland himself was listed as buried and even reburied at one of the memorials in the region, alexey chmatarev, about why this is a detective story for the average person, but an ordinary situation for search engines. it's time for a picnic, how to spend it time in nature without really straining where you can go in moscow, nakhit babaev will tell you. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this is the program
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today, hosted by elmira ifendieva and vladimir chernyshov. russia needs to move towards wider adoption of digital currencies. vladimir putin announced this today at a meeting on economic issues. according to the president, new financial instruments are increasingly in demand; now it is important not to miss the moment. the central bank is already implementing a pilot project that can be to scale. we were talking about cryptocurrencies, which are especially popular in international payments, according to vladimir putin. this is an area that needs to be developed, but taking into account the risks. they should be minimized by new federal laws regulating electricity consumption, as well as tax rates. roman sobol, more details. money, of course, loves silence, on the other hand, if progress was not followed in this area, then people would still be settling accounts with each other, sometimes with shells, sometimes with cows, sometimes with stone circles. now comes the era of digital currencies, russia has every opportunity to be. at
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the forefront of the movement. this is truly a very dynamic, promising area of ​​the modern economy, which is becoming increasingly in demand from businesses, investors, citizens, almost all over the world. such technologies are already beginning to change the usual patterns in trade, banking, services, and international payments. it is important for us in russia, as they say, not to miss the moment. certainly. by the central bank in august last year. we are talking about a test trial using digital ruble in fact, this is another form of our national currency. its peculiarity is that citizens and businesses can use the digital one. rubles, regardless of
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which bank they have an account with. the pilot project involved 12 banks, several hundred individuals and trade enterprises from eleven cities. in general, everything worked fine, and we can begin to implement the digital ruble more widely. this is the same ruble, backed by all state property, like paper money or already the usual plastic, that is, cards, but the digital ruble exists in the form of a computer code that cannot be hacked, but...
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according to the ministry of energy in russia , 16 billion kilowatt-hours are spent annually for these purposes, that is, almost 15% of the total. irkutsk in the caucasus, miners often connect to power lines illegally and do not pay for electricity. obviously, if there is no free power, if it is selected by the so-called mining farms. then new enterprises, residential areas, social facilities will simply face interruptions supplies, with a shortage of electricity, and promising investment and infrastructure projects will be put on pause. here we need to make correct,
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timely decisions, including systemic ones at the level of federal law. i have already given instructions to regulate the mining of digital currencies in russia, including taxation issues. activities and tariff decisions, with proper control, however , cryptocurrencies can be very useful to the state for foreign payments, for example, after all, bitcoin is not formally belonging to no country, easily crosses borders and bypasses sanctions. roman sobol, oleg damer, ntv television company. almost 40 thousand dead and 90,000 wounded, most of whom were civilians, women and children. these are the numbers sergei lavrov announced today. calling for an end to the bloodshed in the palestinian territories. a meeting of the un security council, where russia chairs this month, was devoted to resolving the conflict. and lavrov recalled that the sovereignty of palestine was recognized by almost 150 countries and said that moscow demands an immediate end fire. the minister noted that behind-the-scenes
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negotiations about the fate of this state, which are being conducted by western powers, are only getting in the way. at the same time, lavrov emphasized that the unprecedented explosion of violence in the middle east is a consequence of politics. and our correspondent alexey veselovsky joins us from new york. lyosh, what else did lavrov talk about and how, in general, did the discussion of this sensitive topic go? well, it’s still going on, colleagues, it’s going on quite sharply, given the differences in the views of the parties, primarily israel and palestine, whose representatives spoke first and each of them accused the other side of escalating the conflict, well, actually before that. as soon as the russian minister took the floor, they started shouting something in the hall, where the journalists were sitting, but at the table where the members of the security council were meeting, what exactly they were shouting was not audible, and the russian minister asked those shouting more clearly what they wanted to say , but they immediately fell silent,
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they actually shouted, release the hostages, meaning those israelis who were captured by hamas militants on october 7 last years, here we go. he noted that over the past 10 months, the un security council has held only four ministerial conferences on this conflict, adopted four resolutions, and their decisions remained on paper. the bloodshed in the gas sector continues. the military cleansing of the most populous sector has been going on for almost 300 days.
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most of whom are children and women, this is twice the number of civilian casualties on both sides during the 10 years of conflict in south-eastern ukraine. well, the russian minister named the reasons for this violence, in his opinion, this is, first of all, support for israel from the united states, first of all with weapons, and also. washington's desire to resolve this conflict independently, without any participation of the united nations? the current unprecedented explosion of violence in the middle east has largely become a consequence of the well-known policy of the united states in the region, a consequence of that very diplomacy,
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the effectiveness that american representatives have been telling us for almost 10 months now, demanding that work be curtailed site of the un security council. well, lovrov also noted that russia certainly condemns the attack by hamas militants
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on israel on october 7 last year, but at the same time believes that this should not be an excuse for this collective violence of the palestinian people, which is now happening in the gaza strip, russia calls for immediate ceasefire and also demands to ensure the delivery of humanitarian aid to the gaza strip, believing that...
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sav without the un, where our country currently presides. russia and ukraine today held exchange of prisoners of war, it took place in the 95x95 format. as reported by the ministry of defense , our released military personnel will be transported by military transport aircraft to moscow ; in the capital, they will be provided with all conditions for treatment and rehabilitation. our military department noted that the exchange was carried out through the mediation of the united arab emirates. the
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russian ministry of defense has published new reports from the special operation zone. units of the southern group intensified offensive operations in the dpr, as a result, the enemy lost more than 600 people. our artillerymen, as part of a counter-battery fight, destroyed two british polish-made self-propelled guns. russian fighters are destroying nato equipment in all directions, including rocket crews. the north captured prisoners during an attack on ukrainian positions; they were discovered using reconnaissance drones. first, our military personnel attacked strong points with drones.
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drones, which have radically changed the course of modern combat operations, are also widely used by group of forces fighters east in the yuzhnodonetsk direction they use lancet devices with great success , destroying armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces every day. well , in particular, a unit from primorye burned a self-propelled gun, which was proudly presented in kiev as the first ukrainian galubitz capable of firing nato caliber shells. rostislav skidan found out why his colleagues nicknamed the operators. plantettes by xovods. this is a shot from an aerial reconnaissance drone of the vostok group in
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the southern donetsk direction. bogdan's self-propelled artillery unit is in focus - piece goods in the arsenal of the ukrainian armed forces. this is the first ukrainian system developed for the nato caliber 155 mm. it was presented in the summer of '18. there is no information on how many cars were produced in 6 years, but there is clear footage confirming it. in the summer of twenty- four, through the efforts of fighters from primorye, uvsu became one bogdana. less. bogdana was assembled at the kharkov armored station. shells for it were manufactured at the kiev artyom plant. both enterprises have already been demilitarized by the russian aerospace forces. for those who left the conveyor. systems in the fields special operations are hunting the crews of our lancets. the artillery pressed it a little, knocked it out, and we hit it with warped ammunition, it completely burned out, there was nothing left of it, it still stands, no one needs it, as they say. it looks like a drone at the same time as a lancet missile - one of the most effective weapons of a special military operation. for example, a week goes by, and this
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week we destroy at least five targets. they are also called ixovods, for the recognizable silhouette of the barrage. preparing the lancet for battle takes no more than ten minutes, but even such an ordinary procedure must be carried out in strict confidentiality, our iksovods are one of the most desirable targets for reconnaissance of the armed forces of ukraine and for their attack drones, therefore, first in the forest belt, under cover, the pilots collect loitering ammunition, already equipped , and take it out into the open area in order to to start. nature is playing for the enemy, and so are ukrainians now. it’s easier to camouflage, it’s very difficult to find targets, especially in the summer when the foliage blooms, but nothing can hide from the eyes of a scout, we we find and select angles anyway between the trees with the help of loitering ammunition, we manage to go in and hit targets. this version
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of the lancet is equipped with artificial intelligence in the homing head. it looks like this. on the computer in the control center, the operator selects the target to fly to. the loitering munition monitors the execution of the flight mission, but in practice, operators say, it is better to trust it to your hands, not to the computer. artificial intelligence, for example, does not know where, where, for example, a weapon needs to go, but we already know where hit it specifically, we hit exactly those points so that it fails. ix-breeders are a kind of nomads on the front line. today, when reconnaissance drones in the ssu are constantly in the air, only a constant change of position can protect against a retaliatory strike. they fear us like fire. they say that only we have hamers hamers, but god willing, we are not vulnerable, we are constantly on the move, moving, moving, we have a minimum of points, maybe up to 30 to 40 pieces. now the enemy is trying to hold back our offensive in the southern donetsk sector, transferring reserves to the front line, including artillery formations, which means that the track record of the x-wings will become even longer in the near future. rastislav
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skedan, valerian kushnir, anna ivanova and dmitry pisarev, ntv television company. south donetsk direction of the special military operation. the european council rejected the peace proposals of the hungarian prime minister regarding ukraine, again demonstrating double standards. according to reuters, the head of the european council , charles michel, in a response letter to viktor orban , said that no negotiations on ukraine can take place without ukraine. at the same time , nothing prevented europe from holding the so -called swiss peace conference without russia. orban was reproached for his attempted peacekeeping mission. within the framework of which he visited kiev, as well as moscow and beijing, where he held negotiations with vladimir putin and sizenfin, a meeting with donald trump in the usa. the hungarian prime minister said that if trump is elected , he will not wait for his inauguration and will immediately act as a mediator in negotiations between russia and ukraine. western agency claims that european officials are
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furious. they believe that the hungarian prime minister has caused significant damage and abuse with his peace initiatives. may reduce support for kiev. elon musk announced that he is moving the headquarters of his companies x and space x from california to texas. well, the reason was a new state law, according to which schools may not notify parents if their children suddenly decide to change their orientation or gender. musk wrote a quote on his social networks. this is the last straw, this law and many that preceded it are an attack on families and businesses. microsoft also announced changes; it completely cut the divisions responsible for diversity, equality, and inclusion. the management of the it giant explained that now this area is not critical for business, but before microsoft
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, google and zoom metto, which is banned in russia. diversity department, especially racial diversity. were created in 2020, when america was overwhelmed by black lives matter protests. now a short advertisement. next in our issue. the last path of the last russian emperor. the great religious procession became the culmination of the royal days in yekaterinburg. olga zenkova about what other events took place on the anniversary of the shooting. become a mathematician for half a million, a nuclear physicist for 600,000 a year. and... about why prices for studying at universities are rising, report by pavel rybalchenko. i am something good, better, and i am useful, oh yes,
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and you manage me, regularly, and i am the new vtb loyalty program. choose the categories you need every month, for example, clothing, sports products and get cashback up to 25% on any vtb card, in rubles, thank you, thank you, you can’t put it in your pocket, vtb together everything will work out. choose your favorite brands on wildberries. collections of bed linen and other textiles from vasilisa, for everyone who values ​​comfort and style in their home. even more profitable with your wallet. the peculiarity of kron non-alcoholic is its soft wheat taste and notes of citrus. everything fits together perfectly. crown blanche bier non-alcoholic. discover a special taste. travel with alpha.
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this is the program today. we continue our release. a grand religious procession took place in the urals. more than 40,000 people marched in yekaterinburg. from the church on blood to the monastery on ganina yama, repeating the last path of the woman shot by the bolsheviks to the family of emperor nicholas ii. this is the most massive event of traditional royal days, which take place on the anniversary of the death of the romanovs. their memory is honored not only by believers. several exhibitions have been opened in the city that tell about charitable activities and private, private life of the emperor, his wife, children, from yekaterinburg. olga zenkova. today, services do not stop in the church on the blood; it was built on the site of the ipativa house, where emperor nicholas ii, together with his wife and children , spent the last days of his life. on the night of july 17 , the bolsheviks drove the royal family into the basement and
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shot them, and then...then the wounded were finished off with bayonets, here, along with the royal family , my great-grandfather, cook, senior cook of the imperial kitchen, ivan mikhailovich kharitonov, was killed by the bolsheviks, this is my grandmother’s father , catherine ivanovna, here you rejoice because their feat defeated, defeated hatred, defeated anger, they are glorified by the lord and pray for us. the bolsheviks carried out the massacre at 2:30 a.m., at the same time the believers begin the religious procession, 20 km ahead from the place of execution. to the mine, where the regicides took those executed to destroy them. the last journey of the last russian emperor is repeated by thousands of pilgrims year after year. these days, believers from all over the country come to the city where the history of the russian monarchy ended. the importance of the royal passioners to our family is actually very great. we revere this family; for us it is an example of family life, piety, and raising children. the lord has given us
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peace to russia and prosperity to all people. the area where they tried to get rid of the royal remains and hide traces of the crime is called ganina pit. here there was a mine in which they tried to drown the bodies of nicholas ii, his wife, and the children of his servants. at the beginning of 2000, the place was recognized as a saint and a monastery was built. there are seven temples here by the number of killed members of the imperial family. the great procession of the cross is the culmination of the royal days in yekaterinburg. and a series of memorable events began, dedicated to the spiritual feat of the passion-bearers. with a presentation of photo albums. at the beginning of the 20th century , photography became a very popular hobby. all family members had cameras and they always accompanied them. therefore , there were so many pictures that it was impossible to fit everything even into two bindings. these volumes contain more than a thousand frames. romanovo earn money on vacation, travel, and at home. you can imagine that the imperial family had the same photographic habits as ours. they took several frames at a time so that they could then choose the best one and take a selfie. like this. through a mirror,
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fixing the camera on the back of a chair or tables. we had great difficulty dating the photograph, because the royal family, despite the fact that they were representatives of the ruling house, they were very economical. clothes were worn for many years in a row, they were altered, something was passed down, apparently, by inheritance, which is why sometimes problems arise problems to understand what year it is. savings are charitable.
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made from natural fabrics, the fabrics from which costumes were made at that time, they seem to be immersed in this era, they understand their significance and continuity, really, girls, yes, yes, another tradition of tsarist russia, revived these days - the action white flower, a fair, all proceeds from which will go to charity, will be held in volopaevsk during the royal days. olga zenkova, artemy epifanov, valeria proskuryakova, ntv television company. development
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prime minister mikhail mishustin discussed passenger and cargo shipping today with the head of the federal agency for maritime and river transport. andrei tarasenko reported to the head of government that he considers one of his main tasks to be the creation of transport hubs in siberia in the far east. they will help connect the largest rivers in these regions with seaports, this will allow for a manifold increase in cargo transshipment, primarily along a route with enormous trade potential, such as the northern route. kherson and zaporozhye regions, it goes there the process, you know, of restoring the entire infrastructure, but what is very important is to integrate them, including into the transport infrastructure, including, of course , waterways, and as the work goes there, we have already included them, they are already part of our full
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accounting. registration, they are all in operation today, so today we are working with new regions to launch large enterprises, we say what kind of cargo turnover you need, because we understand that today the sy that was previously used there in the territory does not exist, it must be brought now to launch, help in placing an order, yes, yes, we are creating a cargo base, accordingly, we are putting in order all the depths that are necessary today so that there is a passage, well, moorings and all the other structures that are necessary for transshipment, it is very important to do everything necessary to ensure that the transportation of both people and goods is carried out according to russian standards and that nothing interferes with the integration of the relevant structures of our new regions into...
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that’s all this time, well, this time internal reasons - let’s say so, changes in customs regulations. if a russian buyer orders a smartphone from a foreign online store, he will have to independently organize certification of the device, and if he bought a t-shirt, then he will have to independently label it in the honest sign system. thus, representatives of russian marketplaces describe possible changes to the customs code of eu countries. in addition to russia, it includes belarus and armenia. kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan. as rbc writes, participants in the russian internet trading market say that the upcoming changes could make foreign russian purchases are more difficult, more expensive, and for some categories of goods completely impossible. because now
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foreign goods paid for by buyers on online platforms are imported into russia as goods for personal use, and now they are going to separate them into a separate category, for which there is no regulatory framework at all, internet market participants conclude. representative ozone. depicts the future like this: for each ordered product , the buyer will draw up the same package of documents as a large business draws up for commercial batch. the preparation of all certificates, notifications and declarations, according to him, will be many times greater than the cost of the product itself and will take up to 3 months. the ministry of industry and trade, in response to all this, assured rbc that the discussion of new rules for purchasing in foreign online stores is still ongoing. rosselkhozbank.
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pay with cards abroad, but it quickly became clear that union pay refuses to cooperate with russian banks that are under sanctions. as a result, of the ten largest russian banks by assets, union pay can now be issued only in two, these are rosselkhozbank and gazprombank. in addition, the card of the chinese payment system, as frankmedia recalls, is available on credit from uralbank, primsotsbank, and the asia-pacific bank. but as previously reported, russians are not always able to use union pay cards abroad. and not everywhere. the federal bailiff service announced today that it has transferred to state revenue the shares of russian alcohol producers previously associated with the global alcohol holding company spirits, ukrainian entrepreneur evgeniy chernyak, owner of the khortytsia brand. in russia
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he is included in the list of terrorists and extremists. the companies standard of quality, russian north, rodnik ik, crimean wine house have been nationalized, a tradition of success, a new level and part of the action of the feodosia plant. in the second year, he transferred to the ukrainian army an amount . according to investigators, he has since february twenty equivalent to more than 1 billion rubles. since then, assets associated with the businessman in russia have been arrested, although global spirit denied that evgenia chernyakami owns, in at the beginning of june this year, the kursk court made a decision to transfer assets to the state. founded global spirits in 2008 on the company’s website, it is said that this is europe’s largest international alcohol holding, the russian stock market today continued to be in remission, against the backdrop of a protracted decline; since the beginning of may, the moscow exchange index has lost more than 16%. the market
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was able to reach positive territory for the second day in a row. investors obviously decided to buy something that has fallen in price recently, but pressure on the market still remains, annual inflation in russia is at 9.3%. at the central bank's goal of 4%, all this, of course, makes investors look into the future with caution. the central bank has set the following rates for tomorrow: dollar 88.09, euro 96. 30. the shortage of personnel in russia forces companies to actively look for employees in africa. rbc got acquainted with the analytics of the head hunter service. thus, in the first 6 months of this year, compared with what it was a year ago, the number of vacancies in kenya increased by 39 times, in zimbabwe by 15, in cameroon by nine times, and in zambia by eight. this year, domestic employers even for the first time, they posted vacancies in countries such as nepal, the bohamian islands, barbados,
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kazakhstan and belarus, and among the specialties the most in demand were account managers , it specialists, marketing specialists, and they also began to actively recruit workers in science and education. and here it is worth noting that we are talking specifically about polish employees for vacancies, and not about the mass import of migrants. african studies center expert from above. school of economics vsevlad sveridov notes: some workers from africa are employed in construction in russia, working for warehouses, in agriculture, but there are also those who occupy high management positions in large russian companies. everything about economics. thank you, denis. denis talalaev with an economic review. since the beginning of the year, rosfin monitoring has sent more than a thousand materials to law enforcement agencies related to the implementation of the state defense order. as a result, it was initiated.
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paid education, prices, especially in universities, the conditions of prestigious universities are now being studied in detail, of course, they are high, but almost everywhere there is an opportunity for them reduce, and much more, well, this is a system of grants, subsidies from the state and discounts for those who do not qualify for the budget, but showed good results in exams. pavel rybalchenko found out how...
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high the increase in tuition fees has become at the moscow institute of physics and technology since september of this year, where the applied mathematics and computer science course increased in price by 20% to 467,000, and the nuclear physics and technology program became a record price (605,000 rubles ) in year. possible discounts, reductions in tuition fees depending on from the sum of points upon admission, that is, the higher... the score of the incoming applicant, the
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higher the discount from 15 to 25% of the total cost of education, for students this is also linked to the quality of education, that is, if the student studies well, passes the exams excellent, then he can count on a discount of 25 to 50%. the new academic year has not yet begun; the relevant departments have already identified the most popular areas. determined not the most popular, but the highest priority areas for the development of the university. to those students who if they decide to enroll in the faculties of instrumentation, mechanical engineering or rocket science, the university itself will compensate for part of the costs of studying. for all the guys who decide to sign an agreement for training in areas of training, just from these areas,
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a subsidy will be provided in this way, and a different cost will be specified in the agreement, well, accordingly , in the annexes of the agreement, in the agreement it is full, and part of the cost will be myself. the heads of most universities understand that the cost of education is often a serious burden for the student and his family, which is why each university in its own way tries to reduce the cost of education, whether through government subsidies, grants, or the most common discounts for good academic performance. pavel rybalchenko, vladislav dubavitsky, alena antonova, irina lemkina, ntv television company. now a short advertisement. that's what we'll talk about after it. in the kaliningrad region, the remains of a deceased soviet pilot were found in the cockpit of an airplane discovered by search engines, while the defender of the homeland himself is listed as buried and even reburied at one of the memorials in the region. alexey chamataryov about why this is a detective story for the average person, but
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an ordinary situation for search engines. makhit babaev will tell you a couple on a picnic, how to spend time in nature without straining too much and... where you can go in moscow. thank you loyalty program, updated. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even interest on everything, is more profitable with...
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class, but save up a vtb savings account for a subscription, open a vtb savings account with rate of 18%, vtb, together everything will work out, oh, great. supermarket now cooper? supermarket now cooper? super super! the supermarket is now cooper, the supermarket is now cooper, the supermarket is now cooper! what has changed? first of all, the name? cooper, delivery, super! attacked by credit card debt? i'll show you a couple of tricks! we collect all credit card debts into one holva, conveniently pay off them within 24 months, and don’t forget about purchases in installments. kholva - simple installment plans. world blockbusters on the yandex market. and you what were you waiting for? maybe a kitfor washing vacuum cleaner with a 17% discount. and what a father is, so is a fellow, just like two peas in a pod, well
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, you are the spitting image of your father and your mother, these people have become family and it’s not a matter of heredity, it’s what you can pass on to the child, become kindred spirits on уsanoviti.rr . national project demography. this is the program today. we continue our release. wrecks of a soviet fighter-bomber yag-9l were discovered in the kaliningrad region. the plane is a rare one, a little more than 100 were produced, but it crashed at forty fifth year, when only 40 days remained until victory. search engines found the remains of the pilot, using personal documents to find out his first and last name, which made it possible to correct a serious error in
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the archival data about the fate of the pilot. alexey chabataryov with details. oops, pilot shoes. thick sticky clay under the scorching sun instantly becomes stone, every handful of this stubborn material, search engines with their young assistants carefully check any found objects immediately. washed, heavy and unpleasant, but in this case rewarding work, personal belongings are well preserved, in some, in some soils we won’t see this, but here it turns out, yes , clay, clay preserves and, as it were, is inconvenient, yes, bad, dirty, but a natural preservative is a preservative, reaching the cockpit , search engines are almost every minute finding objects that will help officially establish the identity of the soviet pilot and the circumstances of his death,
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we can say for sure right now that a plane with the remains of senior lieutenant pezner leonid, oh, lev, has been discovered veneaminovich, a certificate for the order of the patriotic war of the second degree, and the order itself, a candidate card for joining the party, dozens of other military and civilian papers, personal notes, here is a fragment of a newspaper clipping where his brother’s poem was published, his senior lieutenant, lev pevzner, took with him even during combat missions, the last one in his life took place on march 27 , 1945. along with the discovery of a soviet fighter, the remains of the pilot were found, fragments of his uniform, for example,
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shoulder straps, jaw bones, here is a boot and the bones of the lower extremities, in other words, the body of the deceased soviet pilot, were all these years at the site of the plane crash, no one had ever found even its fragments or reburied the pilot, but according to documents lev pevzner was buried... in a mass grave nearby with a departure airfield in the east of today's kaliningrad region, this is more than 100 kilometers from the place of death, a real mystery of history, but not for search engines, they often encounter situations when it turns out that during the war funeral teams did their job only on paper, or after the victory, out of good intentions, the fallen were often symbolically immortalized on memorials, so that relatives had a place to bring flowers, so that this pilot would actually be buried with military honors, and his relatives would be confident . germany, the usa, in
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the bryansk region in the moscow region, they can now be told about the last battle of their ancestor, before that they knew from a dry report that senior lieutenant pevzner flew out to bomb the enemy in the area polish town of grzychotka, was shot down by german anti-aircraft fire, but at the crash site the yak-9 fighter bomber was not bombed... after all the examinations, his remains will be buried with honors at the memorial where his name has already been immortalized for decades in a village with such a landmark for defenders of the fatherland the name is freedom. alexey chepatorev, dmitry sitnikov, ntv, kaliningrad region. it’s hot again in moscow today, and many of those who didn’t go on vacation to resorts are, of course, dreaming of picnics in the shade of trees, and although initially back in the 18th century. in france and england, picnics became fashionable precisely as country walks with food in the open air; now they can be arranged in a metropolis, and in moscow
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there are a lot of opportunities for this, first of all... in the park, their number has doubled over the past 7 years and exceeded several hundred, all that remains is to decide which one to choose, our correspondent nahid babaev also asked this question. anna and varya, mother and daughter, love spending time in nature, a special passion is picnics, just for the past we went six times a month, you wake up early in the morning, pack a basket, tea, sandwiches, fruits, berries to the park, but this time food and drinks are not the main thing, you took a photographer with you, or you can stand here right in front of your mother and spin like that, show her how beautiful you are in this banana? well, oh, of course, most often they vacation in mitino close to home, but as such anna does not have her favorite place in the city, they rather discover picnic moscow. first of all, you need to catch every warm day, in moscow it’s very
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rarely happens, well this summer is enough. good this time, with a child you still want to capture every moment, not to miss the chance to later remember the photos when you were there and it’s great, so remembering summer has become very popular in recent years, photographers don’t have a window or a free window in graphics, igor has already studied almost all the green areas of moscow, here you can find a bunch of different locations where you can relax with a picnic, put a blanket and take photographs, you can find some objects that will it’s interesting to look in the frame, beautiful trees, that is, a well-groomed park, there are no ugly parks in moscow, they are all in such a state that you can come and take pictures, there are situations when you want to go into nature, but you can’t find company, everyone is working or on vacation , or you want to be alone on the whole planet, here, perhaps, the best choice is
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gorkovo park, why? firstly, this is... a great place to spend time with yourself in the middle of a noisy city, collect a basket, i have fruit juice, cranberry juice, a thermos of tea, a mug and fruit, plus a book, lie there all day read, secondly, there is always a plan b, just in case you get tired of lying on the couch or you’ve already finished reading the book, no, i’m not tired, in gorky park... you can, bend your fingers, play volleyball, ride catamarans, do a couple of tricks on a scooter or just go for a walk along the moscow river embankment, i read only 22 pages, i’m sure he’s a killer gardener, these muscovites are not lazy, almost every day they run several kilometers around the angarsk ponds, but even those who like to lose a couple of hundred calories, i don’t mind returning them to their place, a mandatory ritual, an impromptu picnic after
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a run, without even making an agreement, everyone brings some tasty treats. we get ready, after the run we close the carbohydrate window, so to speak, we drink tea with sweets, we can afford it after the run. there are plenty of picnic areas in every district of the capital, and it’s difficult to choose the best one, depending on what kind of picnic you are planning, with barbecue - this is one option, for a photo shoot the second, just relax, have a snack and get some fresh air, this can be done almost everywhere, in the summer moscow is one big picnic area for nahidbaevs, ekaterina kornitskaya. the solar anticyclone is forced to retreat; should we expect change? and what other ones: with the onslaught of a cold atmospheric front,
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tomorrow the tver and tula regions will be hit by the elements and will cover moscow. in the evening vladimir, there will be heavy rains, thunderstorms, gusty winds, the black soil is still heating up, and more and more in the kursk voronezh regions up to 38, only on friday heavy rains will bring a little freshness, and along the volga the changes will not affect here at all from 25 in kirov up to 35 in saratov, and for the southern regions until the end of the week the forecast is only blazing sun and forty-degree heat, in sevastopol 36 only in sochi a little more restrained, but also above thirty, the weather in the capitals is a little different... nail fungus prevents you from putting on summer shoes? mizol and valar won't let you ruin your summer. mizol is the most beneficial medicine for nail fungus. new - mizol in the largest package, even larger and more affordable . what is the best medicine for nail fungus? misola valar is more profitable up to 50%. new. mizol in large package 50 ml.
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even bigger and better priced. misol. levlar: treatment of fungus without overpayments. in st. petersburg tomorrow there will be short thunderstorms +23. and in moscow it drops to 27. heavy showers, thunderstorms and gusty winds. the rains will continue on friday, and the temperature will gradually return to the climatic norm, so let's take a little break from the heat, cool down a little, well, +27 - it's already so cool, it gives me goosebumps, yes, thank you, thank you zhenya evgenia neronskaya with the weather forecast, well, that's the main news for this one o'clock and we, elmira fendeeva and vladimir chernyshov, say goodbye to you, see you, goodbye. yes, it’s unlikely that you left an empty suitcase guarded, the killer was listening to burlakov and guryanov,
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he chose this place to fulfill the order and take the money, maybe you ’re saying it like that, as if you knew for sure, rom, i wanted dmitry dmitrievich, there came from the fsb. “thank you for warning me, you can see in the video, it’s clear that case brought barge haulers, you already told me this, yes, this is probably a fee for resolving issues in lesnoozyorsk, there’s a lot of sharayan there we've arrived." thank you, dear, if you have questions,
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ask, yes, there are, i'm surprised how you managed to work for so many years without profit, you endured it, you had to close an unprofitable enterprise. but what about social responsibility, business? i couldn’t throw 120 employees out into the street? social responsibility is to pay taxes to our budget, not salaries in envelopes. kovalev, what when? hello, are you satisfied with our financial advice?
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it’s inconvenient to talk now, we’ll call you back. you and i are smart people, let’s say your customer is dead, he won’t be able to pay you anymore, weren’t you the one who shot him, i’m doing well. shalve, i have been here all this time under your personal supervision.


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