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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-13  NTV  July 18, 2024 4:55am-5:41am MSK

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you urgently need to check the operational information on your territory.
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hello, pyotr ivanovich, i wanted to consult with andrei pavlovich, lid nikolaevna, andrei pavlovich has not opened the phone for the second day, does not answer the phone, but here , you know, chess, after all. it’s strange, strange, my wife, galina fedorovna, she’s in a sanatorium, and he came to me for sugar the third day, because she has a bad heart, suddenly she ended up in the hospital, you know, another thing that bothers me is the smell. why are you
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beating meat? i’ll leave it in the marinade, only in the evening i’ll throw it in the frying pan and it’s done, your father is hungry, he’ll probably be home from the train, what kind of person is he? if after 10 minutes the table does not break, he may cause a scandal. well, why are you doing this? ok, ok, you won’t need it yourself. let’s eat, well, what are you doing, what are you doing, and this is our apartment, lidochka, peter, what ’s going on here, calm, calm, citizens, and, well, you see, and it’s come to you, this is already the sixth such crime in city, in my area the first. that's why i say that
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i'm screwed, they're watching this case at the top, it's they have control, in the investigation that the investigators are putting everything on us, they are pushing for insufficient investigative actions, and this despite the fact that they have an opera from two districts working for them, yes, i know, but if we involve them, i think that we will reveal, yours, yours are in moscow and are waiting for a call.
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you know very well that we were not greeted with an orchestra in this city, there are enemies all around, both in moscow and in st. petersburg, they are just waiting for us to screw you up, and you yourself want to give them a gift, okay, connect your people to this case, i will order that the main investigative activities be coordinated by your department, carefully, neatly, well, i keep it, i keep it, well,
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in the neighboring area, about 10 of us have one, i don’t know, it seems to me that this is some kind of another set-up on the part of our dear leadership, well, yes, this is the first time i’ve seen coordination handed over to those. who was the last to commit a crime, what the neighbors say, but say nothing, throw up their hands, say an order, rejoice, probably, but no, sympathize, come on, okay, pyotr ivanovich, you are the neighbor of the murdered man, exactly like that, we were all still getting apartments when we were young, and i, andrey, and galochka, his wife, and there’s our lydia, that’s us now, the pavlychs, and the ivanychs, then young specialists every summer weekend...
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so his wife was in a sanatorium, and we play chess every week on saturdays. this time the party was just before retirement, i came on saturday, i called, there was no one, then i called again, again no one, well, i stood, stood, went home, and today ledia nikolaevna, i smelled the smell, of course, but famin has some relatives, yes, daughter vera, she is their auditor, they live together, no, separately, for a long time, but it’s true, not far from here, so we... called her, but she’s still not in the access zone, let’s we ’ll call her too, dictate the phone number, just a second, come on, stink, what do you think is the cause of death? well, no, everything is more or less clear, well, the details, i can guess, but i’ll say for sure, after
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the examination, what happened here, calm, calm, calm, i believe me daughter, major wolves, right, and... for a long time he lay here for about a week, you feel bad, what will happen now, what should you do? well, there will be nothing to do , nothing needs to be done, you don’t understand anything, now my mother should return, i specially came to meet her from the sanatorium, forgive me, please, your mother was taken by ambulance to the hospital, when they opened the door, she saw everything, she felt bad , let's go talk, calm, calm, finish. yes, i understand everything, come on, where did they take her? to elizabeth. i'll wait downstairs. tell me, when examining your parents’ apartment, i noticed one interesting feature. there are two in the kitchen refrigerator with absolutely the same set of products. no. my parents ate
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separately. why? father's whims. as he grew old, he suddenly declared that he could not eat what my mother cooked. like it's bad for him. yeah, and there i also found a room, it was locked, but this is from the same opera, he locked the doors with a key when he left the house, he was afraid that his mother would take his money, his pension, he received twice as much as she, i even had to give her money for medicine, excuse me, but where does he have it? ours, hold it, how is it, how bad is it? this has piled up, but what do you think of all this at first glance? so far everything logically fits into a series of these robberies, yeah, now wait a minute, i’ll answer, fir-trees, yes, hello, dad, i’ve been waiting for a long time, and you’ve already
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passed where tosa, the fishing street is already, that’s it, come on, see you, come on, guys, to the station, bullets, alexey nikolaevich, yours? said, i’m not there, for no one except, this is it except, why didn’t you, why didn’t you say it before, lord, just one chatter from you, excuse me, connect, okay, no, wait, yes, good day, hello, yes, i’m just working on this matter, yes, almost personally, the case has been sent to the department, well, they’ll fill them up, so we’ll change them, yes, yes, i ’ll personally recruit new ones, yes, lord, yes, at least i’ll get a visa from moscow, no, no, no, no, don’t even
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worry, we will curb this mess, well, it’s a joke, a pensioner can’t go outside, but this is a disgrace, yes, of course, of course, all the best, oh, well, that’s it, nice, police, help , help! i’ll show you now which of us is here, who are you , what’s not, why don’t you let me go now, i ’ll make a fool of you, where are you going, let’s go get her stand, come on, stop!
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guys, wait, what is it, wait, what is it , the homicide department, the police, it’s strange, in all previous cases the robber turned over the entire apartment. here they just took the money and left, maybe someone scared them off? i don’t know . that merzlyakin is afraid of ruining the quarterly reports, but she what does it have to do with it, well, like in a war, like in a war, it seems to me that she’s not involved in business at all, and the city guys are so afraid of her, her dad is cool, he talks to the president, yeah. you understand, i was in st. petersburg for the last time before the collapse of the union, i got off the train, here go the devil,
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they don’t respect elders, understand, captain, if it weren’t for this saber, none of this would have happened, how many times do i tell you, i’m taking the saber to my grandson, it’s just that you can’t do everything, stop it, okay, captain, guys, thank you, we’ll have time, you keep your eyes on your father, don’t look, he’s still young, yes, you understand, if it weren’t for me, you would now be in jail for at least two counts, you understand, yeah, that you want me to let them go, have you seen them up close? yes, dad, it seems like you and i speak the same language, but we don’t understand each other, don’t hold it to your father, but wait, you ’ll take it yourself, the vnok also talks to you like that, the train with me to the village, what’s there without this nonsense, well, you know, a trip to the village - this still needs to be discussed, here you go.
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i don’t know, you’re looking, i say, you’re looking for famine, i looked and found fomena, i’m trying to understand what happened before his arrival, why, because something doesn’t add up, i mean , look, here... this is the bank where the first one was stabbed, so, this is the bank where citizen zelingevich withdrew his pension, you see, he receives money from the window, great, and the killer - then where, lord, why are all the men so stupid, looking, looking, but there’s no point, yes, look, you see a pregnant woman, looking in the direction of zelenkevich, here, well, the same pregnant woman, then, yes, but 4 have passed month, well, and the fact that she was in the seventh month, or maybe in the eighth, how long does the pregnancy last?
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on the head of the homina, it doesn’t resemble anything, you know, there’s a wide spectrum, the previous victims had exactly the same marks, i think they had the same murder weapon, i think it was a hammer, a hammer for beating meat, you know, maybe maybe the murder weapon too, the previous victims remained unharmed, due to the fact that the blow was struck directly on the forehead, and the frontal bones are very strong, and the famena was hit from the side in the temple, and there was an instant outpouring of blood. i didn’t suffer, which means, well, thank you, otherwise i yelled right away, our new employee
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discovered on video from surveillance cameras the alleged accomplice of the criminal, pregnant or something, forever, why, okay, in general, we urgently need to interview previous victims of witnesses, if they recognize her, we will put her on the wanted list, tell me this woman on the day when you were hit on the head, no you noticed by chance, she also held the door for me when i was leaving the bank, and then walked me to the entrance, i also tell her, daughter, you’re dreaming, and you’re helping me, and she didn’t happen to ask what apartment you live in, i invited her to come in, i said that on the second... floor and the windows overlook the courtyard, but she refused, the elevator is small or they fit in the booth, she came out with you, uh, okay, no, no, she’s taller, yeah, she and i went up the stairs that day, but i’m on the third, and it’s even higher, please, read it and
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sign where i checked, when they’re caught, will the pension be returned? and you come to the courts and demand compensation for damages? yes, natasha, what? when do you plan to be home? and what? well, of course i love your father. natasha, well, i’m actually in the service. you you hear, i can’t handle him alone, so why are you stressed? portrait? i remembered, after all. yes, he almost killed me when he saw that he was not hanging in a very visible place. natasha, listen, let me be free soon and when will it be? a! they play with the cats on the fact that a pregnant woman is obviously above suspicion, then it’s a matter of technology, she ingratiates herself into the trust and rings of the old people, why should they ingratiate themselves, they themselves will lay out everything and take them home, where is krymov, krymov asked for time off, his father came to see him, of course , okay, we'll put her on the wanted list. nicole, find me a couple more photos from a different angle to give to the patrols. it’s not
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tasty, but why is it delicious, very tasty, something happened, nothing happened, i’m just thinking , let me be quiet, you’ll wake up your father, well, yes, especially since he just calmed down, how do you find him? yes, i’ve actually stopped understanding him lately, he’s kind of weird, and so have you, why? from morning to evening you are at work, you come home, you can’t get a word out of you, because i’m just tired, it’s warming up there, don’t forget, i went to bed, and
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igor, i’m tired too, sometimes it seems to me that with getting stronger every day. out of the blue, well, since today there are operational meetings in an expanded format, i want to bring to your attention: i contacted the main department of bashkirstroybank in st. petersburg, and these orientations and photographs will be sent to all branches of this bank. what else do you have planned? in this case, well, actually, we can only show her photographs in the branch where famin received his pension, well, maybe one of the employees will recognize it, passively, so igor,
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let’s move them to the bank, if anyone recognizes it, add to the matter, there is, well, there is bank secrecy, and in order to disclose such things, a court order is needed. well , you know, of course i can get a resolution, just you explain to me why, come forward, please, thank you, please, please, here, extremist, who ’s here, i’ll let you through, i’ll let you through, come on in,
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no, no, thank you, thank you, i, if anyone comes up, tell me that i’m following you, it’s good for me to sit and take a break, you can imagine it, with difficulty, here ’s the old man, oh my god, more than 7 million to the account, and once a quarter, he withdrew interest, wow, so there should have been a decent amount of money, it came out to around 100 thousand, you wonder, where did he put it, excuse me, i have a city worker, i’m listening, get it, connect , so, yeah, i... got it, we’ll be there now, listen, none of our people are there, so you sent krymov there, but he’s in a different department, well then strangers can take him, but there’s no need to take him, you have to be on your tail sit down,
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we don’t need this stuff, we need to take it out of the frost, there may be a lot of heat in that area, right, oleg georgievich, can i go with you to the detention, no, someone should stay here, why, well, i’m the same employee as everyone else, that’s enough, the horse girl, that’s it , okay, let’s go, hello, kirill, i understand, come on, here, yes, here, who are you going to, i know everyone here, on the top floor, and you see, yes, exactly karina mikhalovna, please, hello,
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hello, where are you going, on the ninth, young man, in our the house is only seven floors, seriously, just ceilings, high ceilings, that’s what it seems like, who’s there, etrina mikhailovna, hello, who this? i’m pregnant, you and i were still riding in the elevator together, and i remember, i remember, i remember, she
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gave you the hotel, but really, i ’ll take the key and open it, kira, grab the watergirl, quickly, stop, why are you pregnant? well, we’ve completely lost our shame, grandma, everything is fine, the birth was successful, let’s go, forest fires are a dangerous and formidable
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element, stop defeating the fire, the callings of strong pilots, observers, parachutists, firefighters, niki firefighters, air forest protection services of ros leskhoz - a reliable shield russian forest. are you embarrassing yourself? chaliapin, volochko, further whom? mukhtar or what? yes, i'm sorry. next is mukhtar. come urgently and grab your brilliant dog. the star is returning. mukhtar, something interesting? the return of mukhtar from the very beginning. mukhtar, go ahead, look for mukhtar, today at 8:25 on ntv. well, dear man, you are completely stuck. what
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's your name? the train of thought is correct, the fingers will still tell the story. sergey, selfishly, but what about your patronymic? vitalievich, so what? don’t get your hopes up, the main encouragement in our department is verbal gratitude, and i was counting on something more financial, to be honest,
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for example, in the amount of two salaries, if they gave a bonus for every scum caught, i would have caught all the scum, i would have daydreamed, well, on the other hand, you can limit it to your moral satisfaction, after all, we are doing a good deed, so to speak, we are saving people , moral satisfaction is , of course, good, but it doesn’t make you want to eat less, what are you saying, i’m in good spirits with you, and you ’re trying to attach someone else’s weight to me, so quietly, quietly, no one is hanging someone else’s weight on you, then what are you doing to me? you'll find this old man, i don't i understand that you say those, that means you killed them? i didn’t kill anyone, i wanted to stun, but you want to change your charge to manslaughter by negligence, in short, i’ll take what’s mine, but i won’t give a damn for others, okay, let’s see what your friend says, put him in a pre-trial detention center and let them follow they are doing it, thank you very much, you called, yes, yes, all the best, thank you, oleg georgievich. glad to see you,
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thank you, sit down, well, congratulations, you see, it was not in vain that i insisted on transferring this case to us, what a resonant case, and about it they used to say, now they will just shout at every step, what a story for journalists, i would ask you to hand over this case to the investigative committee as quickly as possible, i hope there will be no problems with this, but there is just a problem, in the last murder. doesn’t admit, says that they didn’t do it, well, these are excuses, that’s understandable, put pressure on him, but there’s no point in lying to him, he admitted to two fatal episodes, what’s wrong with that, he confessed to two, he admits to third, talk to him, help him, natasha,
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you’re not sleeping, but you, and i’m sleeping, you came to drink some water, tell me this, father and mother often quarrel, and almost all the time when father is at home, it’s not fair, okay, go to bed. grandfather,
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what, will they get divorced? come on, come here. give me this nonsense, do you hear me , father? into each other, does not separate. you are cossacks, i understand, i understand, i understand, go to sleep, what a fool, ah, that means you are as much as i am i understand, you were in the sanatorium, yes, on the day
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when all this happened, you... yes, when did you return? so, when i returned, when i saw that they were opening our apartment, i immediately realized that there was something, some water, now that i walked in, andrei, andrei was lying in the kitchen, his head in a bed of blood, and this smell was terrible, so sticky, i think i can hear it now that you saw your... husband, maybe you noticed something unusual? of course i noticed. andrey was a very healthy person. yes. he took great care of himself, medications, vitamins, nutrition. he's at the boarding house i went every 3 months for preventive maintenance. interestingly, exactly once every 3 months. yes. he wanted to live to be 100 years old. and you see what happened. where did you go? i don't know, i never
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asked. i didn’t invite you with me, but the young man, you were at our house, we lived in a communal apartment, a complete lie, i’ll bet i never... at his house, but here we’re just playing for fun, but in fact we worked for about 30 years side by side in a construction association, they came as simple engineers, then he became deputy director for construction, and i am
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the chairman of the trade union committee, of course, that’s how it is, during your games he told you something about his trips, he went somewhere to a boarding house, he could afford it, but where did he get the money for the boarding house? that during privatization , the management of our association received a block of shares, and he also began to buy from the workers, then in the late nineties german investors showed interest in our construction association, andrey then sold his shares very profitably, and what was the name of the boarding house, do you remember how it is, in football, this one is like his forward, forward, well, let's go for a ride! everything up to the forward, hello, good afternoon, we are from the police, captain krymov, senior lieutenant rydanov, hello, we are interested in this man, has he been to your boarding house, yes, this is andrei pavlovich famin,
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our regular client, he stayed with you one, one, he has a permanent two-room suite with all amenities, so you say one, right? well, apparently, you’ll have to ask other hotel employees, yes, ask the guests in detail, no need, he came with a woman, that’s great, what’s her name, sorokina, lyudmila timofeevna, thank you very much, nicole, hello from rydanov, big hello, sorokina works in ryumochnaya, on kronverskaya, oh, i know ryumochnaya on kronverskaya, and what’s more, she owns it, ryumochnaya is good, let’s go.
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you won’t believe it, i was 25 years old, and now they loved him, loved him and pitied him, but why didn’t they marry him, at first he didn’t invite him, then she didn’t go herself, but they knew and knew about the fact that he had a family, before we had time to figure it all out, everything somehow passed quickly, love passed or pity, life, and his family knew about you, no, what about you? until our last date, they didn’t know anything, what kind of date, we called our trips to the boarding house that way, and the last time, when we left the boarding house, andrei palych, can you imagine, met his daughter on the way out,
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he said: nothing, nothing, but i i think she found out everything from us, from that moment we never saw each other again, i thought because of this, but it turns out, what an order you can make, huh? so what are we doing, igor? on the morning of the murder, the daughter met her father at the boarding house and found out that he had does he have a mistress? not good, it turns out, not good, right up to a radical change in the main suspect. so, tomorrow we will talk with vera fomina.
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and a fighter showed up, actually i’m working, dad, well , yes, yes, a bandit flowe, so what? what’s going on in your own family, and you need to be on a high horse, when you’re raising children, you’re paying attention to your wife, why has she already complained? why complain? i already see, dad, you know that i don’t have the slightest desire to discuss my family problems, besides, i’m tired as a dog, why sit, why are you tired? he has time for the bandits, for his own family, you see, there are a lot of bandits, but there is only one family, what do you need, wife, son, it’s like a good horse, a connection with her... you have to keep it in your eyes
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, look every day, let go a little , the connection was broken, quietly you, and the little brother flew away, you're flogging what i'm talking about, dad, and once you're flogging, well, march to your wife, you know, i said, without talking, and while i'm with my grandchildren, i'll take a walk, but you understand , don’t take me out, son, otherwise i ’m starting to get nervous, that’s it, i understand, daughter, daughter, it’s me, nothing, nothing, everything’s fine, don’t worry, verachka, you about me... but i just can’t get it out of my head on the day when my father was killed,
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it seemed to me that i saw your cloak on the hanger, but no, no, it probably seemed, i don’t know how he could get there get in, i 'll call you later, okay, i have a lot to do right now. oh, look how beautiful the bed is. grandfather, can i show myself? let's see. we'll definitely meet after work. can i go for a ride? yes, you can, circle. here i have a grandson. well, look, hold it, climb in. come on, grab your leg. oh, the back is straight,
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hold the reins, well, oops, well, let's go, where, wait, where, wait, to whom i say, wait, wait, hold your back! hold your back, shoulders, straighten your shoulders, wait, wait, wait! who is this, why i don’t know, yes, why, so,
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good, thank you, you are a clear sea! oh, georgivich, for god’s sake, i’m sorry for pulling him out, calling him as a senior, i’m afraid that my crusts won’t solve the issue here, stop it, you, let’s go, but they haven’t brought him yet, we have to wait, yeah, like natalya, there’s lightning at home tossing about, said that with such a grandfather they wouldn’t let the children go to any village, but the father, and what father, i don’t know, to be honest, and i don’t want to know, yes, he made a noble joke, you can’t say anything, but what can i say, he drove into oncoming traffic, stole a horse, the second drive in two days, oh well, and the first on what occasion ? i was taking a saber to the grandson of the village, so
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to speak, i entered into a discussion with local informals, i respect, yes, oh, but this is not him, you know, to be honest, in my mind i would leave him here for a couple of days, purely in educational purposes, it’s good that i like my mother. where, where, where?
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so the trawler thinks better, good luck to everyone morning, i wish you great, well, andryukh, igor brought me up to date, well, at least a couple of words, if a couple of words, then since yesterday, our main suspect vera famina, this is the daughter of the deceased, that’s right, well, if he puts aside guesses, friends, the evidence against her is extremely indirect, why, when we searched the murdered man’s apartment again, we never found a meat hammer, the killer could have taken it with him, besides, famina has no alibi. this is also not proof of guilt, but what was she doing at that time? she says that she worked at home, she’s an auditor and often takes reports home, but she lives in a neighboring house, she has a one-room apartment there with a mortgage, she lives alone, her mother says that because of her father’s difficult character she never got married, so what do we have : a murdered man who was hiding from his family an impressive capital and a mistress, a fully
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capable representative of this family, but without an alibi. i think that the daughter could well have gone to her father to ask him a couple of questions. for example, why does she work for a mortgage when he has almost ten million rubles in his wallet? well, yes, yes, yes, that's it, friends, i’m going to the judge, i’ll try to get a search warrant, that’s it, let’s work, thank you, but there’s no hammer here either, but i don’t hope for it, yeah, what have you got, so-so-so. there is ultraviolet light, we’ll find it, take it, judge it, we ’ll have to take it to an expert, i’ll take it, yeah, we
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’ll take it for examination. the day before the murder, you did not work at home, as they told us, but went to the boarding house, where they carried out an audit, there you met your father, leaving with a young mistress, from the administrator of the boarding house you learned that he i don’t go there regularly, the next day you went to your parents to talk to your father, so yes, i came, but i didn’t force my father to come home. mother too, i was shaking with anger, my father, who did not give money to his mother even for medicine, supports his mistress, and how could i feel about this to my mother, who constantly poured into everything for him, lay down in front of him, fulfilled his slightest whim, and he didn’t give anything, instead
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pretended to be a poor pensioner, what happened next, then my father came and began putting food in the refrigerator, in his half, like nothing had happened, i demanded to explain by what right he had crippled the lives of me and my mother, for what, and then there was a hammer, for some reason it was lying on the table, i don’t know, i heard on the radio what they said , well , the previous murder, yes, i didn’t even understand how he jumped into my hands, i just didn’t even understand what i did. father, why are you leaving?


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