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tv   Utro  NTV  July 18, 2024 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we listen to the chronicle of the emergency, we deal with road signs in the first program, on ntv, the emergency program in the marat seddikov studio. in an illegal children's camp in the kirov region, children were poisoned, now they are in an infectious diseases hospital, nothing threatens their lives, so they were brought to the hospital in extremely serious condition, the management of the kaleidoscope and the counselors, when they saw that the children were ill, did not inform their parents or call doctors, didn’t want unnecessary noise, but now investigators and prosecutors work in the koleidoscope, no documents, no conditions, no qualified...
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when i came to my child’s room, my child was in serious condition, she was pale, unsteady, and crying. on eight square meters in veronica’s room there were eight people, four children became ill, the mother immediately called an ambulance, which for some reason no one from the camp management called all night, apparently not wanting to make a fuss, doctors hospitalized one child, the rest were taken away themselves parents are all without exceptions learned about what happened far away... it wasn’t
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immediately bad, the pupils felt bad the evening before, but only in the morning the director tatyana polikova sounded the alarm, here she is, running to the kitchen to close, you can say something, very funny, very interesting, and we will help your children adapt to a country camp. tatyana knows what she’s talking about, she is the owner of a cafe in kirov, as well as an organizer of holidays, and this is where her new business grew, a children’s camp; the kaleidoscope did not have the required permits and essentially worked illegally. rospotrebnadzor never talks about him did not hear. investigators inspected the scene of the incident, seized and studied the relevant documentation. with the involvement of specialists , the source and causes of the disease in children are currently being established. at the same time, trips to children's holidays were bought in batches. polikova skillfully lured clients. the internet is full of positive reviews and bright, spectacular pictures of smiling schoolchildren. the advertisement promised an unforgettable vacation in one of the most beautiful natural areas. the counselors are experienced
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and, as they say on the business card, will find an approach to to each. i am sure that this shift will be wonderful, that we have an amazing 2 weeks ahead of us and i’m already really looking forward to the start of the shift. among the advantages, they noted a rich entertainment program with culinary master classes from the chef: we cook together, pizza, sponge cake, milkshakes, in general, a kaleidoscope of impressions, which, apparently, will not soon be forgotten. parents demand compensation for a ruined vacation, however, on her page on social networks, polikova continues to post news about recruitment for the next shift. yulia tsyplyuk from the volgograd region was involved in an accident; her case has been pending in court for a year now, and it seems to me that the judge will remember this process even after his resignation.
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maxim perchenko, it is his wife tsyplyuk who is blamed for the death of their dot alice, he was driving at such a speed that it was from an impact. she didn’t have enough 0.2 fractions of a second to complete leaving this intersection, otherwise the man was moving at a high speed of 72 km/h, he hit her with a ram, you saw her, you were 30 m from her, no, now he’s under me hear the camera, 30 m, you could have done something before this turn, what was stopping you, he was embarrassed, you know, how the wind rushed by, i only managed to jump off everything, otherwise i would have been there already, here is perchenko’s three-ton van with its wheels in the sky, matiz next to the total, little alice lasted only until the operating room, they put her on the table, she
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said one word, well, where is my mother, my mother , call me everything, she says, close your eyes, closed your eyes, a criminal case has been opened forever, the driver perchenko, a witness, is accused mother of the deceased girl, yulia tsyplyuk. i do not even i understand why, i’m very offended, because i know that i’m right. according to gaia, it was yulia on the matiz who did not let the van pass. i knew it was the main road, i'm sure. i didn’t have to look to the right, to the left, because i knew that this was the main one, and in fact, julia was moving along the grape lane. this road was paved in our country in the seventies , when drivers drove along it, by definition, they drove along the main one, and
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perchenko’s white van flew to the intersection along sovetskaya street, which, like other perpendicular streets, this has always been a secondary road. for one simple reason, that's all. the adjacent road had dirt, the grape lane was always asphalt, and it didn’t even occur to me that i had to give way to someone here. however, in 2018, the dirt road on sovetskaya street was asphalted, but for some reason the “give way” sign was not hung up. intersecting roadways have become equivalent, according to traffic regulations. but for the locals , grape lane remains what it was, an avenue. there, all our locals considered her always the main one, always and never slowed down at this intersection, this is not the first time maxim perchenko regularly delivered food here in these places, when you were driving, you thought whether this was important or secondary, it was not the first time you
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delivered cargo there constantly, you drove the car here on camera , it turned out that yulia tsyplyuk was driving out of habit, maxim perchenko was driving according to the rules, at the intersection of... equivalent roads, it was she who had an obstacle on the right. why were there no priority signs? have local authorities forgotten about safety? nikolai tombulov then led the village. he i said, i just don’t have the manpower to put up signs right now. although the signs were already in the club, yes there were signs. and the very next day after the tragedy , a “give way” sign appeared in front of the ill-fated intersection. the former village head tombulov was convicted of fraud in the death of alisa tsypluk, wasn’t he involved? when this incident happened, i immediately went to his office and said: well, nikolai, this literally conveys this dialogue, i say, well,
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i say, we have waited, i say, trouble, yes, a direct connection between the death of the girl and negligence the former head is not there, but it is obvious that he is indirectly involved in what happened, at the right time. installed road signs. this became a prerequisite for the accident. having fulfilled my duties on time, the accident might not have happened. his inaction cannot be left unpunished. a serious investigation in this case is simply necessary. in addition, its results may affect yulia’s fate, as circumstances mitigating her guilt. for 2 years there were no priority signs at the intersection of vinogradny and sovetskaya. was there really no reaction for 2 years? regional authorities. the governor's press service deigned to publish only messages in the messenger. for comment you should contact the investigative authorities. we will be glad to cooperate in the preparation of other stories. the best for today. at 16:45. cult series cop wars. this is not your
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sewing method. times change. watch today's episodes. choose which hand. you know, i can’t live without a weapon, but i’m beaten. even more so. the suits are coming, yeah, let's agree, we shoot only as a last resort, the customer said that you are a lawless man, that i’m a lawless person, i try to do everything according to the law, he’s not dangerous now, he’s only dangerous. yes, what, do you play baseball? no, it’s a massager, it’s funny. cop wars, today at 16:45 on ntv. good morning, about the weather for today evgenia neronskaya. the mongolian cyclone changed its registration and became chinese, but its character did not change at all. it still rains, from baikal to the tatar strait, atmospheric fronts will hit the south of the khabarovsk territory and primorye. kharin is still enjoying the warmth and sun, it’s almost 25 here. sunny on okhotsk
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coast, but cool in magadan 15, above twenty. the weather is wonderful in the north of siberia, in salihard +23 there is only sun, but the southern regions of siberia are plowed by atmospheric fronts, there is definitely no shortage of rain there, and from tyumen to krasnoyarsk +25-28. in the urals there are moderate rains in yekaterinburg 26, and the european territory crossed the summer equator on a hot wave, but now. the time has come to say goodbye to the heat; a cold atmospheric front on thursday will consistently cross the center and black earth regions with stormy rains and thunderstorms, while in koluga in tula the air will still have time to warm up to +30, in smolensk in yaroslavl it is already 26:27. at yoga, no changes, sunny, hot, in krasnodar the day before a new record was set at +39, on the sea coast of crimea it is not at all fresh, only in sochi it’s subdued 31. a breath of fresh air can be breathed in in the north in... no precipitation +23 in the north - the west is getting cooler every day, in st. petersburg today it’s also +23,
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thunderstorms, in moscow it’s also raining, thunderstorm and 27. the morning continues, the best, we give in ambulance, the main road, we will listen to useful advice from sergei malozemov, we will change the appearance of our beloved dacha. be careful, you will be charged, there may be a fine, or maybe a criminal offense, if because of you they don’t have time to save a person, we checked how drivers let cars pass at car washes with sirens, i think every second counts here, but the driver of a white honda thinks differently -to another. he added 74 seconds of pain to the patient, all this time he did not give way to the doctors: let
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the ambulance pass, let the ambulance pass, let the ambulance pass, rescue 20 minutes, during which time the team an ambulance must respond to an emergency call when the patient’s life is really in danger, hello, what happened to you, tell me the address, in just one day about a thousand calls are received, among them both false and real, real emergencies are marked in red on the dispatchers’ monitors, they go by categories of urgency, the first, second category - that there really is a direct threat to life, the third, fourth category - those calls that can be postponed until a later period, bright paint, burning beacons, a loud siren - this warning, someone is in trouble, the speed of the ambulance on the highways can reach 140 km/h, it will not be possible to brake quickly, where is it better for us to pass between the rows, there are drivers convenient to let us pass, somewhere we know we can drive out. .. the oncoming lane, when it is safe, somewhere possible, we can even use the side of the road.
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it’s difficult not to notice the loudness, and most often drivers give in. situations in life are different, people rush to help, you never know who dies. this ambulance was taken to flight specifically for a preventive raid , code-named beacon, if someone doesn’t let us through, we inform the nearest crew guy. they stop the violators and show the motorist our video evidence. nothing bad for you. the driver of the black lexus kept running somewhere away from the camera, he probably felt ashamed, the man is 76, he should set a good example for others, but he didn’t miss it, other motorists moved, no matter what happened, we don’t know what happened, and this is an ambulance, this is human life, before violators who do not allow cars with flashing lights to pass were threatened with a fine or deprivation of their license for up to a year, now there is a real prospect of being jailed for 4 years for obstructing the provision of medical care, including refusal. giving way to an ambulance, resulting in serious harm
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to the health of the patient, the violator faces a fine of up to 80,000 rubles or imprisonment of up to 2 years. the same act, if a person died due to the fault of the offender, is punishable by imprisonment for up to 4 years. those who don't let the ambulance through the country has become much smaller, continuous filming is being carried out on these cars, proving that someone blocked passage is a matter of one minute, which is so important when you need to save someone’s life. recipe of the week, this time carrot baskets with couscous. and mushrooms we will need carrots, couscous, mushrooms, tomatoes, garlic, dill, boiling water, vegetable oil, paprika, salt and pepper, pour salted boiling water over the cereal, cover and set aside, cut the tomatoes into slices, finely chop the garlic and champignons, chop the carrots into thin strips
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it’s better to use a vegetable peeler, chop the dill, heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the garlic and mushrooms, season with paprika, pepper and salt, mix, add couscous dill, after a couple of minutes put it in a bowl, tear off several sheets of foil, make wide strips out of them, put slices of tomato, wrap several strips of carrots around each to form baskets, secure with foil, put couscous filling inside, grease the basket. vegetable oil, bake at 200° for about 20 minutes, vegetable snack, if desired, it can ready, it turns out to be a very elegant side dish for the main dish, original and healthy, such baskets are rich in fiber, vitamin a and lecopene, important for blood vessels and the heart, a well-deserved green light according to our traffic light system,
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bon appetit and health, we and the chef wish you - cook anton kalev. hello everyone, this is a dacha answer, i’m ilya a westerner, the object of our today’s renovation is a real family nest, this apple orchard, for example, was planted by the father of our heroine, now the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the first owners live in the house plot, we will remodel the kitchen and dining room, breathe new life into the interior, adding light retro notes, and also organize the perfect pantry. let's go meet the heroes! we love our house the way it is, but the kitchen is a dream, it’s like a flight to mars, into space, we did it temporarily, we think we’ll take a break for a while and then we’ll get back to it, take a break, 20 years have passed, wow, vacation, the main inconvenience is, of course , the working part itself, yes, we love to cook together, we have a lot of working hands, we are
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three or four people, one cuts, another washes, the surface is the same, what is it? for a small room there, a utility room, this is a meditation room, friends, i understand what you want here, i would like, like in a fairy tale, a larger room to accommodate even more guests, but i probably can’t imagine a dark, dark room, i like the style provence, provence, wow, something like country, well, when you come further, you’re no longer in the city, i’d like to talk about the island itself... it seems to me that there would be such a big island here, it would be very interesting , you know you’re leaving this kitchen in good hands, over a cup of tea, now i’ll see you off and we’ll start whispering here with the designer, definitely, okay, we’ve agreed, that’s it, ira, this is the place of power of the ositrov family, this is such a center of gravity, we like- it’s very delicate, we need to transform everything here, we have three volumes, a dining room
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, a kitchen and also a conditionally boiler room, and here we will restore... order, i want something brighter, lighter, more cheerful, striped wallpaper, stripes i have turned pink and white, judging by the sketch, we will demolish the bar, bar we will dismantle the counter, but expand the opening at the same time, we will have such a wide front doorway, almost 2 m, yeah, through which we will see part of the kitchen, we will move the work area from one side to the other, the work area will be visible, the pantry, it it’s also meditative, because our heroines are actually here... we will increase the peace, we will put a door, it will be possible to close it, and here we will place a large number of shelving, and two refrigerators will move here. the dacha response begins remodeling the ositrov family's house. the furniture was taken out, but designer irina marchenkova would like to preserve some details of the old interior.
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the master's cauldron fits perfectly into irina's concept, and our heroes are very much like that." the walls need to be leveled, we build a frame of metal profiles around the entire perimeter and cover the top with moisture-resistant plasterboard sheets. we have already received the material for... we will add expressiveness to the ceiling and the upper part of the walls. curly cornices and moldings made of high-density polystyrene. moisture-resistant and durable
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, they do not deform over time. and finally, we draw pink stripes. we use masking tape as a stencil and carefully paint it with a thin roller. after several hours of work, you can admire the result. our builders did a wonderful job; they painted these stripes by hand. i was told behind the scenes that , in my opinion, 14 rolls of tape were spent on this, why not both, the paper creates some other effect, then it is somehow more sterile, but here there are still elements of manual labor, like -it looks warmer, more pleasant, in addition, when we paint, we have the opportunity to choose any shade, we selected it, checked several times how it looks in the camera, how it looks with the eyes, i stayed with this, i also like the stripe that runs above the vertical stripes, peach, pink peach, also a beautiful technique, then yes , at first i planned a white cornice, and then i thought that this color would add some zest, we fight for every detail, for every
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detail, it doesn’t work out everywhere, yes, but, but we try very hard, we try very hard, choose in which hand, you know, i can’t live without a weapon, huh? i have a bat, a bat, especially if it suits your suit, but yeah, let’s agree, we’ll shoot only as a last resort, the customer said that you’re a lawless man, that i’m a lawless man, not a cop, i’m trying to do everything according to the law, he’s not dangerous now, shilov always dangerous, but are you playing baseball, no, it’s a massager , funny, cop wars, today at 16:45 on ntv. kingfisher, new season, today. at 14:00 on ntv. x5 club presents. oh, misha, have you forgotten here? and i didn’t forget anything here, i didn’t forget to show the x5 club card at the crossroads or pyaterochka, and
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i also didn’t forget my chance to win prizes. use the x5 club card and get even more benefits with every purchase. at an excellent interest rate. in the branch and online. your plan. a reliable foundation. some impressions remain. forever, and some only for a while. with gloss, stains will not mar your impressions. many housewives choose losk 3+1 gel; it fights greasy stains at low temperatures on short washing cycles. there is a gloss, no stains. detralex imagines when you've been running all day, heaviness in your legs, pain and swelling can catch up. ditralex helps millions of happy women control varicose veins. detrolex acts on the cause of the symptoms of varicose veins at any stage. detrolex. verified by experts, the choice of millions, i know, you will have to, i know, a bright hour will come when
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all my ex-women began with the letter a. amin, where are you going? i don't want to start. why cruel project? because today someone will leave. stars. today denis dorokhov and the regions, and philip erkorov and the wrestlers will meet face to face. saturday to sunday at 22:10 on ntv. are you embarrassing yourself? chaliapin, volochko, next who? mukhtar or what? yes, zamat, then mukhtar, come urgently, grab your brilliant dog, the star is returning, mukhtar, something interesting, mukhtar’s return from the very beginning, mukhtar, go ahead, look for mukhtar, today at 8:25 on ntv, watch further, morning,
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the most! checking microgreens in our consumer supervision, we have the right to receive legal advice, we turn our home into a dream apartment, we will go to adygea, we will eat something local with federico arnaldi, there were once violets here, and here there are thickets of orchids, but their use was only decorative, recalls suzanne, when prices for food in stores began to rise, she decided that it was time not to grow useful flowers, but to plant in their place plants that would be useful for the family budget and health; now a fresh harvest has arrived, leaves for homemade radishes, i learned grow cabbage, broccoli, sunflower seeds, arugula, pokchoi cabbage, radishes, peas, leaf salad, all this in 2 months, even suzanne admits surprisingly how easy
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it is... i replaced expensive store-bought greens with my own grown ones, no greenhouses, basic the rack fits in the corner of the living room, and there was no need to turn the apartment into an agricultural farm with hoses and a bunch of manure, microgreens grow in just 3 days, just cut, a new batch is ready in the container, some crop germinates, another grows when the seeds are ready to go out light, we have it we pull out the light, the yield turned out to be such ... that they began to give the greens to relatives and neighbors, and then sell them online, the price turned out to be much lower than in the store, now they have their own seasonal business on microgreens, and the profit is not even micro, this batch waiting in a prestigious restaurant, i earn 20-30 thousand a month, but this is not the limit, selling 200 trays a day you can earn up to 300,000 rubles a month. and yulia
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from voronezh assures that she found in edible thickets not just a source of income, such just like supermarket suppliers, these microgreens are 3 days old, but there is something more, a calling and even a mission, to prove to as many people as possible that feeding yourself is much easier than people think, and there is no need to hunch in the garden beds from morning to night , cotton pads are even grown on napkins, on toilet paper, that is, nothing special is needed. yes, and if covid self-isolation had not happened, perhaps millions of russians would not have dared to remember gardening traditions, but now almost every second person has a mini-farm on their windowsill, in the pantry, in the garage, this is wheat, it’s about 4 days old, a great healthy product, i eat it every day, i’m happy, i feel strength and energy, and the assortment can be much wider than in the store, peas, clover,
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barley, pizza, beets, for example, what is this, what do you think, and this is the future of sunflowers, grow under 2 me and they will only let me hatch, but all the power is good. potential giants are contained in such sprouts and the seeds are not exclusive or rare from the reserve, ordinary seeds, you can click everything, or you can do it like this, a tray full of very powerful, beautiful sprouts, perhaps at first it may seem like a handicraft, but in just a few months , growing microgreens has turned into a fashion trend, which even leading furniture manufacturers have paid attention to, and now they assure: the time is not far off when exactly this is how many kitchens will look high-tech. i decided to make some morning tea, we ’ll get some lemongrass here, a little bit
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of mint. and disturbing thoughts from abroad only fuel the homegrown trend and take root thoughts about starting a green corner. here the media in the united states are reporting on an outbreak of fatal diseases caused by... there is greenery coming out of the stores. the ecoli infection has spread to 11 us states. the source of contamination is green salad from supermarkets. since 2017 in the united states after eating green leafy salads, and this is the best-selling green overseas . more than 500 people ended up in hospital beds; doctors could not save six. the infestation occurs because many farmers raise cattle near their greenhouses and from. they use process water left over from manure processing for irrigation, so the water is simply contaminated with feces and is infested with listeria, salmonella and other pathogens. similar emergencies occur in europe, so in germany they studied greens from supermarkets and found out that it turns out
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that the most dangerous thing is ready-to-eat chopped grass. the juice released when cutting greens becomes a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria, since microorganisms love nutrients. and when... there are major outbreaks of poisoning in russia it’s impossible to say that it didn’t happen, it’s correct to say that they weren’t recorded, and maybe because it doesn’t occur to anyone to sin against seemingly harmless greens, they don’t always wash them under the tap, although this must be done. the effectiveness of neither an alkaline nor an acidic environment on helminth eggs and larvae has not been proven, so soaking is sufficient. then rinse with running water and then rinse with boiled water, but not boiling water, just boiled water, but fears are fears, but it’s better to let the experts thoroughly they will check in the laboratory spinach, salad
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mix, supposedly thoroughly washed in production, as well as bunches of parsley, dill, herbs and lettuce in a pot to find out whether e. coli, salmanella, nitrates and... pesticides are hidden in them. having seen all this with his own eyes, even correspondent ruslan skripka decided to try his hand at purchasing a starter kit for growing microgreens. even my cacti are withering, so for people like me, these sets for 500 rubles are a salvation. in which the manufacturer has already carefully packed everything necessary. there are containers and linen rugs. and of course, what we will grow: mustard, radishes. and peas, all the trays are sown according to the instructions, will a beginner’s first crop grow, what will a test for chemicals show, dangerous microbes in greens from stores from market stalls, i’ll tell you in the second part of the investigation, don’t miss it,
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marina belikova, lawyer, good news for residents of moscow, in may 2022, residents of apartment buildings, as well as owners of non-residential buildings, received at their disposal 293 attics, basements, and other similar real estate. the metropolitan authorities are handing over the premises so that the townspeople can register their common property and then manage them for their own economic needs. let me remind you that this practice has existed in moscow since 2014, and residents have already been given about 3,000 similar premises with a total area of ​​300... in such premises residents can make storage rooms, and special areas for storing prams and sports equipment, arrange rooms for concierges, as well as technical areas, and this is very important
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for residents of apartment buildings and for owners of non-residential buildings. after the process of transferring such premises is completed, you can register such premises as your common shared property. find out how to do it correctly. you can contact the city property department, there is a special interdepartmental commission that accepts applications from citizens for the transfer of such property, as well as for registration and ownership. i really hope that the initiatives of the moscow authorities will also be supported in the regions, and similar empty premises will be transferred to the residents, just for those needs that i just talked about, well, now this is good news for everyone who has a personal subsidiary plot, who grows agricultural products and wants to sell them. we all know that currently it is impossible to do this without acquiring the status of an individual entrepreneur and a legal entity. so now the ministry of industry and trade has developed recommendations for... wholesale and retail markets in the country, everyone can trade there
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, farmers, ordinary citizens and gardeners and gardeners and acquire status you don’t need to be an individual entrepreneur for this; you can trade on a completely legal basis. the safety of our products will be guaranteed, as before, by on-site laboratories; we hope that such an initiative will reduce the price of agricultural products and also allow us to get rid of them. from resellers, if you have any questions, you can always send them to our email address; remember that you have the right to know your rights. hello, this is a housing issue, and i am victoria panina. our heroine today alterations, natalya and irina love to travel. from every trip they bring back souvenir plates like these, they
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already have a whole collection, but today we decided to go on another trip and another country, paris is waiting for us, anton, please put it here, thank you very much, anton, well, let’s unpack it, it’s always very, and doubly exciting for you, because these chairs were created according to your sketches, yes, we couldn’t find such furniture, so we made them to order, how pretty they are, so plump and pleasant on touch, yes, yes, yes, gray is a cool color, it matches the color of the walls, the fabric is brachy, it will catch reflections from the wall, the idea is that the chairs are actually not small, but i would like to sort of dissolve them in the interior so that they are not accentuated, but their coloring will work for this. we decorate the window with linen curtains in large folds, moving stately along
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a classic round cornice. brass floor lamps, a refined touch source of local lighting. the sofa has a more traditional version of the floor lamp. and on there is also a lamp on the windowsill according to the european tradition. the theme of the circle was supported by a side table. the theme of coziness is a blanket for gatherings with a coffee croissant, and the theme of thoughtful luxury is a sparse, but carefully selected decor, one of the secrets of working with small spaces, the more textures we bring, the interior becomes more false, the eye seems to cling more
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to these here are the details, yes, it slides along the painted wall, drops to the velvet on the chair, then spreads to the metal surface and so on, that is, the look travels, you want to look at the interior, due to this it seems deeper, more expensive, more interesting, we created not just a hotel room, but a room in a parisian hotel, due to which we managed to achieve this, and we have an abundance of wooden... textures, often in french interiors there is a large presence of wood, veneer, herringbone on palu combinations of natural rough textures, such as fabric and, say, a carpet, with more minimalistic, polished ones, such as, for example, brass lamps or velvet, this is such an elusive mix, which helps in generally recreate the atmosphere of a parisian boutique hotel. we just have to wait for natalie to find out if she will read this idea?
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i don’t know what to say, honestly, but the color is beautiful, i like it, this is my story, what a beautiful color, i’m in general so far. i ca n’t even think clearly, because such a space, it’s as if it wasn’t our room at all, it seemed to me that we had some other room, it’s as if there were two zones here, the dressing room itself is like a little room, well, this is very unusual, what delicate shades, i really like these shades
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i like it, it’s a beautiful sofa, big, soft, very comfortable, by the way, it has an orthopedic mattress, that is... for comfort, i don’t recognize my room at all, the chandeliers don’t fit, now we have such lamps, i don’t even know how to do it right name, but you understand what the mystery object has to do with your interior, oh, it doesn’t remind you of anything, well, like a hotel room, perhaps, yes, yes, but where, well, here are the waves, maybe it’s some city nearby with the water of the embankment, that’s all or... it’s gorgeous, to be honest, i’ve never been to paris,
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welcome to the completely noble land of the adyks, i have already entered the character here. i like everything very much, well, it suits me, it suits me very much, this is not just a suit, but a military uniform of a rider, and these are not just horses, national treasures, the adesh or kabardian breed, powerful, stately, noble, for them high mountains are not scary, they are steep passes, this breed has been bred for thousands of years in the 15th century, it is official. famous in russia, don’t speed up, wow, how do you feel, federnik, like a real adyk, found a saddle,
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how do you like it, cherkhev’s, by the way, the most comfortable saddle that i remember in my life, come with cushions. whole, yes, the pillow is whole, we can go on a long hike to the sea, there is no sea in odige, so it takes a long time to get there, there are natural beauties at every step, wow, how powerfully the river flows, like a camp of odige stallions galloping through the mountains. nature never ceases to amaze me, it’s impossible to embrace the immensity in a few days, to see all the mountains, caves and waterfalls and a week is enough, what a wave of the smell of prosciutto,
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some kind of magic, a real meat kingdom, and igor bezryadnov reigns here, in in his youth, he sang in a choir, toured the whole country and dreamed of a musical career, but after losing his voice, he decided to change scales to sausages. through years of trial and error, he created the perfect recipe for prosciutto, salami and servilata. i can immediately say that, firstly, i really like this shine, i like the color, so bright but delicate, this tells me that yes, they were great, but you didn’t dry your foot that much, and now i’ll shut up, i increase my delight even more triple salamilan.
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even italy has its own taste, its own color, its own smell, it’s clear that this is completely my story, and try it, i’m waiting, like a test, we try it, let’s go together, let’s go together, be stunned, but i still can’t be distracted from this exhibition of legs, and there are labels there, what kind of stuff is there? labels, these are hotel guests, guests, ordinary people from the street. they wanted to give it to their friends, hello bregali, it turns out that the guests will come, they have salted their feet and hung them up, and federica sits, chats, enjoys life and has not salted his feet, the preparations have already been made.
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two legs are salted, a case of spoilage, the guest gets the best according to the examination, like this makarchik, the purpose of salt is to take away moisture, not to salt the meat, not to over-salt it, exactly. it was necessary to preserve the food somehow, so the food could only be preserved like this, look immediately the salt turns pink, it takes away the moisture, you can see the shade, you see this, this beauty is going to happen now, this is visualization, this is a fairy tale, what we are doing now. so,
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federica announces that the leg is salted. there is also a little secret, look, so that you know that this is your leg for sure, each leg is assigned a number, you receive a guest card, insert it into your leg like this. this brand. yes, there’s no way... that’s it, yes, that’s later, this number is yours forever, until you can’t open mine, yes, well, if you don’t open your personal parachut , i’ll be relaxing at the hotel for a whole year, i’ll go too, relax, for my fifty-fifth birthday angelika varum on ntv, this is the fifth augustins forum and today we perform the cult songs of angelika varun la-la.
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this is all for you! gala concert in honor of angelika varum! tomorrow at 23:40. you are the best on ntv. cop wars. today at 16:45 on ntv. favorite brands on wilberes. italian complex of professional coloring care by constant delight. salon effect right in your home. it’s even more profitable with a vb wallet, it’s a simple loan, only in softcombank, we take
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loans, sovcombank is not just a loan, hit, magnet, ryaba mayonnaise with quail eggs, 105.99, magnet, price, what you need, things have faded after washing, use weasel gel, it maintains the strength of the fabric and restores color. things are like new three times longer, new, no, i wash them with affection. ditrolex helps fight the symptoms of varicose veins, swelling, heaviness, pain and acts on their cause at any stage. detrolex is tested by experts, the choice of millions. moscow coffee shop on the floors. a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, the taste is a pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. touch the rock star of burger king. votter. taste it on the fire. what's
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the secret? doshirak? you have to find out. there is a goal. doshirak broth is prepared using the traditional method. it's all about fermentation. doshirak broth. seuse. professional hair restoration. shampoo balm siе. intensive formula with keratin and complexan deeply restores hair structure, hair restored, strong, smooth hair, like after a salon, every day. so that you have time to finish everything this summer, we at avito have collected the best offers for new building materials. buy from local suppliers with discounts of up to 60% until august 14th and start your holiday early. build your plans faster and cheaper with avito for your home. avito is more profitable for everyone. sports on a daily basis, but how to protect your joints? artneo: just one capsule per day to protect the joints
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of the spine. sunflower seeds from martin, the quality is always top notch, what mood are you in today? light and airy, romantic and sensual, relaxed sublime, find the vernelle scent. according to your mood, what kind of square is this, let me show you, this is a marking code, an honest sign, your assistant for safe shopping, the cash register checks it and does not allow suspicious goods through, this is an honest sign, kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv . how to tidy up your face without cutting yourself and removing hairs from your nose and ears? liamax razer, three in one: rotary
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cordless 4d razor, beard trimmer , nose trimmer, ears, just change nozzles, three cutting heads, metal cover, mesh, high-quality and safe shave, regardless of the direction of hair growth, a beard trimmer will tidy up your mustache and beard, edging and modeling without a hairdresser, a nose trimmer will remove unwanted hairs in the nose and ears, call to order leamax razer razor for 1,999 rubles, but call us right now it will be yours for only 999 rubles. leamax. shopping with a plus. call or order on our website take part in the action leamax super prize and get a chance to win a tv. details on the website return of mukhtar on weekdays at 8:25 on ntv.
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good morning, about the weather for today evgeniya. the mongolian cyclone changed its registration, became chinese, but its character has not changed at all, it still rains, it has flown up to the tatar strait, atmospheric fronts will hit the south of the khabarovsk territory and primorye, and sakhalin is still enjoying the warmth and sun, there are almost 25, sunny on the okhotsk coast, but cool in magadan - 15, in chakotka - above twenty. beautiful the weather in the north of siberia in salihard is +23 only sunny, but the southern regions of siberia are atmospheric. and there is definitely no shortage of rain there, with +25-28 from tyumen to krasnoyarsk. in the urals there are moderate rains in yekaterinburg 26, and the european territory crossed the summer equator on a hot wave, but now it’s time to say goodbye to the heat. a cold atmospheric front on thursday will successively cross the center and black earth regions with heavy rains and thunderstorms, while in kaluga and tula the air will still have time to warm up to
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+30. and in smolensk in yaroslavl it’s already 26:27 on... yoga without changes, sunny, hot, in krasnodar the day before a new record was set at +39, on the sea coast of crimea it is not at all fresh, only in sochi it is subdued 31. a breath of fresh air can be breathed in the north in murmansk, without precipitation +23 it's getting cooler every day in the northwest. in st. petersburg today it is also +23, thunderstorms, in moscow it is also rain, thunderstorm and 27. see below. morning is the best. let's talk about health with your doctor, prepare an unusual dish from yulia vysotskaya, get acquainted with wonderful new products from sergei malozemova. daniil stroikovsky,
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oncologist, head of the chemotherapy department 62 moscow. good morning, the program your doctor is on air, and here we are talking about the right medicine with the right doctors, my guest today is a wonderful doctor, pediatrician, alina valerievna korf, who works in the field of evidence-based medicine, which is especially important when it comes to treatment children. hello, alina valerina, and today i would like to ask you about this, it would seem, a little already. a forgotten problem, a little forgotten infection that more like this, sometimes it seems that it is historical, and an infection like whooping cough occurs in real life, or is it such a completely forgotten infection that is extremely rare? this is not an extremely rare infection, it actually occurs now and quite often, every 3-5 years we
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are faced with an increase in incidence, there is such a... periodicity, we initially noted that, probably, if i’m not lying too, since the eighties , we note... an increase in morbidity from infection, from this one, so every 3-5 years we we see that there are slightly more cases than that, that is, somewhere there is still some kind of reservoir of this whooping cough, it exists, and periodically it splashes out, periodically, and the incidence increases, but what about our dtp, the vaccine is where the vaccine is contained against whooping cough, but it is effective and in general vaccination is effective in the case. prevention of infection, but we don’t have any severe or complicated forms of infection for the most part, but who causes whooping cough? is it a microbe or a virus? this is
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a bardateloptus stick, but there are others strains, they are less aggressive, after all , bardeteloptus it gives a more severe course, and the worst thing is probably that the most... susceptible children who suffer the infection with difficulty, even death, 1% of children under 6 months, unfortunately dies, that is, this is one child out of a hundred, this is a lot, how does whooping cough manifest itself, and there are three forms, well, three stages, more precisely, of infection, the first is the cotoral stage, the second is the paroxysmal stage, the third stage of recovery, well, here’s more details , here kotoralny, is this some kind of something? stage there, in general, there is a runny nose, basically only such watery discharge from the nose, and it is very easy to confuse it with a regular viral infection, in fact, as usual, all this happens, because the calling card
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of the infection is precisely the paroxysmal cough, which occurs already at the paroxysmal stage , the cough on exhalation is very intrusive, rude, unproductive, when the child coughs, coughs, coughs, coughs, he cannot clear his throat and does not have time to take a breath, but the child may turn blue, there may be hemorrhages, subconjunctiva from such a strong cough, the child’s frenulum of the tongue may even sometimes tear from coughing so much, but this is just such a basic calling card, while the body temperature may not be elevated or increased slightly there sofibrile to thirty there75. conditionally, but nevertheless, the danger of this condition is that hypoxia occurs, that is, due to the fact that breathing may stop, alina valerievna, tell me, here
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a child under 6 months old, he hardly attends any kind of preschool institution, he is mainly with his mother, yes, that is, where does he get this infection, where does it come from, from the mother and from adults, often adults simply transfer it so easily coughing they will walk, walk and cough a little, but for a long time, this is a long story, it manifests itself, then after a week, after two, the child gets sick, sniffles begin , then this classic cough, and most often children get sick from adults parents who were not revaccinated or from older children who also, for example, whose vaccination schedule was disrupted, or, well , in general... vaccinated or also got sick in some form, are suffering from the disease. once again we return to the fact that vaccination is mandatory, yes, in general, all children should be vaccinated in general, and it also
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does not hurt for adults to be revaccinated from time to time so that it does not interfere, it is absolutely necessary, i especially want to emphasize that we are vaccinating pregnant women in the third trimester, this is very important, because we actually protect... the child in the first half of life, why do we vaccinate the child in the first half of life there all the time, and every month and a half there are always some vaccines or every month, not because we like to inject children, we have nothing to do, but because the first half of the child’s life is still covered by the mother’s antibodies, what he managed to take from his mother during pregnancy is how he protects himself, the second half of his life he will already protect himself with our own antibodies, which we created for him thanks to... vaccination, so, if the mother does not have an insufficient number of antibodies, and the number of antibodies decreases every 7-10 years, yes, that’s why we revaccinate adults every 10 years, and in
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adulthood , so we definitely need to vaccinate a mother who is expecting a baby in the third trimester so that the child already has protective antibodies, during this period when the infection can be as severe as possible. thank you very much, alena valerievna. really a very important topic, we all we want our children to grow up healthy, happy, and here a lot depends on ourselves, depends on how we treat this, how... we are, as they say, compliant, we adequately perceive the possibilities of medicine that exist today, and thereby we can prevent the illness of our wonderful children and avoid serious problems. thank you so much again. and i would like to wish everyone good health and see you again.
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now the barbecue season is approaching, look at what a beautiful piece i have, this this is a pork neck, the neck should be at home temperature, first let's make a marinade, for the marinade i need four tomatoes, that is, you need about 200 g of tomatoes, i also add a little pepper here, look, i don't even cut the tomatoes, they're straight everything will be chopped here by itself, one small onion or onion or... shallot, i have such a small shallot onion, two cloves of garlic, a little salt, a little ground coriander, leaves from two sprigs of rosemary, well, i have one like this it’s long, it turned out, one is enough, start whisking. what happens? the acid
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that is in the tomato marinates the meat wonderfully. of course, salt also helps the marinade. the spices are wonderful. by the way, i forgot to add a little sweet paprika. and also, in order for the marinade to be rich, so that it is slightly spicy, i add maheev adjika. everything about this adjika is wonderful. firstly, there are no flavor enhancers, any additives, that’s all absolutely. natural ingredients, but the main thing is that this adjika is also suitable for ready-made dishes, that is already prepared shish kebab can be served with it, but it is also excellent for marinade, because it gives such tartness to the spice, a heaped teaspoon of such adjika, paprika, it is sweet, a level teaspoon, and 300 ml of sparkling water, that is, such a large glass . beat, the marinade is ready, i take a sharp
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knife, cut the neck into large pieces, i soaked wooden sticks in water in advance, and in order to simply cook this kebab in the oven, which means, of course, exactly the same marinade can be used if you are cooking. nature, but we are with you today stayed at home, in my kitchen, did not go into nature, but this does not mean that you necessarily need to come up with something else, and if you want barbecue, don’t cook barbecue, add marinade to the meat, ideally it should sit for at least 2 hours, if your meat is much denser, it contains less... fat
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, it’s leaner, so let’s say, by the way, this marinade can also be used for other types of meat, but it seems to me that it works best with pork, you can leave it overnight, only then we put it in the refrigerator, i take it these are the sticks that are soaked and i string pieces of meat on them, well, we got these five skewers, it’s advisable to remove the excess moisture like this... so remove the marinade, the marinade has already done its job, it worked well, and now i have a well-heated grill pan, i i’m sending these skewers here so that our kebab is a little fried, sealed, as soon as we see that a golden crust appears, we turn the meat over, and here i have a baking sheet ready,
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we will bring the meat to readiness in the oven already on the baking sheet, that is, literally one or two, well maximum 4 minutes in a frying pan, and then in the oven, average temperature 180°, so that the meat remains juicy, tender , so beautifully rich in taste, and no oil, no oil, tomatoes, all the rest of the joy, spectacular, yes, faster than... no, well, in fact, it’s faster precisely because we marinated it after all, i marinated it for a long time, 2 hours, i left the meat in the marinade, and it would probably also be fast over the fire. now i’m putting it in the oven and bringing the meat to readiness, it’s beautiful,
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look, you can start your meal sooner. the meat has cooled down a little, of course, if you want zhika or tamal or socibeli, well, in general, some kind of sauce for this kebab, then why not, bon appetit, a little salt, water and 15 seconds to warm up, that’s how they advertise this plastic travel steamer for clothes, it costs 3,500 rubles. sellers promise that the device will provide you with a flawless look on any trip, without weighing down your luggage. salt in our case is an element of an electrochemical reaction; it is added inside a half-measured spoon of ordinary table salt and two measuring cups of regular cold tap water. the salt's job is to conduct current between the internal electrodes,
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which causes the water to heat up and evaporate. have you tried it? works? trousers can be steamed right through from four sides at once. one gas station. and this 150 ml of water was enough for trousers and a couple of wrinkled shirts, the result is not bad, and there are no white salt deposits on the fabric, as we feared, only water evaporates, but let’s complicate the task, at the moscow academic theater named after mayakovsky the final preparations are underway for the premiere of the play oblomov, with the help of a steamer, the head of the costume shop, tatyana potapova, will try to bring to perfection the famous oblomov robe, which, according to the plan...
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deserved a positive assessment, it is very compact , it cleans hard-to-reach places very well on hats, especially with this brush, it’s ideal for touring. if you believe the advertising, a salt steamer can also be used for home cleaning, for example, removing stains or disinfecting any surfaces. our katya kondratieva will check now. wow, wow, katya took an old sponge for washing. how bacteria and cut in half, one of them is known to quickly become breeding grounds for halves, held under a stream of steam. we sent the samples for analysis to the laboratory, we will see if the steam reduced the number of microbes, and in the meantime katya will try to clean the tiles of stubborn dirt.
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coffee stains, soy sauce stains, wine stains and red lipstick stains. i managed to clean it up quite quickly, and without any detergents at all, however, when it came to the tile seams, the cheap porous grout came off a little, but overall the steamer with the dough managed, the only blemish on its reputation is the result of a laboratory study of the sponge halves, the number of bacteria from steam treatment did not decrease, but we will not find fault too much, after all, disinfection is not the main duty of a road steamer, the main thing is that it...
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baymaksky district, denis and his family moved here in the endless steppe a few years ago, my family had horse owners, horse owners, at some stage this connection between generations was broken, but at the call of my soul i undertook to revive it all, recreate it, in silence, i wanted to share the tranquility and beauty of nature, so denis began to develop ethno- tourism. built traditional bashkar yurts, developed a program and began inviting guests. the bashkir yurt, well, the turkic yurt, is different in that it has a dome-shaped wall. that is, due to the fact that the bent elements, this is called uk, due to the bent element uk, our
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wall becomes a little higher, a smooth transition of the wall into the roof, they built yurts from oak using traditional technologies, from modern ones only electricity is a stove in case of cold weather. perhaps, the most popular drink in bashkiria is kumys, a fermented milk product made from mares’ milk, a horse gives 4-5 liters of milk a day, usually on denis’s farm they use a special milking machine, but tourists are offered to do it manually under the supervision of the milkmaid guzel. announcer, announcer, stand still in bashkir. the mare, by the way, her name is karagul, that is, black-eyed, behaved quite calmly. thank you very much, delicious. cows are perhaps even tastier. while the milk on your lips is still wet, let's go do it.
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the same drink - kumiss. it is important for me to preserve traditions. this is our cultural code, so i don’t really want to somehow change traditional technologies for something else. you take a wooden barrel, pour milk into it, add starter and whisk for several hours. denis also adds wild cherry branches. as his grandfather once did , the kumiss produced on the farm is bottled and sold. almost all year round, horses are free to roam; tourists are even offered hikes to the mountains to watch wild horses.
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last year, according to the russian union of travel industry, domestic tourism in the country broke a record of 78 million trips, and this trend continues with an emphasis on ethnography. you can go from the 21st century to the 16th century in an instant. in the belgorod region there is a military camp where the russian medieval atmosphere is recreated. fortresses, to be honest, i somehow, well, don’t fit in, now, oh, it’s a completely different matter, by the way, i’m a sagittarius, let’s first figure out what kind of place this is, a historical park of 10 hectares, where different species are collected and types defensive structures from the time of tsar mikhail romanov, a watchtower, earthen ramparts, a wooden tower, of course, any reconstruction has its subjective part, because these objects are based on ... analysis of handwritten sources, as a rule, not one, but several, by analogy
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with fragmentarily preserved drawings, or with drawings that reflect the main components. what is a fortress without a forge? hello, blacksmith, good luck, i need bullets, can i? the process must be admittedly not complicated and fast. i melted the forge, brought the temperature to 250°, melted the tin and poured it into the bullet can. here is a bullet for my musket. let's go beat the enemy. alexander used to work as a cook, but 5 years ago he moved from one oven to another. this is already a second life, it turns out. already, you can’t live without it. something needs to be tinkered with, something needs to be done, he’ll sew handbags, what else , well, his hands are just burning, something is being done. alexander has been involved in reconstructions for more than 20 years and has been researching. it was this area and this era that pushed the roots, my 1658
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from the don they came here to chertuchnaya, like cossacks, they came to patrol, what this patrol looked like, they also show, tell and even offer to try yourself as a defender of the russian land, archery, leg forward, uh-huh turn the body, turn the body, body , body, yeah, and elbow. roll the rollers on the enemy, forward, forward, forward, forward, straight ahead, service is service, and lunch is on
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schedule, this is a general rule, both for the 21st and for the 14th century. the truth is different, and seriously, in the field conditions they mostly ate flatbreads with herbs fried in oil. the krestinenko family usually spent weekends and vacations at sea, but this time they decided to plunge into history, which would be useful for both themselves and their children. this is important, it’s interesting, it’s educational, it’s not all about lying on the beach somewhere, mental activity, neural connections. very interesting, no, 100%, that’s what we started to learn from communicating with friends there, that there are places exactly in, well, let’s say, in our native region, that’s very good, among the top ethno-tourism destinations in the vologda region, the caucasus , karelia and altai. morals are red deer,
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no, not because of their pedigree, the name of the species is that for local peoples they are the main animals, they are bred instead of cows, although you can’t get milk from them, but they have meat, leather, antlers, antlers are of great value, here they are, unossified horns, they are usually cut off from adult individuals, they must be at least 2 years old and only from males, the horns contain biological substances that have healing... properties, they were discovered by local residents several centuries ago. modern doctors agree with ancient doctors doctors. research has shown that antlers contain more than 80 useful substances, amino acids, peptides, and leptids. we have our own antler brewery, we cook antler concentrate, and add antler blood there, that is, to
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increase the medicinal properties, and the concentrate itself is added with antler blood. and how can this be treated? take a bath as a miracle cure, but it is important to know that there are also contraindications, this is third- degree hypertension, that is, when your blood pressure fluctuates, you take medications to control it, also oncology, benign, malignant neoplasm. the session lasts 15 minutes, more is harmful. how is this procedure useful? firstly, it strengthens the immune system, also strengthens bones, nails, helps hair growth, in addition, it relieves inflammation, but it helps.
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very tasty, and this is some kind of local cuisine, altai, it is supplemented, we soaked medallions from maral, in such, say, an authentic way that the locals use here, we add mazhevelnik, salt solution and pine needles, what is the benefit of moral meat,
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firstly , it is considered dietary, secondly it reduces cholesterol, thirdly... how to develop tourism in russia, because in our country there live about 200 peoples with a unique culture, way of life, traditions, customs, and ethnotours, essentially an opportunity to get to know your neighbors and try to look at the world through their eyes. nakhit babaev, natalya levchenkov, alexander belyaev, anton molokoedov, ilya poleychuk and stanislav bagomaz, ntv, belgorod region, republic of bashkartastan and altai, the best
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for today. big premiere of kingfisher new season, the famous turkish tv series that has become a world whale, we need talk about divorce. in today's episodes, only i can fix everything, and i will fix it, finally, a real man is standing in front of me, you are grandfather's puppet, he is playing with you, this time i am not a player, i am creating a game, a curse will come to this house, a fallen cup will repay for everything, i came to pick you up, i don’t need a draw anymore. help, now i don’t have such a son, never, ever appear in my life again, kingfisher, new season, today at
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14:00 on ntv. when our legs get tired, hurt, and swell, we take drops from izkuzan, izkuzan from the five symptoms of varicose veins, the effectiveness is comparable to compression padding, tricky, good price, are you disgracing yourself, shalyapin, volochko, who next, mukhtar or what? yes, i'm sorry. next mukhtar, come urgently and grab your brilliant dog. the star is returning. mukhtar, something interesting? the return of mukhtar from the very beginning. mukhtar, go ahead, look for mukhtar. today at 8:25 on ntv. cop wars, today at 16:45 on ntv. x5 club presents oh misha, have you forgotten here? and i didn’t forget anything here, i didn’t forget to show x5 card of the club at the crossroads or pyaterochka, and i didn’t forget my chance to win prizes either.
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pious. to vladivostok there is a strip of rain. sakhalin, nastya is waiting a little later. and in the north of siberia there is sunny warmth, in the south there is heat and rain for every taste, from short to heavy. only near lake baikal in irkutsk there is no precipitation and 30. changes await the european territory. a thunderstorm front left the weather cold northwest and is now approaching the middle zone. it reaches thirty only in the southern regions, to the west and north of the capital, already restrained 27-28. but in the south there is only sun , abnormal heat, chronicle. updated every day, a little fresher only on the sea coast. in st. petersburg +23 thunderstorms in moscow cool pause 27 with thunderstorms and gusty winds.
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the long-awaited return home, daughter, daughter, i ’m done, i’m in russia, i’ll see you soon, they’ll give me a phone number soon. russia returned 95 of our military personnel from ukrainian captivity. conditions for peace negotiations on ukraine and dialogue with the united states, when our colleagues come to their senses, get over this delusion of superiority, their own greatness, their own impunity, we will sit down and talk, sergei lavrov’s press conference following the meeting, and also not only
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rest. and restore your health, but get to know the local culture.


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