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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 18, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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the long-awaited return home, daughter, daughter, i ’m done, i’m in russia, i’ll see you soon, soon they’ll give me a phone number, russia.
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well, not only to relax and restore your health, but also to get acquainted with the local culture, ethno tourism in russia, what destinations are now popular, why hotels prefer yurts, hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, vladislav nazarikov is with you. at night, a special board with russian military personnel who were returned from ukrainian captivity landed in the moscow region. as reported in ministry of defense, the exchange took place in the 95 to 95 format. the united arab emirates acted as a mediator. this process was the fifth since the beginning of the year; in the capital, the fighters will undergo treatment and rehabilitation, and they will also receive psychological assistance. anton talpa will continue. daughter, daughter, i’m done, i’m in russia, i’ll see you soon, they’ll give me a phone number soon.
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similar in content, the russian military , after returning from captivity, rush to tell those closest to them, good news, everything is good, he says hi to everyone, i ’ll call you later, okay, mom, now ex prisoners are transported from the exchange point by bus, then there will be a nearby airfield and a flight, they will return home only in the evening, but judging by these shots, they do not feel the smile of fatigue on the faces of the military. we are glad that we arrived, many thanks to everyone who organized this exchange.
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the formula is 95x95, which means 95 russian soldiers returned home, the same number of ukrainian prisoners were handed over to representatives of the ukrainian armed forces. what is noteworthy is that in russia there are more than 6,000 ukrainian prisoners in ukraine, more than one thousand of our military, therefore new lists, as well as details of the next exchange, are already being discussed; perhaps very soon, there will be significantly more russians returning home. anton talpa, natalya okmaikina, yana fedorikheva. and vladimir
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talyzin, ntv. in the northern military district zone, russian paratroopers destroyed four observation posts of the armed forces of ukraine near verbov in zaporozhye. the target was destroyed by fpv drone operators. here, in the orekhovsky direction, combat drones are used very actively. over the past few days alone, our fighters, with their help , have carried out dozens of targeted strikes on dugouts enemy. and the attempts of nationalists to use drones are thwarted by the calculations of our shells. during the round-the-clock watch , the ukrainian drone that made the threat was eliminated. positions of russian fighters, range 12, goal to detect, the advance of ground groups is also covered by artillery, in response to hail calculations in the west group , they eliminated manpower and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces, as well as camouflaged firing points of an ammunition depot, which were located at a distance from the contact line. army aviation destroyed support bases with unguided missiles enemy points in the area of ​​responsibility of the north group.
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the crew of the mi-28 helicopter went on the mission, the pilots operated at an extremely low altitude, the flight went smoothly, all targets were eliminated. the topic of ukraine was discussed at... non-public negotiations between russia and the united states. political scientists from the two countries took part in the meeting. sergei lavrov spoke about this. he held a press conference at the un following his participation in security council meetings as chairman. as the head of the russian foreign ministry noted, the so-called peace summits on the ukrainian crisis contain unilateral approaches, and they were criticized by representatives of many countries that are truly interested in regulating the conflict. however, the kiev regime and its allies are still trying to promote unacceptable ones.
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lavrov made it clear that he is ready, but only taking into account russian interests and realities on earth, we are ready for negotiations, but taking into account the sad experience. conversations and consultations with the west with the ukrainians, the agreement that i hope, at some stage on the european security will be achieved, in this context the ukrainian crisis will be resolved, we will, of course , look very carefully at the wording and we will put in this document safeguards against repeated, unscrupulous, incapable of negotiations... the russian minister criticized the so-called peace formula, which is being pushed by the west and noted, that the key condition for starting peace negotiations should be the cessation of arms supplies to kiev. lavrov emphasized that a multipolar world is already a reality, with which the united states and the west will have to
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be reckoned with, whether they like it or not. and he recalled how washington’s assistance turned out for afghanistan, iraq and libya. to support ukraine as long as it takes, i’m interested in how long it will take, just like in afghanistan it will take 20 years to understand that you lost, or in iraq, where you also left, now, however, they are trying to delay, contrary to the decision of the iraqi parliament that the united states must withdraw its
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troops, or as in libya, they will have the same approach to ukraine, as much as it took them in libya for the state to collapse, now everyone is gluing pots together for them. this is why a multipolar world is a reality, but how can such a world be built if there is virtually no dialogue with the west? the russian minister is confident that sooner or later we will still have to come to an agreement, but for this, western countries must take a step forward. journalists were interested in whether such a step could be taken by the new american administration if donald trump wins the us presidential election. we will be ready to work.
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cooperation in the political, trade, economic and energy spheres. also during the conversation, the topic of the opec plus deal was touched upon. the parties noted that it is important to continue to closely cooperate in this direction in order to ensure stability in the energy market. the russian leader , the crown prince of saudi arabia, highly appreciated the level of friendly relations between
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the countries and agreed to maintain contacts at various levels. joe biden became infected with coronavirus again, the us president is already in the third time he picks it up. this infection, the white house reported that the disease was mild, but as required by recommendations for the prevention of covid, the president would go into self-isolation, citing illness, biden suddenly canceled it. speech at a conference in las vegas, the stage was prepared for his speech, but biden never appeared, they waited for almost an hour, all this time the cameraman was filming the empty podium, in the end the organizer of the conference stood up and said that the chief of the white house coronavirus. but i wonder what kind of couple hours before the conference, biden visited a mexican restaurant, where he hugged customers and was led from table to table arm in arm. the plane barely took off despite anti-covid measures and was without masks. like everyone around him, with the same difficulty and without a mask , biden got off the plane upon arriving
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home, well, it’s remarkable, but the day before the american president announced that he was ready to withdraw his candidacy from the election if he was found to have health problems, like donald trump, meanwhile, the three-day republican convention is ending to support, supporters came with bandages on their ears, and vice-presidential candidate jaydee vance gave a speech in which he warned that the united states would no longer be so generous to its own. told allies that the trump administration is against participating in senseless wars. together , we will ensure that our allies share the time to ensure world peace and no longer give free rein to countries that have betrayed american taxpayers. together we will send our children to war only when necessary, but as shown donald trump, having destroyed isis and much more, when we hit, we'll hit hard. meanwhile, the american media continues to discuss the negligence of the secret service, which ensured
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trump’s security at the rally in pennsylvania. this time it became known that eyewitnesses saw the shooter with a weapon on the roof an hour before the event and reported it to the police. the man was also caught on camera sneaking towards the building, from which he later opened fire. estonia, following latvia and lithuania, has banned entry by car from belarus. statement published on the local medical website. for cars. belarusian license plates were used to close checkpoints , regardless of the purpose of the trip. exceptions can only be made for diplomats or for humanitarian reasons. the measures that were introduced against belarus in minsk are considered illegal. as previously noted in the regional republic, mixed families will primarily suffer from them, as well as citizens of the two countries who travel to visit their relatives and tourists with children. the same restrictions that already apply to moscow have been extended to belarus. in council of the eu and explained this by saying that minsk supports our country’s actions in ukraine. by august, berries in russia rise in price
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by up to 30%. this forecast was given by representatives of the industry association. among the main reasons for this is not the harvest, which arose due to frost. in some farms, almost all the fruits were lost. well, in addition, production costs have increased this season. experts called raspberries the most expensive berry. in some regions you will have to pay more per kilogram. 5,000. svetlana gordeeva studied the market and learned how to find fruits tastier, well, cheaper. sweet, berry, and the prices are bitter. the long-awaited berry season did not make muscovites very happy. half a kilo. so, how much will this bucket cost? 800 rub. blueberry? 1.0 rub. bucket. at the beginning of the season , the cost of a kilogram of strawberries could reach up to 1.0 rubles. it was a little cheaper in tents, but even there the indignation of buyers sometimes took on bizarre forms. look, she sells strawberries to people, i just looked at the documents, but the news is
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590, in her documents there are 59, well, 70 rubles. so what? to the question why strawberries weigh so much gold, experts answer: there are many reasons, firstly, the weather this year was let down by the may frosts, which supposedly destroyed part of the berry and fruit harvest. all the flowers that were caught in these frosts disappeared, this greatly affected the berry harvest, and i think that there will be very few apples this year. some regions, some gardens in our region have lost their entire harvest. in addition, the very maintenance of berry plantations has become more expensive, the supply of everything needed for berry growing has become difficult, mostly these are still imported products, ranging from planting material, ending with fertilizers. well, finally, there is an increase in wages, however, producers assure that the selling price of berries has increased slightly compared to last year, for example, cherries are grown here at one of the large breeding stations in dagestan. they say that the frightening numbers on the price tag are the work of the sellers. this year we start from 100
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rubles. and higher, well, depending on the caliber , up to 130, but some larger ones cost 150 rubles. together with inspectors from the popular front, we go through retail outlets butyrsky district of the capital. we compare prices, check the availability of documents. well, here's a rotten strawberry 749 rubles. this is fine? no, of course not, of course it is. we move to a nearby store, we are interested in cherries, we can look at the documents for these berries, we are interested, after 20 minutes it turns out that... that the documents seem to be there, but somewhere else. at all points passed, social activists submit requests to rospotrebnadzor. of course, this is not as serious a threat as canned food, but from a safety point of view citizens, but nevertheless, yes, strawberries can grow in different conditions, on different soils, just like any food product, they can absorb the environment in which
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they grow. high prices and the unknown origin of berries are increasingly forcing buyers to choose the format of working for... that is, for the berries. tatyana kireeva learned about the plantation near moscow from local newspapers; the conditions are simple: you come, pick the berries and take a tenth for yourself as a reward. last time we came, there were four of us, we collected 10 boxes in 2 hours, we bought one box, one box was like one in ten for us. it is not profitable to keep berry pickers on staff, the owner says; ten people are enough to care for the beds, water, weed, and fertilize.
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in autumn and winter, jams, preserves, compotes, postila, all this will inevitably rise in price, we are still working on the old harvest, that is, we are still buying last year’s apples, they will only start at the end of september, apples, so what prices will be for the harvest, we still we don't know i think that the price will rise by 20 percent, svetlana gordeeva, yana fedorscheva, maria popova, stepan lesakovich, oleg gorkov, ntv. the guard proposed issuing weapons to the leadership of the central bank, a draft government resolution on this is already ready, business news marina piminova, marina, why is this? the central bank says that the situation requires, but does not concern all management. now the discussion about what weapons the central bank has to fight inflation will require important clarifications.
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the russian guard has prepared a draft resolution government, which proposes to issue it to management. bank of military small arms. now employees responsible for security at the central bank have the right to wear it, for example, to protect objects, money, precious metals, and correspondence. now, it is proposed to arm also the deputy chairmen of the central bank, their advisers, the directors of their deputies’ departments, as well as the managers of the central bank’s branches and their deputies. but the chairman of the central bank is not on this list. the leadership of the central bank is invited to issue pistols or pistols. machine guns, in total, the list of weapons that employees of the central bank and management and those responsible for security can receive includes five types of pistols, seven submachine gun pistols, nine types of machine guns, five types of machine guns, including a makarov pistol, an erygin pistol, several types of glock pistols, pistols machine guns cedar, vitez, cypress and kalashnikov
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infantry machine gun, the central bank has already explained, they reported a quote: this initiative was discussed with the russian guard. within the framework of a set of issues, related to ensuring the protection of facilities for bank of russia employees in new regions. end of quote. the russian stock market starts trading in the red. a survey commissioned by the central bank showed that inflation expectations of the population in july rose above 12%. the central bank has set the following rates for today: dollar 88.09 euro 96.30. raiffeisen bank is going. will file a bankruptcy petition against one of the largest champignon producers in russia, the national mushroom company kashira. the kommersant newspaper writes about this. kashira's like it is reported that a debt of almost 1.5 billion rubles has accumulated. and rafazonbank is its creditor, which has a 100% share of the company and its building as collateral. advisor to the law firm ochets azad
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akhmetov notes that the bank can gain control over the company by foreclosure on the pledged shares. kashira is working. 17 years old, on her website it says that she supplies products to the chains pyaterochka, perekrestok, dixie, vkusvel, okay, metro, spar. koshira belongs to a cyprus company, the general director of the company technologies of growth tamara reshetnikova notes the profitability of mushroom business is low, since decorative products are available to russians. according to her, a russian eats an average of one and a half kilograms of cultivated mushrooms per year, and a european eats more than 2 kg. that's all i have. yes, thank you, marina piminova, with an economic review. there was a short respite from the heat in moscow. the first showers occurred in the capital at night. next episode. precipitation is expected this afternoon, according to forecasts, up to 75% of the monthly volume may fall today tomorrow, the wind will increase and thunderstorms will thunder, the temperature will still be
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exceed the norm by 2-3°, and comfortable indicators of 21-26 will be established in the region from sunday, but however, the respite will be short-lived, in august the scorching heat will return to the central region, rain is expected today in the arkhangelsk region, khabarovsk territory, and the jewish autonomous okrug , and at they have already begun. the precipitation that hit blagoveshchensk was a record for the last 14 years. over the course of 24 hours , more than 26 million cubic meters of water spilled onto the city. omsk is also putting things in order today. the day before, the city went under water after heavy rains, precipitation fell almost twice the monthly norm. the heat has taken a break in transbaikalia, and rain is expected there today too. this will have a good effect on the fire situation. the region is suffering from fires caused by dry, sunny weather. true, only after. will decrease in yakutia, well, in the search on the contrary,
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aviation was involved in extinguishing the fire danger in some areas of natural outbreaks, as local media and local authorities reported, the an-26 began work, in total in the republic the fire affected more than 930 hectares of territory, in russia it is gaining popularity of ethno-tourism, in on such trips, guests can get acquainted with languages, prepare kumis, go to altai to the so-called places of power to communicate with real shamans, among the most popular regions for such a destination are also the caucasus, karelia and the vologda region, which can surprise travelers there. republic of bashkatastan 400 km from ufa, baymaksky district,
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denis and his family moved here in the endless steppe several years ago. in my family there were horse owners, stewards, at some stage this connection between generations was broken, but i at the call of my soul i undertook to revive all this. create. i wanted to share the silence, tranquility and beauty of nature, so denis began to develop ethnotourism. perhaps the most popular drink in bashkiria is kumiss. this is a fermented milk product made from mares' milk. each horse produces 4-5 liters of milk per day. usually on denis’s farm they use a special milking machine, but tourists are offered to do this manually under the supervision of the guzel milkmaid. dector. victor, stay calm in bashkir. the mare, by the way, her name is karagul, that is, black-eyed, behaved quite calmly. thank you very much, it’s delicious, not cow’s, even,
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perhaps, tastier. while the milk on your lips is still wet, let’s go make that very drink, kumiss. it’s important for me to preserve traditions, this is our cultural code. therefore , i don’t really want to somehow change traditional technologies for something else, you take a wooden barrel, pour milk into it, add starter and beat for several hours. last year , according to the russian union of travel industry , domestic tourism in the country broke a record of 78 million trips, and this trend continues, with with a focus on ethnography, from the 21st century to the 17th century. get there in an instant: in the belgorod region there is a military camp where the atmosphere of a russian medieval fortress is recreated, to be honest, i somehow don’t fit in,
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now oh, oh, it’s a completely different matter, by the way, i’m a sagittarius, what kind of fortress would it be without a forge , here is a bullet for my musket, let's go beat the enemy, okay? this patrol looked like, they also show, tell and even offer to try yourself in the role of a defender of the russian land: archery, eat, shooting from a much more lethal weapon, cannons from the mid-16th century, was closed screaming, among the top ethno-tourism destinations are the vologda region, the caucasus, karelia and altai. morals are red deer, no, not because of the pedigree the name of the species is such, for local peoples they are the main animals, they are bred
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instead of cows. they have antlers, here they are, non-ossified horns, they are usually cut off from adult individuals, they must be at least 2 years old, only in males. the horns contain biological substances that have healing properties; they were discovered by local inhabitants several centuries ago. modern doctors agree with the ancient doctors. research has shown that antlers contain more than 80 useful substances, amino acids, peptides, and leptids. how is it useful? this procedure, firstly, strengthens the immune system, also strengthens bones, nails, helps hair growth, in altai you can try not only a dish made from deer antlers, today we will prepare medallions from the moral cutting with asparagus, an interesting taste, belle bushama. it seems that history and
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geography itself suggest how to develop tourism in russia, because in our country there live about 200 peoples with a unique culture, way of life, traditions and customs. nahid babaev, natalya levchenkov, alexander belyaev, anton molokoedov, ilya apolichuk and stanislav bagomaz, ntv, belgorod region, republic of bashkartastan and altai. see further, in the voronezh village of pekshevo they are restoring a 19th century church, how is the work going and how much longer? sberbank required. funds. start your journey into business with support . sber-business will open an account, help with accounting, legal issues and will connect an online cash register. and all this is free. we open the way to business. sberbusiness. what
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the program today. we are continuing production. already 11 russian cities have joined the mina brick campaign; it was organized by residents of the voronezh village of pekshevo, who are trying to restore a dilapidated church of the 19th century. the locals managed to raise about a million rubles for these purposes. donations were transferred from all over the country. experts have already begun reconstruction of the altar. this is the amount required for full restoration of the temple, olga chernova learned. the reconstruction of the ancient church of god is in full swing; scaffolding has been erected and the quadrangle domed part has been restored. few people believed that several residents of the dying voronezh village of pekshevo would be able to get things moving from a dead point and begin restoring a dilapidated abandoned church. a year ago we talked about the residents' dream. to give birth to the shrine of their shares, a personalized brick, the story received a great response. there are some guys who can be sent every week, well they literally send 500 thousand rubles each, but every monday and tuesday they send it. this means
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that approximately a million was collected in this way after the ntv broadcast. these personalized bricks have been prepared for the reconstruction of the altar; there are almost 2 of them . residents from eleven russian cities have already joined the cause every day. every person here becomes, as it were, a builder of this temple, and what’s more, he invites his family, friends, greetings from pershy, greetings, greetings from perm, since ancient times in russia, churches were built by the whole world, so this is not my first help in the construction of a temple, but since the lord brought me to this temple, it means i am more needed here. the ringing of bells, like the music of the russian soul, attracts people to the history of the temple and the small village on the banks of the voronezh river. we are all watching how they buy land, build houses, they installed gas and water here, that is, the village lives here. the village
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of peksheva was founded in the 17th century, but archaeologists have found here objects of skievo culture dating back to the 5th century bc. settlement pekshevsky cape is unique. the epiphany church was built in 1826; it is an original example of a provincial one. alley from the beginning of the village to the temple itself. in a year and a half, the epiphany church will be 200 years old; they plan to celebrate the epiphany on the christian holiday, and invite all benefactors. pekshevo residents say that we will do everything possible so that on its anniversary the already renovated temple will unite everyone under
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its arches. olga chernova, oleg zolotarev and andrey ostroverkhov, ntv television company, voronezh region. this is all news for now meetings on ntv. what is the best medicine for nail fungus? misola valar is up to 50% more profitable. new. mizol in large packaging 50 ml. even bigger and better priced. mizol evalar - treatment of fungus without overpayments. nail fungus makes it difficult to put on summer shoes. mizol evaalar will not let you ruin your summer. mizol is the most beneficial medicine for nail fungus. new. mizol is the largest. the packaging is even larger and more affordable . hello, about the weather for tomorrow evgenia neronskaya. visit the far east a chinese cyclone has arrived. this whirlwind will bring light rains, they will occur mainly on the south side, but the temperature will remain.


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