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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 18, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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russia is ready to negotiate on the situation around ukraine, but only taking into account its interests. we will, of course, look very carefully at the wording. lavrov answered questions from journalists following his visit to the un headquarters in new york. ursula fondelaien was re-elected as head of the european commission. she announced her intention to turn the eu into a defense union, which the kremlin responded to. customs duties are increasing, and the time spent at the border is decreasing. the head of the federal customs service reported to vladimir putin about results of the department’s work in the first half of the year. joe biden went on sick leave.
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ethnotourism is gaining momentum, what is it and why more and more people, instead of five-star hotels by the sea, choose yurta in the steppes, nakhidbayev went on a trip around the country. hello, you are watching the news on ntv, in the egor kalyvanov studio. the ministry of defense reported that within 24 hours, russian troops in different directions defeated the manpower and equipment of two dozen brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. aircraft destroyed the infrastructure of one of the military aerodrome. enemy,
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a ukrainian air force mig-29 and 74 drones were also shot down in the air. none of the enemy's counterattacks were successful. moreover, the russian military occupied the first line of high-rise buildings in volchansk, kharkov region. the total losses in the ssu per day exceeded 1,700 military personnel. despite the sanctions and the almost complete freeze of diplomatic contacts between russia and the united states, political scientists from the two countries discussed the situation in ukraine at an informal meeting at the un. about this. quite a few, one of them that worries many, in the usa, in europe, is russia ready for negotiations to end the ukrainian conflict? lavrov made it clear that he was ready, but only taking into account russian interests and realities on earth, we are ready for negotiations, but taking into account the sad experience.
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non-negotiable interpretations. the russian minister criticized zelensky’s so-called peace formula, which is being pushed by the west, and noted that the key condition for starting peace negotiations should be the cessation of arms supplies to kiev. lavrov emphasized that the multipolar world is already a reality that the united states and the west will have to reckon with, whether they like it or not. and he recalled how washington’s assistance turned out for afghanistan, iraq and libya. and by the way, now, when...
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in order to collapse the state, now everyone is gluing pots together for them, that’s why a multipolar world is a reality, but how to build such a world if there is virtually no dialogue with the west, the russian minister is sure that sooner or it will still be too late to come to an agreement, but for this, western countries must take a step forward, journalists were interested in whether the new american administration could take such a step if you...
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the parties communicated at the presidential elections, now russia is also ready to increase sanctions pressure on russia, talk, but will not run after anyone if when our colleagues come to their senses, if they get over this delusion of superiority, their own greatness, their own impunity, let’s sit down and talk. let's listen to what they tell us, but running around trying to persuade is not our tradition. just half an hour ago ursula fonder was re-elected to the post of head of the european commission for a second term, and shortly before
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the vote, giving a keynote speech in the european parliament, fondelaien announced her intention to turn the eu into a defense union, promised to establish the position of european commissioner for defense, and increase it. according to peskov, russia has never posed a military threat to eu member states, but europe’s future policy will require our country to adjust its foreign policy approaches accordingly. the main topic in the american media today is this again joe biden's health condition, the president fell ill with coronavirus for the third time. for this
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reason, he canceled his speech at a conference in las vegas, where the stage had already been prepared and the television camera showed an empty podium for almost an hour, after which the conference organizer announced. that biden will not come. unfortunately, i just got off the phone with president biden, and he shared his deep disappointment that he was unable to join us this afternoon. he just tested positive for coronavirus. and by a strange coincidence, just the day before, biden admitted for the first time that he could withdraw his candidacy from the election if doctors discover that he has some kind of illness or health problems. the white house reports that since the president was...
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today in novoogoryovo, vladimir putin held a meeting with the head of the federal customs service valery pekolev. we were talking about the results of the department’s work for the first half of the year. the federal customs service is fulfilling the task. in the first half of this year, almost 500 billion more tax collections and payments were transferred. by compared to the same period last year. the effectiveness of customs control is growing, automation is increasing. throughput is increasing, including through the introduction of digital technologies. pekalev said that in total almost 3.400 billion rubles of customs duties have been collected, and border checkpoints are under special control. previously, the president set the task of reducing
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the time freight vehicles spend on them to 10 minutes. to achieve this, they are introducing digital technologies, opening additional traffic lanes actively use modern inspection systems. most customs declarations for...
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now the discussion about what weapons the central bank has to fight inflation will require important clarifications. the russian guard has prepared a project for... those responsible for security in the central bank, for example, for the protection of objects, money, precious metals, correspondence. now it is proposed to arm the deputy chairmen of the central bank and their advisers, directors of departments of their deputies, as well as branch managers central bank of their deputies. but the chairman of the central bank is not on this list. the management of the central bank is proposed to issue pistols or submachine guns; in total, the list of weapons
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that can be received by central bank employees and management and those responsible for security includes five types of pistols, seven submachine guns, nine types of machine guns, five types of machine guns, including a makarov pistol, a pistol erygina, several types of glock pistols, kedr, vityaz kiris and kalashnikov infantry machine guns, the central bank has already explained it, they said. date: this initiative was discussed with the russian guard as part of a set of issues related to ensuring the protection of facilities for bank of russia employees in new regions. end of quote. the russian stock market is trading today with losses. a survey commissioned by the central bank showed that inflation expectations of the population in july rose above 12% and reached their highest level since january of this year. as of today, the central bank has set the following official rates: dollar 88.09, euro 90%. chinese authorities are testing
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artificial intelligence on a large scale for compliance socialist values, as the financial times writes, the state office of internet information of the people's republic of china forced large technology companies and startups, including dance, alibaba, to take part in mandatory testing of artificial intelligence language models to determine what these models actually allow themselves to say, financial sources the times says that it looks... probably like this: inspectors arrive with a list of questions, start asking them to the chatbot, and then announce that the company has passed the chatbot exam on political consciousness or not. official documents from february this year said that artificial intelligence companies in china should pay attention to thousands of words of questions that violate basic socialist values, for example, financial times writes, neural networks are being taught to filter questions related to politically sensitive issues.
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the berry season is ready, the fruits and prices are ripe, everything without exception has risen in price, the cost of some berries has increased significantly, spring frosts, summer drought, labor shortage strength, we are reaping the harvest, like an expensive cherry on the cake, difficulties with imports, our correspondent svetlana gordeeva was surprised at the prices. sweet berries, but bitter prices, the long-awaited berry season did not make muscovites very happy. half a kilo, so how much will this bucket cost? 800 rubles. blueberries, rub 1.00 per bucket, at the beginning.
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there will be very few berries, and i think there will be very few apples this year. in addition, the maintenance of berry plantations itself has become more expensive. the supply of everything needed for berry growing has become difficult; these are mostly imported products, starting from... one of the large breeding stations in dagestan, they grow cherries, they don’t
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complain about crop failure, there are a lot of berries, just manage to grow slightly, for example, here to pick, they say that the frightening figures on the price tags are the work of sellers, this year they for us it costs from 100 rubles and above, well, it depends on the caliber up to 130, but some larger ones cost 150 rubles. together with inspectors from the popular front, we walk through butyrsky’s retail outlets. after 20 minutes it turns out that the documents seem to be there, but somewhere else, according to at all points passed, social activists
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submit requests to rospotrebnadzor. strawberries can grow in different conditions, on different soils, that's for sure. just like any food product, it can absorb the environment in which it grows. high prices and the unknown origin of berries are increasingly forcing buyers to choose the format of working for food, that is, for berries. 12,400, the first harvest of this year: you come, pick berries and take a tenth for yourself as a reward. firstly, we ate our fill here, and secondly, we froze delicious berries. it’s not profitable to keep berry pickers on staff, the owner says, so
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there’s no time to look after the beds of forest berries this year, the main thing to remember is that not all berries are equally edible, some are poisonous, when you take a child with you to the forest, you need to carefully monitor his behavior, that is, you need to teach the child not to grab any first berry that comes across and not put it in his mouth, but no matter how you twist it, it is clear that the summer price increase will affect consumers in the fall and winter, jams, preserves, compotes, postila, all this will inevitably become more expensive, which will there be prices? for the harvest, we don’t know yet, i think that 20 percent will be imitation. svetlana gordeeva, yanashcheva, maria popova, stepana lisakovich, oleg gorkov, ntv. the constitutional court of russia recognized the death of stray animals as an exceptional measure when no other measure can provide human protection. this is a response to the claim
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of human rights defenders, which was submitted to the supreme court of buryatia. they asked to repeal the local law, which... provides for euthanasia for animals if they do not have an owner within 30 days from the moment of capture. from the point from the point of view of volunteers who rescue stray dogs, the document does not comply with the constitution, because it contradicts the principles of humane treatment of animals. however, the constitutional court did not find any contradiction, and some experts share the same opinion. the conclusion of the constitutional court absolutely coincides with the provisions of the federal law and answers the questions of the regions, what can be done? and what is not allowed, that is, today the regions have enormous powers in terms of regulating the number of stray animals, euthanasia and federal law and by the constitutional court is defined as an exceptional measure in cases where the animal itself cannot be helped, or when it poses an exceptional threat to other
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animals or to people, that is, theoretically, so to speak, if there is a justified extraordinary situation, so, let’s say, an emergency has been introduced the situation because of dogs, this happened, there was a chat there once, yes, in some other cities, when children were killed there, and several children at once, in 2015, i think it happened, that is, then it turns out, you can grab onto it, the problem of homeless animals in russia is regulated by federal law, but regions have the right, based on the local situation, to establish their own order on this topic. is currently being discussed in the magadan region, where on july 15 a law allowing the euthanasia of unclaimed animals came into force, now it is being challenged by the prosecutor's office, at this time the regional court has banned the procedure. viewers of ntv capital, next will be released today in moscow, and we will continue broadcasting for other regions of central russia. china
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suspended negotiations with the us on control and non-proliferation. nuclear weapons , the country's foreign ministry said in a statement that the consultations had been interrupted in response to continued us arms sales to taiwan. over the past few months, beijing has repeatedly protested against such actions by washington, which has seriously undermined the political atmosphere. in this regard , the chinese side decided to postpone the us discussion of a new round of consultations on arms control and non-proliferation. according to a chinese diplomat. beijing is ready to resume dialogue if washington agrees respect china's core interests. us state department spokesman matthew miller, commenting on beijing's decision, said that china decided to follow the quote. for example, russia, linking contacts on arms control with other problems. well, the russian foreign ministry allowed the deployment of nuclear missiles in response to the appearance of the american federal republic of germany.
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as deputy foreign minister sergei rebkov said, russia will have to take into account the combined capabilities of nato countries, and we will respond in terms of compensatory measures in the manner that we deem most appropriate. the pentagon previously announced plans to begin deploying long-range missiles in germany in 1926. experimental hypersonic weapons. a coastal wonderland that will become known throughout the world is how north korea's central news agency describes the resort under construction that kim chang-in visited. this complex is called one of the most ambitious projects of the head of the dprk. it has been under construction since 2018, but so far the official video shows kilometers of sandy beaches.
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training ground and firing points. in russia for in six months, almost 6,00 people were killed in road accidents and 70,000 were injured. the total number of accidents on roads across the country exceeded 56 thousand cases. these statistics were reported to the ministry of internal affairs. the leader in the growth of accidents. among the regions was the nenets autonomous okrug, where the number of accidents this year has more than doubled, but the smolinsk region and bashkiria have become the most careful drivers, where the number of accidents has decreased by 20%. the department noted that the accident rate in this half of the year is almost the same as for the same period last year. estonia has banned entry a car with belarusian license plates. checkpoints for such transport are closed from this day onwards, regardless. purposes of travel , an exception can be made only for diplomats or for humanitarian reasons; for others, in order to be able to enter the country, they must re-register their numbers from
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belarusian to estonian. the ministry of foreign affairs clarified that the ban is provided for by the fourteenth package of european sanctions, which were introduced against russia and belarus on july 1 of this year. lithuania and latvia did the same earlier. minsk in turn, not only does not take retaliatory measures, but... on the contrary, i quote the message of the belarusian foreign ministry, they are concerned about further demonstration of openness and peacefulness. starting tomorrow, belarus will introduce a visa-free regime, which was previously valid for lithuania, latvia, as well as poland, and for another 35 european countries. the permitted period of stay in belarus is 30 days, but the measure will not apply to holders of official and diplomatic passports. residents of already eleven russian cities. participants in the restoration of an ancient temple in in the village of pekshevo in the voronezh region, local residents began the reconstruction on their own, then they organized a campaign called it
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a personalized brick, building materials were bought with a donation. a year ago, we already told the story of the village and the temple, how the work progressed and when they planned to hold the first services, olga chernova found out. the reconstruction of the ancient church of god is in full swing; scaffolding has been erected and restored. door to the domed part, few believed that several residents of the endangered voronezh in the village of peksheva, it will be possible to get things moving from a dead point and begin the restoration of a dilapidated abandoned temple. a year ago we talked about the residents’ dream to revive the shrine of their action, a personalized brick. the story received a great response. and there are some guys who can write every week? well, literally sign 500 thousand rubles each, but every monday, tuesday they send it. this means that approximately a million was collected in this way after the ntv broadcast. these personalized bricks. prepared for the reconstruction of the altar, there are almost 2 of them thousands who want to participate in the restoration of the unique temple, every day more and more residents from eleven russian cities have already joined the cause. according to
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the project, 55,000 bricks will be required for construction. pekshevo residents really want each of them to become named. the rector of the epiphany church considers the action of a personalized brick to be spiritual alms. i am inspired by the impulses of people from different parts of the country who help regularly, like a diesel locomotive driver made from ural asbestos or a driver.
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here they carried both gas and water, that is, here the village lives. the village of pekshevo was founded in the 18th century, but archaeologists have found here objects of scyvian culture dating back to the 5th century bc. the ancient settlement of pekshevsky mys is unique. the epiphany church was built in 1826. it is an original example of provincial religious architecture of the 19th century. for a century, the snow white church was the spiritual center of the village, which was destroyed after the revolution. i couldn’t deny myself the joy of getting up. to the height of this church, how many people have passed here, how many people prayed, 40 million rubles are still needed for the reconstruction of the temple, this is not counting the interior decoration and the belfry, in the mordvinian language, in mordvinian, this is a linden tree, this is a peksheva, and we will revive the linden alley here from the beginning of the village to the temple itself. in a year and a half, the epiphany church will be 200 years old, they plan to celebrate the christian holiday of epiphany, they invite all
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benefactors, we will do everything possible to ensure that the already renovated temple unites everyone under its arches on its anniversary. olga chernova, oleg zolotarev and andrey ostroverkhov, ntv television company, voronezh region. an important date in the history of the solovetsky monastery. 170 years ago, the monastery, located on an island in the white sea, was attacked by ships of the british fleet. this was an episode of the crimean war and the fighting then took place not only in the south, but on other maritime borders of russia. the british demanded the surrender of the garrison, which consisted of soldiers and a monk. having received a refusal, they began shelling. cannonballs rained down on the monastery for 9 hours. the british themselves counted the number of cannonballs that were fired towards the monastery they were horrified, since in their opinion six cities could be destroyed with such a quantity. but the monastery did not collapse and, accordingly , the garrison itself did not surrender. the monastery stood then, the enemy ships retreated in memory of those events even after so many years, today the bells are ringing. now take a short pause and
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then watch. feed the mare, take an antler bath and shoot from a cannon. ethnic tourism is gaining momentum in russia. what is it and why more and more people, instead of five-star hotels by the sea, choose a yurt in the steppes. nakhidbaev went on a trip around the country. and after the sweltering heat, central russia was refreshed by rains. will this trend continue in the weather forecast after the advertisements? our new name is t-bank, where else you can go into space, send your mother a star from the sky, turn the branch into an application, knowledge, a vocation, technology, and live communication. here you can
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change your name without betraying yourself, remaining yourself in a country on which the sun never sets. t-bank, he is the only one. it is important not to start the first heart problems so that the heart worked like a motor, there is cardiomagnyl, it affects the patency of blood vessels and reduces the risk of thrombosis and heart attack. cardiomagnin - taking care of the heart. this is a simple loan, only at a private bank. not just a loan, a hit, my grandfather disappeared in the garage for weeks, my father disappeared for days, but a few minutes in the garage is enough for me, drive your car into the avito auto garage, you will immediately see the suitable spare parts, avito auto garage, the garage of our time, register your car in the
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are half, but world sports brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. cool, i slept through my first exhibition, okay. dad, hi, look what i collected, let's fly, well, it won't turn on, thank you, dad, thank you, dear, and for this too, every thank you, save changes for the better, thank you, the program has been updated, choose up to five useful categories, and receive mega cashback up to 70% from partners, more profitable with a sberm subscription. housing question and dacha answer. on weekends at 11:50 on ntv. we are with you again. at the height
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of the holiday season in the current geopolitical situation, the question of where to have a good holiday without frightening prices is especially relevant, and many russians, even those who have always preferred... beach holidays in turkish or egyptian resorts, are paying attention to another type of tourism, one which allows you to get to know your own country better; nakhit babaev went on an ethnic tour of russian regions , here is his impression.
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there is due to the fact that the bent elements, this is called uk, due to the bent element uk, our wall becomes a little higher, smooth because it has a dome-shaped wall shape, then the transition of the wall into the roof. perhaps the most popular drink in bashkiria is kumiss. this is a fermented milk product made from the milk of mares. each horse gives 4-5 liters per day.
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good day. i need bullets. can. process i must admit it is not difficult and fast. he melted the forge, brought the temperature to 250°, melted the tin and poured it into the bullets. here is a bullet for my musket, let's go beat the enemy, what this patrol looked like, they also show, tell and even offer to try yourself as a defender of the russian land, defense of a tree of an earthen rampart, forward, forward, forward, straight forward, archery, there is, shooting from a much more lethal weapon, a gun from the mid-16th century, we closed it, we screamed, and... the krestinenko family usually spent weekends and holidays at sea,
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this time we decided to plunge into history, useful for both ourselves and the children. it’s important, it’s interesting, it’s educational, it’s not all about lying on the beach somewhere. among the top ethnotourism destinations are the vologda region, the caucasus, karelia and altai. morals are red deer, no, not for their pedigree, that’s the name of the species. for local peoples, they are the main animal; they are bred instead of cows. antlers are of great value. the horns contain biological substances that have healing properties. they were discovered by local residents several centuries ago. with doctors ancient times, modern doctors agree. research has shown that antlers contain more than 80 useful substances. why is this useful...
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try not only a dish made from deer antlers. today we will prepare medallions from maral tenderloin, with sverzhey and parge, we will fry it. what is the use of moral meat? firstly, it is considered dietary, secondly, it reduces cholesterol, and thirdly, it helps remove harmful substances from the body. interesting taste. belbusha. it seems
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that history and geography itself suggest how to develop tourism in russia, because in our about 200 peoples live in the country with a unique culture, way of life, traditions and customs. nahid babaev, natalya levchenko, aleksandryaev, anton molokoedov, ilya poleychuk and stanislavaz, belgorod region, republic of bashkartastan and altai. after the sweltering heat, central russia was slightly refreshed by rains; the valar will not allow it to ruin your summer. mizol
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is the most beneficial medicine for nail fungus. new. mizol in the largest package is even larger and more affordable. so, the center has noticeably freshened up. with abnormal heat the cold atmospheric front has dealt with it and does not stop there. on friday , severe thunderstorms will reach the eastern regions. in vladimir, kostroma, ivanovo, the temperature will drop to 23. in chernozem it is still 25-28. and short but stormy rains, by the evening the cloud fields will reach the banks of the volga, but the main precipitation here is on saturday, and tomorrow there will be another 28 sunny days in nizhny novgorod. there is plenty of sun at yoga, real african heat in krasnodar, hotter than in cairo and so far no changes. in sevastopol - 34, in sochi - 31. in the baltic resorts the weather is brilliantly ideal, in kaliningrad - 23, but from pskov to veliky novgorod it rains. and in st. petersburg the rain is only 21. in moscow, rain, thunderstorm and 23. weekend sun is what you need, that’s all,
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