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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 18, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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russian customs duties increased by 500 billion rubles in the first half of the year. the fcs itself is undergoing large-scale digitalization and is striving to establish an intelligent customs office, the president reported. head of the service, and also helps the armed forces. more details, nikita korzun. we didn't expect any surprises. ursula fondelien was re-elected as head of the european commission. why did right-wing parties seem to have won in key eu countries, but power remained with the old bureaucracy? roman sobol sorted it out. 30,000 gamli of the donetsk people's republic are still explosive. in the fields, after a decade of fighting, they are now working.
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russian sappers about how demining is going on in the vicinity of mariupol, rastislav skedan. olga zenkova will tell you how to prepare for the contract service and what payments you can expect. spoon, tar in strawberry jam. muscovites are outraged by high prices for berries. svetlana gordeeva figured out what the reason was. giving a mare, taking an antler bath, shooting from a cannon in russia. ethnotourism is gaining momentum, what it is and why more and more people instead five-star hotels by the sea choose yurta in the steppes, nakhit babayev went on a trip around the country.
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hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this is the program today, its presenter is elmira ifendieva and vladimir chernyshov. the russian budget received more than 3 trillion rubles in customs payments, which is 500 billion rubles more than a year earlier. such figures were announced today in novogorev at a meeting between vladimir putin and the head of the federal customs service, valery. vladimir putin i was interested in how his instructions to introduce digital technologies were being carried out. increase the capacity of border points, speed up work in general, they also discussed the interaction of customs with the defense industrial complexes and support for the participants of the northern military district. nikita korzun, more details. valery pekalev took the post of head of the federal customs service on may 14, previously worked as vice-governor of st. petersburg, in particular, he oversaw the restoration of mariupol, twin cities of the northern capital. and before that he served in the fso, heading one of the presidential security service departments. so vladimir putin is wonderful.
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the country's turnover, as well as comprehensive assistance to the ministry of defense and the military-industrial complex, noted the head of the federal customs service. moreover, according to pekalev, supporting the armed forces is a priority for her. we organized immediate clearance of goods for enterprises of the military-industrial complex and the ministry of defense. this month i visited donetsk, lugansk and customs, we talked with both the personnel and family members of the fighters about the problems that concern them now, of course, all of them have been taken under control and will be implemented in the near future. does not give the go-ahead for the employment of participants in a special military operation, helping fighters in their professional development, even softening their own standards. in the near future, we will make changes to our internal order in order to expand the health requirements for the category of fso participants, so that they have greater opportunities to occupy positions as employees in the federal customs service russian federation. we also discussed the delay in the construction of official housing for customs officers in the far east. the corresponding instructions were given to the president. about the construction of housing for
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customs officers, well, primarily in the far east, meaning there. territorial issue, in this regard, what is happening, as far as i understand, there is a certain delay in the allocation of funds, something. valery pekalev has to solve problems that he inherited, but he reported directly to the president, how are things? i visited the far east, visited kraskino, pogranichny. at the moment, the money in the budget is provided in the amount of 3.6 billion rubles. but it has not yet been determined who will be in charge. allocate budget funds. in the near future, i hope that understanding will be found and this issue will be closed. the questioning look of the head of state, of course, provoked the expectation of a more detailed dialogue on a given topic, but the press was not treated to such. it’s already clear that there will be housing, but
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living will be for those who put a spoke in the wheels under question. valery pekalev, by the way, told putin about the activity of the law enforcement unit at the customs office, which has already opened about 1,200 criminal cases. the head of the federal customs service spoke in detail. digital technologies into the work of customs, which will allow solving the task previously set by the president: to reduce the inspection time of cargo transport at the border to 10 minutes. a significant part of internal customs processes has already been transferred to digital format, most declarations are submitted electronically, and are actively used in technology auto-registration and auto-issue. and in general , we can say that about 90% of the total number of declarations are issued within 4 hours. the service is consistently expanding electronic interaction with supervisory services for... quote on building an intelligent customs office so that it is fast, convenient and efficient, because the main thing, as valery pekalev emphasized, is to create a comfortable environment for conducting honest business. nikita korzun, yulia letunovskaya, ntv. ursolaen today promised to turn
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the european union into a defense union. so, delivering a keynote speech in the european parliament, she convinced deputies to approve her in this position. roman sobol followed what was happening in strasbourg. the sum did not change from changing the places of the terms, although in the june elections in a number of countries, primarily in france and germany, the right-wing positions noticeably strengthened; in general, the majority of warm seats in the european parliament were retained by centrists, seasoned bureaucrats, led into unknown distances by
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the unsinkable ursula vonderen , and she has already announced her intention to use the next carte blanche given to her by gullible voters for the militarization of europe. we have a responsibility to do everything necessary to protect european citizens. now is the time to create a real european defense union. nato will remain the backbone of our collective defense, but we all know that our defense spending is too small and ineffective. we must spend more and we must create a comprehensive air defense system, the european air shield, not only to protect our airspace, but also as a symbol of european unity. in a keynote speech before her re-election for a second term, the head of the european commission accused russia of all its sins. moscow allegedly threatens europe with weapons, it is the russians who are transferring illegal migrants from africa and asia to the eu, and so on. this means we must fight russia to the bitter end with the hands of the ukrainians,
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supplying them with money and weapons for at least an eternity. ms. fondelien's speech was interrupted by romanian deputies, but the brewing scandal was quickly hushed up. the centrists now.
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russia is counting on europe and the west will weaken and some in europe will play along with it. the creative mission was a sign of weakness and humility. the head of the european commission was re-elected for a new term today. this means that europe will not abandon its extremely risky course. the opposition must learn a lesson: it is not enough to win elections, they must be able to manage the victory. what, for example, happened in france. at the first stage , the national association of jordan bordel and marine le pen achieved incredible success. president macron's party received half as many votes.
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the sea on the recording shows how they explode alone after another, it is noted that the sailors used fire weapons on duty . in the kherson region, russian military personnel destroyed an american self-propelled gun paladin, an artillery unit that was firing at our units from a position camouflaged in a forest belt was discovered by scouts, and a lancet unmanned aerial vehicle flew there and struck. these frames show how beikom detonated after the hit.
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ammunition fuel depots. behind the assault apu, as well as camouflaged firing points and sappers are steadily following the detachments that liberate populated areas from nationalists; they clear the land of unexploded ordnance. in the donetsk people's republic alone , about 30,000 hectares are still strewn with shells and landmines. in the territory. explosive technicians, as a rule, deploy heavy armored demining vehicles in front of them, which can easily withstand explosions
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of anti-personnel and even anti-tank mines. rostislav skidan reports from mariupol. be extremely careful, we start according to serial numbers with a ledge to the left. after how the technique goes. this parting word is consistent with what is given to our infantrymen before the assault on ukrainian positions. go to the forest plantation under the cover of a tank, clear the area, and gain a foothold on the enemy’s stronghold. only instead of weapons, our soldiers have metal detectors and a t-72 tank with a mine trawl instead of a cannon, just like russian sappers are clearing agricultural fields in the vicinity of mariupol from the military past. we are in the so-called gray zone of the line of combat contact of 2014-2016, where the two sides confronted each other in the beginning of another conflict. and although there has been no fighting in this square for 8 years, the echo of war still breaks through. 30 hectares are currently planned to be cleared, more than 3100 hectares, at the
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moment 650 hectares have been cleared in 2024, more than 650 hectares have already been cleared, more than 1.0 explosive objects have been found on these 650 hectares. engineering reconnaissance showed that the field is strewn with anti-personnel mines, for our engineers this is the main enemy, the first minor anti-personnel mine was discovered,2.
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tank mines are also found in this field, these are the consequences of the explosion on a tank mine, on an anti-tank mine, that is, well, yes, there are some traces, well, nothing significant, during 2 and a half years of work in the donetsk people's republic, our engineers also developed a good tradition: to visit the city once a month, with which all started with a charity visit, sappers are regulars at the mariupol blood transfusion station. mariupol today is one large, and very important, safe construction site. our sappers have finished demining the city, and now in their free time they help solve another acute problem, this is the shortage of donor blood. after the fighting , the population of mariupol has noticeably decreased, and the need for components remains at a high level, because blood from the local blood transfusion station is distributed throughout the donetsk people's republic.
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our military also replenishes the bank. it doesn't cost me anything to donate half a liter there. a small needle of blood, half a liter is not so much, it’s nice to do good deeds, in general, in principle, well, i help myself and other people, also for everyone who needs blood, who help is needed, we will help everyone as much as we can, the situation with components in mariupol can already be called stable, now we have enough supplies, because our regular donors have started to come more often.
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ntv company. donetsk people's republic. hundreds of volunteers daily sign contracts with the ministry of defense before heading into the special operation zone, under the supervision of experienced instructors, they undergo grueling training and combat coordination. according to the volunteers themselves, their main goal - bring russia's victory closer. the fighters are also motivated financially. in addition to the impressive salary, there are one-time federal payments upon signing an agreement with the ministry of defense, a raise. the regions from which military personnel are sent to the northern military district are also awarded. olga zenkova, from those who have decided for themselves, the most important thing now is to defend their homeland. fire at their targets. training ground in yekaterinburg. snipers who already have combat experience conduct intensive courses for beginners. soldiers who recently signed a contract will go to the northern military district zone to strengthen units
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groupings of troops-center. this is a lesson in firing in urban areas. pole! ready, say, work, and this is already in a forested area, a military guru businessman with invaluable experience, how to navigate the terrain and choose the right positions, ideally one target, one shot, the sniper must be a master of camouflage, somewhere open area, difficult camouflage, but accept any conditions, prepare maskhalats, leshi, we weave ourselves, camouflage ourselves on the object, with branches, grass, 50 m, destroy the enemy group, it’s hot for everyone deployments of the central military district, there are many who want to serve under a contract, because tactical training at training grounds is carried out continuously, fighters must be as prepared as possible for situations where danger lurks at every turn, in chelyabinsk the conditions of a training battle are fully close to real ones, let's return with victory , we
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are waiting for you more often. as soon as there is an opportunity to call, the path to combat coordination begins here, selection points for military service under contract are open in many cities, the airborne forces or special forces, we were preparing for this, and of course, i was involved in additional sports, that’s all, parachuting, diving, judo, i received a rank. algiz karimov has long since concluded a contract with the ministry of defense; he served in the northern military district in intelligence, and now advises those who want to go. along the same path, applicants have many questions: from legal ones, what documents to prepare, what benefits can they count on, to human ones, for example, how to overcome fear, what is the difference between a boy and a man? the boy is afraid and doesn’t do it, the man is afraid but does the best the main thing is to keep a cool head, everything unnecessary is thrown out of your head, there is a task that must be completed. over the past six months , 500
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sverdlovsk residents have joined the ranks of the russian armed forces. and the last role in this matter was played by monetary motivation. every contract worker can count not only on a decent salary, but also on one-time payments. they are both federal and regional. on june 15, in accordance with the decree of the government of the sverlovsk region, social benefits were increased from 100 to 400. this is a rarity, but the wife supported her husband’s decision. temporary, these are the meetings with his family now . we consider the northern military district as a point of growth for him, because in fact the position
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he occupies today is the commander of a regiment, 2.0 people subordinate, such a volume of work, information, responsibility in chelyabinsk, not everywhere you can just take and get such an experience. olga serves in the midbat and is sent to the esvo zone under a contract for the second time. i can’t leave anymore, i even feel guilty. i just went on vacation, i already feel something is wrong, that is i already want to go back, my soul is drawn there, what are you, you are needed there, you should be there, these are shots of the soldiers being sent to ugra, behind each of them is a backpack in which there is everything so that you don’t have to think about everyday little things, two sets of thermal underwear, a sleeping bag bag, tactical goggles, flask, dry fuel, everything was collected taking into account the wishes of the servicemen themselves. forward with fighting spirit, they are afraid of us. olga zenkova, artemy epifanov, valeria proskurikova, ntv television company. a new batch of humanitarian aid was delivered to a donbass clinic. cargo collected by the united russia party together with a charitable foundation. we don’t abandon our own and
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people are lighthouses. in particular , a neuromonitor, books, toys were brought to the lugansk republican children's hospital, and evl devices were delivered to the central regional hospital in the city of yasenovataya. the head of the humanitarian headquarters on kuznetsov spoke with the doctors. she noted the highest dedication. this is confirmed by the white house press service and clarifies there that the disease is mild and the president carries out his duties while on isolation in delaware at his residence. earlier, citing illness, biden abruptly canceled his speech at a conference in las vegas. everything was prepared, the presenter even announced the president’s entrance, but they waited for almost an hour.
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news that elon musk will sponsor donald trump's election campaign. biden wrote on social media. quote: i'm tired of elon musk and his rich cronies trying to buy this election. elon musk immediately responded: “i live for free in his head.” end of quote. them by now, the republicans are completing a three-day convention to support their leader donald trump after the assassination attempt , fellow party members came with bandages on their ears. now a short advertisement, later in our issue. call to defend the border. for the first time in 15 years, recruits
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undergoing conscription service were sent to the fsb. alexey chmataryov watched them go through the young fighter’s course. a fly in the ointment in strawberry jam. muscovites are outraged by high prices for berries. svetlana gordeeva figured out what the reason was. only at alfabank. spin the drum application and receive supercake up to 100% every month. and up to 30% in categories. guaranteed, if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha debit card, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable, synall, whoever leaves
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his mother is scared. without pity, pure, look at wing. business needs acceleration, open a current account on and transfer money to any bank instantly. we help vtb with action. symptoms of hemorrhoids can include pain, itching, and tightness. proctoglivinol can help relieve pain, inflammation and improve vascular tone. proctoglivino is your assistant in fight against hemorrhoids. the delicious calendar returns to a tasty point. we give 100% cashback every friday when paying with alfabank cards, i’ll rent an apartment on a daily basis, i’ll rent an apartment on a daily basis, i’ll rent an apartment on a daily basis, i’ll rent an apartment, i wanted to open a deposit at 18%, it turns out you can get it at 20%, it turns out that for money you have your own marketplace,
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financial services, financial marketplace. have time to connect megapower to unlimited before the end of summer, so that the internet does not end , there will be a jaga, the number one megaphone in terms of speed coverage, they will attack credit card debts, i’ll show you a couple of tricks, we collect all credit card debts for one holva, conveniently pay off them in 24 months, and don’t forget about purchases in installments, holva - simple installment plans, is it good when we’re together? together it’s even better, any
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to deliver orders and decide when to receive money, even every day, and i even manage this video, become a courier with yandex food, manage your income. moscow coffee shop on the fields, a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, the taste is a pleasure, i love it, i recommend it, what are the names of the goods for every day at low prices, goods that are in short supply, buy on ozone, pasta, shells. for 47 stars on weekends at 22:10 on ntv. this is the program today. we continue our release. in the kaliningrad region, conscript soldiers began to be trained again for service in the fsb border troops. for the last 15 years , only contract soldiers have been accepted into such units. but now after acceptance
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the corresponding federal one. where they learn the basics of the border service, and take the traditional course for a young soldier. the 7.62 mm kalashnikov machine gun is designed to destroy enemy firepower. even within the framework of fire training, there is still more theory about assembling and disassembling weapons in the classroom than shooting in a shooting range. the fsb border service is training the first conscripts in 15 years without haste, thoroughly protecting the borders of the homeland is apparently a routine service, but in reality there is constant readiness for any emergency situations,
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provocations and provocations. violators. one of the special elements of training, which is inherent in the training of recruits only in the border troops, is the study of the control strip; in general, there are several such methods of identifying border violators. but here everything is not so simple, now if the trace of this is clearly visible up close, but when you need to look at tens, or even hundreds of meters, then everything is not so obvious, attention and a trained eye definitely need to be trained, but those who are there have only a few weeks in there is already a conscript training center success in this matter too. i assume that the vessels were left 5-6 hours ago, even possibly more, and based on the signs it is clear that the traces were left in time. obviously dry up, the last conscripts left the ranks of the fsb border service in 2009, then only professional contract soldiers were left in border security. the resumption of conscription into the federal security service for recruits turned out to be a surprise, but a pleasant surprise;
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serving in the border service today is no less prestigious than in years past. it was unexpected, you regard it as i have great confidence state and honor, i regard this as great trust and... the city to represent the smolyan region as a border guard. impeccable health, excellent physical fitness, psychological stability, readiness to act effectively in any difficult situation, the requirements for conscripts are as high as before the suspension of conscription into the border service. discipline and combat training, endurance, all this is necessary to serve on the border. in addition to special training, border service conscripts learn how to live in a military way in everyday life, their service. not much different from the conditions of peers who were sent to the army. the beds in the arrangement should also be perfectly made, the uniform should be ironed and hemmed, the head should be cut short. after so many years of pause, the regional administration for the kaliningrad region is closely monitoring even how conscripts approach such routine
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duties. still, over 15 years, the moral and psychological qualities of young people, their motivation could have changed. so far it feels like it's in a positive direction. this a short time, we are very pleased to understand that the guys came charged, we see in their eyes.
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employees are provided with one-time payments, on behalf of the head of state, we will increase their size for those who move to work in new russian regions to 2 million rubles for doctors and, accordingly, up to 1 million rubles for paramedics, nurses and other mid-level medical specialists. the federal budget has allocated over a billion for these purposes, of which more than 350 million for the current year, a good incentive for prime ministers also stated that... the government will continue to support enterprises of the belgorod region and other entities that border the regions of donbass and novorossiya, in particular for local businesses, the opportunity to participate in preferential equipment leasing programs, receive grants and investment loans will remain. today, the ministry of digital development
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decided to reassure russians by saying that scammers cannot take possession of someone else’s real estate through a government service. some lawyers have said that such a possibility exists. denis joins us talalaev. denis, so what exactly protects the housing of russians through government services? the fact that, as the ministry of digital development says, this portal does not even have such a function as selling real estate? the ministry of digital development today denied the report that scammers can sell an apartment through public services without an owner. the ministry said so directly, they say, it’s a fake, because government services don’t have the functionality to allow it. to buy or sell real estate, on the portal, the numbers continue, you can only submit an application to the rosregistry for registration of property rights. and the decision to register with rosreestr is made , quote: after a thorough check of the grounds. earlier,
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real estate lawyer irina nigmatulina told newspaper ru that at the age of 22, any real estate transactions can be carried out remotely in a personal government services account using an electronic digital signature and without visiting a notary. and, according to her , scammers manage to take possession of a digital signature using social engineering, when the property owner himself provides data, for example, by hearing a voice in the telephone receiver calling...
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take part in the mandatory testing of artificial intelligence language models to determine what these models actually allow themselves to say? financial times sources say that it looks something like this: inspectors arrive with a list of questions, start asking them to the chatbot, and then announce that the company has passed the chatbot exam for... another question, and the chatbot from the aliba company
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answers, i haven’t learned how to answer this question yet . the russian stock market traded with losses almost the entire day today. survey, carried out by order of the central bank showed that inflation expectations of the population in july rose above 12%, and this is the maximum since january of this year, but by the evening investors, following the usual pattern, decided that the price had fallen, it was time to buy, they closed trading, the indices were already in a noticeable plus. the central bank has set the following official rates for tomorrow: dollar 87.88, euro 96.10. in russia, they have learned how to produce a flushable toilet paper tube, this was announced by the archbom tissu group, a subsidiary of the arkhangelsk pulp and paper mill. she releases toilet paper under the sofione brand. it is emphasized that the technology for producing a flushable sleeve has been developed. for the first time and did this with the participation of the testing center
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of the department of pulp, paper and wood chemical production of the northern arctic federal university. the following technical characteristics of the new development are reported: it dissolves in 7 seconds from the first rinse. flushable toilet paper disappeared from russian stores shortly after it began, after february 2020. the swedish company scity, which owns the zeva brand, then explained: “the bushing is produced in... in europe, and deliveries from there are impossible due to sanctions. last june, esity sold its russian business, while brandze is waiting for renaming, the russians are somewhere in they still find washable bushings on marketplaces. last summer , the ministry of industry and trade promised to solve the issue of producing washable bushings. well, you brought us good news, thank you. we'll get used to it now. thank you, denis. thank you. denis talalaev with an economic review, representatives of the berry
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union, there is one in russia, made disappointing forecasts: you shouldn’t expect the berries to become cheaper, this year there were overseas shortages, then they were replaced by abnormal heat, the result of this weather was a poor harvest, that’s why prices are even now they don’t fall during the peak berry season. nevertheless, you can always save money, for example, there is an option to temporarily get a job picking strawberries and get them for free. svetlana gordeeva studied and... berries associated with it labor market. sweet berries, but bitter prices. the long-awaited berry season. muscovites were not very happy. half a kilo. so, how much will this bucket cost? 800 rub. blueberry. 1.00 rub. bucket. at the beginning of the season, the cost of a kilogram of strawberries could reach up to 1.0 rubles. it was a little cheaper in tents, but even there the indignation of buyers sometimes took on bizarre forms. look, she sells strawberries to people. i just looked. 150 well, well, the news is 590 in her
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documents 590 well, 70 rubles so what’s wrong with the question why strawberries are worth their weight in gold experts they answer: there are many reasons: firstly, the weather this year was let down by the may frosts, which supposedly destroyed part of the berry and fruit harvest. all the flowers that were caught in these frosts disappeared, this greatly affected the harvest of berries, and i think that there will be very few apples this year, some regions, some gardens in our region have completely lost all their vigor. in addition, the very maintenance of berry plantations has become more expensive, the supply of everything needed for berry growing has become difficult, mostly these are still imported products, ranging from planting material, fertilizers, and finally, an increase in wages, however, producers assure that the selling price of berries has not increased significantly compared to last year, for example, here at one of the large breeding stations of dagestan they grow cherries, they say that the frightening numbers on the price tag - the work of the sellers, this year we have prices from 100 rubles and above, well
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, depending on the caliber, up to 130, but some larger ones cost 150 rubles. together with inspectors from the popular front. we walk through the retail outlets of the butyrsky district of the capital, we compare prices, check the availability of documents. well, here's a rotten strawberry 749 rubles. this is fine? no, of course not, of course, you will remove it, right? we move to a nearby store and are interested in cherries. you can look at the documents for these berries, you are interested in the berries specifically, after 20 minutes it turns out that the documents seem to be there, but somewhere else, for everyone. from the point of view of the safety of citizens, but nevertheless , yes, strawberries can grow in different conditions, on different soils, just like any food product, they can absorb that the environment in which it grows. high
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prices and the unknown origin of berries are increasingly forcing buyers to choose the format of working for food, that is, for berries. tatyana kireeva found out about the plantation near moscow. local newspapers, the conditions are simple: you come, pick berries, take a tenth as a reward, last time we came, there were four of us, we collected 10 boxes in 2 hours, we bought one box, one box was like 1:10 for us. it is not profitable to keep berry pickers on staff, the owner says, so that to take care of the beds, water, weed, fertilize, 10 people are enough, but to harvest the harvest you need at least 100 workers, so for more than a year now he has been inviting everyone , and it’s a benefit for him, and it’s a benefit for them, pensioners who, for example, can’t afford to buy a lot of strawberries, but want to freeze them there or feed them to their grandchildren, they can pick them here to the best of their abilities, earn these berries, but no matter how
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you twist them, it is clear that the summer price increase will come back to haunt consumers in the fall and winter, jams, jam, compotes, marshmallows, all this... will inevitably rise, we are still working on the old harvest, that is, we are still buying last year’s apples, they will only start producing apples at the end of september, so we don’t yet know what prices will be for the harvest, i think that 20 percent will be imitation. svetlana gordeeva, yana fedorishcheva, maria popova, stepan lesakovich, oleg gorkov, ntv. now there’s a short advertisement, that’s what we’ll talk about after it. give a mare, take an antler bath , shoot from a cannon, ethno-tourism is gaining momentum in russia, what is it and why are people increasingly choosing five-star hotels? choose yurta by the sea in the steppes? nakhitbaev went on a trip around the country. delicious
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calendar. returns to the tasty point. we give 100% cashback every friday when paying with alfa bank cards. does your business need acceleration? exactly. open a current account at and transfer money to any bank instantly. vtb. we help with action. if hemorrhoids, three active components of hepotrombin g immediately relieve pain. for two compressions, for three trials. capable of action immediately after use. d treatment of hemorrhoids in two or three times, one of my friends has the fastest mobile internet, cool video, how high the speed is, you haven’t connected it to 5g yet, although you better not need it, megaphone number one in terms of speed coverage, you’re still thinking about the ideal housing, it’s time to switch
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it’s not about heredity, it’s about what you you can pass it on to your child, become kindred spirits on уsanoviti.rf, national project demography. this is the program today. we continue our release. in russia it continues to break the record. domestic tourism has reached the point where it is necessary to book hotels in advance; the demand is so great; last year, for example, almost 80 million tourist trips were made, and this trend is only getting stronger. our country can offer holidays for every taste and clean beaches, picturesque mountains, and gastronomic tours, and it is becoming more and more popular ethnographic tourism. on the hit, babaev was convinced of this personally. tours. republic
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of bashkatastan - 400 km from ufa, baymaksky district, denis and his family moved here to the endless steppe several years ago, my family had horse owners, horse owners, at some stage this connection between generations was broken, but i followed the call of the soul. i undertook to revive and recreate all this; i wanted to share the silence, tranquility and beauty of nature, so denis began to develop ethnotourism. the bashkir yurt, well, the turkic yurt, it differs in that it has the shape of the wall is dome-shaped, that is , due to the fact that the bent elements, this is called uk, due to the bent element uk, our wall becomes a little higher, a smooth transition of the wall into... the roof, perhaps the most popular drink in bashkiria - kumys is a fermented milk product made from mares' milk. each horse produces
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4-5 liters of milk per day; usually on denis’s farm they use a special milking machine, but tourists are offered to do this manually, under the supervision of the guzel milk milker. here in bashkir you stand calmly. mare, by the way, her name is karagul, that is, black-eyed. thank you very much, it’s delicious, not cow’s, even, perhaps, tastier. while the milk on your lips hasn’t dried, let’s go make that same drink, kumiss. it’s important for me to preserve traditions, this is our cultural code, so i don’t really want to somehow change traditional technologies for... something else, you take a wooden barrel, pour milk into it, add starter, beat for several hours,
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almost all year round. is located for... one moment: in the belgorod region there is a military camp where the atmosphere has been recreated russian medieval fortress, to be honest, i somehow don’t fit in, now op, oh, it’s a completely different matter, by the way, i’m a sagittarius, what kind of fortress would be without a forge, hello,
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blacksmith, good afternoon, i need bullets, can i? the process must be admittedly not complicated and fast: i melted the forge, brought the temperature to 250°, melted the tin and poured it into the bullet gun, here is a bullet for my musket, let's go beat the enemy, what patrolling looked like, they also show, tell and even offer to try yourself in the role defender of the earth russian, defense tree of the earthen rampart, forward, forward, forward, forward, straight forward, archery, there. shooting from much more deadly weapons, guns in the middle of the 16th century were closed screaming, and the krestinenko family usually spent weekends and vacations at sea, this time they decided to plunge into history, useful for both themselves and their children. this is important, it’s interesting, it’s educational, it’s not all about lying on a beach somewhere, mental
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activity, neural connections, it’s very interesting. among the top ethno-tourism destinations are the vologda region, the caucasus, karelia and altai. morals are red deer. no, not because of the pedigree, that’s the name of the species. for local peoples, they are the main animal; they are bred instead of cows. antlers are of great value. here they are, unossified horns. they are usually cut from adults. they must be at least 2 years old, males only. the horns contain biological substances that have healing properties. they were discovered by local residents several centuries ago. modern doctors agree with the ancient doctors. research has shown that antlers contain more than 80 useful substances, amino acids, peptides, leptids. how is this procedure useful? firstly, it strengthens
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the immune system, also strengthens bones, but... helps hair growth, in addition, it relieves inflammation, but helps potency. tourists from all over the world come here to admire the views and take a bath. the antlers are cut into thin layers and boiled. another method of treatment is steamed antlers. also, some grind antlers into minced meat and prepare dumplings, but you shouldn’t overeat, it’s harmful. in altai you can try not only a dish made from deer antlers. today we will prepare medallions from the maral tenderloin with fresh asparagus, we will fry it, and it will be bourbon, we will burn it, we will deliciously deglaze it all, we will serve it in two sauces. what is the use of moral meat? firstly, it is considered dietary, secondly, it reduces cholesterol, and thirdly, it helps remove harmful substances from the body. it seems that history and geography itself
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suggest how to develop tourism in russia, because in our country there live about 200 peoples with a unique culture, way of life, traditions and customs. nakhit babaev, natalya levchenkov, alexander belyaev, anton molokoedov, ilya poleychuk and stanislav bagomaz, ntv, belgorod region, republic of bashkartastan and altai. than to travel around russia, time to find out the weather forecast, in our weather studio evgenia neronskaya, zhen, today it’s noticeably fresher on the street, we’ve had such a break from the heat for a long time, yes, the time of heat has passed, the time of rain has come, but this won’t last long, just a little a cool pause in the very middle of summer, it was brought to us by cold atmospheric fronts, so far there have been no heavy
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downpours, the most important thing is ahead, on friday rains and thunderstorms... will be throughout the center, and the heaviest will fall in the vladimir, kostroma, ivanovo regions and the temperature will drop to 23. in chernozem it is still 25:30 and short but stormy rains. by evening the cloud fields will reach the banks of the volga, but the main precipitation here will be on saturday, and tomorrow there will be another 28 sunny days in nizhny novgorod. in the south there is plenty of sunshine, here there is real african heat. in krasnodar the temperature is higher than in cairo and there are no changes yet, in sevastopol it is also 34, in sochi - 31. and in the baltic resorts the weather is close to ideal, but kaliningrad +23, at least without precipitation. and from pskov to veliky novgorod this weekend will be marked by rain. about the weather. in the capitals a little later. nail fungus makes it difficult to put on summer shoes. mizol evalar will not let you ruin your summer. mizol is the most beneficial medicine for nail fungus. new. mizol in
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the largest package, even larger and more affordable. what is the best medicine for nail fungus? misola valar is up to 50% more profitable. new. mizol in a large package of 50 ml, even more. better price. misola valar - treatment of fungus without overpayments. in st. petersburg, rain is only +21. in moscow tomorrow there will also be rain, thunderstorms, and 22:24. at the weekend the sun will appear again, with short rains, all this against the backdrop of a rather comfortable 24-25°. everything we love. thank you, zhen. evgenia ironskaya with weather forecast. these are the main news at this hour. and we, elmiraeva and vladimir. but boss, we say goodbye to you, see you, goodbye, it’s me here, i’ve come, i’m at your door,
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look through the peephole, what should you do with yourself? switch to vodka forgetting helps and destroys faster. when he left the city, i thought that it was all over, and now he’s very close, i ’m very scared, yesterday i ran away from work,
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today i couldn’t go outside, i’m scared, he’ll kill me, don’t worry, no one will kill you, i promised to protect you and i will do it, why should you be put outside, because everything has its time, i don’t have this time, i ask you, calm down, you just need to rest. "no, please don't leave, don't leave, really, everything will be fine, and don't drink, please, i’ll call, close the doors, he’ll kill me, everything will be fine, okay, fine, but how is my missus here without me, mm, yesterday i went to see her at the foundation, i didn’t find her”? how is she here without me? took it off apartment in the center. under surveillance? of course, we control every step.


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