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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-13  NTV  July 19, 2024 4:55am-5:41am MSK

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yes, i'm waiting, no, don't come now. “i
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’ll do everything myself, there’s no getting around it, she needs her, we need money, besides, we’ve protected ourselves from stupid tricks, that’s it , stop chattering, lights out.
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slava, get up, it’s already nine, get up, okay, nine, you overslept, or what, get up, wolves, is it possible, is it possible to not go anywhere for at least one day, just hang around with you, do nothing, i’ve been going without a break for 2 years, maybe i should quit somewhere, you know, on my salary, it’s unlikely that you and i are together ? let's live, let's go where, you don't know anything else but how to be. i’m a cop, and i’m a trainee, i learn quickly, what, for example, can you learn, i’ll go sell shawarma, no, you know, it’s better to be a cop, but... so, that’s it, here, you have exactly 2
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minutes to do all this eat and go to your favorite job, which you love immensely, you don’t use it for anything anymore, that’s it, come on, that’s it, let’s get up, i’m getting up, so, oh, let’s have breakfast, i’ll grab something at work, otherwise they’ll tear me up , it’s just that you’ll have to come up with something, oh, now, it’s... for you, your work starts with a corpse, and for me, whatever one may say, in 9:30 like a bayonet, that's it, that's it, i ran, come on, i'm not going anywhere for you all,
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on the day of the engagement, the future groom, having secured the consent of the bride's grandfather, presents the chosen one with a ring, and then in front of witnesses asks: take this away, why do you need this old fart i need it, in a couple of years i will become a professional and start earning money. make money in a couple of years, vanechka, i’ll be 30, and for a movie actress that’s too much, that means you, because you know that a career is the main thing for me, that means you need this daddy for your career, yeah, yeah, just you do not worry, this won’t affect our relationship in any way, marriage is marriage, let’s go, otherwise grandpa will return soon. oh,
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hello, oleg georgievich, hello, where are the rest? looks like he fell out of the window, great, i look at it more from a philosophical point of view, the main thing is that there is work, eat, thank you, the rebellious orecto was caught, remind me, it’s great, what kind of pigsty is here, and why is it so late, traffic jams, you have
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to take one stop on the metro, only on the third train, but not empty-handed, we have pipes, so why, it seems, fell out of the window, it’s clear. nicole, take it, if it’s not too difficult, you’ll leave this matter to yourself, oh, thank you, oleg georgievich, you’re welcome, i’m with you, oh, all we had to do was confirm death, we came to answer the call, he did. lay there and you didn’t touch it? why touch him? checked the pulse, there was no pulse, we are still needed here, go and write down their data, what do you have? hold it, they found it in his inside pocket, no documents, okay, great,
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great, whose apartment is it? i think they'll bring the owner in now, familiar shot? no, not ours, why did i think it was from this apartment? bad, why bad? you see how low the window sill is, you can easily roll over, and often they keep the windows open here, yes, it’s old sunny, god, who did all this, but draw up an identification report, conduct an interview, okay, listen, i think that’s all... it was
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an accident, i would have thought so too, if it weren’t for this mess, georgievich, come here to help me. mine was heavier and older, opana, glory, what is it, a corpse, not the same one, it’s like, it’s like that, the one that lies downstairs didn’t rent my
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apartment, so we’ll wait for the one who i filmed it, so let’s go to semyono and see what’s on his mind until the conclusion gives, okay, nothing? i understand that you can’t cope without me, there is work, hello, hello, let’s go, excuse me, how long can you wait, as long as you need, oh. we really need your conclusion, we just don’t understand how to qualify, they will do it and don’t really want to excite, but apparently, it will be 105. death occurred as a result of a fall from a height, the nature of the injuries leaves no doubt, but before his death he received very
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strong blow to the face, stunned, thrown off, of course, the blow was very strong and painful. hmm, a pipe, a stick, perhaps both, there was no one, okay, cyrus, come on.
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i haven’t looked, there hasn’t been time yet, let’s take a look, come on, where, well, well, wow, well, this is interesting, of course, but how can we attribute all this to the case, you know? what , let's take a closer look at this recording at home, wait, well, unwind it further, it's over,
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only 2 minutes of recording, listen, i understand who it is, it's an actress, yeah, and quite a talented actress, no, i mean that i i saw her somewhere, she acted in the theater plays, what about her, well, you should know, there aren’t many actresses, daria rebenina, no, i don’t know, but judging by the photograph, the girl is apparently famous. blackmailed? look, no, this is a good option, but in my opinion she was not alone. well, actually, they should have taken that recording, but why do we have it? yes, because this is a fragment of the film, to prove that they have the full version. okay, let's go home. as my favorite movie heroine said, we'll work on it tomorrow. come on, come on, and i’ll take a closer look at the recording. there were some suspicious moments. rydanov, i told you, go home. are you thinking about work again?
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no, what about it then? and you, brusha? no, but i 've never been married, never even thought about it. now i’m suddenly thinking, volkov, do you want to marry me? yes, when was the last time you went somewhere? the guys and i went on a prize-winning, fishing trip, caught fish, yes, fish, more like vodka, no, i’m seriously talking about a real trip, are you with me? in greenland, but it’s work, you
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understand everything yourself, okay, tomorrow i’ll talk to georgivich about the vacation, we agreed, agreed, please count, hello, good afternoon. why didn’t you leave here, or what? yes, i filled out papers until 4 in the morning, didn’t go to bed at all, yeah, the woman, and they can ask for coffee, okay, i’ll bring it now, thank you, let me give you some, thank you very much, look, please, he looks similar, only he’s younger here , was he the one who rented your apartment? well, yes, it’s been a day, since he didn’t
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show up, it means he’ll show up, the day is over. who is this? a certain kustov, who served 2 years for pornography. oh, grandma, is this laptop yours? no, but i thought you brought it? have to involve in the matter. drink, drink, tea, i just made a charlotte. the owner identified kustov. it was he who rented the apartment, yeah, and i from the criminologists, the prints are like dirt, the grandmother rented out the apartment every day, well, yes, there are policemen and military men and criminals, so have fun, listen, i was looking for information here, in which theater rebinina works , i accidentally came across some very interesting information, i’ll read it now, this is how a young
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talented actress told the editors of the magazine her engagement with one of the richest influential... hello, hello, please tell me, how long will the performance
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end? well, you can hear the applause right now. oh, how soon will the actors come out? well, who cares, and then they leave through the service entrance here, this is to the right, thank you very much, hello, please, thank you, you are so beautiful, thank you, thank you very much, please, hello, vanya, what are you doing?
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invoice please, hello!
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dmitro, i didn’t go down to get him, but you didn’t see what he handed over, no, something small, well, small, what? gives it away a little listen, but by the car number i established the identity, a certain shindin viktor germanovich, please, a private detective, this is already something, so, drisa is going to marry one, and shasha does not drive with another, who uses the services of a private detective, listen, this smells like the fsb a mile away, apparently it’s also with me, i’ll have to meet with him, oh, can i, can’t, i’m sitting here myself, why did i dig up all this, because you’re a particularly valuable employee. i ’ll take the new one with me, but am i not valuable or something, look at yourself in the mirror, you pig, and besides, he’s still strong, and this is very useful when meeting with former security officers, young man, can i talk to you for a minute, the criminal is bothering me, show me your id, please,
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let’s go through, let’s go through and sit down in this cozy chair, show him the pictures, yesterday you met with this person, i i don’t date men, what did you tell him, this is the first time i’ve seen this man, i don’t know what his name is. so are you because of this? oh, my god, i threw away 15 pieces of equipment, so you’d better cooperate with us, but you have... i don’t have anything, what are you talking about, oh attack on a police officer, by the way, we were on duty, i didn’t know that you were from the police, andryukh, so go ahead and go to the tram station, record everything, now for attacking
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police officers, you know what happens, you get a five-year sentence, 5 years, i saw what a big hematoma i have, okay, what do you want from me, questions have been asked, what is his name and what did you give him? ivan completely lost his head over this actress, he went crazy, at first he asked to keep an eye on her, and then to get a conversation on his cell phone, but this is illegal, in this life the most interesting, either harmful or illegal, where did you get these recordings? don't ask stupid questions. as if you don’t know what sorm is and how conversations are wiretapped, we do this by court order, but not everyone in the authorities is so principled, some are interested in money,
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believe me, for a certain amount the recordings will be brought to your home, in principle i i’ve been doing this, he’s been taking care of this for a long time, about a month and a half, well, how did the rumor spread that she was going to marry this cool... he’s still young, and this actress is twirling him like wants, but he just prostrates himself in front of her, take off the bracelets, for angelika varum’s ten-fifth anniversary on ntv. this is the fifth okutins forum and today we are performing the songs of angelika varuch. big holo
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concert. sounds of the night, autumn jazz, dance with me one last time. lord, the white one is taking off. in the sky of my stars from yours take me with you for you this is all for you goala concert in honor of angelika varum today at 23:40 you are the best on ntv.
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oh, well, are there any results? yes, ivan yaroshch studies at the institute of physical education and does martial arts. by the way, where is this detective you detained? they released him, he promised to cooperate.
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hello, thank you, i found prints, understood, go to the other side, well, ivan, i agree, to be honest, on the record, i have nothing to hide, i didn’t do anything wrong, well, of course, of course, only your prints were found on the frame the window from which a certain citizen grigoriev fell and crashed to death, i was in this apartment, i saw a corpse on the roof of the car, and you see how interesting it is. what was he doing in that apartment? overheard daria's conversation with the blackmailer, he offered her buy some cassette with some film that supposedly somehow compromises dasha, but how does he compromise her? well, he said
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all sorts of nasty things about her. is the film pornographic? calm down, calm down, van, learn to face the truth. how did daria react to the blackmailer’s words? she agreed to pay. yes. next, they agreed to meet, i went first to take the tape. did she know that you were cooperating? of course not. i went into the apartment, the door was open. there was no one in the apartment, i saw the window open, came up and already i saw a dead man. i quickly searched everything, didn’t find anything, got ready to leave, and you know that she’s getting married, but she needs this for her career as an actress, there ’s no way without a patron in the arts, but darya only loves me, andryukh, let’s go, she needs to be with an actress ours to say goodbye, let's go.
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grandpa, i’ll open the door, hello, good afternoon, good afternoon, daria, yes, who are you, very nice, we’re from the police, come in, thank you, why did you come, gentlemen, good afternoon. we need to ask a few questions to dara rebinina. who is she to you? she's my granddaughter dasha. grandpa, you go to the doctor, otherwise you’ll be late, come on in. everything is fine. daria, can you guess why we came? i think yes.
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well, okay, then let's not go around until too long, but do you know who is blackmailing you? that's the thing, i don't know. you see, there is one film in which i once starred out of stupidity. but we understand, it was porn, yes, porn, the director of the film was a certain kustov, the film was never finished, he was arrested, then tried, all this time i thought that this damn film was missing, but the other day i a man called, kustov, not kustov, the voice was not the same, said that he had the film and offered to buy it, yeah, expensive, very expensive, and you
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agreed? of course, right away, we agreed with him the next day, i took the money to the indicated place, and then you know, the police, the corpse, tell me, did you find the film? yes, daria, we found a disk with fragments of this film from the deceased grigoriev, and why did you watch it? okay, fragments? well, where is the whole cassette? well, do you understand that it can spread and end up on the internet? we won’t save her from the internet, but if he tries to sell the disc, they won’t pay much for it, he’s just been released, he has no money, no housing, the blackmail story failed, at least he wants to fuck something,
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who can he sell it to? , who? is engaged in the production of parnukha now, hmm, are you not considering another option, which is that she herself hired a killer so that grigoriev would be thrown out of the window, she has had the materials for a long time, she is just fooling us, akustov, running around the city and is afraid of becoming the next victim, let's go on foot, everything can be, well an interesting version, but there is another one, which is this fighter of yours, ivan, he threw the guy out of the window, and why didn’t he find the tape, maybe he took the full version of the film? why does he need her? would he have given her away with rebinina a long time ago? you are a romantic person, nikal, but now he can do whatever you want, blackmail, relatively speaking, he will want her to leave this daddy, leave him, marry him, well, in general, the grandmother said all the versions in two, you can fantasize as much as you like , we need to work on them, nicole, find out who kustov he could sell the tape, if, of course, he had it. to go away from the pre-trial detention center of a murder suspect,
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don’t you think that this is too bold, but there is very little material for the trial, in fact there are only prints from the crime scene, that is, you think he can say that he filmed the case will fall apart, well, press it, but he guests, the lawyer will get hooked on this then the apartment earlier or visited someone from him firmly stands on the fact that he is not guilty, well, under your personal responsibility, oleg georgievich. well, is the boss no longer pressing? yes, i seem to have become calmer, but you i saw it myself, we work day and night, we solve cases, we don’t ask for money, we don’t ask anymore, oh, my heart feels, if we don’t
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solve this case, and this is possible, then they won’t get off us, but we will take it, solve it, where ours didn’t disappear, and by the way, i met with kefirich here, oh well, and what did he say, but somehow it wasn’t all about that, well, he lives in the country, he says everything is fine. he handed over a jar of pickled cucumbers, remembered us, well, how come, we worked together for so many years, well, he asked to keep him informed, not to forget about things, well, he loves this, you know, i’m here i thought, in life, probably, everything should be, and such a boss as firsov, like gorodovik, as they say, we will conquer new heights, after all, after all, firsov felt sorry for us, talked like with children, you can’t spoil it, yes, you won’t let yourself get away with it, it doesn’t seem to meddle much in business, it just doesn’t concern you much, and i report to him for every step, so every time i tell you, be careful, kefiritch, why kefir, a liter for two, otherwise didn’t let go, oh, old school, don’t say hello, it’s me, okay, i’m ready
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buy a movie? yes, i’m ready, but i’m not sure that you have the film, besides, your voice has somehow changed, how can you prove it to me, i’m an actress, i’m not going to prove anything. it’s clear, i sent the dude from the fifth floor to fly for the sake of this cassette, if you don’t know, of course, so if you don’t buy it, then someone else will buy it, right, wait, where should i bring the money? oh, now you’re smart, so you’ll put the money in the storage room at the bus station, cell number 24, i figured it out, if there’s money by the evening, then go there too i’ll put the camera on the film, understand? i understand, let me have more. will confirm, no, well, you really understood, for sure, damn it, i can’t stand it when aunts are scammed, well, well, okay, i think that
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she is not guilty after all, or is too smart, so, keys, wallet with money , 15.6 rub. metro ticket, card. passport, yellow metal chain, watch, chewing gum with three records, here you go, here, please sign where, like this, and for me too in the magazine, that’s all. free, that when you go on vacation from 15,
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what time should you negotiate? daily at 20:00, uh-huh, if he’s late, you’ll wait, actually, this is not in my rules, you’ll have to make an exception for us, well, what’s the point of sitting here until the morning, or what? there’s no need to sit until the morning, if he doesn’t come, you’ll go home, we won’t marinate, okay, let’s go. hello, where can i find sergei pryankin? they told me he's around here somewhere, the casting girl won't be there today, is that okay? it’s possible, it’s possible, if you’re careful, you ’re late, come sit down, the casting was 2 days ago, how did it end, who sent you?
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department of internal affairs for st. petersburg. wow, that's it, well then we can conduct additional casting. let's avoid these jokes. will you have some cognac? no. thank you, i’m driving the service, yeah, i won’t refuse some green tea, we’ll organize it now, no problem. everything is fine, normal, you think he’ll buy it, yes, it’s edited well, he’s already bought it, the cop’s voice doesn’t recognize it, it shouldn’t.
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don’t huddle, don’t huddle, just wait, the bus station has rushed, don’t go to grandma, of course you called. he told me that he has this disk. by the way, now he should bring it here. why do you need him? it was pearl in the collection our celebrities. what else is there? my friend, it’s been a long time since i’ve seen you, sit down. a good joke, considering that i served 2 years. meet nicole. very nice. well, at least you pull the horse, or let’s start first. at first it was all about... cognac, come on, here's the disc,
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the film has already been edited, you can shoot it a little and release it as a separate project, as much as you can give, well, my friend, you have to watch it, let's watch it, what are you talking about, she's arrived. the money is in the box, if the money is real, then apparently they are not to blame. there he is
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came, apparently we made a mistake with him, he probably doesn’t have a cassette, so it’s necessary. no, let’s finish the operation, we’ll see, igor, attention, well , look, everything is fine here, there’s even a plot, well, yes, well, yes, in our times, this is even a luxury, listen, let me give you this disc for free , didn't understand. and you will give me a job, you understand, this is a hard
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time for me, buddy, i heard that you had some kind of story with grigoriev, but i didn’t kill him, that’s how it was, i’m standing downstairs on the street with this disk , and he told me grigoriev i have to call and say, well, everything is fine, i’m standing there, then he falls head-first onto someone’s car, well, actually, i think it’s for dad.” she knocked, ah-ah-ah-ay-ay, put the bag down, you bastard! no,
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i have no complaints against you, but for now you well, listen, guy, you’re not bad, you haven’t solved the problems with the cops, think about it yourself, how will i take you? how do i solve these problems, they pin murder on me, the cops don’t care, the main thing for them is to assign someone to blame , what stupid guys you are. what, i didn’t understand, give him the handcuffs, thank you, detective of the homicide department, junior lieutenant yegorkina, put it on, you are suspected of murder, so get out.
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how did you find out about the camera? answer me, i ’m asking you, was your phone tapped, that you listened to my phone conversations? dasha, listen, no, listen to me, cretin. guys, let's sort things out somewhere else. in general, where did you get the idea that you could interfere in my personal life? i wanted to protect you. did you want to protect me? so. you're just a moron. come on, calm down. do you even understand what you have done? where now it’s a cassette, now anyone can watch it, you’re worried about your daddy, yes vanechka, i’m worried about your daddy, with this daddy, how you’re growing up, i want to live a long happy life, so that’s what you were afraid of most, come on come on, let's go,
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sit down, please. hematomas formed as a result of a blow from a hard object, nothing, the guy is healthy, he’ll survive, actually i’m talking about grigoriev, the anatomist’s conclusion, the mark from the blow of the cane is identical to the fatal injury received by grigoriev , finally, it took you a long time to figure me out, but i didn’t throw that bastard out of the window. wait, wait, can’t we do everything in order? well, we can do it in order. dashenka trusted me in everything, she had no secrets from me, so i accidentally overheard her conversation, from the conversation i realized that she
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was being blackmailed, she wrote down the address where the money should be taken, she wrote down the notebook. what are you doing, grandfather, i took it, you granddaughter forgot that your grandfather served in intelligence, the address that you wrote down in the notebook was imprinted on the bottom sheet, and then i carefully rubbed the sheet with a stylus and read it, went there, he demanded a film from the blackmailer, and he got into a fight, so i... hit him hard with a cane, but he turned out to be a weakling bastard, he started to fall, apparently he lost consciousness, but i wanted to catch him, but i didn’t have time, that’s his leg failed and he fell out of the open window, just like that, he got his, grandfather, what are you saying, it
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’s not true, it’s true, it’s true, i regret one thing, that this damn film is not... the one you have, as i understand it, not real, not real, but we also found the real one, yes, they will now bring her here, along with that person, who blackmailed you, wow, then you can go to jail, no big deal. tell me, what will happen now? with whom? with whom? with my grandfather, of course, there will be a trial, perhaps they will give a suspended sentence, right? we'll see how it goes? thank you very much, goodbye, goodbye, all the best.


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