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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-13  NTV  July 19, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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open window, just like that, got it, grandfather, then what are you saying, it’s not true, it’s true, it’s true, i regret one thing, that i didn’t find that damn film, the one you have, as i understand it, is not real, not real, but we also found the real one, yes, they will now bring her here, along with the person who... blackmailed you, wow, well then you can go to jail, it’s not scary, tell me, what will happen now, with whom, with who, with the grandfather, of course, there will be a trial, perhaps, perhaps they will give a suspended sentence, though, yeah. it
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will work out, thank you very much, goodbye, goodbye, all the best, i signed up, well, you need such passions, oh, vanyok, but now remember for the rest of your life that you don’t need to deal with actresses, okay, bye boys, bye girls, come on, see you tomorrow, listen , and i’m glad that we unraveled this sticky case, i’m listening,
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at my own expense, what did you all agree on, go to hell, who will work, i heard, no, well then what, they’ll let me go, i’m the most irreplaceable he’s a valuable worker, they’ll do whatever you want for me, yes, so no problem. gashan!
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shura, you're handsome, maybe some let's give the chicks a ride, of course the car is gorgeous, it'll give us a ride on the weekend, koshan, shut up, and because of your talkativeness, we're the first cop. they will accept, yes, friend, peace, yes, we were a little late here, but we’ll drive straight to the house, yes, yeah, what did you hear, vain devil, it’s better to help, listen, let’s hang up, we’ll be there soon, gasham, can you smell the stink? listen,
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something really stinks, oh, san, what is this, ah, san, let's go. we saw a car with open trunks and approached, and there was a corpse, he is completely important until he arrives at my department, there we will take him under custody again your guardianship, mm. the cause of death is clear
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, the cause of death is that there is a hole in the head, well , in general, yes, simbirtsev, viktor dmitrievich , born in the seventieth year, large podiyacheskaya 40, apartment 17. listen, there are also documents for the car and insurance in his name, come on, as well as the keys, apparently there is no apartment, no cell phone and no money, when death occurred, three days ago, 3 days, and no one could find the corpse, this is the country, oh, come on quickly, tell me what you have, what i have, lived alone, family didn't have an apartment.
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one freak cut me off on the road and almost lost his life i said goodbye, had to follow him and tell him about his rights. i hope the guy is okay. i have some business, sit down and write. and i’m going to gorodikov. come on, what the hell is this? are they completely crazy in moscow? you're already talking about moscow, are they? you know, lyosh, i think i’m beginning to understand why behind the walls of the moscow headquarters, behind our backs, they call us idiots. you see, this didn’t happen with us. yes it was, no, but it was something else, in fact, i think that the initiative comes from somewhere above, even those who grub us didn’t think of it, i think it was someone in the administration, or maybe he blurted out something himself, and the rest took it under
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the sun, well, okay, there was a story with cossack patrols, but then there was one problem from them, the main pain, no benefit, but now even... a song, only without the cossacks, it goes under the banner of the revival of traditions, but where will i take the people, to these voluntary squads, from office centers, or what? i don’t know anything, i’m trying to get out of it myself, and then i can’t understand why this experiment needs to be carried out on my land, that there’s no smaller land found? no, it’s yours, because everything is noticeable, the others won’t suffer, and in a month another... i don’t understand, do you want me to ruin everything? no, look what i need, materials for the report to the top, reports on man-hours, for example, and a story on television, well, like it was with the cossacks, yeah,
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well, these cossacks have never been seen except on television, they exist or not, no one cares, the main thing is that everything is on... tv, glasnost, the last goose hanged itself in the refrigerator, just like at my house, so you get yourself a wife, it will be for you fry cutlets, oh, you often eat cutlets here, but you just eat noodles , that’s for lunch, and cutlets for dinner, look, this is a new thing, it seems the murdered man didn’t have a phone, then we’ll take it away, come on, maybe the identification number will give something? an order came from above to create voluntary people's squads at the department from citizens who are ready to participate in restoring order, it's like in the old days, like the dnd used to be, or something, then it was
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a pain in the ass, they'll run away from the machines to school stadium to ferment for a salary, bosses believes that old experience is sometimes very useful. without the help of the population, we cannot achieve good results in the fight against crime, it will free us from our main work, well, valya georgievich, don’t ask such incorrect questions, please, yes, believe me, it wasn’t me who came up with this, and it’s not even general merzlyakin, this initiative is underway from the very top, so what we want or don’t want, we have to do, but i don’t know, maybe... maybe the district police will suggest something, ask them, how will it be organized? it will be organized like this: each department will be on duty throughout the week and, as the toughest one, will start our department of serious and especially serious cases, is the task clear? no, comrade colonel,
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do it, well, just wait a week. well, who's going to go, guys, oh, here's a new arrival, let him deal with this matter, what, what's the problem? your friend asked why you don’t want to get involved in the voluntary people’s squad, you don’t have the slightest desire, don’t wait, that is, there are killers on the side, but everyone is patrolling the streets, well, not all of us, so georgivich, in my opinion you didn’t count anyone, even don’t you dare say, i won’t go there, and they will give you time off, i ran away, well, when all this starts, today, yes, kir, well, i said, well, turn it off, now give me the forest and a pen. yes, i'm writing down who owns the sim card? oh, then he will go on duty today,
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and these are the people who know right, come on, happily, thank you, let me go, but someone has to do this, oops, alone in the evening, but actually i wanted to turn to the men with a request , in order to free nicole, yes, i can handle it, i can handle it, well then you will have to organize people and give them instructions. instructions, uh-huh, what do you care? they pulled, i can’t understand, i just need to go talk to the person, i could do it myself, no, georgivich is right, a normal person with a stolen phone won’t walk around, seriously, i beg you, i hit him in the baht, he’s not listed , he works here as an admin, well, the phone whistled, whistled, like that, maybe it whistled, or maybe it was already stolen? this is brother, this is the case, okay, let's go, oh, hello, hello, and
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this is you from the online store, not quite, as if, not quite at all, let's talk, well i have a mobile phone, yes, show me. i used it, used it, well, where will the guy say now, probably someone from his hands, why is there a kiosk at the metro station , they repair used phones, they sell them, and i thought you were going to say now that the guy has a friend, but what about you, so without a guarantee, it’s not scary why without guarantees, i can change it for 2 weeks in the same boat, but how will you prove it for 2 weeks? i have a check , you carry it with you very well, so great, we’re just happy well, let’s go, donarka, let’s go for a walk, well , let’s go, let’s go, don’t be shy, come on, come on,
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hello, it’s broken or something, they took it from you, well, yes, if you have a receipt, then it’s from me, and where did you get this phone from, who brought it, and all sorts of different ones, he also brought his phone. i left the cost offset, so why don’t you keep any records? yes , we don’t keep any records, it’s a pity, that means you’ll have to come with us, wait, where are you going, what do you want to show me? buying up stolen goods, but what's the maximum? haven't you looked at what department we're from? yes, i only managed to read the name, because of the murder investigation, it’s you what, they took him dead, or what? yes, this citizen sold you the phone number of the murdered citizen sembirtsev, right? wait, if i tell you who brought it, let me go, my memory is clear, mischief has come,
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dear citizens, the activists of our district have gathered here on a very important issue, i am lieutenant yegorkina, and i will lead our squad, what is she saying, speak up louder, he doesn’t hear well, yes, okay, friends, what we see on the streets of our city every day is chaos, that’s right, they rape, they kill, stalin is not there. the police are trying with this fight, but there are not enough hands for everything. we need your help. therefore, the city leadership decided to once again revive the detachments of the voluntary people's squad. they did the right thing, it’s long overdue. i remember podelni. just wait, we’ll take you to sharmanka again for half an hour, like the good old days. yes, only on a new legal basis. these units will patrol at night and into the evening. look for places where crimes are happening, they will give us weapons, yeah,
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just give them to you, there will be no one left in the area, they will not give you weapons, but they will always be with you there is one of the full-time police officers, today i, my daughter, and if we really are hooligans of this, well, we meet, we will detain him, we, or rather, i will detain him, but of course, sasha brought his skullcap, and where did he get it , i didn’t ask him, sasha yarmulka, who is he? yes, we have one scumbag in the area, his name is sasha, and the elders call him a yarmulke, but at least what color he is, well, he’s a chepach or something, that is, you don’t disdain stolen goods, right? when they bring me handset phones, i don’t ask whether they are stolen or not, there is no sign on them it says boy, where can i find him? yes , i don’t know where to look for him, i don’t have any business with him, it’s a pity.
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oh, what is he doing, here it is, crime, grandfather, what are you talking about, we don’t even drink beer, what? he says, they don’t even drink beer, ugh, he’s an old stump, leave him alone from the youth, he did what he did when he was young, stand there, but hold him, let’s hurry up, hold him! and you’ll answer me for the bag, you idiot, you’ve been detained for theft of property, so let’s go to the department to register, let’s go with you, otherwise, thank you, we’ll figure it out ourselves, there they are,
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oh, “come quickly, what i said, today evening showed us how our city is rich in scoundrels, how we can fight this on our own, so tomorrow at the appointed time, in the appointed place, we said, stalin is not there, what are you, deaf or something, after all , this telephone technician should have been brought to us, well, they would have detained him for a couple of days, he would have served time in the air force, they would have released him like..." georgivich, i was talking with the guys who are involved in thefts, they they know him, this is alexander ermolov, there is a vase, he is not in the database, but it is known that he is a pickpocket, he has just never been caught. wait, you are now talking about alexander yakovleevich ermulov , born in 1990, well, i don’t know what year he was born, well, he’s sitting in our temporary detention center, he snatched my bag yesterday, what are you talking about, listen, the duty officer
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told me , that you dragged someone at night, did you drag him, wait, who? lyosh, listen, compare the prints, yes, they match, great, thank you, no problem, well, this is lawlessness, lawlessness - it’s
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stealing bags from honest people, and also, from you someone else's phone was found in my pocket, i found it myself, but you are the owner. you’ll explain, she’s writing a statement right now, and actually, young man, you and i will have a long and serious conversation, what is this? but the fact that your fingerprints were found on the car in which the body was found. what are you going to do to kill me? so calmly, don’t twitch, we’re investigating a murder, your fingerprints are in the case, i went to work in the evening, i desperately needed money , as if it were the luck of not a single woman on the street. no, well, i see some idiot pulled up in a car, but i got into the car, fiddled with the wiring and drove off, and the phone was in the car, i picked it up, drove, thought i’d change the numbers, then there was some kind of spare tire in the trunk, i opened the corpse there , well, i left the car and was wondering
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what time it was, about 10 pm, well , let’s say, do you remember the guy who... the car and left? of course, i will never forget him in my life. very good, then we’ll make an identikit. svetlana vladimirovna, does this body belong to your ex-husband viktor dmitrievich simbirtsev? yes, that's him. look carefully, birthmarks, shamas. yes, that i don’t recognize my own husband. wait. viktor’s appendicitis was cut out, but here... on his body, i don’t see the scar, the scar could have disappeared, i’m telling you, vitya had a scar, his stitch came apart twice.
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the division began between yours, mine, well, in general , when we got married, i fell in love with her eyes, blue-blue, you know, when he listened to me, he looked at me as if he remembered every word, but then, of course, all this was gone, all that was left was resentment and anger, but you didn’t have any children together, no, thank god, probably when you last saw him, a long time ago, we... almost didn’t communicate, tell me, does he have any relatives left? no, his mother died six months ago and is buried on volkovsky,
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he has no one else, he didn’t like to remember his father and didn’t talk about him at all, that’s it, you know, i’ll go, okay, yeah, thank you, you always understood what want. and what are you capable of? today do you know who you want to become , who to be with, what is your path and what is it for? you are among those who understand you, among those who share your values. join yours. serve under contract.
6:03 am
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east, rains throughout the south, from blagoveshchensk and to khabarovsk, here in primorye there is no precipitation, and the wind in vladivostok is gradually dying down. today in the city it’s +23. in siberia , atmospheric fronts continue to plow through the southern regions. the heaviest rains today will fall on krasnoyarsk, novosibirs and gornoaltaisk. and here. omsk will get a little respite. on european territory, the sun is only in the north and south, but in the south it is too hot, the air heats up to +40 and even higher, and there is not even a hint of rain, the middle zone receives a portion of coolness, but accompanied by thunderstorms. in yaroslavl already 24, in voronezh 28, in kazan also 28, but so far no precipitation. and about the weather in the capitals, in st. petersburg rain and +21, in moscow 22-24, showers and thunderstorms.
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and the chin is slightly lowered, it looks like that, are you kidding me, or what, this is a portrait of the murdered man, i saw it, what are you sculpting for us, couldn’t a person get out of the car and leave at the same time to lie down? trunk, i don’t know anything, i didn’t see the face of the murdered man at all, but this one came up, threw the car and left, that means you don’t want to tell the truth, i thought you were smarter than that you got to the bottom of it, i didn’t see anything at all, that’s it, ermalayev, come on, go ahead, sit in the monkey bars, guys, look that they made a sketch, that’s it, wait, what did you paint the portrait with, he says that they are murderers, he’s not a drug addict for an hour, but no, after a night in i would have already tied up the monkey bars. he is in good spirits, not understanding anything about who he is, he has no relatives left to talk about, no, friends, there is no such thing as an accident, that’s what the glory of the digger is, his past, find out what his
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father and mother are like. happened, it’s like a sobbing lottery, what a prize, and you guessed that the one who goes with the warriors, here smart pinkyurton, you're ours, well, let's take a piece of paper with the name of the lucky one, whoever pulls will not play, that is, i, well, don't pull, come on, stop, doesn't trust, twist, twist, i want to deceive, and this there will be a drum roll, parakhna, the cop doubted, fate, gathering at the strong point, yes, and don’t even think about being late, they don’t like it, the vigilantes of our region and there is no need to overload them, they are old,
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we don’t need money, the state pays us a pension, they approached us, and we came, logically.
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listen, i just can’t understand what you have one son, you have grandchildren, one lives with you, the other in ukraine, his mother took him away, she herself is from kiev, and one, one, the eldest was in the hospital with starlatina, uh-huh, his father was sitting with him, and she she collected her things, put the youngest under her arm and swam, but he was like, why, how did the union fall apart? what is there
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? it seems that the glass broke, so sit here, or maybe sit, here, i say, here, let's go, the entrance yard, let's go to the boys, surround them, and i'll follow them, yeah.
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stand! losars, great! you do, oh, i slept for 40 minutes, it’s night, yes
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we just finished processing three junkies, what other junkies, that garbanolnaya store, morozov and chipaev’s crap, what were you doing there, we’re actually killing, good morning, kira, and we also have the headquarters of the people’s squad here, what are you, in dnd? went, well, yes, and that you caught someone? well, i’m telling you, three junkies, now they’ll go to 158, my, what a mess, i’m listening, yes, igor sergeevich, i’ll come in now, kira, kira. excuse me, there’s something i don’t understand, oleg georgievich, do you want to get a job at dndn or something, after you get out of here ? they’ll fire you, well, all the complaints against your friend, the guy went to join the gang yesterday, so what,
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can’t you sit quietly somewhere, have a little drink, read a book, read dark books, comrade colonel, you understand that in 2 days we have dnd four arrests. if you report this to the main directorate, they will spread this experience to other departments, and then they will drop the plan for arrests, horror, all thanks to you, now on the simbirtsev case, yesterday major volkov informed me about the need to dig up the biography of the deceased, well, i raised something -what are your connections? what i found out was that simbirtsev had a twin brother, vadim. immediately after the birth of their children in 1970, sembirtsev’s parents divorced and the children were divided by the court. and then what happened? victor stayed with his mother and took his stepfather’s surname, sembirtsev. the other
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twin brother, vadim, inherited his father’s surname, dyadichev. yes. is there any information on this vadim dyadichev? of course, i sent you all the information by email, so look into it. so, he graduated from a military school, served in aviation, after his father died, retired and inherited it business, now he’s a big businessman, yeah, lives alone, has no family, no children, but there’s a photograph of his uncle, look, it’s amazing, an exact copy of his brother, listen, well, then i’ll go to the military registration and enlistment office, and you send someone to your place of work, vlad, called?
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you can keep the amounts for yourself, i have already signed the corresponding order. thank you, vadim alexandrovich, i will do everything as quickly as possible. 5 minutes - 5 minutes of airing there, you can’t look any further, no, all 5 minutes, what do you say? this means that i checked the fingerprints of the murdered man
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and those that you brought from the military registration and enlistment office, they coincide, which means that dyadichev and non -simbirtsev were killed, well, in general, yes, exactly, it’s clear why our bagman irmolov saw a man similar to simbirtsev getting out of the car, that was him, yeah, you want to say that simbirtsev killed his twin brother, passed off the corpse as his own, listen, simbirtsev and dyadichev are like two peas in a pod, no one can tell them apart, which means simbirtsev has taken over. the place of his twin brother, so perhaps, and began to live according to his documents, okay, old man, thank you, sorry, sorry, let me look, no, no, no, no, no, oh, that’s it, that's it, goodbye, georgievich, there's an urgent warrant for detention, it seems there's a trace, well, what is it, where is it, i found it, here you go, everything is in order, it's there, it's great, where to go, the big vasilyevsky avenue. dyadichev has an office there, let's go, hello, good afternoon,
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hello, how can i help you, we need mr. dyadichev, but vadim aleksandrovich is not there, he was a judge, but then he left somewhere, we are from the police, look at the office, okay, i don’t know where he went, just ask sergei petrovich, it’s empty, hello, what's the matter, gentlemen, we are looking for a person who is posing... as your boss, vadim dyadichev, make us coffee, okay, sugar, uh-huh, what do you mean posing? the fact is that the real vadim dyadishchev was killed a few days ago, here is the expert report, and the person who is posing as your boss is actually his twin brother, but i think that he has changed so much recently, business has decided close, do you mean close? i’m selling his company and transferring money
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abroad, we need to stop the sale, of course, but he should appear here, it’s unlikely, i heard how the boss, or whoever he is, ordered a ticket to helsinki, so as of today, by the way, he took all the cash from the safe, of course, let’s go to the sea terminal, thank you, thank you, another since
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you can’t drop it off at the bus station, let’s get in, well, is there any information, comrade major, a bus ticket to tallinn has been ordered under the name of the simbyur residents, departure at 17:30, rydanov and solovets have already gone there, i understand, well what, will we have time?
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what's happened? the point is what you have on the bus.
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georgivich, here he is, damn it!
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andryukh, help me, i can handle it myself, well, well, here is
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the expert opinion that the fingerprints of the corpse found in your car, along with your documents, belong to... vadim aleksandrovich dyadichev. here is the testimony of witness ermolov. he claims that it was you who parked the car with the corpse. and this is the testimony of deputy director dyadichev and his secretary. from their words it follows that it was you who pretended to be his brother and wanted to take possession of his money. and when you are detained two foreign passports were found. for the surname dyadichev and sembirtsev. you killed your brother, tried to cash out the assets of his company and flee abroad with them. it was his own fault, he didn’t want to share. why did he have to share with you? my mother died six months ago. before her death, she told me that my real father, alexander dyadichev,
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was a successful businessman. i was surprised to learn that i have a twin brother whom i have never met. mother met father. he told her that he had written a will in which he left me a third of his property. i recently found out that my father died suddenly, died in a car accident, his entire inheritance went to the younger dyadichev, and you decided to kill him? i went to talk to him so that he would fulfill my father’s will and give me what i was entitled to under the will. so we met, victor, yes, after my father’s death i sorted through his things, found a letter from my mother and from them i learned the whole truth. your mother
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recently died, i wanted to find you myself, but i didn’t know how to do it. well, let's have a drink. let's. and you are doing well here, yes, i don’t want to jinx it, but things are going well, i actually i wanted to talk about our affairs, and what kind of affairs we might have, well, i know that my father left a will, and there is something owed to me, what kind of will, there was nothing, listen? please play the fool, my mother told me everything, you never know who told you, you won’t go to court with these stories, well, i can give you something. just out of the kindness of your soul, shove your kindness, you know where, i want my money, mine, you know, get out
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of here, i won’t give you anything, i found a relative, you won’t get anything at all, oh you nit, at first i wanted to call... the police, confess everything, and then i thought, we are alike, like two peas in a pod, why not take advantage of this, let citizen simbirtsev die, and dedichev continue to live, i changed his clothes his brother’s corpse, his clothes, put documents addressed to simbirtsev in his pocket, then put the corpse in the trunk, uh-huh, then what happened, well, i didn’t know where to put it. i was afraid, and after 3 days the car was stolen, lord, why am i such a loser, and how did you manage
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to convince the employees of your brother’s company that are you he? my brother had materials at home with names and photographs of employees, i studied them, and then the first day. announced a salary increase at the company, yeah, of course , they didn’t notice anything to celebrate, but i understood that this wouldn’t last long, sooner or later i would be exposed, so i decided to invent an illness for myself to go abroad, don’t be tormented by your conscience that you killed brother, no, if he had acted like a brother and had not destroyed the will, none of this would have happened, and maybe there was no will, so here i am
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i was looking for this case, what are you doing, good evening, sit, sit, i’ll just be there for a minute, so it’s due to the fact that our department. showed himself to be the best in the experiment with organizing the people's squad, the higher authorities ordered to continue this wonderful experiment, for this , one operative from our department will leave every week for instructions and for verification, which means that i can say on my own, are they themselves to blame? now go ahead and sort it out yourself, and congratulations on solving the case again. alei georgievich,
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i warned you. what about the bonuses for conscientious carrying out unquestioning execution? let me remind you of the bonus form in our department, verbal gratitude. satisfaction, we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we listen to the chronicle of an emergency, we troubleshoot the car along with the first gear, on ntv, the program, an emergency in the marat seddikov studio, an unusual
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trial has started, in the center of which is a twelve-year-old girl, but in her years arina parsegova at...


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