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tv   Vozvrashchenie Mukhtara-2  NTV  July 19, 2024 8:25am-9:22am MSK

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start, what do you have? sleeping pills, definitely, are you sure? yes, yes, you can, come in, why is your doctor split? well, it split, but it wasn’t a proton, i didn’t understand, can you imagine who we have in custody, it’s bombing now. actually a person, bombay, bombay, this is an authority who has been on the federal wanted list for 2 years, yes, well , yes, 3 days ago there was information that he was shot by an arrow, everyone is looking for him, and here we have a bastard hiding under our very noses , i saw him in the orientation two years ago, so when the fly brought me to the intensive care unit, i didn’t recognize him, how it turned out that our doctor is on the hook with the georgian group; he provides them with medical services of a criminal nature. i really
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don’t know, well, he put it here under a false name, performed the operation, everything turned out like an accident, uh-huh, well, does this have anything to do with dobin’s murder? no, he’s now yelling at elena vladimovna, saying that his comrades are completely at the bomb, he gave him a moment of truth, but why did he go running, he would have sat quietly, maybe they didn’t notice his sins, but he got dressed, he was scared of the bomb, here are the buddies, if they decide that he gave it to us ... they will kill, yes, i’m listening, the body of doctor mishin was found in his apartment, damn, it’s an interesting situation.
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what's the matter, who let the dog in here, it's your dog, take it away, mute, fly, nearby, young man, dogs are not allowed here, yes, yes, of course. excuse me, let's go, fly, go ahead,
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tyoma, your phone isn't answering, i 'm running all over the clinic looking for you, it doesn't catch you, why are you here, the fly is interested in the intensive care unit, remember, i put his trace near sekha, well, he brought me here, then i mean this didn't give it, why? the hospital has too many smells, even a detection dog can’t smell anything, but he brings me here for the second time, is he interested in someone, one of the patients? wait, isn’t this the same patient who was brought in shortly before dobin’s death, the thirteenth patient, a victim of an accident, that’s right, that means, look, during a search in mishin’s apartment , the key to the safe was not found, and before he was killed, misha was tortured, traces of torture were found on his body. "fly, place,
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guard, guard, let's go to the staff room, we need to find out everything about this guy, look, they got access to medicines, found out the time , the name of the medicine that was used, which means they could calculate the injection that would be his last, well, let's start with the fact that we didn’t bring him, we just took him, who brought him, motorists, witnesses to the incident, they say he flew into a ditch at speed, hard."
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but what, but how can i tell you, you know, when he was taken, uh, there was a suspicion of a closed leg fracture. but the x-ray didn’t show this, yes, i understand, there was a fracture of the left arm, a lot of scratches, cuts, there was blood all over it, when they took him out, he was unconscious, but, but that, well, all the internal organs were intact, that is, there was a feeling, in general, that it was unlikely that a person, having been in such an accident, would be in such a state. so, that is, as far as i understand, you want to say that his terrible appearance, it does not seem to correspond to a healthy internal state, yes, and it seems that this is all artificial, explain, well, for example, cuts, cuts ,
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well, they can’t be like that, when metal and glass tears the body, it seems that he himself he carefully cut his face and body, so, well, why did you send him to intensive care then, he was unconscious. then i lost a lot of blood, although it turned out that it wasn’t very much, so that means that the patient is, in principle , safe and healthy, and can become healthy if he wants, right? well, now it’s not recommended, but maybe he will get up or not, well, in principle, yes, maybe, yeah.
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one more thing, maybe this will interest you, he has a curious tattoo on his shoulder, a tattoo in the form of a coat of arms, a lot of weapons are crossed, and what happens is that this means that the person is familiar with military affairs, professional, urgent to resuscitation, stay here. i hate dogs, now i'm telling you.
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i'll cut the point,
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it was a killer, killer, killer, damn, i missed everything again, that and not only that, well done, fly, you're fat, wait, damn, he wounded a fly, yes,
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he wounded me, not a fly, so , fly, go ahead, where did you go, there is a nurse here, katya, she should help, so she should help me, first him. cop wars, today at 16:45 on ntv. you don't decide exactly how you will meet the first one. you don't decide where you make lifelong friends. you don't decide which option you will get, but only you decide what your future will be. study wherever you want and don’t worry about tuition payments with an educational loan with state support. calculate payments right now big sale on clothes at ozone.
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let's forget about the murder of dobin, well , we took you, let's say for resisting the police, that means you already have at least one article, but you have, yes, we won't keep you here, we'll put you in a detention center, no, or rather in a seal cell hospital, that's it. here you are in prison, yes, and tabol is sitting at home, worried, tobol, whether we will split you or not, for sure. split or let's hint to someone to split it, well , you know, he's already tough, he doesn't like to worry in vain, you'll pass it, you won't pass it, well, you think, you're the only one he has, but we don't have irreplaceable people , no,
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you, of course, are a tough guy, but in prison such an authority as... it will be even easier to get to you than in the wild, okay, what do you propose? well, that’s a different conversation, so that means you’re handing over the tabola, working for us, we’re protecting you, how did you finish off? well, no, i don’t need that kind of protection. no need, i would calmly knock him down and jump away from you no problem, if it weren’t for this dog, his name is mukhtar, although i must admit, he’s a smart dog, this mukhtar of yours, we ourselves know, yes, okay, let’s get closer to the point. take it,
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that’s it, you want tea, no, thank you, so say, don’t treat dogs, well, look at what kind of dogs, for a hero like your mukhtar you can make an exception, and for his owner, what about you, too needs treatment, how else? “i told you, katya, the best medicine for the injured mukhtar is if they kiss him, a charming girl like you, let’s kiss, artyom, you soon, yes. soon, well, since
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there are no problems, tobol, we have problems, the funeral has been strictly dealt with by the cops, it will give you the full price. where does the information come from? the informer from the prosecutor's office shouted, i need to clear my head, mr. gaitov, pick him up, you are under arrest, here is the order, i demand a lawyer.
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hello, hello, len, what are you doing, well , goodbye, no, yes, thank you, it’s me to the girl. “sit down, hot one, and you’re good, that ’s good, well, that’s all, good, but do you think the authorities will react to you, whether they’ll react well or not, you
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know, i think that due to the fact that we lost dobin? the authorities will punish us, but due to the fact that we caught the main witness in the gaitov case, the killer, they will honor us, i don’t understand how they will combine one with the other, but what is most important for our friend i just need to encourage him, that’s for sure. yes, you’re right, but you’re spoiling him,
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do you want more, friend? come on quickly, i’ve touched the power of attorney somewhere, go, i’ll be right there, vika, good morning. , what is it, vika, something happened, what, you killed my dad, hello, the police are still there.
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it also means you have no assumptions why she wanted to kill you, yes, absolutely, and you knew her father, yes, he knew, vicki and sergei likhov were business partners, but 2 months ago he died in a car accident, and how do you then explain vicki’s words, you killed my dad, i don’t understand why this came to mind, as far as i know, sergei himself broke the rules, he drove into oncoming traffic and collided with a kamaz truck. i was out of town that day, i was on a business trip, i only came for the funeral, moss, take it
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handset. thank you, dear, sasha, yes, i understand, okay, thank you, have you known lika for a long time? about a year ago, likhov introduced us to each other at a presentation, but we have seen each other since then. a couple of times, and after my father’s death, she and i had a very serious conversation, about what, if not a secret?
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about the property, she inherited likhov’s share in our transport company trial, a large share, quite large. they didn’t discuss how best to manage her share. ivan sergeevich, why did they discuss it with her? not with mom, let's say? because her mother died 3 years ago, and after the death of her father she was left an orphan. clearly, i just didn't know. okay, so how did she decide to dispose of her share? well, i mostly decided. that is , i offered, because vika at that moment was very depressed in a state, uh-huh, and
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what did you offer her? leave money to the company, of course, ivan sergeevich, what else can you tell about her, about vika, well, i don’t know her very well, she studies at moscow state university, i think at... the philological department, she has a sister tanya, sister, what a sister, cousin, six months ago she came from novgorod and settled in the ulikhovs’ house, and seryozha got her a job with us, as a psychologist in the human resources department. i propose to add additional information on the points of company loyalty to the employee’s psychological portrait. a penchant for informal leadership, come to the phone, who's calling? they say from the police, we will continue later, i’m on my way. of course, you can
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continue to remain silent, but by doing this you are only making things worse for yourself, vika, you attacked a man with a knife, you tried to kill him, you do you understand that the criminal code interprets this as attempted murder? vika, can you hear me? you understand that all this is very, very serious, it is useless.
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i, i wanted, i wanted to take revenge, to avenge my dad, i wanted to take revenge, i wanted to take revenge on my dad, vika, vika, calm down, water, come out, how are you doing, she ’s still silent, no, she started talking.
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in a car accident 2 months ago, so i brought up the examination data, lebedev had nothing to do with his death, tolik, what about you, did you talk to the victim? yes, with the victim, with this lebedev with a certain witness, mikhail paromonov, well, lebedev doesn’t want to file a statement, they ask not to initiate a criminal case against likhova, a good man, why should we let her go or what? yes, now we should let him go, she communicates with ghosts over there, she rushes at people with a knife, and... we’ll take him and let him go, alena , in my opinion, is right, i need to show a psychiatrist, well, it’s necessary, that means it’s necessary, but in this case i still need to do some digging. why? the fact is that vika likhova, she is the heiress of a big share, approximately a million dollars, of one transport company. so, and then he attacks the director of this transport company with a knife. yes, this is really strange, of course, in fact.
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mishpagadi, i don’t understand something, do you want me to put sergei’s daughter in prison? yes, no one will put her in prison, they will send him to a mental hospital, she needs treatment, you saw her eyes, she is crazy, by the way, this is, as you say, crazy, not the last shareholder in our company, in the light of rostrans’ active attempts to absorb us, it could be fraught with consequences, you think so, i'm
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sure of it. ira, invite a lawyer to me, and, yes, when tatyana likhova returns from the police, let her come to me immediately. the best savings deposit up to 18% per annum, open in sberbank online. to mark the fiftieth anniversary of angelika varum on ntv. this is the fifth forum. today we perform the cult songs of angelica voru. big gala concert. sounds of the night, autumn jart, dance with me for the last time. the gentleman takes off the white, not my star. shoot
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stress? well, yes, i know, i read mostly cats. len, when a person strokes them, they take away negative energy from him, that’s why we like to squeeze them so much, when a dog gets into your wound, heart, and heart, including elena vladimirovna, so not only saliva helps, i’m in this myself convinced. yes, i can’t be
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stressed elena vladimirovna, but i can be in a very bad mood, it will suit me, so mukhtar helped me, now i remember during the interrogation what state she was in, in a state of stupor, so what, what appeared mukhtar, she came out of this state and spoke, oh, tyoma, she didn’t speak much, well, what do you suggest, i suggest leaving them alone, it will help. hi, great, they ordered me a charge, eat quickly, thank you, so, well, i called the clinic, agreed with pavel nikolayevich, who it is, well, this is a doctor, yeah, so i agreed to put likhova in a separate ward, and tomorrow morning hold her , it’s impossible, only from my hands, okay, okay, and fried meat is bad for him, and tomorrow morning she should have a psychiatric examination done on her, she needs to call once again, for some reason... artyom had the idea to leave mukhtar to shine for the night. i don’t understand,
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tyoma. i believe that mukhtar’s presence will help victoria’s psychological state. let them stay together longer. still, i didn’t understand about the dog. pavel nikolaevich, i ’ll explain everything to you now, we’ll go to your office, okay, okay, and you sit down, if anything happens, serya is nearby, come on, okay, thank you. doggie, doggie,
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doggie, doggie, doggie, ivan sergeevich, they called, yes, tan, come in, sit down. tanya, i will come to you a few questions, i’m listening, you communicated with vika the most, how do you assess her condition? well, naturally, after her father’s death she was in shock, and i, frankly, hoped that it would pass soon, but it got even worse.
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they turned to her after the death of her father,
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well, here you go, i talked to your sister earlier and convinced her not to do this, but now if vika is declared incompetent, then the right to dispose of her property, including shares, passes to you, you understand what am i driving? you're so good, good like you name? i have remembered. you are a mukhtar, and i am vika, let’s get to know each other, give me your paw, how are you, here we are, you’re so good, you’re so good, you want to play, let’s play,
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let’s play. you like it, and we’re here, so, go to bed, go to bed, it’s time for you to sleep. in 5 minutes i turn off the light, okay, we’ll go to bed, come here, mukhtar, and you will guard my sleep,
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thank you, come to me, come to me, you’re so real, mukhtarushka, you know, “i dream about dad so often, he sometimes, sometimes comes to me and calls me to him, smiles, and sometimes he comes asking me to take revenge on ivan sergeevich, you think i ’m crazy, i also think no, you’re so wonderful, good night!” i’ll sleep.
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dad, you woke me up, thank you, i was dreaming again dad.
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why didn’t you wake me up? oh, right, someone is lucky, someone is spending time with charming girls. hello, hello, oh, what’s wrong with you? , i bought danki for my birthday, he’s handsome, yes, very good, well done, and yesterday i spent the whole evening on the phone with my economist acquaintances regarding triel, regarding the situation with
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transportation, well, well, well, so what, well, you were right, there really is some strange fuss going on in connection with this company, well , tell me. well, what can i tell you, there are not enough facts, there are only rumors and speculation, but a larger company has set its sights on triel, rostrans, rostrans, is it russian transport or something, yes, well, in general, these are their main competitors, as i understand it, what they are considering two options, the first option, to force it out of the market, yeah, or the second option, more profitable, to crush triel under itself. you see, they decided to go with the second option. 3 months ago they started buying tril shares, so what did they buy? it didn’t work out because the main shareholder. refused to sell the shares, then rostrans went with the first option, they began to open branches in siberia, but suspended this business, flow,
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wait, and what does this mean, it means that they somehow had the opportunity to still buy triel shares , well, yes , something, and what next, but the fact that i still can’t connect all this with this girl’s illness, a? but i understand that they should buy the entire trial, or what? is completely impossible, do you need to buy at least the main stake or a blocking stake? does vicki have a blocker? no, she has 20%, but that’s also a lot, you know? in general, some strange situation. no, i agree, but what does all this have to do with her dreams, with these ghosts of hers, with the attack on lebedev? well, i don’t know, ugh, here it is. where is artyom? well , firstly, he most likely overslept, he lost his four-piece alarm clock, and secondly, he went to the hospital to find out
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hello. hello. well, surprisingly, your theory worked, yes, i express my gratitude to you, of course, to your dog, well, i told you, you know, when i examined vika yesterday, our patient immediately thought, uh-huh, but today she is completely different, we can say that she is healthy, well, there are some complications, but in general, yes, great, great, tell me, and about her dreams, you talked to her, you did. so what? you know, she has them quite monotonous and are divided into two types: in the first one, the father calls her to him, she runs to him, but cannot move, then falls when her father rises in the already no, but in the second he regularly appears at the door of her bedroom, says that the swans are to blame for his death, asks
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for revenge, from a medical point of view. how serious is all this? well, don't let that worry you, that's my problem. well, great. and one more thing, what are we doing with vika? take her out of the hospital, she's mentally healthy. thank you very much. sorry we had to interrupt you, but okay, thanks, goodbye. and
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please tell her not to abuse sedatives. thank you, duck, all the best. ivan sergeevich, can i? yes, come in, i called the psychiatric hospital, according to the results of the examination, vika was declared sane. healthy? wow, she attacks people with a knife and she is recognized as healthy. we have. misha, shut up. thank you tanya, this is good news. tanya. i have a big request to ask you, what? vika trusts you, if possible, talk to her like sister to sister, about what? as for the shares, of course, she is free to dispose of them herself, but try to explain to her so that she keeps the shares for herself. okay, i'll try her
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explain. forward with a song, donald trump has officially agreed to run for president of the united states, as he announced. resistance is futile, riots in the north of england. what are the reasons for the protests and why did the police choose not to intervene? in france, scandals surrounding the upcoming olympic games do not subside.


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