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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 19, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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explain, go ahead with the song! donald trump has officially agreed to run for president of the united states, as the republican announced in his keynote speech. resistance is futile, riots in the north of england. what are the reasons for the protests and why did the police choose not to intervene? in france, scandals surrounding the upcoming olympic games do not subside.
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athletes are already expressing pleasure, strictly in one hand, in russia they can limit the sale of sim cards, as well as a dangerous weed or a useful plant, the products contain such growth stimulants that can increase production yields by up to 25 -30%. how and where is hogweed now used in russia? hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. vladislav nazararikov is with you. we are starting the situation in the northern military district zone, our military for the first time told the details of one of the most important achievements of the last days of the capture of urozhayny. russian units occupied the village at the end of last week; the nationalists held it for more than a year. during this time, they equipped dugouts there, fire points, fortified points. after our military entered the settlement. the militants made three unsuccessful attempts to counterattack. fighters. in the zone
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, our ntv channel supports the people's front and continues to raise funds for military personnel. to join this promotion, you need to scan the qr code that you will see during rastislav skendan's story. he will talk about those who liberated the harvest. this is footage of the final assault on the village of urozhaynoye on the so-called vremevsky ledge. border of zaporozhye and dpr. our marines enter a populated area at dawn. a few minutes later, the head camera of one of the fighters. will be destroyed by shrapnel from an attack drone explosion in the ssu. the battle begins on the outskirts of the village. the first house, it was hard there, yes, we received such a serious onslaught, it was like everything, the first house started running, everything, everything, it went, it went, it went coasting, coasting. the apu kept the harvest for just over a year. this village is the last major result of the much-publicized counter-offensive in the summer of '23. the final stage of battles it only lasted an hour and a half. the commander of the first group was wounded. i took responsibility for myself. i took two streets
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because they were nearby. the enemy abandons one street after another under the onslaught of pacific marines. from the very beginning , the goal was to take 20-22 houses for each armored group. each armored group took 32-33 houses. preparations for this assault lasted more than a month. during the year, the enemy created three lines of defense in the harvest. the first was broken by motorized riflemen and tankers of the vostok group from buryatia with the support artillery and heavy flamethrower systems. our uavs are detected.
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russians, well, your guys, who helped me, well, in general. our marines took the ukrainian soldier out of the battlefield for almost a day, being under constant fire from ukrainian artillery and unmanned aircraft. an attack drone arrived, two fragments got stuck in the leg, the third in the helmet. it was he who delivered the prisoner to the safe zone, a day after being wounded. no matter what happened in battle, you must complete the task, no matter what the cost. this is the third assault operation of khoma in the conflict zone.
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the marine, who remained in the army after conscription, participated in the liberation of the villages of elenovka and novomikhailovka in the south donetsk direction. morally, values ​​have changed a lot, i want to do it as soon as possible. to go back, build a family, despite my such a young age, i’m only 20 years old, and already the priority is to build a family, buy an apartment, a car, well, to live a quiet life. valery came to congratulate the fighters who occupied a strategically important settlement gerasimov, during the liberation of the harvest, they showed courage and bravery, which achieved the goal of these combatants. congratulations, good luck. the western press has already dubbed the loss of the harvest the collapse of the ukrainian armed forces’ defense in the southeast. the new york times article comments on these events as follows. of course, it is regrettable to see that all the gains of last year are returning to russian control. rastislav
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skidan, valeriyan kushnir and dmitry pisarev, ntv television company. south donetsk direction of the special military operation. fighters from the dnepr group destroyed the equipment and command post of the ukrainian armed forces. area, aerial reconnaissance identified the enemy’s location and transmitted the coordinates to the crew of the geocinth howitzer. the gunners struck at the moment when a group of control officers arrived at the position. and this is footage of the operation of the tor m2 anti-aircraft missile system in the zone. the crew destroyed an air target in the area of ​​responsibility of the southern group. ensured they advanced to new positions. thor protected ground units, which deployed into combat mode in a few minutes. this technique is capable of simultaneously detect up to fifty targets. attack aircraft also provide air protection. nasu-25 pilots with unguided missiles destroyed the armored vehicles and mortar crews of the ukrainian armed forces.
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the crews acted in pairs and returned to the departure airfield without losses. the airline will send a reserve flight from mumbai to pick up its passengers to... it must deliver technical specialists to russia to inspect the plane, which had to be urgently grounded in our country. the arrival time of the reserve aircraft has already been postponed several times, according to the latest according to the data, the flight to san francisco was scheduled for around 22:00. the booing simpson 77 emergency occurred the day before while en route from india to the united states. during the flight, the smoke detector in the cargo compartment went off. because of this , the crew decided to request landing in krasnoyarsk. there were more than 250 people on board. landed safely, as noted by the federal air transport agency, no signs of fire or smoke were found, our foreign ministry emphasized that diplomats are in contact with the carrier by operational services, passengers and crew were provided with all the necessary assistance and provided nutrition. employees
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of the indian embassy also arrived in krasnoyarsk. donald trump has accepted the offer to become the republican nominee for us president. at the party congress, he gave a keynote speech.
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in general, even the last t-shirt will be torn for trump, the bandage that the ex-president wears on his right ear after being wounded is now something like a symbol for his supporters, hundreds of delegates to the convention are in fact the same. i wear a headband in solidarity with president trump. this idea came from another arizona delicacy, me. i picked it up, and now almost everyone has them. this is trump's first appearance since the assassination attempt, and his wife milania's first public appearance during this election campaign. actually, the trump convention came in full force with their children and grandchildren, the family watched the ex-president from
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the honorary rostrum, and he remembered what he had to endure on saturday. i was happy to talk about the great work my administration has done on immigration at the southern border. we were very proud of it. on the right was a large screen with a diagram displayed on it border crossings under my leadership, the numbers were simply amazing. to see the graph, began to turn to the right and was ready to turn a little further, but i was very lucky that i did not, when i heard a loud whistling sound, i felt something hit me very hard in my right ear, i raised my hand, it i was covered in blood and instantly realized that everything was serious. trump had to rewrite his speech 6 days ago; according to him, the text was completely different, but after the assassination attempt trump wrote it again.
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trump was seen off with screams for another 4 years, the stage of the hall in milwaukee was decorated to resemble a white house, probably so that even the most inveterate skeptics would have no doubt about who its next owner would be. while the republicans have now officially nominated trump as their presidential candidate, it looks like the democrats may soon change their candidate. the american media is increasingly saying that joe biden is ready to withdraw from the election under pressure from the party, the majority of which believes that he has no choice.
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form that he should withdraw from the elections, preliminary agreements, if you believe these reports, biden will remain president until the end of the term, having refused the nomination, he will not support the candidacy of vice president kamela haris, and the new presidential candidate will be determined by dim party delegates at their congress in august. alexey vasilovsky, yulia sionskaya, ntv, usa. in france, where the olympics start in a week, the situation continues to heat up. 300 artists, which... some of the participants
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in the show, mostly dancers, want to leave without salary. in addition, activists discovered a large difference in fees, in identical employment contracts. the strike is planned to take place on july 26, the day when the artists are scheduled to perform for the guests of the opening ceremony. controversy continues over the safety of water in hay. olympic champion from the netherlands. emergency, the day before, right in the city center on the champs-elysees, an attacker attacked
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a policeman with a knife. the officer was injured. also, for safety reasons, the authorities are hastily trying to remove migrants from the streets, putting them on buses to transport them to the suburbs or other regions. despite all efforts, france cannot cope with its security problems on its own. foreign soldiers appeared on the streets of paris. french authorities asked their middle eastern allies to send contingents to help. for order, kattar had already responded, he sent his armored fighters to the fifth republic, the french did not support the decision of their government, many residents considered this the next stage of the loss of sovereignty. a large forest fire broke out in the resort town of izmir in turkey. this is a popular destination among russians. reason and dry and hot weather could cause fires. in turkey it is now about plus 40. seven planes, 16 helicopters, and dozens of pieces of equipment were involved in extinguishing the fire . after dark, night vision helicopters began working at the scene of the emergency. due to
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a forest fire, the local airport is experiencing disruptions. arriving aircraft are being sent to other cities due to the smoke that has enveloped them. surroundings of the airfield. flight departure delays are up to 5 hours. there are riots in the third largest city in britain, lytsia. pogroms were carried out by residents of the area in which is mainly populated by ethnic pakistanis and south asians. according to local media, the riot began after four children were taken away from a dysfunctional family of social service migrants. compatriots of a large family overturned a police car and set fire to a passenger bus. starmer abandoned plans to
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deport them. scientists from kursk have developed. a robotic system that, using microwave radiation, turns hogweed into fertilizer. an innovative method will help to significantly reduce thickets of poisonous weeds in the shortest possible time, an interactive map was presented in the far east so that public utilities could destroy it more quickly. every year , hundreds of millions of rubles are allocated throughout the country to fight the bolsheviks, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to stop its spread. nakhit babaev found out what else the researchers offer. the weed is taking over. according to rosselkhoznadzor, tens of thousands of hectares of agricultural land in russia are covered with hogweed, it has already reached even the arctic, but experts know how to extract from this the use of a dangerous plant, so that very soon this useless field can turn into a strategically important raw material base. what is the main property of hogweed?
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when its juice gets on a person’s skin, under the influence of sunlight , a burn remains on the body. scientists from the mordovian university decided to use this feature, since this extract is extremely water-insoluble and, accordingly , it would be problematic to introduce into the body. we have developed a method for creating liposomes, that is, nanoparticles based on it, which can already can be administered intravenously, and these liposomes show high efficiency both in cell cultures and in laboratory animals, we are talking about effective cancer treatment and the technique based on hogweed is truly unique, our drug causes, that is... self-destruction of cells, that is in fact, we do not force the cells to die, the cells kill themselves under the influence of our drug, and the drug destroys even the so-called dormant cancer cells, those that have not begun to divide. talk about a breakthrough in medicine for now early, the drug is undergoing preclinical trials, what is another feature of hogweed: it grows quickly. entrepreneurs from
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the kirov region wondered: is it possible to somehow transfer this property to other plants, and they tried to make an extract? they sent him for research. the products contain growth stimulants that can increase product yields by up to 25 to 30%. so in the region there appeared, perhaps, the only place in the country where it accepts hogweed from the population, 25-30 rubles per kilogram, here it is pressed, then the plants pass heat treatment, the resulting extract is filtered , everything can be poured into canisters, processing of both tubers and potatoes can be done, as well as seeds. before planting, the answer to perhaps two of the most frequently asked questions: no, the plant does not die, no, the fruits will not remain bitter, no bitterness is felt in hogweed honey, help yourself, thank you, thank you, let’s try, it’s valid, yes, quite, such
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caramel notes at the end, hogweed honey is exotic. vladimir brought him out completely by accident. i had bees in lipetsk region, then decided to install it with a friend in the moscow region. well, we discovered that nearby there is a large tract of hogweed, to which the bees are very actively paying attention. by the way, bees don’t care for hogweed, they don’t drink juice, they collect pollen. you can also make bricks from hogweed and obtain cheap bioethanol. environmentally friendly motor fuel and even electrodes for supercapacitors, so it’s hard to call hogweed a weed , it’s important not to go too far and completely destroy the plant,
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the state duma may limit the number of russians telephone numbers that they can register for themselves. a month ago, deputies in the first reading approved a bill that will complicate the issuance of sim cards for foreigners. to do this, they will have to personally visit the office or sales point of a telecom operator or dealer and submit biometrics. and the deputy head of the duma committee on information policy, anton gorelkin, said that this bill, one of the authors of which he is one of the authors, received a quote: many sensible proposals. among these, anton gorelkin named the idea of ​​​​limiting the maximum number of numbers for one subscriber, not only for foreigners, but also for russian subscribers. anton
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gorelkin did not specify what number this could be, but the bill that passed the first reading states that foreigners will be prohibited from registering more than ten numbers. among other proposals that may appear for the second reading, anton gorelkin named complications of the procedure for replenishing the balance of a mobile phone and liability for instant messengers for unwillingness to verify. tightening of authorities in the field of mobile communications explained by the fight against gray sim cards and fraud. since this morning, the russian stock market has been trying to consolidate yesterday's success, but alorbroker analysts call yesterday's stock purchases speculative and note that there are still no fundamental reasons for growth. the central bank has set the following official rates for today: dollar 87.88, euro 96.10. institute. internet development has allocated another subsidy of up to 100 million rubles for the domestic game smoot. it was presented on a grand scale in april of this year. the game, dedicated to the events of 1612, is in
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game and what is called an educational supplement. it is designed in the form of a tour of moscow, the beginning of the 16th century. according to sources of the kommersant newspaper, new subsidies will be used to expand this educational part, and now it will concern the history of nizhny novgorod and yarosl. the novosibirsk company sibiria nova was given a year and a half to develop, as some of the newspaper's interlocutors in the media market note. at the release stage, the project was technically unfinished, but there is potential in the game. troubles was released exclusively on the vk play platform costs 2.0 rub. the service says that the game is selling better than expected, but declined to disclose specific numbers. vlad, that’s all for me. yes, thank you, marina pimenova with her economic review. well, now the news that is coming from all over the world at this moment is that there has been a massive collapse at various international airports due to a technical failure;
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the largest us air carriers have reportedly suspended all flights due to communication problems. in spain, it is reported that the air harbor has encountered a citation with an incident in the computer system. berlin airport reports that planes cannot take off or land due to technical problems. also in some us states. the resources of the 911 rescue service have begun to work. we will monitor the situation, and we will tell the developments in the following issues. contractors from all over the country are now undergoing active training on military training grounds, training includes theory and practice, from target shooting to tactical medicine. recruits are supervised by experienced instructors who have combat experience. olga chernova will continue. abnormal heat as another test of endurance for military personnel. the training of contract soldiers is now taking place at several training grounds in the moscow military district, 8 hours of fire and tactical training in conditions as close as possible to combat. in this
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area, the assault group practices the organization of a field communication line in defense, and here the secrets of mine demolition are taught to newcomers. you can’t pick it up, there is a self-destruct sensor for 2 days, it can explode in your hand. classes are taught by instructors with combat experience. according to ministry of defense, contracts for military service for the first months of this. the contract soldiers have a good attitude, they want to learn, that is, they listen, absorb, try to introduce as much as possible from here, but there are no questions about the material base either , they are provided with everything. the training program for contract soldiers was increased to 28 days. experts believe that during this time , military personnel will be able not only to restore the skills acquired during military service, but also to acquire new ones, taking into account operational tasks in the zone of a special military operation. window the package is 30%. and 70% is tactics, this is tactical medicine, engineering training, other types of training that help us, firstly, win, and secondly, survive in battle,
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we use it quite seriously in the combat zone. imitation so that the arriving fighter is psychologically ready to perform tasks without fear. among the contract soldiers there are people of various professions, volunteers from all over russia, most of them already have relatives who are fighting on the front line. commanders talk about the high motivation of recruits. i lived in belgorod, i i took the child, took my wife away from there, as if we were moving, and then my brother died, the middle one, now the youngest one, he really went there. well , it’s as if there were personal motives here, so i couldn’t stay away, i made a decision when i got directly behind the tape for the first time, i realized that i had made the right choice. the commander of a motorized rifle platoon says that the unit selects strong people with high morale and pain qualities, because at the front line they have to carry out the most difficult combat missions, they share experience with newcomers and they say that a good fighter
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thinks first of all about his colleagues. ntv company. see below. planet shirvint will present a performance at the satire theater in moscow to mark the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of the people's artist of russia. the delicious calendar returns to the delicious calendar, period. we give 100% cashback every friday when
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today at 16:45 on ntv. on the air of ntv news, we continue the broadcast. today. staging dedicated to people's artist of russia alexander shirvint. july 19 marks the 90th anniversary of the actor’s birth. in memory of the master , his students and colleagues will appear on stage. alina repina looked behind the scenes of the theater. here is a man who has been heading a theater for 30 years and then he dies. how can his students, six months later, do a performance to his honor, so that without laudatory vulgarity, but also so as not to insult the memory, to tell a biography, but so that. without a hand , do not put alexander shirvint in the main role in a play about him, played by the whole corpse, which he led a third of his life. they kicked me out of the music school in the sixth grade with the words that this is it, it won’t help anymore. there are simply no
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rolls here; we do this solely out of incredible love and respect for alexander anatolyevich. this is truly a declaration of love, that’s the name of our performance. this is a performance in honor of the ninetieth anniversary of the iron mask. the name was alexander shirvint for his manner of sparkling jokes with a straight face. shirvint died on march 15 this year. he lived a long life, was honored and respected, and wrote seven books. they became the basis for script. he turned out to be such a real writer. and this is not just memoirs, as you know, point-by-point, as if you need to know the person. no, you may not even know him. in principle, you will like these books too. tokareva called him and said shura, sorry, but this. her words, she said: shura, after reading your books, i realized that you had screwed up your life, you should have been a writer. alexander shirvint was born in 1934 in the famous grauerman maternity hospital on arbat. the son of a violinist and an actress, he entered pike and after graduation got a job there as a teacher.
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stage plastics and fencing, instead of a colleague who had vacated such a strange position. then there were film roles, almost always not the main ones. here, for example, a station for two ildar rezanov, then. stories and jokes that shirvint loved so much, and he also loved his wife, with whom he lived for 60 years. alexander shirvint is also present on the stage, here he is, the image on the screen, a digital mask, looking from above at those who grew up before his eyes, today is his birthday, today we
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are seeing off alexander anatolvich on his flight to the planet shirvint, on this day he will be again fishing, of course, he usually celebrated his anniversary while fishing, people will fly up to him... friends, we have not yet comprehended an iceberg of some depth. alena repina, alexander stvolina, natalya darasenko, ntv. this concludes our episode, see you on antv. what is the best medicine for nail fungus? misola valar is up to 50% more profitable. new. mizol in large packaging 50 ml. even bigger and better priced. mizolova. fungus treatment without overpayments. nail fungus makes it difficult to put on summer shoes. misola valar not will ruin your summer. mizol is the most beneficial medicine for nail fungus. new. misol in the largest package.


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