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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  July 19, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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artyom’s parents suspected something and turned to investigators, they conducted several examinations and found traces of the same poisons in the blood of the spouses and in their food at home. all that remained was to catch the poisoner by the hand and find out why he was doing this; diana kovando had the answers to all the questions. this short fragment, filmed with a hidden camera installed in the parents’ apartment, shed light on many things that artyom missyura was silent about for a long time, he is the main character in the shooting, rummaging through the closets. in the kitchen he takes a jar of salt and pours out handful by handful some white powder there, in the evening his mother will return from work, prepare dinner, and at night they will be taken away hastily with severe poisoning in a dying state, what was the purpose of purchasing and using these substances, where to add it, why, to whom, repent, yes here is his kit for a young chemist, one large package with... it is also
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called the liquid of dutch chemists and is used as a solvent. according to the examination of the products provided for the study, seized from the apartment victims, chemical elements and compounds were discovered that were fatal after consumption.
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i don’t know what could have provoked this. it is known that artyom missury is 25. there are boutiques with expensive clothes and nightclubs on social networks. during the daytime, he tutored schoolchildren in algebra. i didn’t charge much for the lessons, but i gave it my all, judging by the reviews from satisfied parents, 100 percent. artyom turned out to be a pleasant and responsive teacher who quickly found a common language with my son. he explained complex topics in algebra and geometry very clearly, where he purchased the chemicals is also not yet disclosed, but he was obviously determined to get quick results. at first. feeling unwell, the mother and stepfather turned to doctors, but they did not make a diagnosis, suspecting that their beloved son was not the last link in the nature of their symptoms, they installed a hidden camera in the kitchen, and then everything became clear. this strange story to those close to the family still seems somehow wild and even unreal. despite the official confessions of the detainee, they still did not believe that he really wanted get rid of my stepfather, mix substances into food, came here to this house. this is a good residential complex. in vreutov, where his parents lived,
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the family was always seen as a whole, and from the outside it seemed that such people definitely had no troubles. the family created the same image on social networks, here is a touching and warm post from his mother in honor of graduating from school, in which she calls her son hope, support, the best man who, this version is now being verified, did not want to share his mother with someone else, or maybe it was a childhood trauma after the parents’ divorce, there could be a lot of reasons, after the initial interrogation artyom missyura was sent away. almost killed the buyer, the last one was in the hospital, in serious condition, he lost a lot of blood, the strangest thing is, this is the reason for the attack, the buyer didn’t even try to steal anything, the detainee says he provoked him, for this yuri kudryavtsev first strangled his victim, well then he hit him with a knife, in general, the identities of the security guards of this store...
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raise questions, for example, this same kudryavtsev was in prison for murder and banditry, the scene of events is reported by stanislav kostikov. an example of the permissiveness of security officers in one of the grocery stores in the south-east of the capital was recorded by a surveillance camera. the security guard ends the altercation with the visitor with a wrestling throw, begins to choke him on the floor, then lets him go, allows him to rise, and immediately takes a folding knife out of his pocket. having escorted the buyer to the exit, security suddenly delivers a sharp blow. developing into the neck. the wounded man, bleeding, asked for help. in front of shocked eyewitnesses, he was rapidly losing strength a minute after the attack, collapsed on the sidewalk. the area at the entrance to the store was filled with blood, and eyewitnesses tried to help the victim themselves. fortunately, doctors quickly arrived at the scene and hospitalized the man, who was already unconscious at that time. doctors continue to fight for the man’s life. the wounded khusen koteev is now in intensive care.
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according to the store cashier, the conflict began when a customer spoke rudely to the security guard, he provoked a man who so, he just provoked, well... tried to steal something? well, i don’t know, i just provoked why the security decided to grab a knife in this situation, the details of his biography explain: after the arrest , it turned out that forty-nine-year-old yuri kudryavtsev had been convicted several times, including for murder, and now the former security guard again became a defendant in a criminal case. the defendant has been charged under part three of article thirty, part one of article 105 of the criminal code of the russian federation, attempted murder, taking into account the position of kuzminskaya the interdistrict prosecutor's office chose a preventive measure. buyers here, by the way , regularly face aggression from security guards; the harsh disposition of the local security guards is evidenced by the appearance of one of them: suren’s face is covered in bruises and wounds after a drunken fight with colleagues from a neighboring establishment. what's wrong with your face? do i have another place with a security guard too? yes, where is the cell phone
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here? was it the guard who beat you like that? yes, why? the guys are all drunk. this time... that 's why it's people like this who ensure security here, store administrator reply unable to bring our film crew, the supermarket management quickly retreated. all your guards walk around with knives, why do they rush at visitors? get out of here. now the store management will have to answer questions from investigators, including how repeat offenders previously convicted of serious crimes occupy positions as security officers. as for the attacker, by court decision he will spend the next two months in pre-trial detention. stanislav kostikov, vyacheslav ponomarenko, natalya popova and nikita zabrodin, ntv television company. moscow. well, at vnukovo airport you could watch the wallpaper of one of the mma fighters alexander larkin completely free of charge. alexander, apparently, was taken
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to the exit in a golf cart as a vip guest. someone did not give way to vehicles and after a short argument a fight broke out. the airport employee who was carrying larkin also did not stand aside. everything was filmed, these shots are everything. the opponents are four strong men, but the strength of the professional athlete is clearly superior. at some point , an airport employee also enters the frame caught up in a brawl. one of the participants, who was lucky enough to meet the mixed martial arts star, turned on his mobile camera and hastily explains. in short, the situation, they were walking, friends, just walking, they
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were in their own car, i was serving alya, they started dating, well, a conflict ensued, now they came out, i’ll show you, i had no contact with him at all. started changing his legs, look, he attacked their company allegedly after what they were doing, look what they were doing, is there anyone who has a grandson? victor fakirov, the owner of one of the capital's car dealerships, assures that he is an athlete how he was prevented from driving a golf cart along the road for vip passengers, we got off the plane, i walked forward along this treadmill, my friends stayed behind, they showed their golf car, drove up from behind, started honking, hey, you move aside , accordingly, ours also shouted something to them in response, yes, well, then no one could control emotions, fists were used, eagle fighter alexander larkin made his debut in professional boxing in 2020, is currently an athlete of the rcc promotion,
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performing in middle weight category, imbued with the school of classical boxing, alexander, lorchik, lor. larkin himself also commented on the conflict, told his version, according to the athlete, he flew from turkey with a girl and a child, whom he accompanied on work as a security guard, a vip transfer was paid for at the airport, along the way there were four strangers who were allegedly politely asked to give in on the way, they began to hurl insults and obscene language, so i take the girl and the child to the green zone, return to the luggage, meet and i say to men this way and that, like, well, is this some kind of ghost? so you understand, alexander larakin himself considers himself a victim in this unplanned battle and wrote several statements to the police at once. other participants in the conflict, in turn, did the same, recording injuries. be that as it
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may, the rcc league responded to the incident by stating. quote: it is clear that during the dialogue alexander is insulted, pushed forward, and then hit in the temple from the back. the police are now conducting an investigation. needs to be carefully studied surveillance cameras at the airport. yulia blitsova, alena ilyukhina, nadezhda zypkina and alexandra tutarina at the ntv television company. one of the participants. at the airport, he broadcast what was happening on his page on the social network, we published the full recording in our telegram channel chp, and to watch and subscribe, point your smartphone camera at the qr code that you see on your screen, you can also type chpntv in the telegram search bar, let me remind you that under this and other publications you can leave your comment, then for one savior, well, for another, the executioner in nizhny novgorod tried oleg. tukalova, an oncologist with thirty-five years of experience, doctor of the year, prescribed the most
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expensive drugs to patients, but instead injected the patients with saline solution, why did he do this, you will find out after the advertisement, cameras around the perimeter and one above the entrance, we are working, where to stand, a solid bastard, nothing, and they didn’t break them like that, that’s great, take it forward. police, we need to talk, cop wars, you will regret it, let's see, today at 16:45 on ntv, travel with alfabank, choose where when you fly with the alpha travel service, you get a super cash discount on air tickets of up to 30%. buy profitably in the bank app or on the alpha travel website. not just profitable. alpha is profitable.
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start your journey into business with sber's support . sber-business will open an account, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register, all this for free. we open the way to business. sbertbusiness. cop wars, today at 16:45 on ntv. with as we age, we all experience a decline in memory and intelligence. why does the body... fail? can these harmful changes be stopped? can. our body has a main
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computer, the brain. it is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep. and regulates the work of each of our organs. the brain is an electrical system. it consists of nerve cells and processes between them, through which electrical signals constantly flow. as we age , changes occur in the brain. brain cells. scientists from kyoto university found that that the japanese eat a unique mollusk called azumopectinida. it turns out that azumopectinide contains unique components that promote brain recovery. all of them belong to the class of phospholipids; there are more than 100 of them. this is how a product was created from highly concentrated phospholipids of the japanese mollusk. extend the youth of your brain. 8800 100 exactly 1985 8800 100 exactly
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1985 the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs, however, with age, we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, a disruption in the functioning of our organs. this year, the russian distributor purchased a batch of the japanese brain therapy product, it contains everything... the youth of your brain 8800 100 exactly 1985 8800 100 exactly 1985 learn more about the japanese product brain therapy kingfisher - new season today at 14:00 on ntv. there is another
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emergency on the air and we continue our broadcast. those who attended the trial in the high-profile case experienced ambivalent feelings oleg tyukalov, an oncologist with thirty-five years of experience, doctor of the year, owes the lives of dozens, or even hundreds of people whom he cured. on the other hand, there is irrefutable evidence of his guilt. tyukalov himself prescribed expensive drugs to patients, and he himself made it so that in the end they were injected with ordinary saline, and if one patient had not gone to the laboratory where the blood was tested for...
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the hospital after a statement from one of the patients that his tests showed, that there are no traces of the drug in his blood that he allegedly administered in the hospital. the head of his oncology department walked through his oncology department for the last time, accompanied by police officers in handcuffs. at the first interrogation, he ended up wearing a white coat. at first, tyukalov argued that he did not steal the drugs for the purpose of selling, but
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saved them by diluting, or even completely replacing them with saline solution from what he considered hopeless patients. to be enough. others in the hospital there was supposedly a shortage of drugs, but when colleagues testified that there could not be a shortage of drugs, they were ordered according to the first demand and the number of patients, the arrested doctor began to blame everything on the nurses, allegedly they changed the drugs themselves, and he did not look after them; if tyukalov is to blame for anything, then only the defendant’s wife is convinced of this, her husband, according to her , was passionate about work , lived on it, a wonderful doctor, he will tell you this, here are the patients, we will be lost for him now.
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for free, creating a surplus by substitution, and then selling the bike on the side. the doctor violated one of the main commandments of the hippocratic oath, do no harm and knowing full well, as an oncologist, how important drugs are for patients, he essentially tried on the role of almost a god, deciding for himself who will have a chance of cure and who will not. at the same time , the positive characteristics were taken into account when making the decision, and their merits were due. therefore, tyukalov will spend not 8 years in the colony, but four, but will return after. her apartment in otradnoye now belongs to
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strangers who kicked her out the door, some time ago the woman took out a loan secured by an apartment from a microfinance organization, an expensive operation was required, and then the creditors said that a month a pensioner needs to be paid half a million, of course there was no such money , the apartment was taken away, is it possible for the woman. for the night inside in the compartments, bed linen for a week she says she’s already gotten used to going nowhere , she was evicted from her only home by creditors, she went to the clinic for a while, when
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she returned, unknown people were tearing down the door to kuvalda’s apartment. one of the men introduced himself as roman and identified himself as the new owner, showing the court decision. find a pensioner for whom, who has no relatives, who does not intercede, bully him, take the apartment for nothing, throw it out onto the street. we urgently need to repay, because we are closing this apartment project and offering the next lender.
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it is now up to the capital's investigators to unwind the entire chain. vsk has opened a criminal case on the fact of fraud. it turned out that real money offended at least 80 people. they gave me 700,000, what should i write off from the documents? of course, they can come at any time. the good people of nadezhda vasilievna hired a lawyer and demanded that her arrest be made an apartment that is sold three times in a year for 19 million rubles. to hush up the story, the new owners offered to take the things for storage, but the neighbors were against it; let the new buyers see and know the ins and outs. all these nadezhda vasilyevna things, look, all this is worth it and the sofas. and the pensioner herself is still living in the conier’s room, she absolutely needs to go.
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cases are complaining to a neighbor who is conducting strange rituals in an old cemetery, people contacted the police, everything was confirmed, and polin gubanova herself posts a video of our rituals on the networks, we’ll show you everything in a few minutes. we are finished, and fokat hanim wants to kick me out, and you too, if i didn’t guess, shame, shame, yesterday i was hiding behind my husband, now i’m hiding behind my father, who are you anyway? zym is hiding in your stepfather's house, when grandfather finds out about this, what will happen to you and your mother, what are you doing, it means i 'm waiting for you at home, and again you
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're having fun with whoever you got, maybe there is a preference on what to do with him, no mercy, kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. only at alfabank, spin the reel to application and receive a supercake of up to 100% every month, and up to 30% in categories guaranteed. if you don't have a card, order a free alpha debit card. not just profitable, alpha profitable. lif 52 cleanses, restores and protects the liver. lif 52 is an expert in liver cleansing and restoration.
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choose where to fly in the alpha travel service and receive super cashback on air tickets up to 30%. buy profitably in the bank app or on the alpha travel website. not just profitable, alpha profitable. there is an emergency on ntv live . a witch, supposedly she performs some kind of magical rituals in the cemetery, while the sorceress is not hiding from anyone, she herself posts a recording of occult actions, should the villagers be afraid of a strange neighbor, pavel kuznetsov knows, having drawn a circle next to the grave with a certain magic rune inside, she begins to his mystical ritual,
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lights black candles, whispers some... the spell, of course, brings bloody sacrifice on this otherworldly altar, with blood, fortunately he smears the flowers from his own hand, with the onset of night , ritual bonfires begin to burn in the cemetery near stavropol almost every day. fotte of the bride, a black witch, as she calls herself, polina gubanova, promises help and healing to everyone who turns to her, and she asks the spirits for her clients, they will do everything for her. my word, law, truth, cross. witness, everything would be fine, there are many such witches and sorcerers on social networks now, but the residents of the stavropol territory were greatly outraged by the terrible cemetery gubanova’s rituals, because she conducts them on other people’s graves, well, it’s disgusting, it’s against the law of god, well, it’s not even according to god’s laws, the clairvoyant chooses for her spells first of all either very old graves, or clearly abandoned ones, but it’s understandable, video posts on the internet to advertise his superpowers and god forbid
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the relatives of the deceased see them. they can see vandalism or outright blasphemy, but the witch assures that she knows how to talk with the souls of the dead, get up and work, you will have time to get work. on gubanova's pages a lot of creepy videos, she has a black altar at home, here along with runes, animal skulls, satanic figurines, there is also a price list for those suffering from laying out tarot cards (500 rubles) for one question before cleaning from damage , casting protection spells, here you will have to fork out money at 3,500, to prove their capabilities, home rituals, sorceresses often visit the inhabitants of parallel worlds, this basement room is a testament. “i won’t catch anyone here, let anyone live here, those who know the gubanov family for some reason try to keep quiet, either from fear of a witch, or for some other reason, however, the dreamer’s mother assures that polina suddenly began
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to communicate with the dead for a reason, where did he get such people from, pedigree, we, you know, how it happened, from all sides, and from my branch, yes, and from the outside." after the creepy videos from cemeteries began to gain popularity, they began to be closely studied by the police, it is possible that we are talking about vandalism here, palina gubanova herself is now in the samara region, apparently, on a business trip on his otherworldly affairs, pavel kuzentsov, natalya popova and evgeny kandakov, ntv, stavropol territory, most of their rituals. takes videos, we published a selection of these recordings in our telegram channel chpntv, subscribe to keep up to date with what is happening, i will remind you that feedback also works in the telegram channel, you can offer us news or tell us about your problem, and we we will try to help,
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our communication office is 24/7, well, more news on our website in the telegram channel chpantv, that’s all for today, thank you for attention. kingfisher! coffee, thank you,
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what are you thinking about, so what should we do, what will happen next? also this story with pelin, i don’t understand anything anymore. ask, fakat. you get along with her. all wrong. i can't trust her. finally. we can trust each other, honey. can we do it ourselves? well, what kind of questions, of course, why don’t you believe me, because of the railings of yesterday’s situation, some
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problems, it’s better to tell me everything to my face, okay, you’re taking too long. write in this house. i don't want to see an unmarried woman in my house. why? i don't understand. let yours cousin will explain what's what. after all, she is experienced in this matter, isn’t she? what are you talking about? tell me directly so that i know too. look, kaya, you see how much there is. talking, la-la-la-la-la-la-la, uh-huh, if i want you to be kicked out of this house in a second. come on, come on, please!


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