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tv   Professional  NTV  July 20, 2024 2:30am-3:10am MSK

2:30 am
but it would never have occurred to me to make a dressing room here at all, well, actually this is a dressing room for two, oleg, well, this is her dream, it’s very cool, you can try on flesh here , yes you can, wow, there is bed linen, but where is the bed , let's move on, wow, i understood where the bed is, note that upstairs on your left side the air conditioner is hidden behind the bars. but the most interesting thing is the bed, remove the pillows, please, so the pillows, yeah, on the right side, take this iron handle, lower it, wow, we we thought about such a bed, well, it’s gorgeous, well, sasha, come on, oh, there are still lamps here, yes, oh, you can read, great, how easy it is to clean it, let’s check it out, shall we?
2:31 am
let's check it out, well, it's really easy, great idea, let's check the diban, oh, deep, yes, diban, and the children can sit on the ottomans, you have them, look how the stumps are hidden over there, yeah, wow, ufiki, it’s great that i’m thinking about the subject of the riddle, this is this cut, yes, apparently, yes, it’s all together, natural colors, this is very cool, i would never have had the courage to even think about putting a dressing room in this room, great, i really like it, so in our office, oh, wow, cool, you can see the ferris wheel very well, the wheel is in place, it’s not gone, wow , here the light was so hidden, so can i try out my workplace, and dad’s workplace, it’s very cool, the lamp is so beautiful, and here in your... town, if someone decides
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to go to bed earlier, someone will work , you won’t interfere with each other, great, generally great, i really like it, what do you think of the chair? i like the chair, it’s a bit of a retro style, it seems to me that my grandmother had a similar chair, it’s actually vintage, anna’s husband restored it, wow, gorgeous, yes, the chandelier is so beautiful, it’s also vintage, i really like everything, yes i hid the radiator. well, i didn’t see the radiator, it’s big, yes, when we were leaving, i said that i don’t like curtains, but these curtains fit in so well that i didn’t even pay attention to them at all, it’s beautiful, that’s all for me really like, i too, similarly, the gift was a success, it’s just gorgeous, just super, hurray, happy birthday, thank you very much, i honestly didn’t expect that there would be such a color scheme, very calm colors, very calm colors. yes, yes, they don’t hurt the eyes and
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the decor in general, it’s very interesting, by the way, the arches, for example, with light, these accents stand out very beautifully, when we walked in, i didn’t even notice that our balcony was black, if i had known in advance, it would have scared me, when we walked in, it’s so cool, and i think, of course, even black, probably better than some light color, zoning becomes even more obvious with the help of colors, a bed that pulls out, yes, it’s convenient, practical, and there are guests. i thought that dressing rooms were placed in some kind of large rooms, or as if separately, when it was designed, now i look as if it should be like this at all, why it never occurred to me at all and it was scary to think about it, this but the level is completely different, the plot and drawing are so beautifully composed, it seems to me, the designer very clearly understood what we wanted, even though we ourselves couldn’t really formulate what we wanted, the children will now get their own rooms, and here you have a lock... and here we’ll put in a lock.
2:34 am
2:35 am
kolya, look, make it bigger, turn up the sound, how come you left so young? well , excuse me, son, at least i’ll drink to you, he said, son, yes, he said, son, but i don’t see his face, let the earth be a piece of cake for you, son said again, let’s not take risks, give me the remote control, good afternoon.
2:36 am
good afternoon, at home, come in, waiting, have a seat. in general, your main task is to check major richtor's group. there is a suspicion that under its cover , dyudyun karasev’s team created a well -conspiracy unit of hired killers. richter, do you know?
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and this is this nikita,
2:38 am
hello, hello, we’re very hungry, make us a couple of hodgepodges, a couple of chops, well, a couple of coffees, don’t forget some salads and some food. ruby, okay, the country and state program is on the air. the recent appointment of general sergei zverev to the post of deputy head of the federal security service of st. petersburg, according to an informed source leads to intensification of intra-clan struggle in this power bloc. i remind you.
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in pursuit of the attempted murder of her client, former fsb officer andrei zubov. hello. good afternoon. new order? ordered to be hung on the second floor in the general gallery, the king is dead, long live the king, new portraits, new offices, well, to be honest, i’m even glad about the office, i couldn’t sit there where anatoly vladimirovich was killed behind the wall, i wouldn’t be able to, we’re all there we will be
2:40 am
waiting for you, come in, comrade general, major richtor, he has arrived on your orders. what have you done in the morning at the cemetery? performer error. i ask, what was that all about? the operation to eliminate the traitor rodin zubov. i have an order, i cancel this order, by the evening all the materials about the activities of your super-secret unit will be on my desk and a full report on the zubyi case is there, his whereabouts are still unknown, that ’s for sure, and this is the woman who is with him, moreva , through the channels of the ministry of internal affairs we managed to put her on the wanted list as a possible accomplice in the murder of colonel konego, she was identified by a prostitute in the apartment where everything happened, plus prints, without...
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2:42 am
put it on, it means you’re saying the beast is fierce, look, he wasn’t quiet before. i was arranging chairs for the director at a meeting, and now he has canceled the order to liquidate zubov, asked for all the information about him and my group, he doesn’t even hide the fact that he doesn’t believe me, and you’ve already shit your pants, i’m used to objectively assessing the situation, jump off if you want, i can see it in my eyes, you can turn me over yourself, if you wanted to do it... before zverev’s arrival, before
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zverev’s arrival there was no point, they could have appointed my man, now zverev grabbed him by the ball, where teeth are unknown, it’s time, okay, let’s come to me, have some tea, discuss something, dear passengers, boarding continues with are you following me? i’m watching, what did you think, without a beard, without a mustache, no one will recognize you,
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you’re going far away, to where you can save your life, well, it’s all relative, you tell the crucian carp, what do you think, i don’t know who i am here i’m working as a bait, this is after so many years of raking in heat for you with these hands, what heat, with what hands, you worked your ass. while zubov is alive, you cannot consider yourself security. why am i tired of them, if he
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tramples after me, this one will trample. haven't you realized yet that you are the only evidence of his innocence? he won't kill you. he needs you alive. or you? and what do you think? can't he get you to talk? take your item and get in the car! are you sure we should leave today? i’m sure they could figure us out through your computer, find this one matter of time, but still time, there is little chance that they will show up here today, little, but i don’t want
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give them none. well, shall we go? yes, sure. okay, give me some too, i can’t stand it, it’s moonshine, i’d rather stick with normal vodka, this moonshine is the best medicine for memories, you take a little and the world seems better, but what is it
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bad for you, the world is not for him. .. i don’t exist, you know, nine, what’s nine, nine passports in 15 years, 44 countries, three wounds, four maleria, not a single home, not a single day without fear. you say, you made me, and i gave you everything, with the money you earned from me, you can was to buy a small country, where else would you go,
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let’s stop, nonsense, that’s it. what are you saying, nonsense, let’s stop, you can’t stop in this business, you can only get off, but who will let you get off, you think, i earned everything for myself, but with the money i sent there, they already bought one country, a beautiful one, big country, i’m sitting in this nest as if i’m trapped, “ i can’t go out into the city, listen, i’m afraid that they’ll find out, this is my hometown, i’m afraid of it, that’s it, i can’t do this anymore, you, i’ll help you catch the tooth , but
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if i stay alive, that's it, i'm out of the game, looking for a new phoenix, well, if you stay, then you're free.
2:50 am
to where they are supposed to be, it’s me, like the situation at the facility, and as always nervous, don’t let up your surveillance even for a second, change more often, we know, lights out, uh-huh, the boss called, well, he’s swollen again. every day it’s the same thing, but that’s his problem, we don’t get paid for this, listen, let’s go to the monitor, i ’m going to sleep, come on.
2:51 am
look, it's me, how are we doing? already settled in a new place, major, comrade general, colonel dvornikov from management. for security, i ask you to hand over to him all the documentation on your secret group, as well as the personal files of the employees. clearance for personal matters, you apparently forgot who determines clearance, besides, i want
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all employees of your super-secret group to undergo a polygraph test, for what? for the availability of information about the death of the gypsy major. this is our client, let's go after him, don't get stuck, keep your distance, two or three cars, okay.
2:53 am
looks like he's always here, you, that's good, habits, objects, a godsend for a spy, you spy, sometimes it seems to me that this is all a dream, i wouldn’t give half my life for it to be like this, okay, natasha, let’s go, we need to rent an unlit apartment, for which i paid the last money for gasoline. did you have any clients who were drug addicts? have you defended drug addicts in any cases? so she protected. let's go
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natasha. let's go get him, yes, i understand, now i'll send another car, all lights out, tomorrow the tree order should be delivered to me from the emerald city company, yes, please follow up, as soon as they deliver it, it will be delivered to me immediately, thank you. well, phoenix called a taxi, goes to the center, again to the bars take off the women, donjuan khrenov, sit down, how long
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did he tumble around with the last sturdesa, 4 days, i never understood even in my youth what to do with a woman for 4 days, 10 minutes is boring, how... do you think we didn’t hide phoenix too well, well, are you sure that if he keeps an eye on the office, he will definitely contact him, i’m sure i go every day to change security at phoenix’s house, zubov understands perfectly well that the connection with phoenix, either you or i will come out to follow you more difficult, i travel alone without security, so if zubov professional, they probably won’t let you in. the main thing is that we don’t miss it.
2:56 am
“here’s a client, i’m off, you’re sure, but we shouldn’t reward defenseless passers-by, although in our situation this is exactly what is prescribed.
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don’t come without money next time, or at least bring your little sister, there’ll be something to do, she’s 13, it’s necessary when - start.
2:58 am
don’t kill, please don’t kill, please, what’s your name, sveta, i won’t touch you, sveta, do you know where he hides the money, no, that means he’s unlucky, don’t pretend, i’m not that hard on you . hit, well, just not if you want to be honest, where is the money? fuck you,
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the answer is wrong, you have one more ear, two eyes, a nose and 10 fingers, choose, you are not a person for me, i will find out everything anyway, i chose, there in the room under the tv, my ear. you cut off my ear, you are a dead man, you will answer for this, you know who i work with, they will find you and kill you, where are the drugs, fuck you idiot idiot, not drugs, in the lampshade in the chandelier, stupid, shut up, what are you doing, i’ll kill you, you goat, you understand, don’t touch me, i’ll put you in your place, i said,
3:00 am
that’s it, you’ve definitely got it, and you’re a fool for sitting there, give me a rag, or call me soon, don’t, don’t, please, please, please, don’t, man, man, at least call the doctor soon, i’m bleeding out, i hope.
3:01 am
well, it’s normal, you need to get out of here quickly, those guys who entered. these same policemen are from the state committee for duri, they are protecting the goulush, which means today they will be in the chalk, your hand is bleeding, let's go, natasha, let's go, what kind of car did you get into, did you see? it seems like the car looks noticeable, it shouldn’t be too far, yes, come on!
3:02 am
they went to the industrial zone, come on, come after them, come on, come on, come on, you! it's not thick, damn, it seems like we're in trouble, come on guys, turn right here and stop. the police got out of the car, we'll talk, we get out of the car, calmly, get out, we get out of the car, hands,
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hands, put your hands on the car so i can see, put handcuffs on him, where are you from when it comes to... the point of rocking the boat, come, or something, hands behind your back, who are you, we are from drug control, no longer, why don’t the police serve disabled people, natasha in the car. do you even understand who you are contacting, shut up, we will find you, look for it, 320, two
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police officers have 32,000, and what is their salary? 1.30 40, stop here, continue on foot, the car lit up. that young man asked me to convey this to you. hello, what do you want? can i have a cube of salt? okay, let's do it.
3:05 am
let's jump. this luxury, please, how many hours do you need, happy hours are not observed, i’ll take a day, and then it will be seen, passport, please, passport, admit it. do you work for my wife? man, i have to enter the document into the journal. enter as you like. come on in. how long will we stay here?
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no more than a day. any longer will be suspicious. and then? there are more than 130 establishments here. you can wander around for a month without attracting any attention. where did you take it? at the crossroads they gave me a free ride. on... sash, buy what’s on this list, only in different pharmacies and different stores, medicine, tape, drill, drill , why do you need a drill, it’s better for you not to know, as soon as you buy it, wait for me here, hold it, i promise romantic dinner, i have to go.
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3:08 am
yes, honey, yes, of course, bring senechka, i ’ll be happy to take him for the weekend, but when it’s convenient for you, then bring him, yes, everything’s fine with you, yeah, yeah, yeah, no, no, i’m not worried, we’ll limit the chocolate, everything will be fine, yes, yes, that’s it, kiss, kiss, i say, phoenix picked up a black girl in a tavern on nevsky, our little bird dragged her around africa. why do you think that the forelock will look for teeth, and not you? because he was taught not to repeat himself. and he knows that after the story with the crucian carp, we are ready to receive him. are we ready? double the security. on mode, i hope
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you recorded this, and as soon as you have enough health, turn on the key, oh, turn off the sound, come on, we are being filmed from two cameras, this won’t embarrass you. shout to the guys, they will be pleased, and if they are waiting for you right there, they will be waiting for me to study, which they are ready to slip me, why do you think so, because we studied together, only i took advanced training courses, sorry for dragging you in again. listen, if you
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apologize to me one more time, i will hit you, let me help you. here is our ward, let's go, natasha! where did you get this car? at a chic restaurant. the owner abandoned.


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