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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-13  NTV  July 20, 2024 5:15am-6:06am MSK

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sold the bastard morik, your mother.
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he said, let’s go and waved his hand, that’s it,
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you understand, i’m an honest person, i watch the news and i can’t sleep, like an honest person, i think i’ll go and tell you how everything really happened, but it’s hard for us honest people, you what do you think i need money for? i’ll buy a ticket to a sanatorium and go and relieve my nerves. you're a lost man, semyonich, as you are, lost, unreliable, you can't be trusted with a single thing, so i took it.
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how long was he in the water? no, judging by the weather, no less than a day, but no more than three, it’s not inflated too much yet, so , well, that’s it, let’s go, be careful, the bottom here is bad, the possibility that he drowned himself
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is excluded, well, let’s consider this version, come on, well, the place chosen for swimming is fine, so ? well, it seems like i taped my mouth shut myself, that’s also normal, well, more or less. wrapped in chickens, well, that’s also normal, sometimes, be careful, the fact that he didn’t take off his shoes before swimming, that raises doubts, yes, it’s strange, i took mine off, but for some reason he didn’t, but the shoes are interesting, well, yes, well, listen, but they probably had to bring him here, that’s right, no one saw any traces on the shore, but you understand that the place is not guarded, and if in the morning... there were traces, then they trampled everything, so, well, what, this is where they found him, in general, i don’t know how they
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managed to drop the engine into the water, they began to pull out with a boat and pulled out the corpse, it’s strange how they rowed to the shore, and even with such a gift, well, out of fear they rowed themselves without motor so what? no documents, nothing at all, oh, igor, it would be better if you came in the morning he brought something good, something bright, otherwise there were corpses, drowned people, his boots are hard to see here, some kind of brown ones, or something, with sharp noses, look here, it’s better here , that means our corpse won’t be left without a name, where does such confidence come from, look, oleg georgievich, these are shoes from alexey flobetsky, flo and what is this? a well-known company, well , not particularly in wide circles, but you can count the number of clients on one hand, but every shoe is made to order, wow, that is, you want to say that show these shoes in any store to us they will name their owner, what the hell,
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where did we get the coastline from, well, when they were enlarging the matter, they decided to cut this piece for us to the heap, i remember the logic then was like this, enlarge, enlarge, familiar logic. and how many wood grouse come to you from there every year? well, decently, now is the season. so that's why you always have second place in your area. sorry. i assume that your neighboring coastline suffered quite a bit. are you right? yes, i didn’t feel sorry for you, your firsov. just admire, oleg georgievich, where your extraordinary ones are sailing titles and prizes. well, have you examined him? yes, i did. in passing, you know, i’m not in trouble, right? yes, of course, i know, so what do you say? death was due to drowning, water in the lungs. what do you think, did he drown himself, or did he get help? you see, the damage
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to his body, i think he got after drowning. yeah, when the water was dragging along the bottom, but during life, no injuries were found on his body. there is a mark on his shoulder from an injection, and it is clearly not of medical origin. judging by genya, then you want to say that he was injected with some kind of drug? it may well be that i have already sent tissue samples for toxicology testing. well, what do you suspect? well, i think it’s not poison, i’ll tell you for sure after the examination. lyosha, we can somehow hurry up the laboratory. i'll try, but sometimes it takes up to two weeks, you know. can i help you with anything? hope.
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first of all, i'm interested in the names of... the clients, what did you do with them? you destroyed a work of art, that is, you recognize these shoes, yes, by sight, every pair, every stitch with these hands, these the shoes belong to an unidentified corpse caught from the gulf of finland, i hope you can help me identify him, you see, an individual number on each pair, they are all on order, as well as customer data, just a minute, that's good news. i’ll pick them up, thank you, i’m listening, yeah, i’m writing it down, smolin, yeah, yeah, oleg
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igorevich, i’m writing, born in 75, yeah, and i have passport details, just like theirs. everything is set up, so the wife, the surgeon, too much of a foot maneuver, legs in chains in the bay, well, yes, only our bay is not hudson, but finnish, and the depth is different, yes, there was a man and there is no man. so, guys, let's act quickly, the manufacturer identified the shoes of the deceased, named him, this is smolin, oleg, igorevich, who will be, a doctor, doctor of science, deals with genetics, yes, it turned out that our department orders a dna examination from him in the laboratory, when our criminologists can’t cope, well done, nicole, yes, now our little girl will get a living, verbal gratitude, also not bad considering our poverty, now all that remains is to find the wife of the deceased, call her for identification, here she is coordinates. surgeon, interesting wife of our doctor of sciences, you'll meet her, let's go to work with her, she has a shift today, otherwise her
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mobile phone is not answering, igor, and you go to work for our deceased, find out what and how, interview colleagues and subordinates , there is, well, okay, maybe by the evening we will have one more or less normal version, well, what should i do, and you stop suffering with nonsense and work, i ’m saving everyone from the heat, just don’t worry there, everything will be fine , okay, i'll take you. i'll wait, maybe you'll stay, i'd better go, hello, forgive me, please, i ’m looking for anna vasilievna smolina from the first surgery, i’m fine with your dautov, the operation was successful, they’ll transfer you from intensive care in the evening, we’ll tell you everything, we’ll let you know, i’m from the police, major volkov, and forgive me, but i thought you also went to dautov, you just had the operation this morning, now you’re family. not storming, when was the last time you saw your husband, oleg? and what happened?
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your boss’s wife just identified his body, what are you talking about? what a nightmare, what a misfortune! oh, igor, what destinies? great! actually the same i can ask you a question too. don't you see what 's happening here? and what? do you know who is at night? climbed in, scattered everything, scattered it, left , something was missing, here’s the most interesting thing, according to the laboratory staff , absolutely nothing was missing, that’s the point, in general , you know, it looks like some kind of joke, they just climbed in, scattered everything and left, but what were they looking for, well, this is what we are doing now, i... i know, it’s hard to see a loved one there, but stop, what kind of loved one, only memories remain, difficult ones with my husband
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relationship, but it couldn’t be simpler, we had to get a divorce, even so, yes, it’s been six months since we lived together, who was the initiator, he, you know, it started about a year ago, oleg has changed so much, he began to dress chic, a car changed, lost interest in work, started...
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lyudmila yurna, what is this key for? i ’ve never seen it before, this is the first time i’ve seen it, it doesn’t look like a key to an apartment, well , yes, and it doesn’t look like a safe, i think it’s from a box, from a safe deposit box. it’s very scary, i can’t think of anything else, but it’s nonsense, they have nothing on us,
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after all, no one knows, really, yes, no one, in any case, to clarify this issue, you will have to open his cell, judges are reluctant to do these things, but there is no choice, the version of professional activity cannot be excluded. the deceased clearly had money, and in an amount that far exceeded basic needs. in addition, shoes from alexey folobetsky are an extremely expensive purchase. there is also a personal version. smolin is getting a divorce; her late husband kicked her out.
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just a few minutes is enough for me, tell me, what were you doing late on monday evening? v that evening when oleg was killed, absolutely true, and now i’m among the suspects, but no, just answer the question everything, well, i don’t know, i was sleeping, you confused me, it’s hard to remember, only a few days have passed, well, you just say it right away , can anyone confirm your location? no, well, that’s exactly what i wanted to know. thank you,
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what are you doing now, i don’t understand, are you, are you, are you kidding me, or what? why are you so worried, comrade colonel? and i ’ll explain it to you now. you want to open a safe deposit box of a deceased tenant, which has direct heirs, living, this is the wife, yes, but the investigation in this case, comrade colonel, listen, don’t interrupt me, please, i listened to you very carefully, oleg georgievich, so listen to me, now too, you want to open a safe deposit box, you her you open it up, don’t find anything there that will advance you in your business, and safely give it all away to the archives, and then your head...
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you’ll have permission, go, work, there’s something to eat, yes, it’s too bad to hang around, well, listen, wait, and how did your wife react, so cats, cats, cats?
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works normally for years, lives well, well, you can’t waste experience, although she’s hot in africa, well , that’s the way it is, but do you seriously think that smolina bribed the previously imprisoned driver from her clinic to kill her husband, it sounds like it would be quite plausible, the housing problem, my dears, has spoiled not only muscovites, but also affected st. petersburg residents, well, i don’t know, sheer guesswork, all based on the fact that you
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saw them together a couple of times, yes, i found out everything in detail , no common themes between the surgeon and the driver there can't be an ambulance. maybe they are having an affair? igor. i'm listening. so. yeah. thank you. so. leave the resin for a while. we received a response to our morning request. we open the cell of the deceased. judging by the records, he rented his cell quite recently, but visited often. well, we will prepare the date and time of the visit for you. great. sorry, of course i understand. this cell was rented by oleg pavlovich smolin. it's clear. nevermind. "i'm sorry, i certainly understand the mystery of the investigation, but what are you trying to find? perhaps important evidence that will help
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we need to find the killer, usually after this we leave our clients alone with their treasures, well, today is a special occasion, please come, everyone can clearly see that in the cell, in addition to money, smollin kept some examination results, originals, this act was found in a paper bag containing about 75 thousand dollars, not sickly, i don’t understand anything about it, but look at the name, arkhipov, in our opinion, arkhip is the one who protected the kuznetsk market in the nineties. became an honest restaurateur, owner of a chain of big fish pubs, who he drowned a year ago, and so, guys, he just didn’t drown, here is arkhip’s dna from the corpse that was buried in his place, and there
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it is written in black and white that there are no coincidences, how very simple it is, the corpse of arkhip caught in the lake turned out to be non-archip, and the doctor most likely gave him a false examination of the archip in order to blackmail him later, well then he must be a corpse, so he is a corpse, everyone thought that the archips failed because he was a lot for... well, he most likely unfastened the strap to the doctor so that he would not give him away. ah, imimi in other words, questions about where the dead man got his money no longer arise. yes, oh, to deal with this archip again. listen, he walked around with a lupar in his buddies. oh yes, it’s been a while since we visited serdeshny. well, shall we call amon? yes, wait, let's try peacefully. this means that it turns out that part of the examination was done to order. smolin’s head office may be compromised, it turns out that so, you understand what this
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means, i understand, apparently not completely, this means that we will have to conduct repeated examinations on all cases, the evidence base which were based on smallin’s expertise, yes, the laboratory worked for 2 years. this is a disaster, okay, we’ll deal with cases as they come, find the archip, and let’s agree that this information will not go beyond the boundaries of this office. okay, oleg georgievich, wait, at least you can explain to me why we are considering this archip in the first place. no, wait, did you actually look into the second package from smolin’s cell, you should have taken a closer look, wait, 5 minutes, you can wait, okay, but only 5 minutes, ok, now, here are the results of the examination on
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the recognition of paternity, the results say that the son of kristina sirotina is not the son of arthur goryansky, goryansky, and this is the one who is the owner of rosso capital, exactly yes. homeland, his wife, just recently got married, six months ago the newspapers were full of news about this event, a millionaire married an orphan, haven’t you heard, no, in general, it doesn’t matter, this goryansky, here he is, is one of the hundred richest people in the country, and she was his ex-assistant, not a novel, a fairy tale, just some kind of cinderella, yes, the main thing is that she deceived him, bore him a son from someone else, which means that if the orphan ordered a fake dna examination, well, in order to marry for money... so, it turns out that our doctor could blackmail her with this, well and about what? so what, this fragile girl could kill this smolin?
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santa barbara of some kind? we need to look for the archip. grodovikov is right, if he is alive, then everything else can be taken seriously. well, let's go, wait, oleg georgievich, of course, this means that we will consider other versions, take it volkova. visit this orphan, that's it, come on, come on, let's go, kazimbey was found, his condition is critical, if kazim dies, i will disappear, for you, you know very well who ordered this, so think about where you will return later, i will not let him live , who caused all this, now people are demanding even more money from me, threatening to call my name if you did something... and you would tell me, right? no, why would you, who are you in this house? kingfisher, new season, today at 13:00 on ntv. well, let's go wild?
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the restaurant will open only tomorrow, yeah, we ’ll just have to see, just a minute, somehow i wouldn’t say that we’re being greeted with bread and salt, well, igoryuk, as they say, a person forges his own happiness, hello, hello, i ’m very glad to see you , oh, how many years, how many winters, sorry, i’m busy in the near future, and i also think this month will be busy, see me through.
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please, guests, okay, well, that means our conversation didn’t work out, so hands up, hands down, so what do we have here, i don’t resist, you resisted, little pig, look, this is not mine, yes - that is, it is registered with me, look, the person is confused, it’s clear that something has happened to his memory due to nervous tension, but it seems to me that this trunk is just like a murder, so lupar, there’s a direct path for you... to visit us, let’s go, georgivich, georgich, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, all the best, i ordered the dna examination, you see, goryansky and i just started dating, and i immediately became pregnant and now , he didn't trust you,
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uh-huh. well, you know, rich people, they are always a little cautious and that’s why, yes, goryansky i doubted it, but when the examination proved that he was the father, we immediately got married. have you met smolin? no, i ordered an examination at the clinic where my mother works. tell me, where were you 2 days ago in the evening? at home, in our house on krestovsky, with my husband? no, alone. goryansky went on a business trip. and i gave the child to the nanny. well, can i ever be alone? but why are you asking? the specialist who did your dna examination was killed. we found a document from him stating that your husband is not the father of your child. it is not true? the mountain father of my child is what the tests showed. i do not believe you. if smolin blackmailed you, then now is the time to tell about it. why did he blackmail me? why, why on earth? christina, are you from the police? well, let's go up, why
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are we standing under our eyes? mom really wanted to talk to you, i said, let’s go, christina will go later when she’s out for a walk, and i ’ll answer all your questions, we don’t have secrets from each other, let’s go, let’s go, my dear, please , wait, christina, wait, well please, yes, i know for sure that my father is granddaughter goryansky, so they are like two peas in a pod, but there are documents, but you didn’t understand something in them, or there was some mistake, you know me i was very upset, i’m terribly glad that my daughter married a good man.
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man, what's wrong with that? well , look at how we live, because i ’ve worked all my life, i worked in a hospital for 40 years as an anesthetologist, and now in retirement i still work part-time as a nurse, but help yourself, please, thank you, tell me, who is it there with christina? grisha, grisha, grisha, yes, mom, go downstairs, that romeo has come again, i asked you not to come, your mother will see, you are going to live your whole life under your mother’s tale, you understand, if she finds out what will happen, you are always afraid of everything, so i brought it here, come on, did you come up with this yourself or mom , calm down, that’s enough, guys, calm down, grisha, calm down, go away, petya, go away.
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yes, this is an ex, he won’t leave him alone, petka demin, we call him romeo, he and christina used to have love, he works as a car mechanic, he’s a simple hard worker, it’s bad, you know, it only happens in the movies, it brings love happiness, and i am her secretary.
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you need to go to another department, arkhip has been drowned for a year already, what are you saying, and why did arkhip seem to have sorted out the finances, knocked out all his money, what should he be afraid of, well, what have i got to do with it, well, explain to me dear man, who should i contact, you are actually sitting in the place of the archip, for what purpose are you interested in the archip, we want an answer from the archip on one wet matter, is it a sin?
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come in, don’t be afraid, hello, we have a summons here, well, well, anna and her floss will appear for interrogation tomorrow, now, whatever you want, sasha, let's go stupid, wait, anechka, we need to figure it out, boss, did she really say that she didn't have an albie on the evening of her husband's murder, really, because, what is it, no, well, anna vasilivna is right, this can all wait until tomorrow, but what tomorrow, she’s probably one of your main suspects, you’ll arrest her tomorrow, she has an alibi, everything’s alright, sasha,
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what kind of alibi is this, we had bridesmaids, we’re getting married we will, uh-huh, igor, are you alone there? with volkov, now i’ll bring you someone, come with me, come with me, come with me, you you understand that this is the height of stupidity, you are a person with a higher education, a respected surgeon, anna, for what such wild reasons did you hide this novel of yours from us, and what is there to think about, she is ashamed of me, don’t say that, sasha, that i have no complaints, that is, what do you think? what’s there to think about, boss, you understand, we’re going to have a child, she’s completely out of her mind right now, the wife of the lab owner, fuck that lab boss, he ruined my whole life, no normal family, no children, he’s dead, so got me from the other world,
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sit here and make excuses to you that you are not a camel, well, excuse us, but okay, you live there, as i understand it, at kotov’s, yes, yes, just for god’s sake don’t listen to him, you have no idea how much sasha is for it means that when oleg left, he just saved me, it was so black, i thought i’d kill myself, to what extent, the man crushed me, and then oleg was killed and again black and black, and as soon as i found out that she gave up her alibi, i immediately took her hand and came here, then i looked, the message had already arrived, i know these approaches of yours, i visited myself, someone can confirm your alebi, but there are all my relatives, start with the brother, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to interview the neighbors either, otherwise... they weren’t very worried that it was painful, noisy, listen, boss, but at first they were generally afraid of my anka , yes, then nothing, they relaxed, like this, the woman said, well, boss, that’s it, the suspect floated away, well
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, we’ll still check this, please check, so i beg you, leave us alone, but you’re not the spanish inquisition from us are you doing, is it just the boss, all the stuff you have here it happens, well, we can just... go, well, if you want, i can put you in prison for 15 days for hooliganism. oh, hello, well, what are you talking about, what are you talking about, about arkhip, oh, please give me the keys, yeah, you know, nothing so far, yesterday we detained his counterfeiter lupar, krymov talked to him, the results are zero, excellent , do you think that arkhip is alive and involved in the murder of smallin? i think that soon you will be able to ask arkhip all these questions personally. do you think it can be taken soon? i don't count anything and i think
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that the archive will come to us itself. well, actually, thieves don’t like to come to the cops themselves, i don’t know how it is in st. petersburg, but here in moscow it’s like that. what the hell is wrong, these are the wrong keys. sorry, no big deal. you know, the archip needs to somehow be resurrected, you know, he has already done all the things for which he played dead, so it’s time, and are you sure that he will come to you? after we took his assistant lupar, he has no other options, they are born, die with us through zaks, resurrected through our nice establishment, well, well, we’ll see, but why look, here he is our sea king, well , arkhipov, he’s been running around, he’s no longer a boy to run around, well, yes, if you want to be present during the interrogation, please, please, go to my office, in short , the perch was not criminal,
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a fisherman was on his way, we caught it, it was already swollen, it stank, they could barely pull my clothes onto it, and what next, what was towed to the shore , hid there until a couple under the pier, a bed with a straight line, so that my clothes were on it sat normally, and they were looking for this, which examination will do it, and then they drag you out to the trash heap, like. look, what a beautiful blind man has arrived, and you paid smolin, right? well, yes, it’s normal, 25 green mowers, and he georgievich, just think, calls this guy six months later and says: like, you didn’t pay enough for that good-natured thing that i did to you, and you put up with it, i’ve never been patient, i tell him , i ’ll cut you into pieces and feed you to the fish, and he says: then the original from the safe deposit box will float straight to the trash bin, when it was, and in the winter, somewhere around february 23, and you gave him another half ruble? well, yes, in exchange for paper, don’t fool us here, but
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so far it looks like it’s not, in smolin’s cell, in a bag with an examination for a fake arachip, they actually found 75.00 dollars, and i heard that smolin has another copy in his cell the examination was in progress, but i don’t give a damn, i ’ve sorted out my affairs with the devil, the lupar can confirm, if of course you let him go, here’s your lupar, don’t let him be a greyhound, the boss has already realized, this smolin, if he sticks out, i ’ll give him a makita, yes, it was too late to answer. without you, well, on business then, i don’t feel sorry for this creature at all, in short, here i am, how can i get that back, well, we’ll think about it, archip, here’s my boss, maybe they’ll advise, i’m being honest, but i could have done it differently, i would have waited until one of the boys from the periphery went to the next world and brought him into power, and i would have chosen, because i am also useful, you will legalize me from the dead, and i will give you something i can tell you, this is where we should start, comrade colonel,
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allow me to address my comrade lieutenant colonel? i allow it, oleg georgievich, it seems to me that this is very urgent. how urgent is it, bor? well, as urgent as possible. will you allow me? yes, sure. well, what do you have there, bore? well, slav, as far as i understand, there is only one version left. there is only one circle of suspects. there are many versions, the killer could be both the young wife and her lover, well then, let’s go in order, kristina sirotina, when she started dating goryansky, did not stop meeting with her first love pyotr demin, then she gets pregnant and doesn’t know from whom, an examination she ordered and showed the result goryansky, this is your version, this is her testimony, then the doctor began to blackmail this sweet couple, and well... christina’s ex-lover killed her. look,
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everything is simple there, we need to conduct another examination, if the father of the child is demin, then they both have a motive for the murder. so, guys, let's get it over with, outdoor surveillance reported that demin put an orphan and her child in a car, they say, it looks very much like a kidnapping. that's it, let's go ahead, go ahead. oh, well done, andrew. georgievich, calmly, radano said let’s catch up, that means we’ll catch up. attention machine employees traffic police on the twenty-fifth kilometer of the vybsk highway, black cars are coming towards you, number m106sk, the highway is urgently required to be closed, as we understand.
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hands on the car, get out, hands behind your head, you're in calm, calm, calm, got out, got out, okay, yeah. how did you end up in the car
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? i didn’t seem to want to, but i couldn’t refuse, you loved him, i did. now i love you, why did you marry goryansky, my mother persuaded me, you know, she, she wanted me to have a different life, my mother was always very poor, she, she worked, worked very hard, first as an anesthesiologist, and then went to work she always received very little pension, but at the same time she tried to take care of me well... to dress me and pay for my studies, it was very difficult for her, you know, i understand, but goryansky, at first he was a little hesitant, she made me do dna to show him , this was before
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the birth of the child, but it was possible, it turned out that yes, you see, petya swore to me that he didn’t kill anyone and... that he was not guilty of anything, on the contrary, he wanted to do an examination in another laboratory, and then sue them. please let him go, it would be logical, i beg you, let him go, he is not guilty of anything, find the real killer, so why did i have to kill him, i only needed one hair from my child’s head, that’s it, i i would have destroyed smolin, i would have ruined his laboratory, you sing well, but why did you kidnap them then? an orphan would... give you hair, but what the hell, she is the mother of my child, and this is my child, and someone else’s wife, and someone else’s child, who, by the way, is not included in your passport, the passport is included, what are you carrying, are you you don’t understand that they are my life, why then does someone else live with them, your life, demin, left you on its own, you know, and it went to the wedding, by the way, voluntarily, it’s
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all her mother, the witch, the little boy, you seem to be interested in forensic experts, yes, so he's about... along the corridor towards the office, listen, watch this, okay, come on, well what, why are you delaying with toxicology, what kind of toxicology, well, what, in the case of a drowned man, and in the case of a drowned man, the results should already be there, there are results, listen, a very complex composition of drugs was formed there, this is the first time i have encountered such, there is such a compounder , i tell you... lesh, i beg you, let’s get to the point, well, well, if it’s simple, then i’ll say that his consciousness was in an inhibited state, that is, how, well, he didn’t understand anything, but acted at the level of reflexes, by the way , he could walk to the car on his own, you’re clear
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sea, and where is it interesting that such drugs are sold here, they sell this drug was compiled by a very qualified doctor. and he knew exactly how this mixture would act, well, where do we use such ingredients? well, in surgery, when anesthesia is given, listen, a competent anesthesiologist can accurately turn off the part of the brain he needs, hey, what are you doing, anesthesiologists, well, yes. great wealth, with this amount you can put half the city into anesthesia, wow, the main thing was that everything was on the surface,
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the multi-story buildings were closed for three hours, yet the neighbors, so to speak, planted the seizure, well , so to speak, out of love for art, oleg
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georgievich, i’m impressed, thank you, seriously, and i’m speaking from you personally, so to speak, to you, your department, please, then maybe chiku is with us, thank you very much, i just don’t have time, i think we still have time to have tea with you with pleasure, yes, help yourself. thank you, you know, friends, it seems to me that we will work together, well, you georgievich bent it, we’ll wait and see, you know, i have a bottle somewhere in my office.
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hello, peter! go to the station and get a ticket to st. petersburg. for tomorrow. what? if you don't come the day after tomorrow, your mother will die. i'll kill her. it's some kind of mistake. wait, who are you? you killed my daughter, and i will kill your mother. come, i'm waiting.
6:05 am
allow me, come in, fight, i received a strange call today, i was registered by 7:44, here’s the printout, uh-huh, have a seat, thank you, do you want a cookie? no. so, today pyotr andreev, born in 1981, who is wanted on suspicion of murder, will arrive in the city on a kiev train. hurry up, the train will arrive in 4 hours, 42 minutes. and try not to miss it this time. andreev, andreev, something like that happened, but it was a long time ago, i don’t remember. well, i’m registered, i need to react. let's react, storms. we'll react, yeah, well, who?


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