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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-13  NTV  July 20, 2024 6:05am-7:01am MSK

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allow me, come in, i received a strange call today, i was registered at 7:44, here is the printout, uh-huh, have a seat, thank you, if you want, well, today i will arrive in the city on the kiev train.
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well, who was in charge of his business then? i was driving. report back. nicole, give out directions. pyotr andreev worked as a driver for the head of the eighth construction department of vermin. andreev was the main suspect in the murder of maria kiseleva. kaselyov was found murdered in his own apartment with a broken head. the examination established that she was killed somehow heavy. an object, most likely a hammer, i remembered, and there was also a testimony from the concierge, he identified andreev and said that he left the entrance almost running, as he identified him, the concierge, they identified him through his mobile phone, he called maria kiseleva the day before, well, figure out , they figured it out, couldn’t catch him, he ran away, the train arrives at the vitebsk station in 10 hours, which means andreev should be detained and taken to the department,
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hand it over, i’ll drive my car, listen, i don’t know anyone from yours, i need help.
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my mother is sick here, her mother is too was, i don’t need anything, just give me the letter, here, take it, it’s here in your jacket pocket, please give it, just a minute, hold it! kira, is everything okay? yes, what is this, i already wrote a pure heart, or what? kir, it’s not your fault, you did everything you could. kir, give me some water. that's it, stop punishing yourself. yes, in general, i’m not worried, what? “nothing,
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that’s it, go home, sleep off, and you too, and drop him off, and don’t even think about getting drunk, well , that’s how it will turn out, be careful, guys, be careful, good morning, ale georgievich, yes don’t get up." hello, sit down, i have read the reports of the line department employees, as i understand it, the case that has been hanging on your department for several years can be closed, well, yes, we were just discussing it, due to the death of the only suspect, well, here we are you see how good it is, especially this, it ’s good at the end of the quarter, who will register himself, idiot, he introduced this case when it was still opened, that’s how it is, yes,
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it’s interesting, well, don’t let it drag on, no matter where he is, by the way, yes, i'm glad to inform you that next week we... are moving to a new building, how are we moving? well, as you probably noticed, this building is already in disrepair and the state internal affairs department has allocated us a new building, but this is long overdue, by the way, so, oleg georgievich, by the end of the week, make sure that all the office equipment, documents, everything is ready to move, next week we are in a new building, like this. si without hands.
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lord, why am i doing this? please accept my condolences, this is a tragic accident. can't you see from this letter that he was waiting for death? he said that he could still be killed when he fled. but i must convey please take the folder for you, if it’s not difficult, stand up, here at the top. so dark, yes, why didn’t you give it to me when i came after his escape, but you would n’t have read his testimony and wouldn’t have believed him, i saw you, then you were full of
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hatred, that means andreev writes that he doesn’t know who killed the girl, he pushed the open door, entered the apartment, the boss was waiting for him downstairs, in the car, yes, verbin, verbin was her lover, he asked to go up to kiseleva and give her flowers, i went up, apartment was open, there i found a dead girl, i went downstairs, where the cancierge and verbin himself were waiting for me, he gave me 2 million rubles and offered to run away immediately, if i refused, he threatened to imprison me as a murderer, plus the bribed watchman poluyanov, who threatened to give show him. you understand what would happen, yes, when an ordinary driver against a major official, an interesting fairy tale turns out, you yourself believe in it, i don’t know, i don’t know why i started everything then, can you imagine if this is true, at least half, and what no problem, we will succeed
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they ruined a man’s life, forced him, as he says, to hide for several years, and then killed him again, well, according to this testimony, it was not we who killed him, but verbin, wait, but this, this is not... the same verbin that is in the construction department, wow, that’s it what, kira, take all this, go to gorodikov yourself, yesterday there was a direct order, you didn’t hear it, i won’t take such responsibility on myself, but you’re crazy, this wasn’t enough yet, he’s already a figure before was significant, but now there is a rumor that it may reach the federal level. almost in the rank deputy minister, do you understand? i’m not talking about that, i just think that if there is forensic testimony, then it needs to be checked, well , firstly, not the testimony of witnesses, but the testimony of a suspect, and a dead one at that, you yourself know, it’s no worse than me to rely on
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people’s testimony, who committed a crime, i just think that it’s still necessary to check that you’ve messed up, it’s necessary, it’s necessary, it’s necessary, it’s necessary, it’s necessary, it’s necessary, what’s happened to you... found you don’t have anything else to do, a lot of free time, if we we will dig under verbina, any check, and he will the powder will be erased, it’s like this, listen, you’re a fool, you’re in front of me, don’t pretend to be like, like, like, otherwise you didn’t see it in moscow, it’s very simple, i repeat again, no one needs this, i need it, kirill , but what is it, but i don’t recognize you, is it that the solovki influences you so much, well then... decide whether you are with him or with us, what do you know, igor, there’s such a thing, i’m going to the police -i didn’t go in order to make a career, but in order to serve people, so, kirill,
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you have 3 days to do everything about everything, after that you close it to damn it, yes, it was a good holster. nicole, the good guy asked to take care of this call, are we still working on this matter, or is it a personal initiative, we are working on everything about everything with us. day: an anonymous call about andreev’s arrival from kiev was made from a pay phone at the pushkinskoye metro station. did you manage to find out anything there? yes, they sent me a photo of this citizen. this is sergei leonidovich kiselev, the murdered father. well, now we need to find out where kiselyov learned about andreev’s arrival and find out his circle of acquaintances, killed. maybe i can do this? yeah, i 'll take care of verbine for now. and you drop your flora and get down to business, look at what you
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say to this, how did you know that andreev was returning to russia? and i forced him to do it myself, i hope that this time you caught him, but how did you find him? so you would have found it if you wanted, but i just paid a private agency, wait a second, all this time andreev lived in ukraine, that’s right, something made him come back, what did you do to lure him, you know, i called andreev said: that if he did not return, i would kill his mother, just like he killed my daughter, i hope she is still alive, still alive, that is, if he had not returned, you would have killed the unfortunate woman, yes you understand, that this is a crime, blackmail or murder, but actually both, you need to do your job professionally, gentlemen, police officers, well, here ’s how... i, for example, build houses, then i won’t have to finish it for you, so you they took
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the killer, you mean andreev, of course, andreev, i presented him to you on a silver platter, and why are you sure that the killer andreev, of course, the watchman showed, he himself is verbit, besides, this puppy ran away, great, that means you and the court, you are the investigation, you are the punishment, you know, i don’t want to listen to nervous teaching, i’m too much for that i don't have much time, excuse me, i have to work, verbin is interested in the readiness of the project and asks if you can come over? yes, say that i can, i’ll tell you everything there, yes, this is a show of stars, duels, denis dorokhov, let me go, let me go against.
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all my ex-women began with the letter a. amin, where are you going? i don't want to start. why is the project so cruel? because today someone will leave. stars. today denis dorokhov and the regions and philip kerkorov and the wrestlers will meet face to face. today at 22:10 on ntv. morning is the best. on weekdays from 6:30 on ntv. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, ecology. this can
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6:20 am
and this is cherkizov’s own farm, where selected meat for sausages appears. cherkizova. cool, i slept in my first exhibition. i'll have to run. pa, hey, look what i collected. fly! well, it won’t turn on, thanks, dad. thank you for that too. every thank you makes a difference to sber for the better. the sberspasibo program has been updated. choose up to five useful cashback categories and receive mega cashback up to 70% from partners. more profitable with an elect subscription. what did you do 3 days ago? if the question seems difficult,
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petrovna. good afternoon. security service your bank. another moment and the machine would have access to the money. tell me, did you know maria kiteleva, right? of course, we were friends with her as students. she helped me with my studies, she was determined to have a professional career, she was an excellent student. immediately after the defense, i got married, and here are the children at home. but we saw each other often until a certain point, until
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when? about six months before his death, masha became very withdrawn. i offered to meet her, but she made the excuse of lack of time. do you think this is not true? don't know, i just didn’t want to see each other, i was hiding something. wait, did maria have any friend before her death? i don’t know, i told you, we haven’t seen her for six months. before that, she met with kirill, a very handsome young man, and not stupid, even if he was one of yours. that is, sorry, please don’t take it personally. no, i mean he's a cop. yes, sorry again. don’t worry so much, we have enough fools of all kinds. too, can you describe it to me? i had a photo somewhere on my phone, here it is the three of us, who was filming? my future husband? tell me, he came to you again later,
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of course, he carried out an investigation, could you please give me this photograph? yes, what 's the address? now, now, yes, a military pensioner, poluvaenov oleg borisovich, registered in the region, yeah, come on, thank you, that’s what it looks like. you said it was a one-story building, well, that’s what the documents say, huh? boris, call me? ah, comrade lieutenant. hello. back to you again. well, i
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told you everything then. yes, it’s just that new circumstances have appeared in the case and these are what new circumstances? andreev, a murder suspect, has returned to russia. yes. true, he was wounded during the arrest. he is now unconscious in the hospital. but as soon as he comes to his senses, we want, as they say, testimony. to withdraw and arrange a confrontation and that he is seriously wounded? well, the doctors say, next week he’ll probably be able to, give me a testimony, so i have a request to you, please don’t leave the city now, or rather the region, you are now registered in the region, and in the region, you sold your apartment, built a house, you can say, with your own hands, log by log, brick by brick, okay, don’t let me down, okay, yeah, kirill, we need to meet with you, you ’re asking me out on a date, this is business, listen, i’m as tired as dogs, i’ve been at home for a day i wasn’t, let’s go tomorrow, but it won’t be long, do you have some cafe nearby, okay, good, well then in the cafe, hello,
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what’s wrong, i don’t know what... to do, do what you think is necessary, i have to report this to solovets, report it, tell me what kind of relationship you had with her, close ones, and what should i do now? do what you think is necessary, you will be suspended, and no one will bring this matter to the end, there is something to be done here. “we dated for almost a year, and everything was great, i even thought maybe, and then she disappeared, just at one moment,
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she didn’t answer calls, she just up and disappeared, i thought maybe i offended her in some way, our last conversation laid out on the molecule, six months later she was killed, everything says that verbin was her lover, it’s not known how to look at it - i knew her well, she’s not like that, she’s not like that, so what happened, i was the captain who... 2 years ago led the investigation, idiot? so, what is next? he said that andreev had returned, they took him,
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but during the arrest they were wounded, now andreev is lying unconscious in the hospital, when he comes back, they want to confront me, why? don’t be upset, but i know, i said that they want to close the case, and for this they need andreev’s written confessions. looks like it's true, but how did they find you? yes, i registered in the region, but i need to receive a pension, i wanted to receive a pension, oh, you didn’t have enough money, yes, why couldn’t you wait until the file was handed over to the archives, oh, borisych, oleg borisovich, as he was a boot, he remained, okay, andreeva i’ll take myself, and in the coming days you will be provided with an iron maleby, you understand, yeah, and no matter what happened, in no case was it me or my previous testimony, right? i understand, and don’t even think about running away, yes, well, viktor nikolaevich, i ’ll find you anyway, you know?
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well, it’s not enough for him, how mercantile are these old guys? lara, just don’t worry, okay, andreev is back, what did you say? i say, my driver is back, so what? so what what are you going to do now? lara, it's okay, i'll solve this problem, it's my fault, i'll solve it, lara, vitya, i, i thought we forgot about
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this girl, about this nightmare. or maybe you think that you are so irresistible that they cannot leave you for the sake of a successful rich man, you saw him, he is a very good man. they're just married and don't seem to be planning to get divorced. oh, how do you know this, have you seen his wife, maybe she’s some kind of terrible momura? her wife is a business woman and nothing at all. i faltered my step on the side, but it doesn’t happen to anyone. i guess masha was so in love with him that she didn’t notice that he was using her, so he killed her. this is too much. you know that for a lot of money
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you can buy everything. and silence and kill a young pretty girl, and after andreev’s confession, we shouldn’t lose sight of this verbi at all, maybe andrei lied everything in his confession, why would he invent all this, i need to talk to this verbin and his wife at the same time, yeah, what you are looking, you know, i have a feeling that your the husband killed his own mistress, how come, yes, you’re right, but i’ll still go to him tomorrow and talk to him, so let’s sum up what we have, at the moment, while we rely on the testimony of the deceased andreev, it follows from them, that the concierge poluyanov and verbin are involved in this case, yeah, and if verbin offered andreev such a large sum of money to escape, then he has something to hide, well, perhaps, but i think, georgievich, that verbin also threatened andreev, you know, not just anyone so he decides to leave everything, his native country and mother of a disabled person, yes, i visited kiselyov yesterday.
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it turns out that they are partners with sverbin, they work together, mm, one designer, the other distributes orders, well, something like that, yeah, the hospital called, by the way, so, they said that the receptionist had received a call, someone was very interested the state of health of the patient andreev, yeah, that means at night there will be guests, who is there now instead of andreev, dolls, but special forces, real ones, well, i think that they won’t come in during the day, but at night they’ll have to guard, at night or at night, now we need someone should go talk to verbin, oleg georgivich. can i go? are you sure you can take someone with you? yes, i think that mr. verbin will be more talkative if i am alone, please come in, thank you very much, hello, hello, lieutenant yegorkina, that is, you are from the police, but it’s crazy, i never expected it. such
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a police lieutenant, please take a seat, lieutenant egorkin, lieutenant egorkin, excuse me, but what is your name, can i just nicole, nicole, uh-huh, nicole, i’m conquered, maybe you’re here with me, no, thank you, i’m not hungry, i’m not hungry, what a pity, maybe you’ll drink something, coffee with milk, give me coffee with milk, eh? no, well, let’s repeat, okay, they have good cognac, unfortunately, while driving, otherwise i would support your company, yes, but i see you don’t have such a problem, yes, that’s not a problem, i’ve had a driver for a long time , and to be honest, i can tell you that i really love good cognac; i don’t know how and don’t like to drive at all, victor, let’s actually move on to the issue that i’m on
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here that... that your former driver, pyotr andreev, is wanted for the murder of maria kiseleva. yes, there was such an unfortunate fact in my biography, yes. tell me, what were you doing on the evening of the murder? what was i doing on the evening of the murder? do you suspect me? lord, okay, okay, i ’ll tell you like police lieutenant yegorkina. so that evening i was at a big charity event, i was. there until late, there were a huge number of witnesses who can confirm this, my god, there is an additional photo report about the event on the website, then there was a banquet, at the banquet i talked with a huge number of acquaintances, and then at 12:00 i went home, and your wife was present with you, wife, lara, lara
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wanted, thank you, oh, wait, did you say something? you heard? where did you get this information from? this information exists, it is quite reliable, and if you deny it, then i will think that you are trying to hide something, and if you answer honestly to the drizzle, then i will think that we are all human, anything can happen.
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masha, masha was a wonderful, wonderful girl, she was kind, affectionate, you see, nicole, i needed it at that moment, but i never deceived her, she knew, she knew, i have a wife, i love her and will never leave her, to be honest, i thought you already. ..
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hello, kiryukh, hello, yes, listen, now with this verbin, what a shady guy, well, you managed to find out something, listen, i think it’s him, he tried so hard to hide his excitement, when i told him about andreev’s testimony, well, today, i think everything should become clearer, let’s go to the department, we’re getting ready for everything here, that’s it, i’m flying.
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we are working. stand, come here!
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oh, what a night? they brought him from uboynoye in the morning, one of them is now being interrogated. yeah, why did they take it? they say it was attempted murder. hello, gentlemen officers. sit, sit, what is it, is it you, here he is, exclusively during the arrest, this is correct, what did they take, fell for provocations, came
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to the hospital to eliminate the witness, kiril, urgently, please beat me, a gift or something , well, they’ve moved away from natik, you can help, what do you want to inject, a sedative, i’ll return it, why are you so early on duty only in a couple hours? i’m bored, we’re cold, no, it’s not working out, everything will be fine now, haven’t you fired him yet? it means war, i’ll crush you, you’ll be the fourteenth, obstetrician today at 20:00 on ntv. kingfisher - new season, today at 13:00 on ntv. the two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph, now in economical packaging of 96 capsules. carry out your plans, and the bank business will give yes. the necessary tools to start your business.
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horsepower, my legs always dance, cool, i slept through my first exhibition, i'll have to run, i'll have to, dad, hi, look what i collected, flew away, well, it doesn’t turn on. thank you dad! thank you, darling! and for this too! every thank you makes sber for the better! thank you sber program has been updated! choose up to five useful cashback categories and receive mega cashback up to 70% from partners, it’s more profitable with a sberim subscription! stars! today at 22:10 on ntv. forest fires are... a dark and formidable element: to stop the fire, the calling
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of the strong: pilots, observers, paratroopers, firefighters, paratroopers, fire fighters of the rosleskhoz aviation forest protection service, a reliable shield of the russian forest. hello, oleg borisovich, hello, kohl, what happened to me so early? yes, there is nothing. they just called from the city and ordered to bring you to them, where in ruvd, why is this, by what right, by our right? russian, but i can detain you for two days anyway, i don’t explain anything at all, so give me a bucket and, well, why did you stand up like a table, sit down, sit down, so, they stood up, came closer, well, you know, no,
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the first i see him, but you are silent? they play a silent game, refuseniks, so i'm free, yes no, let's go to my office, i need to ask you the most important question, please, sit down, why don't you ask what kind of people i showed you, that to me, this is a secret investigation, like, a secret investigation, that these people are today tried to shoot pyotr andreev in the hospital, but they couldn’t do it, because pyotr andreev died tragically, immediately after his arrest, well, you told me that he was wounded, so, this is
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the most important question, why did these people try kill andreev if he is wearing all white in the world, only one knew that he was lying wounded in the hospital. the person, or rather, thought that he knew, and this person you, but to me, how would you know, well, well, then you will implicate yourself in an attempted murder, okay, i ’ll tell you everything, nicole, write, uh-huh, so, we won’t be able to incriminate him with complicity in attempted murder, but what can we do, deliberately false testimony? up to 5 years, i think this is pointless, because he refused to testify at the stage of the preliminary investigation, thank you, well, he is being removed from responsibility, somehow i doubt that he is familiar with all these subtleties, hello, and sergei lyanovich, hello, how can i
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tell you whether we caught your daughter’s killer, and i think so, do you want to take a look at him? eye to eye, so to speak, great, then i ’ll call you, it’s agreed, kir, what have you come up with, another lever of pressure on the suspect, you know what, call koverbino and call him urgently to the department, yeah, hello, sergei leonidovich, please , sit down, there are so many of you here, but you can’t do it alone. who the boy catch, well, and wait a long time, but what are you waiting for, like what, when andreev is brought in, petr andreev died during the arrest, so, then why are you here for me, well, i hope to see
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your charming lieutenant, hello, nikolaevich, hello, but how are you here? what is he actually doing here? i asked for it myself, what is this, a confrontation? sit down, sergei leonevich, sit down, please, read. what is this? read it, you will find it interesting. yes, testimony, oleg borisovich poluyanov. do you know that? oh how it is here a lot has been written, idiot, that you said, it was me, not you, that is, you admit that you paid poluyanov’s money for him to give deliberately
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false testimony, but maria kiseleva was your mistress. and that’s okay, i’m just wondering how you made her your mistress, it’s very simple, the old, faithful , very tested method, money, what are you talking about nonsense, viktor nikolaevich, my daughter didn’t need money, but you needed it . old fool, you forgot how your bureau, together with you, was bankrupt, without orders, and what here the order, you know yourself. with my daughter, i really liked your daughter, i hinted to her that i liked her,
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the next day she was at my house, and after that you began to receive orders, sergey laonevich, let's go, sergey leonevich . sergei legnedovich, i’m very sorry, really, you, you are a good father, you fight to the last, i swear to you, we will bring this matter to the end, we are already close, but... how, how did this happen? what happened to him?
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accident, stupid accident. go home, we will tell you everything. i didn't kill masha. when this crime was committed, i was at an event and a huge number of people saw me. “listen, i have one thought, i ’m going somewhere quickly, you wait for my call, okay, who are you? detective lieutenant
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yegorkina, homicide department, allow me to come in, come through.” tea, no, i think there’s no time for tea now, but i think i’ll pour myself some, larisa, i think you know why i’m here, no, i have no idea, you’re suspected of murdering maria kiseleva, your husband’s mistress, your... .husband now is being interrogated by my colleagues, and he is just too far from confessing everything, i don’t believe you, but this is your decision,
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the fact is that we have received new information, the conservge has identified you, oleg borisovich poulyanov, yes , it was he who was given money by his husband to remain silent, and he wants to cooperate with the investigation and does not want to go to prison at all. well, since you were in maria kiseleva’s apartment and you killed her, he promised, he promised to settle everything, it’s all because of this bastard, it’s all because of poluyanov, even so, it’s clear, good, thank you, viktor nikolaevich, yes, your wife just confessed everything. what a fool,
6:56 am
lara, i came, by the way, everyone was very sorry that you weren’t there. lara. lara, lara, what happened, i helped you, which means i helped, i, i saved you from... and the girl, everything will be, everything will be fine, wait, one more, now everything will be fine,
6:57 am
what have you done, lara? i will do everything to avert suspicion, i needed someone third, this third one turned out to be my driver, i told andreyev that i wanted to make a surprise , i asked him to bring a bouquet to masha’s apartment flowers, gave him the keys while he went up to the apartment. i made an agreement with this concierge, with this poluyanov, an old man who turned out to be conspiratorial and greedy for money, but how did you organize calls from andreev’s mobile? you know, at a critical moment the mind becomes surprisingly crystalline, i realized that i needed as much evidence as possible against andreev,
6:58 am
i asked him for his phone, allegedly left mine at home and... from his phone i called masha’s number, i told him that i want to make sure that masha is not in the apartment, to make a surprise for her, let's go, viktor nikolaevich, get up, good luck. just like that, damn it, listen, guys, maybe i should give nicole some kind of gift, something that can really be given, what do you think, for what? well, you can say, she helped solve the case, if it weren’t for her, we would be sitting now, all pale, such a girl doesn’t need anything, guys, save me, i broke a tire, i really need
6:59 am
to leave today, nikkul, i tell you i'll change all four wheels, dammit! what are you doing? oh, what wheel? well, one by one or a mug? i think it would be possible, but these are the only ones left. for what? it is for moving? and the car is tomorrow, what day is it today? friday, damn it, my head is full of holes, which means no drinks, no going home, we quickly collect things and return them. nikola, please call rydanov and krymov, let the bullets come here, yes, come to me, i can’t handle it alone.
7:00 am
on february 26, 1815, the exiled emperor napoleon bonoparte with a small army sails from the island of elba, after just 3 weeks he regains power over france, at this time alexander ii and other european monarchs discuss the fate of the post-napoleonic world at the largest international diplomatic congress. in the midst of the lena congress.


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