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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 20, 2024 7:00pm-7:36pm MSK

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ex-verkhovna rada deputy irina forion died in hospital after an assassination attempt. what are the main versions of the politician's murder? fire at protesters in bangladesh's capital as police used live weapons to disperse demonstrations. the case is about how youtube is canceling russian culture and what distinguishes video posting and its owner from google, domestic stars and roskomnadzor on censorship in the information age alexey prokin. the growth of domestic tourism is noted in the khabarovsk territory; people are attracted by the amur pitroglyps. nanai culture. in
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alexey ivashen visited the national village of sikachealyan. for several days now, moscow has been in the status of the world capital of circus art. more than 200 participants from seventeen countries came to the idol festival. dmitry labekov attended the most unusual and even dangerous performances. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this is the program today in elmira efendiev’s studio. in the special military operation zone , two more launchers were destroyed, as well as a radar station of the american patriot anti-aircraft missile system. the ministry of defense reported this today. in the northern direction, near the village of razdolov. russian assault troops
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, as a result of a successful offensive, occupied new positions; the infantry was covered by crews of t-80 tanks, which suppressed enemy firing points. in the area of ​​responsibility of the vostok group, artillery destroyed the camouflaged positions of the armed forces of ukraine, several mortars, and destroyed them together with the crews from the goobitsemstab. the target was destroyed with two shots. we work often, mostly we work with high-explosive fragmentation. we are working on fortifications, we recently hit anti-aircraft missile systems, we worked on infantry fighting vehicles, we worked on equipment, we worked on tanks, we worked on tanks, we worked in krasnopolye, and this is footage of the work of tula paratroopers, they used a drone to knock out an american armored car that was carrying nationalists for rotation, some of the cctv cameras at the scene of the murder of the ex-deputy...
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the hatred for everything russian in them literally went off scale, in this she surpassed many with openly russophobic statements, kiev politicians, in particular farion , demanded a quote from the complete and absolute disposal of the inhabitants of ukraine who speak russian, in one of the recent interviews she refused to consider the russian-speaking soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine as ukrainians, this outraged even the nazis from the most odious ukrainian unit of azov, banned in russia, whose former members threatened her with violence.
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a concert was held under the windows of the american embassy in moscow, at which singer yaroslav dronov, also known as a shaman, presented his new video. thus the performer expressed his attitude towards blocking his account on video hosting youtube. dozens of russian content creators have been blacklisted on the platform since the beginning of this year. this applies not only to artists, but to athletes, journalists, and public figures. what do representatives of russian culture think about attempts? the west to completely abolish everything russian, alexey prokin found out. soul to open up, that’s the name of the shaman’s song, but it’s unlikely that the singer imagined that the soul would open up so much, the premiere of the video yaroslav dronov staged it in the center of moscow near the walls of the american embassy. i am the happiest, i live in russia.
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yaroslav showed a kind of kuskina mother of america with the help of a powerful projector that broadcast the clip onto the facade of the embassy, ​​an action that attracted several hundred fans, he organized to remind washington.
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recently, the censors of the popular video hosting service also got hold of gazmanov’s work. the artist posted his new clip russkiy mir on vk and telegram and invited all fans to post it on youtube. but what can i do answer? only with a new video for the song russian world in a hard rock version. i suggest you download this video clip for free in good quality using the link from my telegram channel. the first signs that there is a problem with censorship on the site.
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one way for censorship mechanisms to work is quite simple, to treat russia well, all these acts of censorship occur against the background of systemic disregard for the norms of russian legislation, at the moment the video hosting youtube has not removed more than 61,000 materials that are prohibited by russian law, this and fakes about svo, and propaganda. lgbt respects the involvement of children in committing illegal and sometimes even dangerous acts. but roskomnadzor and public opinion leaders, on the contrary, warn against sudden movements. musfilm channels, for example, around the world receive tens of millions of views per
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month, a gigantic layer of domestic culture is freely available with subtitles in different languages.
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that the most popular mosfilm films among foreigners for many years have been war films, another facet is multifaceted national culture, our cartoons. a blue tractor is coming towards us. by canceling monetization, google dealt a serious blow to animation studios, however, it did not come to the point of outright canceling all the good things that domestic cartoons bring to viewers on all continents. the authors of the popular cartoon for kids, the blue tractor, really hope that it won’t happen, but they still believe that platforms that could compete on an equal footing with youtube are necessary. there is only one problem, that unfortunately, these platforms do not give us those mechanisms that youtube provides, that is, first of all, analytics of these youtuber tricks, when you understand what
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content is better watched, why it is watched better, where you can improve. there is only one recipe for dealing with strict censorship restrictions: google needs to be forced to comply. the corporation’s own rules that it writes for users, as well as russian laws, the fact that youtube has become a tool for, say, political pressure is very bad. roskomnadzor has already won a place after moscow a whole series of lawsuits against google, the domestic
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regulator sent the ceo of the digital empire a demand to return all accounts of russian stars, media, and authorities of sports organizations back to the youtube platform, but apparently, canceling google’s censorship is much more difficult than trying to cancel russian culture. alexey prokin, ulyana talpa, olga afonina, alexey sidorov and natalya okmaikina, ntv television company. today, thousands of companies around the world are dealing with the consequences of a global computer failure. full recovery all systems, according to experts, may take several weeks. losses from the incident will amount to billions of dollars. the greatest damage caused by the airport to airlines, according to the flight tracking service, about 4,000 flights were canceled and about 32.00 more were delayed. emergency services, banks, and medical facilities were not working. the reason. the collapse of an unprecedented scale was caused by problems with microsoft software. it all happened due to an update to the
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cybersecurity application, which he was responsible for american developer crowd strike. russia was practically unaffected by this failure, since even before this, due to western sanctions, our country switched to domestic software. joe biden will not give up his ambitions to take the presidency of the united states for a second time. he will return to the campaign trail next week. the agency writes about this. citing biden's own words. his doctor said that the patient's health with coronavirus has improved significantly, and cnn reports that on july 25, biden's wife, jill will hold a fundraiser in paris, where she will fly to the olympics. kamala haris is already collecting money, though for herself. with numerous calls for biden to withdraw his candidacy, some democrats have decided to bet on her. first of all, haris supporters count on female sponsors. how does the publication write?
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representatives of law enforcement agencies that one person was injured, previously stated that at least 300 police officers were injured in clashes with protesters, more than 100 people, and a number of demonstrators were killed. police protests are not subsiding anymore several weeks, and the reason was the decision. the government will set employment quotas for relatives of participants in the war of independence with pakistan. this outraged the students, and thousands of people joined them. the international court of justice recognized the annexation of israeli settlement construction in palestinian territories and called on israel to end its occupation of foreign lands and pay reparations for the damage caused. the problem is that the conclusion of the un international court is quite advisory in nature, that is.
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outposts established in violation of internal israeli law. israeli settlement construction is accompanied by specially created civilian infrastructure on the west bank in east jerusalem, which integrates the settlement into israeli territory. the court finds that israel's transfer of west bank settlers to east jerusalem is contrary to article 49 of the fourth geneva convention. it turns out that israel must leave the occupied territories on the west bank of the jordan and... jerusalem, however, tel aviv, apparently, holds different views. israeli prime minister netanyahu,
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while in rafah, where there is active fighting in the city, makes it clear that the military operation will continue. the military pressure they are putting on hamas here is helping us move forward with the hostage deal, including our demand for the release of the maximum number of hostages in the first phase. very soon i am going to address both houses. us congress. i want to talk about what we we are moving in the right direction. palestine expects that the un decision will help stop the fighting, but in the meantime they have to resolve pressing humanitarian issues.
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i looked out the window and saw that my car was on fire, we went downstairs, we tried to put out the fire, reactions to the decision of the un international court are now coming from different countries around the world, but the fighting continues. anton taukov, vladimir shchedrin and yulia sionskaya, ntv. now a short advertisement and further in our issue. the growth of domestic
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tourism is noted in the khabarovsk territory. of people attracted by amur petroglyphs and nanai culture. alexey ilashin visited the national village of sekochialyan. for several days now , moscow has been in the status of the world capital of circus art. more than 200 participants from seventeen countries came to the idol festival. dmitry latikov attended the most unusual and even dangerous performances. vtb! what do you think? cool, but save up a vtb savings account for a subscription! open a vtb savings account with a rate of 18%. btb together everything will work out! will our money fly away too? yours are safe and here at any time from 185 countries. there is a single condition for roaming with beeline in almost all countries of the world. beline is
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your health be normal. i'll rent an apartment once. business needs acceleration, open a current account on and transfer money to any bank instantly. vtb, we help business. oh great, supermarket. we continue our issue, little nika from vladimir had to fight for her life even before birth, she suffered an intrauterine stroke, the consequences of which
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still affect her, the right side of her body is far behind the left in development, the girl still has not learned to walk, nika can cured, she will be no different from her peers, but expensive rehabilitation is required. andrey shamin will tell you how to help a child. judging by how she is a year and 5 months old.
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thanks to constant rehabilitation courses, for me, for example, it is very difficult when we now go out for a walk, that is, she is eager to see the children, she sees other children, she really wants to play with them, but since all the children are already running, yes, i cannot let her out to them. the reason for this delay in motor development is an intrauterine stroke. even during pregnancy, during an ultrasound scan at 6 months, experts saw darkening in the right hemisphere of the brain in the fetus. tests have shown that genetics have nothing to do with it and doctors know the exact reasons they can’t name it. now nika doesn’t have any dark spots or cysts in her brain, but she has problems with movement, that’s how you can do it, that’s how, sit down, rest, rest, now
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you’ll come to me, now you’ll come to me, for daily classes with rehabilitation therapists and instructors exercise therapy and endless massages, parents have been spending 100-120 thousand rubles a month for almost a year now, and there is progress, but not fast, but a golden time when... everything can still be corrected, it goes away, rehabilitation is needed for this child, she simply vital, that is, it is so there, that is, i i work in one system, and there we get a set of exercises, a complex, well, like techniques that will give exactly progress in arms and legs, that is, they will have a child, and this is necessary, that is, rehabilitation is definitely needed, niki is simply vital, now niki four rehabilitation courses are shown, two weeks each, the child already completed the first course in may and for... well , nika is making very good progress, since we already had her on the course, after
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this comprehensive course we achieved good results with her , she learned to stand on on all fours, open the handle, and at home, from the words of my parents, i have already learned to stand on my knees. the main problem is finances. moscow rehabilitation courses cost 650 thousand rubles. and an opportunity.
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this summer they are waiting for russians who have traveled along the golden ring, seen baikal, let the capitals in, and are now ready to explore new routes, ready to receive foreigners, especially citizens of china, which is just a stone's throw away, and how they are going to surprise guests, alexey elash learned. elena is welcoming another group of guests to their camp, for them now is the high season,
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moscow, st. petersburg, kazan, from kazan to astrakhan back, that is, when the border was closed, i went around russia, now, probably, it’s still baikal, somewhere there’s a nature reserve, which is in the film territory. representatives of the tourism industry are sure that the khabarovsk territory has something to show, for example, sikochalyan’s feature. pitroglyphs that are older than the egyptian pyramids. the first drawings on basalt voluns date back to the 12th millennium bc. here are the eyes, here is the mouth. nanai legend says that once upon a time there were three suns in the sky, which made it very hot. the water in the moor began to boil, and the stones became soft. young bow hunters shot two extra suns in memory of their feat, relatives, and left these drawings on the stones. elena notes that interest in their camp is growing year by year. if before
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they were usually guests. planned, and this is very pleasant, this is not the point, moscow and st. petersburg have come to us, they are already writing there in advance, we will have a group of pilgrims from st. petersburg there in july, they are in the past we’ve already been here this year, and this year we want to come again as family. tourists from the chinese city of tanshan, which is nearby. they came from beijing to look at the russian nanai, on the other chinese bank of the amur the nanai also live, the hajj, after what they saw they note that in many ways they are similar, i know your areas with our name khz, one homeland, but there is usually always fishing there, yes what kind of fish is it, what is it from the root, and what kind of monsters are there, all sorts of them, but they don’t find out in conversation:
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the international festival of circus arts “idol” has opened in moscow. to the capital dozens of artists from abroad arrived, including from the west.
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the most difficult, it’s all about the peculiarities of pronunciation, while at home his family communicates more in russian than in spanish, and he does it better than carlos himself . we don’t eat spanish, and this is my problem, so i know, i don’t speak pure pure , i probably don’t speak, i respect russian, i can’t, that’s the language carlos uses to communicate with tigers and lions on stage, he doesn’t tell, these are professional secrets, this time he
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came to russia on... moscow is world-class again the capital of circus art, the idol festival has returned after 5 years, for artists and spectators this is a grandiose event without any attraction. i love moscow and this is my third time here, this year i was also in st. petersburg and sochi, these are very beautiful cities, it ’s a little exciting for me to be in moscow, it’s a very big city, i hope i will have time to explore it. even though this is our first time in moscow, we feel at home here, the festival organizers help with all issues, and we feel tremendous support from the audience at the performances. this quantity foreign artists, festival organizer edgard zapashna explains simply: the main idea of ​​the event is friendship between representatives
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of different countries, here they are doing a common favorite thing and are ready to surprise their viewers. the viewer will see not only a circus festival, but in the literal sense of the word exclusive, what is being prepared. for the sake of the festival, what is brought here, and maybe will be shown there, today, tomorrow, everything, because it is physically impossible to repeat record-breaking tricks every day. active preparation for the artists began performing their performances a few days in advance; for example, rustam gazaev, the trainer of the canadian buffaloes, before rehearsing the numbers, first of all , it is necessary to create the right mood among his charges. no, no, not a hand, not an arm, a face. oh, oh, so. well done, for him bisons are friends and work partners who taught him a lot, when a person has such a stupid character, hot-tempered, these animals, on the contrary, they calmed me down, they somehow taught me to live calmly. in addition to
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tigers, lions and besons, viewers are promised show more elephants, but the rest of the performances are not related to animals. the artists prepared performances in high-speed juggling, aerial gymnastics in a ring with belts, acrobatics with poles on rollers and much more.
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