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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-13  NTV  July 21, 2024 6:05am-7:00am MSK

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the clean ones shot from as close a distance as possible, death occurred instantly, which means the murder took place in a blind spot, however, the killer lit up, well, he lit up, flashed in the frame for 2 seconds and disappeared into the crowd, well, yes, everything happened so quickly that eyewitnesses didn’t they can describe nothing, yeah, the killer is supposedly of average height, a dark cap pulled down over his eyes, but unfortunately that’s all, so the parents’ testimony, yes, sorry, bori, just let’s quickly, okay? shot right on the street, young, free?
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and what’s going on here, andrei igor, let’s look for witnesses in hot pursuit, yeah, what have you got, well, death occurred half an hour ago, the killer shot at close range and disappeared, uh-huh, here are the gizas, and where’s the camera, no i know, ask the locals, did she have any documents with her, a complete set? i turn on my driver's license, marina veriiskaya, born in eighty-five, in my opinion, listen, an identical case to yesterday, no fingerprints, no traces, nothing, again a blonde with long hair hair, the time of death is 10 in the morning, you think, well, what’s long here now, there, but i didn’t even look at her, “there’s a girl standing there,
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pretty, like, so many of them pass by me every day, so girl, don’t worry, calm down, try to remember, she stood for a long time, well, about 10 minutes, i don’t know, i don’t remember, sorry, i don’t remember, but try to remember, but i didn’t see him, i only saw him from the back, he had a green cap, hair, hair , it seems russian, height, average height, or maybe some..." special features, gait, yes ordinary, he’s the most ordinary, thank you, i heard a shot, right here, as i understand it, you’re completely clueless about the cameras here, what kind of cameras do we have here, we’re not london, what do you think, it’s better in london, i think it’s better, but i think you’re wrong, okay, thank you,
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“that means it’s 10 am, that’s right, mine are now at the place where the second one was shot, yours, that ’s okay, time of murder, method of murder, both victims are girls, yeah, that’s what i’m thinking, and why are we so alarmed, maybe it’s just a coincidence, oh, well, let’s not..."
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these journalists’ mouths, we’ll dig, well, we need to dig up something, and quickly, shut up good luck, good luck to all of us, believe me, luck will come in very handy now, something else, alexey nikolaevich, to you, mrs. petrova, yes, finally, quickly, who is this, this it’s a headache for you and me, until he gets enough of playing, he’ll play enough... apparently, not soon, because he only recently started it. oh, don’t you dare say anything to her. fine. hello, alesya vadimovna, it’s very nice to see you. here, meet igor grodovikov, the head of our best slaughter department department. olesya petrova, our new press attache. it smells here. that's it, come on! wait,
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so, who else is this? glory. she's alive, everything's fine with her. but you see that not everything is in order. where the ambulance was looking, where the doctors were looking. what's happened? maybe a doctor, who are you? now everything will pass. i'm her husband, do you understand? how will i live without her now? calm, calm, let's go, let's step aside,
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why did you bring him into the department in the first place, but we wanted to draw up an identification report, well, yes, wait until tomorrow? it was impossible, you at all you saw what state he’s in, and why do you want him to sit at home in this state, i don’t know, but i don’t need an ancient greek tragedy here, come in, come in, i’m just telling you that the main thing in my work is not dry facts, real living human emotions, you understand, yes, for example, you loved your wife very much. leave him at last, and nicole is joking with us, for some reason it wasn’t funny to me, it’s all because you haven’t tried the coffee that i prepare personally, please go to my office, by the way, you’re there you can familiarize yourself with all the materials on
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this case, i ask, perhaps, really coffee, yes, let me help you, please, i ’ll come to you later. uh-huh, this interesting nightmare will often visit us, she will soon get tired of it all, forgive me, i can go, of course, you will get there yourself, what does it matter now, but it’s a pity for the man, yeah, well... two episodes of course can’t be a series line up, but somehow everything matches. long-haired blondes killed almost in the city center at 10 am. i think it's a series. wait, but the dead must have something in common, not just their appearance. i've been trying to find something for so long, but there's no resemblance. one is 22,
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the other is 27, one is a student, the other is a housewife, one is active and sociable, the other is calm. now we're looking at mutual acquaintances, but no results yet, right? have you checked your incoming outgoing calls? let’s check, i just can’t understand how he chooses the time of murder so precisely, a random victim, but there is no guarantee that in the morning you can meet a long-haired blonde. i have one version, online dating, killer tries to meet girls through internet sites, makes appointments for them, and that the victims are not afraid that they are given an appointment at 10 in the morning, it’s very convenient, especially for the second victim, who is married. yes, yes, i mean, now, guys, the duty officer called and said that verisky has some problems, i’ll go quickly and see him off, well, we ’re working in all other areas,
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calls, acquaintances, the internet, come on, it’s clear. you see, i still don’t believe that she ’s gone, you need to hold on, i don’t understand why marina was everything to me, tell me about to your family, you had children, but we weren’t planning on... we thought that there would still be a lot of time, why do you think she was there at 10:00 in the morning, i can’t imagine, there were some things to do, i don’t know, maybe she was dating someone, some friend, what are you hinting at, no matter what, marina was faithful to me, you don’t know anything about us, i
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just, how dare you, i will complain. masha was a good girl, she always collected money for birthdays. these birthdays were given to her, zhenya, now it is important for us to understand how your friend could end up in the place where she was killed, exactly at 10 in the morning, i’m telling you, she was good and wouldn’t have done anything like that if she hadn’t gotten in touch with oleg, oleg, what kind of oleg? you know how much our stipend is, it must be funny even for you with your salaries, but everything is fine with our salaries, then even more so, zhenya, let’s get down to business. when it was legal, oleg, he sold spice, and as soon as it was banned, he closed his tent
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and went underground, his scheme was this: money in the morning, spice in the evening, well, masha carried them around as a client, and that she often wore it, and she visited several times a day and at night, that is, you want to say that masha was going to a meeting with a client who was going to give her money for drugs, yes, but what was on these drug addicts’ minds, he wondered, he shot her do you know how to find this oleg? i have no idea, out of desperation they ran through both girls in all departments, right up to drug control, no leads, and that there are no general calls in the printouts, not yet, which means there is only one coincidence left, long white hair, the time of the murder, but what about him lured there, well, there is an assumption that through a dating site, but none of these girls there... were shining, all hope was in the criminologists, but what’s the point, everything is trampled there, near the cameras, there is a blind spot, what about ballistics? according to
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ballistics, everything is like in a pharmacy, both girls were shot with the same weapon, which means these murders are somehow connected, yes, from those barracks that operate among local students, bell, bell, i haven’t heard of something like that for the rattle, yes, he ate like his own rubbish, he screamed for four days in a row, until the bell tolls, what the hell with that and they threw him into the madhouse, he was still there screaming for the whole day, so i always said that reading books with such a freak is harmful, he definitely re-read, of the former students, he probably finished two courses, over there at irka’s, he lives here, she gives him a hut, and he gives her his poison, high relationships. yeah, georgievich, here one circumstance
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was revealed, you know, what is the maiden name of the second victim marina veriiskaya, what, churkina, and what, what, what is this, churek’s daughter, come to the window, look, it’s clear, okay, i’ll be there now one and a half is already worth it, i understand. hello, oleg georgievich, hello, please accept my condolences, a word won’t help the matter, but the matter is not in dispute, there are some considerations, i’ve been eating earth since the morning, i’m digging at the 3rd level, you know me, but apparently, it wasn’t because of my business that they killed my marina . i don’t know, she’s a good girl, she was kind, her husband is lying in complete spit,
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even a rag, even i feel sorry for him, in general, the main version, he’s acting like a maniac, the handwriting is too characteristic, a maniac, what kind of bastard is this maniac, we’re looking , you’ll catch it, and you ’ll catch it, i know it’s time to turn off the horn, just don’t interfere with getting to it, don’t hide it please don’t envy him, don’t you envy him? oops, it’s easy to say what’s needed, and don’t be rude to the tailor, i’ll cover your hangout, but why threaten him right away, i’m always glad, at home alone, yes, we need your friend, bell, where is he, a week i haven’t seen him anymore, but when i see his face, i scratched him all over, and what’s this for, because he’s gone to hell, his address? yes, there is, everything, verka, verka, devour, buy, alone, you say, it’s not good
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to deceive your elders, girl, good afternoon, men, men, come in, this is verka, don’t be ashamed of you, here is the girl verka , do you know maria krosovskaya to the last veil? did masha take her out to sell her rubbish the day before yesterday? no, no, no, don't know, don't know anything. oh, don't be angry, uncle. yes, yes, yes, yes, the day before yesterday i went, what time, in the morning, yesterday i didn’t go because i don’t answer the phone, do you contact clients by phone? yes, and what have you done lately on this topic? flooded the department with a crowd of junkies? but two of them met the victims at
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the crime scene on the same day, met, yes, only one at 7:00 in the morning and the other at 9:00, but just in case, we decided to detain both, we decided, and by the way, i didn’t introduce you to another achievement of your department, here i have a complaint from a certain vadim veriisky, this is the husband of the second victim against lieutenant yegorkina for insult and slander in the address is deceased, that’s what it’s called, and how to understand it, well, the girl was overzealous, but the version is quite normal, besides, we don’t have other versions, we need some kind of help, well, we’ve compiled a list of crowded places in our area, parks, places near the metro, but only 12 points, yeah, we need permission to
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enhanced patrolling for tomorrow somewhere from 9 to 11 am, well, okay...
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you said some nonsense about his late wife, i mean, oleg georgivich, i just don’t even want to listen, i hope that the authorities have the word will not be an empty phrase for you, clearly, exactly, georgivich, well , it’s somehow a little harsh, but we’re not talking about that, not about that, now it’s half past eleven, that’s it, it turns out that in 10 hours it will probably happen the third murder, in general, tomorrow at half past seven, so that everyone was in their place, they will get the go-ahead for increased patrolling, now, now let’s collect the data, drug addicts, let them sit with us for now. yes, good night, is there a killer here? yes, oleg georgievich? oh, hello, come in, have a seat, introduce yourself, this is dmitry vasiliev. dmitry, a psychotherapist, will help us create a psychological portrait of the alleged killer. we are listening to you. i read the introductory
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information on the way here. yes. and there is one big problem in this whole story. so. you see, this is an axiom. real homicidal maniacs never kill their victims with firearms. so wait, what about these crazy people who shoot someone in offices or the crazy snipers? well, in the first case we are dealing with a nervous breakdown, which took this form in conditions of free circulation of firearms. yes. in the second case, the killer does not
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enjoy the killing process. he has some kind of super idea, and most importantly, a clear goal. are you saying that our killer has some kind of goal? probably this is what he is doing involuntarily gives out. look at how precise the production is, how meticulously following the script, and most importantly, the exact timing. real killer maniacs, it seems to me, are a little more spontaneous, or what? just don't say that he's still normal. well, i didn't say that. well, where are they taking you, i'm sorry, it just happened, it's okay, keep it, thank you very much, i'm there. captain igor, is everything calm in baghdad? bogdad is a mess, let's level it with
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us. yep, i agree. attention, i'm starting the countdown. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3. 2 1 so 10 01 there was no shot, everyone was silent i'm in complete order and everything is calm, thank you. oleg georgievich, i have one version, i’m listening to you, or rather, not a version, an observation, i
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made a printout of the calls and there is nothing similar, both victims received calls from payphones, from different payphones, from different ones, well, figure it out, okay, okay. a strange series, only two episodes, but with a clear script, but thank god that from two, and not from six, i’m listening, where, oh, this is a signature blow to the bridge of the nose, it was my husband who directed it, yes, i insist on a timeout , to you, what cut the umbilical cord, got scissors, now i have all the papers on me. well, it turns out that you won and how’s olya, as you hear, it’s not bad, you want me to become your donor, you’re quite
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how would i like to hit her on the head? oh, i recommend it, they say he has a very high patron, but this changes everything, then maybe he’ll come up to kiss her? now i cannot reveal all the nuances of the investigation, but the police have already the trace of the alleged criminal has emerged, and probably within the next few hours, he will be captured. great, great, georgievich, well, what a nasty picture here, the killer, at exactly 10, shot the girl, mixed with the crowd, and there are no cameras here, a blind spot, it’s clear, but if you don’t
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mind, we’ll take this case for ourselves, of course. when you remove the bullet, tell our experts, here is gilza, georgievich, we seem to have a new witness here, great, ask, and i’ll go to the expert, yeah, nicole, let’s go, i’m telling you, she’s someone i was waiting, you remember exactly, girl, dear, i’m still in my right mind. she stood by the road, well , for about two minutes, probably so beautiful, and then she suddenly laughed and began, that is, to wave to someone, a man, a man, and you saw his face, you saw it, you can describe it, well, i have in mind for an identikit, i’ll try, i’ll try, well, let’s go, it’s not far,
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stop standing there, listen, maybe you can come by later, i have a fresh firearm here, lyosha, this matter is under special control at the main office, i needed an examination on this bullet the day before yesterday , necessary i had to immediately say, come on, well, i immediately ... said, it can’t be what you have, you know, they were fired from the same pistol, in the literal sense, meet me, twin sister, just wait, what kind of firearm do you have, ask your neighbors, everything. thank you, bye, you need the results of the examination, they came by mail, okay, are you crazy, what drugs? svetochka, we have
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an athlete, second place in all-russian competitions, by the way, she did. athlete, i don’t even understand why we must answer all these questions of yours, because your answers will help us find the killers of your daughter, you are not really looking for something, for the third day now the newspapers have been writing about these murders, at least you are upset for the sake of decency, what are you doing with the police now, you know, i think i’ll go, it’ll be better for everyone. here, he doesn’t seem to be a long-haired
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blonde, why did our killer like him, now we’ll ask him that, uh-huh, wow, young man, but you don’t want to apologize, but stand, wait, please, stand, i he said, well, calm down, calm down, don’t twitch, it’s not good to send police, well, vitya ivanov, he’s bald, somehow i didn’t like your friend. ran away from us down the corridor, what is it? i don’t know what, who knows, come on , tell me, it’s like, for the third
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victim, gopolskaya, they also called from a pay phone, so what? so, how about it, kirill, do you often communicate via such devices now? no, did they call the three victims? interesting, yes, these phones are clearly hiding something in... so what are you doing? i used the children's trick, entered everything three numbers into the search system, well , look, wow, cool, well done, what can i tell you, we were sitting with the boys, having a quiet , cultural relaxation,
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automatic machines, well, now we can send a request, we’ll figure out which automatic machines they called from, well we’ll find out where they are located geographically, well, it’s night now, i’m afraid
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it won’t last until morning, so, the eyebrows are thicker, and the eyes are wider, like that, and she had unshaven stubble there, the stubble is so thick, yeah, that’s it, here. yes, and so, why, how is my ward here, it’s normal, look what a fool he drew, mm, talent, listen, you can do it for 2 seconds, one on one. so, go out for a couple of seconds, come on, come on, come on, look after him, what’s there, sit down, look, you see, this is the one in the hospital with a shot in the leg, you see how he drew, and what kind of things are these, this happens when two people who don’t know how to draw agree to depict an imaginary person, and they agree that he should have thick eyebrows, stubble, unshaven, here’s a joker, you know what...
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it’ll do, oh, my dear! now i don’t understand something, you know, this is what my life is like heavy, so they tell me: solve the murder, yeah, yeah, yeah, here's a real accomplice to the murder , huh? and most importantly, look, he’s silent like a partisan, he’s covering for the boss, right? but the main one will escape justice, and you,
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my friend, have a direct path to life imprisonment, that’s right, that’s right, not some kind of life sentence, what kind of complicity, we didn’t agree the way you agreed, it doesn’t shine, listen, well, you catch your killer, i'll give you the chicken, take the jacket, maybe the investigation will be wasted, otherwise you robbed him, yes, then there is no, we didn’t want to, you know, the bald guy had money until the morning, we went out, there’s a sucker. some kind of natural thing, we tell him: take off the chicken, he took off the chicken, and i say, take off your shoes, he didn’t take off his shoes, that ’s when he shot the bald one, and why are we having fun? where's the jacket? in the bald man 's car, the bald man began to feel very cold, says bratsi, just dying from the cold, every day i am ashamed that i have a son like you, it would be better if you died and not your brother, i beg you to save me like you i dared to come here, traitor, konetsa, i
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solovets, the criminal investigation department, we will seize the things of the sick ivanov, from the third injury, we don’t do that, listen. the phone card they called with could lead him to the killer right away, why is there any ceremony here, yeah, you explained that we have an emergency situation, and the card, the card could be in the killer’s possession, wait, nicole,
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there is a card, do you hear, please? yeah, that's it, goodbye. they would also send carrier pigeons a printout of calls from this card. listen, there must be a button there, did he press it? did you press that the red light was on? well, that's probably how it should be. it must be. when was the last time you used it? i’ve never used it, they usually print it out for me in the archives. so, it's 9 o'clock, we have an hour left. okay, while we wait for the printout, let's summarize what we have. what do we have? our killer, it seems, made a plan, found similar girls on the phone network who were looking for housing, and called them from a pay phone , apparently. and introduced himself as a realtor, then on different days he makes appointments for them not far from their place of residence and kills at exactly 10 o’clock, well, there are four numbers, three are previous victims, and the fourth is unknown, we need to find out who owns the number and
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warn, the subscriber is unavailable, igor, try to find out who the number belongs to if the phone is turned off , okay, i’ll try, so try and put it forward. we have 40 minutes left, attention to all posts, urgently, to the corner of kama street and the fourteenth line, i repeat, urgently, the owner of the phone, tatyana ivleva , born in eighty-two, blond hair, everything attention, we are looking for the alleged victim of the crime, ivleva tatyana igorevna, born in eighty-two, marks, blond hair. nicole said that the phone was turned off at first, and now she turned it on, but she’s busy, of course,
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damn, how long can we chat, well , so, we’re looking for a fair-haired girl who is currently talking on the phone, carefully. excuse me, sergeant polushkin, your documents. girl, what? sorry, for god's sake, forgive me. wow,
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forgive me, please, are you de naive? no, sorry. well, turn it over, you,
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where did i screw up, where? they didn’t suspect me for a second, they kept thinking about their series. moms, dear ones, a maniac is killing girls in the middle of the street in broad daylight. what am i to you, some kind of husband of the second victim? and you, as i see, are even proud of yourself, even dad, that terrible bandit, who, if something had happened to marina, would have torn out my tonsils with his bare hands. hold on, says vadim, now it’s hard for all of us. next, what's next? if even one tear from marina falls, i will tear out your dignity. this is for dad, churek says. here
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for 6 years i was spinning like a squirrel in a wheel. 6 years, incomprehensible to my mind, sometimes it began to seem to me that he had snatched out my dignity. have you ever thought about divorce? divorce, it was she who thought about divorce, for which she paid. give this bastard her dad so many years. and now she, with all the money , just throws me into the trash, you should have seen how i courted her, how i wooed her, what kind of nonsense i talked about, and that your wife was going to leave you, to whom, a fitness instructor, that’s all, what i had would have gone to this stupid jock, an apartment, a country house, a car, although they would have left the car to me, they are generous people, so it turns out that you and your wife killed? two more girls to hide her death for a series of murders of a non-existent maniac, i had an ideal plan, no one would suspect me,
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it’s on a deserted street, a lonely old woman witness can turn you in , and there in the crowd, no one notices you , pull the trigger four times and freedom, with maria’s money i would leave this damn country forever, the first time i’m happy that we have a lot of regional you bastards, why did you even decide to shoot at... just imagine, first they pulled my jacket off, then they asked for boots, then for a laugh, here is a man without pants, without boots, but with a gun walking down the street, me the first policeman would have accepted it right away, you don’t understand that these are real people, young girls, i understand everything perfectly, you see, lavon understands everything, so you’ll go all out, by the way, i think his father-in-law, whom he’s so afraid of, already knows, who killed his daughter, not... no, i’m even afraid to imagine that he’s with him will do. they didn’t just take you, with a full
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evidence base and confessions, you’re proud, well, why not, really, why not, i honestly said that our best department, as always, did an excellent job, and i mentioned you, thank you, but it really wasn’t worth it , but what do you deserve, get it, and tell yours too, well, in general, think about how to do it better. okay, i just have a request, it’s okay, i won’t speak in front of the cameras, don’t worry, they will be found without you, believe me, thanks to the high professionalism of our internal organs, the villain was captured and neutralized, the girl’s life is also out of danger, please turn off this nonsense, you’re generally fine, you’re a down-to-earth person,
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nikul, no, you’re generally sane, you don’t like talking about internal organs. ask if there might be something there, ah, now, well.
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peace treaty with japan in 1905, separate peace with germany in 1918. two wars, two treaties. the last peace treaty of the russian empire and the first of soviet russia. september 5, 1905. tokyo, japan. the crowd that had gathered in hibya park moved. to the imperial palace, almost 30,000 rebels break into police stations, destroy police booths, the japanese foreign ministry building soon catches fire, rioting rioters try to attack the russian and us embassies, the country plunges into an era of popular violence, as historians later christen that period. news of the explosion of violence in tokyo is causing chicken reactions. over the coming months
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, all of japan will be shaken by protests. the next day the government. from the land of the rising sun declares martial law, prime minister taro katsura and his the cabinet resigns. order in the capital will be restored by the evening of september 7. this is how the results of the russo-japanese war were perceived in the land of the rising sun. you can often hear that the russo-japanese war turned into an incredible defeat for russia, and the port. the peace treaty of 1905, well , almost a national disgrace, well, let’s try to figure it out, but without order in japan itself, dissatisfaction with the results of the war, hasty and forced resignation.


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