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tv   Pervaya peredacha  NTV  July 21, 2024 10:20am-10:58am MSK

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the temperature is even higher than normal, from vladivostok to blagoveshchensk - 25-27. in the south of siberia the weather is similar, the temperature is still balancing at around +25, but the intensity of rain is increasing and soon it will become fresher. moreover, a new cyclone is already circling in the urals, due to which thunderstorms are returning to the forecast. in yekaterinburg it is no longer higher than seventeen. in the center of european territory, on the contrary, the anticyclone is intensifying; it has pushed the front to the east. thunderstorms will still thunder in the kaza. not in chebakhsary, in the center in the black earth region and in the south of the volga region there is no precipitation and the previous 27:30. in the south there are short showers with thunderstorms, but the temperature is still unchanged. 33-38, only a little more modest on the coast. in st. petersburg there is already no precipitation and up to 25, in moscow it is raining and during the day it is only 22.
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this is the first program, in the studio alexey kryuchkov, good morning! sokhaty from the thicket jumped onto the highway along with the carcass , a lot of problems fell on the hood of the front roof, now the jager, traffic police, protocols, explanations, etc. have already arrived in large numbers, you will have to pay the state tens of thousands of rubles for a downed elk, you won’t wish it on anyone, and most importantly, where is the justice , the noble animal foolishly rushed into the attack, the car itself.
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to restore it at your own expense, but in the city, your car can be damaged by some foolish person, and you won’t ask him or recover it, but the judge will then read: the victim himself contributed to causing the damage. the black magentis was clearly covered with something. the door was all chipped, the dents were very deep, the glass was completely destroyed, the glass had to be damaged. to restore, not a single living part on the body, and where is the side mirror? the mirror was torn off, it hung only on wires, all the lights were broken, a drunk neighbor was throwing grapeshot out of the window, or the roof of a car on the road was blown off, the damage to my car is 430,000 rubles. margarita still does not dare to approach those people, i... did not
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try to contact them, because the police told me not to have personal contacts with them, i am not going to organize lynching, her car that day was parked in garage area, my friend called me, he said that my car was broken, and then they sent her a video: get out, now we’ll call the police, who do you have here? older, here he is... who's red? yes, come on, wait, wait, come here, look, i just filmed everything, how you got there, the car, well, that’s it, i have everything on video, they were breaking it, well , i saw them jumping on the roof , now they did it, i’m just here now, four boys staged a toy war, they played in a disassembled car. they also broke it
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, then it was clear that they were taking stones from the road, as a result, two cars came under fire from cobblestones, from where these boys lived, they quickly established it, margarita contacted with the parents, why not resolve this whole situation, not bring it to court, but i don’t need to, my child didn’t do anything there, and other families closed the door in the victim’s face, after the assessment i wrote a criminal statement. court, but the prospect is very vague, i am in terrible shock that i am being accused of the fact that i myself contributed, that my property was damaged, there was no need to leave it there, and the judge, as far as i can see, supports this, they say i parked she left the car, one might say, abandoned it, here’s another nuance, direct evidence, that it was these boys who damaged the car, no, the surveillance camera.
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parents, you must somehow be responsible for yours, i told you again, if my child did something, i would pay, i paid for everything, but since sashka didn’t do anything with us, didn’t break anything absolutely, so, what are the prospects for collecting
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damages, are the parents of those children obliged to pay the injured car owners, successful lawyer sergei rasko will now... explain everything. sergey, hello, good afternoon. look which of the boys was throwing stones, where he ended up and so on is unclear. this cannot be determined from the cctv footage either. if only we would take on such a case, there are too many questions, just what do you say, sergei? i would probably take it on, i think there are prospects, because the police carried out a check and identified teenagers who may be involved in the damage to the cars; they were seen on the territory of the state joint stock company. there is a video of them throwing stones, and even some of them do not deny their participation in damaging cars, and this is a significant fact. yes, video of car destruction no, but this indirect evidence is enough for the court to give it a proper assessment and recover damages. what do you think of the parents’ position
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that the victims themselves are to blame and contributed to the damage? yes, in shiti it sounds something like this: you didn’t close the window, so your apartment was robbed, you provoked the thief, alone. in the law, such a concept as the guilt of the victim really exists, and this applies to cases where the victim, through his unlawful actions, created the conditions and actually provoked harm to him damage by third parties, for example, a driver violated traffic rules, suffered an accident, or a pedestrian crossed the road in the wrong place and found himself under the wheels, or a rude person provoked a fight. in such cases, the courts use the concept of the victim’s guilt, but not for the purpose of ... they did not commit, they simply placed their cars in a specially designated place on the territory of the state joint stock company. but the investigation decided that there was no crime in the boys’ games,
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which means there were no guilty parties. the fact is that not every unpleasant illegal act as in this case, damage to cars is a crime in order... for the corpus delicti to exist, it is necessary that the culprit has reached the age at which criminal liability begins, in this case for intentional damage to property, liability begins at the age of 14, and here the most the eldest of the teenagers and two turned 12, which is why the police say that there is no corpus delicti, but this does not mean that no one should be held accountable for the damaged cars, the fact that the police acted illegally has been established, the boys involved in this, too, and their impossibility... so how can we be here? in fact, it is not so important to establish the damage caused to each of the attackers,
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who scratched the body, who broke the glass, even if they could be prosecuted, but the fact is that the law presupposes such a concept as joint and several liability, this means that... those who jointly caused harm are jointly liable, that is, the victim is not obliged to prove the harm caused by each of the attackers, it is enough to determine the common the amount of damage, if the court satisfies the claim for joint recovery of damage, then it can be recovered from all at once, or from each individually from one, two or three attackers, all at the discretion of the victim, and only then the defendants will be among themselves to figure out who is obligated to compensate whom and what part of the damage. as always, everything is very clear.
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dad, and you are the strongest in the world with you, yes, i
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10:32 am
borjomi. borjomi helps you enjoy your favorite dishes and gives you a feeling of lightness after meal. open borjomi, enjoy, feel the lightness. borjomi. where is the cheese, the cheese is here. try chiba pizza, even more juicy filling with tender mozzarella baked chicken.
10:33 am
ready for more, this is how my new story began, now everything feels new, exit connect, welcome to the world of technology exsit, can you guess why i called you, you want to fire me, but kaverin, and what’s kaverin, they shot their leg, he’s in jail happy and smiling, nikita panfila, business, obstetrician: today at 20:00 on ntv. i’m driving, not
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touching anyone, suddenly, bam, please, compensate for the damage. how come there isn’t a scratch on the car? a truck driver from chebaksar says he found himself in just such a ridiculous situation. anton krai figured out what was going on, the mysticism and... maybe someone in this story is haunted by obsessive ideas? judging by the decree, i am a participant in an accident, show me the damage to the car? that’s the point, there is no damage, we had no contact, i’m in thought, the driver is a professional, i don’t understand, am i a participant in the accident or not? sergey kamazist is experienced, he’s been riding on the second floor for 10 years, he can’t trample cars, skill is needed, the white lane was free and began to change lanes and... suddenly i very suddenly heard the sound of a creaking, such a blow, that’s
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the sound of a creaking blow, then at 21:14 i collided with a toyota in the oncoming lane, a toyota is ramming you, a japanese woman is totaling, the examination wrote it off, the culprit, the carpenters traffic police inspector immediately determined that the kamaz politician was to blame for the collision between lada and toyota. is kamazist ivanov to blame? here they state in the resolution that my actions provoked a non-contact accident. inspector plotnikov is ready to explain himself, but it seems...
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causes interference, the second, avoiding a collision, flies into a pole or tree, or a tractor, in violation of the rules for transporting goods, floods the car with hot vitumum. such examples are given, in particular, by the supreme court in one of its reviews, that is, the main signs of a non-contact road accident are that, as a rule, only two vehicles are involved , and one of them is damaged without
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interaction with the culprit’s car. here, in the oncoming lane , two cars collided head-on, well, where is there no... contact accident, full contact, and the kamaz is in in his lane, didn’t touch any of these two, he has nothing to do with the head-on oncoming traffic, there must be at least some basis for accusations against kamaz driver ivanov, what did you rely on, what evidence do you have, self-propelled all the evidence, what kind of videos are recorded, on which nothing is visible, you can see what is visible, we are watching that same video, here in the stream is a kamaz, lada. behind him the truck leaves the frame, who went left first, no clarity, video from another camera, who started changing lanes first, also left behind the scenes, why suddenly a crazy lada started to ram into the oncoming lane, why didn’t they attract the driver of the car who drove into the oncoming lane, and you make him innocent, how does it happen, goodbye, here’s the inspector’s boss, for
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that oncoming driver in the lada mountain, why is the driver of you... there was no corpus delicti of administrative violations, why not on the brakes, drove into the oncoming lane, i say again, there was no corpus delicti of administrative violations, drove into the oncoming lane, there was no corpus delicti, just a lucky guy for steering this fret. i believe that the driver of the vaz was to blame for the head-on collision with the toyota, he drove into the oncoming lane for a traffic violation on his own, of his own free will, and no one pushed him out, but was obliged to brake urgently without changing the trajectory, so he also complied with paragraph 101 of the traffic rules..
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the passenger of that crazy car, roman, his name, demanded half a million for his injuries to his leg . it is considered to be a difficult time, so i wonder how the victim determined this? he refused to undergo a forensic medical examination due to health concerns i can’t determine, roman refused the examination, serious harm, did the nurse count him, or what? has he left me now? how did you suffer, did you really suffer for 500,000 rubles. perhaps i won’t give you broken peas, says the compositionist, the storyteller is troma, you are familiar with this document, a patient of his was injured by falling from the stairs, uh-huh, you fell from the stairs or you injured your leg in an accident, and why is it written on the stairs, i can explain this, i’m sitting in the ambulance,
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a goishnim comes up to me, uh-huh, and says: this way and that way, like write it better this way, you’ll hang the atom on your friend this way and that way. like administrative, everything is fine, i would have come and told this and that, like i fell from the stairs like, that’s it, that’s why, where else will things go, suddenly my brother will be accused, so roma started to compose, it seems that this is normal, according to in the opinion of inspector plotnikov, he was in the right place, he said, he did not want to harm his fellow driver, who was driving, so that no one would be deprived of their faith, that’s all, that’s what he said... he said, a noble man, that’s what we have people, that’s all i can say, the court will most likely send the injured visionary to his home. but justice, she is such a lady, the kamaz driver ivanov will have to run after her to the courts, they will certainly call that oncoming person who committed the ramming there,
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it was he who ended up in court, not sergei, why did i contact him so that he would pay me the money, well, yes, they sat in his car, he drove away, why brother, i can’t do this, this is how they demand money from him, and it doesn’t matter that my brother committed a ram in the oncoming lane. brother, he is a brother. by the way, the testimony of the injured relative formed the basis for the accusations against the komaz player ivanov. but is it really possible, since the brother of the person involved in the accident seems to be interested in his face. it doesn’t matter who the witness is, a participant in an accident, a friend, a brother, a matchmaker, the traffic police inspector must consider any testimony, but not blindly trust it and not brush it aside or give it away. assessment, that’s what’s important, especially if a witness says one thing, but the video recording or another witness says the opposite, such contradictory testimony must be assessed critically,
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check, including by expert means. every summer resident sooner or later begins to want to grow something new, it doesn’t bloom or smell, we figured out how not to be deceived when buying seedlings and seeds, we figured it out together with experts. the robots are advancing, we are not getting tired.
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superpower more joyful moments with water holy spring with fruit flavors source of joy for you meat sauce satisfying hot meat with noodles fill warm sunset over the roofs this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they they are talking about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not just that. methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer, the throwing engine works perfectly, installation of equipment as part of the national fuel project, i also converted my car to methane without investment, being
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practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose eco-gas, refuel at gazprom stations, with you won’t get bored with vk video while traveling, download for free episodes of your favorite shows, movies, tv series, watch where there is no internet, travel with vk video, favorite brand. at valdbires there are bright colors and 100% cotton, calico, poplin, percale, satin, choose quality for your unforgettable vacation, strong sonnyson, it’s even more profitable to buy with a vb-wallet. a large sofa for a large new apartment, they helped buy it, and sold the old one at a profit and helped reduce the mortgage rate. request a call back on enterol acts on the cause of diarrhea symptoms and helps maintain healthy microflora. intestines, with diarrhea suddenly, enterol is your faithful friend. our life is a series of meetings. over a cup of aromatic monarch coffee, every meeting can
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become destiny. and the most familiar day with the aroma of monarch coffee can become a special gift of wings. coffee, the customer is always right. so the pedestrian, according to one inspector, is also always a client. this is the situation: i was approaching a zebra crossing, a pedestrian walked out onto the road a few meters behind it, neither he bothered me nor i bothered him, so i calmly drove on, the traffic police crew caught up with me and issued a fine for not letting me pass pedestrian, really should have? shouldn't, in in your situation, the pedestrian does not have an advantage, because... he himself violates the rules of the road, he does not have the right to cross the roadway outside the zebra crossing, if there is one in sight. this, of course, does not mean that people outside the crossing can be crushed, but
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you have not created a danger for the pedestrian. your trajectories of movement did not intersect, so you did not violate anything, you were punished completely in vain, appeal the decision, welcome to winter, yes, my first season has come to an end, i’m sharing the results, i’m just in shock, in fact, i’m still in shock from what happened, i’m just bald, that’s what he called his online page. why not kolobok, he rides from city to city, skype, skype, but in general the name is andrei , a guy from ufa, his car is a little bigger than a washing machine, now i’ll show you all the features of the car, the features of the old lady, that’s what i have here, well, this is my bed , now let's go back, pay attention, i have a disposable towel, everything is also attached with glue screws, everything in general is like this, there is a kitchen and a bathroom, this
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bottle will always lie here, alone, it is needed for the toilet when you are standing v in a traffic jam somewhere for a long, long time, you ’ll want to pee, so why is a smiley man huddling in this closet on wheels, for now, well, this is alcantara, which i covered everything with, i had just bare metal here, his trick like this, go around all the cities of our country, here it winds, the middle lane, north-west, ballar circle and a boat is driving, guess where i’m lying, i’m skidded, always fasten your seat belt, i never thought that i would get out of my windshield car? i don’t even
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know, i hit it somewhere, no, i was driving 70, probably in an hour, i’m still in shock from what happened, the route from nadmomo to soliheart, about a hundred kilometers without asphalt, what we have, we have now turned it over to its normal position, basically we have lost the windshield cover, here’s 10, so where else do we have there’s a battery lying there, it came off, the hood lid was bent.
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received 28 fines for a total of 1400 on whose yeast let me ask all this. so, my income for the first year is 3,300 rubles. total expenses for this summer are half a million rubles. thanks to credit cards. next 6 months i will. work actively to pay off credit cards and save up for the next season, now i’m chasing spring, the internal combustion engine has already been combined with an electric motor in hybrids, and now let’s imagine what the car architecture could look like if we combine the body of a full-size suv and a luxury sedan, and completely while maintaining their design
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features, yours has stalled? fantasy , i have another question: where can i get so much money? come on guys! by the way, such a kruzak has not been produced for about 15 years, at such a respectable age throw a cart weighing more than two tons around your neck, that’s how much health you need to have, and the owner of a mercedes like that, well, for about 7 million you can take it to a tow truck , or what? well, the rich have their own habits. well, on this beautiful morning, the first program is finishing its work on the air, so in
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the next one... on sunday also at 10:20 we will be back to you again, don’t forget to turn on the tv, bye-bye! neural networks for doctors, culinary specialists, designers, you can barely feel the taste of kudits, the neural network guessed the tastes of my children, like an artificial one intelligence helps to simplify our life, but in some ways... it gets in the way, black raspberries, blue roses, pears with almost no branches, maybe they will blush with shame, but it’s unlikely, as the sellers of seedlings deceive, promising exoticism at their summer cottage? in the section: miracle products,
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slippers, exercise equipment for strengthening your back , weight loss, it’s scary that i’ll stay in a cast, a miracle or not a miracle, as well as a robot that cleans toilets, a pen with 16 million colors, saving a baby the size of your palm, this and some -what else, in the hot five amazing discoveries and inventions from around the world. on air a miracle of technology, a program in which i, sergey molozyomov and my team test everything on ourselves. we never tire of chronicling the takeover of the earth by robots, i mean the rapid
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penetration of neural networks into our lives, they improve some things, and add fear in others. here are some recent stories. artificial intelligence saves human intelligence. now the machine helps moscow doctors find multiple sclerosis in mri images. this disease affects the brain and spinal cord of young people. immune cells mistakenly attack the membrane nerve fibers, the insulation on them seems to be broken, impulses pass incorrectly. all this can make a person disabled. the sooner treatment is started, the better. the neural network does not diagnose for the doctor, but helps. he can’t miss negative signs, all these white inclusions are lesions, artificial intelligence circles these lesions in different colors, sometimes neural networks can save lives. a border collie named sassy was treated in
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the united states for babesiosis, a tick-borne disease, but the dog only got worse. anemia began, and the reason was unclear, then the owner uploaded it to the neural network via chatvod. pet's medical history and tests. artificial intelligence suggested it was immune-mediated hemolytic anemia. the veterinarians didn’t even think about this, but they checked the diagnosis, confirmed it and prescribed the necessary treatment, which helped. but the hits are not always accurate. russian scientists, for example, recently discovered that a neural network, having received the task of reconstructing an image of an object based on its tomogram, sometimes begins to compose and draws i exist.
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we decided to give the artificial intelligence a problem with an asterisk: can it use x-rays to make a good three-dimensional image of a toy lying inside a chocolate egg. a few minutes and the machine displays a picture of something big-eared. the difference between an image obtained using the classical method using neural networks is noticeable. the authors admit that they are still in the process of setting up, but in general the program did not make a mistake, internally. there was a wild cat ears with her, in the tomograph, out of curiosity we also sent a standard lens cameras, and a walnut, and a grapefruit,
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which was so beautiful that it captivated everyone. in general, of course, all this is not needed for entertainment, there is a more important task here. smart algorithms will allow you to illuminate the body with less intensity. one of the ways to reduce radiation exposure in medical tomography is precisely the use of neural networks to work with tomographic data. this is useful in detecting defects, parts and structures without destroying them. some neural networks have already successfully controlled a person and, as they say, bring him to his senses in time. our neural network captures the driver’s face using sixty points. a sound signal is given when this or that event occurs, when the neural network records the events of smoking, falling asleep, distraction, fatigue, lack of a belt, such a system is based on computer vision: facial expressions
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and body position are recognized by a camera on the bus dashboard, and the computer he immediately analyzes the image; if he doesn’t like something, a wake-up signal sounds. in our test, the strict neural network did not allow the driver look around and close your eyes. for my part, yes, i perceive her as an assistant, because she certainly helps the driver treat his employees better. a sound signal, it does not irritate, on the contrary, it brings you to tone, reminds you and does not allow you to be distracted. however, if professional drivers are willing to put up with such systems, the development of unmanned vehicles seriously worries them. this summer they began testing autonomous trucks on the highway between moscow and st. petersburg, while under observation of a person in the cabin. they are already actually transporting passengers in san francisco. taxi without a driver at all. passengers, however, do not always react
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adequately, and, taking advantage of the solitude, strive to do god knows what during their trips. and city authorities are unhappy that drones are sometimes stupid and create traffic jams in unusual situations. companies were recently even ordered to reduce the number of autonomous vehicles on the line. however, many studies predict that dozens of professions will soon disappear. under a threat, for example, tutors. a neural network helped develop the appearance and menu of this cafe in the center of moscow, and we asked experts, designer yulia alekseeva and chef andrei zabelin, to evaluate the result. i studied it.


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