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tv   Chudo tekhniki  NTV  July 21, 2024 11:00am-11:51am MSK

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this summer they began testing autonomous trucks on the highway between moscow and st. petersburg, while under the supervision of a person in the cab. in san francisco , robotaxis are already actually transporting passengers, without a driver at all. passengers, however, do not always react adequately and strive, taking advantage of the solitude, to do god knows what during their trips, and city authorities are unhappy that drones are sometimes stupid and... create traffic jams in standard situations; companies were recently even ordered to reduce the number of autonomous cars by lines. nevertheless, many studies predict that dozens of professions will soon disappear. for example, tutors, accountants, designers are at risk. a neural network helped develop the appearance and menu of this cafe in the center of moscow, and we asked experts, designer yulia alekseeva and chef andrei zabelin, to evaluate the result. have you studied? the menu
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is quite good, balanced, i will even say so, very well composed, because the number of products used is small and it overlaps, perhaps many will think that it is generally uncomfortable here, that it is some kind of heating, yes, but here everything is done clearly according to the correct formula, natural brick, perfectly natural steel, i like that everything is painted, it is not trivial, yes, that is, her. yes, for example, i haven’t seen anything like this anywhere, that is, it’s clear that it was painted on purpose. a signature asian dish, picky guests also enjoyed it. truffle oil, in combination with octopus, is, of course, unusual, the combination of beef with octopus is already unusual for me, and also truffle oil, it seems to me, yes, but , yes, it punished me, in short, the main secret we revealed this place only at the end, participation is artificial.
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it’s getting a little scary, i’ll be honest, i didn’t expect it at all, shit, listen, even because, well, the owners of the establishment have machines, they really didn’t reveal what exactly the computer did, to what extent it was done... people corrected it, and to attract visitors there was a mention of neural networks did n't work very well. shortly after our filming, the cafe closed. recipes created by artificial intelligence are still being discussed on the internet. our regular expert, culinary blogger sophia tukaeva and miracle technology correspondent masha ramasheva set out to test how a neural network can transform, for example, a classic dessert into tiramisu. hopefully there won't be any unicorn tail hair in there. i’m not sure,
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to be honest, anything is possible, the network chef suggested adding chocolate sauce and caramelized bacon to the recipe. sofia is sure that her own unusual version of tiramisu is more interesting, it is with raspberries and passion fruit. now it's the computer's turn. first, as he asked, let's caramelize the bacon. mash, this is really very tasty. listen. sweet, crunchy, and it's really very tasty, we assemble everything according to the instructions, decorate and call the judges, the children of our cook, sophie and leo. mom's berry thermomisu, as always, is beyond praise, but neurochefa's dish was alarming. and a little scary. why are you scared? damn things look kind of weird.
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some kind of horror, this is the first spoon that i will not lick. perhaps this is only suitable for fun experiments. neurosity, of course, can help in many ways, but it is important to learn how to use them correctly in union with human intelligence, the artificial one will clearly create many more miracles. in addition to tests and checks, there is always a miracle of technology on the air. news section, the top five
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messages that i personally found most interesting this week, we start from fifth position, robots will help a person. they learned how to clean toilets. developers from new york have already launched such a service into commercial operation. for $1.0 a month they provide a robot that can do a lot, washes itself, disinfects and dries everything in the toilets, even lifts the lids toilets, and, of course, after some setup and training, he moves between bathrooms, along corridors and floors, knows how to ride elevators, puts himself on exercise, and if... he discovers something incomprehensible, he sends photos to live cleaners, whom still, it doesn’t completely replace, but it takes on a significant part of their work, this is a miracle of technology, later in our issue, red hosta, strawberry, raspberry tree, what kind
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of exotic things do seedling sellers lure in? if we are already viral plants, it means uprooting and burning what has actually grown from us... will it be possible to lose weight with their help and what will the sensors show, what muscles are tensed during these workouts, as well as the best discoveries and inventions from all over the planet. the most interesting is yet to come.
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i’m a son like you, it would be better if you died and not your brother, i beg you, save me, how dare you come here, traitor, traitor, i will personally tear off the legs of those who did this, let’s show him that he returned abroad and sent
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me message, you had something with him, there was intimacy, just once, pilin, you are a real fool, suddenly a child from a serter, kingfisher, new season today. 13:00 on ntv. return of mukhtar on weekdays at 8:25 on ntv. for back and joint pain. nice activegel is an active formula for accelerated penetration of pain and inflammation. nice active gail. reducing pain is his goal. attacking credit card debt? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts in one place. and we conveniently repay within 24 months. and don't forget about shopping. installment plan halva, simple installment plans, meat sauce, satisfying hot, filling with meat and noodles, warm sunset over the rooftops, joy life fills, with aromatic coffee, a monarch, even a chance meeting can give wings,
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a monarch, aroma happens, an airplane plus, a large sofa for a large new apartment, we helped buy it, and sold the old one at a profit and... could reduce the mortgage rate, we decide yours questions with real estate from the transaction to finishing here, there all over the country, go to order a call back, dad, and you are the strongest in the world, with you, yes, i believe you will defeat everyone. "proud of you, son. cherry tiga 7 pro max for family victories. san soch. this is what asian tastes like. heaviness, pain and
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swelling - these can be symptoms of varicose veins. the phlebodia 600 course helps treat varicose veins. fornication 600 for the freedom of your legs. on the teli2 market ours. subscribers sell buy minutes and gigabytes of the internet, now every purchased gigabyte is waiting for doubling, you buy, we double, there is a final sale at sportsmaster, discounts up to 70% on global prices and
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imagine when you’re on the run all day, heaviness in your legs, pain and swelling can me catch up. ditrolex helps millions of happy women control varicose veins. detrolex acts on the cause of the symptoms of varicose veins at any stage. detrolex has been tested by experts. the choice of millions. what kind of square is this? interesting? ok bye. this marking code is an honest sign. your assistant for safe shopping. the cash register checks it and does not allow suspicious goods to pass through. labeling protects your purchases. this is the cash register. this is an honest sign. this is a miracle of technology. i'm sergey malozyomov. we rise higher in our hit parade of news from. world of science and technology, what's in fourth place? a true
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draftsman's dream was demonstrated by a company from usa. this is a smart pen that can draw in any color. she gets them by mixing paint from replaceable cartridges. there are only four of them, but when combined they can produce 16 million shades. but that is not all. the device has a sensor that allows you to scan and then repeat the color of any object. attachments, they turn the pen into a felt-tip pen or even a brush; a tip is provided for drawing on touch screens. the price of the rifle is expected to be $300. every summer resident sooner or later begins to want to grow something new, and he buys some rare seeds or seedlings to make his neighbors die of envy. only they usually die from laughter, because the result is far from expectations. how to recognize deception? we figured it out together with experts. yellow-fruited cherries produced red
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berries, and they grew absolutely identical, although we bought not one variety, but four different ones, or, instead of the promised apricots, there were red plums on the tree. summer residents complain online about deception, is it really so difficult to recognize? together with garden blogger olesya danilova. we went to the market where they sold us, for example, zemklunika, a hybrid of wild strawberries and strawberries, but here we asked for black strawberries, and they immediately found them, here they are normal for 100 rubles. yeah, what's there to see, pay attention, the seller covers the sticker with the name of the variety with his finger, and then tries to stealthily tear it off, and only when that doesn't work, he goes to look for other seedlings, great, right there? but you can get a black prince, and there is alden written there, but the label
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cannot be collected and sold, but you just want black berries, now the trees, we are from all forces disguised themselves as deletants, asking stupid questions, and it seems we succeeded, the raspberry tree is red, black, yellow, this is what you need, in what sense is it red, and the color of the tree, red is yellow, the color of a raspberry, yellow raspberry, red raspberry. black raspberries, chocolate raspberries, chocolate, yes, chocolate children's joy, sweet, and black, just black berries, black, yes, let's just say it's all black, so black, let's try, we got aphids as a gift with the tree, listen, well this is cool, the protein is straight away, the flower pavilions were amazing the plants in the pictures are taller than human height, here we were offered a hosta, a herbaceous plant, the asparagus family, which supposedly should grow red, although this actually does not exist. having reached the trunk with her purchases, olesya shares her thoughts about the future
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alchevre. let's put him in partial shade, watch, see, maybe he will blush with shame, but it's unlikely. and we bought a few more samples online: a black rose in an online nursery, a blue one on the marketplace. not everyone was pleased with the packaging and the condition of the roots, but olesya will try to grow everything. more we took lemon basil seeds, on the ad website, a columnar pear, a fashionable look, where all the fruits will be on one trunk, it’s convenient to collect and the branches don’t break. by the way, something is already hanging, it seems to be very good, only the tree is a branch and does not look like a column, but what about the photographs that promised us practically a stick strewn with pears, the pictures are created simply, breeder and candidate of agricultural sciences mikhail kachalkin shares online , to deceive the buyer you need to take
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a stick, leaves and pears, tie them to stalks and string. and tie such a pear to a stick, later we found out that it is better to use tape, not a string, it holds the fruit better, with the same success we can make a tomato tree, plum tree, apricot tree, and seriously, there is no columnar pear, there is a super-dwarf one a pear that only vaguely resembles a columnar one, it looks like they sold it to us, a small one... by the way, before planting our purchases, we showed them to antonina borisova, a professor at the institute of horticulture and nursery science. she examined everything carefully the samples did not please her with their quality, they were stained, weakened, unhealthy with strawberries of the kubchikha variety, a hybrid of wild strawberries and strawberries. there is an obvious deception. i found
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chimeras here, this is a mutation, chimeras, this is what the leaf should be like. this is the kind of leaf they turned out, apparently, they propagated it incorrectly with a violation of technology, that is, there is a violation, a malfunction in the body, all the berries will be different, but this is clearly not a merchant’s wife, because it is some kind of clone, by the way, we took a closer look, the berries are true turned out to be of different shapes, although it is of course possible to get the same ones if you grow that’s right, the nurseries of the specialized institute receive new varieties. more productive, fragrant and persistent. by the way, our purchases were not allowed on the doorstep, but were inspected in the trunk so as not to bring anything in. the professor warns that if you buy seedlings from dubious places, you risk ruining your garden. viruses in plants cannot be treated at all. if we are already viral plants, then we should uproot and burn them,
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because you will infect your land. alesya, nevertheless, decided to... the experiment, about its results, and it lasted several months, very soon we will tell you and reveal where else the deception lies, whether it is possible not to go to the forest to pick mushrooms, but to grow them yourself, whether something will come out of the souvenir sets that are sold as gifts for children and where succulents of incredible colors come from, about everything, literally in a couple of minutes, miracle products, slippers, exercise equipment that help you lose weight. what do the testers say who tried to lose weight with their help and what consequences did the doctors find, a miracle or not a miracle, as well as the continuation of our garden investigation, what kind of seedling we found it for 3000 rubles. and the most amazing
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discoveries and inventions, the leaders of the weekly. news parade, do you feel it too? makheev! one boy was asked to audition for the role of a show host, but they forgot to pay for a taxi. arseny popov improvised, my mother told me that you are funny, he improvised, i like to improvise to music, do you want it? i’ll teach you how to improvise, i want to, and i’ve improvised more, i came here to moscow to tease you, and you ’re sitting comfortably, now only a miracle will save him, at first you’re a little actor like that size, and then you will become like gary kharlamov, it seems to me that this is a child, i look
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at this cocktail and you know, my thirst has already stopped tormenting me, now i somehow feel worse. this is poisonous, and i thought you would throw knives at me, no shawls, leather, la-la-la-la-la, i'm crazy, well done, oh, miracle with arseny popov, premiere, soon on ntv. kingfisher, new season, today at 13:00 on ntv. x5 club presents. oh, misha, what are you here? i forgot, but i didn’t forget anything here, i didn’t forget to show the x5 club card at the crossroads or pyaterochka, and my chance i also didn’t forget to win prizes. use the x5 club card and get even more benefits with every purchase. and for back and joint pain , niceactive is an active formula for accelerated penetration into the source of pain and inflammation. niceactive. reducing pain is his goal. tele2
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presents. sometimes the hidden subscription shield takes the subscriber by surprise. but with auto protection tele-2. you are not in danger of such moments. automatic protection against unwanted subscriptions. tele-2 - different rules. price. this is what asian tastes like. this is ecology cities, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they are talking about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not only that. methane is cheaper, savings per kilometer, the engine runs great on methane. installation of equipment within the framework of the national fuel project. i also converted my car to run on methane without any investment. being practical is good for nature and good for you. choose ecogas, refuel at gazprom stations. dad, you are the strongest in the world with you, yes, i
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believe you will defeat everyone, i’m proud of you, son 7 pro max for family victories. we do it at a fixed price with a 2-year guarantee, before that we prepared a design project, and after that we will select the furniture, order a call back at samolet, things have faded after washing, use weasel gel, it maintains the strength of the fabric and restores color, things like new ones last three times longer, new, no, i wash with caress, sale at hof for all your wants, folding sofa for only 27.990, shop at coffee shop. attacking credit card debt? i'll show you a couple of tricks: collecting we conveniently pay off all credit card debts within 24 months, and don’t forget about
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installment purchases. simple installment plans. attention, samurai, oh, buys cheap airline tickets. avias. with aromatic coffee, a meeting can give wings, a monarch, aroma happens, with vk video you won’t get bored while traveling, download for free in episodes of your favorite shows, movies, series, watch where there is no internet, travel with vk video, and where is the cheese, cheese here, try chiba pizza, even more juicy filling with tender baked mozzarella chicken, mega cheese, chibu pizza from a hot thing, connect megapowers will be jaga jega, megaphone number one in terms of speed coverage. the adaptek formula of takayama engine oil instantly adapts to any engine operating conditions in real time
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and activates those additives that are necessary to protect it right now. takayama - adaptive engine protection. when you have an allergy, citrine, there is no reason to tolerate the allergy. fix price for almost nothing. laundry capsules for only 174 rubles 50 kopecks. dishwashing detergent total. for 49 rubles 50 kopecks, cleaning gel for only 79 rubles. fix price for everything low price. in one of the issues of miracle technology, we talked about kits with mycelium. water it, and honey mushrooms and white mushrooms will grow, but not among amateur mushroom growers, nor among professionals; unfortunately, none of the things that were promised appeared, but specialists. program tester lyosha
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kolesnikov planted several options: the handle with the seeds had to be stuck into the ground with the back side at an angle of 45° and watered, it seemed as easy as shelling pears, but it turned out not, this is impossible, so if... there right then if it stood like this, like this, but it’s also impossible, it needs to be right there under the ground level, it’s physically impossible, because after all, the law of universal deconclusion won’t do anything about it, let’s still try to do it like this and a little tilt it to water so that the earth becomes, give another, the handle had to be left lying on the side. the postcard had to be torn up and planted. lyosha coped with this. two more sets: pepper in a wooden cube and eucalyptus in a plastic pot. here all
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the ingredients had to be obtained and poured into container in a certain order. drainage, soil, seeds. lyosha did everything according to the instructions, but after a few days the wooden cube cracked from moisture, however, everything sprouted, whether it was what they promised is unclear. from living postcards, from living paper, as i understand it, something incomprehensible grew, because the instructions themselves did not say what it was. the most interesting thing is that me. today we were interested in our lemon euphkalit, because if you touch these plants, then smell them, it smells like lemon or lemon balm, some buyers online they talk about cases when nothing at all grows from such sets, it turns out to be some kind of lottery, but what about more serious plants, in this nursery in
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the moscow region they grow: seedlings for every budget, their price ranges from several hundred rubles to hundreds of thousands, for example, the linden tree costs almost a third of a million, it was cared for here for 17 years, replanted several times and formed a crown on a trellis, a frame that makes the branches grow flat, which is especially convenient in narrow spaces, here are more affordable samples, information about each is on the tag, name, cost, and the more curious can go to the site by scanning. the head of the nursery, irina savoteeva, explains that the main task of a conscientious seller is to form roots that will fit in a small pot and easily take root in a new place. their quality is easy to determine. you can come up and pull the plants out of the pot and see how the root system is formed. i hold him, the earth doesn’t fall off him, he’s naked.
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well, what about our experiment with seedlings purchased on the market on the internet? rooster nicknamed boss, i watched all summer as garden blogger olesya danilova grew specimens and kept a video diary. the bird and its owner seem to be outraged. zemklunika did not turn out to be such, and the black strawberries did not turn black. while we see absolutely no black berries here, here it is also turning red, well, it’s true that here it has begun to deteriorate a little, maybe this is the essence of the black berry, supposedly the red hosta remained green, turned yellow in the kosen, the black rose grew orange, but the blue one did not bloomed at all, almost died, however, judging by the reviews in network, we would not
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have waited for the promised blue tint. the only fruit that was on the pear fell off, and it did not become columnar. the black crimson tree turned out to be red and, of course, not a tree. the bush has given new growth. and instead of lemon basil , several varieties with completely different leaves grew, although one of them actually had the aroma of lemon. and olesya, who has raised a lot of exotics in her life, has always been outraged by the deception on the internet, when people are sold to people. existing plants using edited photos, or here, for example, another method of how cacti and other succulents appear in incredible shades, they can be painted by pouring paint or deceived otherwise, let's now reveal a terrible secret, we have a magic paint, wow, wow,
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then with a rag we'll get it all wet, well, now it's a yellow flower, so, second, let's paint it in a different shade, well, beauty, of course, with a certain... experience, all this looks even more natural. by the way, the flowering cactus we bought for this shoot in store, also turned out to have a trick. but there is one thing, it is attached with glue, i don’t even know, it will probably not be torn off, unless it is damaged, and the cactus does not want to come off, it is so interesting to deceive people, that is, if you don’t look at it from this side, everything with this one is very neat and beautiful. how to buy planting material correctly? we have to choose. a reliable supplier, that is , a serious nursery with a long reputation and good reviews, carefully inspect the roots so that the soil does not fall off them. when buying something incredible, check that it actually exists and can take root in your climate. and, of course,
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it is always better to take seedlings already with fruits, and flowers with slightly opened buds, in order to make sure of the varieties and not become a victim of a petty, but still unpleasant deception. good morning, this is the miracle of technology and i am sergei malozyomov, right now the third line in the selection of the five most interesting scientific and technological news of the week. engineers from germany offered technological assistance to health workers who lift elderly people and bedridden patients. they created an exoskeleton designed for just this purpose. it lightens the load by... 30 kg thanks to the support system built-in motors. the device is protected from water, so it will also help when washing patients. it can also be disinfected. the real question is how many medical institutions in the world will be able to afford such a miracle. it costs 10,000
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dollars. you are watching a miracle of technology and this is what will happen after a short advertisement. category: miracle products. forget about the gym and lose weight in slippers.
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but with auto-protection tele-2 you are not in danger of such highlights: automatic protection from unwanted subscriptions, tele-2 - other rules, seeds from martin, the quality is always
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on top! fix price for almost nothing, canned mackerel for only 62 rubles, fix price for everything low price, plane plus, we do repairs at a fixed price with a 2- year guarantee, before that. we’ve prepared a design project, and then we’ll select the furniture and resolve your real estate issues from the transaction to the finishing here and there throughout the country. go to samolet and request a call back. both during filming and in life, my wardrobe is my calling card. i wash a lot of things, my favorite one i wash with gel - lam. lam - careful cleanliness. sios. professional hair restoration. shampoo balm sios repair. the intensive formula with keratin amino complex deeply restores the hair structure and seals split ends. hair is restored, strong, smooth. siès. hair looks like it came out of a salon, every day. dad, you are the strongest
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in the world. with you yes. i believe you will defeat everyone. proud of you, son of cherry teague 7. promax for family victories svk video you won’t get bored while traveling, download free episodes of your favorite shows, movies, series, watch where there is no internet, travel with vk video, attack credit card debts, i’ll show you a couple of tricks, collect all credit card debts for one we conveniently repay halva within 24 months, and don’t forget about purchases in installments, halva - simple methods of installment payment . this is what asian taste sounds like, our
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money will fly away too, yours is safe here in any of the 185 countries. unified conditions for roaming with beeline in almost all countries peace. beline is the safest operator. for back and joint pain. nice active is an active formula for accelerated penetration of pain and inflammation into the eyes. nice active gave - to reduce pain is its goal. return of mukhtar on weekdays. 8:25 on ntv. stay tuned to your screens so you don't miss the final sale. a universal photo facade for a fence, a bright life will be yours at an incredibly low price of only 690 rubles. call right now and get a second photo facade completely free. with it you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. fence, terrace, gazebo. they will be updated in an instant. without expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful
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colors to choose from, waterproof and durable, the photo facade will not swell or swell, and the design will remain bright for many years. attention, stay close to your screens so as not to miss the final sale. a universal photo facade for a fence, a bright life will be yours at an incredibly low price of only 690 rubles. and that is not all. call now and get a second one. photo facade absolutely free. kingfisher - new season. today at 13:00 on ntv. you are looking at a miracle of technology and this is the news that i, sergei malozemov, put in second place. the hit of this week's parade of discoveries and inventions. security guards and police may soon be armed with new technological tools. china is already testing a parking robot
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that allows you to carefully move an incorrectly parked car to another place. automation has long been used in multi-storey car parks in different countries, but this is the first time this option has been shown. well and now is the time for miracle goods. this is a section dedicated to devices and services whose advertising promises real miracles; what is true and what is not? with all scientific certainty, do household chores and at the same time train, improving your figure, but is this not a dream, no, reality - assures the advertisement of such unusual fitness slippers, their price ranges from 2 to 400 rubles depending on the size and color. the manufacturer writes: when worn daily for 15 minutes a day, they will help remove excess fat and tighten the hips. the effect will be visible after 10 days, and if
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you continue to do exercises in them, without interrupting your daily routine, the swelling will go away, your posture will improve and your back muscles will strengthen, because the body is forced to balance on a convex sole, on which it is not so easy to maintain balance . tester of the miracle technology, dasha kortamysheva, tried to repeat the action of the heroine of the commercial, but she was unable to flutter around as easily and naturally. it’s very scary that i will end up with my legs broken and in a cast. but ours spectator oksana gonenko immediately liked the unusual shoes. she has been singing in the choir for 10 years, she has to stand for an hour and a half in class three times a week, which is not an exercise to train her balance. and experience apparently helped.
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the muscles of both the legs and the body, plus the vestibular apparatus, work here. will athletes appreciate our slippers? perhaps they can be used to train beginners, if they immediately put on boots with...
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i don’t feel them at all now, except for my calves. perhaps the fact is that training trainer irina koftun’s muscles are accustomed to hard work. it's not surprising that fitness slippers don't pump them up. then it makes sense to check how a less trained person can bear such a load. our dasha will again act as a tester. but this time everything will be according to science. we are going to the federal scientific center for physical education and sports. can. all patients here are tested on simulators and examined in great detail, for example, spinal curvatures that are invisible from the outside are identified. dasha was found to have minor problems, but she received clearance from specialists. by using sensors, laboratory staff measure
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the electrical activity of the muscles that are used when walking. for comparison, dasha walks the same distance three times, barefoot. in regular and then in experimental shoes. this time we put on insurance just in case. the calves just turn to stone. the reason is that walking in such shoes most noticeably loads the muscles below the knee. other muscles have not changed their activity significantly, and since the lower leg makes up only about 5% of our body weight, we can hope for phenomenal success such exercises are not worth it. is it possible? using these shoes to lose weight with such little muscle group involvement, well, that's a big question mark. it is not surprising that these shoes did not live up to the expectations of our heroine oksana. over the course of two weeks, her weight fluctuated slightly , either up or down. but, she believes, it was solely nutrition that had an impact. and she
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was lucky that she wasn't injured. we conducted a series of tests at the center for sports physiology and biomechanics. here, in particular , they help hone their technique. the galinostop is put into operation at the wrong time when it should, when the muscles of the lower leg of the ankle do not respond to contact with the surface, the leg may twist and the person will be injured. if we are talking about some kind of shoe that is worn for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, it must at least have a clearly fixed heel,
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there must be an instep support, an absolutely incorrect anatomical structure. alas, no magic shoes can replace the good old ones. exercise and a healthy diet, and it’s good if it doesn’t harm, our verdict is not a miracle, now, which message from the news feed about science and technology most impressed me this week, the first place in our hit parade. doctors from st. petersburg set a new russian record; they delivered a premature baby, who appeared light ... the size of a palm, weighing only 320 g . usually such babies do not survive, too many organs have not yet developed for life outside the womb, but modern drugs and technology, incubators with temperature and humidity, simulating being in the uterus, work wonders. it is very difficult to create, of course, maternal place, however, modern
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equipment allows this a little, and thanks to its presence it has become possible, including nursing small children. doctors , among other things, injected the child with a drug for atritinopathy, an eye pathology that often affects premature babies. having been born in january, the baby has now been discharged home, he is gaining weight well and there is a chance that he will grow up to be generally healthy. and now on your screens is the question of the weekly quiz. just test yourself or answer by scanning the qr code with your smartphone and following the link. choose the correct answer is you too. who gave at least one correct answer, and the more hits, the higher the chances: drawings and discussions of the correct answers on the pages of our
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program in popular social networks, and we will call those who win right away, so don’t forget after answer, enter your phone number, voting is over, the correct answer is on your screens, thanks to everyone who participated, next question in a week. there lived a husband and a wife, and they had three daughters: miroslava, pillageya, antonina, and i victoria panina and... you are looking at the dacha answer. the heroes of our fairy tale also have termem, but it’s not fabulous enough yet, that’s why we’re
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here. let's give the three sisters a small room with arches, openings in the form of kakoshniks, and on the wall we'll draw kings on a frog with chalk. the girl saw the guy from the window. the girl saw the guy from the window. the girl came out behind the boy's porch. behind the boy's porch, the girl came out, miroslav severin's concert sundress doesn't hang around idle between going on stage, just like that, the pilogea tries it on with a breath, it doesn't matter that it's too big, real princesses, and they don’t stumble with hemlines, they dressed like this, very rich, beautiful girls, barons, eleven-year-old mira, a student at a music school in domra’s class and a mosovik-entertainer for her younger sisters, there are only five pilagei, but she has already proven herself... to be a nimble housewife , the whole family gathers at her pancake, the parents only have time to knead the dough. i realized that flogia
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is a housewife when she started making sandwiches for herself, brewing herbal tea for us, going to the garden, picking mint for herself, currant leaves, he brews something in a cup and cooks it, then treats everyone. tatyana, certified teacher, english teacher. while on leave to care for my youngest, tonya, i became interested in gerotherapy. the work with leeches is perfected by his wife. taras unconditionally puts his sides on the line. the guys met near the black sea, where tanya was vacationing with her parents, and taras was performing with the group at a dance competition. the dance turned out to be victorious on stage, in a street cafe, when a beautiful stranger accepted his invitation. and taras revealed himself at that moment, he showed all his dancing abilities, thereby bribing me somewhere. this was beautiful. he danced very beautifully, then 2 years of correspondence followed, at the fourth meeting the dancer in love came with a ring,
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it was near the dnieper, tara made the ring himself, since he was studying to be a jeweler, well, he made a marriage proposal to accompany him throughout his life, to accompany such an exciting adventure in life, after graduating from the kosovo institute of applied arts taras and shvets, both a reaper and a highly qualified blacksmith and the artist, okay, i’ll put it very badly, it will be beautiful, but you can already use it, you can safely stagger forward, but you can walk, so let’s go then, let’s go.


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