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tv   Akusher  NTV  July 21, 2024 8:00pm-9:05pm MSK

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orban to moscow and beijing, which considered the bloc’s political unity an insult, although, for example, orban’s diplomatic efforts were highly appreciated in beijing. china highly
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appreciates hungary's constructive role as a mediator in the search for peace, and is willing to cooperate with hungary to gather more forces to support peace and promote the development of the situation towards a political settlement. members of the european parliament are angry and demand that hungary be deprived of its voting rights in the eec council, for the quote: abuse of the country's role as president of the council of the eu, the majority votes for war to the bitter end. this is a resolution that openly condemns the diplomatic visits of viktor orbán.
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a politician who has no special love for either russia or the russians, who he really loves are the hungarians and hungary, it is the interests of hungary that force him to act this way and not otherwise, this is especially noticeable against the background of other failed misfortunes of european politicians, while hungary remains a member of nato and the eu, and despite all the criticism from brussels, it is not going to leave the union, we failed in the green transition, we we will destroy european industry if things continue. in the same spirit, on the issue of war, we are not focused on peace, but on participation in the war on the side of the ukrainians. we have talked a lot about migration, but the influx of migrants is still ongoing, so i believe that the people of europe should receive much more than in the previous five-year plan, but usula fondelien is not our political opponent. in other words, for europeans viktor orban is his own man, well, somehow too independent, unlike olaf scholz, who swallows everything that the americans present to him.
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the us decision to deploy intermediate -range missiles in germany, a decision that will have a fundamental impact on the security of the country and the continent, was made without any discussion, almost secretly. washington simply informed berlin that this was necessary, despite the fact that the majority of germans, as polls show, are against it, but when germany was united, the west guaranteed that it would not place missiles in europe, i remember in the eighties, the young activist scholz even then with a lush hair...
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i will remain the one who is not your target, not a puppet.
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you see, the dress elegantly hugs your figure without squeezing your belly. yes. by the way, what week is it? twenty-six. it will suit you perfectly, it’s the last one we have, i can give you a great discount. i'll take this dress. no, you won’t fit into it, look how smashed you are. and you saw yourself, you in this. overalls just setting up concrete to knead, i take it, no, this dress is mine, no, i stood here before you, took hands, i told you, hands, i told you, took them away, i’ll give you another treat, i’ll give you another treat, oh, she
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broke my knife, she broke my modi knife. why didn’t i immediately open oxyka, you advised me? do you understand? and that all this opera ballet is because of some dress? actually, this is italy, natural silk, silk, uh-huh, so it doesn’t stretch, unlike belly-two, well, no matter how long it lasts. lasted for a month at most, it was worth it, yes, you don’t understand anything about women, oh, this could very well be, but i know something about medicine, so the reason there is nothing to worry about, everything
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is fine with the fetus, so that means everything is fine with the child, of course, but nina, nina, what’s wrong with you, i don’t know, it’s like it’s cutting with a knife, where? movements, we lie down, now we’ll figure it all out, look at me, sit down, no harsh excuses, but there the brother asks the patient, will she be okay, here, what are you doing, what? i called, no, why did i bother him, it’s strange, i’ll go find out, here’s your ulin,
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i didn’t understand something, who are you anyway? your wife broke my olga’s nose, here she is, the beast runs on her hair, as they say, listen, man, we need to talk, what to talk about, i didn’t do everything right, or you have some questions for me, do you need to remove your tone, you should remove your hands a little, well, what do you need, what happened, everything is clear, i’m calling the security, well, doctor, did you find something, doctor, did you find something, now you want to find out, or we’ll call the husband, the husband,
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just some kind of fight club, no, a question, you can, this is your signature the blow was suffered, it was my husband who put it on, yes, he is a master of science in boxing, he’s really great, but what happened, no, no, no, everything is fine, now it’s about 5-7 minutes, maximum 10, polina will stay with you, come on, ah, i love a funny martial arts, against a boxer, today i ’ll post the video in the mine #bobo, put away the camera, no, now you ’ll be bobo, guys, why is it so sluggish, well, no views let’s get it, now we need meat, blood, pain, you know, and in general i’ll give you 2 minutes, i won’t look any further,
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they froze, rushed, listen, are you kidding me or something, but no, you’re a clown, not, i think that you are two men who stood up to defend their wives, well, to the extent of understanding the problem, of course, mozhek, get out of here, you this does not concern, hello, how does this not concern, which of us is the doctor, who will stop your bleeding, who will? fix all your knocked-out joints, lift your teeth from the asphalt, who will be as happy as your wife when you return without teeth, but no, i understand, pregnant women are weird, their hormones are off the charts, and i’m sorry, what a fright - well, one left his wife with a broken nose, the second left his wife at the most difficult moment of her life, i may be wrong about something, listen, well,
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well, i’m very sorry that this happened, it’s a pity to him, if it weren’t for your wife, everything would be fine , man, come on, you apologize for your wife, and you and i will forget about the donkey noses, the case says, let’s do it , fuck you, and apologize, quietly, quietly, and i... wanted it in a good way, be it in a bad way, what kind of people, what kind of people, pay attention to the screen, you see, this is a dark spot in the shape of a bean, yes, what is it? spleen, spleen? yours, mine, brilliant, so it should be on top, yes, in its normal
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state, normal, it is located in the upper left part of the abdominal cavity, attached there ligaments, but in your case, unfortunately, this is a pathology called the wandering spleen, it lacks several ligaments that attach it, it can go into the thoracic part, into the pelvis, and this is dangerous, no, usually, no, just your fall caused torsion of the vascular pedicles. that it has cut off the blood supply, but if the legs are twisted, then it can no longer wander, it’s good that it can no longer wander, this is of course very good, for example, how can you twist all your legs with a tourniquet, after some time the blood will stop flowing, the tissues will simply die, everything is clear, amputation, uh-huh, ah, doctor, we recently did an ultrasound for her, why didn’t they tell us anything right away? and who you recently had a special appointment paid for evgeniy borisovich
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, an experienced doctor, but the pathology is very rare, but the pathology is very rare, if at the time of the examination the spleen did not begin to wander, then mind you, this is extremely difficult, you are covering up for the authorities, yes andrey, calm down, all. doctor, you better tell me what we should do now? well, there is no conservative treatment, therefore, as a surgeon, i would instruct splinectomy, what is this? surgical removal of an organ, well, this is an operation, because it can kill a child, that’s why, as an obstetrician, i insist on a timeout, so it’s clear, maybe during this time the telezonka will unwind and free up the blood flow, which means there is hope, the main thing is without sudden movements. bed rest and no nerves, that’s all, and we ’ll see you in the evening, and what should we just wait for now? yes,
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why just wait, wait, hope and believe, polinka, follow me, elena petrovna, please, well, how to continue to live, well, you you know very well how much i love my husband, well, yes, he is much older than me, but at the same time he is very kind and smart and generous. well , only he can never be the father of our children. that is why, lilia, we recommend you our sperm donor database. well, what is the database of donor sperm? well, these same donors, they are all anonymous, right? well, height, weight, eye color. what if, for example, my donor is stupid or a scoundrel, or even worse, some kind of maniac. and that is, my child will inherit his genes. no, that's not true works. if it bothers you. anonymity, you can bring your donor, if you want your child to be like your husband,
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bring a relative, but my husband has no relatives, and although he does, he has a son, but he is a year older than me, i don’t know if this is a problem , no, this is not a suitable candidate, besides, if i know this donor well, this will be regarded as treason, right? how can i look my husband in the eye after this? oh, lily, i don’t even know what else you can offer me. although i have one good candidate, i take it, so to speak, from my heart, you are gleb, gleb kaverenno,
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a second, and... i was told to look for you here, i was found, you won, but why? i’m coming to you on a very personal matter, my name is lilia, look, it’s very nice, and i’m coming to you from elena petrovna, well, since it’s from elena petrovna, i’m listening to you carefully, andrey, yeah. and if everything ends well, will you buy me a dress? no, let’s not now, and in general the doctor forbade you to be nervous, calm down, good
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afternoon, lieutenant? egorov, are you andrey and nina osipova? so what happened? what's happened? well, you give it! and after everything, you still ask, what happened? special edition, cool mask. to the anniversary of igor krutoy. it’s hard to believe this, but... you will do the 70th and 70th special edition of the show mask, this is love, old friends congratulate the maestro, happy birthday, without your music, we were different, this music will touch for millennia, and completely new masks, we will see masks
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destinations in the bank’s app or on the website what are the names of everyday products at low prices? goods are in short supply, buy on ozone. seeds 200 g for 39. sensoy. this is what asian tastes like. the choice of a professional. exactly. gate works accurately. one day i realized that i was ready for more, and so
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began my new story, now. everything feels new. excite connect. welcome to the world of technology. exсit. gotcha. feel the silky softness of absorbent pads for the most delicate skin. it's good where there is care. do you want to stay with your future dreams?
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benefits, as they call products for every day at low prices, goods in short supply, buy on ozone, shell pasta for 47, only at alfabank, twist. drum in the application and receive super cashback up to 100% every month, and up to 30% in categories guaranteed, if you don’t have a card, order a free debit alpha card, it’s not just profitable, alpha beneficial, if i summarize, do you want me to become your family donor? yes, what's wrong with that
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? you’re quite handsome, and not very old, and you’re also a doctor, well , there aren’t that many stupid ones among them, all compliments, you see, it’s just that fatherhood somehow wasn’t part of my immediate plans, well, wait, well ... somehow i didn’t enter, but you yourself told ilagina that you dream of becoming a sperm donor, elena petrovna gave me up with her boyfriend, doctor, please, i beg you, please, i’m sure that my husband will not against your candidacy, and the husband is not against it, and the husband, oh, well, what can you do, you know, i agree, but there is one small thing, but now oops, please, thank you, attention, something like that,
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why are you limping? unfortunately, degenerate, in the sense of congenital, in the sense of something like this, it turns out that your blue-eyed, wonderful... talented, handsome, delightful child will also drag his leg a little, and that is, he will inherit this hormat , well , that’s possible, but why didn’t ilagina tell me about this right away? apparently elina petrovna had a reason my thoughts, oleg valerievich, i’m looking for you everywhere, the police came to the osipovs, lead me quickly, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, now, something didn’t immediately occur to me, why do you need this like me, there is a much fatter fish, for example, an option,
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an option, these are the freaks, they handed over the pregnant man to the cops. andrei, i don’t want to go to prison, i don’t want to go to prison, what kind of prison, nina, please don’t worry, you can’t be nervous, calm down, we’ll work it out, i promise you, we’ll work it out, i doubt that, especially after yours words about cops, but what's going on here? oh, doctor cover, wow, this is the first time this has happened, i’m here, and you’re not in the business, but apparently it’s contagious, now your clients have started waving their fists, who has the right to bother
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the lieutenant? the osipovs received two statements from the victims: against the wife, an attack in a store and a fracture of the nasal septum in olga novikova, against the husband, a fight with the victim’s husband, a medical certificate of concussion is attached. please take a look, of course please, it’s medical, by the way, gleb valerievich, you listed as a witness to the attack on the parking lot, you are ready to confirm novikov’s testimony, we will read the certificate, lord, what are you doing, andrei was just defending me, so, now everything is moving out, polina is preparing the patient kuzi, gleb valerievich, but the lieutenant, one more word, i’ll just throw you out,
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go away. please, by yourself, so dad, on the way out, go ahead, what am i, and you lie down, there’s free fluid in his abdomen, most likely a rupture of the splenic artery, i’m sorry, the operating room is quick. no, my child is there, well, no, that means, if you die, the child will die, unfortunately, the third option is not given, your eyes are beautiful,
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nin, how are you feeling, and nin, nina, where are you taking her, to the operating room, i ’ll tell you everything . it’s all me, you’re finished, it’s you, it’s all your fault, i don’t advise you to do this, even if you lay a finger on you , you won’t see your family for five years, i understand, hello, novikov, i’m talking about this. your statement,
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yes, yes, in perinatal, now, the situation has changed a little, that is, elagina directed you to koverin, and he addressed me, well yes, it’s true, you are not as cute as that carpet, but you are powerful and ambitious, and you are also the head of the department, which means that my child will have every chance to become a natural leader, stand up. i stand up, stand up, yes, of course, they told you that your figure is close to ideal? why did you
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tell me about this now? i actually need a child from you, but not a bed, and if you think that i’m something, then i’m not something, i love my husband. no, no, no, no, you misunderstood me, about your husband’s interests, i'm just baking. what, what does this mean? you probably know that after giving birth, many women lose some of their attractiveness, no, i’m sure that... in your case this is an exception, but many men, especially older ones, are especially sensitive, why take such a risk? what are you getting at? the fact is that i know reliable people who deal with the problems of surrogacy . wait, that means i won’t have to self-destruct, right? yes, and i can keep my hips. i like it so
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this idea, i ask, it's time to discuss, yeah. scissors, suction, spleen removed, bleeding stabilized. i don’t understand, what are you doing here? everything is fine, man, they just told us that everything is bad there, yes, we just came to support you, listen, i’m sorry, i’m sorry, don’t be angry, oh well,
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everything’s fine, we drove by, like your nose, by the way, not very good. yes, and you know, and don’t worry so much, i ’m sure you’ll be fine, gleb, what do
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you have, there’s too much blood and i don’t see where it’s coming from , we’ll drain it, the pressure is dropping, i don’t understand, where is there so much blood from all the clamps on... together, apparently the short gastric arteries are bleeding, the clamping of the fetus is oppressing the function, i propose to remove it at the twenty-sixth week with such lungs, at best she will remain disabled, we are working, but the pressure is dropping, we can handle it, we will cauterize pauline, doctor , how is she, well, the operation? it was a bit difficult, what ’s there to hide, but now the life of the child’s mother is no longer in danger, doctor, thank you very much, little talent, i can see her, go through, no, no, now she’s in intensive care it will be, then look, and we
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brought her food here, oh, give it, well, everything here is dietary, there are vegetables, fruits, and you tried it on, or something, well, you decided to follow your advice and behave like normal people, yes, by the way , well, in short, the russian blues, this is evgeniy’s knowledge, in fact, spleen translated from english is nothing more than the spleen, they just used to think that it was the spleen, its bile, that causes the weight, the blues, but since it doesn’t they cut out the spleen,
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add more joy to her life, all the best, nothing, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, just a second, and doctor, please, can i ask you questions, at least two, just let's go, let's go, can i also give birth to you? ok, will you just answer my question? well, come on, what happened to that ill-fated dress, because of which all the beauty was drawn? so, just to no one? yes you? and the owner of the store gave this dress to me, so to speak, as compensation. well , it turns out that you won? well, it turns out, well , it turns out and you give birth with me, that’s all, thank you, goodbye! "well, you mean, yes, we're a little “it was like they didn’t lose the patient now, but you ’re interested in some dress, he wasn’t interested in the dress at all, no, well, how could you,
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and you violated our agreement, but the circumstances turned out that way, i don’t care, i’ll never forgive you for this.” business, the old lady gave birth and what is the quarrel in principle? the fact is that sasha and i are twins, yeah, well then this explains everything, alena and i have been close since childhood, yes, we go to school together, go to sports together. , we even fell in love at the same time, got married together, and we even got pregnant with a difference of 2 weeks, wow, but i was earlier, i was ahead of you again, you see, and so always use something that is 15 minutes older than me, not 15, by one day, i don’t understand a little different things, well, what’s
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incomprehensible here , i was born after midnight, and she was before, which means i’m a whole day older, the night is great, you can celebrate 2 birthdays, uh-huh, no, everyone only has fun on the first day, on the second day no one cares anymore, but stop inventing , this is of course very exciting, but you can get closer to the topic, in general we decided that our children would be born on the same day, yeah, no matter what. more controversy, so how did you decide to arrange this? well, what's so complicated about that? one is giving birth on this day, and the other is going to have a caesarean, but alexandra refuses to have a caesarean, she is a traitor. well, i told you, i’m allergic to anesthesia. oh, okay, i don’t have any allergies, you just thought that you would give birth first, and i would have to have a caesarean. but i don't want that terrible scar on my stomach. and i want, we had an agreement. loeb valyavich, the pressure is growing. so?
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alyon, are we giving birth or should we wait for a sister? you are you kidding me? give birth, do you want to try? yes, such a person can be lured out only by the smell of money, and big money, even though he knows how to take risks, he promised to pay for the gun, so he will take the cash register in the morning, cop wars, fool. “you and i could , oh, how many times have i heard this, tomorrow at
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16:45 on ntv. little sofia is only 4 years old, the girl has been seriously ill since birth, diagnoses of spinobifida and fourth- degree scoliosis have led to a terrible deformation of the back, a bent lung displacement of all internal organs. sofia’s spine is literally folded in half; due to a serious illness, the baby cannot walk, she has difficulty breathing, and at night the girl cries in pain. moscow specialists can help and cure sonya’s back. doctors are ready to perform an operation to install a metal structure and straighten the girl’s spine, but the cost of treatment is more than 2.5 million rubles. i dream of being a doctor to heal. the same kids. only together can we
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others, and even interest on everything is more profitable with a subscription from berp. hello, hello, good afternoon. well done!
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the operation was rather complicated, it was i who carried out the examination, i’m very sorry that i didn’t notice the wandering lesion, stop it evgeniy borisovich, the fact that i noticed it was completely an accident, don’t, don’t, i know it’s my fault, actually, that's all i wanted to say, okay, let's get ready, come on, let's go. vatochka, come on, come on, well done, yes, you wanted something, kirill, i’m already leaving, yes, today you sent a certain
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lily to my department, she was looking for a father for her child, and i’m sorry, kirill, this is... unprofessional, not funny, something else, yes, you sent her to kaveren, and not to me, why exactly, well , why not, len, but you understand, it’s true, today he is here, and tomorrow he is not, but here i am, i’m here, i’m close , i've been here for a very long time, i can't do this anymore, i ask you, please come back to me. well, i understand, you said that you are afraid to have children, i understand, well, we will live for ourselves, and then how it will work out, kirill, you never thought that i didn’t want children from you, but do you know
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how yours came to koverin today, it was i who helped her, not him, i mean, i helped? but it doesn’t matter, well, it’s just meant for the future. well then, lilya? we made the right decision by coming to us, i’m waiting for you and your husband to conclude an agreement, yes, we will come, but first i need to decide on a surrogate. and please, we have a big, big choice, but it’s not all that, but excuse me, but what do you
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need, well, you know, they’re all like that here pretty, but i need a scary one, scary, well, yes, i have a husband, yes, yes, i understand you, well, of course, we also have scary ones, but there is special demand for them. tariff plus 10% in the standard price, let's better 20, well, so that for sure, because well, i need one so that if my husband sees her, he will be directly scared, like that, well, lilya, well, let's at least 15, otherwise my husband knows about 20%, he’ll get scared and run away, but we need it, anton antonovich, well, i’m so glad that we found a common language with you, and i’m so glad, well, i’m waiting you and your husband, thank you.
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alexandra, don’t you feel anything? no, what? well, purely visually, your water has broken. oh, oh, i told you, my sister and i have a special connection. what should i do? doctor, will you deliver my baby? so, my duty is over. oh please. once there’s such a drinking spree, cut the last bit of pain, thank you,
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doctor, and my sister will have time to give birth before midnight, well, maybe in one day, but 5 o’clock there’s every chance, it’s up to me. you sent me lelia, returning it with interest, hello gleb. are you sure you are allergic to anesthesia? yes, i don’t have any allergies, come on,
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look at your back, pauline, yeah , that means we’ll put the epidural tear right in the network. no, i refuse, you understand that the contractions will intensify, accordingly, the pain will intensify, and the pyrus will at least give you a rest between contractions, no, i already deceived my sister, i will go through the pain, that’s what to do with it, tell me, are you sure, yes , your right. there, in the orbit of the iris of the eyes, the whole universe is spinning, and you, and i, and god, probably look
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at me from the heart, you already know how, and i will learn. midnight is approaching, and still no german, good night, evgeniy borisovich, what's up, how are you, how... are you on duty, well, everything is fine, everything is calm, uh-huh, only the trustee is faithful,
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what has changed to begin with the name? mm, i’ll never wait around without anesthesia again, that’s true, please let me know where you are going, i’ll examine it and return it to you safely, and what time is it, 0 hours 3 minutes, that means we didn’t have time, yes, just a little bit
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it was enough, well, nothing, 2 days in a row the whole birthday was also there. to note, yes indeed, hello, kaveren, evgeniy borisovich, that it happens that 5 hours ago you delivered the baby, the head was already cutting in, now it’s past midnight, i’m sorry that this is happening, in principle this cannot happen, my sister lena was there, we are twins, what lena, otherwise there is one, well, yes, oh. listen, you need to warn, it ’s not far from a heart attack. or maybe our clock is fast? brilliant, pauline. evgeniy borisevich,
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yes, please tell me, and you won’t be against a small malfeasance, well, my child. could have been issued yesterday, well, yes, as if he was born even before midnight, the difference is only 3 minutes, but for us sisters this is extremely important, oh, to be honest, i don’t really understand what ’s going on here, but if it’s so important to you, yes, how is bulgakov’s master and margarita festive? sometimes it’s nice to delay midnight, thank you, doctor, thank you, find me, then we need to discuss something, okay, congratulations,
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mommy, you have an absolutely healthy baby, 9:9 august time, be careful, you are my champion. silence, peace, fresh air, yes, it’s good here, i’m now in love with the night on duty, and 30 years ago, during the day, when colleagues were nearby. senior comrades, it seems to be calm, they will help out, give advice, i remember my first night duty, when i was all
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alone, there was no such responsibility, i honestly admit, i even panicked, well, nothing, i pulled myself together, headed the perinatal center, well, that’s already it was later, the main thing was that we managed to give him as he is, by the way, and you ’re leaving us in 2 days, that’s right, but honestly, put your hand on your heart, it’s so bad for you to work with us, so what? vice versa straight, yes, i already wrote an application, and this is sorokin, oh, sorokin, i’ll take it, let’s get you processed...
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but tomorrow i’m waiting for answers, great, look, hello, dude, what’s this with you, come here , look, i can say that i’m starting to live, and the house is projected, yeah, but look, here’s the plot, here’s the house, which means it’ll be here, here’s the garden , here, here, and here’s the bathhouse, here no problem, you
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already paid money for these pictures, of course, you think they gave it to me just for the sake of it, in vain, why, don’t you like it, or something, no, beautiful, beautiful, very, but why, you were in a hurry, look, in short, they secretly sent me the document... they wrapped it , sent it to the court, which court, which, which, to the court, they will most likely confiscate your plot and put it up for auction, the land was not cultivated. why are you confusing, i personally took the documents to the administration in order to transfer all this into property. gleb, why are you dumb? well, clearly, this is someone’s order, someone’s, who needs it, who needs it, well, think for yourself, yourself, make a list of all your enemies starting with the letter a, down the alphabet.
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brilliant, gleb, what, what, what, what, did you take off your advice, uncle, i’ll just start right away with the letter b, the bread is crazy, not yet, well, seriously, look, there’s no member of the ruler, how will you go, today your lilya will come, that’s it, she and her husband are ready to sign an agreement, but they can even get a surrogate mother. don’t forget, last week i sent you two more clients, so not to me, to us, i told you, things will go well with you, well , yes, yes, anton antonovich, forgive me, please, there koverin is asking you what say, hold him while i call, uh-huh, he shouldn’t see us together, go meditate in the office, and i’ll deal with your friend. sonya, call me, and kaveren,
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bye yes, i was waiting for you earlier, that there is a problem with the land, ah-ah-ah, and you don’t even deny it? no, why? you just blocked my access to a very big day. and i wouldn’t forgive even my mother for this, i’m sure, but i have a big problem, there’s nothing to take from you, your wife left you, you left the apartment, the car to her, they kicked you out of work, so i had to deal with the land, in vain anton antonovich got involved in all this, i complained about my pen to you, it became a tooth oh mother, what? in a figurative
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sense. and yes, the information about my dismissal is premature, i remain in the same perinatal center, i will take care of your surrogacy affairs. yeah, kirill, which one? you said that you fired him, the head doctor probably even intervened, old goat, old goat you say?


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