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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-13  NTV  July 22, 2024 4:55am-5:41am MSK

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because there was nothing, you understand, only ashes remained, as usual from all of us, i wish you good health, hello, right? yes, yes, yes, yes, the process is being postponed, thank you, goodbye, yes, yes, come in, hello, natalya petrovna, hello, tanyush, correspondence for you, uh-huh, thank you, uh-huh, yes, correspondence, yes,
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what is this? look tomorrow, listen, let's go to the disco today, when you told me about this girl, i immediately understood everything, i think our respected oligarch keeps this card somewhere in his possession, torment yourself, the special one is nearby, and where is this creature, i’m not to blame for anything, rum, what are you like? i’m very afraid they say that we
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stole something in the cottage, in nadura they look like some kind of scam, guys, there must be a map there, i need it.
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you know, i myself think where did alyoshka go, we go to work at the same time, usually, sometimes he gives me a ride to the metro, well, i think, you never know where the person went, but he wasn’t going anywhere, with us every day of training, you never know, oleg ivanovich never misses them. i don’t like the new building, it’s somehow uncomfortable i really like it, it’s beautiful, there’s a lot of space, the mood is even different, such a fighting spirit. this is because you
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haven’t seen much, one building is really no different from another, all these moving are just a hassle, damn, here at bori cherdintsev’s, before you could drink tea and ... communicate with girls as little as possible, because i have become more selective, yes, thanks to bora, what is it, a corpse, great, and hello, hello,
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great, well, tell me, lesh, come on, death occurred, presumably from a blow to head, look what a severe cut there is on the back of the head, but i’ll tell you for sure after the autopsy, but... how much time has passed? until day four, i’m still needed, of course i’m needed, let’s go talk, what about the documents? no secret, passport of the deceased, mobile phone, license? well, thanks for that, oleg ivanovich gulko, born in seventy-eight, and there are a lot of fingers in the apartment, but no more than everyone else, but something tells me that there won’t be the ones we ’re looking for, it looks like these are his chopped off, but they took care of the fingers in advance, the blood of the victim i stayed, well... i’ll take him to the laboratory anyway, well, i think that the deceased knew the killer, the district police officer says that the door had to be broken down, so he probably let him into the apartment himself, who informed? some guy, apparently from his place of work. andryukh, i’ll finish here then, and you go
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talk to your colleagues while you’re at it, okay? listen, is there a surveillance camera? there are no cameras, so, let's go to the hall, and i'll go to the manager? come on, good afternoon, guys, i need any information about this ghoul, any information in general, well, everything related to murder, we don’t know anything, we respected oleg ivanovich, i still can’t believe it, it’s because he was like us, i mean like you, but he was in the system, before, he dabbled in drugs or something, well, yes, it was widening like crazy, but once i almost moved the horse from the front, then oleg ivanovich decided to quit. i came up with my own method, what kind of method? well, a person is constantly hanging around, all his thoughts are directed in one direction, uh-huh, where to find a dose, and get high, but physical activity, they redirect consciousness, there in the body some substance is released,
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the hormone of happiness, just about there, the brain is cleared of stupidity, you become a person, it’s very difficult, but it works, we all once sat on this, yes, if it weren’t for him, we would all have long ago stuck out. artyom, thank you guys for the information, if anything happens, we'll contact you again, goodbye, help, help, help, that's it, i took it, i took it, hello, girl, hello, senior lieutenant rydanov, criminal investigation, svetlana, very nice. how long have you visited this hall? 2 years already, from coach oleg gulko, do you happen to know, of course, i know, the fact is that he was killed a few days ago, we need maximum information about this person, you can answer...
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huge, just a real bandit, like yes, some guy came, apparently healthy, saw oleg ivanovich immediately swear at him with an attack, i just heard that he called him klaus, klaus? yes, this is very interesting, sveta, thank you very much, you help us a lot, goodbye, goodbye, svetlana, in general, according to the law, we must officially invite you to the department record all your testimony, but i can make an exception for you if you arrive in the evening in some...
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there are no traces, and the case, by the way, was not solved, no leads, well, yes, everything is the same, the same characteristics , murders, yes, georgievich, we have no clues in that case, that’s why we have something, gennady leonidovich stolyarov, nickname klaus, in 2008 he received 5 years for 228, like an oppressive mug, he’s probably still in prison, yes the fact of the matter is that he could have already been released on parole for good behavior, but look, our murdered was the main witness in the case, but... here's the real motive. gulko imprisoned klaus, he came out and took revenge on him. it looks like
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that, but there can be no leads on a personal line. nicole, this is what you do, brothers, sisters, wives, lovers, ask questions, it’s not for me to teach you. yes, yes, here you go! do i need to find out something and run to someone, with my bodybuilder? so, i ask everyone to take into account the witness who is involved in the case. "sorry for disturbing you, we have information, tell me, this man was arguing with oleg ivanovich in the gym, yes he, absolutely exactly, but can you say this on the record? i can, but do you think it was he who killed oleg? everything is possible, everything is possible, thank you, svetlana, you helped us a lot, well, it’s like his, my civic duty, light, about dinner, in the sense of testimony, no, in the sense of dinner, of course, hello, lieutenant
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egorki, homicide department, let me ask you a couple of questions, about oleg, yeah, please come in, you know, in our front door it’s somehow not customary for neighbors to communicate, and i don’t really know anyone, well, with oleg... we knew each other, well, how familiar we are hello, bye, how are you, how is the weather, well, sometimes he dropped me off at work, but you didn’t notice, he often had guests, some visitors, i can’t say for sure, it seems to me that oleg worked a lot and was not often at home i’ve been there, he ’s alone in this city, he has no family, no parents, i’ve seen him with a girl a couple of times, she’s pretty, in general he was very nice, forgive me, i can’t get over this...
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well, he’ll split, and before the trip he was involved in selling drugs, so, well, maybe he’s taken up the old one, that is, we’ll take it to sell arrogant, well, of course, at least there will be an ironclad basis for detention, and only then we’ll put the pressure on at the department, yes, well, let’s try, yes, yes, yes, i’m ready to give it at a discount, well, shall we meet there? come on, slava, he came out, he has a bag in his hands, as for
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communication, hello, hello, he brought it, but of course, great. later you can order, you can, in a couple of weeks, no questions asked, brother, well, where are they carrying you, he’s already selling, look, there are all the healthy big guys there, why don’t you ask for reinforcements, why, we have andryukha, now he’ll scatter everyone around walls, come on, okay, be there. let's go, great, well, everyone, calm down, don't twitch,
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hands, criminal investigation, quietly, what is it, it's all written on the boxes, it's written on the fence too, these are legal drugs, thank you, call the assholes, i understand, so we'll sort it out , legal or not, come on, come on, come on, so where are you going with me, let’s take these to the department, goodbye, well, georgivich. can i go away for a while, i have a training session, what do you have? no, well, if it’s training, then go ahead, only then shoot the bullets back to the department. well, training is good, how are you... in a healthy body, healthy mind, i 'm off, come on, and by the way, kudos to you, i need to think about it, i'll think about it, hi, hi, you look amazing, i decided
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to go out with a new dress, mm, i'm very pleased, that i created a reason for this. sit down and order something, otherwise, frankly, i’m dying of hunger, but how can i create a picture of six-packs on my stomach? cubes, i see you like guys with cubes on their stomachs, a man who takes care of his body shows himself to be purposeful and strong-willed, that’s how, well then maybe you can help me start somewhere, and you will save me from weak-willedness, i will have six-packs on my stomach, i’m ready, are you ready, i’m ready, we’re ready, we’re ready, we please, two eggs...
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naxymethanol, and i see you’re enlightened, yes , i’m enlightened, enlightened, and i see that the hall is yours, really only for your own people, and did you also study according to the system of this, yes, but oleg recommended, oleg recommended that there was some kind of relationship with him, we for some time we met simply, but a couple of months ago we broke up by mutual consent, we did not advertise even the guys from no one knew the hall, the light sa. why didn't you tell me about this right away? you do understand that this is very serious, right? listen, i don’t know, let’s not talk about it, okay, well, let’s do it another time, where did you get all this from, they seized it from the suspect, bibistron,
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a drug, but no, it’s not a banned anabolic steroid. no, there are no hormonal drugs, they are on sale, it’s expensive, damn it, check it out, maybe there’s something else there, okay, listen, just not today, okay, okay, please! well, senior lieutenant, thank you for the evening, for the company, thank you for agreeing, but you’re welcome, but the truth is, we didn’t do the most important thing, actually, i’m talking about testimonies, but you
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’re doing a good job anyway. rise up, flatbread, flatbread they killed, what kind of flatbread, what kind of flatbread do we have, who? and this was gulko’s nickname while he was a drug addict. yeah, why are you so upset? he actually imprisoned you? the cops, the judge, the investigator put me in jail, so according to your logic, why should i kill them all? i should, but i actually stopped using drugs while i was in prison, well, we saw yesterday how you quit, but you didn’t understand anything, i was selling licensed drugs, at the request, by the way, of oleg himself, don’t believe me, well, it was like that, while i was sitting there and decided to quit, i didn’t i was just fighting, i was stuck in the dark, when i came out, i found out, he loudly opened his own gym,
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where he helps a former drug addict get over the past, but i came to him when it was, two weeks ago, but he... sent it to me i didn’t believe it, i told him: how can i prove to you that i want to jump off? and he says: you he promoted the drug well, you can sell health products, his business was established, yeah, drugs for bodybuilders, and i decided to try, yeah, yes, the examination showed that stoler was selling absolutely legal drugs, so there’s nothing to attract him for. so one of his sellers writes that oleg
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, the kolach people came to me and threatened me, saying that you allegedly entered someone else’s territory, kolach, who is this? i tried to find out who the kolach is, it seems to be sergei kolachev, who was recently prosecuted for selling prohibited anabolic steroids, so for he was given a 2-year suspended sentence. gulko could not be his competitor, he was selling legal drugs, and if he was also selling illegal drugs, that’s the real motive for the murder, that’s what, you need to conduct a thorough search of gulko, and not only in the apartment, but perhaps the dacha, the garage, yes, igor sergeevich, an investigation is underway, unfortunately, this version has collapsed, but we have another, we are working on it, listen, i’m late, but have mercy, i ask for mercy, andryukh, listen, you’re completely insolent, what is this, i i don’t understand, it’s my fault, but here i am as an apology, okay
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for you, oleg, the guy is happy with his personal life, yesterday he asked for time off, you know, friends, his personal life doesn’t concern me, and by the way, what about his personal life, gulko, nothing remarkable, gulko an orphan, grew up in an orphanage in the leningrad region, has more relatives he doesn’t exist, he spent a lot of time at work, led a rather ascetic lifestyle, his friends are mostly jocks who work out with him in the gym, his neighbor saw him with a girl a couple of times, apparently the romance didn’t last long, because his friends can’t tell anything about her say, not a single word, here this seemed strange to me, there is nothing strange about it, they did not meet for long, for a short time with sveta, with svetlana, excuse me, she is a witness in the case, they did not advertise their relationship, so if something bothers you, you can moment to talk to her, so much so... guys, that 's enough, while you're trying to find out who's uncle to whom, who's aunt to whom, time will pass, have you received the task? well, am i empty? i have nothing either.
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vyacheslav yuryevich, what do you think, i have nothing to do? first the apartment, then a garage, now here’s a dacha, and if it’s empty here, i have my own bosses, what will i tell them, thank you, give me a flashlight, don’t worry. oh, now it’s not in vain that we came, oh, you see how interesting it is, but that’s not all, and you’re swearing, oh, very interesting,
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no, you know what i mean. are you jealous or what? i really need it. calm down, don't be jealous. i'm doing great, nicole, everything's fine. and it doesn’t bother you that during the first interrogation, your svetlana varantsova gathered her connections with the ghoul. well, maybe she was just confused. listen, don't get under my skin. lets do it let's end this conversation. better tell us how you went. found, went well, found a bunch of drugs banned in russia, tanobol, anderstanol, what’s his name, oxylitane, naxitalon, yes naxitalon, so
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your murdered gulko is not at all such an angel, as it turned out, please, well, what, she told you everything about your trip, about your trip, we’ll have to go and make a test purchase, we think they’re selling it there. prohibited drugs, so you can check it at the same time, each of us has something dear to us, honor, memory, present and the future, dear, sincere, and not like a worn-out phrase from a sticker, we do not throw words to the wind and do not abandon our own, join yours. hello, i
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need this list, these are the drugs, sorry, we don’t have this, these are steroids, well, yes, steroids, what are they, they are prohibited for sale on the territory of the russian federation, oh well, they’ve always sold them, i’m always confused i took it, i don’t know, i can’t help, now it’s disappeared somewhere, the phone doesn’t accept downloads. no, so what should i do? have you been deceived? well, please, they always sold it, well, now i’ll take a look, i still have something left there. wow, not scorched, i hope i don’t die at the dawn of my strength. offended. mexico city is the guarantor.
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well, great, i'll take everything then, that's enough, hello, hello, what is this, that box, not yours, not mine, what exactly is not yours, money, goods, money, goods, everything is not mine, but what, the owner of the store, i am the seller, the owner, the owner, who, kolachev, yes, ah, and where he is, i don’t know, kolachev, where? i don’t know where the kolachos are? do not you know? i don’t know, do you want to go with him like a locomotive? 228 go? or will we still retain the status of a witness? in balling? address, address, i’ll tell you now, write down the address, call drug control, we’ll process it.
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well, the club's security says he's there, what are we going to do, he'll come out, we'll take him, okay, excuse me, yes, sveta, yes, no, i have time, but now we'll take the villain, first we'll neutralize him, then we'll arrest him.
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i guess it was like this: you organized a distribution network for anabolic steroids, this is what needs to be proven, and we have testimony from the seller, which confirms that you organized the sale of illegal drugs, he is lying, he himself pushed anabolic steroids behind my back, and i don’t know anything about it, that drug control will deal with this matter, we are interested in something completely different, we are investigating the murder of oleg gulko and we assume that we killed him and ...
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listen, maybe we can track kolachev’s calls? it won’t work, kolachev was already doing this himself, they called him on his mobile phone via the internet. i see, what other thoughts do you have? i'll try to create a psychological portrait of the suspect, i think it will help narrow down our search. well, we have no other choice. georgievich, i will also try very hard, but now i need to run. okay, free. oleg georgievich, can i have another 5
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minutes? what, niko? come in, yes, i just went into svetlana vorontsova’s account, please look, the girl has had this tradition for the last 4 years, once a month she... holmes, this will all pass, we have a real suspect, so take care of him, that’s it, free, sweetie, well, of course i’m very
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pleased, but why go to the department, the bosses come here, and why is it taking so long, why is it taking so long, i i already miss that there’s a lot of work, yes, i know, i’ll... now i’ll kidnap you, steal you, and let them look for you. opera, i need your help, you're a rescuer, that's right, i need your help so badly, urgently, urgently, i need it, well, let's go, let's go, let them look for you, okay, that's it, i don't want to, by car, quickly, bye they didn’t find you, i was just breaking this site, thinking about my ex.
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thank you, i didn’t expect it, i like this kind of police, you know, and some of them come to me there and say, like, i ’m stealing money from cards, i say, what kind of cards do i have? i don’t have a computer, but i really don’t have a computer, firstly, i have a laptop, and secondly, i can hack the entire phone, no problem, look, listen, i’ll give you a top ten, i’ll shut up already, okay, anyone whim for your money, i just need to buy a new seat for my bike, otherwise the old one is completely fluffed up, enjoy the silence you paid for, thank you, i feel so good with you, as if it would never end, but why it has to end, it’s shining, i don’t know , i’m not going to get away from you, life is of course
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it’s a complicated thing, but i have some plans for you, girl, well, the man i once loved, he also had a lot of plans for me. so what happened? nothing, he just disappeared. listen, my dear, let’s not talk about the terrible past, but let’s talk only about the wonderful present and not think about the future at all. don't think about the future at all. in my opinion, the killer is a middle-aged man, tall, large, a former bodybuilder, most likely he put his health on steroids, so he often feels embittered himself as a loser, working in some store as a security guard for pennies, that’s all, that’s all,
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not much, well, in general, if we take into account the version that he was really sick, he probably should have gone to the doctors, and he didn’t have the money for expensive treatment it wasn’t, are you suggesting that we check all the district clinics, or what? exactly, can you imagine how many of them there are in the city? well, not so much, a little over 40, wow, well, that turns out to be 10 per brother, they didn’t forget to count me, then eight, but no, then seven, we’ll be done with it. police captain, bastard, i need to find out something from you. 40-50 years old, powerful in appearance. he’s 46 years old, yes, a healthy guy, just a mountain of muscles, he worked as a stuntman, he was all broken, you say there’s no living space on him, it’s not like that, it’s not
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like that, like that, a week ago he fell from a great height, he was all broken, thank you, where are you going? , that means revenue? married and very happy in marriage, your psychology doesn’t work, you just burned gasoline in vain, kira, stop attacking a girl, well, sometimes people make mistakes, she’s a girl, yes nicole, you ’re the one who’s mistaken, you just didn’t look hard, sit there, are you resting, boss by the way? in the sweat of your brow, bon appetit, andryushenka,
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thank you, listen to what i tell you, zvyagin, albert mikhailovich, born in 1969, kira, this applies to you too, listen, height 190, weight 110, former bodybuilding champion, suffering dystrophy of the cardiac myocardium, hypertension, fatty liver, suffered a heart attack, second group disabled, wow, almost one hundred percent coincidence, that’s exactly what he does, lieutenant, military pensioner, fought in chechnya, do you have an address? yes, kira, yes, so let's go! georgivich, is it possible without me? why? i have personal matters. okay, you can work it out later. so, that's all for now. so that i come back, all the documents are ready. understood? don't worry, we'll do everything. senior lieutenant rydanov. what is this? we walk and don't say hello. wow. hello, senior lieutenant kryukova. no longer kryukova. congratulations. come on, it was a long time ago and it’s not true, meet me, this is dasha, and
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you are andrey, you came to us 3 years ago, you also promised to call, andrey, as always, if he promised, then i’ll definitely call, he’ll call, he’ll call, okay, i ran, bye-bye, bye-bye, you look great, thank you, maybe we’ll drink coffee and chat, mariska, i’d love to, but i have a meeting in the center in 15 minutes, and i’m here today without a car, so let me give you a lift, not on the road, sit down, sit down, thank you, sverskaya, what kind of car do you have?
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hello, hello, are you zvyagin? yes, zvyagin, lieutenant colonel solovets, can we go out? yes please. are you going to leave somewhere? no, these are my sports regalia, i was going to throw them away. no pity? don't mind, i because of these tchotchkes, i ruined my life, i feel sorry for her, although i don’t give a damn about her, you know what broke me, that everyone says that you understand, you’ll have to plant your liver, kidneys, the worst thing is if someone told me as a young boy that the first the most important side effect of lifelong impotence, i would never touch this crap in my life, but now that’s it. tell me, do you know sergei kolachev and oleg
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gulko? i know these ghouls. i almost got the roll, but the clever bastard turned out to be evasive, he dressed, one might say, with a slight fright, but it’s okay, i’ll get him, there’s still time, i’m afraid, that you have no more time, you will have to travel with us. it was good to see you, so am i, you haven’t changed at all, and you look great, well, well, bye, bye. well, that's it, bye
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, bye, hi, hi, how did you get there? oh, sorry, i was almost late, an old friend gave me a lift, okay, listen, maybe we can find a more comfortable place? ladies for... steroids are a poison, only slowly acting, when i was young, i didn’t... take it off, on the contrary, it seemed to me that this drug was a magic potion, you throw in 10 tablets a day, and in a month you already schwarzenegger, uh-huh, and now they understand, it ’s too late to change anything, yes nicole, can you be quieter, well, yes, i did everything as you asked,
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only quickly, where are they, there were three folders on the server, september, october, november, well, where are you... everything is clear, let’s fight, but i decided for myself, while i’m alive, i will fight this evil mercilessly, so that the guys don’t repeat my mistakes, tell me how you killed oleg gulko, what you killed, are you crazy, tell me, wait, i didn’t want to kill anyone, no screaming, no shouting, just, just i wanted to hit him in the head so that his brain would clear up, an original way of winning. nothing original, the classic also said, bitiyo determines consciousness, you know, the classic seemed to say differently, so don’t mess with our brains here, okay? yes, you don’t understand anything, it’s you who don’t understand, but we understand everything about you very well, and we know how much you fought in chechnya, you’ve seen enough of everything, how they slaughter, kill,
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you can’t deal with women yourself, you decided to take advantage of other men , what are you talking about, what kind of men boris lukin, do you remember in 2010 they also killed how and gulko, in the tenth? but you won’t kill me, that’s why, because throughout the tenth and ninth years i was on a long business trip, he’s telling the truth, i just broke through, look what else i found here, come on, what kind of photograph is this? , these photographs are from recently, wait, duty officers, comrades, take them for now. what kind of photos are these, i don’t understand, until recently these photos hung in the profile of our rydanov’s girlfriend, and a couple of days ago she deleted them, she met with lugin with the murdered gulko, and now he’s dating her,
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come in, hey, are you silent all the time, everything was fine. no, nothing, but i see, i see, something happened, it’s as if everything is fine, everything is fine, but if it’s good, then it’s good, now i’ll take off my shoes and continue to kiss you tenderly, andrey, you just turned out to be the same bastard as everyone else, what? doesn’t answer, nurdanov said where she lives, no, damn it, guys, come on quickly, hello, sash, give me the number, where the phone is, come on quickly, sash, i
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beg you, slob, well, i need to find a mate , well, how to work with such people, come on give me the coordinates, now... i'll give the girl the phone, yes, she'll ring, let's hurry up, well , yeah, yes, that's it, thanks guys, yes, he lives there, okay, that's it, let's go, okay , you stay in touch, kir, come quickly, grab the spare key. great, guys, how about you, maybe call an ambulance? everything is fine, no need for it soon, the outfit is better, georgivich, call me. why
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didn't you pick up the phone? oh, kira.


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