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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-13  NTV  July 22, 2024 5:40am-6:30am MSK

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how to work with such people, give me the coordinates , now i’ll give you the phone to the girl, yes, she ’ll hang up, let’s hurry up, well, yeah, yes, that’s it, thanks guys, yes, he’s the one who lives there, that’s it, that’s it , let's go, so, you stay in touch, kir, come quickly, grab the spare key. great, guys, how about you, maybe call an ambulance? everything is fine, there’s no need for an ambulance, the outfit is better, georgivich, call me. why didn't you pick up the phone? oh, kira. well, i
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had a date. borya, urgently send the outfit to kradanov’s home. yeah, it's all over. svetlana, we know that it was you who killed oleg gulka. previously, you killed boris lugin. 5 years ago your husband went missing. “his body was not found, but we are sure that you did it, what can you say about this, we are listening to you, have you ever been cheated on, have you ever been betrayed, been lied to your face, well , what are you at the same time, you felt that everything was fine with you, you had no desire to simply kill someone, so i’m not lying to myself, but you’re lying”? you, you and you, you are all lying, and i
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hate people like you, because you are weak, yes, you killed, you killed your husband, but there was no point in me to deceive, because she cheated on me, killed me and nothing, that’s all, quiet, calm down, quiet, nothing, even this little puppy that i was feeding, he saw a girl, they’ll leave everything, i hate, i hate, don’t, don’t reassure me, “ i have gathered you to talk about a sensitive topic, i mean the moral character of a modern policeman, well , get ready that sometimes, look, they happen, but frankly speaking, i’m not too picky in my connections, comrade colonel, if you’ll allow me please contact me, “can i go out?”
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otherwise i feel very nauseous, apparently these are the consequences of a concussion, you need to sit at home and get treatment for a concussion, go ahead, sit at home, goodbye, you idiot, you fool, i’ll help, you idiot, come on, sit down, that’s for you concerns first of all, it’s my fault!” georgivich, if any other journalist calls the department and inquires about the details of this case, then by god i’ll send him, well, well, we maintain warm and friendly relations with the press, so support him, just yourself, get on the phone and answer their calls, yeah, like bosses have the right to love the press from afar, platonically, so to speak, andryukh, where are you going, nowhere, just be careful there, otherwise anything can happen, i’ll take the risk once again. “come on, very self-confidently,
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hello, girl, and i was sitting at this table a week ago, well, you can’t argue against the facts, well, yes, well, yes, enjoy, thank you , thank you, ignat, dear, you shouldn’t have ordered this fish, in your at age you need to be more careful with cholesterol, what kind of nonsense are you talking about, the only privileges of age"? is a well-deserved right to they've finally left you behind. do you know that the elder of people living on earth is a frenchwoman, jeanne calment. she lived 122 years and outlived all her heirs, at the age of 90 she entered into an agreement to sell her property with a fifty-year-old lawyer named rafrya, he would pay her a three-month rent for the rest of her life, and he would inherit her new house. his
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relative had to pay rent for him. well, alisonka, we still ideally have 50 years, so let’s not rush into restrictions. what about us then? ignat, about don't forget your pill, just a minute. someone, well, someone, help him, oh, get out of here, people, someone,
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strange, covered in blood, but there are no visible injuries, it’s not his blood, it’s from meat, i mean, don’t touch anything . why is there so much blood in fried meat? you've seen? do you feel it? bitter almonds, it looks like cyonite. tell me, who cooked the meat? yes, i prepared this. only it's not just meat, it's a rebuy. marbled beef steak in agyu. chilled beef comes to us from australia, directly on the plane, and is marinated for three days. all clear. how did this get there? nothing foreign could get into the dish. we have triple quality control in our kitchen. who served him? the waiter dyomushkin served the table. is he here now? is dyomushkin here? here. come on, we'll talk to him. here is
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dyomushkin. this is this one here. hello, i'm from the police. can we talk? yes, of course, let's go to my office. let's go, please.
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well, have you been running around? so, that means alisa gennadievna is hungry, right? yes, alisa gennadievna, please tell me, who is ignat matveevich rivunov related to you? he wanted marry me. what are you saying? do you know that he already had a wife? are you talking about elvira? well, yes, that is, about rivunova, elvira vitalna. so they get divorced. i see, what did your fiancé do? he owns furs, that is, he owned a network of fur salons in different cities, not only in russia. maybe he and
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the girl worked together, could she poison him? theoretically, yes, but she has no motive, revunov was going to divorce his wife precisely because of her, and if she was hunting for millions. this is 100% true, then killing the golden grandfather had no meaning meaning, at least until the wedding, now, wait, yes, natasha, hi, listen, well, i remember what i promised, well, excuse me, well, you’ll have to go to glebka school without me, why, well then i kiss you too, so far, my wife is swearing, but not really, she’s kind of strange today. devushkin, do you even understand what's in store for you if they call, i'm the boss, it's a pity, because a purely heartfelt confession in your situation greatly mitigates the charge, there's someone to carry the packages with, that's enough, i'm tired of
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messing around with you, but for the insult police officer, i i’ll give you a couple more years in addition to your article for premeditated murder, rest assured, wait, for what... murder, i’m not guilty, i confess everything, so, well, well, soon. yeah, can i have another leaf? what did you dash off there anyway? so, i had been planning the action for a long time, for this purpose i entered the restaurant on the basis of fake recommendations, i told you, i warned the journalists 2 days in advance, wait, what do journalists have to do with it? live murder? well, i didn’t know that he would die? wait, what do you mean i didn’t know, you poisoned him? no, there's some kind of mistake here, i never, you see, i am a member of an organization, green friend, we fight for animal rights,
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for ecology, for the environment, and we use exclusively peaceful methods, what do you admit then? so i wrote everything here, here, here, i prepared a capsule with pork blood, put it in a steak, this is my technology, i invented it myself, when carbon dioxide is supplied to the capsule, excess pressure is formed there, so, in short, in general when revnov fell, i thought he had a heart attack.
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hello, hello, sorry, i'm late at work, nothing, it’s not your fault, you’ll have dinner, i’ll have dinner, okay, take off your clothes. well, i made the meat the way you like it, potatoes, cabbage, mushrooms, oh, i forgot, wait, now natasha, what, hey, nothing, your
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health, oh, there’s a small break between the first and second, great, oh great, thank you, me yesterday your colonel blessed the grodovikov with a personal call, he, he, rendered it. potassium, yeah, that means seriunov took the pill and after 5 minutes, no, instantly, it’s not his
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blood, you’re made of meat, where did you get it, i would be happy to say that i took it off, but it’s not so, tonight this video was posted online, well, whatever you want from me, in connection with this sad event, i think... it is necessary to make amendments to our agreement, this amount will suit me, no, this is impossible, you you know my situation, knowing your situation, i’m sure this amount is quite affordable for you, go away, i want to be alone, yes, yes, of course, you need to think, but please think quickly, and if
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i refuse, no, i’ll contact you to the police, i think you won’t do this, goodbye, well, what happens, the waiter has nothing to do with it, well in principle, we can exchange the hooligan for him, but there was no way he could have given him the pills. hooliganism is not our specialty, that’s what, let the waiter go urgently with krymov and work on developing new versions. yes, please include others as needed. the case is under special control of the chief of the main directorate. that's it, go. wait, crimean, where is he now? igor, there is a man here regarding the revunov case, thank you, hello, hello, my last name is revunov, very nice, captain krymov, you are the son of ignat revunov, yes, i am about the death of my father, yeah, what do you want
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report, you see, i suspect that she killed him, just a second. slava, please write out a pass addressed to felix ignatievich revunov, felix ignatievich revunov, come in, take a seat, excuse me, all the offices are occupied, so so, felix ignatievich, you say that you know who killed your father, that’s it, i’m afraid that i know, yeah, it would be so interesting to hear, you know, i’m a researcher, and i’m used to building. logical chains, which means there is the first fact, my father was poisoned, there is a second fact, he was going to get a divorce from this ancient times, you mean, well, yes, this woman who 3 years ago captured him,
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as a result of the divorce she could have remained a beggar, yeah, hence, something more significant than a logical conclusion: evidence, witness statements and all that, well, this is your job, look for it, thank you, you helped us a lot, you know, here’s my business card, thank you for listening, here... felix ignatik, i hope i don’t need to remind you that you don’t have to leave the city yet it’s worth it, but i’m not going to, i have a lot to do at work, also in connection with death funeral wake, you know, yes, but my duty was to warn, and you know, you know, what
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depresses me most in this situation is that it’s interesting that if my father... had not been killed by his old wife, he would probably have been killed by his new one , just kissed two suspects, the widow of the deceased and his son, there may be more of them, it would be nice to see the legacy of this revunov, if there is one, i’m sure there is one, so, wait, revunov, felix ignatich, senior researcher, candidate of chemical sciences , thank you, do you understand, chemical? yes, i urgently need it a decree to search a suspect, but we are talking about poisoning, there may be new victims, so okay, i’ll stop by now, you’ll get a decree, great, thank you, vich, so, go meet the widow, and i’m off to college, i don’t understand what caused it is this
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an invasion? i’m now conducting very important experiments related to the country’s defense capability, i’ll now call the director, you can call the president, or you can open the locker, this closet cannot be opened, you know, we’re conducting a search, you’ll have to break it, god knows what it’s like, please, thank you. zhor, i didn’t wake you up, i’m sorry, tell me, sodium cn, that’s what we have , sodium cyanide, of course, nh4cn,
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cenistem, and moni. yeah, i got it, thank you, continue to rest, come on, citizens attesting witness, can i ask you? krymov igor viktorovich, senior commissioner, that’s right, and what does the senior commissioner want from me? sorry, elvira, just elya, come, sit down, don’t stand. thank you, well , apparently you already know? yes, i know, my
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husband was poisoned yesterday. how do you know that he was poisoned? appeared on the internet a touching video of you and a colleague examining a crime scene. you look at your work very seriously, but what did you think? yes , nothing yet how you could characterize your relationship. “well, it’s not an easy relationship, well in what sense it’s not easy, if you knew how beautifully our romance began, ignat knew how to look after and said all sorts of beautiful words, in general, we were very happy, but what, but such an introduction usually follows, but you are right, but it really happened, after 3 years of marriage i found out that ignat is a fantastic womanizer. at first i suffered, then i decided to treat it philosophically, recently i decided, i’m tired,
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here’s the son of the late felix, he thinks you’ve already met this unfinished genius, so what did he say about me, that i’m a piece of crap, the embodiment of evil, which has stuck to his rich daddy killed him, well, in general , yes, something like that, completely. arithmetic. ignata has an adult daughter, polina, she lives in argentina with her husband. according to the will, ignat's third fortune goes to each of us. tell me if you divorce, what would you get? well, if the fact of treason is not proven, then mere pennies. but the fact of betrayal is obvious. according to the marriage contract , half of my husband's property goes to me. i didn't need to kill him, it was just not profitable. and felix presented this situation to us in a slightly different light, do you know that this is an overgrown nerd? i was here yesterday, they had a terrible quarrel with ignat, didn’t they? if you don’t believe me, you can check it
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from the surveillance cameras, you will see that he arrived yesterday, and an hour later he left, i’ll definitely check it, please, you know i need to make one call, excuse me, please, i believe you are making a mistake, i need these reagents for a scientific experiment, we’ll figure it out, don’t worry, get ready, why don’t you want to listen to me, shut up, i told you who killed him, hello, yes, yeah, that's interesting, that's even more interesting, come on, remember you said that your father's death was beneficial? his wife, so it’s more profitable for you, even more, i don’t understand, but you understand everything, you were visiting him yesterday,
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had a fight with him, apparently then you changed him capsule with medicine, so i need a lawyer, please, do you think it was he who killed, felix, i don’t know, in any case, he had a motive, he had... such an opportunity, tell me, and you, i’m not going anywhere, if you're talking about this, my marital duty orders me to arrange a funeral for my late husband, worthy of his generosity and generosity, well said, mogli with a shulkunchika? “i recognized you right away, even in that video, which means all this time while we were talking, i was thinking, now you
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recognize me, after all, men are impenetrable dumbasses, damn irka, irka remizova, clicker, it must have changed somehow, you brute, you don’t say such things to a woman, well, i’m not in that sense, i was just a girl, and now..." oh, i know, i know, it doesn’t matter, for you i’m still a nutcracker, like and i’m a mowgle for you. listen, do you remember, in the eighth grade we decided to die together, because no one understood our love, irka, remember how we locked ourselves in the chemistry room after graduation, we were caught by ethril, do you remember what it was like. was his face? yes, listen, i’m so hungry, but you could eat a horse. that’s it, let’s get ready, let’s go to the restaurant. or not? oh, let’s go to my country house, there’s a pine fireplace. we'll lie on the terrace, drink wine and swim at night. wait, i, well , somehow i didn’t have time to tell you. wait,
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krymov, what are you... well, yes, there are children, yes, two, a boy and girls, what about you? no, somehow it didn’t happen, a long time ago, 15 years, the anniversary is in a week, congratulations, happy, well , how can i tell you, well, in general, yes, somehow you said hesitantly, well, we had disagreements, everything is small, you know, i same cop, at work all the time from morning to evening. what kind of wife is this will you like it? well, i hope this is in the past, are you changing jobs? no, but it just seems to me that natasha has recently begun to understand something? literally the last few days, affectionate, kind, even somehow strange, what? listen to me, mowgli, i still understand something about married life, i myself have been married five times, wow, nothing
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happens so simply for... everything has a reason, wait, what do you mean by that? well, perhaps your wife feels guilty towards you, hence the magical changes that feeling guilty for what? i'm so sorry, oh! turn right, please, okay, interesting, right again. now slow down,
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okay, andrukh, hello, very busy, listen, give me one car, hello, yes, ilvira vitalievna. what kind of person came to you today? this is my old friend mowgli. what the hell is mowgli? are you kidding me? listen to me. you have until evening to fulfill my demands. or i'll tell the police everything i know about you. so i don’t recommend delaying.
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andrey, please stop, head splits. yes, now, i’ll finish now, wait. so, that's all out. well, what did you find out? isn't it necessary to say hello? we saw each other this morning. so, here you go, igor. the car is registered as mikhail korovin, private detective, office address, here you go. great, i don’t understand, igor, is he all grateful or something, but he’s not in a good mood at all today. tell me, felix ignatievich, did you have financial problems? i do not understand the question. okay, let me put it differently. you are not offended that your wealthy father spent on his wife, his mistress. big
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money, i didn’t give you anything, my own son, yes, it seemed unfair to me, and in general i never hid it, yeah, and you tried to correct this injustice, this is nonsense, everything you say is complete heresy, isn’t it , look, you had a motive, you had access to the poison, the opportunity to quietly plant this poison, you again, how did you, i couldn’t, you know, even if i couldn’t, i didn’t kill, according to the will, the state of the howler in equal shares go to three people, wife, son and daughter, the daughter has not lived in
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russia, that means it remains. yes, to be honest, i would exclude my wife too. in case of divorce, it would have turned out much more under the prenuptial agreement. this means that only the son remains, who also has access to cyanides. he never confessed? no, straight streets? there is no one against him either, i understand correctly, but the whole body of oblique evidence only says that he has access to poisonous reagents, is offended by his father and envies his women, but this is not enough to be charged with murder. by the way, today he tried to come after me follow one guy, he led me from the widow’s house, it turns out that it’s kind of like an earthly house, with a cat in the soul. what do you say? who are you talking to? to you, to whom? regarding family life, this is not for me. well , in general, live and enjoy.
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elvira, what ulvira? revonova's widow. look amazing, black is for you. “let’s do without these dances, you can count it, you really will count, but we are not proud, here it’s exactly 20 thousand euros, what ’s that kind of money for, i hope that’s all, and we ’ll never see each other again, i’ll miss you immensely, goodbye"! obviously not for standard surveillance and call recording,
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but why did he take you, i wonder what, yes, i’m saying they did the right thing, they organized the surveillance, here we go, let’s talk to a friend, come on. hello, police, homicide department. mikhail anatolyevich, do you recognize me? yes, yes, of course, i will find out. why did you follow me today? why did you take this? i wasn’t following you, i was just driving on business, stopped at a store, and i saw a man running. igor, stay here for an hour, i’m running around to get the order. i hope i have satisfied your curiosity, very, very well, and now you will satisfy our curiosity, what
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did the widow revonova give you for the money, she paid me for the work, wow, private detectives earn money, should i change my profession, what was the work, i followed her husband, i had to get evidence and... infidelity for the divorce proceedings, and you got them, of course, well, really, in connection with recent events, they will no longer be needed, but the work was done, and elvira vitalievna paid honestly, something else? michal anatolyevich, i have a small personal request for you, that’s all, whatever, this shady guy, this korovin, don’t you think private detectives are all shady, do you suspect him of something? i don’t know, maybe this money is a fee for murders? it’s illogical, i think that if elvira decided to kill her husband, she would have done it herself, right, and not to involve a person from the outside, it doesn’t matter what’s wrong with him, lyosha,
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listen, help me with one more matter, and what 's the matter, very personal and very urgent, okay, okay, go ahead. hi, how are you? okay, you'll have dinner, i'm just i made your favorite brisket, but yes, of course, of course, i’ll have dinner, let’s go wash our hands, let’s go.
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well, our business is stalled, the boss is saying offensive things, but there is some progress, the person who followed krymov yesterday is a private detective, revunov’s wife hired him to spy on her husband, he may be involved in the murder, it’s unlikely maybe, but... he’s clearly hiding something, but it didn’t seem so to me, well, so what do we have, purely theoretically there is no evidence against him, revunovo’s widow does not benefit from her husband’s death at all, she in court she tried to prove his connection. this girl from the restaurant and sue half of the property. alice, hunger, who? alisa hunger, the girl who dined with revunov on the day of the murder. by the way, it would be nice to ask if she could point out who had direct access to the deceased’s pills? yes, yes, yes, the girl is still in shock, did this happen before our eyes? do you think this will do anything? do you have other options? no, it wasn’t revnov himself who was poisoned. he doesn't seem to have a motive either. in general, then look for someone who has a motive, and don’t be a fool.
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why do i need these pennies that elvira promised if i can take everything? no,
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wait a second, not all, half. in the event of a divorce, the estate would be halved, right? nothing of the kind, this would have happened if elvira had evidence of betrayal, but i’m not such a fool as to provide it. yes, i want to say that we had nothing with him. i set conditions for ignat: bed only after the wedding. could you repeat all this under the protocol? i think i can. me, well, really, personal matters, not urgent,
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forgive me, yeah, the karkhans destroyed my life daughters, firit, now you too will know the taste of grief, i just want it all to end, both for them and for us, the father of my child, firit, it’s clear, if the father of the child is firit, i... will disappear, sairan, don’t interfere i got into this, i got into this a long time ago, what’s the matter, let me go, i say, what are you doing, i’ll bury you, the creature, it’s opening, there was something between you, no, there wasn’t, don’t lie, we’re going to do a test, kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. what is the cure for nail fungus? the most favorable price: mizol evalar is up to 50% cheaper. new.
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mizol in large packaging 50 ml. even bigger and better priced. meola valar - treatment of fungus without overpayments. nail fungus makes it difficult to put on summer shoes. mizol and valar will not let you ruin your summer. mizol is the most beneficial medicine for nail fungus. new. mizol in the largest package, even larger and more affordable. good morning. wait for today. in the far east, there is dry, extremely fire hazardous weather in the center of yakutia and on the omur river. in the primorye region, due to rain and thunderstorms, it will become cooler, similar to lake baikal, in the straight waters below 30 and the rains are ending. frontal sections stretch across the south of siberia, creating thunderstorm centers here and there. during the day it is warm, but not stuffy or hot. about +25. but in the urals the cyclone was a little overdone, in yekaterinburg it was only 17. and the rain in the region in some places is very strong with thunderstorms and wind squalls. on the european part. a cyclone of polar origin, but full of warm intentions, from
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arkhangelsk to tambov about 25°, a little less in the volga region, where there are more clouds and local rains and thunderstorms are possible in places, on in the south too, but they can’t cope with the heat yet, +35, a very popular temperature in the region, in st. petersburg there is no precipitation and 26, in moscow it’s raining, so far 22, but in a day it will reach 22. i ask you, because we it was good together, i’ve never felt so good with anyone, and i, i thought about everything, you understand, i have a husband, well, you said it yourself, at work, but we have children, you know, and we are a family, let's create a new one, i don't mind, come to me, divorce your husband, we'll live
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together, we've wanted to be together since school together, or i don’t understand anything, i love my husband, what happened between us was just a mistake, please don’t call me again. got it, natasha, wait! lyosh, wait a second, the woman asked, don’t call her, who are you, man, what do you need, you
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stinking bastard, you broke my nose, great, here we are, captain of the crimean homicide department, you can file a complaint against me at in accordance with the procedure established by law, by the way, i didn’t break you anything, don’t call again, igor, lord, hands, hands are simpler, i myself, can you imagine, a marriage swindler, how did it turn out? a good woman, beautiful. igor, i want you, let's go to sleep, sleep, okay, let's go to our friend's bed. wait, let's go. you and i
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are married, right? oh, yes, spouses, come on, come on, let's go. lyuba, brothers, lyuba. as a child, i called her nutcracker. mowgli is looking at me, mowgli, can you imagine, selganchik and mowgli, now she is accused of murdering her own husband, and i will have to stab her, natasha, and how will i stab her my school love, school love, she, she doesn’t rust, nadashka, do you agree? are you planning redeem? no, are you sure? yes, i'm sure, why are you silent? i
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really feel bad about all this. krymov, krymov, what, what is happening? well, how could i kill this ignat, you know, i can’t kill anyone at all. i know you, that's why i believe you. is it true? of course, this alone is not enough. you need to think about how to prove your innocence. so, let's take it in order, why you gave 20 thousand euros to a private person. shchik korovin, that’s how it is, it means she didn’t give it in vain, since you don’t yet know what we don’t know, okay, i have nothing to hide anymore, i’ll never do these things traded, and here, listen, how the devil beguiled me, i met this girl, and alisa, she
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recommended korovin to me so that he would record the fact of betrayal, you can’t imagine what would have happened if this had come out in... all after ignat’s death , his son would have immediately contested the will, and the lawyer would have turned everything around in court so that not a penny would be left from my husband’s fortune, but now listen, let them choke on their money now, they accuse me of murder, why are you silent, you say , it was alice herself who came up to you first to introduce herself, yes, we met at the opening of some restaurant, she was around me all evening... and then we started talking, so what? nothing, you see, not everything is lost yet. gololod alisa gennadievna, born in 1988, was born and
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lives here in st. petersburg, after the death of her father she was in the care of her aunt, a completely unremarkable biography, a boring profession, a dead-end version, what is the motive of this alice, why kill her, i don’t know, but i know one thing for sure , the nutcracker could not kill, that is, elvira, in addition, she does not have access to poisons, poison is possible. get the glory, well, that's not it, i answer, a person can’t change that much, it turns out he’s a son, i have no idea, we’re going in circles, don’t you think, well, what successes, no, krymov, out of despair, he came up with the version that alice is the hunger killer, a very noticeable surname, i i remembered all night, then i went into the archive and, here.
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this means white marble, a slab 140 by 70 with a bas-relief on it, yes, absolutely right, the inscription is standard, date, surname, filled with gold, yes, from below, please write to your beloved dad, beloved dad, everything, yes everything. "then i'll ask for a deposit and a photograph, uh-huh, yes, of course, 5 years ago gennady golod fell to his death, fell from the twelfth floor balcony, was he killed? no, the death was recognized as a suicide, the case was closed and published in the archives, so he left a note, alice, i’m sorry, i can’t do this anymore, damn this bastard, look, there is a protocol of interrogation of my daughter." it’s strange, i don’t understand why he committed suicide. yes, everything is very simple: in 2003, hunger organized a farming
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enterprise, next to his lands there was a fur farm that belonged to some bigwig, well. the rest is a simple story, the bigwig wanted to have these lands, he began to persuade hunger, hunger naturally refused, one fine day all the cattle that were on his farm died. did you find the culprits? no, but you yourself understand who did it, you don’t have to guess.
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hello, alice, hello, you 'll have to ride with me, uh-huh, i. not only a few personal things, but yes, of course, alisa gennadievna, do you plead guilty to the death of your fiancé ignat levunov? i admit it is necessary that you testify in writing. okay, i understand that dad can’t be brought back, but i don’t care at all. i don't regret what i did.


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