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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 22, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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left the race, who, after biden’s refusal to run, will compete with trump in the upcoming elections? the supply channel was closed, fsb officers stopped attempts to smuggle explosives from europe to russia. large-scale development plans of the prime minister are on the work agenda in the far east. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya pedorovtsev. hello. in st. petersburg , fsb officers uncovered a channel for the supply of explosives and detonators to the territory of our country. warfare agents came from italy to germany. installed explosives spare parts for bombs were transported through several post offices. parcels from europe, within
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two months the parcels were stored in my warehouse, it turned out that the person who was supposed to receive it was wanted, these boxes contained spare parts, shock absorbers, in which explosives were packed. in april 2023 , fsb officers uncovered a similar scheme for the supply of explosives in crimea. those who were preparing the terrorist attack were detained; it was established that their activities were supervised by the head of the office of the president of ukraine. haven't been to the kremlin much surprised by joe biden's decision to abandon the fight for the white house. dmitry peskov stated this, emphasizing that moscow has learned not to be surprised by anything at all on topics that concern the united states. exit.
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many were expecting expulsion; after the disastrous debate with donald trump, even close allies began to push for this decision. this has not happened in us history for decades. lyndon johnson made a similar decision 56 years ago. he took this step amid mass protests over the vietnam war. then, in 1968, johnson spent 40 minutes explaining to his fellow citizens why he decided not to seek a second term. well, biden is still silent and no one knows exactly where. the white house recently announced that the president had contracted the coronavirus. the administration reassured citizens, the american leader was vaccinated with mild symptoms, but the head of state does not appear in public, there is neither video nor even a photo of him signing the most important document for him. and many people are now wondering what exactly made him quit the race, because even the day before he was convinced that will defeat trump again. then, our us correspondent alexey vasilovsky carefully observes how the new balance of power is shaping up. the biden trump rematch is cancelled,
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joe biden's statement about his withdrawal from the race for the presidency was posted on social networks, followed by a clarifying post: the president will remain in the white house until the end of his term and will support the nomination of vice president kamal and harris as the democratic candidate. i have decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all my energies on fulfilling the duties of the president for the remainder of my term. my first solution is how there was a candidate in 2020. choose kamela hari with my vice president. it was the best decision i made. today i want to offer all my help and support to kamila to become the party's nominee this year. democrats. it's time to unite to defeat trump. let's do this, joe biden wrote. the news, although expected to some extent, still came unexpectedly. literally on the eve, biden himself and his campaign staff continued to assure that the us president would not withdraw from the race. togo,
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this week a rally was planned in texas with the participation of biden, his headquarters insisted that the rally would take place and the campaign continues, the pressure of the democrats on the president is just the opinion of a small group of people, only they say that biden made the decision to withdraw from the fight when he finally realized that all options to continue the race have been exhausted, the party elite and donors who financed the election campaign have turned their backs on him as a candidate. now those who tried to persuade biden to withdraw from the election are cheering. his decisions joe biden is not only a great president and has been a great leader in congress, he is also a truly amazing person. his decision, of course, was not easy, but he again put the country, the party, and our future first. joe showed today: “you are a true patriotic american,” wrote senate democratic leader chuck schumer. biden received similar words of support from the clintons, barack obama, and the former speaker of the house of representatives. responded, but,
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of course, in his own way. cheater joe biden can't run for president. he is definitely not suitable for this position. he was never any good. he achieved the presidency only through. lies, fakes, and he didn’t even leave his basement. everyone around him, including his doctor and journalists, knew that he was unfit to serve as president. republicans are demanding that biden not only refuse a second term, but also resign from leaving the white house altogether. if joe biden is not fit to run for president, then he is not fit to serve as president, he should resign immediately, it's a long wait until november 5th. the speaker wrote this. house of representatives mike johnson. the white house, however, hastened to cool the ardor of the republicans; biden intends to finalize the deal before the end of the term. what's next for democrats is well illustrated by the new cover of time magazine. the previous one was headlined with just one word: panic, and now kamela haris is taking the stage, saying there is hope that the chaos with
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the elections will end. however, vice president harris, whom many democrats, including biden, consider to be the party's candidate, is not everyone is satisfied. represents the party. "she is a hawk towards ukraine, she is a hawk towards china, in general the democratic party has always been a party of peace, i think she can’t do anything about our constant budget deficit, she is a product of corporate control of our democracy, she has one of the worst records in the field of civil is right among all government officials. she is not very popular with voters, and her ratings are as low as biden’s, not without reason that neither obama nor nancy, whose votes in the dim party, contribute. listen." until they began to support her. obama, for example, wrote this: we will have to navigate unchartered waters in the days ahead, but i have every confidence that the leaders of our party can organize a process that will result in an incredible candidate. but for the most part dem of the party haris, although not such
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an incredible option, is a reliable option , her name is rumored, 4 months before the elections, looking for and promoting someone else can backfire for the democrats. besides, let her not have stars in the sky. enough, but compared to biden, her numbers against trump are much better. according to polls, if elections were held now, he and trump would receive equal votes. harris said on social media: “i will do everything in my power to unite the democratic party and our country to defeat donald trump.” the republican campaign has already opened fire on a new target, calling harris one of those who deceived americans by telling fairy tales of beauty biden's health." i work with joe biden every day, joe will be fine, y we have a very frank living president, because joe biden is heading for re-election as quickly as anyone alive. the republican national committee called the possible future of haris' presidency a disaster for the country.
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kamela haris has already submitted documents to the election commission to register as a candidate for the us president, but from the party, she must be approved by the democratic convention, or virtually. this could happen in early august, or at the party congress in chicago, which will be held from august 19 to 21. alexey veselovsky, aviaabramov and maxim zaichenko, ntv, usa. world markets reacted quite calmly to the news that biden refused to participate in the race for the presidency. next on the air is business news. what could this calmness be connected with? firstly, the markets were ready for such news, and secondly, this is an election after all. several months in the usa, the decision of the american federal reserve on the key rate is next week. after the official announcement that joe biden was withdrawing from the presidential race, the big temptation was to go to the economic sites and wait there for some amazing and large-scale reaction of world markets, stock,
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currency, oil. the american stock market has not yet opened, but based on futures for the main indices, it is clear that nothing out of the ordinary will happen in today's trading session. obviously, for investors, joe biden's decision not to run for a second term was expected. on the other hand, we can now argue for a long time that the chances of donald trump winning have increased slightly. the foundations of his economic policy, known from the previous presidency, a softer tax policy, reduced regulation, growth in shares of banks, as well as healthcare and energy companies, at the same time, increased inflation. but, probably, the main thing that analysts are talking about now is that donald will win the election. signs, however, things may be more difficult for donald trump in his new term. twitter permanently blocked his account.
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oil responded slightly, but still, to american political events. in the morning she gained approximately half a dollar, but has now slipped into negative territory. if the american stock market calmly reacted to joe biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race, then why talk about russia? domestic exchanges are now more concerned about when dividends from russian companies will arrive, so the indices are now in the black, and, of course, investors are waiting for friday’s decision. central bank at the key rate. the ruble is becoming cheaper on the interbank foreign exchange market. the dollar at these minutes costs 87.97. the euro rose to 9576. ukraine reached a preliminary agreement with by some private creditors to restructure more than $20 billion in debt. as reported by bloomberg, the bondholder committee recognized nominal losses of 37% of its assets, abandoning claims for the amount of 8,700.
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all ozone couriers drivers in yekaterinburg have returned to work, the marketplace press service reported this today, they clarified that delivery is fully operational, and those orders that were delayed yesterday will reach the client in the coming days. azon also adds that the management of azon logistics held a meeting with a group of couriers from yekaterinburg and the sverdlovsk region, they agreed on additional payments to couriers until shipping times return to normal.
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the rushydro company provides 16% of the total electrical power in the country, this is a large
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volume, it is one of the largest in the world in its profile, as you yourself assess the situation in the company, the results are working. today the company is by far the largest power generator in the country. if we talk about the types of generation in our holding. all types of generation except nuclear, that is, we have geothermal, solar, wind, and of course thermal generation, both gas and coal, we are one of the largest thermal power generators in the country, at the moment the rusgidro holding is operating, we are not only a generator, yes, that is we are still quite widely represented as a project complex, widely represented in the world by our institute for about 100 years, today...
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they are about 70% in the far east, now, how to master more than 800 billion rubles of investment, as noted by the head of the company, there is about ... titrates two hydroelectric power stations. mikhail shustin arrived in khabarovsk. the prime minister inspected the construction of the airport's international terminal and held a meeting with the acting head of the region, dmitry demeshin, during which he promised support in updating social facilities. and mishustin made his first stop during his working trip in magadan. he arrived there the day before. i held several meetings this morning. more details on hit babaev. how magadan is changing is best illustrated by the example of nagaev bay. previously, this place was called nothing more than a cemetery for old ships, since 2021
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, more than twenty ships have been salvaged from the water area, the remaining three are promised to be delivered this year. mikhail mishustin liked the new type of spears. look how beautiful it is, and the port faces an ambitious task; it must turn into a driver for the development of the region’s economy. putting things in order is the first step towards developing the seaport, among other things . well. a lot more needs to be done here, promises were made, we, as we promised you, gave everything to regional ownership, allocated appropriate funds have been compensated for the region, now we expect from you not just a well-developed project.
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it seems to me that people want to stay here, you see how many people want to come here and relax, the locals who walk here, it’s great. mikhail mishustin’s schedule in the far east is busy, 3 hours after a walk around magadan, the prime minister was already getting acquainted with the plan for the development of the khabarovsk embankment, in khabarovsk itself. acting head of the region dmitry demeshin introduced the prime minister master plan for city development. we hope to create. drawn zone, distribute sites for various sports, create places for city events and, accordingly , sew them into a beautiful, well-maintained infrastructure that will be a center of attraction for all defenses. an important part of the masterplan is the renovation of the airport; today mikhail mishustin was shown an international terminal built from scratch. the total project budget is 5 billion rubles. this includes both public funds
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and money from private investors. in march 2025 we are planning for years. to serve the first construction, khabarovsk plans to turn into the main transfer hub of russia in the far east, twenty-fifth year after the completion of passengers on international ones, we, together with the media, filled march , because from here it’s a stone’s throw from china, which is attractive for business, and from the south, so beloved by all tourists. eastern asia. plans for the development of the region were discussed at a bilateral meeting between mikhail mishustin and the interim.
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next up is the release of the program today in moscow, and we will continue broadcasting for other regions of the central part of the country. in yakutia , a tense situation with natural fires remains, where almost 680 hectares of forest are burning. all rescue forces were sent to two settlements, where the fire came close to residential buildings. there are about 1,700 people in the fire. a helicopter from the ministry of emergency situations flew to one of the settlements to evacuate local residents. all people with limited mobility, pregnant women, and children of the elderly are prepared for transportation . meanwhile, the ministry of emergency situations aviation has already dropped more than 200 tons of water on the outbreaks. total in yakutia
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according to the ministry of emergency situations, 78 forest fires are burning, while the fire is being contained. in the samara region, they are preparing to harvest a truly ecological, clean harvest; it is grown by a farmer who has patented his own method of caring for crops, exclusively with the help of biological materials, how they deal with pests in the fields and what they fertilize plants with instead of chemicals, mikhail chernov learned. everything about him is not like people, he doesn’t get up early like a villager, he just goes to bed, the former beekeeper vasily fokin is dizzy day and night.
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we’ll buy it, so we bought it at the factory, it’s similar to refueling, in fact, v2 is filled with an organic anti -caterpillar preparation, 1200 liters. while the aircraft is preparing to take off, beneficial parasites are laid out in jars, grain moth eggs infected with trichogramma look like sand, candidate of agricultural sciences dmitry kandyba has been studying biological protection of fields for almost a quarter of a century, everything is new, well forgotten by the old, still a soviet development. but then the institutes and institutions that were involved in this were subject to reorganization. that's all, then what you see is sheer altruism, we are the last generation that can
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leave something, there is no one after us. the snoot fields are cultivated from the air in seven passes, first parasitic insects are dropped, then a preparation based on the bavaria mushroom. an-2, aka the soviet maize plant, but now it sprays not chemicals, but organic preparations against pest caterpillars. they abandoned mineral fertilizers a long time ago, using only special green manure grasses as a source of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. this is a needle, this is a needle, yeah, you, if once you have worked with a chemical fungicide, then you will no longer be able to live without a chemical fungicide, because you have ruined all the microflora, while everyone around you is following the well-trodden path, the farmer fokin with his insects for his comrades, like donquixote, then these are the quixotes who manage to win. mill, you saw one of them, here is his meter mill on 5,500 hectares, after he began to harvest a wonderful harvest, neighboring biology farms also
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became interested, now they are harvesting a lentil field here, no chemicals, before planting, the seeds were treated with preparations based on fungi and bacteria, in the end there are no diseases or parasites, you try to introduce them, but you have to go through so many legislative obstacles that it’s better to hang yourself. will leave. night work is not a hindrance, it’s about him. with the onset of darkness, the processing of the polynut continues, having once taken this path to sleep, the rural donquixote
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is unlikely to leave it. mikhail chernov, sergey svatsov, ekaterina kostyukevich, vladimir khazov, ntv, samara region. and that’s what we’ll talk about further in our issue. how and from what it is prepared the food we order, who actually controls the kitchens of the delivery services. following the tracks. special report by pavel rybalchenko. why go to a big clothing sale on amazon? for new dresses, colorful shorts, comfortable sneakers, basic t-shirts and much more. big sale of clothes on ozone, profitable!
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the new deshirak broth is prepared using the traditional fermentation method, which lasts more than 100 days, and is based on fresh vegetables. doshirak broth. i spent 20 years talking to tv to teach you how to find any content in the new yandex tv station. alice, find a film with svetlokov. great choice. alice, a tip about investments. but who am i kidding? alisa, turn on the taganrok astrach match. i’ve been waiting for 20 years for it to happen like this, but you don’t wait, well, it gives gpt, yandex tv station with alice, you’ll find everything, do you want to stay with
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for free to sber from other banks and get cashback up to 70% from partners, it’s more profitable with a sber subscription, big sale of clothes on ozone. sobo ultimate shop up to 899, women's suits up to 899. need money, tired of looking for a loan that will be approved? compare simplifies this task. we've checked the offers and collected them in one place. just select an mfo. and send the application, the money will come directly to the card. take a loan on the website or in the mobile application. compare. the mask is a special edition for the anniversary of igor krutov. on sunday at 20:00. this is the program today, we continue our release. in france, a loud scandal is breaking out around the nestlé company. in mineral water, which is
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a transnational corporation. sells in the fifth republic, e. coli was found. the investigation was published by an independent mediapart platform. from the documents it follows that nsl has been filtering contaminated water from the sewer almost since the nineties. we use methods prohibited in france. the resulting mixture of bacteria and pesticides is sold by companies as natural mineral water. consumers, of course, remain in the dark. the amount of fraud, according to mediapart estimates, over the past 15 years amounted to 3 billion euros. organization consume. has already called on the french authorities to bring the perpetrators to justice, here is a representative of the corporation, his commentary is published german bilta, stated that he did not agree with the numbers and the calculation method, all nestlé products can be consumed without any fear, there was a unique composition that corresponded to the description, while the company admitted that the filtration methods did not comply with the current law in france. in kazan , the last patient was discharged from the hospital, admitted with a diagnosis of batulism in june,
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when a wave of mass outbreaks swept across the country. the cause, as the investigation found, was poor-quality beans in dishes ordered home. in total in several regions more than 400 people were injured, and some are still being treated. at the same time, the popularity of ready-made food is not falling; according to recent surveys, every sixth russian makes such orders at home every day. rospotrebnadzor deals with unscrupulous manufacturers, this is what buyers themselves can do for their own safety, pavel rybalchenko looked into it. at 34 years old, it specialist almaz sharipov is re-learning to speak and perform the simplest actions; his central nervous system was almost killed by the strongest paralytic poison, botulinum toxin. the story of a resident of kazan is one of 417 that thundered throughout the country in june. delivery of ready-made food, salad with beans for lunch, intensive care. on the twelfth i ate this magnificent salad, on the fourteenth - it was friday at five. just as it manifested itself,
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manifested itself in the format of a slight dizziness before my eyes on sunday, i began to know:
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the beans to the owner of the food delivery company were arrested. the popular service was suspended for 90 days, but how did it happen that poisoned beans ended up on customers’ tables? quite simply, if you allow a chain of negligence. a spore from the bacillus clastridium batulinum could have gotten onto the beans with a piece of soil. to kill the bacteria, legumes must be treated with boiling water for at least 6 hours. violation of these rules, coupled with incorrect storage conditions at... where they provide barrels that do not contain a product, with poison, which cannot be detected without an examination. this does not manifest itself in the form of some kind of mold, in the form of some kind of decomposition of the product. in some cases, on canned vegetables, and when opening you can see small
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air bubbles that look like oxygen, but again this it's almost a 50x50 story when they appear. deviation from technology at any stage can end in failure, and therefore is more important. essentially the personal initiative of the manufacturer, but not only journalists, even inspection bodies find it difficult to control what is happening in such workshops, there are undisciplined, unscrupulous manufacturers, the existence of which we do not know, who
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did not give us notice of the start of their activities, we only learn about them in case or identification of low-quality products and dangerous products in circulation, or when... arises some kind of unpleasant situation and it is necessary to conduct a sanitary and epidemiological investigation. employees of the supervisory agency simply cannot check an unscrupulous enterprise either. most attempts to cover breeding grounds for dangerous bacteria are frustrated by bureaucracy. in order to conduct an inspection, rospotrebnadzor requires approval from the prosecutor's office or an order. and often prosecutors refuse to issue such approvals, based on the fact that, as they say, there will be... poisoning, incident, then come. indeed, this case of mass food poisoning from delivery is not the first; all the victims can do is file a lawsuit. almas sharipov also filed an application with the prosecutor's office demanding compensation for treatment and moral damage.
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one good thing is that botulism is a reversible disease if you seek help from doctors in time, but full recovery can take as long as six months. pavel rybalchenko, olga vailoshnikova, ntv television company. an innovative drug has become available in russia that can radically change the approach to the treatment of such severe genetic pathology in children as duchenne muscular dystrophy. the unique medicine, about 300 million rubles per dose, was purchased by the circle of good foundation, which was created on the initiative of the president to help children with rare diseases. alena repina, more details. this is elena and her son denis from moscow, and these are arina and georgy sakhalin. couldn’t walk for more than 10 minutes, he was slow , we went for a walk with a stroller, he walked, couldn’t climb the stairs,
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boys the same age, both five, both second in the family, their mothers knew how children should develop, so when denis and georgy simultaneously began to fall and stopped walking in different parts of the country, they were immediately sent to... extensive experience in observing these patients, and before the era of gene therapy, at best the boys lived to be 20 years old, but this does not mean that they lived well for 20 years, from about 6-7 years of age the symptoms gradually progress, the boy gradually stops walking, he goes into a wheelchair, by the age of twenty the heart and respiratory muscles die off, without a person cannot exist, until now there has been no radical treatment for the disease. only supporting steroids, like in athletes, this medicine
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is an innovative gene therapy drug, which allows you to actually introduce a healthy gene into the human body and thus stop the manifestation of the disease, then children will develop normally, in russia ilivides is available from this year for free, it can be bought and delivers a circle of goodness to the state fund; children strictly 4-5 years old can get into the program. we didn't expect to get into this program, and thanks to the circle of goodness, this year they called us and said that yes, you are getting in, you are included in this list of children who can make it, among the first, we of course did not believe in it, that such happiness had befallen us, here's the long-awaited moment while the boys watch paw patrol on their phones.
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magic syrup, let everything work out, as it is already happening, hundreds of children who have received the same gene therapy for other diseases, for example, sma, are imperceptibly pouring through their veins. alina repina, anna suchkova and andrey tkachenko, ntv. now about the weather, the intense heat has left the capital region, the temperature has dropped to comfortable levels, and rain and thunderstorms have begun at times. well, what will happen next, irina polyakova will tell you, connections with irina’s studio, what’s in the forecast for the next one? today's rain is a cold front, but it will go away and it will be a pleasant summer again. what is the best medicine for nail fungus? mizol ivalar is up to 50% cheaper. new. mizol in large packaging 50 ml. even bigger and better priced. misola valar - fungus treatment without overpayments. nail fungus makes it difficult to put on summer shoes. mizol and valar will not let you ruin your summer. misol herself. profitable medicine for nail fungus, new,
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misol in the largest package, even larger and more affordable. so, the european territory of russia and against the backdrop of the fact that the excessive heat of the south reduces the speed, now the northern regions receive hot sunny days. murmansk is on the verge of records. it's hot by northern standards, of course, but it's at least higher than in the center. the explanation is: on in the north there is a mountain of high atmospheric pressure along its slope directly into the middle zone. coolness, clouds and precipitation are shrinking. no sun means no heating. tomorrow, the zone of instability will be pushed even further south by rains with thunderstorms for the black soil of the southern voluga region, and the most severe downpours even further south, strong with thunderstorms and squally winds await kuban from tovaropol in a day, the republics of the north caucasus there is a threat of a rise in river levels, and this is the final departure of the forty-degree heat. in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be sunny and +27 like in murmansk. in moscow with rain until the evening, tomorrow already rather without. precipitation immediately +25. thank you, this
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was the weather forecast from irina polyakova. that's all for now, go to, see you. the sber-thank you loyalty program has been updated. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets gas stations. cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even the percentage on everything is more profitable with a subscription to berprime. the two components of phophagliv help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph, now in an economical package of 96 capsules, travel with alfabank, choose where to fly in the alpha travel service and receive super cashback on air tickets up to 30. discover all profitable
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what do you think? well, i think, since we didn’t see the corpse, there are at least two options: the first, that our victim is in captivity, the second is on the run, it’s better than the victims when he’s dead, doesn’t live in himself and is silent, there’s not enough information, but he’s not lying,
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which one we’ll stop at , the most productive, on the second option, so go ahead and talk to your neighbors. and i’ll try my work contacts, suddenly an address pops up where he could have been lying down, i’ll throw you out here, okay, then i went, come on, and this is roma, you asked to find out about mariana, the funeral is tomorrow, farewell will be in the conference room of the television studio, who is behind her body... some employee from her foundation, okay, yeah, whatever, vasily ivanovich , we need to meet, are you in your office?


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