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tv   Rasplata  NTV  July 23, 2024 3:30am-4:10am MSK

3:30 am
groceries, maybe we’ll drop by and grab some vodka, we’ll do some shopping from the conductors, guys, this is boldrevsky, black, take care of your guitar, and your long special, motherfucker, is lucky as always.
3:31 am
come on guys train, come on!
3:32 am
the soldiers got tired, but i don’t know what it was, so, what’s the matter, listen, beauty. talk to us, now the patrol will pick you up, well, get out of here, let's go our separate ways, well, we 're like, see you off, see you off, go home, go, see you off, i 'll take a warm picture of you at the next station, look, don't break the camera, the conductor is coming for fuel, let's, it’s good that with a hand, a freak,
3:33 am
birds fly, a bullet takes flight, we are together again in a single formation, and we, without changing either our faith or our face, will walk this path to the end, on the shore.
3:34 am
catch the free kick, ronaldo, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, but wait, they say you’re a bar. i have specific information, parcels of spirits are being robbed here, so listen to the introductory message, if i hear this again , i’ll upset you, by god, i’ll upset you, i understand, pate, you’re demobilized tomorrow, it’s the same as it was, so it will be, you’re with me you want to bet, warrior, let's go there in a special car, what i’m shell-shocked or something, i’m shell-shocked, let’s go, wait for me, stoves, and i’ll come back, we’ll finish,
3:35 am
3:36 am
“so the guys are going to the city, drinking away their last paycheck, that’s good, misha, you’re a fellow countryman of our novolech residents, a knitting needle for the pate, my aunt is in novorechensk , well, but for some reason they don’t really like me, so take this dead number to the disco, it’s okay, they’ll take it, but what, this is your pass to a crazy company, this is a bypass
3:37 am
specialist, you’ll give it to him, will say that he stole me in the copter, but why would that be, they didn’t they will believe you, misha, do you need to go to the city with the guys? it’s necessary, when you told me about this girl, i immediately understood everything, this is our only chance, i think our respected oligarch keeps this card somewhere closer to his heart, well , at least explain what kind of card it is, this is for you you don’t need to know, you’ll sleep better. sanya, the fox came to the lowlife during the day and invites him to the city, there will be girls, uh-huh, sanya
3:38 am
said, three girls, i don’t see the wild joy, but some scum sent him an anonymous letter again. like you're a soldier, the death of your girlfriend tanya it’s my fault that i’m anonymous, but when my tanka resigned, i sent her an answer, come on, little friend, hang out, and then i stay in the army, and then, when she, when she was gone, such letters were sent, without a return addresses with threats, uh, krivoruky, what kind of threat? well, they say, so that i don’t return to novorichensk, otherwise you’re a faucet for me. okay, guys, closed this topic, what kind of chicks? forests with girlfriends. this is what he fish stuck to
3:39 am
the collapse. okay, guys, demobilization tomorrow, today we'll have more girls. uh, knife on base. catch, now you’ll understand for yourself who we ’re leaving our homeland to, make us tea, with sugar, with coffee, whatever i owe, it’s nothing, i’m just like a fellow countryman, listen, give me a beer madam, we’re just... the boys are going to the city, and i heard that you are going to a disco, maybe you can take me with you, but i haven’t been for 100 years, and what i said to no one is not a sound, and we ’ll drag someone else, good one, under my responsibility, blackmar , well, as you know, yes,
3:40 am
by the way, blackmar, that girl, that’s what came, cool buddy, maybe she’s after the disco will invite us to the cottage, well, at least we’ll sit like people, but what’s the idea? guys, meet me, this is valya, and this is vera, let’s study together, and this is.
3:41 am
3:42 am
eh, duh, it was lights out. quickly to the bed, bed, you ’ll call your wife, i understand, come on, get up, what do you think, if you’re a specialist in pasta, your fellow countrymen have no control over you, no, but baby, baby, yes... at least i’ll help myself, now wait, bitch
3:43 am
of the tops, what a crucian carp, who is the coolest spirit of happiness, well, what about toga, i’m continuing, come here, why did you drown, come, come here, where is bersa dubova, well, as always, who is over there in the corner, these ones? seryoga, what did you think? hey, they’ll ask, you didn’t see or hear anything, understand?
3:44 am
“listen, we, we suggested that alice continue the party at her sister’s cottage, she agreed, guess what cottage? in short, her sister lives with the local oligarch volderev, they are only returning from cyprus tomorrow, so today is possible, who told her about kotet, zhikharev, and why did she agree, that’s it, well, you see, target was also of no use in
3:45 am
public, left hanging at the door, oh, oh. wow, hammer, suffer, blackmer, substitute the container, substitute. everything that is, so, wait, wait, special mean, but quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, we’re not making a snack, come on! come on, come on, wait, well, what kind of love, what kind of love, not overshadowed by anything, yes, excremental, so where did we stop, oh,
3:46 am
well, yes, quietly, and where is the pate? but there is no pate, there are sprats, listen, to hell with sprats. i mean, well, in short, go ahead, and boys, for those who serve for those who are in the pay zone, for demobilization, handsome, hurray, hurray, hurray,
3:47 am
let's wait, you hear, did you sleep until the morning or something, well, the girls of the boycott tricked me, what else is left to do, well, yes, oops, let's go, let's go quickly, after them, let's catch up,
3:48 am
stand, come on, i to the left. you’re a creature, and the boots are sad, and who do you think you are, and i ’m asking you, look here, look here, why did you get to the bottom of him, who are you harnessing for , please, first figure out what’s the matter, listen , stupid, i ask you as a human being, leave him alone, that’s how you harness yourself to a fellow countryman? bitch, baby, go to the barracks, and we let's talk here, after lights out outside the barracks, collect your shit. yes, who is it? are you going for demobilization?
3:49 am
who is this? don’t show up in novoryachensk, understand? who are you, new guy, what do you want? you will answer for the girl's death. and if you don’t want to die right away, then leave, fly away, run away. but i will still find you and kill you.
3:50 am
where did the lottery win and take the blasphemy from? and why is polinka your daughter of a millionaire, salam, how boring you are, who is this? dakhnik himself, a greenhouse guy i don’t know, just drove him away, nothing special, okay, yeah, you ’ll be waiting for me from the army, yeah, you, tanyukh, wait for me, i tolerate all your whims.
3:51 am
they’re coming, well, did you want to talk to me, defender of moral monsters?
3:52 am
well, you bastard, you wanted this, but he ’ll hang himself on me, the bastard, he’s generous with me, the rest took dubo to the medical unit, quickly, let’s go, what’s up, jean? bandam, what i saw was a disbat, get up, what do you say? i guess i’ll keep silent, i saw dubov’s face, it’s pure war captivity, i tried as hard as i wanted, what are you, stupid, devious, i’m forced to report on yours simply. commander of participation, i’ve already heard this somewhere,
3:53 am
vault, little piece, yes, yes, live, oh, pavel, come in. poke captain, senior sergeant wide, come on, sit down, we had a normal walk in the city, and where are you from, well, your comrade zhikharev, he’s still in the commandant’s office, an informer, what you didn’t share with dubov is personal, you know that the battalion commander said about you, he says, well, it doesn’t matter, in general, i’ve already
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received a reprimand, so my dismissal from the army is a matter of time, with the day you have a point, forge your suitcases, the battalion commander said so that tomorrow your spirit there were no points in the part, there are, thank you, points. there, i know what it cost you, forgive me, live, go , go, eat, point, captain, carefully, calmly, oops, come on, see, demby?
3:55 am
“you know that i’ll be leaving in the morning too, i’m still standing there, jealous, just wait, be jealous, natasha, i’m with you. natasha,
3:56 am
natasha, why did you give the key to anyone? yes, to alice, so that she could look after the flowers. find her urgently . what happened, rom? yes, something was missing. i thought about changing the closet, i didn’t have time, baby, calm me down, it’s so bad
3:57 am
, i told you when you leave ! , extinguish they’ll be with me every day, that’s the word , i’ll go and talk to him.
3:58 am
all rest! so, you both take your things, go to headquarters, get statements, personal files, i’m pushing ozik, he’ll take you to the station, eat, take the straw with you, come on guys, god willing, we’ll see each other, thanks
3:59 am
for everything. where is this creature? he's already dragging. it's not my fault. rom, sit down. it's not my fault.
4:00 am
scum, this is one of them, i know exactly who he is, his name is pasha, his friends call him pate, when we were in the living room, he left and didn’t return for a long time, you say pate, yeah, it’s necessary look at this parshtet before he leaves. so, guys, it’s bezovit, but you probably don’t understand it any other way, friendship is friendship, yes , that’s all, although in the morning, like people, keep quiet, as they say, always at your service, captain efimov, get out!
4:01 am
do they carry sheets? wait, the boys will come, we'll sort it out, you think he'll confess, why did you get the idea that this is pate, zhikharev was also gone for half an hour, that zhikharev, and the guts of the tank are with your zhikharev, and this one of yours will screw you up, he's capable of anything, i'll still tell you i’ll repeat once again, i’m scared, blackner, i’m very scared, so costumetroy.
4:02 am
there, in short, they beat alice, they say that we stole something in the cottage, i don’t understand, i don’t blame you guys, you were nearby all the time, it’s interesting. so that all the mistakes come out on me, and what are you interested in, no, what are you interested in, is he interested, damn it, you don’t believe it, do you have evidence, witnesses, it’s him, i know for sure that it’s him, but as soon as they came there, he immediately started sniffing around to whistle something like that, and then he was gone for two hours, i was sleeping, he said, oh, there
4:03 am
you are, afterbirth, so, i didn’t understand, why did you leave, are you offended or something, you hear the parstet, you want, take the verka, poshtet, take the verka for her, she still pleases you, well, such a normal verka, come on, let’s go, the thing is that she doesn’t care, but it’s too late special. it’s good to be vile , or maybe it was necessary in the forest, let’s go, let’s punish her together twice ago, sick,
4:04 am
come on, what’s normal, why are you treating me like a little one, well, why can’t i find it for myself, i’m belittling you, let’s go. gray, where is the straw, so that you are healthy, special, straw, and now you tell the boulder about it, then i’ll see, what kind of hero you will be, hold on, so listen, sit down, what are you doing, calm down, so listen, here, none of us took anything from your cottage, when we came here, we’ll leave, you understand, and there’s nothing against us. ..
4:05 am
come on, romeo, it’s normal, he hears, something is some kind of bullshit, but if it’s realistic, what to do, do your legs, what do you think, in nature it’s a scam, a mortar, but not a scam. listen, guys, i think so, maybe we should n’t have taken her, yes, the cat will come out, it won’t come out,
4:06 am
nothing, let him sit, maybe his conscience will eat up, he will be released as a different person, we shouldn’t they did it, i believe her, what? do you believe what i did, but no, i believe that some kind of bullshit happened in the cottage, okay, that’s it, let’s go, stop, guy, maybe it’s zhikharev, zhikharev, not zhikharev, now you won’t find out, we need to move, let’s really go .
4:07 am
hello, raman, this is alisa, these four were just at my dacha, i couldn’t detain them, well, because they broke the phone, now i collected it, i succeeded, in general, they went to the station.
4:08 am
join hamelinsky, comrade right-hander,
4:09 am
ordinary goldfinch, here in your opinion, yes, yours an acquaintance came, bonderev, that's for sure. roman alekseevich, dear, it’s great, what fate is it, let’s go, i’m listening, read it, your guys went crazy in my cottage, something went missing, just like that, my guys rushed after them, but didn’t have time, they got on the train, yeah , i need addresses, a house, an apartment, well, exactly, of course, broad will, yes, well, these are our demobilizations. i think you already have the information,
4:10 am
i need it urgently, okay, it will be urgent for you when you get on the train. be careful, you're a hot mess, try to convince the boys, choose the moment, pay the conductors and go through the whole compartment, i know, the girl said that some kind of pate was bombed, the rest may not know, take a closer look, yes, there should also be a map there, i need it.


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