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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-13  NTV  July 23, 2024 5:40am-6:30am MSK

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there are a lot of people like you and me, but do you know who used it, who? musicians, phonographists, in the eighties, nineties, everyone worked to phonograms, let’s say there is such a brilliant artist vasya pupkin, they will select about five doppelgängers for him who look like him, we’ll go around the cities with something and weigh our not... and homeland, can you imagine? , what kind of money can be cut? what are you hinting at? yes, i’m so stupid, such vasya pupkin comes to kryzhopol, the fans are happy there, they take autographs, in principle, he can drag anyone into his bed, drag, the naive girl is sure that she slept with the great vasya pupkin, in fact, this is his double, sometimes children will be born illegally in the square. sad
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story, right? it was my father, not a double, i killed my father, and we know that, fuck, let me down, let me take a walk, where are the keys to the office, where did you take it, and threw it somewhere? here they are, andryukha, masha is leaving tomorrow, we’re on nevsky, let’s take a walk, well, why can we, why not , great, damn, why, the bridges have been raised, what’s still being opened, until november 7th, well it means that these girls and i are not destined, let’s go have a beer, stand, avant, not destined. in short, he tells me, i’m leaving
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the game, i’ll start a legal business, i’ll open my own car wash, guess what, a car wash, this is a business for a serious kid, well, what did you tell him, and what will i tell him, brother, after all, i say , the decision is yours, you are responsible for it, and he will answer me if i have to. will you recount? no, let's move! hello, mr. zimmer, talyan, why is everything quiet? talyan!
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let's go, call me and i'll take you to the...
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then my circumstances have changed, listen , yes, i know what your circumstances are, i don’t know that you have a married man, but he’s not worth it, well, yes, well, please, just don’t be offended, i’ll call you tomorrow, we ’ll meet, i’ll tell you everything, i ’ll tell you more, zelik here has something to offer, okay, let’s agree, i think, first we just need to, well, let’s see you tomorrow.
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what's wrong? that you had a triple murder here an hour ago? do not know? this is territory outside our jurisdiction , calmly, sit down, sit down, i we need cctv footage. i don't understand
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what you mean? it seems that the recording from the camera has been erased, this is exactly what happened from 11 to 13 at night. yes, computer. “i’m afraid i can’t allow you to do this, you don’t have a warrant, don’t be afraid and don’t worry, there will be a warrant for you, andryukh, call the experts, we need to look at the fingers here, yeah, what exactly are we looking for, the video was made 3 or days ago back, then erased, yeah, i think i found it, here he is acting extremely brazenly, strange, strange, he doesn’t hide from the cameras, here are those two, takes the bag, i wonder what’s in it, well, judging by the fact that they left the bank, there is cash there,
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it turns out that before their death they robbed the bank, wait, this is an office, the cash is not stored there, and no one reported the robbery, reasonably, please enlarge his face. well, well, listen, and i, i know him, that means he’s a murderer,
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and most importantly, the weather is heavenly, i’m sitting with my fishing rod, i’ve forgotten about all my business, it sounds tempting, in fact it’s even sweeter, in the evening i’ll drink tea with honey and sleep like a baby , not honey,
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a fairy tale, i sent you last time, you you drink at night, of course, every day, your beloved, immediately run, just somewhere far away, i mean, i mean, where is my money, bitch, what a duck, i swear, what are you talking about,
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it’s incomprehensible to me, andrei karlovich, yes, i would never, you hear, never, believe me, well, well, not me, not my people, no... for today, cancel all meetings, okay, now, now, somewhere here. here is the recording of the camera at the entrance, or rather a copy, the original, i erased it so that there would be no questions from the police, that’s right, wait, where is the flash drive with the recording, you’re so nervous became, vichusha, i’ll send you some grass, it will make you calm, like a pilot, lights, i think we’ll find this one. let's bury it, it will immediately become easier for everyone,
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yes, uh-huh, that's it, come on, have a smoke while i go, uh-huh, i see, oh, major. mr. tsimir, already a lieutenant colonel, as time flies, is glad that a decent person received a lieutenant colonel. let's have heartless hugs, maybe without hugs, but i see for magpie, well , let's say, he's not a good person, he put my people in, included them in expenses, and that because of some couple of millions, zimmer himself came to his fighter in person, not money i'm worried lieutenant colonel, the reading codes of this freak are... where not only my lads here can get upset because of the expense in who
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will fight the monster who is not afraid of the villain i tanya listen to me carefully you must immediately take alyoshka go to the neighbors what happened grisha bye i don’t understand anything myself, but there’s something serious here solovets and zimer. so lyushenka, let’s go, let’s go, as you can see, i don’t have any secrets from the police, a man who doesn’t see edges at all, oleg georgievich, i would like to talk to him, without strangers, tsimir, you know me, it’s unlikely, i’m old man, late, warmed up, you know, in the sun, not a joy, okay, all the best, i don’t say goodbye, i was glad to see you, i don’t say goodbye
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, come on, go up to your neighbor, i’ll call you, grisha, what have you gotten yourself into, there’s no time to explain, go , tan, tan, tan, wait, if anything happens to me, go to luga, to your sister, i’ll find you there, okay, let’s go, sorokin, open the door, don’t be a fool, sorokin, what, what money, what murder, me? i was fishing at night, okay, who is this, what kind of
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bullshit, i stopped 5 years ago, not me, it’s not me, you know, sorokin, i suggest you invite a lawyer so that he can tell you the right line of behavior, otherwise you look like a complete idiot, georgivich, everything is clean, no money, no weapons, just children’s toys and that’s it. this is my wife and son, they are visiting the freaks now, so you write sincerely, tell us where the money is hidden, and we will provide you with a separate cell for this, i’m telling you, i was fishing at night, i have a witness, what a stubborn guy, yes you understand that you will not last more than two days in crosses general cell, what a crazy idea it was to steal money from the zimmer, so that’s why the zimmer came, that’s enough, go get ready.
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i don't understand how you could have missed it? well, we announced an interception plan, but unfortunately, to no avail. this means we are putting sorokin on the wanted list. check all his acquaintances, friends, girlfriends, well, it’s not for me to teach you, if necessary, involve everyone, all employees, he has a wife tatyana and a four-year-old son, he said that they were visiting relatives, but i think that he is unlikely, well, where do you get these conclusions? the fact is that we when we were in the apartment, there were two adult cutlery and one children’s plate with
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wine fluff on the table, i think that the family is somewhere nearby, if so, then... why didn’t you leave anyone in the apartment? what if they come back? well, why didn't you leave it? we won’t take it, what makes you decide? because he’s had plastic surgery for himself a long time ago and screwed himself to europe. peroxide and painkillers please, how many bandages, one is enough. from you 126 rubles.
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you need to go to the emergency room urgently, but i live here two steps away, i cut myself in the car, what? i ask, i reached under the hood, still nothing, i don’t understand this, thank you, please, young man, forgot the change, thank you, is there anything on your mind?
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i don’t understand something, where is the car? you drink, what else can you do, i don’t have tea every day, my brothers are dying, well then pour it for me.
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let's rest in peace. who did it? is there any for pegs? do you recognize your sidekick? it can’t be magpie, what a creature, i would never have thought it was magpie. we ’ll find him anyway, i promise you,
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you’ll put a bullet in his head yourself. so, this is for you. i will always harness for you, and if on my own, then the situation will be different.
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and oh you nit, i’ll kill him, seryoga, just wait! sera, you’ve known me for 15 years, you saved my life, and i saved you twice, you owe me a favor, why did you come, you want to kill me
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like a moth, but i didn’t kill your matvey, forty, haragant, i saw the pictures, the pictures , yes, he looks drop-dead similar, but just think about it: if i took you the money, i would go to you, i would already be in prague or... who do you think this is? who? look, look, the earring is in the ears, there is no scar, the eyes are different. look, look, untie. that's better.
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so why did you come? yes, they surrounded me, where should i go, the cops, the tsimer, the cops - bullshit, here's the tsimer, they'll cut you into belts, and then they'll figure it out, that's the point, can you help? “you can’t stay here, they’ll set both of you on fire, and i’m not asking, i need money, i need villas without money, a gift from simer. thank you, gray, i won’t forget this for you. go, forest fires occur due to
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human fault. stop defeating the fire , callings of the strong. forest fire fighters, rosle khoz, 90 years old. guardian of russian forests. mukhtar, come urgently and grab your brilliant dog. the star is returning. mukhtar, something interesting? the return of mukhtar from the very beginning. mukhtar, go ahead, look for mukhtas. today at 8:25 on ntv. what is the best medicine for nail fungus ? mizol and volar are up to 50% cheaper. new mizol in a large package of 50 ml. even bigger and better priced. misolalar - treatment of fungus
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without overpayments. nail fungus makes it difficult to put on summer shoes. misolalar will not let you ruin your summer. mizol is the most profitable medicine from nail fungus. new. mizol in the largest package is even larger and more affordable . and now about the weather for today in the south of the far east. all precipitation will remain in the coastal region and transbaikalia; at sea, in the south of yakutia, due to the dry and hot weather, fires will not subside. in the south of siberia there are again rains and thunderstorms in places, especially strong in the irkutsk region in the tyumen region, very rainy in the southern urals, but in general there is less precipitation here, only the wind is still strong, so in yekaterinburg it is not higher than +20. on european territory there is an anticyclone of arctic origin, therefore, it is most favorable to the northern and northwestern regions, there is a lot of sun and warmth, and everything is in the center too. better and better, black soil is raining, the day is warm but not hot, about 25. there is good news for the south, the period of too much heat is ending,
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however, today you will have to endure a lot of it. thunderstorm showers, in st. petersburg today +27 without precipitation in moscow during the day without rain and +25, tomorrow up to 28, that’s all i have for now, watch the weather on ntv. what do you think, that veslichik shurik looked at me strangely, yeah it’s fun, you can’t say anything here, we’re disappearing here, tell me. what kind of golden man are you, that we haven’t seen you for 2 months, and well, volkova, remember, the juvenile affairs inspector, of course i remember, you say katyukha, don’t be stupid, it seems like the girl is smart and you have good parents, but you’re doing bullshit, well, why, yeah, really, uh, how the fuck did you
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get him? everything just happened somehow, yeah, listen, what is he like, let’s shoot, let’s shoot, he’s just super, no, you know, i’ve never had such a good time with anyone, just, oh, i’m so just go, yes, i’m tired of pretending that i’m better than i really am, well, i don’t know, if a man loves, he needs a kind, calm, homely woman, he leaves at night for the pipes, and she understands everything, but i don’t understand anything, i always want to give him a scandal, an analysis, but it’s not so simple, if you arrange it, it will be right away, it’s the women’s restroom, i understand, that ’s it, you have to endure it, wait for him constantly, we tolerate it, we tolerate it, but i really want it, like you and me before, or maybe like before, no, no, no, no, i’m all set, come on, no, no, no, whatever you want,
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otherwise come on, no, just a little bit, well , we miss the girls, maybe we’ll dance together, maybe postitsiran and lagoon! maybe we can go fly. hi,
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explain to me why he wears gloves and then shines his face at the camera, but he didn’t notice the camera, which means he didn’t notice, there’s a camera at the entrance to any bank, you’d have to be a complete idiot not to know that, but there’s no link. “we searched both the apartment and the car of the magpie, the clothes he was wearing at the time of the murder were not found, well, it’s simple, the clothes are in the same place as the money, or he threw them away, well suppose he threw it out, why did he come home at all, criminals often act illogically, that’s why he catches them, if they didn’t make mistakes, then not a single crime would be solved, oh how smart you are, so,
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what is this? listen, just before my eyes , sorokin’s wife and child were stuffed into a car, so where were you looking, i’m leading them, i’m following them , okay, i understand everything, i’m following them, the main thing is don’t shine, that’s all, calm, calm, i won’t stick my head out, just hurry up, don’t leave me here alone, what happened, they just kidnapped sorokin’s wife, rydanov is following them, thank goodness, nicole, you’ll stay here, let’s go, let’s go.
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andryukh, i got it, try to keep up with them, i’m leading them, leading them, that’s it, lights out, if we hurry up, we can intercept them in heroic style, let’s turn it up! “get out of the car, drop the weapon or i ’ll kill her, quiet, quiet, motherfucker, i’m not kidding, andryukh, well, as always, you were on time,
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you tried, what millions, what are you talking about?”? "grisha and i can barely make ends meet, he works as a security guard in two days, i nurse in the hospital, look, this happened last night, grisha, why, why, why, he told me that he went fishing, god, what a fool, maybe tody, no, tatyana sergeevna, maybe you know where he can sorokin should hide?" and where should he hide? we don’t have a dacha, we don’t have a second home either, our relatives are far away, maybe someone understands from work, tan, that means, as agreed, if he calls, please take time, because we need to pinpoint
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his location, okay, maybe i’ll look again. wait, where did this jacket come from? him, he definitely doesn’t have one like that, and his eyes, it’s not him, i mean, it’s not him, are you sure, yes, grisha and i have been together for 5 years, what do you think, i don’t know what he looks like. tatyana sergeevna, please look
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carefully again, why look, it’s not him, earrings, it’s not him, it’s grisha, pick up the phone. yes, tanya, are you okay? i am fine. where are you now? sister already? no, we're the police. damn, that's it. well, zhen? oleg georgievich, time, money. the call ended immediately. the subscriber, don't worry, probably didn't just pass out. sim card in i ground it in a blender, the main thing for us is that the subscriber himself is not ground in a blender, yes, let’s look, where, in which department, i’ve literally been in an hour, it’s so important, very, well, let’s go on,
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while we figure this out, zhenya, look, look. “i swear, at first i thought that she was putting on a show-off when she said that she knew you, yours, hello, i’ve known you for a long time, i’ve respected you for many years, and i’m letting you go just for your sake, do you know what they got her into at the club? " “ i have no idea, you should have a preventative conversation at home sometime, freely, thank you,
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i’m sorry, i’ll explain everything now, yes, we need to do it sooner i had to explain, now what, yes, yes, vich, yes, a normal voice, why, i understand, i’ll be there now, come on, bye, well, thank you, bye. are you sure zimmer took it personally? we still don’t have any other facts, especially since security guard zimmer’s phone is suspiciously close to the place where soroka last called. as a last resort, we will greet the guard. i'm pretty sure they have it in their hands. tsimir's techniques are not our arkharovites. they must have tracked saroka's phone. he turned it on, let's go, let's go,
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it's not good to steal from your own people, especially in such size, but i didn’t steal anything from you, yes, but why did i run then, and why would you let me go, but what do you think, i think no, here’s your answer, you have only one road anyway , here under the ceiling, yes they set me up, set me up, set me up, vasya, come on, head, kill me, kill me, everything has its time, i feel sorry for the magpie to part with you like this, you yourself will ask to be finished off, at the column wanted, hands up , on the floor, on the floor, i said, police, quiet, quiet, lieutenant colonel, and i just showed up to provide all possible assistance, yeah, very nice to listen. yes, don’t tell me, my guy was on his own, he was going to catch
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sorokhin and interrogate him, it’s just some kind of idyll, that’s it, put both of them to rest, he went forward, stood up, stood up, well, he’s alive, he seems to be alive, well, that’s good. i conducted a comparative analysis based on anthropometric data and found out the following: the structure of their skulls is the same, this is evidenced by the frontal bones, they are the same, you see, then the brow ridges, the angles, you see, if you take it, wait, you will indicate all this in the report , this the same person, are you in a hurry or what, are we having a neat murder?
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i categorically object, we will sort this out ourselves somehow. oleg georgievich, i know a lot more about you than you think. it is very sad that major volkov still has not arranged his personal life. igor sergeevich, don’t you think that you don’t think so now? it doesn’t seem like it, because the personal lives of employees are not a trifle. directly related. and yesterday's incident confirms this. okay,
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if you promise me that you will take all measures and this will not happen again, i promise. here nice, yesterday you detained a suspect in a triple murder. he has already confessed . sorokin claims that he is not guilty. listen, this is absurd, this is absurd, is there a video recording? yes, there is, but preliminary data from a biometric examination confirmed sorokin’s testimony. the video shows a completely different person than the one sorokin presented on maleba, which we are currently checking. yes, the two of us went fishing at night in a fishing car. i caught two of these bream, 700 grams each. well, when did you return to st. petersburg? well, in the morning, at two
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i cut off the bite for hours, so we thought it was a waste of time to eat it and decided to return. you can confirm your words on the record. no problem. what, did something happen? do they suspect him of something? i'm afraid not anymore. 15, i say, why 15, rubbing money? how much have you got? hello, soroka. great, who is your department? yes, zimer, if it weren’t for the cops, they would have completely killed me. he'll get away with it. don't know. the opera seems to be honest, the opera may be honest, but they have bosses, they love money, by the way, sulfur, about money, i spent a little there, i’ll pay it back in two weeks, okay? keep the compensation from zimer for the broken face, listen, thank you for that, i’ll at least buy a new refrigerator, my wife has been asking for a long time, mark my words, they will find this freak, they are angry as hell, it’s clear their bosses are pissed off, come on forty, come on, gray , come on, everything is fine, everything is starting from scratch again, a triple
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murder near the petraskiv office. but it is also extremely strange for him to hand over his money and bank codes, it remains, yes, nashir bulatov, absolutely right, i think that he hired a killer and generally developed this whole plan, he is not him, but talk again with these bulatovs need to, at least, draw
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a circle of those who were aware of the movement of couriers, in general, andryukh, take nicole , go to the theater and connect the parachute, freely. hey, niki, i haven’t been to the theater for 100 years, well, you have to reach out to the beautiful, but i always reach out to the beautiful murdanov, it’s strange why our bulatov doesn’t come out of the theater? by the way, according to gossip from the internet, he is dating a certain local talent , berezina, so he uses her for all the performances, so maybe she is a brilliant actress, now let’s check, it’s that he has never been to theater? listen, leave me alone with your theater. oops, you see it too, i see it. oleg georgievich, we have such circumstances here that in my opinion bulatov does not need to be interrogated, he took this, he took this,
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the damn idiot! taxi, yes, i want to order a car. fillin nikolai nikolaevich is on his way to the airport; check-in for the flight ends in an hour. start.
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yes, i understand, you will have to go through additional checks, understand, i have a plane in 20 minutes, this is necessary. but i always thought, give me one chance, i won’t miss it, i forgive. you have a role, but what kind of role? and that not such a talent is wasted, they say, they
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saw the recording from the cameras, he said the amount was staggering, but murder, i did not immediately agree, he courted me for a couple of weeks. and then in the theater they closed the play, where my slightly noticeable role was ruined, they watched king lear, the play was closed, everything was silent, well, i picked up the phone and called bulatov, how did you act then, well, for a couple of weeks, everything was in a fog, i opened accounts in several jars to break three lemons into smaller amounts, i ordered barrel, cartridges, a voucher purchased in advance, well, yes, i had no intention of returning. i figured that this amount would last me until the end of my life. this was my chance, chance. i see you are very pleased with yourself. i'm crazy, since i almost had a heart attack, nerves, nerves, there will be nerves here, i told you, there's no
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light in the place, this is under the old agreement, since when did we have a new agreement? ever since i saw what was in the bags, except for money, that it changes everything, yes, yes, i have all the dirty little fish, and you have this money, are you sure? what do you want? half of that amount is from those accounts. do you even know how many there are? i know, tens of millions. why do you need that kind of money? well, where would you be if it weren’t for me, you’re a smart actor, food is served, you’d be playing at matinees for pennies, if i hadn’t hired you, and that’s why you hired me. at the very kishkatanka, who are you? i only needed you because you look like that idiot magpie from the zimera gang, and
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killing people turned out to be not so hard, i think you know that yourself, so you said it in life sentence, but you will answer for an idiot, viktor aleksandrechulatova for complicity in murder. “if you wish, we will read you your right, i will deny everything, this is precisely your inalienable right, well, i think tsimir will be happy, great, hello, why, well, look, as soon as our bulatov is in places not so distant, tsimir will immediately get him, and have no doubt, he will demand all his money from him, plus compensation for moral damage. yes, i wouldn’t envy him.” well, i guess it 's time, come on, come on, hello, hello, hi, hi, i
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brought the keys, thank you, how are you, okay, you, tolerable. bye bye. we wish you the best morning, further in the program. we are clarifying the details of the
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emergency. we visit the car market with first gear. an emergency incident in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya. today's vacationers who put their own comfort at risk are not responsible for those they have tamed. just the other day our correspondent witnessed, to put it mildly, the ugly act of one woman who was late for her flight in order to be on time plane, she left her cat right at the check -in desk. we started looking into it and found out.


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