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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 23, 2024 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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means not to pull out the kingfisher, new season, tomorrow at 14:00 on ntv, for which they were detained, for organizing the arson of a mosque, terrorists who acted on instructions from kiev were detained in mariupol. the sky is closed, the anti-aircraft boom system reliably covers our fighters. could it have been prevented, will someone from the secret service be punished for the assassination attempt on trump, and what conclusions have been drawn? european politics, as in brussels, they are trying to put pressure on budapest for its desire to resolve the ukrainian crisis. about
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the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev. hello. the fsb today reported the detention of terrorists in mariupol. they planned to set fire to the mosque in belgarad. the fsb showed a video of the special operation to detain them. it was established that the men were recruited by ukrainian special services through an internet messenger about a month ago. according to the instructions of the curators, they had to go to belgorod and set fire to the mosque there with molotov cocktails. during interrogation, both detainees spoke about the goals of the terrorist attack. why were they detained? organizing the arson of a mosque in the city of belogod, why did you order action? came from ukraine, well, a person from ukraine called, what did he offer? offered to set fire to the mosque, what did they give you for this? money and instructions, what is your role in this crime, find people to give them money, well, when they do this work, you should have bought molotov cocktails and thrown them into the mosque, who is the organizer of this crime, the secret services? ukraine the purpose
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of committing this crime is to pit christians and muslims in russia in order to incite hostility between them. the detainees are held under guard. a criminal case was initiated under the article of organizing a terrorist attack. our troops from the southern group liberated the village of ivanodaryevka in the dpr. the ministry of defense reported this today. russian units do not slow down the pace of the offensive, occupying new positions every day. destroyed by artillery fire, missiles, air strikes. the deployment point of the armed forces of ukraine, in which there were 50 foreign instructors, a mobile radar, a workshop for the production of drones, as well as a concentration of manpower and equipment in 138 regions, the air defense forces shot down three controlled aerial bombs, 15 hymars missiles and 151 drones. fierce fighting is now taking place in the avdeevsky sector, where our units are protected from air strikes by the crews of the strela air defense system. evgeny golovanov was convinced of the efficiency of the complex; our film crew was attacked by drones three times. on
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the roadsides near avdiivka, among the islands of damaged ukrainian armored vehicles, evidence of past battles, burnt-out civilian cars are found every now and then, this is the result of recent attacks by ukrainian drones on civilians returning in town. well, here, in principle, while now this very fip is not enough, you go there for koksekhim, it’s already starting to become very dangerous again, that’s also well, they fly there often. closer to the line of combat contact , a drone detector is activated. the driver with the call sign rode puts on his helmet, gas pedal to the floor, beer, yes, they also hit a car on this road, it’s just luck, depending on your luck, that ’s how you get away from them, speed, maneuvers, maneuvers, just maneuvers, you can’t really accelerate on such a road , the sky in this area is covered by anti-aircraft missile crews arrow complexes of the troop grouping center were developed to destroy aviation back in the seventies, but the potential inherent in them by soviet designers allows...
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the arrow is brought into combat position in seconds, but the drone managed to leave the affected area 5 km away, it went there, this there was either a fury or a valkyrie, but it passed very low, perhaps as a decoy to lure out, say, the same artillery units or air defense units, yeah, but most likely there was some other one hanging above, more powerful, so now the circle has passed, but he will most likely return, that’s all.
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it’s easier to shoot down a hand, although there are real snipers in the unit who work at high altitudes. i shot at a distance of 4 km, it was just a small dot, it was a direct hit. made from composite materials, they are almost invisible to radar. the target is quite complex, they are small in size, fast-flying, as a rule, uh, sometimes
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they fly at very high altitudes, it is quite difficult to detect them and, so to speak, to capture them, but we are still above this is what we are working on. as it turns out, we are working on our goals. the wreckage of one downed drone fell somewhere in a forest plantation, but after just a couple of minutes, while the air defense system crew was recharging, the drone detectors began to beep again. well, that is, somewhere he is circling nearby, until he is not visually visible and the sound of the fivishnik is such a nasty buzzing sound, but you will hear it when he flies a little closer, while we are guided by the drone detector. somewhere nearby, somewhere nearby, flying, searching. the military already knows that fpv drone operators react to movement, if not... run, but freeze, hiding behind the trees, they may not notice, they were tightly fighting for us, this is already the third, this is the fourth roll-up, well , now the scout, now the fp is working on the guys from the right to the left, from this edge, in general he
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is making circles, but now the guys have reloaded, now they will probably try to shoot it down again , after all, we need to land it, otherwise it will give neither us nor the soldiers peace. well, hot days like today often happen to you, all the time, sometimes 10-15 times a day, as if the enemy is constantly keeping us in suspense, you can so to speak, it doesn’t leave you without work, well , what is your efficiency, our efficiency is well nine out of ten, well, now they shot down, as i understand it, i didn’t see, they shot down, that’s it, there was a gap, the target was fulfilled, they stopped counting downed targets a long time ago. there are dozens of them, today in just one hour of work they chalked up a couple more ukrainian drones, while their operators on the other side are coming to their senses and preparing new ones for raids, our fighters have time to rest and recharge, and journalists have a window for a safe return . evgeniy golovanov, maxim belikov and yuri krivasheev, ntv,
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donbass. hungary threatened ukraine to suspend the association agreement with the european union. budapest demands that kiev urgently resume pumping russian oil along... the druzhba pipeline branch, otherwise an energy collapse will occur in the republic and neighboring slovakia, which still receives most of its energy from russia. the ukrainians recently cut off supplies in view of the sanctions against lukoil and explain this decision by the pan-european sanctions regime. so the painful blow to the hungarian -slovak energy sector comes as prime minister viktor orban intensifies his efforts to find a peaceful solution to the ukrainian conflict. joseph barel, meanwhile, said that the next meeting. the main event will take place in brussels, and not in budapest, as the hungarian leader is being punished for his peace mission and visits to kiev, moscow, beijing and washington. vladimir putin today held a working meeting with chairman of the accounts chamber boris kovalchuk. boris iyovich, not long ago you
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headed the accounts chamber for only 2 months, well, i know that you have a report for the entire last year, i see from the documents that. a violation of more than 2 trillion rubles was recorded, but a significant part of it was simply above 70% 74, this violation is simply in the budget accounting record, but the most important thing is how much did you at the accounts chamber, how much did the accounts chamber manage to return to the accounts chamber last year? budget, at the end of last year we returned more than 26 billion rubles. key activities within the framework of this work were related to... with the return of 12.3 billion, this identified unjustified application of a reduced vat rate should wear, about another billion 300 million rubles, according to boris kovalchuk, were returned to the budget through the national security defense audit. vladimir putin noted that
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russian budget revenues are growing, but there is no extra money in the country. the president called on the head of the accounts chamber to closely monitor financial discipline; in the most acute cases, putin asked kovalchuk to call him directly. we have direct contact. today the duma adopted a law that regulates when drugs can be mentioned in cinema and literature. next in broadcast business news with us denis palalaev, denis, well, let's say sherlock. will homs, with its well-known addictions, be somehow resolved or will it also go under the knife? ilya, well , the deputies had no complaints about what was published before 1990. today, the state duma, in its third final reading, adopted a bill that prohibits the promotion of drugs in books, tv series, music, and the internet. for what is recognized as drug propaganda, a citizen will face a fine of up to five. rubles, and the company
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faces a fine of up to one and a half million or suspension of activities for 90 days. in russia, for drug propaganda, criminal liability can be imprisoned for 2 years. interestingly, the date for the entry into force of this law was shifted several times. at the first reading stage, it was assumed that the law would come into effect on september 1 of this year. during the second reading, the deadline was moved to june 1 , twenty-fifth. and finally, based on the results of the third reading, a new date: september 1, 25 . this means that russian online cinemas and book audio services will have a little more time to prepare for the new rules. the state duma decided that the new law would not apply to works published before august 1, 1990. on this day , the press law came into force, which effectively abolished censorship in the soviet union.
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that its shareholders will receive dividends before the end of july. previously, sberbank called dividends for the twenty-third year record-breaking. 33 rubles 30 kopecks. per share, the company sent a total of 752 billion rubles in dividends. half of this amount will be received by the state represented by the ministry of finance, it owns 50% and one share of the bank, the second half will be received by private investors, their number is estimated at 1,800,000 people. yes, the process has already started, but on the eleventh.
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remember to be careful. alor broker analysts say that one of the factors in the fading
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of the already low investment optimism is the decline in oil prices that occurred the day before. as of today, the central bank has set the following official rates: dollar 87.78, euro 9576. ilya is all about the economy. thank you. with an economic review. hearings were held in the us congress to find out. confirmed that the attempt to assassinate a presidential candidate could have been prevented, but this was not done; no one has yet been fired for such a failure. our correspondent in the usa, alexey vasilovsky, followed the meeting. kimberly cheatle walked into the congress building as if she were being slaughtered. after an assassination attempt on trump, the head of the secret service refused to voluntarily attend the hearing and had to be subpoenaed. nothing.
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secret service, i accept full responsibility for any security failures of our agency. to the director of the secret service, everyone has questions countries immediately after the assassination attempt, since then , on july 13, we failed, 9 days have passed since the director, but their number has only increased, how the agents missed the shooter, why they didn’t protect him.
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you either have the information or you don't, right? the process of conducting interviews and investigations is underway. over the past couple of days , i've been pestered by colleagues from both parties about whether to fire you or not. i kept silent, i wanted to listen to you today. in my opinion, you should be fired immediately due to drinking incompetence. yes, if i asked any of my children, i would get there are more answers from them than from you. this is a real circus. chitel was unable to explain why there were no recordings of the agents’ radio conversations from july 13, although according to the protocol they should have been preserved, how it turned out that, knowing about the increase in threats against trump , they nevertheless refused to increase security several times over the past months , it turned out that the head of the secret service still does not have even
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a second-by-second diagram of the assassination attempt and the response actions of the security forces, this caused laughter. in the hall, i have a schedule, but it’s without details, this is simply shocking, this is completely unacceptable, it means you failed your job, a couple of days after the assassination attempt, i read in an interview that the agents could not have been on the roof from which crux was shooting, since it was dangerous, they say the roof rolling around, of course, the republicans who are investigating the circumstances of what happened, especially for...
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and the state department, also laughed at this. the president's statement on the white house statement clarifies that it is about the issue of confiscation of frozen russian assets. the powers by which previously possessed by the head of the white house, passed to jeannette yellin and anthony blinken. the possibility of seizing russian funds has been discussed since the beginning of the special military operation. at the end of april, biden signed a package of laws giving such rights. at the same time, most of russia’s frozen assets are located in the european union. the states have access to only 5-6 billion dollars and... in front of the democratic campaign headquarters already as a contender for the post of presidential candidate. biden joined his successor's speech audio communications. i know you're here and you haven't left, joe. i'm watching you baby, i see
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you, i love you. i love you, joe. biden himself was never shown to the public, and it became known that his aides were canceling his upcoming trips. nine events have already been deleted, particularly in california, texas, and colorado. daily mail journalists suggested that the president's condition is worse than his headquarters is trying to show. at the same time , the network is actively discussing biden’s signature on the statement about his withdrawal from the election race. it's not like the ones joe put under other documents. spectators. next up is the release of the program today in moscow, we will continue broadcasting for other regions of the central part of the country. the state will support businesses in the construction of airport infrastructure, mikhail mishustin announced this today during a visit to the new air terminal complex in novosibirsk. tolmacheva became one of the first
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large-scale projects to modernize the country's air harbors. the prime minister arrived in novosibirs straight from khabarovsk, where he inspected the new hospital met with students of the far eastern state university of railways and communications. nakhit babayev is following the trip of the head of government. work trip schedule. the far east as a whole is quite busy, and today seems to have broken records. the prime minister spent the morning at the pyatrovich children's regional clinical hospital. its infectious disease building was built at the end of last year as part of a national health care project. 20 thousand square meters, 130 beds, six of which are intensive care and ability to receive 6,000 patients annually. over the past three years, we have introduced nine new surgical techniques, for example, which we used to do before. we didn't. we are now engaged in the implantation of cruciate ligaments at the origin. an interregional children's surgical center was also created on the basis of pyatrovich's hospital. an important feature is that the equipment allows
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doctors to travel to non-transportable patients anywhere in the far east. there are different national projects here, but primary health care, which the president's instructions are currently being implemented throughout the country; it has made it possible to solve many problems. but of course, when little patients get sick, well, my soul hurts for everyone. today we heard that we will definitely help with the equipment. from the hospital, the prime minister moved to the far eastern transport university , the largest in the region. the growing russian economy now vitally needs qualified personnel. this university trains specialists in those very blue-collar professions, that is, engineers, technicians, logisticians, builders. the admissions campaign is currently underway, and the head of the admissions committee told the head of government about the features of this year’s recruitment. small cis countries, we need to work with colleagues, i will give instructions to the chairmen of intergovernmental commissions to invite students from the cis countries,
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the eurasian economic union, the sco, brix, the university is attracted by its numbers, 98% of railway graduates are employed by profession and technical base, the training here is modern simulators, mikhail mishustin was shown how to study future logisticians and dispatchers in the traffic management laboratory. bamovites, because the university prepares both those who build the highway and those who travel along it. we have already opened the third stage, accordingly, for the modernization of the eastern training ground, this applies to bam, transib, we should have transport capacities by the thirty-second year. make up, who knows how much? 270 million tons, you know this figure, that year there were 173 million tons, and this is a very serious task, without guys like you, it will be difficult to cope with it.
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after university, the prime minister visited the dal plant energomazh, in recent years, the enterprise has been modernized, which made it possible to increase production volumes by one and a half times. the enterprise exports products to kazakhstan, vietnam, georgia, india, mikhail mishustin was given a short tour of the enterprise and told about future plans. the prime minister noted that by 2030 it is planned to renovate 75 airports in russia. tolmachevo is one of the first completed
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projects. we will support public-private partnerships in the construction, including of airfield infrastructure. it's very it is important, first of all, to ensure the safety of all transport traffic and the condition of the runways; without a doubt, it is the federal air transport agency that should be the customer in this sense. if the public-private partnership supports this story, then private funds can be invested, including in the construction of the strip. mikhail mishustin also has a busy program planned for tomorrow in novosibirsk itself. nakhit babaev, pavel baidalov, pyotr ocheretny, ntv, khabarovsk, novosibirsk. and that’s what we’ll talk about further in our issue. the nami testing center about machines and people who test their strength is celebrating its 60th anniversary. report by alexey kovoshenko.
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on amazon. children's shark t-shirt for 359, philips hand steamer for 819. mask: special edition for the anniversary of igor krutoy, on sunday at 20:00. this is the program today, we continue our release. in the dmitrovsky district, the moscow region records a large number of car accidents every day. it’s not a particularly dangerous section of the road; the test site is located there. testing ground of the automotive research institute, all accidents are controlled. nami test site notes sixty years ago, over the years a colossal number of cars have been broken here. no discounts are given to anyone; heavy trucks and government vehicles are placed in the same conditions. razia kvashenkin also tested the popular crossover’s own nerves. 60 years ago, these stones were laid by women’s hands, cobblestone to cobblestone, leveled with a board, a log,
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it was written in official documents: the share of manual labor was very large, and so began the construction of the main automobile testing center of the country, the dmitrovsky testing ground nami. here. cars undergo merciless tests, no pity, they are beaten, blown by the wind, poisoned with salami, frozen to arctic temperatures, broken and tested for endurance, why is this slava needed for testing, to check how the car behaves, why it is prone to skidding, to demolition , perhaps to a capsize, i thought it was so, they shoot it for beauty for the cinema, no, they filmed the movie here too, these amazing shots were taken in a thousand.
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sections with different road surfaces, and also a kilometer-long acceleration lane that ends with asphalt like this all around, with a diameter of 120 m. here is such an interesting design, similar to a bathtub, but this is really called a bathtub, shallow, there is also a deep-water one for...
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the first tests were carried out on this ring track; all 60 years of testing on the development of the car have been taking place here sometimes at high speed. at first glance, the road seems like some kind of easy entertainment, but when the speed is above eighty, it already requires a lot of concentration from the driver. well, from the car too. in this mode you need to drive thousands, or even tens of thousands of kilometers, and that. not yet the most grueling track, so in 1970 the first cars without a driver appeared at the training ground; in the full sense of the word , they cannot be called autonomous, they could only move along the track, everything goes along a certain route. now
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it is required that an unmanned vehicle drive confidently on public roads and see other road users. in 2017, a city section with intersections, traffic lights, crossings was launched, but it is small, not particularly... with the help of this powerful catapult. please take heed of the findings from child restraint testing. based on experiments conducted here in dmitrev, it was proven that it is necessary to use child restraints and in no case use various
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substitutes, such as soft child seats, adapters, correctors, straps and so on, they only harm children. but perhaps the most spectacular test of strength is the crash test. without breaking a car, valuable information cannot be obtained, check. not only cars, but also road barriers, it’s bad if victory remains with the car and it overcomes obstacles, but on the contrary - it’s good, even low-volume cars are beaten and beaten, here is the winner of the grand prix of the exhibition at the bus youth, here is the government zil, well , his a modern successor, aurus cars are not one or two models, this is a whole model line, for each of these versions we are working on the full program, including... regarding testing, and this is aurus senate limousine, a restyling prototype, leaves for testing. tests at the testing ground are carried out with the same scrupulousness, both for the premium segment and for the budget crossover. thus, based on the test results, a line of additional
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anti-corrosion protection for the body was launched at the plant in moscow. and the specialists who were left without work after the departure of the foreign owner returned to the central hall. and this is also the merit of the experts at the nami testing center. the plan of emperor nicholas ii was told today by the metropolitan of crimean simferopol tihan. according to him, the museum of christianity in herassanes was conceived in 1913, but the implementation of this plan was interrupted by the first world war. khersanist is one of the oldest cities in russia, founded in the 5th century bc. here grand duke vladimir svyatoslavovich was baptized, becoming the baptizer of the russian people. in 2014, after the return of crimea to russia, vladimir putin saw great potential in hersanes. religious, scientific-historical, educational,
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cultural, educational. on his instructions design and then construction of the museum and temple complex began. the crown jewel of this project is the restoration of the st. vimir cathedral. st. vladimir's cathedral has been restored, and in the near future it will, in fact, be open to pilgrims and believers. we, the group of architects and restaurateurs who worked on the project, were inspired, in fact. on sunday , july 28, on the day of remembrance of st. equal-to-the-apostles prince vladimir and the day of the baptism of russia, the church illumination of the complex will take place, and on july 30, the new chersonas will open for the general public. admission will be free, but pre-registration is required. it's stormy in sochi today. warning due to the threat of a tornado, bad weather has already hit some
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areas of the big city, in some places there was rain and thunderstorms, the wind increased to 18 m/s. the water level in the rivers has risen to critical levels, roads are flooded, and traffic is very difficult. according to meteorologists, there is a high probability of a tornado forming over the sea. in these frames, dangerous phenomena have already been noticed in in the lazarevsky district, a whirlpool collects water from the sea. there is a danger of mudflows in the mountains. in all areas of the city, on beaches... for swimming, the situation is constantly monitored by the ministry of emergency situations, all city services have been transferred to an enhanced operating mode. as a result of the rampant nature , there is already the first victim, philip kirkurov , on a social network, said that together with the film crew he was blocked in the mountains and asked for help. we cannot get out of here at the moment, we have already sent a signal to sot like the titanic, the river has risen to level 10 m, we are gradually flooded, we ask for help, thank you. a group of artists
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was on tour filming on the banks of the mountain river in sochi, the production process of the film was temporarily suspended. well, in the capital region on monday, about 1/5 of the monthly precipitation fell. today the weather has improved, irina polyakova will tell us what will happen next, contact us from the meteorological studio. irin, what is the forecast? favorable and encouraging details after a pause. what medicine for... ska nails is the best price. mizol ivalar is more profitable up to 50%. new. mizol in large packaging 50 ml. even bigger and better priced. mezola valar - treatment of fungus without overpayments. nail fungus makes it difficult to put on summer shoes. mizol ivalar will not let you ruin your summer. mizol is the most beneficial medicine for nail fungus. new. mizol in the largest package. even bigger and better priced. so. the european territory of russia cannot help but start with record heat on the kola peninsula,
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you must agree that +30 on the arctic coast is a serious anomaly, and also one of the oddities our weather, now in the coming days on the russian plain the main temperature contrast is not between north and south, but between west and east, real arctic air has already begun to blow along the volga, kazan will lag behind its july norm by five degrees, while the west is in warm the air currents are at maximum sun, here in kaluga the weekend is +2. the center itself will also join this real summer scenario; tomorrow the intensity of the development of heaps of rain clouds will noticeably decrease already in the black earth region. in the south, especially in mountainous and foothill areas in there are heavy thunderstorms in the forecast, but the threat of flooding remains. it will rain for another day in sochi. and in st. petersburg only the sun will be +28 tomorrow, and in moscow on wednesday +27. there will be no precipitation. thank you, this was the weather forecast from irina polyakova. that's all for now,
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holy crap, rom, i’m sorry that i’m tearing you away from your family on a legal day off, it’s my own
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fault, i should have turned off the phone, i think.


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