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tv   Mentovskie voini-10  NTV  July 23, 2024 8:00pm-11:36pm MSK

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so what does all this mean? tell me about chernyak. about whom? don't make me look stupid. i saw in the office how you reacted to his last name. let me guess. antonov, yes, you once studied with him. at his request, you broke through chernyak’s parents. are the authorities aware? “no, i, i just went to the address, asked the neighbors, that’s all, what kind of circus did you organize in the department, did you bring some kind of clown, i have no idea, it’s the elders who are playing tricks, and they set you up for a fool, do you think i i came empty-handed, what is this right?
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billing, let's go to arsenich, hold the keys, come on, come on! andrei nikolaevich, hello, oh, roma, i was just about to call you, well, that means there is something to please, well, i don’t know, about to please, but i will definitely add more work to you, well, this has never scared us, boast, look, what happens, roman. karimov and the girl from
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the basement, as i already said, were most likely killed by the same person, yeah, i really was more guided by the marks on the clothes, and there is the same hand, you know how to ruin the surprise, roman georgievich, judging by in the direction of the armor channels, the hand and the knife are really the same, and he used machetes only to cut off the head, yes... but this doesn’t remind you of anything andrei nikolaevich, what exactly is it, it looks like he’s back with a maniac.
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don't you dare call anyone, yeah. well, what is there, will the transfer case still live? no, vasenevich, we need to change it, you just have to change it, i don’t have any more money, no, in general, do what you want, but tomorrow the car should be running. well, i
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will do what depends on me. hello, hello, speak up. hello, can you hear that? hello, this is what it should be like be sure that a real police officer has a phone number, otherwise these smartphones will only cause trouble. let's find out the little thing, where is the previous owner? i'm on vacation.
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he was strange when boarding, rummaging around the carriage, jumped into one compartment, into the second, probably a thief was looking for ownerless bags, he glared at him as he exited. do any of them look carefully, no, he was older, his face is so unpleasant, or what? we can make an identikit, well, let’s try, don’t take pictures of me, you can’t let your face be seen, but your face won’t be visible, we’ll mix it and the voice we’ll distort it for you, everything is as it should be, okay, okay, let’s do it later, below me, wait, okay, let’s go, let’s go, but i didn’t take it, so we need two more plans for interruptions, be sure to remove the police, i understand, if , of course, this you can call it that, congratulations, no one was hurt, your arnautov was hurt, vaneev allegedly took him hostage, by the way,
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rom, you don’t happen to know how they ended up together, arnautov, damn, what’s wrong with him, it’s all right away, and ivanya's heart was taken aback. where are you now? i don't like it, rom. i really don’t like this. tell me, did anyone see how vaniev took him hostage? where was this in the apartment? it was all on the street. an employee of dediania says that this is exactly what happened. i don’t like this either dim. okay, i'll come and we'll sort it out. let's. come on. yes. iraq. you will say that everything was so, i understand, if not, you will go as an accomplice, i wish you good health.
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but wait, you still need to make a death head, go do it for yourself, kolya, kolya, when you calm down, call me, they made me into a villain, out of me as a victim, and out of tribute as a hero, i am so i won’t leave you, give me your phone, mine crashed, who are you going to call, i didn’t kill voniev, firstly, don’t scream, and secondly, you can’t...
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let’s go home, but it looks like it, yes, it looks like it, for sure, looks like, print it out, yeah, thanks for your service, yeah. well, why was there a garden in the city, which could not be said right away, that is, if i had come to you, you would have immediately handed over your employee, i had to first
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figure out for myself whether he was in business or not, well, yes, and after one he would have been repairs until the gasoline is free, but this is speculation, is that what you are saying? illegally broke into a police car depot, this is a fact, and he has no complaints, right, arsenevich, oh, you see, take me to the hotel, no, i need to see chernyak’s parents, i want to talk to them myself.
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hello hello. roma, that means , zheka, i won’t have time to call you back now, i’ll say it in a nutshell. chernyak’s parents hardly communicated with their son, they didn’t even know that he had retired from the police, the last time he was seen was in the pose-pose i’m sorry, i’ll call you back, but wait , i’ll call you back, i say, you don’t have to call me back, i’m fine as is. yul, oh, oh, zheka, yes, i met with
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relatives, that’s it, we’ll postpone the consultation until tomorrow, yes, it’s been a while, roman georgievich, you haven’t stopped by to see us, yes, it seems like a reason. it wasn’t, georgievich, and you didn’t come to talk about the maniac, but you thought i would walk past the corpse of a girl with a severed head.
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oh, well, hello, relative, let's talk about what, well, like life, like work, yes, as it should, yeah, death with a scythe did not come to you. look, next time he’ll come for real, i won’t be there, you’re
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unlikely to be able to handle it on your own, give it up, give it up, sit, sit down, give it back, on the corner of kuibyshev and popov, what a meeting, i owe money. well, this is not nova, well, damn it, in short, we got drunk at a corporate party, isolde and i, in short, we are in her office, well, this is it, okay, go ahead, tell me more, well, i needed money, 700 euros, at my old job, where i used to... work to give it back, well, it was there that i stole from the cash register, well, something like that, they threatened
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to write a statement, i asked isolde to borrow it, she refused, and there in the office she almost immediately fell asleep, but i swiped a letter of guarantee for her to the bank with a seal, in general a loan i took it, but i didn’t know that the office would fall apart, i would have given everything, but isolde first stopped paying, and then fired everyone altogether. so how much do you owe now? yes, the interest has already accumulated over ten, it’s fun! wait, is it the bank that sends you such messages? yes, they immediately dismissed me as a collector, as soon as it turned out that i had forged the signature from olda, and there we frightened and beat and promised to put me in jail. well, they wouldn’t put me in jail, it’s difficult to repay a debt from prison,
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thank you, i calmed you down, so what should i do now, pash, but they won’t leave me alone anyway, pash, what kind of meeting, the collector offered to work off the debt, hmm, interesting, tell me. open jardin gold. enjoy it richly. and a bright aroma, balanced, soft taste, feel the specialness of every moment with jardin gold. jardin gold is a special pleasure to feel. the best savings deposit up to 18% per annum. open in sberbank online. i heard that he’s transferring you to us on nevsky.
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translates. what, captain, is something bothering you? my role in this circus stresses me out, i’m still married, maybe you should i need to quit, yul, again, even before meeting the architect, i’m not a hero, i can handle one, two, i can handle three, not a fact, nevsky, let’s remember how it all began, adventures await us, without a doubt, from monday at 16: 45, on ntv. the mask is a special edition for the anniversary of igor krutoy. on sunday at 20:00. what are you doing here? we make comfort accessible. rbt. we make comfort accessible. only at alfabank. spin the reel in the app and get a superkick up to 100%
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cash loans and cashback. to 10%. the mask is a special edition for the anniversary of igor krutoy. on sunday at 20:00. hello. great. why are you so happy? yes, i'm up all night again today. i don’t remember how i got to the hall. i don’t think i’ll ever get out of bed. look, i don't understand how you get it?
8:19 pm
yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i drove off , keep it, try it, then you’ll say thank you again, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what can i think, call me, be sure to order, remember, it’s better to try once, than think 100 times, come on, meet the new golden prostatricum, prostatricum gold. statrik gold is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to experience prostatric gold. nobody should be disappointed. by ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments. call
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the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. the men order. for themselves, and women for their men, men, hurry up, women, hurry up to try prostatricum gold. nevsky, from monday at 16:45 on ntv. and you're right, rom, he's a maniac. and there are two types of maniacs: sexual and conditionally sexual. so this is your second type. and how does one differ from the other? every serial killer has an obsession that makes him kill. yeah, but this one is inclined to perform a certain ritual, a satanist, well, i don’t know, well, most likely yes, but here’s a question. why does he carry bodies and heads to different places? for satanists this is not typical, roman georgievich, we would like to understand his specific motive, that is
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, the usual murder with rape does not suit us, and there is not enough information, but you are right, rom, this is all his doing, now the main thing is to catch him. draw up a psychological profile, weapons were used to suppress the actions of the criminal, we will monitor the course of events, watch us every hour, yes, almost a hero, it turns out, so in any case his partner claims this, and arnautov referred to poor health, let me go home, yeah to follow later. will interrogate, there was another witness there, a former accomplice of vaneev, clearly, clearly he is not telling something, in any
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case, his testimony does not diverge from the testimony in any way, yeah, considering that he did not see the moment of the shooting, so, but in the past year , we wanted to fire him on discreditable grounds and would have fired him if. this is not a vacancy in an area that no one wanted to fill, but on these discrediting grounds half of the internal affairs directorate can be dispersed, after all, the internal security service could not show them anything then, yes, and after his transfer to region, the dozyan indicator has increased noticeably, yes, he has improved his work, increased the detection rate, according to operational data, so, when will it be possible to interrogate vaneev, bullet?
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you object, don’t be silent, otherwise you know , everyone is quite ready to remain silent, you know, there is an instruction, to contribute as much as possible to the positive image of the ministry, with the heroes lately you somehow know, something is not very good, so even diane will do, or you do you think i need this, no way, touch general, let's promote a positive image, right? and the murder, you see, will somehow be revealed, feel, go, roma, and you have
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a specific suspect, there is, voneev 45, previously convicted, stepfather, of the last victim, and where he killed, at a bus stop near the house, hmm, you can immediately cross this out, i’ll cross it out, just explain why, no, well, think about it, but a man has been kidnapping girls for so many years, hiding them somewhere, performing... a certain ritual, suddenly at a bus stop he attacked the groom with whom he lived in the same apartment for several years, sorry rom, but that doesn’t happen, but that’s it sometimes they make mistakes, we we yes, they no, in in the basement of the district police officer, the district police officer was not part of his plans, yes, katya, roman georgievich, a dna examination came in on the biological substances found on belova’s blouse, so, so what ? belongs to an unknown person, just a well-known one, this is vaneev’s dna, that’s how it is, vaneev, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, but tell me, the things
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that he exchanged for vodka, he didn’t eat them before, there was some kind of blood there, nevaneev’s blood and non-white, third person, it seems to me that she has nothing to do with it at all, i agree, but the subungual contents, but the girl i defended myself, roman georgievich, you are not alone, i’m bothering you. no, no, everything is fine, katya, so what about the question? your interlocutor is right, the epithelium seized from under belova’s nails belongs to another person, not voneev, now the dna is being run through the federal database, but it will take some time, but if it is there at all, yes, yes, and one more thing, the corpse of the girl from the basement belongs to the missing markova yanina, born in ninety-six, identified by her mother’s dna, which means we are on the right track, roman georgievich, my boss. already aware, the issue of creating investigative-operational team, it is possible that they will send someone from moscow, we should have time to discuss everything with you, otherwise they will only
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give out instructions. okay, as we’ll discuss, there really is a little time now. and one more question: belova’s mother is back any day now. okay, let's call you. yes. like this. hello. hello. can you talk? yes i can. i would like to pick up my package. today? yes. well, pick it up when you arrive. listen, masha, could you? i have to take it out myself, i just don’t want to show off in front of my former colleagues, otherwise you yourself understand that i’m in i've been visiting you too often lately, okay, just let's hurry up, thank you very much.
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so the last time she was seen leaving the strawberry club was on may 15 last year, 155, yeah, what an interesting date, sacred, sacred, you say, so... novoseltsevo disappeared on october 10, 2010, and the rest moiseenko 11, styazhkina on december 12 , 2010, klopova may 5, fifteenth year and belova june 6, 2016. rom, these are not all victims. roma, he plays with numbers,
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and he makes sacrifices strictly according to the ritual that he adheres to, that is, it turns out that he dismembers the heads, leaves the bodies, for example, at the scene of the murder, and takes the heads to another place, not so straightforward, but somewhere similar, such as, for example, with beloseltseva, the village of krivashi. does he have something to do with this place? it connects, but this does not mean that he ruled his childhood there, or he likes the name, crooked, something more complicated, but, but simpler, this is something very obvious to him, which we don’t see until we see it.
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hello, mashul, don’t interfere, do you think that i’m a fool, that i can be used, what happened, and if they found this on me, here i see, i see, i see, hello, hello, i was bored, well, i rushed then, no one would have thought of you. “so, freak, so that i don’t see you here again, clearly, you didn’t open it, fuck off, be careful, young man, yes, the invoices have been accepted, everything is fine, call the storekeeper, we’re working
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today.” we need a map, a map of what territory, for starters, the city and region will be enough, uh-huh, rom, remind me where and when they disappeared, so, here is a list of all the missing, but we checked, we didn’t find any pattern, uh-huh, yes, valer, he has there was a meeting with the same interrogator whom he constantly visits gave him a suspicious one. so, most likely drugs, then they called him, he said that he had invoices and that he should meet with the storekeeper, so the storekeeper is a new person, but everything is fine, everything will be fine, he can work today, yeah, the storekeeper, apparently, this is a wholesale buyer, drugs - this is the batch that they cut last year, well, you know better than roma, yes, valer, probably know better, what
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do you mean, excuse me, it’s me... i would like to not only record, take, but i have right now there are no people. but if you want, i can leak the information to the narcotics department, we are working with them on other cases in parallel. rom, are you there? yes, yes, of course, i want, of course, i want, but you will record everything, of course, we will make sure that they don’t mess it up. okay, okay, let me call you back with the results. come on, now, where is he going? ah, heading towards the center. understood. for what? well. nothing, there can be nothing, we just don’t see,
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where are you? i’m already approaching, there will be an arch on the left, you go into it, don’t turn off the phone so that i can hear everything. yeah, i got it. motherfucker, where, i told you, don’t go anywhere, pay attention, there’s some movement, we ’re ready, i’m there, see, the trash can? yes, i see, go to him, damn it,
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he calmed down a little, but you can’t fool me, he sincerely believes that vaneev did not kill his stepchild and that there was no need to shoot. well, do you believe in it? i believe the facts, the hope that avaneev’s dna was killed. and this has not yet been explained in any way, as far as i have heard. as for the shooting during the arrest, there were reasons, there were no reasons. rum, who else but you would know which one? it's a fine line. in general, i ask you, don’t get involved if he has won his way. okay, when i see it, i'll tell him. fine. thanks ru, how's your son? nothing, it's growing. be sure
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to say hi to ksenia. bye. ok bye. great. tatiana. yes. she talked about pressure. she spoke. isn't that true? i don't want to bother you again. well, don't worry. step aside. i'm sorry i got you into this. since i quit, i have been imprisoned and given bribes. they made a fool, like today, and it was me, the police colonel, roma, and the simple people then live as well as belly, yes, ksesh, hello, who are you stuck there with, i ’ve been looking at you for half an hour, now, now i’m getting up, talking, come in, i don’t want to bother you, rest, tanya should come home from work soon, she doesn’t know that i ran away from home, you know, if i stop, the pressure
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won’t change, i’ll just die earlier. ivanovich, come on, rom, the meeting took place, but your arnautov was there, damn it, now the head of the narcotics department chuprin is dealing with him, that’s lucky, well, sorry, we’re not they knew there was a mess there.
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wait, damn it, nastya, you made me late, what? yes, maybe they don’t come anymore, how do i know, they’re late, let me give you a ride. no thanks, i'll wait for the bus. so this was the last one, but don’t be afraid, girl. criminal investigation. here is my id, senior opera authorized captain chernyak. pavel nikolayevich, now the homicide department is busy protecting drug dealers, this is my relative, of course a relative, i’ll explain everything, who else should you screw up like that, you’re filming, yes, yes, i’m filming, yes, look, there are a
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lot of orange tablets, yours, not mine. not yours, okay, arnautov is your boss, answer, he’s worried, then, take it off altogether, yeah, say relative. did you pass? what? what are you doing? you gave up the creature! cattle. looks like you're not. let go, it hurts,
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what happened? it doesn't matter, you'll find out later. now, take me out of the city, through all the checkpoints, understand? yeah. you can only fight with women, but no, why with a man too, so maybe let’s try, come on, come on, am i a fool or something with the lieutenant colonel fight, then maybe you’ll try to run away, where was he hiding, the devil was hiding, setting up the corner, now setting up my friend, what friend? i didn’t know, antonov, you would go to prison, but your sentence would depend on what you told me, you didn’t tell me everything.
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now, now, now, arnautov, why don’t you open it, the car is not on the list, so write it down, remember, this is the new deputy head of operational customs.
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well, you have discipline here, alexey ivanovich, i don’t understand what’s happening to him today. kovalev, i’m listening, hello, sorry for interrupting department. this is kloppov, yes, timofey savateevich, there is no news about my daughter, we are working, but there is no news yet, neither good nor bad, i will now give you the telephone number of the head of the department that you occupy directly.
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i'm busy, call me back, let me go, yes, go away, another one, it seems, zhanna snezhkova. 18 years old, yes, 18 years old, looks younger, like them, where, show me, right here, at the bus stop,
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does she live there? no, i was leaving a friend’s place, i was late for the bus, well, my friend heard on the phone that she was invited into the car, supposedly a criminal investigation officer, did he show him to the police, right? i even heard the last name. chernyak? antonov testified that he tried to force leonid morozov to sell drugs in clubs. this is leonid morozov - a relative of our morozova. yes, my brother. this is a family. the brother is trading, the groom is covering. is morozova herself in charge of the family accounting? comrade general. nothing. i think that sat reported to you about the results. checks, yes, they reported, you were already informed that the prince reported to the osb, now here you are you report, but i
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don’t see shilov for something, you’ll say again, it’s working, yes, it’s working, the murder of a district police officer and a girl, his job is to organize his subordinates, and not work for them, the department has been understaffed for god knows how long , we will fix this in the near future, i’m already tired of listening to these promises of yours, which means... so arnautov is incompletely compliant, shilov is given a severe reprimand, comrade general, there is nothing in arnautov’s actions, not even abuse of authority, especially shilov’s, it’s you you know, i know, but there it all looks different, go, go prepare an order, there is, roma, hi, i just visited vaneev, he is still in a coma, the forecasts are disappointing. i took the certificate and went to the investigator. thank you, ksyu, for helping me a lot. how can i refuse my beloved husband? i love you very much. i
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love you too. come on, i'll call you after the investigator. thank you, wait, zhen, zhen, you go to work, and vitalik will help me, and forgive me again, oh well, everything is fine, but if you decide to pump up again, let me know, i'll keep you company. well, son, where are you fumbling, great, hello, yes, meet me, mother, i
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drove off, well, bye, hello, mom, hello, we went okay, okay, mom, i went to see my father’s grave. welcome to a new entertainment show for the whole family, a miracle, we are bloggers, i star in films and tv series, we even created a clothing collection with one designer, how many times can you do classic push-ups? 2.0 times, stop it, our show is a place where every kid can show their skills and talents to the whole country, how long have you been drumming, am i okay?
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through their eyes, through our experiments we have summoned this incomprehensible creature, these are aliens, as katya lel is probably jealous of us now, let's go, look at the intensity of passions, open your heart to a miracle, i heard you are looking for a miracle, a miracle with arseny popov, of course, the program is a little dirty, a new show will be on ntv soon. mask: special edition for the anniversary of igor krutoy. on sunday at 20:00. thank you, sber loyalty program has been updated. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and other. and even a percentage on everything is more profitable with a subscription from berp. x5 club presents. oh,
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signed it. vaneev probably couldn’t even imagine who would defend him. i've been with him before i didn’t know him, and if you mean roma, then he didn’t come across him at work either, but what i’m saying is that those who once wanted to imprison most of all, including nikolai ivanovich arnautov, are defending can't you argue with that? maybe coffee, let's do it later, well then, let's start with something, let's start with something. yes, dim, rom, well, are you ready to listen to the psychological portrait of your maniac? attentively. i'll start from the end. yesterday's missing snezhkova is also his doing. but, not finishing with belova, he will not calm down
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until he carries out his ritual. wait then there are now not sacred numbers that are important to her, but sacrifice. yes, that's right. only you have very little time, two days. do you think she's still alive? i think i'm alive. lord, lord, please help me, mom, mommy. after the murder of karimov, the maniac panicked, he made the mistake of taking only the head, leaving the body of the victim, yes, which allowed us to identify, so it
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would have been lying around in different areas. yes, but this mistake, it entailed another mistake, everything came together for him in the attack on belova, the sacred number, the victim and the place. wait, what then? error? he didn't expect the victim's resistance. wait, wait, dim, all maniacs expect resistance from the victim, yes, but not in this case, he thought that belova would calmly get into his car, that is, like all the girls near the clubs. rom, we don’t know how many girls didn’t get into his car, how many girls he didn’t kill. the victim knew the maniac, he was scared, scared of exposure, that is, for some reason. no, forget it. and i already told you why. well, okay, maybe he just wanted to set vaneev up? i think no. he acted according to the situation he had.
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defended her, from whom he defended, dim, well, from himself, well, okay, let’s say, but his wife knows what he’s doing, i think she guesses, but is afraid to believe, she guesses, so, how many are there, hello, six and six, hello, hello, ron, can you hear me, no, wait, wait, dim, hello, rum, are you here, no, 6 cm, 6 mm, hello, hello,
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roma, are you here, yes, yes, yes, yes, dim, here, it seems to me, i understood his algorithm, but you draw circles in the sand, on the map, listen, i also have some thoughts, but take into account, that the murder of belova, well, it’s not in... rum, i looked at the points on the map, and there it turns out to be a regular pentagon, that is , a pentagram, in other words, this is a figure obtained by connecting the vertices of this regular pentagon, skipping one point, that’s me already i understand, you are the investigator of the burnt man, hello, no, wait, this is not true, kolya could not kill ira, and you are the mother, yeah, you, please wait a little,
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the investigator will come now, you are oksana belova, i understand correctly, and i am a lawyer your husband, don’t tell me, where did he get such a lawyer? although what difference does it make to me now, he couldn’t do it, and he didn’t sleep with her, as they say in our village now, excuse me, but how do you know what they say? in the village, i assume you just returned, lyudka tushina, a neighbor, said on the phone, with all the details, a talkative creature, she also said that kolya’s traces were found on his clothes, then, let’s say, luska. this is my blouse, ira
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just put it on. hello, i think i missed something important. yes, very important.
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come on, georgivich, it’s nonsense, but karimov, how are you? can you explain this? well, let's say this agent wanted as many cops as possible to be away from the bomb shelter and for as long as possible to stay there, because he needed to transfer markova's body, but then the meta's greed worked, and chernyak did not want to share with karim, whom the authorities forced him to put him away from the ambush. yeah, to the basement with a maniac. well , maybe not exactly like that, but he was so close that he saw a maniac coming out, possibly with a severed head, and decided to figure out what was going on, let’s say, you’re right, well, what’s the name of this superhero of ours, here’s the catch, there’s no information about him in the file cabinet, he’s not listed in the records, but antonov remembered something interesting, something he didn’t remember before, passwords and appearances, well, no at all, he didn’t trust the black guy, so one time he decided to follow him, he took him to the agent, then he saw this agent again, yeah. roman georgievich,
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please? yes, sure. that's all as you asked. come on, these are current employees. yes. thank you. but those who were fired or transferred. thank you. by the way, there will be an order for jackson on thursday. petrovna, what kind of order? what could be the order? for dismissal? so what kind of order is this? yes, they gave him a lieutenant colonel. wow, me. i’ll go to antonov, so, well, you figure out the forest belt, what’s what, uh-huh, and the woman, the woman, the woman will take care of the clubs where the girls disappeared, it looks like, well, it looks like, but only the glasses need to be removed, and why do you tell me they hadn’t shown him before, well, as someone asked, well, they asked, yours and not yours, well, you understand, i’ve already seen this, but i don’t remember the girl herself, the guys say she disappeared after the club, but i didn’t take her, what?
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got it, after 500 m, turn right, exit onto a dirt road, turn right.
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until the end of the route. 300 m left.
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i think it’s him, only the glasses and cap get in the way. okay, now let's see who he was dating. kali guntegentsyyu us nex neered bystya
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boranye zastukhіh notar noder sernizdek. closed, venesta, ayu, tempesta, ayu tempesta, quete, perfestrantum, perfestrantum, you have arrived at your destination, what are you doing here? lie down!
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let's go to aha, let's climb in, yes, pash, hello, georgievich, you were right, the skull was found at the intersection site. and a year ago some weirdos found him, basically decided that it was a trick, stood on a pebble, hid it in a hole, started coming here every time, in general, to perform rituals, read all sorts of crap, pash, you believe them, well well, it looks like they’re not lying, yes, besides, they
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still have photos and videos on their phone from last year, of course, bring their local department to me, i need you here, i ’ll decide later after inspecting the place, okay , i understand, yes, oksan, oksan, wait, oksan, i arrived a long time ago,
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the investigator had, what did he say? how about yours, and when they give it back, should i keep it here, do you think? get out of here, locomotive litter, that's what you need, sharpen your laces well, march home before the potatoes burn, now, little johnny, now, i'm running, running, running, my dear, you'll find out, no, i have no idea who it is. and if without glasses, without a cap, and even with a mustache and bald, i said, i don’t know, it’s strange, david iraklevich, you were seen together, where, when a year ago in a cafe.
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but i think maybe you’re just not in the know, he ’s using you in the dark, roman georgievich believes that he is the only one who knows how to work and understand people, the chernyak also thought so until he killed him, roman georgievich, slow down, the chernyak’s body was not found, so it’s too early to talk about murder, but really, okay, let’s finish with this, david iraq , still, i really ask you to think carefully. remember everything, i’ll make every effort, yeah, i can go, yes, of course, all
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the best, the same to you, roman georgievich, stay late, what can you say, roma, yes, of course, he recognized him, he wants to take it himself, so that he can even cheat hang, no, he wants to heroically shoot during arrest, so that there would be no questions about why... the police chief didn’t recognize the agent as a serial killer, in this situation it’s not such a bad option, for some it’s not bad, for you, for donchenko, roma, maybe for the girl this is the only hope , she is now sitting somewhere, no one knows where, no one knows in what condition, yes, valer, okay, you heated it up, roma, the second traffic light has already passed, it’s rushing towards the embankment, but we won’t let it go, probably into our metal. let's go, i'll be right there, you'll come, yes, yes, i’m leaving right now, hold it, here i am,
9:15 pm
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anniversary of igor krutoy, on sunday at 20:00! we need to talk, where are you, i’ll come? come on, i’ll come to your department, i’m not far from here. i'll be there soon, come on, okay, you'll live a little longer.
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daxyu, hello, hello, rum, hello, sorry, i know i should have called first, but i arrived, i didn’t want to talk on the phone, i’m sorry, i can’t talk now, it’s a little awkward, i’m rushing, okay, okay, then i’ll quickly, the murdered belova was wearing her mother’s blouse, you know, oh, that’s how this explains
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where vaneev’s dna is on it, exactly, i could have guessed it myself, and besides, it seems to me that this is important. “vaneev’s car used to belong to his neighbor, a dark gray logan, so now one second, vladimir sergeevich tushin, born in the seventieth year, convicted of theft and possession of drugs, a year ago he sold the car to vaneev, well, let’s say, neighborly relations, what’s wrong with that , maybe, but the voneevs revoked his license for driving while intoxicated, he used his car, she gave him a ride to the city with his wife, damn, i missed that, everyone missed it. okay, yes, tushina didn’t have her own car, a year ago. he got a job in a taxi to work in the office car. oh, listen, are you with sveta now? yes, find me a photo of this tushkin and have him send it to my phone. fine? we're already looking. thank you. kiss. bye.
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prince, how long to stand! i'll shoot at the barrel, come on, damn it! crap!
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hello, roma, yes, listen, taxi drivers, near all the clubs where girls disappeared, identified this freak from an identikit, offered lonely girls to give them a ride home, what was he driving, in a gray logan, it’s not even interesting to work with you anymore, you you know everything in advance, like a shaman, let’s get in touch. i have registered the satanists, i am moving towards you, yes, by the way, this is a strange thing, gushchenko flew to see them when this happened, but he
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had shown genuine interest before, which means there is a reason. okay, come on, pasha, come quickly to me, okay, that's it, i'm flying, okay, tolik, i understood everything, but then i went, yes, come on, forgive me, but you saw how it all happened, but volodya just arrived , when i found out that david irakovich was wounded. i thought they killed me, happily, understandably, but you knew the dadians well, yes, i know everyone here, our village is small, yeah, everyone here is very david respect, but then i can go, yes, yes, of course, otherwise the dispatcher is waiting, of course, goodbye, come on, yeah. yes, timofey savatievich, gushchenko, search department, i have hard news for you, your daughter vasilisa,
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unfortunately, died, no! dad, you scared me, i’m sorry, who is it, zhanna, she disappeared recently, i need maximum repost, i can’t imagine where she could have gone, you don’t know, i have no idea, she has parents. yeah, before i had to keep an eye on my education, otherwise they wander around at night where they can’t get in, that’s why you don’t let me go anywhere, that’s why too, so what,
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roma, you let him go, you let him go, but i needed to shoot him, i had to split him, and if he hadn’t split, and if it wasn’t him at all, don’t forget that there’s also... the chance that the last victim could be alive, well, even more so, they would have chopped it up, or maybe they would have found something else at home, what they would have found, a list of victims, bloody clothes, this is an extraordinary mackerel, this is a maniac, here you have to work with a file, not a sledgehammer, it ’s a short walk to the station. i'll give you a lift, thank you, sit down,
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where are you going, damn, damn, uh, man, what the are you listening? well, excuse me, i don’t know how it happened, then i went to overtake, and you see, the road is clear, there’s a hole, a hole, where ’s the hole, and there the steering wheel swerved and well , well done too, at least i looked, i would have opened my eyes, i could have stopped easily by slowing down, but just wait, i don’t know, they’ve already arrived, look, he almost drove in, yes, i was driving straight, i saw this guy, where straight . it feels like a wheel has fallen into a hole, you know, gentlemen, but if i were you, he would have the documents
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i should have checked, what are you saying, i was driving straight, he was right in my side, i was actually driving straight, at least he has insurance, i don’t know how anyone will pay for my repairs now, you’ll pay for yourself since such a greyhound i understand , by the way, listen, keep your mouth shut, and she buys you a license, then yes, i’ve been driving for 20 years, but now you’re still buying everything you can, god forbid, i drive quietly, i’m not in a hurry, what, where were you in a hurry, where were you in a hurry, where you need to go, that’s it, let’s sit down, we’ll figure it out, okay, let’s let's figure it out, just quickly, i have a shift, i 'm not in a hurry, but i'm in a hurry, i want everything, i want everything to be to blame, comrade policeman, please explain,
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let's sign where here and here everything is everything, i'm free, don't order it i understand everything more , goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
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, mother, what day is it? it seems that there is roman georgievich, uh-huh, judging by the data from the navigator, over the past three days he has visited this place five times, so what can you see there? maybe some old garages, hello, valer, how is our client doing? come and stay at home. so, maybe we scared him? rather, the decoys were brought into formation. very sensitive, vaneev’s wife went somewhere, it’s clear, okay, keep me informed, okay, i ’ll go, i’ll pick up jackson, okay, and we, and you take this map, check all these points with the navigator data. okay, let's go, come on!
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here it is, well, well, let’s go ahead,
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it seems like we made it. well, yes, i ask, don’t, don’t kill, calm down, zhana, calm down, it’s all over, we are from the police, again recognized as the best by independent experts, a credit sbercard. free forever, sign up right now, you are already at that age when you either need to go up or forget about it forever, oh, the new manager, please, you want to fire him, like divide conquer, the period will be changed, and you, kirill, this is your last chance , again a week earlier,
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the other way and get to your very first corpse. the first corpse? a do you know when this was? i know. when your wife got pregnant. i don’t, i hate my wife, but i ’m crazy about my daughter, but someone loved these girls too, tushin, you don’t understand, by killing them, i, i was protecting my daughter, well, something like that, i was counting on hearing, but he i just realized who you were, he didn’t understand anything, but decided that it was i who killed your local police officer, started following me, found my garage and my basement, where you buried him.
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georgivich, well, it looks like it’s true, black guy, yes, there’s another skeleton, women, an old skeleton, where are the other corpses, look, you we guessed about the circles, let's go. sniper into cover, that's it.
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the sniper’s position here is correct, i would choose the same one, well, let him go to god, he’ll answer for his sins, the dog, well, mother, let’s cut ourselves. “zhen, i’m sorry, i probably should have said it right away, but you tell me now , why did i ask for vzhevsk with you, maybe to visit my relatives, well, my husband, who died from there, so, from there and what, forgive me, zhen, but i really i thought, like everyone else, that they killed him, his mother said, he’s alive, with new documents, so, you saw him, no, i should have immediately.
9:41 pm
say, don’t get too drunk, we’ll figure it out, zhenya, i’m sorry, but it seems to me that there will be problems, nevsky, from monday at 16:45 on ntv. i make women more beautiful, but now my hair has become too. this is beautiful, as they call goods for every day at low prices, goods on sale, buy on ozone, shell pasta for 47.
9:42 pm
listen, man, what are you doing, guys, well , excuse me, let's get out of here, let's get out of here, but wait, now we're getting out of here, i’ll put whoever they give
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into a patrol car, drunk, or what, to the service? nothing is known yet, responsible from the traffic police has already left, you’re nearby, maybe you’ll come? ok, i’ll come right up, i hope all the local police officers are armed now, that’s right, but can i ask a counter question, the sniper who killed the maniac was not found, no, not yet...
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i wish you good health, roman georgievich, masha, did you want something? yes, take me to your department, well, you saved me from antonov, you are now responsible for... i hope to marry you now i don’t have to, i graduated from the faculty of operations with honors and before the department of knowledge i worked in wanted, good, husband, me now i’m really in a hurry, if you don’t change your mind, come to me, we’ll discuss everything, okay, definitely, well, let’s do it again, a cyclist flew by, i hit the brakes, then i hear a pop, that’s all, i wish. comrade colonel, this girl saw everything from the very beginning, what kind of garbage is this? and why did you suddenly remember about him? you won’t believe it, i live with his woman, but well, maybe you killed him, and
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jackson? and what about the iron one, well, it looks like a spitting image, and there was an identikit, no?
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this is not our car, in what sense? so my people have nothing to do with it, i'm in the car,
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the duty officer is listening, hello, duty officer, my name, yes, tell me, were you there today? any other robberies or robberies using official vehicles, i was just about to call you, i just received an application, the filmmakers ’ car was stolen from the set, you are 2115, number nikolai 592, okay, i’ll call you back, is this real? maybe they hit him and decided to get rid of him, although there are no typical injuries from an accident with a pedestrian, so the shovel is in place,
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it doesn’t look like a robbery. so zagorevich igor rudolfovich general director closed joint stock company flame. “so i’m not offering it to you then, that’s where i ’m from, when they turned me away, i’m
9:49 pm
going home to my file cabinet, this is a gift for you for...” colonel, the only photo where vadik, cabbage and dima white are together. stas, can you come out? why worry then? i want my real life back. please do this without me.
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in general, roman georgievich, you found a passport in one of your pockets, that’s right, zagorevich igor rudolfovich, 1985, i’ll take a photo now, yeah, that’s it i sent it, i see, then i’ll look at something else, no, just here are the keys to the office, it seems to me that this is his office, but the mobile phone was never found, not...
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not saved, but what is there? well, there is a fracture of the cervical vertebrae due to twisting, maybe he was hit by a car, i doubt it, unless there was a piece of reinforcement sticking out of the car, which hit him right in the jaw, formed a large hematoma on his right cheekbone, but did not cut the skin, in what sense? i would assume that this is a very strong blow from the front with a fist, that is... on the right cheekbone, yes, that means he’s a badass, well, or equally good has both hands, thank you, but no problem, goodbye, girl, wait, can you show me that yard where the police officers came from? i doubt it, i didn’t remember, but maybe you and i will drive around, take a look, see the yard,
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remember if you’re going to work. let's go with the machine gunners, let's go forward, let's shoot, don't stop, roma, what? dmitry dmitrievich, i'll call you back, okay, come on, great, great, smoke, smoke, more, fire, come on, back, back, stop, guys,
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we're changing the actors for the thirty-second episode, i ask the administration to put cordon, cordon already. not with the artist, with lyosha the driver and not at a gas station, he refueled, drove back,
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noticed that the tire was broken, began to change it, please, thank you, that’s it, well, they hit him on the head from behind, he lay there for an hour and a half until they found him, now he's in the hospital with a concussion and you believe him, of course, what stage are you at now? i and the witness no, no, there wasn’t, and there wasn’t a jack either, but now, it’s clear, well, we’re trying to establish a yard, where can you explain? we left, yes, okay, when you're done, go to the office of the deceased, i understand, ok, but that’s what i was going to do, come on,
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the boss called, what about this yard? i’m not sure, i don’t know this area well, yeah, it’s a pity. where were you coming from? what about my personal life? is it relevant? sorry, that’s just me, i just wanted to try to help you remember, you’ll also forgive me for being harsh, i was driving from a friend to the store, then... maybe it’s a pity, i don’t have a recorder, but that’s it, thanks, and you’ll stay here, yes, i’ll try to ask, maybe someone saw what, knows, maybe
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saw the dps officers’ car, thank you again, goodbye, goodbye. yes, in the car there was a police uniform, lieutenant gai's, one set in the trunk, but excuse me, when will the car be returned to us? well, it’s not for me to decide, it’s up to the investigator to decide. sorry, but i thought you were an investigator. zagorevich, igor rudolfovich, do you know him? zagorevich, zagorevich, do you mean the guy who played the killer for us? look at him, no, what are you talking about, this one has some kind of expressionless face, our zakharevich has such a brutal face, wait, zakharevich,
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zakharevich, zakharevich played for us, well, yes, exactly zakharevich, roman georgievich, place i checked, no one saw the wrench, as always, now go to the office, yes, now, now to the office. i’m on my way, that’s it, before we get in touch , i’ll help you, oh, it’s you, yes, what do you have here , yes, everything seems to be fine, it doesn’t whistle, but you have a pump, oh, i don’t know, i’ll take a look now, this is this, this is it.
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it’s like i don’t have any numbers, let’s go faster, that’s all, thank you. yes, thank you, and by the way, my name is nastya, and i know, and i’m oleg, i’m owed for the repairs, i can invite you for a cup of coffee, but you know, i’ll invite you myself, but not now, i’m already delayed, they’ll come to me across the whole city, let me at least take you to the metro, come on, and i’ll call you in the evening, okay.
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lefty, excuse me, it’s nothing, it doesn’t matter, it must be, we’ve never had anything like this, and this car often comes to you to refuel, over the last week, almost every day, they ’re filming a movie nearby, even the main actor came , it's clear. yes, pash, hello, georgievich, well, everything is confirmed, well, great, that’s what i thought, zhek asked the driver, he confirms everything, there are no disagreements, so that copy the recording, come back, that’s it, i understand, well, what’s there, well, wait, wait, wait, not so fast, i don’t have time to read, but there’s almost nothing interesting there. was engaged
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in the export of food products, there were three stores and a warehouse, business problems began 2 years ago, well, everyone started having them then, two outstanding loans, no warehouse or stores left now, the website of the arbitration court lists several claims against it, the total the amount of claims is almost 20 million rubles, i recently sold an apartment, and even earlier a car, closed all pages in... in social networks, hiding from creditors? hard to see, he was hiding, well, the dead don’t pay off debts, the corpse, i think this is an excess of the performer, did they overdo it during the abduction? is it possible that yes, that on the phone? i used three sim cards, two have been blocked for a long time, one is active, corporate, registered with the flame joint-stock company. great, write down the phone numbers, i’ll keep our technicians on guard. with
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cashback from sber, there are even more opportunities, the amount is up to 30 million rubles. apply in 5 minutes in the application and receive monthly cashback with sber thank you bonuses. listen, moron, move away from the cars. hey, the first season, like first love, never gets rusty. any questions? a lot, comrade colonel. and if i don’t want to, everything from the very beginning, i demand a warrant and a lawyer, you see, another fan of the series, from monday at 16:45 on ntv. the mask is a special issue dedicated to the anniversary of igor krutoy, on sunday at 20:00. the two components of phosphoglyph not only help restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph. now in economical packaging 96 capsules why go to a big
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, it is not necessary. hello, hello, this is from the business center at marshal govorov, you asked to call as soon as someone. will appear, thanks for information, yeah, bankruptcy, debtors, creditors, in general, everything is clear here, let's send it all to the district and take control, take control of everything, but what did you think, this is a murder not at the level of the central administration,
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murder may not be at the level of the central administration , but the way they tried to take the corpse out, in my opinion, it seems to me, deserves attention, come on, rum, so many times they took out corpses in cars, but not in a patrol car, okay, okay, although... but i, for example, i don’t remember this, because if it weren’t for the accident, everything would have worked out for them, that you you suggest, i want to work myself, give me a week, you’d better work on the killer who killed this maniac, we’re working on it, we’re working on the relatives of the victims, i’ll report how the result will be, yes, yes, please, don’t forget, rom, a rhetorical question, when will you complete department, i guessed, in half an hour i have a meeting with the candidate. come with a friend, there will be a bonus, funny, stay put, ministry of justice, bailiff service , i'm afraid, i'm afraid, i'm afraid, hands, quiet,
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quiet, quiet, ministry of the interior, yours id, what are you doing here? captain klimov, what are you doing here, second- class lawyer ershov? i asked first. i'm here officially on a criminal case, are the authorities aware? but can you say this to yourself? magoo, we have a writ of execution against citizen zagorevich, he owes a lot, but we don’t bother with trifles, but why are you looking for him? yes, we have already found him, unfortunately, i’m trying to find out what he was doing here, he’s detained, too many questions, yurshov, tamara, come and see that no one bothers us. "citizen zagorevich is going to go abroad, we slammed the door on him, but you understand, there are
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options, if i find his money, 5% is mine, i can share, but how much is 5%, calculate it yourself out of 20 million, so where is zagorevich? where are you talking? at the morgue, probably already? what, uh-huh, yes, so it’s true what they said, that he’ll break his teeth in this case? on what business? i don’t know, they were talking all sorts of things. roma, you don't need me anymore. no, let's go for now. goodbye. let's. well, roman georgivich, didn’t i convince you? so how? not really, i understand that honors diploma and experience working on the land is good, but i don’t understand
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one thing, why a young beautiful girl is eager to work in a department where there is very little money and a lot of work, my sister worked here for you, my sister, when my cousin, 6 years ago, when you recovered, and vera rusakova, what about her, don’t you know anything, they didn’t interrogate you at the osb, no, but really they should have? "she met a young man, samvel, a champion in some kind of wrestling, via the internet, basically fell in love, went to live with him, cut off all ties with relatives, faith, yes i myself was in shock, and a year later i was called to the fsb, in general, she and samvel, there was a whole group of them, they were captured in the gorges, she was alive, no, she was shot. she was on a suicide train,
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her father, uncle dima, died of a heart attack, and aunt tanya drank herself to death, i was almost expelled from the university, they let me finish my last year well, yes, i thought i’d been living for a long time, but... she called you from the station , you didn’t answer then, she called me, she called from a new number, that’s probably why you didn’t answer, okay, roman georgievich, thank you for listening, let me go, wait, write translation report, thank you. you share the rumors, we have a murder after all, but maybe we’ll get hooked on something, but i heard that
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he laundered money, so let’s say he worked widely, on a grand scale, he had about a dozen of these offices, they’ll work for another month are closed, so there are no ends anywhere, of course, but why are they still listed as active, because big money had to be made here, but a cleaner dump could not be found? tamara, go wait in the car, it’s cleaner, as you say, dumpsters, now they’re calculating for two, here an office with a history and at least some kind of reputation was needed, but what kind of reputation can a bankrupt have, don’t tell me, he’s been carrying goods from abroad for 10 years, and this is experience, well-worked schemes and personal connections, which no one has canceled, that’s it, that’s it i wonder if you learned anything about personal connections? no, of course, as you find out now, if they knew his personal connections, they would have found him long ago, well, yes, well, yes, but what
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you say is bankrupt, so what, bankrupt, we have many who are bankrupt everyone is working, okay, but what kind of business is this that he’s talking about? i could have broken my teeth, i knew, i said everything, then think for yourself, you’re a pain in the ass. first answer the sixth at the reception, come to the post office, they came to you, who, come, i’m coming.
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nikolai ivanovich, good evening, go see the perimeter, look, uh-huh, what’s the matter? to atone for your sins, so i’m not a priest, i can’t let you go, i’ll sort it out with god myself, i want to apologize to you, why is this suddenly, not suddenly, there was time to think, i realized that i was wrong, i admit, you apologize to vaneev, maybe he he’ll start walking, i’ll help voneev with the operation,
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go help, change what needs to be done. what, take it away, i won’t take it back, if you want, throw it away yourself, goodbye, ivanovich. so this is good, no, stupid, well wait, not so fast, come back, this is good, no, this is good, i don’t know, we need to process it, change the white balance, darken it around the edges,
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then it will be fine, i like it anyway, you don’t understand anything, i don’t understand. what happened something happened where we have piles pasha what happened light guys okay let's not freak out. it seems like he, uh-huh, like this,
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what the... where on the subway, not our job, let's report to the eldest that that's enough. well, the cucumber didn’t hit, zhen, what will happen now, don’t drive ahead of time, maybe
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his mother was imagining something, i wasn’t imagining anything, i talked to her, i saw her eyes. when were you called for identification ? no, they didn’t call, so what was there to identify? why are you silent to me? well, wait, who could be in the car besides himself? moreover, the watch was preserved, and i personally gave the watch to him. and what do you think? go live? i never thought about this, but you’re great! so interesting. when are they here? we were taking pictures, why did you suddenly decide to take a break? tired? yes,
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some kind of altura has turned up, i want to go to volgograd with my brother, get drunk, go fishing. i can’t give you 10 days, a week, get drunk, go fishing. i handed over the gun, um, bring the dried fish, i’ll bring it, definitely. and it's you? from whom did they lock themselves out? from whomever you need, come in. what happened? is georgivich somehow
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busy? who are we burying? will you tell me? the girl worked for us alone. vera, so what happened to her, they killed her, it would be better if they just killed her, that’s how we work, we solve crimes, we catch criminals, but we ourselves don’t understand anything in life, apparently i’m at the wrong time. light, listen, let me use the computer and look at the little man’s databases. yes, let me try it myself, who? ogneva anastasia vladimirovna, eighty-nine . she was not convicted, she was registered in
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an apartment on lermantovsky prospekt, alone. the car is listed on it, she didn’t change her last name, which means she’s most likely not married, but where she works is unknown, there’s nothing in our databases, i can’t get into the tax office, look on social networks, but i’m already looking, well, modestly, nothing interesting, well, basically, like mine, i only had last names... i also encrypted it.
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hello, hello, this is oleg klimov, you are from the police, yes, oleg, i understand, yes, i just got free, well, it’s too late to drink coffee, but i’m ready to invite you for a glass of wine or a glass of beer. but i’m afraid, oleg, that it’s really too late for me, and early in the morning to meet my dad at the airport, dad, i mean, dad,
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what kind of dad, well, think about it, he’s flying in from a business trip, and well, family is a saint, and tomorrow evening, oleg, i i really want to meet you, but honestly, i can’t promise anything right now... i can, let ’s call tomorrow, okay? got it, okay, good night, oleg, good night. yes, shillov, roman georgievich, this is the duty officer, you asked to report on all incidents
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involving employees. what else do we have? at about 16:30, an unknown traffic police officer in murmanka beat the driver and took possession of the car. black kiyazh, state number konstantin 799 khariton vladimir. and again a blow with the left hand. yes, again in the uniform of a lieutenant, a traffic police officer. victim, second i didn’t see the attacker, but i think that... he was there, they were leaving the city, and you contacted the responsible ministry of karelia, but the car was found 50 km from petrozavodsk, burned out, and something connected the killed zagorevich with karelia, i don’t know yet, we’re looking, yes, rom, let’s do this thing yourself, connect the area if necessary, so many people have seen it, but we don’t even have an identikit, well, no wonder, everything
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to answer, it was inconvenient to talk, at the meeting, uh-huh, now it’s convenient, what ’s going on there? well, new circumstances have arisen, nothing new, nothing new happens, everything comes down to money, listen, but you must understand that with our flow of problems are simply inevitable, you suggest pre-braking, no, the conveyor must move without interruptions. that's it, what's your weak link? in the process of deciding what? i 'm talking in the process of deciding, decide quickly, yes, that's it, i'm sorry, i can't do it anymore say, where are you stuck there, the vodka
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is heating up. timofe, well, that’s us, get out of here, out of my sight, okay, this moron is an overgrown man with his beater, but you, where were you looking, i warned that there would be problems with him, he warned. you and zagorevich should have just talked, talked, and you, who knew that he would rush into a fight? well, okay, they screwed up once,
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it happens, but why did you, why did you put a corpse in the trunk, and also stole a movie car, you thought it would be easier to get past the traffic police posts, i press on. they wanted to bring it here, bury it, if we had left him there, they would have found us out, you have no idea how much i owe now, go, savatevich, we will work it off, come here, where is zagorevich’s phone, he didn’t have a phone, morons, go!
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kind, well, here you go, come on, come on, come on, come on, you’ll tell the car everything, there’s not much time,
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sorry. yes, sorry, roman georgievich, i got stuck in the staff, when you are late, warn me, sit down, thank you, if anyone doesn’t know, our new employee, maria tkacheva, is very nice. if there are no questions for the latecomer, light, continue. after the sale of the apartment the late zagorevich permanently lived in a mini-hotel on krylov street, where he rented a room. yes, they ordered a search for us. the search was cleared, which is good. so, so, tkacheva, maria. you are looking for evgeniy yegoryvich.
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okay, there are questions, there are no questions, then go ahead, georgivich, why did you take her? for beautiful eyes? pash, go to work, okay. yes, by the way, what happened to verka is not our fault. you may not be to blame, but i am. georgivich, listen, your heightened sense of justice and responsibility for everyone we couldn’t save, it can be us, that’s why the only normal cops left.
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“peter, it’s great, we work in the same office, but we see each other less often than before, and i ’m rarely here, i don’t always end up on your shift, but i thought that you were hiding, but you’ll hide from you, usually those who sign up are the ones who pinch the gap, and i can’t find you to thank you for the place, oh well, come on, you could have done it without me, i’m happy with it, i had to tighten the nuts normally, but i got the service going, well, you always knew how to tighten the nuts, that’s why i helped you. recommended, ok i'm sorry, i'm in a hurry, let's hurry, say hello, it means they didn't gather me up to run away, just don't interfere, but no one interferes, you have your own head, the young one is suitable for a daughter, gray hair in the beard, bought a new one, on credit won't you get excited? “for the work, thank you,
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just think about murder, and we guessed where he disappeared, he lived with us for so long, and there’s no need to guess, you need to immediately call the police in such cases, gentlemen, i warned you, there’s already a new guest in the room, that’s it things in the pantry, as you were told, will be carried out the search is at least formal, so knock, don’t worry, hello, come to me, to you, the last time zagorevich and i communicated was six months ago, he asked to represent his interests in the arbitration court, i refused, for the reason, well, i value my name , and there was a deliberately lost case, so i’m afraid,
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alas, i can’t help you, okay, thank you, if necessary, the investigator will call you, goodbye, all the best, yes, i’m listening to you, hello, hello, lyudmila, yes , hello, and you, excuse me, who, detective klimov, criminal investigation department, main department for solving murders with the ministry of internal affairs of st. petersburg, what happened? zagorevich, igor rudolfovich, do you know such a person? yes, this is my client. great, can you tell me, wait a minute, if you really are from homicide, then who is your boss? shilov, roman georgievich. please forgive me, but i will only talk to him, tell him that i am waiting for a call. pasha,
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can you find a needle? if you need it, we'll find it. can you imagine any amount of work? and the honor of the mundir. they brazenly took advantage of your by car. not ours, but butoforskaya? citizens don’t know about this. trust and authority have been undermined. don't you want to find them? okay, where are we going to look? let's start from the end, let's see where they got into the accident. nevsky from monday at 16:45 on ntv. pay. delivery with a 25% discount from 30 minutes using the code in the pyaterochka app pyaterochka helps out this summer with us this summer with us will sparkle with new colors buy a large combo collect a collection of glasses and summer impressions only at a tasty point this summer with us big
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i don't know what you'll find here. and nothing here, write documents and things of interest. along with the key, why didn’t they tell me anything, and if i get robbed, well, wait, i demand that they immediately move me to another room. understood, come with us,
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you wanted to talk to you about something, they lied to you, in short, i’m going to work. suddenly i see two people dragging igor, zagorevich, i mean, well, i don’t know the last name, the man who lived here in the room, dragged him and put him in the car, and he screamed, resisted, but no, his head hung down, like a drunk, so they put him in and drove past me, and the car was a police car, they were in uniform, yes no, an ordinary car, black or dark gray, number, you remember the number, yes, two.
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they did everything right in what they said, he was a good person, he always left me 50 rubles for cleaning, thank you, you know, let me write down your explanation now, no, no, i won’t sign anything, for some reason or else they’ll fire you from your job? i don't give you anything spoke.
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oh, and you said nothing valuable, well, this is not a wad of money, well, it’s possible that there is more than a wad, it turns out, you zhenya jackson, remember? of course, mm, it’s true, i don’t remember the last time i saw you, just don’t tell me that he was caught for a bribe, yes, the sun will probably fall on the ground... by the way, they recently promoted a lieutenant colonel, oh, congratulations, what are you doing all of a sudden did you remember about him? lyus, do you remember that belova kapustina’s murder in the car was burned in a vacant lot? well, yes,
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of course, yes, i was in surveillance then, well, they didn’t reveal it, really, that’s it, capercaillie, and then are belov and kapustin really dead? good question, belov for sure, there’s a little more left of him, he was captured for genetic examination, and kapustin, who needed him, but i understand that... there is only one option: belov was killed by kapustin, staged the general death and now the fear is hiding in the place of borinegra
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it turns out that this is so, but only under one condition: if kapustin is alive, which i have little faith in, forgive me, okay, but if i remember anything, i will definitely tell you, okay. well, let's start, i bought a beret, we'll go in a car, it'll take longer, but we'll leave less traces, hmm, no big deal, start all over again, let’s go, it can’t get any worse.
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“girl, repeat, wait, what a courageous hand, and what, what a bright line of love, a couple more glasses of this green liquid, luda, and this line of love will just shine, hello, hello, luda, i’m glad that you and your habits don’t change too, comrade colonel, you know how to embarrass a girl, lieutenant colonel, lyuda, for now, that’s all you wanted to tell me, of course not, i’m shocked, terrible, terrible, it’s a pity, zagorevich, you
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knew him closely , yes, we were close, but a long time ago, yeah, ah... while your fresh business card was discovered in his possession, he asked for customs clearance of a batch of tractors, i think they killed him because of them, who? who, who released them, who signed the permission? well nastya, well, yeah, yachmenev signed yesterday, yachmenev, yes, i knew it, i’ll call him again, urgently, wait, i can get ready first, so, let’s come to us, let’s go, let’s go, i worked with him while
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he i didn't get burned with the food. they were looking for him, he was hiding, then suddenly he showed up, bought 30 tractors in china, asked for help with registration, just like that, he bought it, yes of course not, they simply covered themselves with his office, do you want to know who, who? the one who doesn’t want to shine, i can’t believe that he was killed because of violations with customs.
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you didn’t believe me at first either, you’ll see, i’m not mistaken now, i remember, thank you for that, wow, he was well prepared, the passport with which he was registered at the hotel was fake, what about me right away? i didn’t think of leaving fingerprints, he wrapped all his fingers in bandages, dog, well, i’ll catch every finger of him with a hammer, okay, we’ll sort this out, and you go to the doctor if you need it sick leave, go to bed, i just needed a sick leave just now, geez, i can call the doctor to find out what he told you, maria found this number, on the phone, the car number of zagorevich’s kidnappers is k247,
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write it down, yeah. as you say k27 is black or dark, you look after jackson and his head is his weak point roman georgievich in the city and region there are no suitable cars, they don’t fight by color, there is one red and two white, but not black, not dark, but it was it would be too easy, try to punch through karelians, okay, now. hello, yes, coincides, konstantin 247 ulyan roman, belongs to smirnov alexander vasilyevich, born in the seventieth year from kandapoga. not listed as stolen. smirnov has no criminal record; last year he was charged with petty hooliganism. who else rode the car?
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just a minute. only the owner was last detained for speeding. okay, light, let's go through this mortal in full across all bases, pay special attention to his connections with customs along all lines. let's get in touch. yes, georgievich, pash, according to the movie car nothing yet, nothing yet. okay, then write down a new number. wait, hold on. come on, konstantin 247. ulyana roman, tenth region. yes, that's it, i'll call you back. for new introductions. yes. it’s some kind of dregs, nothing is clear, i probably should n’t have fucked up this cop, now they will be evil, otherwise
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they were kind before, whoever needs it will understand, it’s not our business to count the numbers, there is. lucky, the camera is right above her, and now, sit down, let's go before the cops get ahead of us, so nastenka, good, well done, more, let's do it, more, so, so, stop, stop, stop, okay, great, okay, let's see december, great, great, yes, they called alexei ivanovich, yachmenev, of course he called, sit down, anastasia vladimirovna,
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while you print out the pieces of paper, put them together, well , to make it more convenient, okay, well, yachmenev, i have one question, on what basis did you release the tractors? who is the flame, who is the flame, the flame, the flame, you just have to tell me that you don’t remember that you sign dozens of such orders a day, well, yes, dozens, and that the fees have been paid, the documents have been drawn up, you will sit down, because you are an old fool, i would ask you, i am an officer, oh, i remember, he was an officer, you were an officer in your ropa, and here you are an ordinary bureaucrat taking bribes, bought a car, an apartment, and got a matryoshka doll as a young woman. and thought that no one would notice anything, but barley, you won’t prove that i take bribes? i’ll prove it, i’ll prove it, and you’ll go to jail, you’ll die
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in a cell, i ask again, who ordered the release of zagorevich’s tractors? an extra minute has passed, well, barley, your owners set you up harshly, but you’re already tanning... dead for several days, what i didn’t know, so here’s your power of attorney, according to which you released the tractors, complete bullshit, i ’m not, i’m not, i’m not, i didn’t live rich, there’s no point in starting, i understand, get out of here, officer,
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they’ll recruit you according to the announcement. well, it’s like, look, georgivich, they found a car, it’s standing in the yard on hermann street 4, oh, it’s very close to the place where these filmmakers had their car yanked, only from the scene of the accident on the other side of the city, so that’s it, pasha, let me go there, and you rewind it back, look, when this machine appeared, it’s there, i understand. so come on let's rewind back, come on, come on, spin it, do n't relax that your eyes are sore, you can rest at home, well, where should we go, where, how do i know, well, let's go from now on
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until we see the owner, both of you, look. wow, wow, call the outfit, call it, call it.
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there’s some movement, the outfit will be here in 5 minutes, i understand, i’ll be there earlier, just be careful.
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roma, georgivich, georgivich.
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hello, everything is fine, you’re safe, nothing’s wrong, roma, why are you silent? hello, hello, georgievich, do you hear, roma, proma, you see that i’m alive, yes i see, stand, calm, calm, guys, all yours, id in your pocket, hands, i said, you're just in time, guys. fans, your
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you can pump it up. buy carbonated good drinks in five. register checks, cool prizes can be yours. and also. 400 thousand rubles for fashionable gadgets, pump up the summer with pyaterochka and kind, pyaterochka helps out, let's go. you said that zagorevich got drunk, for
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your peace of mind, pyotr borisovich, otherwise you’ve been very nervous lately. you know, i’m clean, kovalev knows everything, everything, he can’t know, he just guesses. i'm quitting the business, uh-huh, quitting customs,
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that's it. you yourself decided everything, pyotr borisovich, good luck to you in your other life, just as he did piece of iron, even, yes, brother, zheka, i think how he appeared at the same time as me. not earlier, not later, almost simultaneously. well, doesn’t she regret that she moved to our department? where did you talk to the cleaning lady in the room? zheka,
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they listened to him, moved into this room to search it thoroughly, they were interested in zagorevich’s records, go have a drink, oh well, yeah. it was worth it, it was worth it for this, if it had gone to the cops, a lot of questions would have arisen, you looked and looked, but for me accounting is a dark forest, you can always find someone who he'll figure it out, through... your greenhouse they definitely won't find you, get rid of the car, it's already
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lit up, hide somewhere yourself, come on, come on, cool it, don't relax, phew, so... let's go back one more day, wait, here it is, yeah, oops, right, there’s a second camera there, yeah, turn it on. so
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what is it? yeah, come on, turn on the previous camera, yeah, here's our zagorevich, it's clear, they're funny guys, they're not afraid of anything at all, tell me, can you enlarge it? so that the faces can be seen, i can, but everything on the pixel will disintegrate, well, as much as possible - as much as possible so, well, at least this way, roma, you see the door, that’s where they pulled out the corpses, you got the crowbar in time, i got it, no, no, no, no, asshole! first, sappers, is it normal that
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you're thinking, zheka, zheka, zheka, well, chicka, check, what are you doing, oleg, hold it, like that, for landing, well done, sticks, throw it in, come on, that's it, you'll get there, call, okay. "having left your place, he called someone, apparently, made an appointment, showed up at the restaurant, talked for 8 minutes, yach menev left first, then the second one came out, what a reindeer you are, and the car took a photo of him, then, yeah, well i’ll get the numbers myself”? that’s it, well done, free, what are your plans for the evening, but
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i was just about to call your wife in england, and i got divorced, by the way, for a really long time, so let’s not confuse personal with work , freely, what do they just need, have they identified the murdered person? arkhipov, konstantin alekseevich, native of the city of berdichev, zhitomir region, born in 1986, was registered with the migration authorities, was not involved, was not caught, so i think it is useless to send a request to zhitomir, yes, but for the car, we install it via moscow, you think the skeri will answer them, unfortunately, yes. here it is, yes, olegovich has fallen, i’m sorry, but
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there’s nothing to please you with, your car has a double registration number, the real one and skandapoga have the same, local one. the guys checked it, it’s standing in his garage, he’s sleeping after his shift, and they checked it according to the wine, and according to the vin number, it was disposed of the year before last after an accident. okay, thank you, pasha, no, well, is everything clear? yeah, well, let's go take a look. looks like it's here. there was a fight, apparently, yes, and these, apparently, are the clothes of the one who changed clothes, we need to send all this to the kaichnik on the micro-part, dima, what needs
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to be done here for an ambush. my modest pension, yes, we are ready, alexey ivanovich, only i will go with them myself, so that they don’t make any more mistakes, when should we leave, right now, come on, i understand everything, alexey ivanovich, let’s go, bye. tanya, i can’t get our conversation out of my head, i turned it over and over and remembered something, about the murder of kapustina and belov? yes, when the case was already suspended, there was information that they bombed the guards of some casino that was transporting proceeds, an underground one? no, then the casino is legal worked, but no one checked the information, because everyone had already switched to another
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matter. thank you, i always knew that your head is better than a computer. yes, we were trotters too, and my wife also wants to help. “ here, wait, so let me take you home, i want to walk, are you afraid my wife will be jealous, she is only jealous of me for work, but is it always so fun at your place or am i that lucky?” “not with you, but with us, it can be even more fun, time will tell some time, goodbye, bye, park the car near the house, okay, hello, roman georgievich,
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yes, masha, evgeniy egorovich refused hospitalization, who? doubted, and where is he? well, i took him home, he was prescribed bed rest, now where do i go, don’t be late to go home to bed tomorrow, okay, goodbye, come on, so, it means that two conditional forces were organized around our zagorevich, the first, let’s call them karelian, probably kidnapped he was killed, killed, perhaps accidentally, in a fight. well, it seems that yes, the second ones, let’s call them conventionally, locals, are trying to understand where zagorevich disappeared and what is happening to him, then there is a local for him, and what are they sharing there, the trucks that he cleared customs, there is a version that there is a large shipment of drugs in the trucks, but the source is highly doubtful, but the truth and customs are not our diocese, so tomorrow i will go talk to
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the security officers, and why you think they might come back, well, because it looks more like a permanent refuge than... a temporary shelter, besides, it seems to me that the explosion is just a signal that the turnout has failed, if they wanted destroy the evidence, they would just burn the car, yeah, yeah don’t you think that they can sit in a neighboring house, in an apartment, and laugh at our ambush, i hope that they are plumping up somewhere in a condopoga, or wherever they were rushing at such speed.
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so, your most important task is
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cashback. 70% from partners, more profitable with a subscription with berprime, kolya, oh, how are you, old man? where did you cut yourself like that? kolya, i’m in such an ambush, well, it’s noticeable, go home, call a taxi, where to go home, i left the old one, but i don’t need a new one without money, i drank it away or something, that’s it, you’re laughing, yes, it’s funny, but i’m not laughing , what have i
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done, you old fool, huh? do you remember, since you and i walked under bullets in ubop and ate chinese noodles, i remember, you sit here rest, otherwise tomorrow you will regret in the morning that you said too much, but kolya, there is such crap here, i got myself into deep trouble, and i also brought you here, well, i guess i didn’t get into trouble, i was just serving. the third give it to the eighth, the third is listening, in the seventh section the motion sensor went off, look what’s there, the eighth, it’s the dog that ran in again, i’ll go and chase it away, if , if you drink, there’s no one, and you’ve had enough,
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that’s enough, the commander has been found. wait, i'm coming now, huh?


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