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tv   Pensilvaniya  NTV  July 24, 2024 2:30am-3:31am MSK

2:30 am
can i shoot a little? what television are you from? ntv? wow, ntv? yes, of course, shoot for your health. just eat this first. thank you. boris alekseevich. well, we are waiting for you to go hunting on tuesday. i have everything ready. so, how's your investigation? you are leaving soon, they say, they say, kurdoyan. well, or so, well, we’re waiting on tuesday, shoot the scene, i ’m off, gentlemen, attention, i have 100 seconds, tolya, i’m very glad that you’re here in our village, you’re holding them in your fist.
2:31 am
no one dares to make a sound against you, we've arrived moscow's thoughtless people wanted to praise our forest, so fuck them, i just want you to be honest, so that you stay here with us, so that you don't go anywhere, well , what the hell are you doing with this region, this is sleek moscow, sorry for that i’m disturbing you so late, i ’d like to come to you tomorrow morning, i need to tell you something very important, okay, i’m waiting for you, yeah, young man, your mother didn’t explain to you that when adults are talking, you can’t interrupt them, okay, k i’m waiting for nine,
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squeezing my will into my fist. help, help, oh, what a horror!
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i arrived 10 minutes ago. “mash, i understand everything, but i can’t,
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we continue the concert according to your requests, words by nikolai naronraov, music by mikael triversia, performed by the soloist of the dubravushka ensemble of the city of spassk. evgenia belyavtseva, who invented you, star country, i’ve been dreaming about it for a long time. right behind the pier, it beats. on a windy evening, the cries of birds are silent, i notice a light light from cassocks, quietly towards me, quietly towards me, incredible things will come out,
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fabulous, most importantly, with... i arrived crying, again they stole the car, with in the morning ben is already drunk, it’s beautiful, and why are you so angry with him, because of him our father died,
2:38 am
he defended him in a fight, and it wasn’t his brothers, and what about the baron coming out as his uncle or something, is he a pig? spartak stole the car, and he forced my brother to take everything. pico is now in prison, but everyone here knows that pico is not guilty. wait, wait, pico turns out to be the boyfriend of the girl who disappeared, so what? yes, she hasn’t disappeared anywhere, she’s a teacher. go, go, there's a window over there. it's foggy, right? don't know. listen, if you all don't like him so much, why don't you say a word? can you do what? the baron decides everything himself, no one can say a word to him, very interesting, go away, go away,
2:39 am
did you have someone? that’s what you’re suffering from, let’s go get better, i’m thinking.
2:40 am
good afternoon, why did you leave your fiancée today, comrade investigator, citizen tumanova, do you know what to deceive the police? okay, so we know that you have the zloty, will you allow us to pass? well, if you know, i don't understand why she doesn't like me so much. until the peak is released, i don’t think i will return. and get married. i won’t marry anyone else, anyone else, they want to give her to spartak,
2:41 am
this is the baron’s son, i know this one, zlata, let’s do this, we’ll take you home now, and then i promise you, if your young man is not guilty of anything, he will be released, i will personally see to it. no, i’m not going anywhere from here, don’t even think about it, it will be as she decided, i won’t give it to you. girl, hello, can you tell me if it’s found for you?
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rests only on your confession, you can just admit that you are not guilty, and we will let you go today, i’m guilty, i’m ready to answer, well, admit it, kid, you’re the baron told me to do this, no one told me anything, it was i who stole the car, pika, pika, please, tell them everything, they promised to help us, for our sake, tell me, it wasn’t me
2:43 am
who stole it, spartak stole it, the baron says i’m of no use , spartak feeds people, so, okay, now we’ll call your investigator, repeat the same thing to him, then sign the testimony and you’re good to go. feel free to go get married, no, i won’t refuse, zlata, forgive me, i can’t, if i lie to the harrow, he will kick us sisters out of the camp, where will i go, i’d rather go to prison, i stole it, i need to tell the baron to take his word of honor, however, as i understand it, without amon’s water it’s useless, let’s go, i have
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an idea, hello, hello, great, great, where is the duty officer, he went to call, no, no need , you can check, the taxi was not reported for the theft of the car, yesterday the taxi driver came and said that his lada prior was stolen, yes, the random number is not 0.300. yes, that's it, let's go.
2:45 am
hello, i’m listening to you, i wanted to write a statement, my car was stolen last night. great, hello, he's waiting for us, so angry dog.
2:46 am
go, larisa, this can’t go on anymore, where’s the car, and what ’s going on with you? nothing happens to me, where is the car, ask those who
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stole it? i said that anyone can open the snot gate, but do you understand what kind of thing it is? but i’m not sure that it was stolen, you know what happened, and you know that albert was hit by a car tonight, i know, you know, great, so, well, you don’t want to admit anything to me, but what do you want to hear that i took the car and beat albert, are you out of your mind, but i wouldn’t surprised. you talked to him, i’m asking, don’t torment me, edik, i feel bad enough, i can’t sleep, i’m having nightmares, okay, okay, so you want me to believe you, yes, well
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then tell me where you are was? last night, i fell asleep at 9:00, woke up at 1:30, you weren’t next to me, i was walking, and you, if you want to be so honest, please tell me, little girl, where were you in moscow at night when you went , the mobile was turned off, the landline did not answer, what nonsense, i already told you, i was sleeping, i turned off the mobile, i didn’t hear home, great, you know, our bell works quietly, come up with something more interesting, but listen, i don’t understand at all why i should be here now... we’re returning, you were sleeping, and i was walking, and about albert, the neighbors
2:49 am
they said, we agreed, the culprit comes to the car, i did everything, what questions do you have for me? but there’s only one question for you: your son spartak stole the car, go to the temporary detention center, your nephew is a peak, you catch the difference, another time no one would have bothered, now it’s not appropriate, he people came from moscow, they don’t care on his topic, he needs to come out today, and until you say so, he won’t take back his words, i don’t know who is saying anything about my son, but my son doesn’t break the law, the culprit is in prison,
2:50 am
well, on i’ll find fingerprints on it, yours and your son’s, we’ll arrest you both and send the furry bumblebee to sing in the kolyma, i’m right, you’re passing out, rmale, you have to tell your nephew not to take someone else’s, you return the taxi to the owner today , if you do everything correctly, then in these two episodes the police doesn't come here anymore, just a minute to think. time has passed, ujan. okay, it will be your way, good evening,
2:51 am
teaching is light, mom, write, dad, write gold. i’ll tear up your dirty trash, but just stand there, we’ll hand over your things, hand over your phone, take your tag, thank you, stand there. come on in, well, to be honest, i didn’t even count on him, but the fact that there won’t be a wedding,
2:52 am
i’m even glad, you know, varakona is an enemy, dad, is there really nothing that can be done, different people came up as soon as they found out the topic, even they don't want to talk, so get ready, as they say, they gave him... he served a year, 24 months, was released on parole, well, well, well, dad, we must do everything in our power, i’ll go and talk to you myself, i wouldn’t advise you, dad, i’m not a child anymore, they still called me in for questioning, i’ll go and see for myself. for extortion of 3 million dollars, currently preventive measures have been taken against him in the form of detention, the detention was the result of a joint
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operation of the fsb investigative committee, we will monitor the development of events. in novgorodskaya region, the driver of the truck was detained, counterfeit goods were found in the refrigerator. hello, bor, hello, andryukh, sorry it’s late, but no, everything is fine, i’m still at work, i’m stuck here, you’re not here, they’re giving me everything, what do you have there, you haven’t gone wild there yet, andryukh , there’s such a hole here, it’s impossible to finish anything, here you can only get ready to leave, well, yes, how... come back, tomorrow we’ll try something else, if it burns out, we’ll open it, but if not, we’ll come back empty,
2:54 am
what do you have there, i heard the goose was closed, yes, there the faces organized everything, good night, all i have to do is knock everything up next month in court, listen, there is so much stench about him from all the cracks, whoever came from him, and lawyers, and deputies, and half-criminals, groovy ones . what are you asking? no, i just wanted to know how it was in the capital, and well, well, okay, but i thought maybe you should, come on, buddy, hang in there, yeah.
2:55 am
you had an agreement, your child is at home, give me mine, i’ll go, i keep my word, a gypsy’s word is stronger than a stone, a ruby, shout to leila.
2:56 am
let him bring the child, okay, it ’s kind of cold that i’m not frozen, uh-huh, hello, kind, kind, that’s it, happy, come on, bye, that’s it, all the best, so, what are you waiting for here, i’ve been going since lunch , they are kozlov, sergeev... they are waiting, he went to pick up the child, wait, where is the girl, there is a girl in the car,
2:57 am
horosa, calm down. you understand that there is a girl in the car, it’s a girl, and not a girl there, not a boy, well, you brought it for that, you saw that it’s a girl, not a boy, but don’t touch me, let’s go, this, this, larisa, oh, gleb, who is this, the child who lived as a gypsy, such a funny girl, she laughed all the way, what did you bring here, and what should i do, leave her there, and some kind of drunks? sold to the gypsies, they kindly asked her at the station, will you go to tyuta, oh, so, hush, hush, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything is clear, yes, gleb, he loves you, women, can’t be taken away, yes, let’s draw it here rails, yes, another rails, locomotive,
2:58 am
well, shall we let us down? hey, i myself, there are a lot of suspicious people, but there are zero suspects, but what about lankov, unchanged, in a coma, listen, well and he didn’t even hint at all, what he wanted to tell you, he’s strange, you can’t understand him, he hinted, he didn’t hint, i’m talking about something else, i think i’m here the other day...
2:59 am
let’s get stuck like this, but i’m not leaving, i’m here , here , here, no, that’s it, come on, gleb, go to the hospital, talk to them so that they realize, as soon as he comes to his senses, let them call right away, okay, you can stay with the child, who i am, well, who am i, i’m in the hospital, the stick has already called the guardianship inspector, i’m in an orphanage today... listens, everything seems to be going uphill there, i’ll ask that we extended the business trip, when he is kind, he let’s do this, i’ll call the boss tomorrow, they have boris alekseevich, did you call me? yes,
3:00 am
please take care of the child. no, i can’t, i have an inspector there and in general i ’m not very good, come on, look what i have, look what kind of candy i want, you’ll have it, here you go, well, let’s go, come to me, i’ll give you something else i'll give it there, we have it there, you know, there's a lot of pencils you can choose for yourself there, yes, let's go, let's go, come with me, come on bye, that's it, see you, okay, that's it, i ran to the hospital, more, listen, you can excuse me from this hunt tomorrow, well, honestly, i don’t like killing animals, but whatever you say, well, now it’s easier.
3:01 am
listen! it’s only now that everything came together in my head, he’s your father, i’m sorry that this happened, well, i understand everything, yes, but he called me yesterday, but didn’t say anything, well, yes, on the other hand, this is the situation, you’re sorry , this is work, sign here, i understand everything. andrey, tell me, can we talk to you somewhere other than in the office? can? let's go
3:02 am
have some coffee, otherwise i'm getting this from the machine and heartburn. please, to be honest, i didn’t find out right away. we only saw each other once while cleaning at a birthday party, i remember i got so drunk there that i’m still ashamed, well, what were you all about, what are you going to order, cappuccino, double spress, milk, cream, without, well, what did you want to ask, something about borya, you have a wedding soon, yes, about borya, yesterday he was afraid to talk to you on the phone, he told me to come to you myself, name any amount, we are ready for anything, fawn it won’t be, if you want, i’ll bring it to you, or at least transfer it to you where i need help, you say, boris sent it.
3:03 am
your coffee, hello, this is for you, are you completely sick, what are you doing here, i came to you, i can’t live without you, marry me, i can’t, i’m on duty, i mean a doe, how did he come to his senses, he won’t come to his senses, 40 minutes ago... died, that's how it is, i'll come to you in the evening, i don't know, call me,
3:04 am
whatever you want, borscht cutlet, rice. why do you take it if you won’t eat anyway, so he expects that they will personally serve him every time, yes, andrey, hello, what are you doing, have you completely lost your brains? listen, you're not a fool turn on, oh, you don’t understand, why did you send your woman to me? bor, to be precise, she
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offered me money as a bribe, i express myself clearly, well, well. he said that this was her personal initiative, he would explain everything upon his return. listen to the program of masterpieces of classical music. come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, get your feet here. put it here, well, well, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, come on, come on, sit down, no, no, let’s sit down, legs, legs, where can we do something like that, oh, quiet, quiet, quiet, quietly, quietly, no, i won’t go, legs down, now i’m with you, i’ll fasten you,
3:06 am
it’s like the chain has broken off, oh my, irinavna, i don’t know how you’ll go, i, what happened, vasily, now i’ll fasten you, oh, oh, come to me. i’m fine, calm, i don’t dance around for 40 minutes, she cries all the time, it seems great, but what do you think, did your parents sell you? the gypsies gave it to the cops, that adult will cry, uh-huh, you’re all leaving, well, yes, i wanted to take her to the child’s home, lectina yulina has already prepared the documents on how i will go, if she screams all the time, let me take her myself, listen, you will help me out so much, but you understand, it’s my girlfriend’s birthday today, i’ll at least go and sit like a human being, i ’ll explain everything to you now, everything is really very simple, look, i just have to go now, because they they asked until 8 o’clock, listen, i just don’t know where you’re going, you’re about five kilometers away.
3:07 am
i can’t do it in his absence, it’s not good, it’s so terrible, you don’t know how he feels, he died 2 hours ago. these young people are so cheerful, that’s right, that’s how
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it should be, your life wasn’t sweet, that’s it smile, well done, i didn’t remember my folder either, and my mother died when i was 12 years old, i remember, then, probably, i cried for a whole month when no one saw, but since then i have never cried again when... .. they treated a tooth without anesthesia, when a bad uncle shot with a pistol, when his wife left, it’s bad without a wife, i would get married again now, but something just doesn’t work out for me, i gave birth to a child.
3:09 am
listen, let’s come to an agreement with you, i ’ll do my business here now, i’ll come and pick you up, will you be my daughter? well then, let's do it this way, now i’ll take the key, strange, i somehow forgot to close the door, very strange, there’s no key, maybe the cleaning lady took it, i called yesterday, promised to give some important information, and the door is open, quiet.
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i didn’t have time, but i didn’t catch up, thank you, yes, nina, and you don’t know who it could be, i was alone, i was checking notebooks, i ask you, don’t touch anything, i’ll call an expert now, okay, some letters ?
3:11 am
hello, you called olga ivanovna, please take the new girl to the group and feed her. ok, let's go. let's go, let's go, don’t cry, everything will be fine, there are kids there, toys, everything will be fine, i want to install it, have a daughter, that’s right, yes, what is needed for this, and you, excuse me, are married, no,
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single men are not recommended to adopt children, well that means i’m getting married, i ’ll say goodbye, i’ll see you off. thank you, maybe you can have dinner with us? come on, eat, eat, eat, yes you pass, thank you. what about you? here, like this, little lily, carefully, like this, look, a small piece,
3:13 am
hello, hello, i can’t get through to you for half a day, what are you doing, my dear, yeah, well, now listen to me, tomorrow you go to maslov, you say that this is all because of your sick head. do you even understand what you did? hello, good morning, i came to my senses, yes, i fussed, i should have fussed earlier, my dear, i actually know what i’ll tell you, morozov, i’ll destroy you, you don’t know me well, i ’ll ruin your whole rotten life for you, you remember me you will, all yours, hello, bitch, burut,
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3:15 am
gleb, what are you doing again? i missed you, we agreed. sergey, are you stupid or what? i told you to call seven, i i can't now. listen, i’m in such a good mood today, and you just want to come tomorrow? yes, we can leave at any time, well, have a good trip, i will miss you very much.
3:16 am
great, how about you, you’ll take me to the hotel, right?
3:17 am
well, boris alekseevich, let’s approach the wild boar, there’s a herd of 30 heads grazing,
3:18 am
there are pheasants, have you ever been on a hunt, you’re more into people, yes, it’s a joke, you can handle it, there’s nothing complicated here. hello, andrey, hello, tolya, hello, well, if anything happens, my guys will find it you, we can go, you know what the ridge’s sense of smell is, here from here we have a clearing about a kilometer away, they’re there, let’s go? just walk quietly,
3:19 am
damn it, where is he? have you seen morozov? diana viktorovna? so i went hunting early in the morning, thank god, at least i can run to the market, i’m lucky, i can’t even manage my underpants with this job. buy, listen, but i didn’t remove the frost by chance, i don’t know, i should buy you cottage cheese, i’m looking for frost, but he left on the campaign, my phone died at the beginning, sergeev is not there, he’s calling, so they’re all there, it’s a way to take a break from them, you will, bulls, i will, let’s go eat with me, even in the morning, there’s somewhere to plug the kettle in,
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3:21 am
santa, voinov has a second phone number, otherwise i can’t get through to you. let me see.
3:22 am
that he came in, someone was shooting at me , one of you is shooting at him from there, no, i didn’t even take the safety off anymore, now we’d like to hunt, well, it’s clear that it’s a dark matter, excuse me, i’m listening. i understand, rin, we’re leaving now, boris, everyone is looking for you there, the paper has arrived, what kind of paper, they’re recalling you, ah-ah, how can it be, my table is set and the bathhouse is heated.
3:23 am
it happened by chance, it happened so, i i understand, we’ll definitely be there tomorrow.
3:24 am
it’s okay, you guys are all over it, maybe he’s drinking, maybe it’s the women, maybe it’s both together, okay, i broke the phone yesterday, if he shows up, let him go to the hotel.
3:25 am
water flowed in here, i was wiping it up half the night, he wasn’t there, he’s a slob, and so, nikola, i have a request for you, when he returns, you tell him that i’ve already left, let him pack everything and quickly come after me. oh, let's go? boris alekseevich! hello, hello,
3:26 am
nin, what are you doing, boris alekseevich? morozov? he just left. and he will return, when didn't you say? will never return, said goodbye completely. why do you need him? no, i’m right, sash, we can stop by lermantov for a couple of
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minutes, it doesn’t matter which house, number eighteen. where is the teacher, or what? yeah, okay, fine. she’s probably at school, maybe she can tell you something, but no, don’t, oh, well, something is calling. listen, vasily, okay, let’s drive up, now we’ll jump into one place,
3:28 am
the old crossing asked the soldiers for something to come up, it’s 25 kilometers, the connection is stupid, you can’t hear anything, okay, the road is long, it’s getting dark quickly, how many do you have the train is 10, we'll have time, we'll still have time to stop by for some food. i know a place here, it’s good, there are ukrainians there, such a god cooks, but we didn’t really drink,
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so i found it.
3:30 am
what's this? this is your pass to a crazy company. we invited alice to continue the party at her sister's cottage. find her urgently.


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