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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-13  NTV  July 24, 2024 4:55am-5:41am MSK

4:55 am
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why can’t the driver turn on the flashing lights himself and get around this traffic jam, i hope we’re in a foreign city, there are rules here, why didn’t dad come for us himself, dad’s his servant. in moscow, he was also not often distracted from work. where will we live here? dad was given a service apartment. don't worry, the apartment is very good. the renovations have just been done there. it turns out that i will have to go to another school. yes. i don't like this city. you shouldn't be doing that. our city is good. live in it a little and you'll love it. how much longer do we have to go? no. now only we'll pass the traffic jam. and there you go and we’ll get there in 20 minutes.
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idiot, you're an idiot, where did i go, that i'm crazy, nadya, what's going on, what are you doing, nadya, nadya, what, what are you doing, nadya, nadya!
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oleg georgievich, oleg georgievich, be in your place soon, okay, what's wrong with him? i think we’ll find out soon, okay, let’s go, the driver has a concussion, they introduced a hurricane plan, they strengthened the security at the exits of the city, who needs it, that’s exactly the question i wanted to ask you, i don’t know.
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i can't even imagine, well, at all kidnapping the wife and daughter of the head of the district department is unheard of impudence, they called from moscow, they are ready to help, how can they create and send a group of experienced operators here, they called from the investigative department, how can they help now, damn it! what is this being done? listen, try to remember, you couldn’t cross anyone’s path in this city? yes, no one could, he couldn’t, you and i have been here for weeks without help, lesh, we haven’t even had time to really settle in, these guys of yours can’t set it up. no, what are you saying, that’s out of the question, lyosh,
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they are relics, absolutely honest guys, even in the red book. wife and daughter, well, yes, he was rushing like that, the guys from the transport called me, they have a lot of smart guys there, the security officers are copying recordings from cameras to the server, this is the number, who could have done this, or anyone, he can come to us from moscow , because of the scandal they transferred, maybe this has something to do with it, well, the scandal, as far as i remember, was with his boss, with merzlyakin. and grodovikov came to us with him, like a steam locomotive, well, as the face of the team, you know, this is the number, he doesn’t answer, i heard, georgievich, i heard about gorodik and his relatives,
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you don’t know who might be behind this, i have no idea, some kind of nonsense, maybe it’s connected with your moscow affairs, well then you should have taken merzlyakin, probably his family, what does gorodik have to do with it , he is the same performer as we are, only... radango is taller, georgievich, well, it’s up to you to decide, but what is there to decide, the fsb should be involved in kidnapping, he’s probably already doing it, guys, well, he’s not a stranger to us, we we work together, this man almost put us all out on the street, georgievich is good, who is old change, you know, okay, andryukh, you seemed to have some acquaintances at the transport station at the moscow station, well, there were, there were, listen, go and ask around, what, as i understand, it would be nice to grab the recording from the cameras. we could at least have a photo of some kind, i have a photo on my phone, oh well, yeah, great, print it out enlarged. nicole, you’ll do it, okay, igor, go to the place of the abduction, look at everything, there’s it, nicole seems to be an advanced girl, rummage through the computer and pull out everything you can, yes,
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of course, and you, you establish contact with merzlyakin, we need at least some kind of communication channel with the top, yeah, okay, i’ll do it, i’ll try, glory, all the coordination is on you, of course. well, let’s finish, now go to the headquarters garage to eat, there you will pick up things in the trunk of their cars, so, you understand me, yes, if there is any important information. regarding this matter, be a friend, call, okay, thank you, come in, sit, sit,
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i know that i am guilty before you, and you have every right to ignore my personal request, but we are talking about my daughter and my wife. igor sergeevich, no need, we are all we understand that we have put everything aside and are already working. yes, as i understand it, the hurricane plan did not achieve anything. no, what should you expect? why? look, it means they were kidnapped somewhere here, at lunchtime here, there are continuous traffic jams, if they had moved in this direction, they would have been stuck somewhere for 30-40 minutes, the same thing in this direction,
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that means in both options it turns out somewhere, somewhere around an hour, and standing in traffic jams in a minibus with hostages, and even with weapons, is...
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so understandable, tell me why i met them the car was from the headquarters garage, well, they could have sent one of ours, i wanted to greet him nicely. you see, moving to the city is always stressful, and for a child it’s doubly stressful, in addition to having to get used to the city, she also has to get used to a new school, look for new friends, it’s not always easy, so i wanted to somehow soften it, i prepared gifts for them, i thought i would give them at home, but in the evening i wanted to take them all, wow. to a restaurant, you know, on the embankment, with a view, excuse me, who knew about
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the arrival, uh, train number, arrival time, the driver knew, yes, but i think he found out that he was meeting them only in the morning, who else, a former driver in moscow, drove them to the station, and... excuse me, what is your relationship with him? normal, wonderful, everything is fine, no, he was even planning to move here to st. petersburg, i, oleg georgievich, really hope for you, igor sergeevich, everything is fine, radanov is at the station, krymov is at the scene of the incident. friends, i'm sorry, but we had to check all possible versions,
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yes, of course, yes, yes, by the way, we put your mobile phone under wiretapping, well, yes, of course, naturally, right, but you know, we’re not the only ones. great, hello, don’t be afraid, detective officer krymov, interdistrict police department, cool, you’re from the fsb, and what did you want, captain, to ask, maybe they found something new for the investigation, but what’s the gain from this, yes you understand, the wife and child are our boss, that ’s it, yeah, yeah, there’s no recording of the attack, they chose the right place, not a single camera is looking here, but... let’s go where? now our guys are finding out, looking at the cameras further
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down the street, they want to figure out the route, that’s it? yes, yes, not a lot, but no one noticed the number? the license plates are fake, supposedly fso, but not a single car has ever left the garage with such license plates, and, you see, we have nothing so far either, we started later, then we act unofficially, so, well, if anything, tell me, what's your name? alexander, i’m igor, come on. i don't understand why they still don't call. it's about time. oleg georgievich, i will be at my place. if you find out anything, call. certainly.
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nicole, is there any news? never mind special, my daughter loves the standard set of youth groups popular among teenagers, a very sweet girl, quite sociable, judging by her profile, an active wall, positive reviews under the photos, what are you saying now, oleg georgievich, excuse me for my impudence, but you are not 80 . years , you still have to keep up with the times, so come on, follow the new trends of the 21st century, after all, now 70% of information can be obtained from social networks. you know, nicole, i’ll somehow figure out social networks myself. what else do you have? let's go what about the wife? here, my wife is a housewife, a very pretty woman. well, she's a really nice woman. what does this have to do with our business? well, almost no threats on social networks. i found out and nothing aroused my suspicions, that’s all, well, with grodovikov they
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love each other, it’s clear, in all the photographs they hug, kiss, this is after 15 years of marriage, yeah, it’s clear, in general, no useful information, that ’s why nicole , i don’t use social networks, you spent an hour spying on people’s personal lives and nothing useful for the investigation from there i didn’t take it, firstly, i didn’t peek, i watched, people themselves post it on social networks. information about yourself, it hangs freely there, so excuse me, but you just don’t understand anything, okay. you know, alexey nikolaevich, i think it would be wrong if we were completely removed from this work, after all, one of
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us suffered, one of us, you know, kirill, i don’t know who you mean when you say one of us. “i considered you a member of my team, i even wanted to promote you, i’m alexey nikolaevich, i think now is not the best time to divide into friends and foes, igor, i'm in trouble, and are you going to conduct an independent investigation, we are going to conduct an independent investigation, i'm here on behalf of solovets, oh that's how it is, this is even his initiative,
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u we have one person in our department who promptly contacts the fsb on these issues. he will give you the latest information, but the connection with you, thank you, alexey nikolaevich. but if there are complaints from the fsb that you are interfering with their work, i will tell everyone to hell, including you. i understand, let me go, don’t close it, let the door remain open, didn’t they call you? no, maybe
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there’s some kind of connection, damn, the fact is that your phone is being tapped by both us and the fsb, and even if they called you, we would be aware, you ’re right, now an fsb group will come here, why, they will test me with a lie detector, you, yes. they themselves said that it was necessary to work out all the versions, but igor sergeevich, yes, it’s me, major zern in the fsb, come in, come in, and you, lieutenant colonel, solovets, homicide department, i ’ll ask you to leave. ok i understood.
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well, cyrus, did you succeed? well, either the fsb is secreting something, or, in short, in general, according to the latest data, there are no leads, so i knew that if they decided to put grodovikova through a polygraph, it’s bad, they are working on the version that he organized all this himself, he was spectacularly prepared , judging by the testimony of eyewitnesses,
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all of you, sit down, wait, and if they call, they cloned the phone, what they did, well, that is, they duplicated my sim card and inserted it into their device, and now if they call me, they will hear everything, i i want to tell you, thank you for not
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abandoning me, thank you, but unfortunately, we can’t help you with anything yet, sorry, why don’t they call, sorry, maybe i’m completely cuckoo, but could you look at this video, i sent you guys, it’s bad, it’s bad, if it’s true, they can kill them, who they are, i don’t know, i haven’t found out yet, so find out quickly, at least this
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king turns out to be a normal guy, otherwise he’ll start to deny , since when? you started to stop, i didn’t understand something, what this is your reasoning, having talked to him like a human being, but what does he even do, the information is in the glove compartment, nicole downloaded it from the internet, of course, a developer plus, her own realt agency, never mind what a developer is. well, he invests money in construction, yeah, it’s clear, then he collects coupons, he’s a rich guy, but you didn’t understand at the address where we are at all, but i have something, you know,
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i don’t understand, if he lives here, why are they they set up an ambush there, but it’s like you drove from the moscow station here at such a time days, let's say...poligovka? poligovka, middle of the day poligovka? at least smile wider when you say this, this is not moscow. pelin, she and the baby are both in critical condition. you may have to make a choice between mother and child. you and latif will go together, get tested, and find out from whom. this child. continue in the same spirit. i give you my word, tonight you will be at home, now i will be next to you, for your sake, the real show will start
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tomorrow, which means you can’t pull it out, kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. semenov, you're playing with fire, pavel semyonov, i want to be sure that no one gets hurt, nevsky, this is good news, i mean? monday at 16:45 on ntv. tsarkov, tsarkov, i recently came across something like this about him. i brought up information about him. 4 months ago there was a conflict. tsarkov's company absorbed some other company. the newspapers wrote that it was supposedly a raider takeover. wait, what about the trial? yes , it’s not clear, on the internet forums they write that this tsarkov has such powerful connections at the level of the city government and law enforcement agencies, this is interesting, but who are we? well, apparently
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others who protect big business, well then it’s useless to butt heads with them, but are there any details? very few, okay, but which company was squeezed out, some kind of air development? i heard something, there was an advertisement, no, not an apartment. they suggested, yes, by morning i ’ll find out everything, what’s the fuss about this company, let me go, free to go. we are not the only ones here who are following this businessman, let’s go and get acquainted, there are no special options, let’s go.
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congratulations, what are we doing here? who are you such? good question, homicide, what about you? what, someone was killed? not yet, but i wouldn't like to. he’s some big shot, he’s not a businessman, it’s like, well, we’re guarding him, it’s interesting, listen, but you have this, what’s his name, andryukh, what’s that, and the owl is still working, phillin, well, owl.
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georgievich, we’re in trouble here, wait a minute, calm, calm, criminal investigation department, georgievich, we’re waiting for you, but what ’s going on here in the end? agree. "the version might seem
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ridiculous, so we decided not to inform you about it, yeah, let us decide what it’s ridiculous, but what not, if it weren’t for your initiative, these unknown people would have given testimony long ago, well, the task of my people was to check the situation, there was no order to take active action, but everything turned out by accident, by chance, gentlemen , officers, stop pestering, i think , it’s time to pay a visit to tsarkov himself.” i don’t understand what’s going on at all, gentlemen, maintaining law and order, it seems to me, is your sacred duty, but here under my windows they shoot at night, do you hear what they say to you, your wife and daughter perhaps they could
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become victims of assassination attempts. what nonsense? are you threatening me? it’s not us who are threatening you, guys, i ’m not afraid of you, if you decided to organize this whole circus just to intimidate me, then i’ll tell you only one thing: the wrong one was attacked, i ’ll call your superiors now,
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whoever, i a successful person, a lot of money, competitors, envious people, swindlers, what can you say about the airdevelopment company, information about which was recently leaked to the press? nothing, the case is closed, we won all the courts and the office now legally belongs to us. by the way, who could benefit from this whole story is the tail, the former owner. we need documents, only through the court, well , that's it, gentlemen, the audience is over, i ask you to leave the premises, okay, then we will summon you, yeah, now, leave the house, let's go, let's go, this is the legal requirement of the owner of the home, all the best. oh,
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what about you? get used to it, someone should stay in the department, you go home, get some sleep, by the way, where are you, but on the seaside bay, it’s still early, there shouldn’t be any traffic jams, i’ll be home in 20 minutes, come on be careful, okay, let's do it for now, that's what you 're doing, don't you see that he 's making a fool of himself in front of us, his demand was absolutely legal, but what are you saying, have you even left a trace? oleg, in a few words, i ’ll explain something to you, most likely, tsarkov is just walking under their roof, you know, i wouldn’t even be surprised that they helped squeeze out this very air development from the previous owner, but he doesn’t understand what it is threatens his child and wife, but he understands everything, he has no time for that,
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haven’t you seen that he’s enjoying himself a little doesn’t rub his hands, well then i don’t understand anything, but everything is very simple, oleg, if they took his wife and child hostage, then they would have to bargain, but since they took mine, then... garages in the courtyards? slava, listen to me carefully, there is little corner available, in the courtyards, near the garages, grodovikov’s daughter is there. got it, i'm leaving now.
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yes, nicole, turn around, they found your daughter, okay, andrey, kira, come here. gorodikov’s daughter has been found, stay where you are, don’t go anywhere, they’ll come to you now, so you need to urgently look for kostov, find him right away detain, replenish, that's it, let's go, let's go, nadya,
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you're not... and where is your mother staying with them, so let's go, i'll take you to a safe place, citizen, your rights and documents, i'll now show you where we're going , i have a kidnapped child who has just been released from captivity, drive by, drive by,
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there is no one here. my sunshine, well, well, everything is fine, everything is fine, nanka, my beloved, when will mom be returned? mom, mom will be returned soon, how is she doing, well,
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i just wish they would return her as soon as possible, yes, definitely, definitely they will return, nadenka, please tell me, you don’t remember where they took you, where you were? no, i don’t remember, were we blindfolded? when they brought it back, they also tied it up. igor sergeevich, excuse me, here was a folder with your daughter. what's in this folder? what's in this folder? can you say it's a requirement? nicole, give me space, what are the demands, what do they need, require an objective investigation into what they call a raider takeover, this folder has all the materials, it looks like he was really robbed, so can anyone tell me, what kind of tails this is, you found out, so why find out, he has attached a full biography for us here, sergei gennadievich tails, born in 59, former paratrooper, veteran of the afghan war, awarded orders and medals. he served in the top nine for a short time, then he was given
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a health commission, in the early nineties he was engaged in business, created a company called airdevelopment, which was taken away from him a couple of months ago, oleg georgievich, so make copies and send them to the main directorate, the originals are all in my office, listen, nicole, i will come to you a personal request, nadenka, come here, go with nadenka, please, to my rented apartment and sit with her there, okay? until it’s all over, igor sergeevich, can i take her to my apartment, i have a big bathroom there, there’s a pizzeria nearby, will you go? come on, eat, aunt nicole, and you’ll go, you can trust her, you’ll go, well, let’s go, then right away, okay.
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you will not receive anything, we sent you copies, the originals will remain with us, close the door, you apparently misunderstand me, leave the door alone, young man man, it is open so that there is fresh air here, what did you want to say, i want to say that the case of the abduction of your relatives is being handled by our structure, it is very strange that you are interfering with...
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and this is yours, ours, i have heard, come in, have a seat, comrade general, your subordinates, and who is this, major zernov, and the same one, yes, yes, the same one that you mean, we don’t meddle in your affairs, but the situation is when they begin to be reflected.. i spoke
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with the minister in the morning, we found complete mutual understanding, not so high. tsarkov has patrons, there will be no departmental war because of him, everyone is free, yes, you are free too. very timely, thank you.
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which floor are you going to? on the third, we work there for an hour and a half, but what about you? here is the seizure of property and securing a claim, and who are you accompanying? abp, where did you drag it, this is the property of the company, god knows what? hello, anatoly grigorievich, anatoly grigorievich, what’s going on here, and i’m sorry, dear, i really wanted everything to be fine. andryukh, don't
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sleep, don't sleep, listen, guys, come on go home, otherwise you’ve been on your feet for a day, but everything is fine, don’t worry, otherwise we won’t be at all tomorrow, well, how can we leave now, like now igor will drink a horse’s dose of coffee and we’ll be cucumbers, well, look, olga is there, it seems to me that this is not far from the address where they left nadiya, this address, we know, the house there is still abandoned, remember, georgivich, right, andryukh, well, let’s call mamon, yes, immediately, okay, quickly, quickly, quickly, fast! quiet,
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just don’t get in the way here, be careful, he has a machine gun there, he’s shooting through everything, we we’re thinking about how to get in, wait, maybe i ’ll slip through, no, he’s already made a fool of himself once . how many are there? god knows, the snipers only saw one. no connection, wait, i don’t recommend it. stop where you are going, stop!
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igor, igor, my dear, beloved, well, well, where is nadya, everything is fine with nadya, everything is fine, she is in good hands. she's safe, listen, now i'm, yes, wait, wait, he left the key, the key, over there, the key, where, there's the key, now, wait, where are they, he left a long time ago, give me your hand, give your hand, like already , well, you
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they would have taken him anyway, really, everything is fine, he really is a very good person, you know, he told me everything, everything, everything, everything, and how he went through two wars and how he decided to go into business. you see, he took us nadi by mistake, i know, if he’s so good, why are you crying then, let’s get out of here, i know, let’s go, let’s go, it’s just that i’m probably not handcuffed every day, get out, don’t shoot, don’t shoot , carefully, come on, hold it, come on, come on, put it on, everything is fine, let's go. like this, here's olechka, let me introduce you, this is mine department, or rather half of the homicide department, thank you, this is the best department, now we are in their debt, hello, yes, so for the day, oleg
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georgievich, everything is fine with us, olechka feels fine, let him take care of everything else.


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