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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  July 24, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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tazak the woman said that she would not stop until she completed the job. family secrets in a report by pavel kuznetsov. in exclusive footage, the first and, it seems, the most sincere testimony of lydia popova, immediately after she tried to kill her sleeping son-in-law with a knife, she is taken straight from the scene of the assassination attempt for questioning to the investigator. it seems that the detainee is wiping away her tears, but she only regrets one thing, that she was not able to finish what she started. why did you want to kill him? and for the fact that it does not give life. not for her, my daughter, not for my grandchildren, and what now it is necessary to kill him, definitely, but definitely , definitely, yes, and that next time you will kill him, the operatives immediately understood that this was no longer an anecdote about the relationship between mother-in-law and son-in-law, they believed in the seriousness of the pensioner’s intentions, and even checked, indeed, lydia popova is making an attempt with a knife on his son-in-law for the second time, four times. years ago i was convicted for this, here’s
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a new attempt, why didn’t you manage to kill him yesterday? i put my hand down, there was no need to wake him up, but i, but i woke him up, but it concerns, that’s the goal of a determined mother-in-law, yuri rogachev was already at home, hospitalization was not required, it was a miracle that he did not receive serious injuries, his hand was bandaged, it was precisely this that he managed to place under the knife blade, i was lying there. so you only managed to raise your hand, you can get so much out of your hand, but it’s leaking out of your hand, then what do you get up and pull out? i just threw the knife there somewhere, in this small apartment in a five-story building in pavlovsky posad, yuri rogachev lives with his wife alla, she is a salesperson in a store, the couple has three children and two grandchildren, there is a crib in one of the rooms, apparently children are often brought to visit, on that day he remembers about...
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his son-in-law, on the one hand, the pensioner assures that she wanted to protect her daughter from the tuniyan drunkard, supposedly yuri rogachev has not worked anywhere, for many years, drinking sits on his neck , as they say , on the other hand, we could be talking about a dispute over this very apartment, but when she stabbed him, the second time, she told me, she says, it didn’t work out twice, it will work out the third time, and you’ll be the next one, it even sounds like - it’s wild for the second attempt in a row, but yuri rogachev, apparently to like this... 4 years ago she attacked him
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with a knife, he was wounded, was in intensive care, the doctors were able to save his life, in court he forgave the pensioner, so she was given only 3 years probation, probably this time lidiya popova will not get out of it so easily , she was charged with attempted murder. forensic investigators inspected the scene of the incident, seized a kitchen knife, things, as well as other items relevant to the investigation, and ordered examinations. in the near future, the leader... popova will definitely not end up in this apartment, the court sent her to pre-trial detention center, under the article of attempted murder she faces up to 12 years in prison, but if the parties make peace, like last time, the term could be reduced; kitchen disputes about this in the family have already begun. you are going to contact her, of course, i’m going to be a 67-year-old woman, but i didn’t say, forgive me, i’ll kick you out of the house. pavel kuznetsov, sergey marunyak, valentin losev, larisa kopinskaya and sergey boganov, ntv. moscow region.
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we have already published the first testimony of the mother-in-law, who tried to deal with her son-in-law in full, in our telegram channel. to check it out, subscribe to us now. to do this , point your phone at the qr code that you see on the screen or enter the name of the chpntv channel in the messenger. well, now to the morning events in the north of moscow, at 6:30 all emergency services.
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not only the car that exploded, but also the cars parked nearby, now this entire area is under the control of the security forces, it has already been established that the cause of the explosion was a self-made explosion installed under the car. at night it was done by a certain man, which took no more than 10 minutes to install the bomb, after only 2 hours the owner of the car appeared, who first opened the back seat and put things there, and then moved to the driver’s seat, immediately after that there was a powerful explosion, that is, the car exploded immediately, the person who was in it, his legs were all aching, i could clearly see it, everything was visible, i’m already... living for about five or six minutes, well, i sat in the car for about five or six minutes, because his legs gave out 100% , everything exploded down there, that is detonation occurred, the explosion damaged the man’s legs, however, even in such a state of shock, he was not at a loss and tried to bandage the wounds on his own in order
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to stop the loss of blood. his companion was hospitalized with numerous wounds to the face, right at the scene they were assisted by numerous eyewitnesses, there is a girl who... for the investigation of particularly important cases of the capital's investigative committee. a team of some of the most experienced forensic investigators is at the scene. ongoing carrying out additional inspections of the scene of the incident. employees of the authorities have been given instructions to carry out operational-search activities. so far they are looking for
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only one person who was caught on surveillance cameras. it was recorded that it was he who planted the explosive device under the bottom of the car, and after that he sent a photograph. supposed customers, his identity is now being established. meanwhile, security forces warned residents that the cordon would remain in place for another two hours until the entire yard was examined. stanislav kostikov, yulia bleytsova and roman kulazhenkov at the ntv television company, moscow. and then, there are no more bets, they were made to prohibit advertising of online casinos. the content of which bloggers is under attack, and what does the sex symbol of young girls egor krit have to do with it. and from whom ekaterina mizulina receives threats, we’ll tell you more about everything after the advertisement, don’t switch, travel with alfabank, choose where to fly in the alpha travel service, get super
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cashback on air tickets up to 30% on alpha fridays, open all profitable destinations in the bank’s app. online hello, my name is cashboy, i help you buy with maximum profit at the megamarket, for example, a smart sber tv with 50% cashback. our new name is tebank. oh, the cashback came, how much, but does it drop for all purchases? dad, with the black card you get cashback for everything. peak everything. cashback for everything. that's all. dad, nothing complicated, repeat after me. peak everything. peak. that’s it, you get cashback monthly directly to the card, in real money, it’s that simple, that’s it, grandpa, a black card from tank and get cashback for all purchases, tbank, it’s the only one. 20 years i talked to the tv today to teach you how to find any content in the new
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yandex tv station. alice, find a film with svetlokov. great choice. alice, a tip about investments. but who? i’m cheating, alisa, turn on the taganrok astrakhan match, turn it on, i’ve been waiting for 20 years for this to happen, but you don’t wait, well, give me gpt, yandex tv station with alice, you’ll find everything, you’re tired of looking for a loan that will approve, compare simplifies this task, take a loan on the website or in the mobile application, compare, the sber loyalty program has been updated, thank you, every month you choose up to five top categories. with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even a percentage on everything, it’s more profitable with an elect subscription. nevsky, from monday at 16:45 on ntv. as we age, we all experience
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a decline in memory and intelligence. why does the body fail, is it possible to stop these harmful changes? can. in our body. there is a main computer, the brain, it is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood and sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. the brain is an electrical system, it consists of nerve cells and processes between them, through which electrical signals constantly flow. as we age , changes occur in the brain; brain cells age and are damaged by the environment and stress. scientists from kyoto university have found that the japanese eat a unique mollusk called azumopectinida. it turns out that azumopectinide contains unique components that promote brain restoration, all of them... belong to the class of phospholipids, there are more than 100 names, so a product from highly concentrated
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phospholipids of the japanese mollusk. extend the youth of your brain. 8.800 100 exactly 1985. 8.800 100 exactly 1985. the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. however, with age, we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, a disruption in the functioning of our organs. this year , a russian distributor purchased a batch of the japanese drug braintherapy, which contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain therapy is produced in japan. brain aging is possible turn it back and it will serve you faithfully again. prolong the youth of your brain. 8,800,100 exactly 1985. 700,100 exactly 1985. find out more about the japanese product
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brainterapy. live broadcast of an emergency, we continue broadcasting. the court finally put an end to the high-profile case of an attack on cash collectors in 2017. for 7 years , various investigators studied the circumstances of the carefully planned failed crime, then the court hearings were held with the participation of a jury, in fact, one of the accused, they acquitted, not finding any malicious intent in his actions, which, of course, the prosecutors did not agree with, here is the last meeting at which murat abdullaev was given a punishment for the fact that he and his accomplices dressed as janitors and attacked money carriers, what sentence he received and what's wrong with his accomplice? murad abdullaev, he
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is called the organizer of a robbery attack on inspectors, waited for a verdict for 7 years, all these years he was in pre-trial detention, in 2019 he was closer than ever to avoiding punishment, he managed to both convince the jury of his not guilty, the prosecutor's office appealed the verdict and the case was sent for a new trial. abdullaev hoped to repeat the success, but to win him over to his side again. the selected board did not work out, if you continue these statements, we are not discussing the verdict with you today, i don’t care at all, now what he says, i don’t care at all, he really doesn’t care now, there are 16 years in a maximum security colony ahead, so archival footage of that crime, loud in every sense: a shootout in one of the courtyards residential area of ​​moscow. the attack on the collectors was carefully planned, but in the end... it failed, you can see the criminals in orange vests, so as not to attract attention, they dressed up as
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janitors, took shovels and were waiting for the special communications vehicle, there are no pistols, these are approximately the pistols seen from above, black, here is one - two ran away, one in a jacket, and the other in a vest, and the other in ordinary clothes, blue, it was not by chance that they chose this place for the attack near the post office, a quiet courtyard with a through passage, next to the exit ramp and... ostashkovskoye highway is ideal from a logistics point of view. the collectors, despite the injuries, acted competently and clearly. there were 11 million in cash in the car, but the criminals failed. a stray bullet also flew into the apartment, into the room where the child was sleeping at that moment; fortunately, he was not injured. abdullaev tried in every possible way to disrupt the final trial in the case. he was rude to the judge and the state prosecutor, in the hope that the hearing would be interrupted. dear judge.
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the scandal that broke out between the popular blogger askhab tamaev and head of the safe internet league.
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about to know that when subscribers leave, new, relevant content is needed, a night afterburner in a bmw near moscow city, which ended in an accident, slapping the first person he met was no longer interested in tomaev, the blogger and his minions chose as their new victim the head of the safe internet league, yakaterina mizulina, who began to come clear messages. walk and look around, we will soon come for you, you will answer for ashab tamaev. it all started when mizulina stood up for a blogger whose personal data tomaev published without permission. there have been questions about tomaev’s dubious content for a long time, including about prohibited advertising of online casinos, which became real spam on his pages on the internet. one of the first to bring the blogger to light was his online colleague, astamir gergov, the author of the ministry of truth channel, who sorted out tomaev’s entire background. this is a criminal,
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the quintessential swindler who never hesitated to deceive his audience, and let’s be honest. most of the good that he has today - this is the result of deceiving people. the latter didn't like it. tomaev considered that he had been targeted and initially decided to counter on the internet. this is a complete lie invented for the sake of hype. and all of his content that he produces is his fantasy and is not based on facts. and then he personally met the offender. it seems that the second blogger was forced into this meeting and did not speak in his own words. i am at home visiting me. astimir arrived, this is the leader of the ministry, it’s true, he came to me like a man and speaks like a man, ready to apologize for his actions, astimer has something to say, yes, hello everyone, i would like to apologize to ashab, it goes without saying that we will, we will change, after the apologies and revelations it disappeared from the network, that is, tamaev understood perfectly well that the online casino advertisement was his no, running a gambling business in russia
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was banned back in 2009, later a veto was introduced on online betting, this is provided for organizers. imprisonment, propaganda of gambling also entails punishment, albeit administratively; a case was brought against tomaev under this article. prospects the idol of schoolgirls, yegor krit, who clearly does not have enough income from corporate events and performances, must understand, he became interested in streaming and shares vocal secrets in them. a competition is taking place right now in the tg for 2 million rubles. all you need is to enter the creed code in english without charging, which will give you 10%. however, as samart admitted. he has been addicted to gambling for a long time , according to him, straight from the recording studio he runs home to the computer , shows subscribers an imaginary path to prosperity, and his fans are generally very young people, from 14 to 25, who blindly believe the one who released several whales, you simply cannot understand when you are in this state, when you just had 2,500, then like 1.5, you need to learn
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to stop in time , i don’t have a damn clue how to do this, honestly. sergey perevozchikov from izhevsk has now fully realized what love for gambling can lead to when blind trust in media personalities leads. in search of easy money, the man decided to listen to the advice of tomaev and creed made my first bet on the slot. this is an electronic analogue of slot machines. the virtual reel with pictures and symbols started spinning. the addiction appeared instantly. there was less and less money to recoup. i had to take out loans, take out debts, and mortgage my apartment. as a result, the man lost everything he had.
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and at the end of the game you already have a debt to a friend, you don’t have 50 thousand, a debt to a microloan to one, a debt to a microloan to another , a third, a fourth, a fifth, a debt in there in one bank, in another, in a third, in a fifth, tenth, that’s all, realizing that in the swamp of the casino he got stuck up to his waist, the young actor broke off this connection as best he could, left his wife a note of apology on the table, left home, only a few days later they were able to find him and send him to... to place bets again, this could be theft for parents, these can be various loans, which can have an extremely negative
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impact in the future. however, the entire lifestyle of those who lure young minds into gambling addiction cannot be called correct. edward bill, for example, who was previously convicted for a high-profile accident and apologized to everyone for a long time, today again is serving his sentence for driving around the streets in a police uniform, and his channels are filled with advertisements for online casinos. ashaptamae. so he doesn’t get out of scandalous situations for several years. prosecutors from the federal tax service, by the way, also became interested in the advertising activities of such internet characters, because most likely they do not record such income in tax returns. denis zadokin, erika vagyan, daniela baklanova, alexey berlulev and dmitry salnikov, television company. that's not all. see below. inappropriate and especially dangerous for a blogger. which stabbed his girlfriend, the verdict was announced, we thought for a long time whether to treat or imprison, you will find out what you chose after the advertisement. pelin, she and the baby
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are both in critical condition. you may have to make a choice between mother and child. you and latif will go together. get tested and we’ll find out from whom. this child, keep up the good work, i give you my word, you'll be home tonight, now i'll be there for you, the real show starts tomorrow, what do you mean not getting out? timorodok, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. travel with alfabank, choose where to fly in the alpha travel service and receive a superkick for air tickets up to 30% on
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sberspasibo loyalty has been updated, every month choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even a percentage on everything, it’s more profitable with a subscription from berim.
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there is another emergency on ntv live , we continue broadcasting. a new version in the case of the murder of alexandra brovkina, whose body was found in the river last week; her father has been detained as a suspect. for a long time, none of his relatives could think that this was possible, but after collecting the evidence, he did not deny it during the investigative experiment, he explained in detail how exactly killed his daughter. initially, it was believed that the crime was committed by one of the creditors. the deceased was mired in debt, she suffered from gambling addiction, her relatives helped her pay the bills, but at some point they refused to do so; it turned out that on the eve of the murder , father and daughter had a strong quarrel over this very issue. the defendant pressed his hands on the victim’s neck, thereby suppressing her will to resist. then he moved the woman to the garage, where he struck her in the head at least twice with a hammer, after which
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he packed it in order to hide the body. and after a few days on a flimsy boat he took him to the middle of the ural river, where he dumped the water. while the search was going on for the missing, and then the examination of the discovered body, the father showed deep grief, only during interrogation he admitted that he was relieved, because he was tired of fighting his daughter’s addiction and pulling her out of bad situations. blogger vyacheslav polikov, who stabbed to death. the verdict was announced for his girlfriend, as expected, he would face a long, compulsory psychiatric treatment, the inadequacy of this man is described in detail in the case materials. there were multiple stabs on the girl’s body , they were inflicted in a matter of minutes, however, the help of specialists is not the only punishment, report from the meeting room of tamara simonova. only after a while did it become clear that these pictures show the last minutes of the life of eighteen-year-old sofia krosilnikova,
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together with her in the elevator. hastily left the apartment and disappeared in an unknown direction; the body of the girl with numerous stab wounds was found by her mother 3 days later. polyakov was put on the wanted list, because the aspiring blogger did not even hide the fact that he was dating a girl 24 years younger than herself. darling, what are you doing here? i drove and drove, and i saw that the bus had just left because of you. why don’t you take the train? bus, met sonechka, as he called the girl who was old enough to be his daughter, palikov , in st. petersburg, where she came from balashikha near moscow in search of work and new experiences. feelings between them flared up instantly, and then polikov spoke about his cherished dream - to become a popular blogger. for this purpose he made friends with more famous personalities, at whose expense promoted himself, appeared more than once in the company of showman
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stas boretsky, he himself decided... to become famous for very strange content, staged kidnappings and other crimes involving various girls, attracted sophia as an actress, but she agreed not to everything, for example, to portray i refused the scene of violence for the sake of likes, i’m trying to convey to her that this topic needs to be promoted, that i’m a maniac, that i kept her, that i brought her some clients, took money, well, i’m already... on television , as if yes, but they tell me, well, i need a lady, so she can confirm all this, then polyakov was not shy about recording the details of his private life on a hidden camera, posting everything on the internet, and yet in most of the videos sophia was not yet eighteen, there is information that not long ago before the murder, the couple broke up, polyakov had to pick up things, during the meeting he learned that sophia had returned to her ex- boyfriend, which infuriated polyakov, he stabbed the girl at least nineteen times
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and took her away. the laptop ran away. in addition to the article polyakov is charged with six more murders. as it was proven, he not only used a minor for the production and trafficking of pornographic materials, but also forcibly. it took literally 15 minutes to voice his decision, sentencing the blogger to the judge, to 16 years in a maximum security colony, where he will have to register with a psychiatrist and follow all the recommendations of the attending physician. tamara simanova, larisa kopinskaya, vladimir ovdeev, tv broadcaster. moscow. if you need help or have encountered injustice, please contact us at official telegram channel chpntv. together we will fight lawlessness; also tell us about emergency incidents in your
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city. our editorial team is available 24 hours a day. that's all for today, i'm valeria gavrilovskaya, thank you for your attention, stay on ntv. kingfisher, daughter, daughter, daughter, daughter.
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why are you standing here, huh? why are you standing here, and i’m asking you, guy,
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answer, answer, i’m here only for my son, i forgot to ask you, you said son, since you dare, i said, my son, and what will you do? don't worry, don't worry, they'll be fine, don't think about bad things, what does it mean not
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to think about bad things, what happened, what happened, tell me, i'm her mother, how can you hide it from me? we have nothing to hide, calm down, the doctor is with her, but we need to pray for her, why should we pray, what happened to my daughter, why should i pray, you locked me in a room, what did you do to her, where were you and what happened my daughter, that's how you protect your niece. i'm sorry.


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