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tv   Pensilvaniya  NTV  July 25, 2024 2:30am-3:28am MSK

2:30 am
but leave my wife alone, bitch, i’ll kill you, do you hear, i’ll kill you, where did you find out about konstantinov, well, speak, speak, let me go, i’ll say, well, say how...
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i’ll curse you, you won’t live a week, i’m on television i’m working, go away, i didn’t invite you, i won’t tell you anything anyway, well, as much as you want, well, that’s a different conversation, you’ll pay better, you’ll learn more, well, tell me, well , in short, i went to
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i beg you, i can on monday come in? monday is my day off, only at the end of the month, not earlier, that’s it, all the best. igor andreevich, i’m not accepting today, i’m seva kozlov’s mother, i’m listening to you, they told us, do you know where our money is? i don’t understand you, just go briefly, i’m in a hurry.
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a month and a half ago we were asked for a ransom for a child, we gave the money to lawyer vasilenko, and he was killed, so what brought you to me, well, they told me that you know where the money is, i thought, if it was a ransom, maybe do you know what's wrong with the child? dear larisa, how is your father? rudolfovna. dear larisa rudolfovna, i don’t know why anyone is deceiving you, but i don’t i have nothing to do with what happened. yes, i heard that the child was kidnapped, i heard about the ransom, but excuse me, what does it have to do with me. well, if
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there are no more questions, yes, i already told him that you don’t want to help and talk, well, in that case we will be forced to bring this matter into the open, we didn’t want to tell anyone anything, i decided to talk to you first, but if you so stubbornly refuse to cooperate, i can’t even imagine who you are covering for there, larisa rudolfovna, i understand yours perfectly worries and i don’t refuse to help you, but you understand me, this is the first time i’ve heard that... one of the employees may be involved in this case, yeah, let’s do it this way: you don’t tell anyone anything yet, so as not to scare off the culprits , and in a couple of days i will try to find out as much as possible about this matter, accordingly i will inform you and contact you, just leave me your phone number, please.
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lara, hi, lara is at home, she’s not there, why, you don’t know where she is, for some reason she doesn’t answer the phone, i don’t know, she got ready early in the morning went somewhere, were you still sleeping, hello, woke up, hello? hi where are you? where? konstantinov was in the rescue, he said that he didn’t know anything, but promised to look into it. lara, do you understand what you've done? lord, edik, don’t complicate things, maybe something will change. oh, i'll buy you socks now. why so
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sad? you can’t go visiting with such a sad face. ah... would you like us to go upstairs and i’ll show you my uncle’s collection of paintings, no, thank you, let’s do it later, oh well, in general it’s very good that you’re here we came because it’s unbearably boring here , for example, judge dontsov, you know him, the one in the striped tie, he slept with lapochkin’s wife, this one in the brown jacket, oh! look at how they look at each other, the main thing is that he thinks that no one knows about this, everyone knows about it, and lapochkin runs two hotels and one cafe, allow me, allow me to raise
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this toast to... polivanovsky district even today i would like, dear boris alekseevich, so to speak, to accept you into our club, at my home in such an informal environment, we get together and discuss issues of life in our village, we would really like you not to remain on the sidelines, because... here we are always ready to help each other, that’s enough about business, now i’ll sing you a funny song, oh it’s good, mom,
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how do i like the doctor? mom, i ’ll marry the doctor, the doctor does daborts, sends me to resorts, that’s why i love him, great.
2:39 am
“i am aware of what happened to you, if it weren’t for our huntsman, the wolves would have already devoured you, so this, of course, is too much, the suggestion to the guilty done, but you also understand me correctly, we can’t do that. from the shoulder, you dictate conditions, you spoil the system, of course, we are not saints, but whoever is without sin, we not only think about ourselves, we raise the village,
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we give jobs, we build roads for residents, the big one is ready to correct your guilt. we consulted, we will give you a good plot of land, near a lake, and we will help you build a house. i’ll marry you to my niece, we’ll live peacefully, why do we need this war, you put it beautifully, only one thing i didn’t take into account is that i don’t care about all this luxury of yours, i came here to find the child killer of gleb, and i will find them, and then punish them. if you
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bother me with anything else, i’ll sort things out with you, i have nothing more to lose, and i don’t need to scare you, i’m not scared, so i’ll see you soon, by the way, i know that you shot at me on that hunt, that’s just it. .. you’re not very good, train, boris, wait, i’ll take you, you scared them, you started moving, you viper, only you, be careful, don’t get into trouble at all, otherwise you know how it can be. it’s not a fact that i ’ll pass by, listen, i wanted to apologize, i mean,
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yes, they say, i kept you under the gun until the hospital, well, yes, i tried, you know, to drive so quietly, your fingers are on the trigger, now i’m thinking, we’ll jump on the bump and forgive, goodbye, andryusha, okay, let’s go , let’s go, hello, hello, something happened, you’re kind of tense, it happened, not everyone was cleared out, i mean, kozlova came to me today, the boy’s mother, demanding my money back.
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won’t find it, but we don’t have much time, if this follower of the frost finds out, it will be too late to protect, so this must be done right tomorrow, we are on they’re not ready, you ’re signing us up for life, and then you’ll say that you’re out of business, is this a rebellion? igor, think what you want, we won’t agree to this, we have no other choice. okay, i'll go with you.
2:44 am
boris aleseevich, can i see you for a minute? good evening, good evening, excuse me, but let's not be here, let's go, come to us. listen, eduard dmitrievich, i’m very tired, i can listen to you here now, but that’s enough with visits for today. look, i won't keep you long, this is very, very important. i know who killed vasilenko yautkin, i am absolutely convinced that...
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yes, larisa rudolfovna, yes, this is konstantinov, i have a very important one for you. information, i found your money, we need to meet, tomorrow at 14:00 drive up to the forest fairy tale cafe, it’s on the highway at the exit to dubki, yes, i ask you, no one should know about this, otherwise i doubt that your child will remain alive.
2:46 am
hello, commander, hello, kind, your task is the territory of the cafe, eat, remove the car into the forest, konstantinov is going to return the money. a why did the percentage decide to discuss it here, everything can be, but it seems to me that he decided to overwhelm them, yeah, yes, there will be plenty of witnesses, and what kind of people, what kind of people, seryozha dzhan, welcome,
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welcome, hello, hello, what will you eat, make us some meat for tea, and we are with you today. let's work, i remember everything, i sent the girls home, i work alone, i'm waiting, come, okay, see you, as you say, two hours, if they arrive earlier, so let's immediately set up, as soon as konstantinov appears, readiness number one, uh-huh, i hope the authorities remember in person, uh-huh, so that means we get into the car, stand over there, in the place of that ten in the shadow. yeah, keep the walkie-talkie, it’s clear, we’ll sit in the car, and you’ll eat barbecue as if you want to sleep, but we won’t go alone, i won’t move from here
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until we are provided with security, and if something happens, listen, well, i’m telling you, well , where will i get you security, well, everything is ready, it’s clear, listen, maybe you’re here with them ir, which means they don’t want to, we ’ll have everything here, and here the barbecue is unreal, wow, a 5 seconds? yes, come on, i’ll go with you, i just need to jump into my clothes and hand over the papers, yes, great, we’ll give you a ride, eddie, what ’s so wonderful, come on, let’s go, eddie, the conversation was about eddie’s security, let’s go, let's go, that means this girl here will guard us, come on, come on, come on, oh, oh!
2:49 am
“sorry, i almost fell on you, i would have snapped this for a gift, did you come for the child, no, i don’t have children, i don’t have a fog book, it’s there in the classroom, thank you, please, they throw it away, come on, that’s it guys"? so that's all here, keep another one for the library, that’s all, what are you rubbing there, zhora, show me where you got that sock, hold it, now i’ll show them,
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we need to talk, we need to, so, let’s talk, go for a walk a little, georges, come on, go ahead, well , say, i came to apologize, i’m sorry that i came without calling, you just lose your sense of reality, i understand that you ’re out of the habit, you shouldn’t have done that, but i love you, let’s try again. you know, i even remembered the date, it was april 12, cosmonautics day, you and i were at a birthday party at olizykova’s, you saw me off, you were such a sweetheart, and you gave me your word. that you won’t work with the big one anymore, that you’ll quit with all this dirt, i believed you like a fool, they were going to leave, i even called tyuteley to spask
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so that she would accept us for the first time, but a week later they took you away, tell me, what are you talking about i thought when i trampled a man into the ground, you know that he died 2 years later, i had nothing to do with it, he quit the police and drank himself, his wife survived him only for six months, you sent two people to do that... i don’t know what you’re talking about you want it was, i have changed, because before you can’t talk to me anymore, i have nothing to talk about with you , they don’t smoke here, i was young, i won’t have any brains, it’s too late, i love another person, well, i understand what’s in him the thing is, she traded me for a cop, don’t be afraid, she’s already gone to the capital with him. go away, what are you doing? you don’t understand that
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you can’t do this to me, let me go, let me go, who do you think you are, bitch, let me go, you dropped me in the closet, let me go, let her go, disappear, i ’ll call dad now. “i’m not saying goodbye to him, it’s important, i asked you to forgive me, let’s not disappear, but sing your head, this for the car that hit lankov, look, i found it under the mat, the gas receipt was stuck there, let’s see, 10-15 minutes before lonkov was hit, someone was filling up, the payment went through the goats’ card, like that...”
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yes, security, what’s needed , well, you’re stunned, what should i do ? who am i? who knows about me?
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i can’t hear you, repeat the question, who knows about me?
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no, no, i’ll figure it out myself, i just put in my teeth, i want you to understand, you will give me everything you owe, as much as i owe you, half. “i thought the zone would calm you down, but you came more disappeared than you were, there is truth in your words, we started together. you went to the zone
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for a common cause, and that you didn’t pull me along with you, i haven’t forgotten that either, only now i’ve been humping here alone for 7 years, i already have one parasite on my neck, fat scum, i ’m not interested in your problems, i asked you a question, and i gave you the answer, now you tell me how you will pay, that’s it . you have to think, go over tomorrow, let's go, take a pill, drink
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blood, just lost a lot, one of the apers. sasha, who is also alive, well, for now anyway, the second one in the wilderness, you need an order, seriously, to put such a gang down, i don’t even know how you got it, the last time i shot a shooting range was 5 years ago, they wanted to fake an accident, they knocked me out them, then they set the car on fire and forgive me, goodbye, otherwise they would immediately begin to beg, yes, it’s cool, we’re lying to you.
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so they walked right along the edge, yes, carefully, but they closed the case, just like that, it’s not a sin to hit me for something like that, now it’s clear who set me up, he took the duck trunk, and this one was in charge, then they put it back, well, let's go, you'll drive, what are you doing, come out then, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, here, oh, i've got it all, i'm just damn, i've lost something in the plango fell out of my head, why was i shooting at the shooting range, you know, i understand, the boys will join in, let’s have a drink, it’s my birthday after all, birthday, hurray, i’m the queen of
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the world. in short, we will solve this case, tomorrow we will solve another one, i have a check somewhere now, so, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's dance, here, there, well done, now let's go, let's go, come on, come on, come on , so, you see how it is, and so i would have paid a tenner for them, yes, i would have rattled off, by your grace, dear seryoga.
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that's all you have, there he is.
3:01 am
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that you and i will put things in order here, i don’t know how to explain this to you, lie, thank you, don’t you want to drink tea, but i won’t go
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already, let me kiss bor, quietly, i remember everything, nena. but i still can’t, uh-huh, be careful, i’ll get there on my own, it’s fine , that’s it, quiet, your voice trembled on the phone, as if you wanted to say the main thing, strange, just
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yesterday god married us, but today that’s all became known by chance. don’t tell me anything, i know everything myself, and as for the last time you will tell me goodbye, and i will tell you, love.
3:05 am
do you have a gasoline complaint? no, damn it, if it’s a committee, here’s my id, in short, i need it. find out who this check was punched to, i'll take you as a driver, well , everything is written here, date, time, number, cards on which the payment was made, what else interests you, i'm interested in the fortune teller, the camera works for you, the video recording is with you we are stored for a month, but you are lucky, the system flew a month ago, still not fixed. so from that date the recording should have remained, look, judging by the time, it’s your car, and that cameras couldn’t be installed normally, you can’t see anything at all, what he ’s doing, gasoline pays, we have a new
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automatic terminal system, payment only with cards, that is, he didn’t come to us, no one saw him, it’s clear where to go. it’s great, it’s great that you’re on the honor guard, and something like that, you’re actually entitled to a day off after you’ve shot your gun gave it, we came up with such a train, how my pistol got to the stick. you're shaking, who are you, why did you miss it? hello, morozov, head of the investigative department polivanova, who are you? senior investigator for particularly important cases of the investigative department, investigative committee of the spassk region, we took the konstantinov case from you, so you don’t have to waste your time. so, wait, what about the missing child case too? yes, no, no, i have enough of my own to do,
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the murder of utkin, vasilenko, the attempted murder of eduarda, larisa kozlov and irina we take the poles, the rest ourselves, okay, i ’ll walk, half an hour is enough, yeah. you understood what was happening, and a car cut us off, they stopped us to talk, the woman started shooting crazy, she got scared, i probably don’t know anything else, it’s clear, just keep in mind that in the next room your operative is telling you about all the topics, so shut up, don’t be silent, you’ll end up the same way, oh, okay, i know these jokes better than you, i ’ve been stabbing people for 15 years. so keep in mind that i won’t say anything at all under the protocol, but without the protocol
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i essentially have one question for you: where is the child? and you’re not a fool, when you arrived, i actually decided that nothing would work out, don’t delay, you have nothing to lose, you’ll bring cigarettes, we never saw this kid, when we found out that he was missing, we decided to make money on this matter, i knew vasilenko for a long time, he processed them, and then with vasilenko the boys decided the issue, they really overdid it, they wanted to scare, but they hit him in the forehead, i’m fine, now there’s a change, i’ll finish soon, listen, in fact,
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after the last time i i'm just afraid to invite you, can i invite you today? myself, well, if it’s decent, well, okay, come on, i’ll come, eight, okay, everything ’s fine, yes, it’s agreed, i kiss you, bye, well, well, well, come on, listen, you’re just all glowing today, girls. i’m even envious , take something else, tyomych, girls, move, girls, move, eat, what are you not eating, eat, here you can undress, sit down, i must tell you that what happened yesterday is of course last straw. "i'm scared to even imagine
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what could have happened if my wife and i hadn't forced you to take this damn gun with you, what are you even talking about, i saved your life, i killed a man, now i have to live with this, this surprises me, how did you even end up in our car, we should have been guarded by professionals, we my wife lost all hope, which means i. i will connect all my connections, i will raise everyone to their feet , i will do everything in order to change this whole system of yours, listen, you are not here at a rally, yes, at an interrogation, please, stop the hysteria, okay, you have plastic bank cards cards that are plastic bank cards you have cards, and of course you haven’t lost any, please show me what , please show me, god knows what? everything,
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everything, wonderful, wonderful, now please strain your memory and explain to me, here is your car. was filled with gasoline, paid for with this card, and a few minutes later it was hit by a lanko, how could this happen? what, how do i know, what do you mean, i don’t understand. what are you trying to say now, you don’t understand, i ’ll explain to you now, no one stole your car, you came to a gas station, filled it with gas, and hit it lonkov, then they drove him to the swimming pool, and then in the morning they sent his wife to report the theft, that’s how it was, are you crazy, and what a swimming pool,
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what a gas station, i hit, i hit someone, i’ve never hit anyone. i want to repeat to you again, i’m not guilty of anything, openly, come in, hello,
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good evening, and i’m sorry for barging in like that, i just... the door slammed, uncle will transport the keys in 10 minutes, can i have you i’ll sit, yes of course, please, hello, hello, come in, thank you, this is for you, oh, thank you, listen, i’m only there neighbor, her door slammed, she ’s waiting, okay, yes, okay, nina,
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hello, you’re here, i’m very glad to see you. oh, excuse me, i’ll go and throw something, and this is some kind of cruel joke, boris, well , it’s a joke, at least you warned me, what are you doing, why, but nothing, i just wanted to joke. why are you so serious all the time? maybe champagne?
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you will feel good with me, you won’t regret it, and you can do whatever you want with me, go away, listen, no one has ever done this to me before, will you regret it? what a bastard, oh you will regret it, you understand that now i will be imprisoned, right? so, well, explain,
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just like that, now explain to me, what did this lankov do to you, that you decided to do this to me, but i just want to know, but i can’t wrap my head around it, marochka, larisa, i’m now starting to suspect the worst thing is, i ’m now starting to think that on that... terrible day, it was not an accident, no one could, except you, no one. and you said it about the car theft, and only you could have taken my documents, no one else, for what, eh? well, well, tell me
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why should i, huh? well, i just want to know that you are silent? ah, take this away, you understand that now some of the most seedy, most... living newspapers only have to blather, they’ll drown me, they’ll grind me into powder, i won’t exist, that’s it, no one will even figure it out, but just tell me me, but i beg you, i beg you , well, if you want, i’ll kneel in front of you, and i have to know, please, but i ask you, i beg you, leave her, go away, father, go away,
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he said, not now before you, it was me, what you, it was i who shot down. what? what hear? nina. ning, wait, i'll tell you everything will explain. nina. nin, please stop, nina, stop. we had nothing with her. she arrived 10 minutes before you. while i was opening the door, she was all in her masquerade. you don’t need to explain anything to me, nin, nina!
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eh, vasya, listen, where did you come from, do you even know who i am, come on, come on, tell me who you are, i’ve known ninka since i was 5 years old, she ’s mine, she was and will be, and the earth - this is mine, i have nowhere to leave here, and you are an extra trash can here, so come on, collect your belongings.
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let's go!
3:21 am
hello, hi, dash, it’s me, why did you come earlier? i didn’t call, i was confused, he invited me to visit, said that he needed to consult with me, he wanted to show me some curtains, then he opened the champagne, how he attacked me, how he undressed me all, lord. but i didn’t escape, i ran home, scared, locked myself in and couldn’t leave the house, calm down, i’ve made up my mind. you
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’ll live with us for now, just don’t say anything to your aunt , okay, okay, just say that you were bored there, but that’s it, you go and rest, i’ll think about how to reason with him, go, go,
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“we need to meet, i'll come now, he's a bastard he’s always been a scumbag, i don’t regret it, he drove my wife to death, but she made him director, and when he was no longer needed, he began to drive him to death. he deliberately insulted and humiliated me, i talked to him, warned him, but everything was like hitting a wall.
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did you leave the car in the swimming pool? yes i. gleb sergeev, do you know him? which sergeev? operative. gleb sergeev. his watch was found near your car in the swimming pool. you are him. they killed, i didn’t kill anyone, i don’t know anyone from sergei, i can’t tell you anything about the watch, yes, and also, write it down, i hit lankov by accident, so write it down, it was dark, he jumped out, i became blind
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, i didn’t notice, okay, wait 10 minutes outside the door, please wait outside the door, we ’ll call you in 10 minutes, uh-huh, okay, no, not him , but he couldn’t kill gleb, he simply wouldn’t have been able to cope, you know what i think, all this evidence, the watch, the wallet, they were planting them on us on purpose, gleb couldn’t go everywhere and lose everything, the wallet on the train, the watch in the village, this is nonsense, to be honest, i myself wanted to go with him, but you can’t come to an agreement with him, and
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what do you suggest, go to the cops, so are you going to him? you’ll come, but no, you’ll have to decide in a different way, i’m thinking, maybe he wanted to say hello to me in this way, he knows who she is, don’t take it from me, that she could break out, and don’t you think that this is all a woman’s game , no, what are you saying, nadya, our girl is pure, she won’t do anything like that, i propose to resolve the issue radically. once and for all, the risk is very great, you and i will get so dirty that it will take us the rest of our lives to wash ourselves off, no, we will do it in such a way that you won’t be undermined, don’t be afraid, i’ve already thought of everything, there is no risk, but okay, come to me, oh,
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i see you are restless, be patient, 7 years, thank you, my friend, with your soul. for now, you go to the living room, the table is already set there, and we will now join you, today nini, now you will have nini, come, what’s the king, have i thought about your question? i didn’t doubt you, i’ll give you a share, half won’t work, i
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have that much myself, but you’ll have your 20%, given our turnover, that’s very good money, you’ve never had that much in your life. there is only one condition: you fulfill your 20%.


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