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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 25, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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dozens of foreign mercenaries were destroyed in iskander and delivered a precise blow to the location of the ukrainian armed forces in the kharkov region. vague argument. how biden explained his withdrawal from the presidential race in his address to the nation. in some cases, banks were obliged to return money stolen by fraudsters to clients. read more in business news. for assistance in the implementation of national projects in moscow, the laureates of the award were awarded our contribution. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev. hello. russian rocket scientists. successful launch
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of iskanders destroyed 40 foreign mercenaries and 60 military personnel of the 151st mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. the ministry of defense published footage of objective control today. the enemy was hiding in the building of a construction company in one of the industrial zones of kharkov. the missiles overcame enemy anti-aircraft weapons and hit the target. iskanders also hit two workshops for repairing military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces on the territory of an armored tank factory. president of belarus. alexander lukashenko arrived in st. petersburg today for negotiations with vladimir putin; as reported, the head of state will discuss current issues on the development of belarusian -russian relations, promotion of union projects, regional security topics and the international agenda. and the night before, vladimir putin met with syrian president bashar assad in the kremlin. they discussed the general situation in the middle east, as well as the development of trade relations between the countries. this year marks the 80th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations.
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your opinion on how the situation in the region as a whole is developing is very interesting; unfortunately, it tends to escalate, we see this, this also applies directly to syria, but also as regards our trade and economic ties, there are a lot of questions here, there are promising directions, mr. president, i’m glad to see you again, today’s visit coincides with the anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries, during these decades our countries went through very... difficult tests, and of course, these decades witnessed complex transformation processes, but the relations of our countries maintained their trust level, and this is an indicator of the maturity of our peoples. bashar assad last flew to moscow in march twenty-third, when the heads of state discussed the liquidation of the consequences of a severe earthquake in syria and turkey. israel will not give up victory over the hamas movement and will complete the operation to defeat its opponents.
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benjamin netanyahu said while speaking in the us congress. the israeli prime minister said the crisis situation would have been resolved long ago if hamas had surrendered and released all the hostages. in the meantime, the militants are rendering the israeli army desperate resistance. netanyahu spoke for a long time and spoke of his determination to defeat not only hamas, but all opponents of israel. the prime minister's speech was repeatedly interrupted by applause from congressmen. netanyahu called on the united states to more actively help israel create an alliance similar to nato in the middle east as a counterweight to iran. when we fight hamas, we fight iran, when we fight hezbollah, we fight iran, when we fight the houthis, we fight iran, when we fight iran, we fight the us's most radical, bloodthirsty enemy, and something else when israel takes action to stop iran from developing nuclear weapons, weapons that could destroy israel. and threaten every
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american city, we are not only protecting ourselves, we are protecting you. iran quickly responded to netanyahu’s speech; its leader and spiritual leader ayatallah ali khameni said that the united states and israel had failed to bring hamas to its knees in 9 months and had only achieved that the resistance of the muslim world was getting stronger every day. resistance is growing in states themselves, some american senators boycotted the prime minister's speech, but it's not like that on the streets. on the streets, protesters demonstratively took down the american flag and chanted slogans against israeli policies in support of the creation of the state of palestine. prime minister netanyahu also addressed these demonstrators in his speech. some of these
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protesters are holding signs that say "gays zagazu", they might as well be holding signs that say "hooked on kfc". protesters chant from the river to the sea, but many of them have no idea which river and which sea we are talking about; they get a bad mark not only in geography, but in history. however, much more than netanyahu’s speech, the attention of the americans, of course, was attracted by the appearance of president joe biden in front of the cameras. he addressed the nation from the white house, finally explained what prompted him to withdraw from the presidential race, but it seems that there are no questions about his condition, not about the reasons for his... the decision has not diminished, the president’s speech was analyzed by our own us correspondent, alexey vasilovsky. from president biden was expected to give clear explanations as to why he decided to withdraw from the election. the white house, announcing his address to the country, said that the us president would speak in detail about his
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motives. in fact, biden said only a few general phrases that can hardly be considered a sincere explanation of what happened. as president, i believe. that my global authority, my vision for the future of the united states are important for a second term, but nothing, nothing should interfere with the defense of our democracy, not even personal ambitions, so i decided that the best the way to move on is to pass this torch on to the next generation, this is the best way to unite our people. in the oval office, from where biden spoke, the president’s family and his closest advisers listened to the address; they say that some of them even cried, the nuance is that... 10 days ago, biden assured the country exactly the opposite, that only he capable of leading america forward, that he is so successful that the country needs another 4 years with biden, echoes of this were heard in the presidential address. i'm the only one a president in the 21st century who can tell
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americans: the united states has not been involved in a single conflict anywhere in the world, we will continue to lead a coalition of proud nations against putin, who wants to take over ukraine, we will... make nato stronger, i made nato stronger than ever in history. but this begs a reasonable question: if you are such a successful president that in 3 and a half years you have done so much that other american leaders could not manage in 8 years, then in what best interests of the country are you withdrawing from the elections, while in the white house they continue to insist that the matter is not at all about the president’s health, biden really looked good, but when he spoke, and he spoke of course via a teleprompter, he still got confused several times.
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i just listed what the president managed to do in 4 years, he did it, he withdrew his candidacy, but not because he believed that he could not serve a second term. but if it’s not a matter of health, then it turns out that more and more leaks about how the democratic party elite threatened biden to use twenty the fifth amendment to the constitution, to declare him incompetent if he does not leave himself, donald trump also shared his version of what happened. he said, "i had a bad evening." no, he not only had a bad evening, he had everything bad. it all started, yes, with debates, then it got worse, we beat him by 11, 12, 14, 15%. and then he said it was time to leave because his bosses told him to leave. he himself didn’t want to,
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they told him, you’re leaving, they said, get out, they’re just killing you based on the rating, you can’t win, now they’ve invited this one, who worse, but what if we start and... well, there are many such cases, what kind of cases are they? well, for example, if a bank transfers money to an account blacklisted by the central bank. a law has come into force in russia that will once again try to deal with voices from the phone, successfully
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convincing russians to either say a code from an sms, or transfer money to a mythical safe account, or follow the instructions of a certain interior ministry employee. now russian banks will be obliged in some cases. during this time, the bank must contact the client and receive confirmation of the transaction from him. central bank clarified that suspicion may be caused, for example, by the fact that the client talked on the phone too often or for too long before transferring money or received a lot of sms. so far , central bank statistics show that there is little hope for the return of what was stolen by scammers. last year, banks returned less than 9% of stolen money to customers. russian companies have new problems with payments through banks in kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan,
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uzbekistan and tajikistan. they began to carry out operations longer and refuse more often. a review prepared by several russian logistics companies, reports rbc. the document says: the average time for making payments with central asian states increased by about 15% in july compared to june and reached 2 weeks. and the percentage of payment refusals through banks in these countries has increased to 30. representatives of logistics companies interviewed by rbc say: there are no clear algorithms, and therefore banks can refuse to process a payment without a detailed explanation of the reasons. and in the same bank, a payment for, for example, 10 thousand dollars can go through, but for 5000 dollars already may be cancelled. problems with payments through banks of so-called friendly countries are confirmed by the vice-president of support of russia nikolai dunaev. previously, the media wrote about problems russian companies have with operations through china. rats and turkey. in general, reports that the situation here is getting worse coincide with tightening sanctions against
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russia. at the end of last year , a us presidential decree appeared according to which banks could be subject to secondary american sanctions if they help the russian military industry. and in june of this year in the usa significantly expanded the concept of the russian military-industrial complex and began to understand by it everyone who fell under blocking american sanctions, including the largest russian banks. russian market. today i lost everything i gained during yesterday’s session; investors’ caution is explained by expectations of a new key rate in russia. the central bank has significantly lowered the official exchange rates of the dollar and euro; today the american rate is 86.55, the european rate is 94.38. the ministry of labor today announced how russians will relax next year. in the draft resolution, traditionally the longest weekend is new year's holidays. if this year they were 10 days, then next year they promise 11 from december 29 to january 8, defender
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of the fatherland day and international women's day fall on sunday, and on this day russians are invited to celebrate everything, no additional days off for these holidays they won’t give it, but will postpone them from may 8 to june 13. these and other transfers have led to the fact that on the may holidays russians will rest twice for four days, first they will celebrate the spring of labor holiday, and then the day victories, four-day celebration... organizations in achieving national goals for the implementation of national projects. more than 600 applications from 270 companies from
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all regions of russia, including new ones, were received to participate in the award. the winners were 40 projects in various fields of education, science, demography, tourism, ecology and digital economy. alexey kvashenkin attended the award ceremony at the government coordination center. the national award our contribution recognizes the merits of business and non-profit organizations in achieving national projects. total in this time.
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heroes, it began with races in the oryol region. now his project is both the heat of the krasnodar region and the harsh cold of the murmansk region. our project has existed for more than 6 years. the main thing that people get, of course, is emotions, but for some it is a reason to start life anew, for others to change their life for the better, this is exactly the point, of course, not everyone can overcome it. the most difficult route is 15 km, but there are routes for children, there are races where families participate, find out your capabilities everyone can. and this led us to the fact that we had such participants as, for example, nikita gaiduk, who took part in the trail of heroes in the city of arkhangelsk - in our trail, nikita has no legs, but at the same time he walked the entire distance, a guy from arkhangelsk walked the entire path without legs. blessed be
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our god, always, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. the women for life foundation unites the efforts of various people to dissuade a woman from having an abortion. some children who were brought to christina's temple appeared in the light , contrary to the initial wishes of their mothers. you you know, when we started, there was no such direction at all. we just saw that a lot of people would like to help for free, doctors, psychologists, lawyers, and we just gave them the opportunity to touch this.
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you can always turn to, there are psychologists, there are also gynecologists, you can turn to everyone , you can even turn to natalia directly, on this day for the children in whose lives the head of the foundation took part, she also became a godmother, it turns out, she connected her life with them. the concept of the goodsuring project is at the same time simple and complex, to connect those who wants to go on a trip with those who need volunteers. goodsurfing is a way to travel, in principle, at low cost, but at the same time do good and useful things. that is, you are leaving. the trip is not just relaxing on the beach, for example, relaxing on the beach, while saving turtles or helping another non-profit organization to an archival excavation or to a national park or reserve, but maybe working a little on a farm. many people probably don’t know about this option, instead of a cocktail on the beach, take a shovel, the main thing is that there are no contraindications for health, work with a shovel, a pickaxe, a pickaxe, wear a fedra,
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drive wheelbarrows, we honestly write about this, but it seems that those who made their choice did not regret it, it starts with work , after which we eat a very, very tasty meal, i generally really like eating here, i don’t know if the fresh air has this effect, or i’m just actively working that then i’m ready to eat something else, that’s after which we take a shower, shower here too you begin to appreciate it in a special way, as a result, for some volunteers life is cool changes, temporary solutions become a calling, a person left 6 years ago for a project and still hasn’t returned, not because he was lost, but because he likes it there and works... he enjoys life on the farm, i think it ’s an inspiring story when people come, for example, to the reserve they stay to work there, and some of them have even grown to large positions, that is, they have discovered a new destiny for themselves. strangely, all three stories in our story are about how some people help others change. among the people who might not have been born, there are state duma deputies, scientists, cosmonauts,
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pilots, they change our country every time... on the other hand, changing life for the better is not a task for a national project. alexey kvashenkin, roman vekmanis, dmitry chesnykh, ulyana talpa and olga afonina, tv component. now the word from my colleague, valery gavrilovsky, host of the emergency program . ler, what are we talking about today? ilya, today in the episode baloshikha poisoner, twenty-five-year-old artyom missori got along two personalities. during the day he was an ordinary algebra tutor, and at night he tried himself as a cold-blooded killer. now investigators are checking him for involvement in at least
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eight episodes. so far, it has been established that one death resulted. artyom's school friend died. he also... dropped poison in the house of his mother and ochum. we will tell you who else suffered from the actions of a maniacal poisoner in our issue. ilya. nalera, thank you, this is not only in the emergency program after a short pause. at this point that's all for now, go to, see you. only in al. spin the reel in the app and get a superkick up to 100% every month. and up to 30% in categories is guaranteed, if you don’t have a card, order a free debit alpha card, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable, enjoy
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taste with a mortgage to build a house, new building or resale, choose what everyone will like, on domklik everyone will find housing for themselves, on ntv, the emergency program in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya, we are live, hello! and we begin the issue with the story of the balashikha poisoner. the detainee artyom missouri has already been sentenced to three counts. if last week it became known about attempts to poison his stepfather and mother, now
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a connection has been established with the death of his childhood friend. a school friend died after taking just one sip of a poisoned drink. and now the employees of ask are checking the information for missura’s involvement in five more episodes, including whether his grandmother could have died from poisoning? what drove this man? pour poison into your loved ones. artyom is 25 years old, he is an algebra tutor, ntv correspondent denis zadokhin figured out how two personalities coexisted in him. there is not a hint of regret in his words ; artyom misyura tells the investigators even with a certain grin on his face about the dying symptoms of the death of his school friend, weakness and numb limbs, failure of internal organs. this is the first proven an episode in the case of the balashikha poisoner, which led to death. during the investigative actions, the detainee told what he had offered to his friend. berry juice, into which a dose of dangerous chemicals was previously added, the concentration turned out to be so strong that one sip was enough, the proportion and concentration of the substance contained
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in the bottle. was how dangerous.


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