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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  July 25, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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poisoned his stepfather and mother, now they have established a connection with the death of his childhood friend, a school friend died after taking just one sip of a poisoned drink, now the investigative committee is checking information for missour’s involvement in five more episodes, including whether his grandmother could have died from poisoning , what made this man add poison to his loved ones? artyom is 25 years old, he is an algebra tutor, ntv correspondent denis zadokhin figured out how two personalities coexisted in him. there's not a hint of regret in his words, oh artyom misyura tells the investigators about the dying symptoms of the death of his school friend, weakness, missing limbs, failure of internal organs, even with a certain grin on his face. this is the first proven episode in the case of the balashikha poisoner, which led to death. during the investigation, the detainee said that he offered his friend berry juice, into which he had previously added a dose of dangerous chemicals. the concentration turned out to be so strong that one depth was enough. proportion and concentration of content.
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this was the fate of his best friend, they communicated with the school bench and celebrated holidays together, although after school, as they grew older, they began to see each other less often, the friend was making a successful career, but missura still could not arrange his life, he worked as a tutor, did not have a stable income. now it is clear that he spent much more time on his disgusting addiction. investigators are checking misyura for involvement in the attempted poisoning of at least five more people, four of whom, fortunately, survived. and how many more might not have been saved if not for hidden surveillance camera installed by parents. they suspected something was wrong. artyom lived separately from his loved ones, but he always had the keys. after waiting until his mother left for work, he took a jar of salt and added a handful of white powder. it was already in the evening that a man and a woman were severely poisoned. to date
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, interrogations have been carried out, medical documents have been seized in order to order an examination to determine the severity of harm caused to people’s health, and by using hair from the head and cutting nail plates, of the alleged victims, an examination will also be carried out. poison in the food of relatives - this has already been proven, the tutor mixed it for six months, misyura does not deny the guilt, the main question, the answer to which he still cannot give the investigators, is why he did it, besides very... and his mother could have been his victims uncle, girl, her brother and friend, they all ended up in the hospital with signs of poisoning, the girl ended up in intensive care and was miraculously saved. it is also known about the death of artyom’s grandmother, the reasons for which experts now want to re-establish. according to some information, her grandson often borrowed money from her, but never returned it. such a monster in a family that was considered prosperous by others. a good family, everything is complete, here they are, here is their son, their daughter, i don’t know, good. well, yes, he
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has been there lately with a girl, maybe he lived there, but he actually lived here or not, well, he no longer lived, but came, i don’t know what could have provoked this. according to acquaintances, the poisoner in artyom’s life was a period when he had difficulty getting into relationships or making friends, couldn’t find a job for a long time, and spent the pocket money he received from his parents in online casinos. then extremely strange messages began to appear on his page on the internet, you are a bunch of lazy nonentities. revealing their laziness to circumstances. you will never climb onto pedestals or conquer everest. your dreams will forever remain just the dreams of a puddle of mud with no purpose, no willpower, no perseverance. but after a while everything has changed. the personal life that misyura began to show off—his emphasized infatuation with a girl, expensive clothes, cars—gave his relatives hope that the worst was behind him. the boy grew up and improved, but he simply hid and prepared a terrible fate for all those who prevented him from being himself, the list of a... was large, much
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more than we know now, he kept the chemistry that the poisoner used for murders in the apartment in shoe boxes and canisters, this amount would be enough for several dozen people. denis zadokhin, larisa kapinskaya and dmitry salnikov, ntv television company. the disgusting behavior of young residents of rubtsovsk, a city in the south of the altai territory, became the reason for inspection. investigators are establishing all the circumstances of the attack on a disabled woman. olga is well known by the locals, everyone treats her with understanding and sympathy, only a group of aggressive teenagers does not give her a pass, she has been suffering unfortunate bullying for several years, only now, it seems, she can count on help, well, sit down and everyone calls her aunt olya, she is here she was born, raised and will probably spend her whole life here. olga is a disabled person from childhood, which was well known to teenagers who enjoyed constant bullying of the woman. well, sit down, what?
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you can drink on cardboard, sit down on coca, yes you can have coca, oh, what are you doing, fools or? bent! olga, screaming and in tears, not expecting such a strong blow, fell to the ground, and the aggressive teenagers, laughing, rushed in all directions. a woman started having an epileptic attack due to nervousness and this happens to her regularly. passers-by stood up if they saw, sometimes neighbors, guardians, but the evil bunch chose the moments when to waylay her. they used to hide it, but for the first time they decided to film it with a mobile camera, they wanted to show off by posting the video on some channel. there was a backlash for them. unexpected, a wave of condemnation and the interest of investigators. in the evening, in the city of rubtsovsk, minors committed hooliganism against a disabled woman, while filming their actions on a mobile phone camera. present time investigators of the investigation
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the committee is carrying out urgent investigative actions aimed at establishing the circumstances of the incident. the culprits were quickly identified, but the instigator had long been unaware of his disgusting behavior. years, all those involved were summoned for an interview in the investigator’s office, there the schoolboy was already repenting, trying to find an excuse, allegedly they offended the woman not out of malice, but it was already obvious to the detectives that the teenagers were asserting themselves in this way, for example, they come up with a new way to make fun of them and declare a dispute over who will carry it out, the loser pays money a boy, one of the participants, he said that he would forgive the debt if he just broke this bucket, the debt was 500 rubles. investigators have opened a criminal case under the article hooliganism, and are now establishing all episodes of abuse of a disabled woman; it is known that olga was pursued, forced to run, and thrown stones and mud. i know that they have been bullying her for about 3 years, i also know that she sold bags at the central
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market, walks every day at lenin avenue 66. i know olga has a dad who whenever possible, protects olga from teenagers. the father of the leader of this gang of youngsters also defends his. those hazardous to health. in the krasnodar territory , investigators exposed criminals who were selling counterfeit drugs. details after the ad.
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alice, find a film with svetlokov. great choice. alice, a tip about investments. but who am i kidding? alisa, turn on the taganrok astrakhal match. i turn it on. 20 years. i was waiting for it like this, but you don’t wait, well, it gives gpt, yandex tv station with alice, everything will be found, problem cystitis is known to many women, the main cause of cystitis is bacteria, cystone helps fight cystitis, when there is cystitis, then sosom, how do you like it, class, but save up a vtb savings account for a subscription, open a vtb savings account with a rate of 19%. vtb, together everything will work out, fabulous chicken. needed for sweet dreams, rubber chicken for distracting maneuvers, the most tender chicken for burgers at a tasty point, new curry sauce at chicken premium and chicken hit carry, try it at a tasty point, buy a good one at
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five, register checks and prizes can be yours, and another 4,000 rubles for gadgets, pump up the summer with the good five, five helps out, one of my friends connected without... everyone who blinked, it’s done, place an order online and pick it up in 15 minutes en video or eldorado. amylatex gel acts precisely at the source of pain, the exact solution is free movement. as we age, we all experience
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a decline in memory and intelligence. why does the body fail? our body has a main computer - the brain, it is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood and sleep. and regulates the work of each of our organs. the brain is an electrical system, it consists of nerve cells and processes between them, through which electrical signals constantly flow. as we age , changes occur in the brain: brain cells become damaged by the environment and stress as they age. scientists from kyoto university have found that the japanese eat a unique mollusk called azektinida. it turns out that azumopectinide contains a unique compound.
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and regulates the work of each of our organs, however, with age, we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, a disruption in the functioning of our organs. this year, the russian distributor purchased a batch of the japanese product brainterapy, which contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain therapy is produced in japan. the aging of the brain can be reversed, and it will serve you faithfully again . prolong the youth of your brain. 800 100 exactly 1985 800 100 exactly 1985 learn
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more about the japanese product moscrapy live again emergency the incident we continue to release criminal. a topic that makes hair stand on end was revealed by operatives in the krasnodar region, the trail of dangerous criminals emerged after a series of deaths of teenagers, it was already established a year ago, two brothers organized the sale of counterfeit drugs, pharmacies were opened near schools and colleges, drugs were sold without a prescription, including those that contained drugs. as a result, at least four schoolchildren died. all the details, including whether the manager of the network of illegal pharmacies and his accomplices were detained, will tell. kuznetsov. dozens of addresses, completely different cities and regions of kuban.
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a large-scale operation by investigators from the fsb department in the krasnodar territory began simultaneously. we need to act quickly; it turned out to be too developed; it was a network of underground pharmacies that sold potent drugs. no prescriptions, no receipts, no liability. the employees, who were taken by surprise by the security forces, immediately tried to escape under any pretext. come here, i'll read it out. i want to go to the toilet, can i? please come here come, don’t yell at me, i want a drink, wait, on the conscience of these pseudo-pharmacists, at least four victims died: teenagers who were poisoned by drugs that were counterfeit and sold without prescriptions, the schoolchildren did not know each other, this happened in different cities, but at some point, law enforcement officers connected these cases, checked where the guys were shortly before their deaths and found out that they were all clients of the same pharmacy chain, owned by the brothers peter and andrei osmanov, this... in there were remedies for fever and runny noses on display; hundreds of packages of potent drugs were stored in safes. so, this is
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money, we’ll look at it now. the drug helps relieve the symptoms of some serious brain diseases, side effects, euphoria and hallucinations; an overdose can lead to a death coma, especially if taken by a minor. there are no documents in the pharmacy for this medicine, and in general it is only a pharmacy in appearance, but according to the papers it is ordinary retail premises. employees' attitude towards pharmaceuticals... scale it’s amazing, no one here ever asked customers for prescriptions from doctors, another client ran in for a narcotic drug right while the security forces were working, how many pieces, gaba, patronymic names, come in, come in, come in, 150 pieces, they came here and asked. check whether gaba is sold or not, after these moments i won’t trust my friends anymore, as i understand it, how many more
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deaths from poisoning with surrogate drugs, and the detectives will have to connect with this chain of pharmacies, no one knows now, the illegal business has flourished, that’s just small part of the luxury auto organizers, the osmanov brothers, this is what their offices look like, paintings, expensive alcohol, beautiful, stylish, cozy, millions of rubles in safes, two brothers created an organized group with the aim of distributing counterfeit medicines, including without relevant doctor's prescriptions. to implement their plan , they rented non-residential premises located near educational institutions in different... areas of the region, which they equipped under the guise of pharmacies, creating a whole network of such illegal establishments. the most cynical, smuggly pharmacies were located mainly near schools and colleges, that is , the osmanov brothers clearly understood which clients they made money from. this didn’t bother anyone in the family. wife of peter osmanov. svetlana, for example, the chief accountant of city, handled all financial matters. she also had deputies, such as the administrator, milovidnaya
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kristina lutsenko. during the searches, the leaders found dozens of plots of land and apartments .
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region, its own microdistrict with dilapidated houses, the building was officially recognized as such by an expert examination, but nothing went further than this fact; people are not resettled, no matter how much they ask; every day in a dilapidated house could be the last, as yulia oblitsova found out after listening to desperate residents. residents of the village of bobrovka renamed this street in their own way to nightmare street. one cannot expect anything good from living in dilapidated and gloomy houses; one has to adapt to harsh conditions. the old buildings have long since outlived their usefulness, people are counting down the days until complete collapse, wondering what kind of edition will emerge first, like a house of cards, everything there is rotten, the roof is all rotten, everything is running, our old wiring is done through the top, people have been trying to achieve relocation from dilapidated houses for many years, even, back in 2015 experts estimated the deterioration of the building at 70%, after that
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the collapsing two-story buildings were recognized as unsafe and subject to demolition, but all the promises of the locals... a dubious and unreliable way to somehow protect themselves, the village residents once again tried to voice their concerns to the district administration. we no longer have a dialogue it turns out that we’re not selling anything anymore, we’ll just gather all these seven houses in the winter and come to your building, this is a three-story building, and we’ll spend the winter here with the children, with the elderly, with everyone, you understand,
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in winter we have 4 ° in the apartment, the deputy head reported, he knows about the problem, but cannot fake anything. the area is subsidized, a lot of money is required for resettlement, i won’t get money out of my pocket right now, i won’t start buying apartments, we definitely can’t afford such an amount from the budget, we still have to wait for the decision to consider our applications, if this money is provided for us, accordingly the resettlement will be carried out in 2025, so we came to you, you again give us the same fairy tale about the gray bull, we are listening to this in the meeting, we have been listening to this for many years, the residents of bobrovka, driven almost to despair, believe that local authorities are simple. they are inactive, promises, no one believes anymore, the housewarming party should have been celebrated 5 years ago, they hung out pieces of paper for all of us, now 92 million have been allocated, a house will be built, the village of bobrovka, resettlement in the nineteenth year, where are 92 million, where is this house, bobrovka village? it seems
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investigators will now be looking for answers to all these questions; the investigative committee has opened a criminal case on the grounds of negligence. it has been established that a number of houses are recognized as unsafe. and subject to demolition in 2017, however, unidentified officials of the administration of the troetsky municipal district did not take timely effective measures for resettlement; in the rotten houses, literally everything rests on their word of honor, which means the housing issue needs to be resolved as soon as possible, among those who have to neighbor moldy rats, old people, disabled people and families with children. yulia oletsova and valentin lyubimov ntv television company. that's not all, see below. paris syndrome. how the austrian national team was greeted in the capital of the summer olympic games, why the participation of athletes in competitions is now under threat. we’ll tell you after the advertisement, where is firit, where is my son,
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the child is not from firit, the one who has a grudge against you, i know that he is now digging for you, i have a man in prison, we will protect arkhan, we are still here with you let's have fun, believe me, you look good, together, i hope we will see how you join the union, we are nobody here and there is no way to call us, we must give grandfather khalis a grandson, blood from his blood, kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv, alfabank is the best bank for business, open free account with alfabank and receive up to 10%. with a business card, alfabank has the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs. still thinking about the perfect home? it's time to go to domklik to
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investigators celebrate their professional holiday on july 25. an office reporting directly to the head of state. investigative committee employees solve the lion's share of extremist, official, corruption and economic crimes. this year alone , about 50 thousand criminal cases were sent to the courts, including 300 from previous years. one of them is the high-profile murder of businessman vyacheslav chmachenko, how who solved the complicated case, reporting by diana kovando. making your way through thickets in the forest near moscow, investigator artyom bon leads to the crime scene, which became, perhaps, the loudest in his career. he had been investigating the case of the mysterious disappearance of a podolsk businessman for almost a year, this is the very place where criminologists discovered the remains of vyacheslav chumachenko. our pit was about a meter by meter, he put it in the fetal position, so to speak, with his legs pressed to his chest,
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his arms pressed to his body. most of the time the body was not found, so the investigation took a long time to establish criminals, and then convince them to tell the truth. little was known initially. vyacheslav chumachenko disappeared in the winter of twenty -two, drove up to the house in a car, but did not have time to get up to the apartment, stopped answering calls, five men in overalls and black balaclavas attacked him, beat him and immobilized him, pushed him into a car specially purchased for this purpose and took him to forest. strabogatov looked out the window,
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made sure that it was... that man said: we are working. now the detectives already know that sergei skorobagatov was the think tank operations, all actions were coordinated by his accomplices only with him, testimony was given in shackles, this is a special measure for especially dangerous criminals from whom resistance or escape can be expected. having received an order to kill, he took on all the most difficult and dirty work himself. i took the rope, he tried, i understood that he realized that something had gone wrong, he tried to scream, i hit him several times. on what parts of the body on the head, that is, on the weight part, on the back of the head, he fell silent. sergei skorobagatov boxer in the past personal driver of the best friend of the murdered man, best friend, business partner, andrei mitroshin turned out to be an envious person and a traitor. he, as investigator bon establishes, put money above friendship and morality and ordered the murder. both partners were mid-level businessmen; they did not own factories or ships, but they were quite successfully developing a local car wash. everything
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went smoothly until metroshin... decided to take over the business on his own, he was not satisfied that his partner had a larger share , overall he was more successful, he even tried to sue, it didn’t work out, then he decided to get rid of his rival can only after the death of the opponent himself. mitroshin, the first to speak under pressure from ulik during interrogation, handed over the perpetrator of the murder. he turned out to be a shady kolach, after his arrest, he did not admit guilt and did not give up his accomplices; in order to bring him to the truth , the investigators had to carry out an entire operation, the only thing that the criminologists knew was the foreign car in which they were stolen. the victim, a dodge caravan hit by a headlight, tracked the movement of all cars in podolsk using street cameras, and these are tens of thousands of cars, and found the same one. it turned out that after after the murder of chumachenko, the criminals did not get rid of her; they set up surveillance of the car. the investigator, together with operatives with the involvement of gi’s employees, having isolated the area in order to exclude possible witnesses, entered this car at night, removed all the biological traces we needed from
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the steering wheel and from the interior. and so on, they inspected the trunk, recorded everything that was there, and after that, again through operational channels, they informed our detainees that we had installed the car, giving them a reason to destroy it, they tried to set it on fire, but by that time the investigators had already sent the fingerprints taken in the car for examination and received the first direct evidence, which made it possible to bring charges against all detainees and place them under arrest, especially time... at the initial stage, yes, when a case is opened, it is priceless , that is, if we delay a little, then we can miss some nuances and moments, if we miss some moments, we miss people the opportunity to expose them to crimes, or vice versa, for the kidnapping of the murder of vyacheslav chumachenko, the killer boxer went to a colony for 17 years, his accomplices and the orderer of the massacre are still awaiting a sentence, which, taking into account the articles, promises to be no less severe. diana kavando, anton kuzmina
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kryukova. to sing for the starts of the cycling team games they didn’t give the best reception the car was robbed by migrants, they stole uniforms, food and most importantly, they stole two-wheeled vehicles, the amateur recording shows windows, minibuses are broken, the doors are dented, sports bags and suitcases are lying around, which were gutted by the attackers , where the french police were looking, which, given the scale of the event, must patrol the streets of the capital every minute, an unanswered question, austrian trainers.
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kingfisher. if something happens to you, what should i do, how can i then live with this pain? where were you before, mom? why have you
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been trying to get rid of me for so many years? i hate you both, for the sake of allah don’t say that, please forgive me, daughter! aunt, what happened, are you okay, i'm okay, i'm going so crazy, allah, help me, so many hours have passed, why are they still silent, why is no one he’ll say everything’s fine, but i’ll go crazy. doctor, pilin yalmas, her condition has worsened,
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say something good, i’m afraid not a single treatment option has given a positive result, it’s difficult for us to... keep her in a help, stable condition, we would really like her what does this mean, why are you you can’t do anything, tell me why?
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i don't believe. pilin, pilin, pilin, pilin, ah!


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