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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 25, 2024 4:00pm-4:45pm MSK

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dozens of foreign mercenaries, the destructive iskander, dealt a precise blow to the location of the ukrainian armed forces in the khalkov area. and under coaldar, marine snipers hit the enemy from a long distance and disrupt the rotation of militants. vague arguments as biden explained his withdrawal from the presidential race in his address to the nation. in some cases, banks were required to return money stolen by fraudsters to clients. read more in business news. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev. hello. russian rocket scientists in as a result of the successful launch of the iskanders , 40 foreign mercenaries and 60
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military personnel of the 151st mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed. objective control footage is being published today by the ministry of defense. the enemy was hiding in the building of a construction company in one of the industrial zones of kharkov. the missiles overcame enemy air defenses and hit the building. iskanders also hit two workshops for repairing military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces on the territory of an armored tank factory. our ground forces continue their offensive. one of the most difficult areas right now is yuzhnodonetsky. marine corps pacific snipers work there. fleet. that night they disrupted another rotation of ukrainian armed forces units in the ugledar area. rostislavsky dan observed the actions of our military. reaper sos, you are the eighth square, we will take the fifth. all clear? yes. monitor your readiness yourself. they are taciturn at work. sound is a source of risk, it demonstrates. and in the sniper craft, conspiracy is the same weapon as a rifle. after a short briefing, the main one is in duty...
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if everything is no longer moving, if, for example, more people, more enemies, that is, we can work not only with one, with one rifle, with two guns. pacific snipers combine such delicate operations with rough work on enemy equipment; their area of ​​interest is the vehicles of the commanders of the armed forces of ukraine, most often these are lightly armored transporters. the more you throw at the equipment, the more damage you cause, the enemy still gets scared and stops. further on the uavs were already entering. summer is the golden season for snipers. it’s warm at night, ambushes are not unpleasant, and during the day sunny. the targets are clearly visible through the rifle's optics and through our aerial reconnaissance lenses. in flowering forest plantations , the boundary between natural and artificial camouflage is ideally erased, and even being in relative safety after combat duty, the shooters of the vostok group do not neglect camouflage means, and we do not neglect personal protective equipment. the fact is that such a concept as a safe zone is specifically military. now there are such peaks on our
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screen, which means that somewhere in the sky there is attack drone, the question is, whose is it ours or the enemy’s? the arsenal of our snipers has recently been replenished with new large-caliber rifles, these are mainly russian weapons, there are proven foreign models, suitable for any task, which, with the development of the russian offensive in the south donetsk sector , president of belarus alexander lukashenko flew in today for negotiations with vladimir putin. the heads of state met on the island of valaam in karili. there they visited the temple of the smolensk icon of the mother of god. in the temple maliben took place. after this, putin and lukashenko began negotiations in a closed format. as reported. will discuss current
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issues of belarusian-russian relations, promotion of union projects, regional security topics and the international agenda. israel will not give up victory over hamas. and will complete the operation to defeat his opponents, said benjamin netanyahu, speaking in the us congress. the israeli prime minister said the crisis situation would have been resolved long ago if hamas had surrendered and released all the hostages. for now, the militants are putting up desperate resistance to the israeli army. netanyahu spoke at length and spoke of his determination to defeat not only hamas, but all opponents of israel. the prime minister's speech was repeatedly interrupted by applause from congressmen. netanyahu called on the united states to be more active in helping israel create a neighbor. when we fight hamas, we fight iran, when we fight hezbollah, we fight iran, when we fight the houthis, we fight iran, when we
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fight iran, we fight the most radical and bloodthirsty enemy of the united states, and more something when israel takes action to stop iran from developing. nuclear weapons, weapons that could destroy israel threaten every american city, we are not only protecting ourselves, we are protecting you. iran quickly responded to netanyahu’s speech; its leader and spiritual leader ayatallah ali khameni said that the united states and israel had failed to bring hamas to its knees in 9 months and had only achieved that the resistance of the muslim world was getting stronger every day. resistance is growing in the states themselves. some american senators boycotted the prime minister's speech, a crowd of protesters greeted netanyahu on the streets, the congress building was surrounded by police in advance with iron fences, activists attacked netanyahu right in the hotel, launching a huge number of grasshoppers and spilling maggots onto the dining tables. some hotels had
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to be closed for disinfection. on the streets , protesters demonstratively took down the american flag and chanted slogans against israeli policies in support of the creation of the state of palestine. prime minister netanyaho in his own. some of these protesters are holding signs that say gays for gas, they might as well be holding signs that say "chicks for kfc." protesters are chanting from the river to the sea, but many of them have no idea which river or sea they are talking about. they get a bad grade not only in geography, but also in history. haris published her first campaign video, in which she stated that she intends to run for president of the united states. under the slogan "we choose freedom." she called on her potential voters vote for her, send her donations. it is worth noting that the democratic party has not yet formally appointed haris as its candidate; this will happen at the party
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congress at the end of august. well, the day before , current president joe biden appeared in front of the cameras. he addressed the nation from the white house and finally explained what prompted him. to withdraw from the presidential race, but it seems that there are no fewer questions about his condition or the reasons for his decisions, the president’s speech was analyzed by our correspondent in the usa alexey vasilovsky. president biden was expected to provide clear explanations as to why he decided to withdraw from the election. the white house, announcing his address to the country, said that the us president would speak in detail about his motives. in fact, biden said only a few general phrases that can hardly be considered a sincere explanation of what happened. as president, i believe that my global credibility, my vision for the future of the united states is important for a second term, but nothing, nothing should stand in the way of defending our democracy, not even personal ambition, so i decided that the best way
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moving on is passing this torch to the next generation, this is the best way to unite our people, in the oval office, from where biden spoke, the president’s family and his closest council listened to the address. the fact is that 10 days ago biden assured the country of the exact opposite, that only he is capable of leading america forward, that he is so successful, that the country needs another 4 years with biden, echoes of this were heard in the presidential address. i'm the only president in the 21st century who can say they say that some of them even cried, a nuance to the americans. the us has not been involved in a single conflict anywhere in the world. we will continue to lead a coalition of the proud. than ever before in history, but this begs a reasonable question: if you are such a successful president that in 3 and a half years you have done so much that other american leaders could not manage
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in 8 years, then in what best interests of the country are you withdrawing from the elections, with the white house continues to insist that the matter is not at all about the president’s health, biden really looked good, but when... remains undefeated. republicans have been turning on trump for the last few days, demanding that biden resign without waiting for the end of his term, saying that since he is not able to run for a second term, that means there is no point in serving out the first one. today the white house responded to these statements. we believe that any such assumption is absurd. i just listed what the president managed to do in 4 years. he did it. he withdrew his candidacy, but not because he thought so.
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to leave because his bosses told him then things got worse, we beat him 11 times, 12, 14, 15%, then he said it was time to leave, he didn’t want to, they told him, you ’re leaving, they said, get out, they’re just killing you based on ratings, you can’t win, now they invited this one, which is even worse , and if we start to beat her in ratings by 10-15%, they will call a third candidate, but for the sake of fairness, this is what he called.
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russia and china must jointly oppose interference in the affairs of southeast asia, sergei lavrov stated this today at a meeting with his counterpart from the people's republic of china one. meeting with the chinese minister took place in laos, where the summit of foreign ministers of the association of southeast asian nations is taking place. russia is not part of osian; lavrov is conducting bilateral negotiations. the connection between russia and china, as you said, dear mr. minister, is working to form a more equitable, multipolar world order, promoting the principles of true multilateralism, bringing positive energy to the un, the group of twenty, and is also actively working within the framework of brix and the shanghai cooperation organization. other multilateral platforms are also important, among them
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well, for example, if a bank transferred money to some account, is it on the central bank’s blacklist? a law has come into force in russia that will once again try to deal with voices from the phone, successfully convincing russians to either say a code from an sms, or transfer money to a mythical safe account, or follow instructions. a certain employee of the ministry of internal affairs. now russian banks in some cases will be obliged to return stolen money to the client. this will happen if the bank transferred money to an account located in a special database of the central bank. in addition, banks will now be able to block for two days any transfers that seem suspicious to them. during this time, the bank must contact the client and receive confirmation of the transaction from him. the central bank clarified earlier that suspicion may be caused, for example, by the fact that the client, in front of...
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a person, still looks like the optimal number, but given the development of the internet of things and smart devices, this number may soon not be enough, mts also reminds that in families buy sim cards for children, for the elderly, expert of the profile telegram channel ablaud 62 alexey boyko adds, the number and variety of devices that connect to cellular communications is growing, there are
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now even thermal boilers with sim cards, which means restrictions can cause stats quite an inconvenience for some. categories of citizens, the authorities explain all the latest tightening in the field of mobile communications with the fight against gray sim cards and fraud. the russian exchange rate today dissipated everything that it added during yesterday's session. investors' caution is explained by expectations regarding the new key rate. the central bank has significantly lowered the official rates of both the dollar and the euro, today the american is 865, the european is 94.38. the ministry of labor today announced how russians will rest. next year, in the draft government decree, traditionally the longest weekend is, of course, new year's, if this year they were 10 days, then next year they promise 11 from december 29 to january 8, defender of the fatherland day and international women's day fall on saturday and sunday, these days days, russians are invited to celebrate, no additional days off
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will be given for these holidays, but they will be postponed from may 8 to june 13, these and other postponements have led to the fact that on the may holiday, russians will rest twice for 4 days. first they will celebrate the labor spring festival, and then victory day. the four-day celebration is scheduled for russia day from june 12 to 15. and national unity day will bring a three-day weekend for russians. for those who think that they can move the weekend any way, anywhere, mintrut reminds: transfer the weekend it is necessary to quote: establish a rational balance of working time and opportunities for proper rest for citizens.
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verifies compliance with mandatory requirements in the field of information technology, as well as information security. the department pays special attention to improving the fight against disinformation and fake news online. the general prosecutor's office has created a mechanism for extrajudicial blocking of internet resources with destructive information. thanks to electronic interaction with the authorized federal service - this is roskomnadzor. and using special software can stop the spread.
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in moscow, and we will continue broadcasting for other regions in the central part of the country. in rostov-on-don, they decided to digitize famous scientists so that they could pass on their knowledge to schoolchildren. artificial intelligence specialists already know how to make such a copy. now some companies are virtually reviving the deceased so that relatives can continue to communicate with them. the service is especially popular in china. but are such developments so harmless and what is the situation? alexey brokin dealt with the moral side of the issue. what or who am i, am
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i dead, am i alive? or maybe the monument was not erected by man? what were your children's names? according to the laws of isaac asimov, a robot will not harm a person, according to the laws of frank pascual, a professor at the brooklyn law institute, artificial intelligence and robotic systems should not fake a person, but there are no laws yet on generating a digital trace of our deceased loved ones in an almost living image using artificial intelligence written, digital copy, it seems thinks, therefore it exists in rostov-on-don they know how to make such a reasonable copy while on a break. between the creation of mobile applications and websites, the search for clients did not take much time; the first investment in the digital neurograveyard, according to the creator, amounted to 30 million rubles. some saw this as not... a service that can then be downloaded into one’s consciousness, relatively speaking, in 50 years in the future , such a kind of digital immortality will result, while others saw in this only not the preservation of memory, but a full-fledged recreation of consciousness
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there is no talk yet, mikhail has an idea to resurrect famous scientists so that they teach schoolchildren the basics of applied sciences or, like columbus, geography. in china, deceased relatives get their own personal tablet, so a digital double, for example, of a deceased grandmother, easily communicates with...
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today, to create a digital double of a person, all you need is the digital trace that he left on the internet, photographs, videos, information about preferences, purchases, other internet activity, and if such information will be hundreds, thousands of times moreover, creating a personality with such a volume of data will certainly not be difficult for generative artificial intelligence, especially when the transfer of such information turns out to be voluntary, no one in russia is sounding the alarm yet, but imported studies complain about the detrimental... this is not to mention posthumous avatars that can significantly affect the psyche. however,
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transformations of the ritual, according to varvara dobrovolskaya, have already occurred more than once. the funeral rite in general, as it were, being probably the most living of all rituals, preserved, he is characterized by such a transformation, in general, very active. as if active changes, the digital columbarium already exists today, right now, millions of people who are no longer near us are looking at us from pages on social networks. all platforms have legal procedures on how to delete such accounts; for some , contacting support is enough, while others will require a court decision. not everyone uses this, but all studies indicate that in 40 years the number of deceased users will exceed the number of living ones, and where about...
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a third of the collection was stolen in the rostov region , unique documents were declassified, how german officers exported cultural heritage and what they managed to return, svyatoslav gordin will tell. only at alfabank. spin the drum. application and get super cashback up to 100% every month, and up to 30% in categories
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449. cats blouses up to 579. tired of looking for a loan that will be approved? compare simplifies this task. take a loan on the website or in the mobile application. compare. the mask is a special edition for the anniversary of igor krutoy. on sunday at 20:00. this is the program today, we continue
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our release. in moscow today. which celebrates the role of business and non-profits organizations in achieving national goals and implementing national projects. more than 600 applications from 270 companies from all regions of russia, including new regions, were received to participate in the award. the winners were 40 projects in various fields of education, science, demography, tourism, ecology and digital economy. alexey kvashenkin attended the award ceremony at the government coordination center. the national award recognizes our contribution.
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the main thing that people get, of course, is emotions, but for some it is a reason to start life again, for someone to change their life for the better, this is exactly the point, of course, not everyone can overcome the most difficult route of 15 km, but there are routes for children, there are races where families participate, find out your capabilities , everyone can, and this led us to the fact that we had such
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participants as, for example, nikita gaiduk, who took part in the trail of heroes in the city of arkhangelsk - in our trail, nikita has no legs, but at the same time he walked the entire distance , a guy from arkhangelsk walked the entire path. blessed be god.
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you can turn to, there are psychologists, there is also support, there is always moral support, there are always gynecologists, you can turn to everyone, you can even turn to natalia directly, on this day for children, in honor of life , the head of the foundation took part, she also became a godmother, it turns out , connected my life with them. the concept of the goodsuring project is at the same time simple and complex, to connect those who want to go on a trip with those who need volunteer helpers. goodsorfing is a way to travel, in principle, with at low costs, but at the same time do good and useful things, that is, you go on a trip, not just relax on the beach, for example, relax on the beach and at the same time save turtles or help another non-profit organization in an archival excavation or in a national park or reserve, and maybe work
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a little on the farm. many people probably don’t know about this option, instead of a cocktail on the beach , take up a shovel, the main thing is that there are no health contraindications, work with a shovel, pick, pick, wear a fedra, to transport cars, we write about this honestly, but it seems that those who made their choice did not regret it, our day begins with work, after which we eat very, very tasty, i generally really like eating here, i don’t know if it’s the fresh air that has such an effect or if i’m just actively working that then i’m ready to eat more, so after that we take a shower, you also begin to appreciate the shower here in a special way, as a result, for some volunteers, life changes dramatically, temporary solutions become calling, man. was driving 6 years ago to the project and still hasn’t returned, not because he was lost, but because he likes it there, he works on the farm, enjoys life, i think it’s an inspiring story when people come, for example, to the reserve and stay to work there, and some of them have already grown to even large positions, that is, they have discovered a new destiny for themselves. strangely
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, all three stories in our story are about how some people help others change; among people who might not have been born, there are deputies of the state duma , scientists, astronauts, pilots. they are changing our country. and every time i come to the maternity hospital and see this little man, i think that he has a great destiny. someone, after a phone call, decides to keep the child. someone, having overcome the obstacle course, quits smoking, someone, having been on an expedition, finds himself. on the other hand, changing life for the better is not a task for a national project. alexey kvashenkin, roman vekmanis. dmitry chasnykh, ulyana talpa and olga afonina, tv component. in the rostov region, the list was declassified items that the german invaders took from the taganrog museum during the great patriotic war. the list contains more than 120 items. historians say that at first they took out
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small exhibits as gifts, and then they began to rob rooms with rare icons, paintings, and porcelain collections. some of this was later found and returned. how did they do it and is it possible to find the rest? svyatoslav gordin found out. a six-page inventory of property seized from the taganrog museum in february '43, the folder lay in the archive for a long time, it has just been declassified, inside it looks like this, the then director of the museum informs the mayor of taganrog that a certain oberleutnant frank , a product of propaganda for the german army, ordered the removal of 124 items from the museum funds. the list includes paintings, icons, dishes, edged weapons, coins, the document was drawn up 4 days after completion.
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there were two administrations, military and civil, and both removed museum exhibits, first weapons and coins for gifts, then in an organized manner, the best of the collections. inventory book taconroc city. in the museum it was kept during the war, here is the name of the paintings, a description of what happened to them, for example, herodias was torn from the stretcher and badly damaged, here on the opposite of bogdanovabelsky’s painting it is indicated that it was taken by colonel lebert on 27, 8, 43, this is 3 days before liberation of taganrog. the red army breaks through the mius front, liberates taganrog, and with it the rostov region moves towards donbass. in just a few days, a special assessment commission will begin its work. damage caused by the occupation, finds out that from
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4,624 items were stolen from the taganrok museum, more than a third of the entire collection. the figure was restored, but we did not have the details of what was exported or how individual lists were exported. there are almost no documents left from those years, a declassified archive, details of what was lost, only a small part. it is known that paintings by aivazovsky and shishkin , many icons, and rare porcelain dishes were stolen. there is a similar collection. now in peterhof, state museum of reserves, services from the time of emperor nicholas i, they were made at the kornilov brothers’ factory by order of the tsar yard, is known all over the world. immediately after the war, the allies found boxes in west berlin containing exhibits taken from soviet museums and returned them. only 74 items returned to taganrok, these masks were probably among them. several years ago, this painting by vasily polenov returned to taganrok from germany. it was a great joy for us. because such events, well,
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they are rare for the museum community. it is extremely difficult to return the rest of the case, experts say; it is unknown whether everything has survived. were cases when items taken from soviet museums were then sold at famous foreign auctions. much of it has probably long since disappeared into private collections. archival documents will continue to be declassified; within the framework of the project , the assessment of the damage caused by the occupiers continues without a statute of limitations. archival inventory is now a subject for study by specialists. the rains are approaching the capital of the west, but we don’t expect anything terrible, they will disappear tomorrow . details after the break. medicine for nail fungus at the best price. misola
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valar is more profitable up to 50%. new. mizol in large packaging 50 ml. even bigger and better priced. mezola valar - treatment of fungus without overpayments. nail fungus makes it difficult to put on summer shoes. misol and valarn will not let you ruin your summer. mizol is the most beneficial medicine for nail fungus. new. mizol in the largest package is even larger and more affordable . so, on friday short rains will remain only in the smolensk region, they will be local, that is, it will fall somewhere, not somewhere, in general, nothing in common with the terrible june showers, in the rest of the territory from kaluga to vladimir not a drop and about 25°. the volga region is still affected by the ural cyclone, but gradually the weather here is getting better, in izhevsk tomorrow it will be below twenty, in kazan it is already 21. in the south it is sunny, hot, in the priozovye in crimea there is no precipitation, in sevastopol it is 31. in sochi the rains will take a break, tomorrow there will be 30. it's sunny here, but thunderstorms again on saturday.
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the north is also enjoying warm weather, in murmansk, not record-breaking, but great indicators, tomorrow +28 on saturday too. but st. petersburg is on the verge of a cold snap, but on friday it’s still hot here, like in sochi, +30 sunny. in moscow it is 25 and also without precipitation. thank you, this was the weather forecast from evgenia neyronskaya. that's all for now, go to, see you. our new name is t-bank, where else can you go into space, send your mother a star from the sky, turn a branch into an application, knowledge, a vocation, technology, into live communication, only here you can change your name without changing yourself.
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shillov is listening to deputy latashev, he hasn’t heard anything, who is it? oh, no, i don’t know, i’m actually on vacation in crimea, by the way, they brought beer, that’s it, i can’t say any more, until dates, hell yeah. yes, at the entrance i was already stuck in a traffic jam, yes , i know that it’s about to start, but i won’t be able to revive deputy latishev, no, i don’t know anything about the press, i haven’t given any conferences.


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