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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 25, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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pacific marine corps snipers disrupt ukrainian troop rotations and hunt for enemy armored vehicles in the vicinity of ugledar. read more about the work of long-range shooters in rostislavanai's report.
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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, this is a program today in the igor politaev studio. the russian military carried out and hit a point of temporary deployment of foreign mercenaries in kharkov, a high-precision strike on a target in the city industrial zone was carried out by a crew of the iskandar e operational-tactical complex, according to the ministry of defense, in as a result of the strike, up to 100 militants were killed, including 40 foreign instructors, as well as about 60 military personnel of the 151st mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. another group strike, iskander crews, struck kharkov armored tank targets. plant
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objective control means confirmed the destruction of two armored vehicle repair shops. army aviation successfully completed yet another combat mission. the crew of the k-52m helicopter attacked enemy personnel in the area of ​​responsibility of the vostok group of troops. at given coordinates, the pilots used air missiles in the s-8 vortices. the flight went as usual. they performed a combat flight. the regiment took off from the home airfield, flew at extremely low altitudes, bending the terrain and fired s-8 unguided missile weapons, according to the report of the forward air controller, the target was hit, after which they fired off heat traps and returned to the airfield, the flight took place without incidents and any incidents, and these shots were taken in the zaporozhye region for the calculations of jet systems for... every day they destroy the military
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equipment of the ukrainian armed forces, including self-propelled artillery and western-made howitzers. the batteries also strike at identified camouflaged firing positions and enemy ammunition and fuel storage sites at a distance of up to 40 km. the tornado's ammunition load is 40 missiles, which makes it possible to fire from different points without wasting time on reloading. the launchers are constantly in motion, and the vehicles can be replaced on the day. positions about twenty times to avoid return fire. heavy group mobile snipers konrad marine brigade thwarted an attempt by ukrainian armed forces units to conduct a night rotation at a large stronghold in the ugledar area. with fire from large-caliber rifles, riflemen hit not only infantry, but also lightly armored vehicles. on combat duty, soldiers need good camouflage, because they are constantly being hunted by enemy drones. rostislav skidan reports from the south. donetsk
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direction of the northern military district. sos, you are the eighth square, we will take the fifth. all clear? yes. monitor your readiness yourself. they are at work taciturn, sound is a source of risk, unmasks, in the sniper craft , conspiracy is the same weapon as a rifle. after a short briefing, we set off on a long and most importantly quiet journey to the firing positions. sniper's area of ​​responsibility. the pacific marine corps approaches ugledar, on foot for several hours, in full gear with three rifles along with a daily supply of food. now the pacific troops are working primarily against the infantry of the ukrainian armed forces, disrupting enemy rotations at the forefront. our enemy is very lazy, every time for a large amount of time , rotation occurs along the same path. three leave the trench, three enter. we were waiting for them to connect.
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intersections began to work, sometimes one or two left us, but you can say that they didn’t leave, but ran so that their heels were sparkling, there was a high risk of being detected after the shot, and if you hesitate... the more you throw at the equipment, the more damage and you bring it, the enemy still gets scared, stops, then artillery and uavs enter. summer is golden for snipers season, it’s warm at night, ambushes are not a problem, and
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during the day it’s sunny, the targets are clearly visible through the optics of the rifle through the lenses of our aerial reconnaissance. in flowering forest plantations , the border between natural artificial camouflage is ideally erased and even being in relative safety after combat duty, the shooters of the vostok group do not neglect means of camouflage, and we do not neglect personal protective equipment, the fact is that such a concept as a safe zone on a special military operation is already relatively relative, and attack drones fly at a distance of up to 20 km, and this is clearly visible on our drone detector, now there are such peaks on our screen, this means that somewhere in the sky there is an attack drone, the question is whose is ours or the enemy’s , our soldiers have to work at extreme... distances to the enemy are less than a kilometer, we work out at once all the artillery is flying at us about the wound , you don’t want to tell about your own, but something isn’t really why he is, well, why in the ranks in battle you continue to find walked with a partner with the combat position was reset, three flew in
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my partner gave first aid to the shrapnel, we got to the orderlies, we processed everything, sewed up the fragments, we got them out after 2 weeks, i’m back in service. the reaper’s partner with the call sign sos also recently returned from the hospital, on the way with a task , a drone with a cumulative projectile flew into the car, the car immediately caught fire, i ran to save my comrade, it’s not for nothing, i have such a call sign, my partner has a lot of heavy storage, i him i pulled it out, my rifle burned out in the car, it came as a replacement, now it’s the remaining weapon, the arsenal of our snipers recently replenished with new large-caliber rifles, these are predominantly russian weapons, there are proven ones and... for any task, of which, with the development of the russian offensive in the yuzhnodonetsk sector , snipers are only getting more of them every day. rastislav skidan, valeriyan kushnir and dmitry tsarkov, ntv television company. south donetsk direction of the special military operation. at a meeting of the un security council today
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there was talk about western arms supplies to the kiev regime. russian post-president vasily nebendya noted that ukrainians do not want to die for the political interests of the united states and its allies. therefore, the west is forced. to be drawn deeper into the conflict, to send not only weapons and mercenaries, but also their instructors to ukraine, commenting on recent signals from the ukrainian leadership about their readiness for negotiations, nebenzi made it clear that kiev, first of all, should agree to the conditions put forward by vladimir putin. in general, colleagues, before the protesters come to us with a call to evaluate a possible change in the rhetoric of the fiasco at the front, the overdue leader of the kiev regime. we would urgently ask you to find out the details of his insight, perhaps nothing has really changed in his assessments, and if he is really ready to talk about peace, then he has before his eyes the peace proposals put forward by the russian president a month ago, and we advise him to hurry up,
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nothing ukraine definitely won’t work out better. "hello, welcome, putin and lukashenko chose an informal style of dress for the meeting, without ties, walking around the territory of the monastery, alexander lukashenko complained about the heat, today on valaam p27,
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i thought we’d come and cool off here in the cold, the water here is 25° than in the black sea. putin and lukashenko visited the temple of the smolensk icon of god. his mother is in the smolensk skete. the temple was illuminated shortly before the revolution, to commemorate russian soldiers. it was restored only in 2005. putin and lukashenko attended the service during prayer.
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these decades have witnessed complex transformation processes, however, relations between our countries maintained their level of trust, and this is an indicator of the maturity of our peoples. earlier, the turkish media reported that. that in the coming months the first meeting in the last 13 years between bashar-assad and turkish president recep erdogan could take place in russia, and russia could act as a mediator in the negotiations. the kremlin did not comment on this information, but noted that the situation in the region was discussed in... in a broad context. sergei lavov was met today in the capital of laos. the head of russian diplomacy
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arrived in aventian to participate in meetings within the association of southeast asian nations. bilateral contacts of the minister showed that the forum participants share moscow’s concern about the course of the west and nato towards the militarization of the asia-pacific region and strive to increase cooperation with russia. our correspondent nikita korzun accompanies lavrov on the trip. the soviet union played an important role in the formation of laotian statehood, it always helps the small country in southeast asia both politically and financially, despite its own difficult changes, russian-lao cooperation is marked by warm and trusting relationships even today. even the first monument, which greets travelers from the airport at the entrance to vientiane, was opened in december twenty-two, when russia was already in full swing trying to arrange international isolation. the monument by vitaly shanov glorifies the feat of the soviets. during the years of american aggression against laos and vietnam. they delivered supplies to the laotian army
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and were able to remove 15 thousand civilians from the combat zone. more than thirty soviet pilots and military specialists died. for 6 years now, russian specialists from international mine action center of the armed forces are helping laos to get rid of unexploded ordnance left in the country after american bombings in the sixties. sergei lavrov also arrived in laos, in a sense, to clear mines. west. is trying to saturate the asia-pacific region with its values ​​and, worse, weapons, but the vast majority of these countries believe in the idea of ​​multipolarity and look with hope at russia as the flagship for building a more just world, so today lavrov marathon meeting of negotiations. oh dear! the lauosian colleague speaks russian, like the majority of the political leadership of the republic: the president, for example, studied at the leningrad pedagogical university named after hertsin, now it is the russian state pedagogical university, and salemsai kamassit is a graduate of mgimo, although he prefers to talk in front of television cameras. without the soviet union we would not have been able to gain independence, we
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are grateful to your country and strive to develop bilateral relations. another significant meeting with his chinese colleague wang yi arrives at the ventian convention center with his signature posture and excellent mood. just the day before, the ukrainian foreign minister was received in beijing for the first time in 12 years, and kuleba, as stated by the chinese foreign ministry, spoke about kiev’s readiness for negotiations with moscow.
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the consultation is a sign of an increase in the frequency of contacts between the two countries, which, as it turned out, was also facilitated by fashion accessories. ritno marsudi appreciated maria zakharova’s brooch, but alas, the flower turned out to be sewn on; the representative of the russian foreign ministry assured that she would find something no worse in russia and send it to jakarta. lavrov talked with colleagues from east timor, the first state to gain independence in the current
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century, cambodia and brunei. in all cases , the similarity of views on resolving controversial issues was noted. tomorrow sergei lavrov will take part in events under the auspices of the osian association of southeast asian nations, relations with which are one of the priorities of the updated concept of russian foreign policy. nikita korzun, vyacheslav spiredonov, stanislav bystrov, maria verger and andrey prikhodka ntvtyan, lao people's democratic party republic. joe biden, who previously said that only god almighty could convince him to give up his fight for the white house, today tried to explain his resignation from the presidency. race, in his address to the nation, he no longer mentioned instructions from above, he said that he was leaving to save democracy, that, according to biden, the younger generation could save it from the threat from trump. he himself plans to remain in office for another six months to save the world from other threats. alexey veselovsky listened to the speech of the us president. from
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president biden was expected to give clear explanations as to why he decided to withdraw from the election. the white house, announcing his address to the country, said that. the us president will talk in detail about his motives, in fact biden said only a few general phrases that can hardly be considered a sincere explanation of what happened. as president, i believe that my global standing, my vision for the future of the united states, is important for a second term, but nothing, nothing should stand in the way of defending our democracy, not even personal ambition. so i decided that it was best the way to move on is to pass it on. the president’s family and his closest advisers say that some of them even cried, the nuance is that 10 days ago biden assured the country of the exact opposite, that only he is capable of leading america forward, that he is so successful that the country
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4 more years are needed with biden, echoes of this were heard in the presidential address. i am the only president in the 21st century who can tell americans: the united states has not been involved in a single conflict anywhere in the world, we will continue to lead a coalition of proud nations against putin who wants to take over ukraine, we will make nato stronger, i have made nato stronger than ever in history. but this begs a reasonable question: if you are such a successful president that in 35 years you have done so much that other american leaders could not achieve in 8 years, then in what... in the best interests of the country are you withdrawing from the elections, while the white house continues insist that the issue is not at all about the president’s health. biden really looked good, but when he spoke, he spoke of course, according to the teleprompter, he still got confused several times and sometimes swallowed his words. the republican national committee summed it up on social networks: biden is against the teleprompter. the teleprompter remains
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undefeated. republicans have been turning on trump for the last few days and are demanding that biden resign. constitution, to declare him incompetent if he does not leave himself, donald trump also shared his version of what happened. he said i had a bad evening, no, he not only had a bad evening, he had everything bad, it all started with the debates, then it became
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worse, we beat him by 11, 12, 14, 15%. and then he said it was time to leave. because his bosses told him to leave, he didn’t want to, they told him, you’re leaving, they said, get out, they’re just killing you based on ratings, you can’t win, now they’ve invited this one, which is even worse, and if we start to bypass it according to the ratings by 10-15%, they will call a third candidate, but in fairness, this, as trump called kamala haris, for the second day in a row, is increasingly questionable. alexey vasilovsky, maxim zaichenko, ntv. usa. lipetsk regional court today recognized the crime of the nazis in the region during the great patriotic war as genocide of the peoples of the ussr.
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germany. in addition, the investigation established that
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more than a thousand civilians were forcibly taken to hard labor ; these actions were part of hitler’s plan to exterminate the local population of the region for the further settlement of this territory by the germans. previously, in twenty regions of russia, courts made similar decisions on recognition. historians are trying to find out the fate of the exhibits of the taganrog museum, which have been missing for 80 years back. the city was then under occupation and the nazis took the most valuable historical rarities and a unique museum collection to germany. thus, russia lost paintings by aivazovsky and shishkin, rare examples of icon painting, royal porcelain, and antique edged weapons. the occupiers carried out their robbery pedantically, recording their actions on paper. today, the secret stamp was removed from the archival documents. svyatoslav gordin got acquainted with the materials. a six-page inventory of property seized from the taganrok
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museum in february '43. folder long was in the archives, just declassified. it looks like this inside. the then director of the museum informs the mayor of taganrog that a certain chief lieutenant frank is involved in the matter of propaganda of the german army. this is a deep rear for the wehrmacht. this is the first time we have come across such a complete inventory indicating that some of the museum artifacts are actually intended for subsequent export. the occupation of taganrog lasted 683 days. during this time , the city experienced mass executions, young people and even children were taken to work in germany. a portrait hung in the gonrov museum hitler. the museum itself was more like a club. german officers listened to music in the halls. the city had two administrations, military and civil. both of them took out museum
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exhibits. first, weapons and coins for gifts, then in an organized manner, the best from the collection. inventory book of the taganrok city museum, it was kept during the war. here is the name of the paintings and a description of what happened to them. for example, herodias was torn from the stretcher and badly damaged. here on... opposite the painting by bogdan vobelsky it is indicated taken colonel lebert 27 83, this is 3 days before the liberation of taganrog. the red army breaks through the miusfront, liberates taganrog and with it the rostov region and moves towards donbass. in just a few days , a special commission begins work to assess the damage caused by the occupation. he finds out that 4,624 items were stolen from the taganrog museum, more than a third of the entire collection. the figure has been restored. but we did not have details of what was exported, how it was exported, or individual lists. there are almost no documents left from those years, declassified archive, details lost, only a small part. it is known
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that paintings by aivazovsky and shishkin, many icons, and rare porcelain dishes were stolen. a similar collection is now in peterhof, the state museum of nature reserves. services from the time of emperor nicholas i, they were made at the kornilov brothers’ factory by order of the royal court, and are known throughout the world. immediately after the war. the allies find boxes in west berlin containing exhibits taken from soviet museums and return them. only 74 items were returned to taganrok, these masks, were probably among them. several years ago, this painting by vasily polenov returned to taganrok from germany. it was a great joy for us, because such events, well, they are rare for the museum community. it is extremely difficult to return the rest of the case, experts say; it is unknown whether everything has survived. a case where something taken from soviet museums was then sold at famous foreign auctions; much of it has probably long since gone into private collections. archival documents will continue to be declassified as part of the project.
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no statute of limitations. the assessment of the damage caused by the occupiers continues. archival inventory is now a subject for study by specialists. there is a long, painstaking work ahead. svyatoslav gordin, maxim smagin, pavel velkovsky, alexander novikov and sergey vorobyov, ntv television company st. petersburg, taganrok, rostov-nadon. the reconstruction of the airport in gornoaltaisk may begin ahead of schedule, as early as the end of this year. mikhail mishustin was shown today the project of an air terminal complex with a capacity of more than 1 million. new terminal will be organically integrated into the mountain landscape, meeting all safety requirements. the old airport is now operating under heavy load, so the investor asked the head of government to start construction earlier than planned, not in 2025, in november twenty-fourth. of course, the air harbor is the basis of the gate for the passage of ships, well, it’s sad to look at this small
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airport, here we are... to gorny altai, not only to gorno-altaisko, to our republic as a whole, we have completed all our tasks for the airport, land rights have been formed plots, everything has been provided, that is, we are ready to start. andrei turchak told the prime minister about plans for the development of the road network in the republic, in particular about the expansion of the chuysky tract from two to four lanes. the reconstruction will affect the road not only to the manzherok tourist complex, but also further to the border with
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mongolia. mishustin supported turchak in his endeavors and wished him success in the upcoming elections for the head of the region in september. the gubernatorial election campaigns were discussed today in moscow. leading political scientists and expert institute for social research. as noted during the meeting, voters expect regional heads to quickly resolve problems. each of the candidates has their own characteristics and leadership style, but they are united by one thing: high professionalism. the population's request, these are governors, former or acting, they went through the school of governors, at the school of governors they were taught a lot of things, this is also significant, that is, these are people who have high stress resistance, good work experience, and first, second, there is a request population, we have seen these requests from the population in sociology, they are generally similar across regions, but each region has its own
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characteristics. alexey prokin looked into digital life after death, what it is and how artificial intelligence contributed to the development of the industry after death. i am a new
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with this video, become a courier with yandex food and manage your income. big sale of clothes on ozone. emberence dress until 1999, bestricot trousers until... this is the program today, we continue our release. today, the ministry of truth published a calendar of weekends and holidays for next year. the new year holidays will last 11 days. according to the department's service, they will begin on sunday, december 29, and end on january 8. it’s been like this for the last 15 years, deputies still want to shorten the new year holidays, but it doesn’t work out. today, when some people have
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there may be one day left of vacation, the ministry of truth reported how russians will vacation next year. the draft government resolution is traditionally the longest. the weekend is new year's, if this year they were 10 days, then next year they promise 11 from december 29 to january 8, defender of the fatherland day and international women's day fall on saturday and sunday, and on these days russians are invited to celebrate, no there will be no additional days off in february and march, but they will be moved from may 8 to june 13. these and other transfers led to that on the may holidays russians will rest twice for 4 days. first they will celebrate the labor spring festival, and then victory day. the four-day celebration is scheduled for russia day from june 12 to 15. and national unity day will bring a three-day weekend for russians. for those who think that
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weekends can be moved any way, anywhere, the ministry of labor reminds: the transfer of weekends is necessary in order to quote: establish a rational balance of working time and opportunities for proper rest for citizens. the commission did not support hungary and slovakia, who are seeking for ukraine to resume oil supplies from the russian company look oil through its territory. the financial times newspaper writes about this. ukraine introduced sanctions against lukkoil back in 1918 .
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peace plan for ukraine during visits to the eu, in irritation, lobbying russia and china on his own behalf. at the end of 22, the european union abandoned the import and transit of russian oil, but the southern branch of the druzhba pipeline still remains an exception, because they are too dependent on this russian oil hungary, slovakia and czech republic. lukoil supplies through ukraine, for example, to hungary provide 25-30% of all oil imports. downgraded ukraine's credit rating to level c, the agency considered that ukraine's agreement with some creditors on debt restructuring meant the start of a process similar to a default. russian companies have encountered new problems with payments through banks in kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan and tajikistan. they began to carry out operations longer and refuse more often. a review prepared by several russian logistics companies, rbc reports. the document says. the average period for making payments with central asian countries increased
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by about 15% in july compared to june, reaching 2 weeks, and the share of refusals in payments through banks in these countries increased to 30%. representatives of logistics companies interviewed by rbc say: there are no clear algorithms, and therefore banks can refuse to process a payment without a detailed explanation of the reasons. and in the same bank, a payment for, for example, 10 thousand dollars can go through, but for 50 thousand dollars may already be cancelled, problems with payments through banks of so-called friendly countries are confirmed by the vice-president of support of russia nikolai dunaev. previously, the media wrote about problems for russian companies with operations also through china, the emirates and turkey. in general, the message that the situation here is getting worse coincides with the tightening of sanctions against russia. at the end of last year, a decree of the us president appeared, according to which banks could fall under secondary us sanctions if they help. russian military industry, in june
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of this year, the united states significantly expanded the concept of the russian military-industrial complex and began to understand by it everyone who fell under blocking american sanctions, including the largest russian banks. american stock exchanges are trying to recover today after yesterday the s&p 500 and nazdak indices had their worst session since 2020. the day before, investors were disappointed by financial reports from tesla and alphabet, the parent company of google. today. the mood on the stock exchanges was improved by data on the american economy. in in the second quarter, us gdp showed growth of 2.8%. and this is exactly twice as fast as it was in the first quarter. this means that the current high key rate in the united states slows down inflation, but at the same time the economy does not fall into recession. the russian stock market today slid down at the end of trading in anticipation of domestic news on the key rate. for the same reasons, the ruble on the over-the-counter market is now
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rising in price against the dollar against the euro, and the central bank has fixed the following official rates for tomorrow: the dollar is 85.41, and the euro is 93.17. in russia a law was introduced that spelled out new cases in which banks will be required to return money stolen by fraudsters to clients. this will happen if the bank transferred the money to an account that is located in a special database of the central bank. banks returned less than 9% of stolen
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money to clients. igoromike is all. yes, denis, thank you. denis telolaev presented an economic overview of the day. with the advent of artificial intelligence , technologies began to develop in the world that make it possible to create a digital copy of a person. and we are not talking about a hologram, but about a virtual one, a realistic double, capable of speaking and gesticulating almost like the original. thanks to this technology, it can already be found on the funeral services market. am i dead, am i alive, or maybe the monument i erected was not man-made? what were your children's names? sons' name was alexandri grigory, according to the laws of aizi kazimov, a robot will not harm a person, according to the laws of frank pascual, a professor at the brooklyn law institute, artificial intelligence and robotic systems should not fake a person, but generating
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a digital trace of our deceased loved ones in almost a living image with the help of artificial intelligence, laws have not yet been written, a digital copy seems to... thinks, therefore, it exists, in rostov-on-don they know how to make such a reasonable copy, while in the break between creating mobile applications and websites, searching for clients it didn’t take much time; the first investment in the digital neurocemetery, according to the creator, amounted to 30 million rubles. some saw this as a kind of service that could then be downloaded into one’s consciousness, relatively speaking, in 50 years’ time, and such a kind of digital immortality, while others saw it only as a tool for preserving memory. we are not talking about a full reconstruction of consciousness yet; mikhail has an idea to resurrect famous scientists so that they teach schoolchildren the basics of applied sciences or, like columbus, geography. in china , deceased relatives get their own personal tablet, so a digital double of, for example, a deceased grandmother can easily communicate with
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her grandchildren; the price varies depending on the capabilities of artificial intelligence. what can change now that funeral parlors in a number of countries are already alive propose to digitize the future deceased so that you can communicate with them after death. in general, today, to create
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a digital double of a person, the digital trace that he left on the internet, photographs, videos, information about preferences, purchases is enough. other internet activity, and if there is hundreds, thousands of times more such information, it will certainly not be difficult for generative artificial intelligence to create a personality with such a volume of data, especially when the transfer of such information will be a voluntary matter. nobody is sounding the alarm in russia yet, but imported studies complain about the harmful influence of ichat bots, ghost bots, grief bots , mind clones, not to mention posthumous avatars, which can significantly affect the psyche.
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no longer with us. all platforms have legal procedures for how to delete such accounts: for some, contacting support is enough, others will require a court decision. not everyone uses this, but all studies indicate that in 40 years the number of deceased users will exceed the number of living ones, and where will that road go to the family crypt, the spirits of ancestors in the cemetery or telephone. alexey prokin, alexander stvolin, irina lemkina and alena antonova, ntv television company. this is the program today, watch after the short commercial. the best among national priorities, commercial and non-commercial projects, with the presentation of the award our contribution, report by alexey kovoshenkin.
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spirits on usanoviti.rf, the national project on demography, this is the program today, we continue our release. st. petersburg will reach 100% recycling of solids...
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every year the plant will process up to 600,000 tons of household waste. today in moscow we presented awards for our contribution. and this all-russian competition involves social projects created by state corporations, private businesses, as well as non-profit foundations and organizations. hundreds of initiatives, different in scope, are united by a big common idea. all of them are aimed at achieving the country’s national development goals. who were the winners in this? the national award for our contribution recognizes the merits of business and non-profit organizations
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in achieving national projects. in total , more than 600 applications were submitted this time.
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these are emotions, but for some it is a reason to start life again, for others to change their life for the better, that’s exactly the point. of course, not everyone can overcome the most difficult route of 15 km, but there are routes for children, there are races where families participate, and everyone can find out their capabilities. and this led us to the fact that we had such participants as, for example, nikita gaiduk, who took part in our trail on the heroes' trail in the city of arkhangelsk, nikita has no legs, but...
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there are psychologists, there are gynecologists, you can contact everyone, you can even contact natalya directly. the concept of the goodsuring project is at the same time simple and complex: to connect those who want to travel with those who need volunteer helpers. goodsurfing is a way to travel, in principle, at low cost, but at the same time do good and useful things. that is, you are going on a trip not just to relax on the beach, for example, relaxing on the beach while saving
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turtles or helping another non-profit organization in archival excavations. or to a national park or reserve, or maybe work a little on a farm. our day begins with work, after which we eat very, very tasty, i generally really like eating here, i don’t know if it’s the fresh air that has such an effect, or i’m just actively working that then i’m ready to eat a supplement, that’s what we take shower, shower here you also begin to appreciate in a special way, in the end for some volunteers' lives change dramatically, a temporary solution becomes a calling, strangely, all three stories... in our story about how some people help others change, among people who might not have been born there are state duma deputies, scientists, astronauts, pilots , they are changing our country, every time i come to the maternity hospital and see this little man, i think that he has a great destiny, someone, after
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a phone call, decides to keep the child, someone overcomes it. was marked by thunderstorms, but in the west and in the north of the capital region, but did not touch moscow. and further in the center there are warm and sunny days. on friday from koluga to vladimir it is still a restrained 25, on the weekend it is already up to 28. but the ural cyclone is still affecting the volga, although the weather is gradually getting better here too. in izhevsk tomorrow it will be below twenty, in kazan it is already 21. in the south it is sunny and hot.
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there will be no precipitation in the ozovo region in crimea. in sevastopol - 31 in sochi there will be rain. pause tomorrow it will be 30 sunny there, but on saturday the cargo rains will return here again. the north enjoys the sun and warmth. in murmonsk , another record was set the day before; +30 was not enough. tomorrow is not a record high, but it’s also gorgeous for the arctic +28. about the weather in the capitals after a short pause. nail fungus makes it difficult to put on summer shoes. mizol evalar will not let you ruin your summer. mizol is the most beneficial medicine for nail fungus. new. mizol in the largest package, even larger and more affordable. what is the best medicine for nail fungus? misola valar is profitable. up to 50% new mizol in large packaging 50 ml, even larger and more affordable. mizol evalar, treatment of fungus without overpayments. in st. petersburg tomorrow the weather will be the same as in
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sochi, + 30 sunny. but further on the northern capital will begin to get colder. moscow , on the contrary, is preparing for a hot weekend, tomorrow it’s still 25, on saturday it’s already 26:28 on sunday. but the end of july may be cool. that's it, thank you, evgenia, this was the weather forecast from evgenia neronskaya. these are the main news at this hour, right now the continuation of the mint wars series. igor politaev was with you. thank you for attention, see you later. thank you. after which we called you, let's go upstairs, just lie there and break it,
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okay, let's go into the yard, block all the exits, yeah. stand, get off, get off, i said, that’s it, i ran back, get off, i understand, i’m not a fool, ilya, and
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you go after the second one through the dormer window, yeah, get off, let’s kneel. on your knees, well, i threw you, my friend, stand, stop! stand!


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