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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-6  NTV  July 26, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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dad, how beautiful it is here, please come in, hello, hello, hello! ladies and gentlemen, at the end of our
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excursion, i would like to draw your attention to the work of the artist skoptsev, a portrait of the baroness. the artist was in love with the daughter of baron von trauch and wanted to marry her, but varon refused the artist his daughter’s hand. then the artist painted a portrait of his beloved. having put in this work, all the passion. a portrait of love is rightfully considered his best work, however, the baron did not appreciate his talent and refused the painting, saying that it would bring misfortune. ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much, now you can take a walk around the estate and see our exhibition. tell me, please, did this portrait really bring misfortune? well, you can say yes. skoptsey began to sing and committed suicide. and shortly before
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his death, the last owner of the estate saw this portrait and usoltsev could not take him away from the portrait; he bought not only it, but also several of his other paintings, but the truth is that the portrait did not bring him happiness either, immediately after the revolution the bolsheviks shot him, uh-huh, thank you, thank you, thank you, goodbye, come. thank you. we have free space. please, please have a seat. thank you. your excursion is interesting. thank you. really, pauline? yes, dad. you are so interesting to talk about the paintings. dad and i really liked you. thank you. mademoiselle. each painting has its own
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story. you can’t tell everything during a short excursion. what do you remember most? i liked the portrait of brones. this is class. what a technique. polina studies at an art school. yes, she can look at paintings by artists for hours. understand. do you work here? yes. i'm an art critic. several days a week here, mostly at the vermitage. and my dad works in the police, yes, it’s noticeable, it’s during training, nikolai, polina, it’s very nice to meet you, mutually, spring, like, excuse me, spring, i was born in yugoslavia, what, an unusual name, almost spring, dad, i want ice cream, okay, i’ll buy it now, no, dad, i’ll do it myself, okay, keep it, buy us
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more, yes, please give me three ice creams, you have a wonderful girl, yes, yes, true, she is leaving today, to moscow, she lives with her grandmother, why, her mother died in a car accident, excuse me, but there is nothing, tell me, but... do you have breaks between excursions or free days, well, yes, it happens, but detectives probably work around the clock, right? well, yes, yes, you are right, it’s spring for you, thank you, thank you, dad, i think you figured out to ask spring on a date, right? yes daughter. slava, are you done with
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fingerprints? yes. did you write everything down? yes, everything is clear. well, let's. let's move on to the body, death presumably occurred from a blow with a heavy object, the back of the head, in short, the old woman approached the closet, turned her back to the uninvited guests, then they overtook her, i doubt that the uninvited ones, she herself let them in, the front door is not damaged, there are no signs of a break-in, judging by the pictures, old women could have valuables, i wonder... what kind of classics do you remember, what did the old woman who was a money-lender have, despicable metal, i'm looking for it, great, the plot, oh, you've been driving for a long time, great, but what about your magic so far, write the name, took it , took me to the police station, they told me it was a murder, well, i tell her here
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cranial-cerebral, yes i see, that means, look, i’ll have to interview the neighbors upstairs in the yard, in general, let’s go and explain everything, when it happened , it’s clear that the victim hit the edge of the sideboard with her right temporal one. with a bone, catching the tablecloth, she found herself in the aisle, medicines were scattered on the floor, yura, take off here, well, perhaps i have everything, tatyana stepanovna, you managed to examine everything here, tell me, maybe, well , maybe something is missing, you can’t remember right away, uh-huh, the box was standing here, you can’t see it now, right? golden eternity and watch, uh-huh, from her previous life, she didn’t sell them, and what else, and also a figurine, what a bronze figurine, it stood here on the table,
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uh-huh, of course, nothing else, wait, what’s the date today, the fifteenth, huh? “ they brought her her pension yesterday, so, let’s talk calmly in the kitchen, let’s go, call the orderlies, the pipes can be taken away, so the orderlies with a stretcher, please come, i often go to her, either to run to the store, or to buy a program, and yes, tell me, no one else usually came to see her, no, just me and..." 10 years ago, her husband died, she had no children, she was left alone, she did not communicate with her neighbors, well, yes, age 84, whatever one may say, although
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a man came to her several times, so respectable, very well dressed, who is he? i don’t know, i saw my nephew the other day, nephew, what was his name , pashka loginov, a drunkard, he kept coming to her to borrow money, he said, i want to get married . , then you have to pay some kind of fine, he’s lying about everything, he’s a tip-off drunk, and you don’t know where he lives, you don’t know the address, but you know, i don’t know the address, anna sergeevna, she really didn’t like to talk about him, and when i was ashamed to ask, how did you get into the room? i call and call, no one opens, but i wondered if something had happened, she
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gave me the keys a long time ago, so tanya tells you, the keys, you never know, as i had a presentiment, she had some valuables, yes what values, pension? before the painting, and the paintings are expensive, who is the author? won't you tell me? well, it seems her uncle painted it back in the twenties, so, oh, she sold three paintings, you know how to live on our pension now. tatyana stepanovna, please remember well, remember, you talked about a man, some special signs, maybe we need to make an identikit, i. yes, i understand you, everything is almost ready, in a few days you will receive the picture, yes, everything will be fine, see you, goodbye.
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how is he? yes, it seems like nothing. today we played all day, he was cheerful, here is the medicine, i ran around all the pharmacies, look how he sleeps peacefully, as if he were not sick, vesnochka, my girl, hurry up with the operation. oh, god forbid i lose my son, god grant everything
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it’s formed, i popped into the market, let’s have dinner together, let’s go, let’s go. hello, yes, everything is fine, i will do everything as agreed, yes, everything will be as you said, yes. well done, well, what will please you, gentlemen detectives, what versions? well,
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the examination found fresh fingers in anna sergeevna’s apartment. yeah, some of them are not in our file cabinet, while others belong to her nephew, pavel loginov. he stuck with us a couple of times about little things, but i called him, no one answers. well, we'll have to go. what else? the neighbor testified that in addition to the missing boxes with a ring, a bronze figurine also disappeared, quite heavy. doctors say that it could have served as a murder weapon, and it also means that our old lady lived on a pension, recently she sold several paintings, how much they cost is still unknown, and who she sold them to, in general, we need to find a buyer, start with antique shops, galleries, oleg georgievich, in our city they are incredibly simple, why are we going to search everything, this is a six-month job, if necessary, that’s all. in the meantime, start from those who are in the area where the murdered woman lived, thank you, that’s it, it’s free that you all
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go to them, parasites, what is here smeared with honey, or something, look, they have dirtied the whole staircase, there’s yelling, then there’s fights, i from the police, that loginov lives here, you haven’t seen him today, my eyes would never have seen him, this bastard, today was not a good day, great guys, what are you listening to, pasha loginov lives here in the seventh apartment, you haven’t seen him? listen, if you need anything, i would pretend to be suffering, gosha loginov needs me, inscription as they say, what you drank is yours, but you hid 30 pieces of silver and disappeared, think about it, okay, okay, you see, there’s an empty space, but before there was a portrait, excuse me for bothering you,
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because you know, there was a situation, it wasn’t immediately you’ll realize, well, yes, that’s it, and then the priest hit me, and the portrait disappeared, so i called you right away, you did the right thing, but what kind of portrait is it? well, the picture was called a portrait of the baroness, there is such a sweet girl drawn there. anna sergeevna really loved this uncle’s painting. she could spend hours stand and look at her. wait, what did you say the name of the picture was? portrait of the baroness. there was such a beautiful girl in a red scarf, and her eyes were so beautiful, like alive, thank you, thank you, well, that’s another matter. well, let's drink to the fullest, our life is short. nice thing,
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uh-huh, well, dear man, pavel, why do you need it, finish it with me, as the scripture says, you won’t listen to all the reasons, but if you help, it will be possible to repeat it, i saw pashka yesterday, in my opinion, he had money , it's a long time for us. yana will never sleep it off, you fool. police captain, nikolai dymov. it's clear. how can i help? we are investigating a murder that occurred in your area. anna sergeevna loginova was killed. she didn't bring you pictures. killed? yes. horrible? she brought
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works by her uncle, fyodor loginov. please sit down. thank you. well, now i'm listening to you. he was a very interesting artist. well, a copyist is simply a gift from god. yes. believe me, there are not many good copyists; this is still the beginning of the last century. our director bought several works. tell me, is the painting a portrait? baroness, she didn’t bring it, it’s a copy of a famous painting. just a second, i’ll check, we have a list of loginov’s works that were in anna sergeevna’s possession. just a second, just a minute, yes, oh, vesna, hello, hello, i’m very glad to hear from you, our meeting is not cancelled, great, kisses, bye,
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i found it, yeah, she has this job, but we didn’t buy it , tell. how can i see the owner of the gallery? mr. zhukov is not in the city now, he will only be on monday. yes. have you, or mr. zhukov, been to her house? well i don't. she herself sometimes i came here, but i don’t know konstantin viktorovich. yes. so call him, i'll give you the phone number. let's. yes. guys, take your order. let me give it to you. hello guys. how are you? great. as good as it gets. not really, sit down, varenka, with us, or something, thoughts run faster with you, well, what are we working on? another murder of the century, as always. varya, can you make the tv louder? masha, please turn it up. yesterday evening , a daring robbery attempt took place at the museum of count usoltsev's estate. unknown, climbed up a drainpipe to
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second floor, entered through a window into the museum building , tried to steal a painting by gavriil skoptsev on...
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climb through the window, cut the painting, and then the alarm went off, and no, well, it’s really some kind of nonsense, an old woman was killed, a painting by a famous author was stolen, then the museum that evening, they wanted to steal a painting by the same author, listen, maybe he is popular in the west, mongolia, listen, guys, i have an idea, but since a classmate works there as a security guard, maybe i should go and talk to him? you're about to go out, uh, why? sorry,
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i need to go early today, let me, mm, why are you in such a hurry? stay! but i can’t, i really can’t, well, my husband is waiting for you, who , stop it, you know that i have no one, yes, well, except you, i believe, i believe, wait, i’ll tell you, i have a son. this is very good, but he is very sick, and he is very young, when my aunt sits with him at work. what’s wrong with it, my heart,
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they said that it can be cured, but an operation is needed, it can be done in germany, but it costs it, i’ll never earn that much, i thought my ex-husband would help, but he decided on it himself. so, yes, this is a problem. listen, i wanted to tell you, i almost forgot, do you remember the estate where we met. yes, that's all i remember. uh-huh, uh-huh. oh, oh, that's it, you take it. i swear, i swear. well, joke, jokes, well, they tried to rob her. well, i heard about this on the news, but i don’t know the details, the antique department
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of another department is dealing with this, but in general there seems to be some connection, you know, we are now investigating the murder of an old woman, a robbery, they took her out of her room a copy of a famous painting your artist skoptsev, guess which one, i have no idea. portrait of the baroness, what are you talking about? yes, that's it, it's true, it's a copy, but brilliantly executed. listen, how strange is that? just a few days ago, yeah. some very rich german visited the estate, he was accompanied by a man, the owner of a gallery, i even worked with him once, it doesn’t matter, that means i ... immediately noticed that he was very interested in paintings from kobtsev, suddenly, just a few days after that, someone eats and steals the landscape, well, well, what,
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the unfortunate one of me is a detective, yes, not unfortunate, but not important, but what was the name of this man with a german, zhukov, konstantin viktorovich, uh-huh, he... is now successfully selling paintings, remember, you told us that there is a curse on the painting, it brings misfortune, listen, maybe it spreads to the mines , and you and i will definitely catch the killer, yes, yes, maybe, and where is everything that’s going on, but i found a tribesman, almost, he really didn’t show up for the second day, in general, friends said that he showed up yesterday with the money, he signed up, and since then no one
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has seen him, well, well done, what can i say, we worked productively, why should we open the apartment, yes, get a warrant, open the apartment, let’s go open the apartment, work. this is not some kind of financial fraud, this is drugs. what is this? mr. nikulin from ssk, practiced on vodka, now decided to legalize drugs. if shilov’s people get their hands on it, by requesting all the materials from the internal affairs bureau on shilov, a conditional sentence followed by dismissal will suffice. how will we defeat them if they... the law does not begin in court, but here is shilov, no one can call him, there is no limit to human meanness, the only question is the amount is fine, well, you see, there is still
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a law, there is, only for this you need to kill someone’s friend, cop wars, final episodes, today at 16:45 on ntv, what the hell, and what are you carrying there? with this lock, the local police officer will come and seal everything. vera sergeevna, have you seen login lately? you know, i won’t even tell you how long ago or recently, because he sometimes spends the night, sometimes he doesn’t, then he can disappear again for a week, he drinks all the time, there are some people here all the time, listen, kir, you won’t tell , it works, no?
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comrade captain, allow me to ask, what do you think alkash’s nephew might have? bucks, what bucks, oops, witnesses, please come in, oleg georgievich, hello, kolya, i have news for you, hello, come on, masha, please make some coffee, headache, terrible, good, now, i, as promised , went to the estate museum and brought useful information for you, it was you
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who sent her there, the first time i’ve heard of it, no, i myself, wait, that means volkov, yes, of course, volkov, yeah, come on, tell me, our mataharite, yes, no one sent me, i myself haven’t seen my classmate for a long time, his name is tolya, he works as a security guard at the estate, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, and by the way, he was courting me back at school, a chilling story, uh-huh, uh-huh, ah what's next, that's it. well, okay, tell me already, we walked around the estate, looked at the hall where the kidnapper went into the forest, and by the way, they have a very cozy atmosphere there, a tape recorder, glasses, and it seemed to me that the guys are bored there alone, they sometimes invite girls there to have fun, and i guess that on that ill-fated evening there were guests there, although the guys, of course , didn’t admit it, after the theft they
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were interrogated in detail, i’m either saying, i need...
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theoretically yes, but practically no, we weren’t distracted, the alarm could have been closed by the rain, or the computer froze , uh-huh, okay, let's go, hello, hello, can you tell me where the landscape went, restoration, under restoration, thank you, if you'll allow me, i 'm looking at the picture, please, uh-huh, yes. so
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papapapa, oh, so, hello, hello, oh, how great it is, and two sofas, there are two of you, i would go to in your place i only took girls around, but... it’s supposed to, well, i’m not conducting an interrogation, there’s no protocol, there’s no witnesses either, well, let’s just act like a man, look at the situation, and the music, your guides, is very beautiful, maybe it happens , but that evening there was nothing, well, there certainly was nothing, well done,
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eh? ay, flint. okay, come here. look here, a photograph and an identikit. this man appeared in your museum. hi all. great, what's in the museum, and what's in the museum? a german who recently visited the museum turned out to be a descendant of that same funraoh, whose daughter is depicted in the portrait, he turns out to be a famous collector, but what is most interesting, as the director of the museum said, the woman depicted in the portrait is his grandmother, ha, can you imagine, funraoh, as soon as i saw the portrait, i just... talked about him said, in short, the german fell in love with his grandmother, but if he fell in love, then we can assume that it was he who bought the copy written by loginov. the gallery to which the murdered woman brought her paintings did not receive an order, but he could have
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found out about this copy through other channels and bought it her directly. no, it can't be like that. the german is a famous collector, what copies? this is grandma, no, just the original. yes, who will sell it to him from the museum? that's right, are you laughing? he doesn’t know all the details, and i didn’t tell him in the interests of the investigation. georgievich, it seems to me that the security guards, what is this not saying? okay, i'll call the antique department and let them go with it. one of the commandments of the samurai: distract the enemy’s attention and put him to sleep. wait, are you saying there will be another try? i have a different version, but what? if they wanted to steal, did they steal the portrait
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of the baroness? and everything else is just a distraction. wait, she’s hanging in the museum, as if alive, untouched. well, is it untouched, i carefully examined the frame, somehow you want to say that the original was replaced by copies of our murdered old lady? no, if you've overdone it. maybe, maybe, but i persuaded the director of the museum to conduct an examination of these two workers. well, refer to you. well, thank you, i'm a friend. kirill, find out through the department if anyone has registered a copy of the portrait baronesses to go abroad. ok. what if the murdered nephew really had nothing to do with it? yes, i also think that if he got the old lady drunk, it’s too easy. it seems to me that whoever stole a copy of the barones’ portrait had it. the motive is much more powerful. wait, what if the samurai is right? yeah. and the museum actually has the original, but they replaced it with a copy. then it turns out, do you remember, the neighbor said that anna sergeevna was very fond of the painting, uncle? well, she didn't want to sell it.
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accordingly, she was slammed because she simply interfered with the order. or vice versa, they decided to steal a copy, she came home ahead of time and found her in the apartment. then he had no choice but to kill her, you know? then the nephew appeared, saw the corpse, everything was money, the man got scared, went on the run, that’s also an option, in general, get this real nephew out of the ground, it will be done, and tomorrow officially call the owner of this gallery zhukov, yeah, he should know , who was interested in the portrait of the baroness and its copy, clearly, exactly, allow me, come in, comrade chief, your order done, well, oh, found who, where is he, and where is he, tell me who, well, say, don’t say that you are, but oh, the address is written down here, he’s in the suburbs,
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hanging out at his woman’s house, a difficult little robot was. the liver had to work, yeah, what do you think, while you have gained trust, while you have established contact, so you will take this into account when you give out the reward, we will take it into account, we will take it into account, get it, you will, oh, seryoga, you are a district police officer, stay away.
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what's missing? what is clear, but quietly, quietly, quietly, stand, from here, oh, glory, keep him in the garden, stop, you bastard, stand, stand, lesson that you run like a hare, stop, said stand, well, get out, come on,
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come on, quickly, why have you been running around, you goat, get out, now, wet your feet, i don’t feel like it, yes, yes, allow me, yes, oleg georgievich, did you receive a fax from the department, a copy of loginov’s work, a portrait of the baroness, restored? someone didn’t restore the beetles, but registered a copy for export abroad, well , that’s right, but that’s the coupe, that’s it, bori, thank you, can you let me go, yes go, what do they write there, well, you see, the department reports that the beetles going to output a copy to munich, that’s right, he has to show up at work on monday, we urgently need to find out what flight he took the ticket for, okay, oleg georgievich, what’s wrong with this nephew sloginov, he admitted his murder, he admits, then he refuses everything, well , - in my opinion, in addition to drinking, he also
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became addicted to drugs, in general, he doesn’t remember what happened to him, or maybe harm, excuse me, the nightingale is listening, i’ll go , come on, yes, okay, if, wait, uh-huh, yeah, i understand, thank you, well, you were right, the painting was replaced, so there is a copy of the portrait hanging in the museum the baronesses and the management are shocked, so should we take this one? in zhukov, okay, go, i ’ll call you, yeah, okay, don’t look, well, go ahead, tell me how it’s going, how the investigation is going, yes, it’s moving slowly, remember, you talked about zhukov, of course, i remember, well, here he is in the case of the murder of anna sergeevna loginova, yes, what are you, kostya, yes, zhukov is one of our main suspects, who could...
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poor old woman, listen, horror, kolya, he’s already broke up, no, we want to take him red-handed, there are still nuances in this matter, this zhukov most likely had an accomplice, while the accomplice distracted the guards, zhukov committed a robbery, which means it could be one of the museum employees, maybe? maybe, uh-huh, well, or some beauty, yes, maybe you said what
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you said, repeat it, now, well, well, we have to suspect everyone, oh, how insidious you are, it could have been there, it could have been, but it wasn’t, you know my circumstances, of course, listen, you suspect me, i don’t suspect you, i’m jealous of you, everyone you know will get life in prison, oh, how i like it, you’ll let me go, okay, now i i’ll get dressed and accompany you, no need, i’m right here, i’ll run into the store, yeah, yeah, hello, nikolai, you’re urgently needed in the department, we’ll go get the beetle now, come, okay, we’re waiting, okay, i’ll be right there. service for you again, yes, i wanted
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to tell you, i almost forgot, yesterday at work i heard that zhukov was flying to munich, maybe he’ll help you, that’s it, bye, until tomorrow, it’s quiet here, yes, they were on guard all night, zhukov is at home never showed up, thank you, but we also have a naked guy, okay, let me call again. the sellers came, but he wasn’t there, listen, maybe i’ll go, i'll take a look, yeah, yeah, go ahead. goten morgen, good morning, yes, yes, i’m from the police, i remember you, did something happen, where is your boss? mr. zhukov won’t be here today, he’s flying to munich after lunch, so
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show me his office, i want to inspect it urgently, well, i’ll show you the office, but you see, this is still not my office, i hope there won’t be any search. i don’t need trouble, yes, it’s spring, nikolai, it’s spring, i wanted to tell you that i just found out that zhukov is not flying to munich, he’s flying to istanbul, i don’t know exactly when, there’s a flight in an hour and a half, i don’t know the number, honey, i’ll definitely call you back, i’ll explain everything, okay, i’ll definitely call you back, i can’t talk right now,
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bullets to the airport, and you and i will pick up an expert, okay, let’s go, come on, georgievich, i almost missed it, but it’s my fault, oh well, you can’t check all the flights at once, i bought the ticket at the last moment, but it’s clear that i suspected something, and i chose istanbul because i don’t need a visa for turkey, i took a ticket to munich for departure eye, yes, it was cleverly invented, you won’t say anything, i’m just in case,
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that you are the organizer of the theft, she also said that when anna sergeevna refused to sell you the painting, you killed her, that vana, yes, yes, spring lied to you, she lied to you everything, i really... helped steal her painting, but i i didn’t kill anyone, why, why, why, think, the old woman sold me a painting
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for two grand bucks, that’s a lot of money for her, why did i have to kill her, listen, i remembered that when i left anna sergeevna, her apartment was already on the threshold , already on the threshold, i met some drunk, he saw that she was in good health, find him, find him, he will confirm the car. bregovich, where did you dig her up, georgievich, i think i know how it all happened, but that’s a completely different story, so please tell us when baron von trakh saw a portrait of his grandmother in soltsev’s estate. he was eager to get it, so the beetles volunteered to help him, but stealing the portrait on your own is extremely
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difficult, you need an accomplice to distract the attention of the guards, turn off the alarm, the guide vesna was ideal for this role brygovich, she is beautiful, smart, educated, most importantly, she needed money, a lot of money, to make... an excellent copyist, so the chances that the substitution would be noticed were slim. at this moment the alarm went off, perhaps
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automatically. zhukov had no choice but to cut another picture in order to divert suspicion from the theft of the portrait. then, she came to zhukov and replaced the original with a modern copy at his home. she was sure that the beetles were a killer and decided to hand him over to us. reported information when he flies away, so why are you sitting here, we need to arrest and return this priceless painting to the museum, it’s too late, why are they already in germany, georgievich, well, we did our job, we caught anna sergeevna’s killer, i think that after zhukov’s testimony, loginova will not get away with it, and this is correct, but theft is no longer our headache. let the guys from the antique department do this, take the eternal documents, if, well, let's go, uh-huh, you go,
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i'll catch up now, what are you doing, what are you doing, people are walking along the sidewalk, driving around in the middle of the day, shameless, don't you think so. .. people are not ashamed go through, what are you doing, and aren’t you ashamed, she’s all dressed up, she’s a vermin, she wants to be here in broad daylight, and people have nowhere to go, shameless, here’s to you all, the police, i’ll call the police now, the police.


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