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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-6  NTV  July 26, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

5:40 am
uh-huh, you go, i'll catch up now, what are you doing, cadela, don't you see that people are walking on the sidewalk here, they drove around in broad daylight, shameless, shame on you, people can't get past, but what are you doing, and he’s not sleeping on you, ash is all dressed up, ash is a reptile, the cats are here...
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great, great, well, exactly, what, as asked, listen, thank you, you’re helping out, i’ll return you, on time, you know, i didn’t understand on the phone , where are you going, yes to the crimea, and the velvet season, vacation is always a fairy tale, and what a fairy tale, i’m going with a girl, to tulova with my samovar, and there’s a photo of you as a girl, i’m not a cop, i’m a cop, huh? i understand, no, it’s the cop’s love in the photograph, but the cop’s heart is, strongly, your tram, come on, thank you, bye.
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forgive me, for god's sake, i didn't do it on purpose, don't leave the house on purpose. well, georgievich, have they sent us a new boss? it starts on monday, but how the headquarters got to this place without cronyism is still unclear. however, according to rumors , our colonel has the character of a general; even his boots sing at the drill review. however, he has one weakness, fishing, so we are all on his hook, or under his cap. by the way, where is the wolf? well, he called, he had something to do, he’ll come. listen. let's remember, just in case
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, what kind of marching songs we know, well, well, well, well, gentlemen, senior officers, the younger generation will certainly support you, with applause, but only from the stands, well, yes, you're still ahead of us in the line, solobon , we ’ll make you a drink, listen, or maybe we’ll turn to varya, he’ll tell you that come on, come on, georgivich, i heard about the fuse, what a strange man, why is he empty cars hammers, i think that he doesn’t like the parking method in russian megacities, what do i agree with him about? how many innocent people can be killed, but he hasn’t done it yet, although he will definitely do it, he’s trying to make sure that no one gets hurt, that’s clear, but this is all up to the time, it would be better for him, of course, to think about how to make sure that only cars explode and none of them passers-by, what are you talking about, georgic, this is basically impossible, it’s good that the fuse doesn’t work in our area, what an insensitive lieutenant you are, you don’t care about the problems of your colleagues, comrade captain, there are enough of our own, that’s for sure, so... let’s go back to our sheep,
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please, uh-huh, listen, in two, in two winters, wait, wait, now something else is fashionable, listen, uh, ah, listen, ah, listen, where are you going to tell your dad, and not your ears, listen, vasya, don’t spit here, and by the way, even as a child, i almost became the laureate of all the all-union competitions in pooping, by correspondence, i believe, guys. hi, great, listen, you'll be our harmaster, what's the problem, you know, here we seem to have something planned, according to rumors review of the drill song, oh yes, well, if only the artistic director, no, then we agree, agree, yes, agree, yes, then tomorrow morning we’ll call each other and schedule the first rehearsal, without delay, hello, here he is, comrade volkov, you we were late for lunch, great, but who would have said, well, we agreed, so var will be our artistic director, the rehearsal is not to be late, but what
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happened? just imagine, we are having a drill song review, so that by tomorrow the song will be: i will be the conductor, the samurai is the drinker, you can handle nothing, glory, and you you will be in choir. well, of course, and i, and you, you ’re like a song with us, okay, let’s go to work, tomorrow we’ll have a rest day, okay, bye guys, what, i’m busy with tybakin’s, well, throw it into the network, okay, come on , well, it’s good to dig, time, glory, you understand, the pocket is cut, fun. oh my god, what happened? nothing, bye!
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oh shit! it’s not difficult to remember, i will remember, don’t doubt it, i will remember you, and your knowledge of the regulations, i will especially remember the disorder in
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the duty room, and this is all, major, the face of the department, and if i suddenly... "recently my neighbors told me about the woodchuck, he is now working on the second route, so these are home warblers, wait, glory, what, something happened, but it’s nothing, but it’s painful to look at you, nothing, nothing, or something
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shchepach cut me off, sorry, slav, forgive me, hit me, mentira, hit me a lot, a lot, listen, maybe i’ll ask my people”? on loan, it was a loan, then we need to make a list of all the victims, what a bright idea, how come i didn’t realize it myself, thank you for making noise, go ahead, what am i wrong said, everything is according to science, but it’s a beast, yes, you’re going wild here, okay, let’s go, officer, yes, introduce yourself, captain volkov, captain, i’ll make you sit down to study the regulations, it’s my fault, comrade colonel, i’m in a hurry, i have to hurry with my steps, officer , with
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self-esteem, then you will have time everywhere, go, eat. but you give it, yarshov, a real colonel, but only calmer, calmer, calmer, fighting, give me the keys to the seventeenth, someone asked me, yeah, the new boss showed up, wow, today is friday, and how? do you think you should go to you think he should smoke, yes, it’s a hard day, see you on friday, okay, let’s go to the department, i ’ll be there soon, let’s go.
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yes, comrade colonel, allow me, major solovets, come in and have a seat. how are things going in your department? everything is fine. i’ll tell you a secret, the order on my appointment has not yet been signed. but if i give my consent today, i will begin my duties next monday. and if you find yourself unprepared for the parade, don’t defend yourself, comrade major. everything is clear, clear, let me
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go, go, eat, understand. well, how did he leave, how did he leave, that it’s hard there, yes, yes, listen, georgich, we were speculating with the samurai, of course i understand that the wallpaper department doesn’t deal with such things, but helping a friend is a matter of honor, okay, okay, i’ll talk to the neighboring department, just don’t forget your business , well, of course, that's all.
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so what do you have, so come on, give me the change, a ticket for you, and what do you have, yeah, it’s clear, and you, it’s clear, you’re a young man, he’s in trouble, everything ’s fine, so, sit down, grandma. go yourself, why is it so rude, i’m from the heart, i’m going just one stop, for the sake of my health i’ll stand, like if you want, so i want, don’t pester me, well, maybe you’ll go to jail after all, but at my age they don’t go to prison, the criminal code doesn’t allow it, and up to what age in our country they go to prison... up to 75, women up to 65, there are women, and there are ladies, ladies don’t
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ride on trams, ugh, okay, a penny here, just wait , hello, hello, you’re alone, yes, go to the back platform, get your travel tickets , identification, gentlemen, get your documents ready. our program has previously reported on explosions of foreign cars parked on the sidewalks
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of st. petersburg. and now there is a new explosion. i wonder what the investigation's versions are? what is this? hooliganism or terror? rhetorical question: neither the police nor the fsb can still agree on which of them should catch the criminals. and time goes by, foreign cars are still taking off. they will fly into the air, comrade major, i need to go to the headquarters,
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girls, boys, i don’t know, there may have been some suspicious persons, but there were no suspicious persons, there were no teenagers, i almost went crazy, when i realized that i had been robbed. but there was also a grandmother there, so ancient that she could even live reluctantly, i described the rest, but there weren’t any teenagers for sure, grandma said, but you can describe her, well, of course, she’s a woman, yeah, comrade lieutenant, please give the victim a blank sheet of paper and a pen, and you’re a citizen of krupya, everything in detail
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describe it in a very detailed way, i’ll go get some air, samurai? hello, kohl, nikolai, wait a second, me, please wait now, here’s a piece of paper, a pen, write, i, i, now quickly, and what’s their grandmother, okay, fadey grigorievich, agreed, kohl, can you explain to me what the grandmother has to do with it, given that most victims remember it as... some kind of grandmother, it comes up too often, you don’t think that the old woman could be a cap, i don’t think so in life at all , i know that, uh-huh, i’m just thinking, and i’m also consulting and consulting, in general, i’ll soon go to a consultation, uh-huh, to a women’s consultation, beauty, excuse me, the girl’s mother
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is looking for anna alekseevna krupyak, she’s in your office, right? your mom, me, where should i go? well, let's go left, that's good, eh then i have nothing else to do, how to send girls to offices, hello, criminal investigation, karpova, maria kuzminichna, lives here, here, what am i talking about? shorter than a wallet on a tram, and this is at the address, my wife always takes out her wallet once a quarter, well, come in, thank you, please,
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georgivich, it’s me, can an old woman over 70 years old be a sliver? eh, kolya, kolya, my generation can do anything, you ’re lucky, i’m still in memory, well, yes, who’s there?
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hello, criminal investigation department, i’m alexandra shakirova. zarifulovich, this is about theft on the tram, but he’s not at home, he’s at the dacha, thank you, good afternoon, nilochka, i have an appointment, hello, andrei petrovich, and vasily sergeevich went to moscow, like me, and you sign the order for the appointment, i haven’t told you yet finally. in his words, but general podgorulka said it, you know, this is an order, i’m only a secretary, so good, and where is the deputy, friday, andrei petrovich, short day, uh-huh, well, there is, comrade, only the secretary, comrade colonel,
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congratulations on your appointment, and vasil sergeevich? asked me to tell you that with all will treat your department with attentiveness immediately after arrival, a big thank you to him, i am serving the fatherland, slow down, i’ll go out, it’s close here, i’ll take a walk, and you go to the department, i obey, comrade colonel. well, i got to you.
6:01 am
you look at me like a fisherman putting the first worm on his hook. how should i look at you, mr. colonel? and the psycho, the fuse, the display case in drebezgi reached us. and where are your rattles? here, my police are protecting me, my defenders. this crack is older than me. then i'm not the master, but comrade colonel, clearly, i understand, your sabaneev, thank you, hold it, thank you, mashenka, listen,
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well, i was at the last address, thank you, this old woman, she hasn’t lived there for 7 years, officially she’s completely dead. really, not for the first time, the traces are covered by the beloved sliver, it’s okay, we’ll find the grandmother, it’s not going anywhere, who was the last to see volkov, when was i right now, great, hello, great, that ’s the name, thank you, sit down, now masha will bring you beer , hello, i inform everyone in the gathering, tomorrow at 10 am there is a rehearsal, no excuses i don’t accept it, so she, she. and guys, you won’t believe it, you can congratulate me, i’m not a girl, i found an angel, you see, yes, an angel, a happy person, you catch angels, and i’m a wretched scoundrel,
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georgivich, talk to variy, why are we going to scream songs at 10 a.m. on saturday, yeah, don’t forget to do drill training for us, so we can sleep it off in the next world, listen, guys, i don’t know about you, but tomorrow i’ll go to the sliver, don’t be stupid, listen, you know that the new boss is as harsh as mine life, you need to train, thank you, otherwise it will work out... you have a vacation with the following, i will please, well, kolya has already released the next pack, he knows what it roughly looks like, well , so do i, drink to your health, thank you, if i ’m going straight tomorrow, okay, guys, something ’s not right in the mood, let’s go, glory, glory, slav, georgievich, i’m going to go break the warbler now, after all, i’ll go straight home, okay, and we’ll get together in the evening, okay, it’s been a long time since i sat on fridays watching tv, okay, come on, cook, bye, why didn’t you drink the juice? , the guys
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haven’t even touched the beer, it’s friday, family evening, the smell of malt shouldn’t overwhelm the aroma of homemade cookies, kir, in the bar even the smell is paid for if an order is made for it, here you go, i honestly soaked up the sock, money. citizen, client, listen, but i didn’t touch the beer, kir, friendship is friendship, everything is clear, listen, please explain to me, why in the service sector he doesn’t like the simple russian cop so much, bye, bye, bye, but a table is free, well, i’ll figure out this old man or woman, but it’ll only be too late, think about it, it’s time to go on vacation, that’s a joke. listen, maybe it’s better to collect mine girlfriends, that they say the new boss recalled them from vacation earlier, something like that, suddenly your girlfriend in crimea is fate, my fate
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is a mintour, no, a mintour is karma, family is fate, again, you i’ve never been married, thank you, it’s somehow frivolous, not like a man, stop mocking me listening, why mock me, i’m not joking, again, you need to try family life for... well, that’s all, how about a drill review? oh, yo, maybe instead of lunch? no, let's go with lunch. okay, i'll go get some advice from the emergency.
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call the guys, of course, okay, thank you, don’t be a jerk, come on, let’s break through, we’re not the russian national football team, ours will take it, pinch the killer, go take it, let’s go and take it, don’t cry, where will we go, it’s true that you are the strongest girl in russia, it’s true, i have 20 records, incredible talents await us, you are better than the voice of the earth, yes, we are a two-time champion of russia in dance sports, i starred in... -20, yes, -20, this is not a competition , there are no prizes or judges, we have a cancellation, only amazing children, i won the moscow cup, and what is it called, scooterman, well , scooterman, you can play the harmonica for five hours, well, yes, we found the coolest ones, besides knives, are you doing anything else, oh, i have so much work, i’m racing, we’re helping mom pick potatoes, who do you want to become when
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you grow up, president, someday use this phrase: we have crime, possibly crime, great talent, sometimes less than you think, i want to give you a medal from the russian book of records, a miracle with arseny popov, a new show, soon on ntv, with fire and... pavel semyonov, i want to be sure that no one will get hurt, nevsky, this is good news, i mean, from monday at 16:45 on ntv. what is the best medicine for nail fungus? misola valar is up to 50% cheaper. new. mizol in large packaging 50 ml. even bigger and better priced. misol avalar
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treatment. fungus without overpayments. does nail fungus prevent you from putting on summer shoes? misola valar won't let you ruin your summer. mizol is the most beneficial medicine for nail fungus. new. mizol in the largest package, even larger and more affordable. good morning, the weather is today. primorye is preparing to welcome nastya. tonight vladivostok will be hit by heavy downpours. the city streets will literally go under water. it will rain all weekend. a storm warning has been declared in the city. another hotbed of inclement weather is the urals. there is not only heavy rain, but also arctic cold. in yekaterinburg in perm the temperature does not even reach +15. tomorrow it will be even colder. and siberia is aloof from these autumn problems, from novosibirsk to krasnoyarsk without precipitation +30 and above. in the south of european territory there are also 30. in sochi, the rains will stop, but there will still be short showers in the mountains. in crimea it is also sunny, in yalta it is 28. and in the arctic mur. also 28 without
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precipitation, the same pleasant summer weather in the north-west and in the center, in st. petersburg today without precipitation plus 30 in moscow also without rain, +25, it will be even warmer on the weekend, i would like to go, but i can’t, i can’t, i would go from this side, i would go from this side, you know, i would go right here, side by side, now excuse me, hello, fuck off samurai, but thank you, if not, for the warbler, that’s all whatever, i’ll be like a bayonet, that’s it, i can’t talk, yes, that’s it, bye, oh, how, what is it, tomorrow morning, my soul, we will take a particularly dangerous criminal element under our strict
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state supervision, always, very dangerous, yes, that’s the job, and you, please tell me, you’re not a danger, but i’m not a criminal, and this needs to be checked, your health, yours too, excuse me, hello, hello, if, ah, okay, good, “good night , i hope it’s not about the weekend, and don’t get your hopes up, tomorrow morning we’ll all go en masse to help volkov out, but what’s wrong with him, family can't get along like that, well, the friday you were promised ends at 24 o'clock , 24 minutes, 19, 20, 24 seconds left, uh-huh, well, put out the candles, my major, let's go together, come on!" great, great, great ,
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hello, great, great, oh! well, that means it’s 7:00, we’re going our separate ways, we’ll meet at 16:00, that’s it, that’s it, oleg georgievich, can i get into formation, okay, stand up, bor, well, why are you clinging to me? yes , i’m not clinging, so we aligned ourselves in one line, stomachs removed, chests forward, equal, stinking, to the right, one, two, on, in,
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one, two, around, one, two, left, one, two, behind me in a circle, step, arge, left, left, left. borya left, left, left, left, left, left, a flock of geese, not officers, the geese should be allowed in front of your beaks, they would immediately follow each other in step, left, left, left, left, well left, left, well done , borya, left, well done, well done, left, in place, once, left, left, left. let's do a quick job, guys , stop, one, two, oleg georgievich, it's ready, we've sorted out the lyrics, here you go, i needed it, you, oleg georgievich, georgievich, you’re in the army as a jade driver, guys,
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it’s time, you’re dozing in the baryon, come on , instead of kissing a girl, you ’ll kiss your new boss, to death, cook, come on, sing a song, in the old days i went for fish . astronomer, wait, wait, who wrote this, that's it, kirill, give me time, hello, hello, commander, so, so,
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so, clearly, i can’t fly in, i’m not from work. 100%, i’ll send you the money tomorrow, i said they left, so it will be like this, but i’ll call you myself, well, hang in there, that’s it, hello!
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everlasting memory. what's the matter, good morning, girl, be quiet, i got hooked on a little guy, let’s move aside, i agree with you even for the hell of it. well, they don’t have jurisdiction over age, yeah, you’re wrong, in russia everything is done at the discretion of the court. what do you want? and i want today to
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be a good sunday morning, especially for everyone on this tram. and i agree, i agree. you said it very cleverly. girl, dictate the address, citizen, come in! “take off your shoes, those slippers are right there, otherwise i would have to bend my back because of four ahlomons at my age, 50 years ago, i wouldn’t have had eight enough for a snack, yeah, now we’ll change clothes , we’ll also wash our feet, you, girl, won’t have to wash the floors in this apartment anymore, but we ’ll see about that, we’ll see,
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don’t make me laugh, i’m offering a deal, but we don’t live in the wild west, yes, listen, there is no need to conduct a search of me, i know, leave me without a livelihood, i will come to you tomorrow to confess, it is not respectable to arrest me. give me a list of exactly all
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the victims, i return everything, with your hands, of course, the rest is mine, i’m looking at you , citizen, and i don’t want to smoke, but you smoke, he’s on the playground, please, let’s go, guys, have a smoke break, discuss which one... but i don’t smoke, i quit for a while, i’m now with my beloved girl, i won’t just part with it, and don’t glare at me, darling, i was already engaged in the last century, yeah. this is love, i think i should live without each other, oh, they gave me enough, so, well, i have
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ideas, i won’t talk to you, but don’t bargain, it’s useless, we’ll see about that later, i’m interested in the fuse, well, let’s say we’ve agreed, good condition, and i, and you will go on a separate line, come on lay out what you have dollars in a tube on a rubber band. passport, please, and the passport,
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please, is always here, the case of a conversation like today’s, i’ll now show you a thing that will make you stop smiling for a long time, if you show the lady off, i’ll see you off, so, pinch. like a shchipach, captivating sincerity, born in 1916, what the sixteenth, well, it could be a linden tree, although it is very similar to the truth, so friends, you get it, is this, what is this, a mine?
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i think this is yours, oh, girl, but just don’t treat me. now tell me how such an experienced plucker suddenly made a mistake, he began to take not quality, but quantity, it’s august, in the month of august i always go wild,
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because in this vile august is my day. birth, this makes me nervous, i keep thinking about the fact that next august will not happen, come on, you need to come with us, but what about the deal, well, the deal, this is not for us, this is for hollywood, i’m older. agreed, you hit me on the wrist, you will understand once and for all that the russian police do not follow laws, so i gave you a fuse, and this you will definitely take into account, you put on your shoes, put on your shoes, i, it was you bitches who put slippers on me, we
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wear handcuffs, slippers, it’s you yourself, let’s go. boys, see you, boys, see you, miracle, in feathers, well, we're going to get the fuse, why are we, he didn't work in our area, well, that's enough to regionalize the civil service, we'll act as usual depending on the situation, i'll let you know of course , where it should be, but we’ll take it now, because it could shirk at any moment. on the svolichny, well, maybe we’ll drink some cloves? be silent, sadness, shut up, why is someone sad? that's it, let's get it over with, i'm sad, and you don't be sad, everything is fine, well, let's go already, the object left the apartment, according to
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the signs, he understood, we got ready, yes, we are ready.
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quietly, calmly, hands up, hands up, slowly, kolya, the bag. with him, quietly, calmly, please, so quietly, quietly, come on, well, let's hand over this guy and the carnation to rehearse, i knew it, georgivich, i have a serious date in an hour, really with true love, i'm not kidding, guys , angel, yeah, okay, georgievich, let the youth fly. okay, go, but how it crawled up opening curve, don’t drive a motorboat forever, georgievich,
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yes, this is not fishing, it’s a joke for the cats, if you spit well on the worms, you can catch a big one, maybe, yes, vasily sergeevich, i understand, allow me, the day after tomorrow, it’s quite doable, i’m serving the fatherland . well, we’ll serve together, i’ll go temporarily, but your boss. to begin with, remember, not every operative of our long-suffering
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homeland is robbed by pensioners, that’s what kind of officers you are, the question is, although in my life i have never blushed for my subordinates. so. on the nose drill review, i order, tomorrow at 11:00 on the plot, the entire department in full strength will show their bearing, marching step, execution of commands, and so on, yeah. i am convinced that you will also have a drill song, a lead singer, on
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friday there will be an exam on knowledge of the regulations, perhaps a drill, after all, i am with you, temporarily, and you are with me permanently, probably, “hello, comrades, for the drill review,
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start now, forward, the old days for fish, i went to the grocery store until i met an experienced fisherman, he goes fishing every week. cracks for a glass, often hummed, float and worm, chok-chok-chok-chok, marinolone smarchok, rest and don’t regret it, lei-lay-ley-lay, it will become more fun. we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we listen to the chronicle
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of an emergency, we travel in a car sharing with the first gear, on ntv, the emergency program in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya, pedal even faster, athletes from austria who came to... the olympics in paris are forced in order to be in time for the start of the games. the cycling team was organized not the best reception, the car was robbed by migrants, uniforms, food were stolen and most importantly, two-wheelers were stolen . the amateur recording shows the windows of the minibus broken, the doors dented, and sports bags and suitcases that were gutted by the attackers lying nearby. where the french police were looking, who, given the scale of the event, must patrol the streets of the capital every minute, is an unanswered question .


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