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tv   Rasplata  NTV  July 27, 2024 4:20am-5:11am MSK

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in my office. what’s going on here, david, i ’m selling the house, you bought a new one, i ’m moving to my father’s apartment, but what about me, and you too, you got me with your antics, well, i got so tired, actually, we chose this house together, in what dream did you dream about this, i thought that you would pick me up one day and throw me away, what’s going on, and are you insuring yourself in case of my death, you had everything, business, everything,
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yes, you can, come in, listen, i went to the fanatheca, i'll sit down, yeah, i wanted to take some of our favorite records, on vinyl, at least wagner, there’s nothing, they’ve all switched to digital, what are you doing?
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i haven’t called the guys yet, listen, well, yes, it would be great, come on, i’m waiting, kisses , hello, savior, you’re on wheels, i could let you down, listen, take your money, i won’t study at your expense, yes, here we are not talking about money, but about what, about your friends, but it’s better not to touch my friends. i ’ll tear it up for them, okay, okay, we’ll figure it out, sit down, but i won’t touch your friends, but don’t let them touch me, they don’t know who artyom stolyarenko is yet, but you’re already driven, you’re a fool yourself, morkovkin, yours... works for a certain
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bolderev, i don’t understand the motives for this bolderev’s stay in novorechensk, but it is clear that he is involved in the recent attack on a furniture showroom, but this is nonsense, it is not connected in any way, but you warn me, say, orstem does not sleep, but thanks for the salon, for nothing. funny kid, hello, this is misha zhikharev. sorry
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i haven’t called for a long time, basically, there was nothing to report , in general, i didn’t find anything. can you hear me? we will consider our first working meeting open, we are here with david, in front of your when we arrived we talked about something, all that remained was to clarify the details. yeah, i need guarantees, guarantees that we won’t end up
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there like a penal battalion on mines, after all, it ’s a risky business, we signed up for it, but i think he should pay for the risk. differently, if pasha knew how dangerous it is, david will tell you when you find out the scale, and i will tell you the amount, then if you think that buldarev does not value other people’s work, then in vain, david, i was there twice, the checkpoint perimeter is located 25 km away; you can, of course, go off-road, but the literature teacher has a helicopter, sometimes it flies around. so we were sitting there somehow wondering, well, we didn’t want to tear off a piece of the cake, so we figured that there were about 100 fighters concentrated along the perimeter of the checkpoints, disguised as geologists, well, by some miracle, let’s go through the posts
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further, well, then the hardest part of the business is called inkwell, inkwell another 30 people fighters, plus civilian bugrov, about 10 people . so i listened, from the north from the south, well, that’s normal, but don’t reassure me,
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don’t reassure me, i’m very much for my son i know well, he built the whole street at the age of 5, better tell me where you hung out for 2 days, went fishing or something, well, sort of? i’ll come over now, okay, i understand everything, damn, i don’t know how to lie, well, here’s the thing, pasha got into a little bit of trouble, that’s all that means he got into a little bit of trouble, but don’t worry, for god’s sake, i ’m looking after them all, you tell me, don’t delay, in short, there was an emergency in the army just before demobilization, one idiot bastard, he robbed a cottage, they thought about the guys, most of all... we went to one place, worked out pashkin, so to speak, the debt that you bear, what a debt, my son doesn’t owe anything to anyone, so go and bring him back, safe and sound, i really respect my father’s
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feelings, i am a father myself, but only when it is possible and necessary, pavel will return on his own, i beg you, give me back my son, i promised to be with him all the time. so, that’s it, basically, you ’re fired, i didn’t hire you as a security guard, i just asked you to look after my son, that’s all, i’m not pavel’s nanny, i’m their friend.
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it's good that i persuaded you to go to the bookstore, yeah, i bought it, a guide for investigators, seriously, but what is he going to... i was wiping it, i found this in one of the books, what is it? the contract, here is the seal, here is the signature. well, speaking of books, here on the shelf the dust stamp is legible, the company is legit, and the signature, that signature, is hoofed, probably the one who signed them up for the shift, i don’t know, i think i heard this name somewhere , where, i don’t know, i don’t remember, hold it, give me the champon here, i don’t understand who puts it on like that, huh? leave everything, but i ’ll put everything down myself, bring some water, why are you standing there?
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bring me a drink, listen, okay, no, wait, i just didn’t find the bottle opener, that’s bad, hold it, that’s not all, thank you. cool, ready, lekh, why don’t you give a gift, you pinched it or something, special, you cook the meat, it won’t turn out well,
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you’ll eat it all yourself, don’t worry, everything’s fine, turn this one around, right, straw, we’re here, in short , so nastya and i thought about it, and i decided that after all, the best gift is a book, don’t lie, it’s my idea, wait, yours, our money, here it is, brother, i hope this is not the criminal code, listen, look for now. i'll go now i’ll give you my gift, otherwise look at the surprise, i’ll unwrap it, i’ll unwrap it, don’t be afraid, so open it, porato, a guide for investigators, happy birthday, thank you very much, well, open it, open it inside, take a look, well, well, what , what, what, wow, look, thank you, thank you, great, great, of course, lard, hold it, lard, that's it, well done. and i don’t give you any surprise, look at what kind of thing, so that the surprise doesn’t get lost in your hand,
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more, thank you, brother, happy birthday, igor, well, go ahead, burn, whatever they give, thank you, brother, just for a minute right it’s impossible to leave, well, why, settle down, guys, now you have two knives, listen, black, you give me this little thing, no, it’s not necessary anyway, brother, i’m sorry, well, this is a memory of my great father, i’m sorry, i’ll tell you later i’ll leave a will, later, oh, oh, okay, let’s go to the city, closer, closer to the city, come on guys, come on, oh, who came, well, you give, why did you come here, who’s from lorets, oh, hello wish you a happy birthday, guys, i already thought you had the address mixed up, great, hello, well, in short, our six is ​​healthy here. what did you say or something? they too yes eight! well, full set, volodya,
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meet me, this is yulia, my girlfriend, yulia, meet me, this is volodya efemov, our commander, so to speak, dad, but not a dad, just volodya, hello, hello, yeah, thank you for that to say, very nice, yes, very... nice, well, come to the table, yes, guys, let's have a skateboard, well, everything is ready, please finish, that's it , let's go, sit down to eat, please, well, let's go, let's pass, where are the dishes, shut up, animal, shut up, everyone loves me, even you, oh, and even me, well, come on, come on in a small way, guys, well, it’s like there’s no, little, there’s no dishes, which means the guy’s last name is zhikharev, yes, misha zhikharev, the guy fell in love with me,
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so he reports to me about everything, i listen, i listen, in general, someone collects boldwood people to go to after some mysterious oil rig, should i continue, yes. this news could cost me my life, but what role does david play in all this, in general? one of the most basic ones, he knows the road better than anyone, so he will go first, yeah, who else, a lot of people gather there, his friend pate with his friends, then someone else, i don’t know exactly, but one of these soldiers has a birthday today, i persuaded zhikhrev to come visit them, so they invited you, what impudent happiness there, you’re
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wrong here, today arrogance is the first happiness. okay, there will be news, you'll get more, thank you, i'll run, then, goodbye, happily, go get her, i want to know everything, who she's with, where, take the guys with you, that's it, yes, roma. impudence, this is the first happiness, in short, boys, listen to the story, shut up black, yes, in short, he’s standing, in short, there’s a conscript of the russian army, an ordinary salon, well , there’s a flag about here, there’s communication, business, night, well, everything is as
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it should be, then the phone rings, salon, he takes the corpse and settles down. hello, idiot, and i've only been in the army for 3 days, 3 days, what am i, i say, hello, well, you, can you imagine, yes, what obscenities he listened to, i was scared, i said, can i be pathetic, and he says, excuse me , please, i’ll call comrade captain efimov, and in response to me, you can say masha to your attention, and me to attention, yes, it’s too much, it’s funny, but you know, it’s watered, it’s just not in army of such words, hello, you can, there is a private of such and such apparatus, allow me, but it’s clear, palin, you understand that the unit commander called, well then in st. petersburg he knocked out a new star for himself, then count the straw, hello, for special successes in education privates, not only that,
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he came here, found straw, and also found knives in the nightstand, remember, and then what did he do with the straw? throughout the entire fortnight there was coal in a wheelbarrow, so what about promean humor the funniest in the world, i’ll go into the house, see what’s there, where we’ll sleep, will you come with me, no, i’ll i'll sit with the guys, yul, let's go, yes, pauline, there 's a couple of mattresses in the attic , an old blanket, take it, okay, come on , so, come on, brother, come on, yeah, come on, brother, happy birthday to you, be it, come on, hello, well, it’s good that everything is about me and about me, better tell me how you went hunting, fear god, who hunts people, listen, if you don’t want to tell me, let me tell you, in general, i was shot for the first time, uh-huh, no, well, not the first, of course, but still not very pleasant, in short, you caught
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this tangerine lover, damn, he’s a bitch generally elusive of some kind, then he will appear, then something else... nastya’s father disappeared, he went on some kind of shift, it seems that something is also connected with oil, look, the signature is hoofed, i was wondering for a long time where i heard this name, and then i remembered, you told me before leaving, listen, in short, nastya, i know where your father is, he’ll send me, i’m going with you, wait, wait, this is kopytin, really, who is a bounty hunter, quietly, who is it there ? oh, look who
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came to visit, we weren’t expecting repin’s painting, guys, i just wanted to discuss something with mishanya, so please be understanding, okay, what are we standing for, who are we waiting for, a special invitation, come on in guys, happy birthday, happy birthday, well, let’s go, what’s the name of the estate, sasha. hello, christina now. “yes, you dug up a strange frame, artyom, this is
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a golden frame, gesh, show artyom your papers, i’ve been collecting this material for almost a whole year, i can introduce you to it in full, only after i’m convinced of your solvency.” so what is written here, roll it up, what is it roll it up, who roll it up, listen to what you would like me to do here you're steaming, get out of here, artyom, don't boil, gesh, continue, as you know, mr. bolderev is looking for a wild oil field, or rather he has already found it. as you said, an oil rig,
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yes, i know all this for free, the oil rig is owned by boldarev’s former friend, vadim the wordsmith, now they are sworn enemies, the tower is not needed, he is driven only by a sense of place, and now assess the situation, the oil rig is not needed, as for the wordsmith , already known to you... we can arrange about 10 other cops, we only need your wallet to organize hike.
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you know the way, but you don’t need to know, those with the map will lead us there. well , let's see, let's see, knives, he collects knives, you know, the collection is large, this knife can cut sausage, or you can defend your homeland, i tell you, yes, a stranger, it's me, an army knife, well, your woman and the boy in some kind of... then the yard has arrived. there’s also a crowd of about 10 people drinking, do what you want, no , look, i have a couple of f1s with me, well
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, whatever you say, don’t do that, don’t do that. let's go, what's up, but they're drinking, well, thank god, we'll still have time to watch football. what are you guys? special, what's there? wait, black, in short, go unwind the girls, that’s it, go, then i’ll tell you what it’s like, okay, mikh, mikha, in one word, what are you, are you
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being outrageous, and poshtet, tell him, what are you, why did you open the safe, who? i keep waiting for you to repent, but you don’t, so, so it’s not me, it’s, then it’s you? yes, i’m a freak, guys, it’s, it’s really not me, it’s, it’s khmelinsky, that means the guys are going to town to drink away their last paycheck, that’s good. misha, you are our fellow countryman for the girls of new river, i’ll post a knitting needle. my aunt is in
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novorechensk, well, but for some reason they don’t really like me, so rent this dead number for a disco, it ’s okay, they’ll take it, but what is this, this is your pass to a rogue company, this is a bypass the specialist will even tell him that he was cleaning my copter and stole it, but why would that be? they won’t believe it, misha, do you need to go to the city with the guys? it’s necessary, when you told me about this girl, i immediately understood everything, this is our only chance, i think our respected oligarch holds this card somewhere in yourself, closer to your heart, well, at least explain what the map is, you
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don’t need to know that. you’ll sleep more peacefully, why is khmelinsky doing this? yes, how do i know, well, we’re ruining a birthday, it’s not my birthday, i opened the safe, i also put gold in the case from under the camera, you’re a freak. i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i set you up, there are such money there, damn it, god, i thought i'd pick it up when i got back, if it weren't for that patrol, nothing would have happened, you know, nothing would have happened, remember the patrol, well , and what, in my opinion, did you hang out okay? yes, that’s it, we’re waiting here,
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he divided it up, he said, he’ll take us away from here, why not walk, let’s wait, listen, parset, did you sleep until the morning or something, well, well, the girls boycotted me, what else is left to do, yes, stand there, private, oops, let's go, quickly go down, stand there, private. let's catch up! and who took me from my lips? khmelnitsky? comrade warrant officer, has zhikharev arrived on your orders? stop staring! come in, sit down! how's it going in the commandant's office? didn't they bully you? ok. that you managed to find everything
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and pulling it out is commendable, but where to look now, what do you think? well, the pate is all left in the case from the camera, you seemed to say that your aunt lives in novorechensk, well, you need to go to novorechensk, misha, novorichensky, officially, of course, you will go look for kostyuk, but i don’t care whether you find him or not , i’m interested in something else, this... it’s enough to rent an apartment, get dressed, i’ll have to send it back, tell me what was in the safe, well, there were gold dollars in there, there was a map, well, there was some kind of dirty piece of paper , well i mean old, well, good, you’ll find the pate, take his money and card, you’re a smart, cunning guy, you’ll figure out how to do it yourself , let’s demblem, misha? i serve, fatherland,
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but not you, you can go, go, for whom khmelinsky works, but how should i know that, i don’t need to. christina, it’s time for you, pash, it seems like it’s time for you, really, oh, well, finally, well, whatever, i’m a bad blind, you ’re good, everything is according to class, but you still have to remember about this nitty-gritty, so what, by the way , we agreed, misha is leaving there, christina, christina, by the way, can you hear you
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takes it with him. he’s just afraid to walk around novorechensk alone and where will he come now? mikhail is clear, well, clearly, be healthy. yeah, let's go to sleep, christina, let's go, persuade, let's go, well, once again, happy birthday, straw, gift, you love knives, let's go, thank you, what did you do there, why are you silent? hey guys, why is mikha rubbing his christening hair? strange couple, they might catch up, well,
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let's go into the house, we've got everything ready, yulka is waiting, let's go, and we're chatting here, well, let's go, let's warm up, take it with us, so, well, this is on morning? you won’t be able to stand it until the morning, let’s go, come on, well, let’s go, cheap, let’s go, but we’re waiting, yeah, well, it seems like we’ve already fallen asleep, who ’s lucky or unlucky? pasha, i left your father’s farm, had a fight with him, it turned out ugly, he loves you very much, worries about
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you, i know, in general, in general, if necessary, you stand up for me in front of him, sorry, and say that i’m very good to him understand. yes, me too, if it weren’t for my mother, so what does he have left in his life? i'm a norgy, hunting, and how are you? everything is fine, we’ll go on a business trip with you and i’ll be with you to take care of my son, it’s time to go to college. in the army no no, in the army i have already served for him for myself, he needs to get a good education, because the most important thing is the children, it’s good for you, it’s good
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for us, it’s bad for you, it’s bad for us, we live only for them , just for the sake of the children? for who else, i'm afraid. let's break through,
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okay guys? i didn’t hit this zhikharev enough, so what did you want to kill him to eat, pate, in fact, he set us up, zhikharev told us how khmelinsky recruited him, the melting bastard. and you believe him, that's enough i’ve already talked about him, in short, guys, i was thinking, or maybe, what the heck, but i really can imagine that i have to go somewhere,
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get in front of bullets, damn, it’s already tearing through, oh well, it’s morning, cool, yeah. pate, maybe what the hell, have you decided already? that’s also true, the girls have already fallen asleep, sit down, sit with us, a breath of freedom, inhale and exhale, on the edge, the very edge,
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birds on the fly, a bullet on the fly, we are together again in the same land, and we are not changing our faith or face, let's pass. this is the way to the end. 320 years ago the most mysterious light appeared
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city ​​of the country, well, tell me, where else will they install dozens of sundials, despite the fact that according to the year it turns out to be, at best, one day a week. our conversation about the happiness of living in the northern capital also took place during the uncomfortable off-season, or low season, as they would say, but we found a way to enjoy details that were not obvious to tourists; we used all five senses, vision, touch, taste, hearing, and smell. in order to experience in a new way the sixth sense, the feeling of love for st. petersburg. on a fine afternoon, standing at the arch of the main headquarters, you can set your watch by your own shadow. if you believe the documentary evidence of the 16th century, the former small street with a population of millions is located exactly along the midday line, you yourself turn into a gnome, casting a shadow on the city, frames of a giant solar chronometer with hour divisions of streets and avenues. i have been on the main street for more than 30
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years, i remember that when i decided to settle here and this premises became a fashionable house, and it was so strange for me, i have a name on nevsky prospekt, but i am responsible , first of all, to those who were before you in your family, and of course in front of the city, because it is very very powerful in strength and absolutely. he is full of negligence and falsehood, everything must be perfect, beautiful, proportional, it’s difficult to love him, but he inspires me, and i admire him. the windows of the first floor, where the moulin rouche cinema was located before the revolution, resemble a screen with an endless film. straight as a line, nevsky was traditionally ironed and walked around to show off by the brightest st. petersburg fashionistas, but designer tatyana parfonova prefers to peek at themselves. petersburg, in many ways it determines the color, texture, geometry
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of the collection, the most favorite view of the city at night from above, when you return home and see from the porthole window a huge glowing giant web appears, all in lights , getting closer and closer, incredibly beautiful, such a huge diamond brooch, those for whom this angle... it's about to become familiar, students of the university of civil aviation are making a cultural flight through the halls of the russian museum. the st. petersburg sky looks down through the glass of the ceiling lamp. peter ii on the main staircase with interest. the blue and white museum celestials recognize tourists in uniforms the color of the night sky as their own. on one of the canvases there was even a duplicate of the emblem of the educational institution. when artists depict st. petersburg, 2/3 is always not. and the sky, here it is alive, the houses are so motionless,
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there is real life in the sky. the picturesque shades of the st. petersburg sky refute the myth of the eternal gray northern capital. st. petersburg nourishes the artist's vision and the pilot's vision equally generously, the high here is always nearby, it only stands throw back your head, clouds swirl, understood, life in the sky is depicted so always very freely, delightfully, this is a city of light. as a souvenir, future pilots got a photo with a cloud... a rare opportunity to admire the spring sky from the largest windows of the mikhailovsky castle. the curtains in this room are never raised. but this window was cut out long before we moved here, but i am very grateful that it
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is here, because we can see the courtyards of petrogradka and the various animals that live on it. there is a penguin and a fish. people walking. some will call the arbitrarily cut windows a personal sight, others a natural atrocity. when the historical layout allows you to look only into a remote courtyard-well, residents obsessed with a thirst for light help the firewall to see the light. a wall with a lonely window, like the face of a one-eyed cyclops, an eternal character of st. petersburg mythology. for a person, of course, vision is a great reward. if, especially, he doesn’t just look, but sees what he looks at. i like binoculars, theater binoculars, and if a person has theater binoculars and he sits in the box then he takes out binoculars and carefully examines the ballerina, it seems to me that this is very sophisticated, the right optics can easily turn the spire into the figure of a slender prima, the magic
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glass monocle, the third eye of the st. petersburg dandy, the constant companion of aristocrats, artists, writers of the silver age, olga khoroshilova has the most... sometimes they even said monocole to the eye, precisely because initially there were such darlings, they still exist now, they are produced, i have such a modern monocole in my hands, there are lovers, among yuri anenkov adored them, liberated beauties in manocles, the famous artist himself did not like the glass from the eye... a lot to death, it is on the canvases in the photos of friends. a fashion historian shows a pre-revolutionary portrait of his great-uncle nikolai punin. the future red commissioner, anna akhmatova's companion, poses with a fashion accessory. he has a monocol inserted in his eye, the monocol glares in a fashionable way. and we see almost the same effect in a painting from almost the same
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time. this is the eighteenth year in sherling's portrait. and here and here, there is one eye, there is no second eye. this is definitely true. such a st. petersburg tradition of daring and a st. petersburg behavioral tradition of representing such a person as half, half ghost or a monumental creature, because when a person has a grandfather’s eye, he is not quite a person, but maybe a robot or a monument. the gaze in a bronze frame is forever chained to the perspective of pea street, but st. petersburg is a special city where, having turned into monuments, writers do not stop. observe readers, gogol never painted portraits, he used mirrors, talked about his colleague,
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the famous petersburger vladimir nabokov. the inhabitants of this city follow the reflection everywhere. rippling on the surface of river channels, clear in huge windows.
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in st. petersburg, which itself is like a giant mirror surface, with its strict geometry, reflections on the water and the gilded frame of luxurious suburban palaces, but officially the largest antique mirror with an area of ​​18 m2 is kept in a mansion on the promenade des anglais. the owners of the house ordered it in 1910 from the imperial factory, they floated it along the neva, this mirror, it got here completely uniquely, it was raised to the second floor from the niva side. and they dismantled part of the facade wall under the window, can you imagine, because not a single doorway could accommodate such a scale. the mirror miraculously survived the blockade, when it was freed from sandbags... only a corner was damaged, this city requires such a delicate attitude and such great
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respect, we are a city of deadly beauty of everything that happened in it, but on the whole it seems to be happy city. in what st. petersburg is looked after from above, tatyana porfenova has no doubt, she is always surrounded by wings, pigeons outside the window, a flock of home in the living room. during the fitting, the fashion designer stops against the background of a wooden plumage decorated with verses and for a moment becomes the st. petersburg angels. winged guardians in the city of st. peter live not only in museums and churches, but often soar in the open air. standing on one leg, the other leg seems to be slightly back in the air, a slightly tunic develops, large wings at the back and such an inspired expression. intervention, beautiful, such a clearing
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of the sky, the low pressure of this dome, suddenly there is such a window, such hope, for the famous st. petersburg photographer alexander petrosyan, any roof, like a runway, being higher is so important for a hunter of light, of light in all senses of this words, well, something like this. the angel from the tower is a trophy won from the capricious sky , definitely not without the participation of the sixth sense; pressing the button in time is not everything in this pursuit of beauty. petersburg roofs have long been a brand worse than those in paris, but roofers and tourists look at them with their eyes, our photographer also with his heart. those who photograph the architecture of the city, yes, they are looking for some places where this is most characteristically expressed, either the soul, or a kind of energy, or an aura, there, well, that is, you can call a lot of different terms, but.. . a feeling of some kind of truth, authenticity, veracity, realness, yes, this is exactly what you are looking for, it’s also
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interesting how many years i’ve been living here, but, for example, i haven’t seen this courtyard from this angle, as if for some reason. this is some me a discovery, no less than if i went to some south america, where i have never been there either, this is how we see the yard, this is how alexander petrosyan, several years ago the photographer began to rapidly lose his sight, as a result of the operation ophthalmologists are not sure, so about the latter. it’s even more difficult to talk to this master, but his beloved st. petersburg will definitely be there, limited vision is a hindrance, but this gives a lot of scope for the imagination, you see a complete reality that consists of some images, which you have experienced throughout the entire experience of many years of communication with this city, for example, i’m standing here with you now, and it doesn’t cost me anything to imagine, as if... the place on which we are standing suddenly rose up like a basket balloon, we floated over the city, for
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an industrial climber the assault on urban everest, the lakhta center tower is a common thing, carbines and other vital fasteners weigh 15 kg, but controlled flight is not an obstacle, a paradox, but the city looks closer from a height of 37.10 m and dearer, you can do it like this sit down, you can take lunch there with you, sit like this, think about high things, i had such a turning point in the sense that when i saw the city, i was amazed that i could see it completely from edge to edge, and i at the same time , i started flipping through the map, well, on my phone, and i saw that i could just see the whole city to the edges, my consciousness just... expanded, and i realized that, well, it’s like our country russia is so huge and the city is big st. petersburg, and i from this point i see him completely.


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