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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-6  NTV  July 27, 2024 6:05am-7:01am MSK

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and, of course, i have a lot more, oh, look, nikita is coming, nikita, doesn’t hear, svetka, let me play him, come on, oh, i came up with it, pretend to be blue, wait, nikita, wait, you disgusting one, well, you’ve completely pushed me, nikit, svet, this is not nikita, uh, why are you fighting, well , we got it wrong, uh, seryoga, seryoga, are you all right? seryoga, what are you doing, get up, seryoga, seryoga,
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hello, hello, cooking, what a sight you have, you won’t believe it, but until that night i knew nothing about the nightlife of st. petersburg, what is a pretzel like, and in more detail? the rubles did not go along the road, but then georgivich will simply kill me, i ’m already a little late, well, where is kirill, well, i ’ll arrange for him, ivanovich, you’ll soon, yes, now, about 5-7 minutes, so there they are, let’s go, well, well what, come on, help me out, our car broke down, do you promise adrenaline, yeah, rings? let's go for
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a street murder, and slava and i are at the entrance, anyway, at the same address, ivanovich, well, you 're ready soon, we're going, there was one blow, very strong, clearly practiced, right in the heart, the guy didn't even have time to feel anything, uh-huh, thank you, why there, well, murdered sergei panchik? i shout to him, and he grabbed the earring and dragged it around the corner. svetochka, svetochka, calm down, please, you said something about nikita, well, about the real nikita, well , he had a gait like nikita, and a jacket too, but how can we see this nikita? nikita, well, it wasn’t him, i mean , oh, nikita is in germany, i completely forgot.
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it’s been about a month, he has relatives there, oh my, we’ll find the killer, we’ll definitely find him, i told you to be in the car, what are you doing here, get in the car,
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it’s already gone, well, yes, and there are no controls in my head, you know, glory, there have been cases when people survived after two or three shots to the head, but after being hit in the heart, in general, it’s obvious from everything that the killer is a very cold-blooded person, when in front of you are two healthy men, one of them with a weapon, it’s hard to restrain yourself from random shooting, at least i don’t remember this, and there are no traces, but it’s winter, there’s no dirt, there’s no traces. no, thank you, in our business there is no such thing as without dirt, yes , it’s him, i was passing by, and he comes out of the entrance, you can’t see his face from under the hood, he’s rushing like a tank, of course i missed him, myself i went upstairs to my house, and there, and i saw him, i saw him coming out of the yard in a jacket, so sporty, and 80 meters tall, you can see why. annushka, what a grief,
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oh, god, hold her, hold her, oh, poor woman, a neighbor, a swindler was killed, well , calm down, but what about my serezhenka, trouble, trouble, who will return my son to me, serezhenka, my son, why such torment, this is the police,
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please forgive me, my name is varya, varya, you will find them, who, well, you are the police, come on, open your face, and don’t get your hopes up, slavik. he’s not a fool, but the camera most likely knew. here is smirnov, borisov's driver. yes. this post is of no use. no, don’t tell me, at least we can be sure that the killer acted alone, without cover. he killed panchenko, and according to the testimony of svetlana and other witnesses, the killer is the same.
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antikiller 3? so, guys, i checked, nikita ridal, who was mistaken for the killer pachenko. “why are things bad for you, georgievich? it can’t be worse, it turns out, the murdered businessman arkady sizov, one of the first racketeers of st. petersburg, the founder, so
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to speak, how so? why didn’t we know anything? but because the group operated from about eighty-five to ninety-one, they did not take part in any showdowns or in the division of territories." they were shaking mainly underground millionaires, but how is this known? agent information, words, and it is also known that after ninety in the first year , the group ceased to exist, its members dispersed to different cities, invested money in official business and, like sesov, led the life of respectable businessmen, but what about the harsh hand of justice, yes justice, with this we we have to figure it out, in recent years someone has methodically begun to destroy...
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work, uh-huh, uh-huh, no, i don’t understand, well, what’s the point of dealing with these pieces of paper, but the point is that most likely there was a customer here, uh-huh, so that with the customer there may be one of the victims, we will find the customer, we will find the killer, and we know the killer, in addition to the fact that he is about 80 tall, that he is not nikita, awesome, you are not nikita yet, remember from the film, listen, help me better, please, georgich from the world lives with me, guys, oh, i didn’t have time to eat something,
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light, go home, you don’t have a face, no, no, i need more, let’s go, i’ll help you, svetochka, please make a copy, and please make a copy, okay, hello, frankfurt code, please.
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lists are made here of who left, who died, my god, my god, who? i don’t know where he went, why i got all this, please explain to me why georgievich imposed all this on me, this is why i got all this, there’s a legend about this, he lived in ancient china unparalleled master in the art of fighting, one day a young man comes to him and says: take me as a student, okay, the master said, i will take you, but for this you will have to live with me and do all the housework, the student agreed with pleasure, time passed, the master did not conduct a single lesson , instead, he beat him, no need, beat him for the slightest offense,
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the student dodged the blows, but the master’s stick always overtook him, even at night, when the student was sleeping, the master sneaked up on him and began to sing, the student wriggled under the blows, dodged, for a whole year so it went, here it is one day the master comes to him and says: that’s it, go home, only you didn’t catch one thing, so what about the student,
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this one from the legend, you didn’t ask before, but really, why? well, i remember their leader, yeah. these guys all look the same , so they killed them, you say, yeah, to hell with them, let’s better drink beer, ugh, what kind of beer is this, when i was the chief technologist, i diluted a whole sea of ​​beer, but how did these guys not get impudent , so what does it mean, the bandits found out about your income, they came, well, yes, they came and shared, they say, well, i... first of all i sent them to so-and-so's mother, but they punched me, and why did they remember only the leader? and he
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broke three of my ribs, and why didn’t they report it? what kind of person are you , what am i going to tell the police, where did i get fyodor bulbunyuk, a modest technologist, 200,000, this was in 1985, and why did you give them all the money, gave it, more after that? i didn’t see them, it’s a pity, of course, i mean, after that i went to prison, it was a high-profile case, i trampled the zone for 7 years. oil stealer, oil stealer, yes, but what does oil have to do with it, you diluted the beer, so prisoners of thieves' bosses they called them, who were serving time for all sorts of thieves, then all over the country there was detection, about me, bulbunyuk, every liar wrote, liar, well, yes, that’s what
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they called them for these newspapers, what kind of menchi went? diluting you, or what? okay, stay healthy, i went, yes, yes, there was a time, i’ll tell you, i was in charge of the auto parts database, yeah, of course, i wasn’t interested in commerce either, i’m not always honest, please note that i’m telling you this, nikodim grigorievich, tsivilsky, completely from the bottom of my heart, yeah, especially since the statute of limitations has long passed, that’s understandable, tell me, what's with the blue, yes, i'm sorry,
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oh, thank you, seagull, please, thank you very much, you said with the blue, yeah. fact, fact, of course, unpleasant, but quite logical, yeah, you see, my friend, the money that i gave to the bandits was acquired dishonestly, as it came, so it went, boomerang,
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it was very nice to talk to you, yeah, but sorry , i have a regime, clear, clear, clear, i ’ll see you off, oops, excuse me, i’m listening, i heard you, they’re transferring you to us on nevsky, they’re transferring you, pasha semyonov, still a captain, you something is stressing me out, my role in this circus is stressing me out. still married, maybe you should quit altogether, yul, again, even before meeting the architect, i’m not a hero, i can handle one, two, three are not a fact, nevsky, let’s remember how it all began, adventures await us without a doubt, from monday,
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igor krutoy mask at 20:00 on ntv. exactly, exactly. yes, there is a person among the members who doesn’t say a word at all. i tried and tried. listen, i have one idea, can you help me? listen here. keys to sizov's apartment. well done, good idea. okay, i’ll get it, that’s it, wait on the porch in 20 minutes, that’s all for now, and he
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and says to him, what have i been teaching you all these years, this is how the first master or even the second ballfighter appeared in china, how can it be, he only bruised him with a club, that’s the point, you’re hitting with the baton of a criminal, in fact you are... training him, but what should you do? and you ask kolya, i don’t know, it’s actually very difficult, so guys, hold on, i’m off, then ask kolya, since, i know what i think, that guy from the legend was lucky with his teacher, why? because it’s good that he didn’t teach him archery.
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listen, what kind of girls they had, but choose photographs where he is with men, we have this one, we also have these ones, i don’t even know who, pay attention to the car, to the car, yes, is the car like a car? the nine, however, was a cool car in the early nineties. kolya, oh, they have a driver, look, the driver, we don’t know him, this is exactly the person you hid from mr. how? tsivilsky, tsivilsky. you offended an elderly person. it remains to establish the identity. yeah.
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exactly, as soon as you ask tsivilsky. kolya, by the car number, we can determine the owner? that's right, this is how we determine whether you are fishing with a lita. l1864 lo, they don’t make numbers like that. kolya, kolya, kolya, i'm losing you.
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“so they dug up another candidate for a bullet in the heart, but it looks like kira is checking this now, i know that i thought why it wasn’t nikita who always shot in the heart, well, no, well, the effect is of course one hundred percent, but when he commits these murders, - in different ways, he would distract attention from himself, confuse everyone, and one could think of anyone as a street robbery, showdown, well, firstly, he didn’t know that sizov’s gang was ever tracked, especially
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after the bandits fled, right?” “secondly, this manner of shooting in the heart, it seems to me that it’s like a reflex, that means, if the person with the photo is related to the gang, we have a chance to meet her nikita, yes, kira, yes, it’s me, well, you got the address of this guy from the nine, so hooks, yeah, okay, that’s it, well done, let's go bye, here he is, kryovov, thank you, take off your clothes, hello, hello, thank you very much, coffee now let's drink, just coffee, it's your birthday or a children's party, i'm thinking about this question.
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you don’t mind, light, well, don’t be sad, but everything is fine, yes, order whatever you want, well , light, just don’t be sad, it turns out that marina aleksan dolgikh favored mr. kryuchkov so much that she simply gave him a nine, you practically understand the new one , but that’s not all, these are just flowers, because she also wrote to him about the zolotaya rybka cooperative, which, by the way, was supplying fish, imagine, goldfish, something familiar name, well this is now zao, and kryuchkov was still in charge of her then, but she did all this one day before her death, this is what i found: on march 4 , 1990 , a woman with no signs of life was found in the airport waiting room,
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who, judging by the passport found on her. .. marina aleksandna, born in the fifty-eighth year, found herself in long trouble ; again, a ticket for the leningrad-murmansk flight and 50 rubles of money were found on her, but the autopsy showed that death was the result of a heart attack, but no information about who took it when. the body was not preserved, uh-huh, it’s a pity, it means my heart couldn’t stand it, wait, who drew up these darsons, darsen were drawn up by mr. notary novikov, i decided to check, by the way, his activities, it turned out that all the papers certified by him included the names of kryuchkov, sizov, but all the bandits, in short, those from our gang, so you see how, and please note this, your agents, by the way, georgivich, don’t inform, well done, kira, why, i think we need to talk to this notary, so, by the way, his can only be broken through. if speretic session to carry out, because he died in the ninety-sixth year, in fact, rests in heaven. obviously, marina dolgikh became a victim of extortion. kryuchkov is the last member of the gang, which means that our not nikita will definitely come to him. for a cordial
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conversation. it remains to find out who. yes. or maybe you would like something else, nikolai, maybe you would just like something, even, huh? georgievich, good, but i’ve already done so much, i’ve done even more. no, not everything. what kind of car did the cooperator have? long? nine. marina could have been its first owner, well, being a hero of labor or i don’t know what to do, complete the work to the end, kiril, well, i mean, she just registered in st. petersburg and received st. petersburg numbers, or, well, think about it , kira, think, listen, maybe contact the murmansk traffic police, get the numbers, don’t sit there, act, there is, so, well, what, you need to hook, try to suppress the security there somehow, right? but then he will have to admit that he participated in the gang, and this, well, i think that the hooks are already about his safety worried, although for non-nikita security is not an issue, okay, let's wait,
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the shooting incident last night was not the only one, someone is trying to destroy us, they dared to threaten us, you need to be married immediately, immediately, yes right, right, yeah, so it will be... by the will of allah, sirter, are you going to lock me up here? don’t worry, you’ll get used to it, suna, what’s between you sefirit, tell me, we’re wasting bullets, we don’t let them in, this night, we’ll visit arkhan karkhan in prison, wait for sad news morning, kingfisher, new season, today at 13:00 on ntv. nevsky, from monday at 16:40. i am something good, the best, and i am useful, oh yes, and you manage me, regularly, and i am the new vtb loyalty program, choose
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have to go up or forget about it forever. oh, the new manager has arrived. do you want to fire him? how? share the power. the carpet will be handled by you, kirill, this is your last chance. again a week earlier. family tradition. ready? well then, get started. obstetrician: excuse me, we need to switch off. final episodes, today at 20:00 on ntv. girl, can i invite you? no, excuse me, shall i go? sveta, hi, did you know? yes, you work here, this is mine. and i thought at the police,
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no, friends, light, don’t be sad, believe me, the killer will be caught, yes, but you won’t bring seryozha back, it’s all my fault, just don’t blame yourself, but who’s to blame that you mistook the killer for yours friend nikita, but the fact of the matter is that nikita was my friend, seryozha didn’t know him, that is, come on, let’s go into more detail, well, seryoga and i were standing, joking, then i saw this not nikita and suggested to seryozha play him, so, but how did sergei react? but he was lively, cheerful, he immediately agreed, only before that he seemed to remember something, that is, sergei nikita didn’t know, no, and nikita didn’t know him either, i called germany specifically, so good, but what happened, when sergei caught up with nikita, he overtook him and immediately shouted, it’s not nikita, maybe they were talking about something, maybe strangers said that he had mistaken himself, no, no, he immediately shouted, i... it was far away , but i would see that something is wrong here,
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it turns out that sergei personally knew not nikita, now i’ll call the guys from the opera, i understand, that’s it, wait for me in a moment, yes, trouble, hello, oh, great, volkov, this is for you, hello, hello, hello, unfortunately, there is no news about sergei’s murder yet, well, we are doing everything possible, today they called from the mortuary and said that we can take seryozha’s body, anya is not feeling well, and i am not officially a relative, you will not help, the car is already waiting, but okay, maxim viktorovich, 5 minutes, okay, okay, thank you, so, long! uh-huh, maxim viktorovich,
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born in fifty-seven, you can take me, but i won’t detain you any longer, they’ll help me, uh-huh, thank you, well, are you going or not, georgivich is right, georgivich is right, georgivich is right, a thousand times, look what happens, the car was received by maina's husband. for a long time, a certain maxim viktorovich was born in the 5th year, he registered it in his wife’s name on the day of purchase, just so to speak, in a bag. yeah, well, well, well, it turns out that, by the way, he was not an astronaut, he wasn’t standing in line either, he was an ordinary officer, the military also received benefits, but where did he serve in the navy? well, not exactly in the navy, he was a battalion commander
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in the navy, received the order of the red star and the medal of valor, marine corps, uh, marine corps. 6 years ago he left murmonsk and bye bye, no one saw him again, so the marine corps, marine corps, what did you do, and the fact that the level of training of marine corps officers fully corresponds to the style of our not nikita, onslaught, surprise, accuracy and complete composure, but there are no other options, we need an ambush arrange a place in kryuchov’s house, oh, it’s necessary, it’s necessary, and you took a long time to get a photo, but no, unfortunately, it didn’t work out, we should send a request to the ministry of defense before the answer, only tomorrow . so long, we’re talking about long, yeah, good guy, you know him, well , how long, maxim viktorovich, born in the seventh year, why sergei panchenko was killed, oh, it hurts, we have to take him, i don’t understand, let’s go,
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let’s go, let’s go , i’ll explain everything to you on the way, come on, come on, come on. ay, what should i do? tears and grief won't help! here, have a drink valelianochki, drink valelianochki, calm down, what to do? oh, my god, anechka, what grief, anechka, calm down, here, here, here, here, yes, sunshine! lord, god, oh, anechka, i understand, yes, what is he saying? in short, so, varya just talked with evidence of the murder of panchenko, so he says that sergei did not know nikita, which
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means that he knew to kill, right, that means that that’s why he shouted that he was not nikita. right, right, that's it, we drove off, went the other way, and what happened? this is where i live, thank you, light, come on let’s try to make a list of all sergei’s acquaintances, well, not all of them, of course, but those who are similar in height and build to the killer, uh, i don’t even know, well, he’s about 80 meters tall,
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his figure is so athletic, oh, what? did you remember anything else? yes, yes, yes, it seems to me that i could be wrong, but it seems to me that sergei’s killer seemed to be limping, although it’s slippery on the street, our janitor, when he’s not sober, doesn’t sprinkle sand , he puts it in piles, that’s how we walk, the step is normal , slide step, well, maybe so, can you describe this gait in more detail, describe it, it’s something like sergei’s stepfather, there he is walking. stepfather, yeah, and he ’s the right height, he always limped, i’m not sure, although i only saw him twice, but why so, okay, thanks for saying, you go home, that’s it, bye, thank you, bye, bye, bye,
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bye, but today it’s not slippery, both height and figure converge, not nikita, in general, it’s miracles to unravel such a tangle from such an inconspicuous story, well, not only slavik, you forgot to mention my deductive abilities and ability to do extraordinary things think, as well as your modesty, which we can talk about for hours.
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damn, what is she doing here, let's go, okay, wait, well, let's go, hello, hello, let's go, yes. don't come close under any circumstances, under no circumstances, yes, okay, no, let him go, no, if, let him go, yes, guys, she's leading him, let's go, hello, hello, honey, hello, why are you whispering, master leaving in 15 minutes, that means i'll be there in 30 minutes, that's it, i'm waiting for you, i understand,
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i'll be there soon, bye, damn, fluff, you called, so let others call, it's a matter of life and death, yes, where's my card, and 32 , 45, 85. find yours, oh, mommy, the main thing is not forget where you are? yes, varya, i wrote it down, you hear, stop following, we are guessing where he went, that’s enough, i’m telling you, hello, hello, i put the phone down, gata christie, kolya, please call the number on which debts spoke with some- then a woman. man, you forgot
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to buy flowers, how can it be, home without flowers, yes you are right, flowers are sacred, please, chorizons, roses, carnations, who should i give to you, wife, children, parents, beloved woman, three roses with decoration, okay , as we understand, thank you, georgievich, tolbukhina 43, let's go.
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come here, come here, ivanovich, if... she ’ll break free from you, you just handcuff her , got it, hi, hello, i washed the car, right? i could have washed the headlights better, listen, who is there, yes, some kind of sucker, well, where are you, hurry up,
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dad, what's wrong with me, she was the first to start, when we go for a ride, i want to go for a ride, let's go, car, it would be better if i sent you and your mother to stand.
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well, maxim viktorovich, don’t you want to tell us anything, i want you, never go out with women who have children, even if these children are already adults. “well, i won’t do this anymore, well, forgive me, i don’t even know, well, don’t worry about me so much, you know what kind of guardian angel i have, well, listen, i want these japanese things of yours, these ones, you understand, and in general, tell me why nikita didn’t look for the bandits for so long, before the misfortune happened to his wife, maxim viktorovich
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went around the world for six months, and while there he found all the bandits, they fled, then he found all the bandits. , while he developed the revenge plan, the customer himself, the performer himself, before each action he rented either a room or apartment, and close to the bandits’ housing and studied their daily routine, life in general, but before the last murder he even started something like a romance with the mother of sergei panchenko, well, he wanted to play the same card in the case of kryuchkov, and well, now i understand what kind of woman he called, also a neighbor, no, no, no, no, this is the housekeeper who constantly lived in kryuchkov’s apartment, she, without suspecting it, gave out all the necessary information, in general it turns out to be an interesting thing, yes, after all his wife died from heart attack, and accordingly he shot everyone in the very heart, only with sergei panchenko this somehow does not correlate, you know, guys, i
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was really scared once today, for me, for you, i’m afraid all the time. no, when i jumped out, literally three meters from me, i told him: stand, he stopped, looked at me, that’s it, i’m holding him at gunpoint, everything is clear, and he went, and god knows what to do , shoot, don’t shoot, there are children there, so, here you are, report on my desk, you, you, you, and you, or maybe let's agree?
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in the history of russia there were, of course, different ones. but, perhaps, the country has not yet encountered such large-scale diplomatic isolation as after october 1917. within several months, all countries of the world broke off diplomatic relations with russia and refused to recognize the new soviet government. russia has declared a large-scale international boycott. the october revolution was the first step towards world revolution for the bolsheviks and the moment was right for the first world war. in all the warring states people are tired. from the fighting and demanded change. the theory of world revolution implied that having seized power, the bolsheviks would interfere in the affairs of all surrounding states, supporting communist movements, supplying them with resources, money, conducting propaganda and pursuing a fairly aggressive foreign policy. however, it soon became obvious that the times of world revolution were moving far
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beyond the horizon, and the new russia needed to define its... place on the international one.


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