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tv   Poedem poedim  NTV  July 27, 2024 8:20am-9:20am MSK

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touch the lips of a moose, my mother, transform into a famous politician, definitely become a toastmaster, and break all the cliche templates about the first russian city of siberia, there is a stereotype about tyumen that almost everywhere oil fountains come out of the ground, but in reality there is no oil in tyumen, but more on that a little later, the most convenient optimal way to get to know the city, especially if you don’t have much time, this red double-decker bus, shade, breeze, nice, no, well, in principle i like to walk around the city, well agree, especially when it’s very it's hot, it's nice to watch the city stroll past me. you can learn so many interesting things about the city in 2 hours, just have time to look. on both sides. the main
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highlight of tyumen are wooden houses. looking at them, one immediately imagines merchants and merchants’ wives walking in their finery along the exquisite facades. and by the way, i think i see one of them. darling, on siberian soil, the temets merchant’s wife meets you. darling, is this about me, or what? this is about you. apollinarya ivanovna shishukova. the owner of the hat shop is the most famous city sfaha, they say that she will marry anyone who turns to her, so much so that you won’t even notice, she herself, however, is not yet married, that we’ll take a little walk, we’ll be happy to walk with you along the golden line of tyumen, the golden line of tyumen is 12 wooden buildings built in the nineteenth, early twentieth.
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these are such rich girls, and the girls in tyumen are very beautiful, because we have 150 nationalities in the region, and such inbreeding is produced by the beautiful siberian tribe, it has something to do with the chest, and the chest is not here by chance, the girls used to be checked for their beauty, their corpulence with the help of a walnut, they needed a walnut, so put the chest, ale on the bench and invite the girl to sit down, if the shell cracks, then the girl is ready for marriage, let's test the temenskaya merchant's wife, we can test it, but how... does it even work
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this process, if she’s portly, it means she comes from a rich background, that means she’s well fed, papa, mama, uh-huh, oops, oh, she’s gained weight, okay, well, i’m telling you, it turns out that now i’m obliged to get down on my knees, practically, practically, we’re waiting for matchmakers , daddy and mommy will be invited, despite all this merchant charm, i’m not ready to tie the knot yet, so i’m going to continue to fall in love with tyumen. here is another pleasant way to look at tyumen and its landmarks from the water.
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the ship, of course, has such an entourage, but look how comfortably you can sit at a table, order something, talk with loved ones, the sun is shining, the whole city is before your eyes, a walk without harming your legs, along the picturesque four-level and four-kilometer granite embankment, you can go to the embankment look at it from the water, you can walk on it you can have a tasty snack. just a couple of days before my arrival, here, on the site of a former old water pump, a fashionable and tasty place appeared. hold on, this is a pocket, right? yes, this is a pocket, this is a pocket. well, like some kind of pita, or something, open, there is chicken, tomatoes , in my opinion. smells and looks great. but
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the dough from the wood-fired oven is soft and crunchy, the filling has the perfect peppercorn, pepper jam, what a cool concept, you get berries, they are very, very cold, they pop nicely, well, like caviar, and there are nuts that are slightly toasted, that is, fried in order for the taste to develop, everything is in condensed milk, that is , a sweet, milky, enveloping taste, this is something new, i’ve already seen this handsome guy, i remember now, when
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we were filming this bridge in the winter, it was creepy it was cold, i could barely talk, i remember my fingers were all frozen, it was as if they were falling off. from the cold, it was terribly cold, and now the sun, beauty, i don’t even recognize it, the lovers’ bridge used to be called a pedestrian bridge, but in 2003 they held a competition for the longest kiss, and after that the bridge has been renamed, now newlyweds swear allegiance to each other, lovers make dates, by the way, you can make a date on the bridge in the evening, then you can see the bridge in all its glory. why? that's why it's so romantic. special edition,
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cool mask. to the anniversary of igor krutoy. it's hard to believe this. well, what are you going to do 70 and 70 special edition of the show mask, this is love, old friends congratulate the maestra, happy birthday, without your music we were different, the music will touch for thousands of years, and completely new masks, we will see masks, which were specially created for this evening in black.
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oh, that’s it, that’s it, we’re not afraid of anything. snow and swamp-going vehicle, or all-terrain vehicle, rasamakha, it is produced in tyumen and is very popular among fishermen, hunters and extreme tourists. by the way, it’s very comfortable to ride on them, everything is soft, you ride and it doesn’t matter. and what’s in front of you, the swamp, the pits, in general, this animal is not afraid of anything, i’m also not afraid of new
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dizzying entertainment, it’s convenient, how it pulls you up on its own, then rolls you down, that’s convenient, that’s it, i have 5 minutes of rest , then... i turned my back, i don’t want to turn my back, but yana, i didn’t plan it, so this was it. back, by the way, speed distance not small at all, i liked it,
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i hope that in the next place i will like it no less, i’m going to an ostrich farm, ostriches are in siberia, well, you must admit, it already sounds impressive. natalya, hello, hello, and this is, of course, how they greet me, but what kind of bouquet is it? this is a beauty, well, look, come on, come on, we are our own, i also like to eat delicious food, oh, who is this? well, it’s a girl, but the most interesting fact of the prostrauts is that until they are one year old they don’t know whether it’s a boy or a girl, they don’t have sexual characteristics, it turns out exactly one year old, they have primary and secondary sexual characteristics, and what an obvious sign is, the boy begins to turn black,
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the girl grows gray ones, and the boy grows black ones, your eyelashes are very beautiful, beautiful eyelashes, and from these... they make artificial eyelashes for women, brushes for artists, very expensive leather, more expensive than crocodile skin and stronger than elephant skin, and the claws are used to make abrasive material for polishing diamonds, it is so durable, and ostriches also have the most dietary meat in the world, but we will not try it, but the famous delicacy: the ostrich egg, so, when you said that we... would cook omelettes, i thought that now i would see a frying pan on the stove, but i definitely didn’t expect such stories, and a crushed egg not very easy to break, and therefore there are several options, in principle , you can just take a hammer and hit it with a hammer and of course we will break the egg, but then we will not save the shell, and it provides a very interesting
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value, because artists make it out of them beautiful souvenirs, they do cutting lamps. entwined with beads, wedding photographs, so we need to somehow get out with minimal losses. so, you get the idea, when you want to make this ostrich egg omelette at home, first call the construction farm or federick with the drill. let me help you. come on, remove the middle. i can't believe i'm doing this now. neat. by the way, there is not a single percent of cholesterol in an ostrich egg. it's a real benefit, you see, since there is no cholesterol, the yolk is very small and there is a lot of white, in general the egg is average weighs from a kilogram to 2 kg, but the average weight is about 200 kilos, 600 kilos, this egg here is somewhere in the region of 300 kilos, an omelet from
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this giant egg needs to be fried in a special deep frying pan for about half an hour. ta-ta-ta-tan, hot, well, an egg is like an egg, you can’t even tell the difference, in principle, the only thing is, there’s more protein here, you can feel it, otherwise, i wouldn’t be able to guess that it’s another animal, yes, but the most interesting thing is that this egg can be prepared for a large company, yes, for a friendly one, this is for a good 8-15 servings per depending on the weight of the egg, i now have a more material question, so, one... egg costs about 1,800, yes 1,700 yes, how many normal eggs are 30-36 chicken eggs 30 i can buy 30 chicken eggs much cheaper than for 1,700 then what’s the joke ? well, a crocodile also has an egg, i think that a crocodile egg would be even more expensive than an ostrich egg, because let’s say our chicken can lay 360 eggs a season, and
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an egg every day, but an ostrich in our area can lay, well, no more than 50 eggs per season, in general this is...
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thoroughly, well, the most important feature of all these balls or domes is that you can lie down and at the same time enjoy the view of nature. 3 hectares of real forest, trees are 150 years old, and most importantly, silence, and now classics,
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beach, water, sun, water activities, thermal treatments, this is what i really love, by the way, this is the only place in the entire tyumen region where officially swimming is allowed, but i don’t want to swim, but to have fun, wow, catch me, okay, don’t catch me, who knew that in siberia you can ride on glue, go crazy, this is tyumen for you, right, eh how do you get out,
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well done, and girls, where are you, why am i the only one kissing, so what’s the event, and what are we filming about anyway, you’re talking about and let’s go play beach volleyball, and then ride a banana.
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they were looking for a sea of ​​oil, but found only a sea of ​​mineral waters. tyumen is located on a geothermal sea, which is why it is called the thermal capital of russia. there are many sources. most are open all year round. the water is so pleasant, warm, 38° all year round. and it is still salty, but pleasantly salty, like mineral water that you can drink. and this one can also be drunk, but not spasina, of course, there are special bulletins for this. but so what else. such a strange feeling, as if it was a little sticky, but overall it’s incredibly pleasant to be here, but recommends no more than 20 minutes, this mineral water
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contains almost all the elements of the periodic table, by the way, they are also native to these places, the water accelerates metabolism, stabilizes metabolism and even smoothes out wrinkles, you know, in italy i would have worked up an appetite, it’s time to have a snack, this restaurant is amazing, these are the trims on on the ceiling, they are all original, these columns imitate birch, they are also covered
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with dumplings, each of them is made by hand, in general, there is a smell of siberia all around, and there is also a smell of siberia on the table, although what kind of siberia is there, if it is even a watermelon, okay, unusual i’ll have siberia today, watermelon steak, sounds unusual, it’s simple to prepare: a piece of watermelon, salt, pepper, grill on both sides for one minute, at this time beat the egg whites with honey and put it on a plate, put the watermelon steak on it , sprinkle cheese on top and garnish with a sprig of mint, the beginning is at least interesting, what else do we have here, some kind of soup, cucumber soup, it’s also prepared as quickly as possible, first we make the broth, mix the cucumber mashed in a blender, mineral water, lemon juice. then we cut
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the radishes, cucumber and cold smoked muksun into cubes, pour the broth on top, add young spinach, cold soup, the rhizome is there, the cucumber is crunchy, the fish too, it’s a little salty, but now it’s hotter, but in appearance and even in texture.
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so it turns out i’m about 3 years after i filmed this story in kamchatka kissed the moose on the lips again, mom told me, this is unexpected, yes, oh, something else is coming, wow, mammoth, here are the special effects, yes, so i... perhaps, further away, oh, the air conditioner was turned on, oh-oh- oh, how nice, but this is a very obvious reference to the history of siberia, and to ancient, ancient history, an iceberg made of meringue, and mom is also edible, or what? yes, it turns out they are edible.
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that's it, now i smell like a real party member. they say that it was allegedly in this hotel that an attempt was made on zhirinovsky in 1979, but perhaps this it’s just a story, so this is also an accessory complete with a number, wow, don’t try it. i’m in zhirinovsky’s hotel room and i can’t help but wear his favorite jacket, go to hell, get out, meanness, disgusting, criminals, i hate you, clearly, so what it was, it’s better to take it off, otherwise i got into too much of the role, i’m going to continue collecting siberian collection of impressions, are you
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this too? feel makheev, welcome to a new entertainment show for the whole family, miracle, we are bloggers, i act in films in series, we even created a clothing collection with one designer, how many times can you do classic push-ups, 2,000 times, stop it, our show is a place where every kid can show their skills and talents to the whole country, how long have you been drumming, i yes a whole hour. just wait for me. how much advice do you give out per day? 500. and you and i have a unique opportunity to see this miracle with our own eyes. through our experiments we have caused this incomprehensible creature. these are aliens. how katya lel is probably jealous of us now. go! look at the intensity of passions. open your
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heart to wonder. i heard that you are looking for a miracle, a miracle with arseniy popov, of course, the program is a little dirty, a little bit. new show, coming soon to ntv. the mask is a special issue for the anniversary of igor krutoy, tomorrow at 20:00. siès. professional hair restoration. shampoo balm syos rea. the intensive formula with keratin amino complex deeply restores the hair structure and seals split ends. hair is restored, strong, smooth. siès. hair looks like it came out of a salon. every day. in georgia on every table tradition remains unchanged. a wide palette of colors, protection from mold moisture, an ideal solution for any tile,
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what mood are you in today, light and airy, romantic and sensual, relaxed sublime, find the aroma verney to suit yours. adventures await us without a doubt, from monday at 16:45 on ntv, what a view from here, i would like to say, the divine,
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male st. troitsky monastery, one of the oldest in the region, as i understand it, this monastery is very special, it has a special history, but the monastery is already more. years, it contains the relics of the founder of the monastery , metropolitan philotheus, it is called the apostles of siberia, here we are... how we live, like this, go in boldly, this is
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a cell and an office, everything, all in one, because i work here, this is a personal matter brothers, that is, it turns out that this is both a working and a living place for you, well, this happened to me, because the thing is that in city monasteries there is little space for premises, and where do you have a bed, but this office is enough for me. and this is, that is, literally in the literal sense, yes, what this is an office and living space, yes, i’m tired, this is your pillow, yes, that’s it, everything is enough, it’s not enough, i can lie down and try, please, but i gave something more skeptic to come out, so wait a minute, are you training or something, well, you can stretching your back, this is very useful, mom to me, this is definitely something i didn’t expect to see. gumin mikhey went to the service, and i went to
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the refectory. alexander, judging by your clothes, i understand that you are not yet a monk, but apparently either a laborer or a novice, right? yes, i am a novice, that is, an officially active novice this monastery. how did you get here? well, how can i explain it, my father had, well, something similar to clinical death happened, that is, the soul left the body. and in this process he saw, he was shown hell, the torment and suffering of sinners in hell, and i’ll explain briefly, well, the mother of god saved him from hell, that is, she brought him back to earth, already from these processes, as if, well, as a result of life and i began to join in all these moments, at the age of 31 the lord simply called for ministry and i came to the monastery, from an amazing history... to an equally amazing dish, in
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the monastery, according to the rules, they don’t eat meat, so we have dumplings with either squid or fish, and today we have dumplings with squid, squid, yes, with squid, wait, dumplings with squid sounds like a delicacy for a gourmet restaurant, and not for a monastery, well, try it now, but yes , i feel like squid, it can’t...
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it turns out that in siberia there is a piece of the land of the rising sun called the garden of the five senses. the entrance to it is opened by a stone. here you can and should make a wish. all, desire to eat. no, it’s not like eating, just eating. you need to walk around the garden slowly, trying to get into a meditative mood, you can only walk on these stones, going down on this gravel, or as it is called a dry river, is strictly prohibited, and by the way, this is not just a stone, but the head of a dragon, the guardian of this garden, time here it is noticed, thoughts come into order with
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light and pure feelings, the journey ends with a tea ceremony, but before that a surprise awaited me, they brought me a real kimano from japan, well, we look great, well, in general, it is necessary for a man to have a belly, he is already sitting, yes, the belt is belted, he sits better when he has a belly, okay, then let’s glue the belly on me. tasting of tea brewed according to all the rules, the meaning of the tea ceremony lies not so much in achieving a certain
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state of mind, in general with tea you can draw a lot of analogies with a person, and the first stage, it is also called that all... interesting, getting to know tea, inhaling , exhale, enjoying the aroma, finally, the first sip, ah, now is the time the interesting thing is to learn to sit correctly, and i cramped my leg, leg, so, now i’ll return to the state of the worldview of... more precisely, close your eyes, also bring the tea to your nose, feel its aroma and loudly, squelching, throwing, you can try the first pour , no, excuse me, if you speak japanese, i don’t understand, it’s loud, squishy, ​​shverrka, it’s like, yes, it’s
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like this, we saturate it with the same oxygen, or what, why do we drink tea like that, firstly, "it is precisely this throwing, for example, in the chinese tradition; on the contrary, it is a signal about what you say, how good you feel and how delicious it is, by the way, the famous tea route from china to russia passed through tyumen, but this is a small historical fact, a big fact: you can’t get enough of tea with impressions, so i’m going to one of the most colorful restaurants. so, what do we have on the table here, here we have a snack called muksun in three faces, in three faces, in three faces, so i see muksun one, muksun 2 and something like i don’t know, cheese, cream cheese, well- come on,
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federica, look where a third party can hide, well, apparently in the cheese, or something, this is reta from maksun. fedorika, what do you call him? riet? riet. riet. riet, if in popular terms. pate. pate. all. cheese and fish pate. this is definitely unusual. muksun is one of the most popular local fish; it is often brought from tyumen as a tasty souvenir. well, if not three faces, then one is definitely worth buying. well, i think it's a good start. and then what do we have? what's next? nelma, married. butter, served on cauliflower puree, our caramelized apples, good the combination is vaguely reminiscent of, well, i don’t know,
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salmon, for example, grilled, yes, but of course, it’s less fatty, i can feel it right away, but i really like how everything complements it... these are creamy flavors, these are sour, sweets, and fishy tastes, all together, and also the best feature, the crust is crispy, for dessert there is a dish for adults, baked pumpkin cheese with champagne jelly, check, that’s really it. shaking like a pity, slaughter-fight-bang, yes, there is champagne, no, well, this is incredible, but why, how did such an idea come to mind? i think, let me please my friend federico, so that it will be tasty and pleasant for him, well, what
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a combination, you know, your friend federico is really tasty and pleasant for him, but no, i really love it when sea buckthorn with... its sourness dilutes the sweets, i i don't like sweet desserts, imagine me having a glass of toast, for you friends, thank you for watching, let's go, let's go, the shooting incident last night was not the only one, someone is trying to destroy us, they dared to threaten us, you need to be married immediately, immediately, yes you are right, you're right, yeah, it will be so by the will of allah, sarter, are you going to close me down? here, don’t worry, you’ll get used to it, suna, what’s between you sefirit, tell me, we’re wasting bullets, we don’t let them in, this night, we’ll visit. arkhana korkhana is in prison, expect sad news in the morning. kingfisher, new season. today at 13:00
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purchases with a plus, call or order on our website, take part in the leamax super prize promotion and get a chance to win a tv. details on the website! mask: special issue for the anniversary of igor krutoy, tomorrow at 20:00! you're already at that age when you either have to go upstairs or forget about it forever, oh, the new manager has arrived, you want him dismiss as divide rule, the carpet will operate, and you, kirill, this is your last chance, again a week earlier, family tradition, it’s ready, well then let’s start, obstetrician, excuse me, we need it. final episodes today at 20:00 on ntv. i want
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to share with you that i am somewhat worried, because today i will be cooking with a competitor, she is an incredibly beautiful woman, not only a talented cook and pastry chef, but also a tv presenter, so nastya, let’s find out right away whether you came here to compete with me or to share recipe? anastasia semyaneva, pastry chef and host of a culinary program on local television, has participated many times. won various cooking shows, says that she likes television cooking no less, and often more than usual. first of all, i came to meet you, federica, hello, tyumen, hello, finally my siberian window came in handy, i can pronounce your name correctly, naturally, i want to share with you the recipe, a real siberian recipe,
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because we are in tyumen and therefore. we will cook venison today, venison baked, with rosemary, and also with beet mousse, these are exclusively local siberian products, throw butter and a couple of cloves of garlic into a hot frying pan, always a sprig of rosemary, oh, well, you already learned this trick from us italians, even you have rosemary, does it grow in siberia, rosemary is our everything, what are you talking about, i’ll add a probe, by the way, i like it. yes, that is, now we will fry a little rosemary, we will take away exactly this taste of garlic, rosemary, after which, in principle, we can leave it there let’s fry the alenina until golden brown, so tell me, if i don’t have olimin at home, what can i replace it with? yes, but you can replace it with beef, beef, or you can replace it with pork, you can replace it with chicken, you can replace it with any meat, anything, after the meat is fried until golden brown, it
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needs to be cooked in the oven. heated up to 180°, so i’m here, what ’s going on here, i started making beet muus so as not to waste time, can you help me make the sauce for now, the sauce will be berry, for game, it will be very good come on, klyupa, usually game always goes very well with berries, but we will have such a sweetish sauce based on cranberries and black currants, then to prepare our sauce i’ll use...
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another dessert from it, yes, from it, that is, we will have two dishes from one preparation, it will be venison with sauce, as well as siberian tiramisu, but before we start the thermomis, we need to finish with the mousse for the alyanina, cut the celery, baked beets into thin strips, add a spoonful of sour cream and grind everything using a blender, add salt and pepper to taste, so the deer is there, you have the sauce too. i have the mousse ready, by the way, pay attention, i have a slight graininess here, if you want to avoid it, and the mousse can be passed through a sieve, on the contrary, i like this graininess, that is, we will have a little crunch just like the celery root , then what’s left is just to decorate it beautifully and try it, not really, we ’ll decorate it, i promised you another dessert, so now we’ll decorate the dish, and then we’ll make the dessert, then we’ll
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try everything, exactly... in general, what was promised dessert, as i said, firstly, i need your help, and we have prepared syrup here, lingonberries with black currants, take exactly two spoons and add boiling water to them, this will be an improvised syrup in which we will put our savayarde cookies so that they are soaked and are not so crispy and dense. not just into berries, into our local siberian berries, these are lingonberry currants, in which italy would you eat such teremisu, fair, fair, i’ll cook it at this moment cheese sauce, cheese cream, for this you need to combine cottage cheese, thirty percent
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cream, powdered sugar and vanilla. sugar or vanillin, all these ingredients need to be beaten with a mixer until smooth, so the cream is ready, by the way, i wanted to get some advice, yeah, savuyards are easy to find everywhere. but suddenly they are not there, i would say that you can use any cookies that are just as dry, but porous, because we need them to get wet with juice, coffee, syrup and so on, in fact, savoyals are very easy to prepare, but of course, if you still don’t want to spend a lot of time, then you can, in principle, buy any shortbread cookies, lay them out, now in layers, now lay out a layer of jam on top of the curd cheese. so, that is , you can’t really regret it, so be sure to add it closer to the edges, because when cut from the edge it will look very appetizing, yeah, that’s it, if i were you, i would now make another layer of sauvyardie
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right on top of the jam, close it this is all leftover cream cheese, okay, so we have the dessert will turn out very rich; we will balance the sweetness of the curd cheese with the help of a sour berry. irskaya, so you and i together, in the dessert we will get all the shades, including tactile ones, we will have crunch, sweetness, sourness, oh, you tell it so appetizingly, let’s finish it and try it, otherwise we’ll also have meat we 're getting cold, if you want, i suggest you, in order to completely complete the concept of a siberian dessert, sprinkle it all with freeze-dried beets, i mean, i mean, i mean, it's not cocoa. not cocoa, this is not coffee, this is freeze-dried beets, so freeze-drying, this means that you just removed the water, yes, we dehydrated it completely reduced, and i’m done, i ’ll do this at home, this is a whole story, this is
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very easy, why i i did it at home, that is , the beets are cut finely and finely, preferably into thin slices, like chips, laid out on parchment in the oven at a temperature of 100°, you can periodically turn them over so that they dry better on average, this is for... sublimation, and so i'll continue at home with cocoa, decorate the tiramisu, and you’re done, that’s it, these are the words i wanted to hear, then let’s try where the meat is, yum-yum-yum, it’s amazing, it turns out, alenin, which i usually associate with the forest. moose, pine cones, i don’t know, it has acquired such bright, rich summer colors, as if a deer was grazing in a flower field, i don’t know about you, but i really like this game,
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so come on, stop me, remove the plate, change the place with dessert , otherwise i can’t, but the dessert is no worse than game, but let’s check, now i’ll have siberian, i also have game. i’ve basically calmed down, you’re no longer a competitor to me, just like my own, well, i don’t know how to be like my own, but i definitely...


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