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tv   Akusher  NTV  July 27, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm MSK

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tell me a fairy tale with a spanish accent, tell me the story of how we went to my primordial song, it’s more interesting for me.
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i want to build a big, big beautiful house there, in which we will all live together, long, happily, we will die, of course, one day, but we will leave the baby after you, as long as god willing, you are making me an offer, you know, very similar to that. but i want to clarify three points, come on, first, you seem to be still married, yes for now, but second, and this concerns the house, you haven’t resolved the issue with the land yet, ugh, damn, such a small thing, well, all this it will be decided, well, really, let’s say, but you didn’t find out how many children there will be, well, so that i... would be mentally prepared, no, len, i didn’t
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specify there, i think that we will decide this together somehow, trusted , the ring will stay with me for now, yeah, i’ll think about it and give you an answer, ah, well , think, think, think, gleb, and i can have you for a second, come on, now, yeah, yeah, listen, i was standing here behind you, i watched, and how it really hit me, what do you want? it hurt, i just thought that nadyukha, since she didn’t know about the child, maybe i should forgive her, but well, it’s brilliant, maybe it’s worth forgiving her, well , yes, especially since we’ve been together for so many years, especially since you’ve been together for so many years, and somehow a child without a father, and a son without a father, it’s not good, well, i’ll probably also propose to her then i’ll do it, and you have a sail, thank you very much. helped out, come on, thank you, yes,
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kingfisher, new season, tomorrow at 13:00 on ntv, i am lada, with green gel horsepower, my legs are always dancing, what are the names of goods for every day at low prices, goods on sale, buy on ozone, buckwheat for 59. the sberthank you loyalty program has been updated and has become even more profitable with a sberm subscription. plus two top cashback categories. 1% on everything twice as many bonuses every month. it’s more profitable in savings with prime. nevsky. from monday at 16:45 on ntv.
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my dear altak wanted something, do you hear, a sharp transition, yes, your land, mine, for now, yes, they say, it is being put up for auction. but i ’ll take it anyway without bidding, they say the chickens will give you what you said, but maybe you’re deaf or something, buy peroxide, the traffic jams will help, but the earth won’t see you, where did you go, you bastard, you bastard!
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you have to knock, kirill, koverin, he made an offer, it doesn’t concern you, but that is , he did, and you agreed, what did you want, kiril? and i thought, i’ll head the center, the cover will fall, you and i will have a chance, no chance, forget it, but i’m mindful, len, i’m afraid you and i won’t work together, but i didn’t expect that you’re
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so petty, you want fire me, i’m so rude, in a week i’ll officially take up the position, i’ll conduct a professional certification and let’s see, let’s see who can pass it, oh, well, kill maria alekseevna, well, anyway you’re fine, well, you’ll literally give birth just fine on your own. in a few days, well , we were like this, today is my husband’s birthday, and i would like it to coincide with the birth of our daughter, even a gift, but
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does my husband know? "my husband died in a car accident a month ago. okay, let's do this, i suggest natural stimulation, give birth today, as mother nature intended, doctor, understand, i, i've been in this state all month, i, i just can't remaining strength, i'm afraid that i, i'm afraid that i won't be able to give birth yourself. but why are we here? well, we will definitely help, i ask you, don’t force me, hello, gleb, i need you, just a second, wait,
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now, now, that means, now i’ll call a nurse, take the necessary tests, if there are no contraindications leb, well, with me, you understand, everything is decided, well, don’t rush the horse, evgeniy borisovich, he ’s still coming to his senses, i’m sure, well, that’s not the main thing, the main thing is that i decided everything for myself, you know, i don’t like living in illusions and to call for... others, then for me hold the door, since you’re leaving, it’s up to you, of course, yes, but i would like you to stay, under the command of sorokin, that
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’s why i called you, so, i want to try you on, but you’re a utopian, we’ll see, you know, there is one very interesting thing, but only the two of you can carry it out, and intrigue, but what’s the matter, just give me your word that you will humble your pride, try to find with kirill at least, at least a common professional language, well, gleb, huh? intrigue, okay, be it your way, what's the matter, evgeniy borisovich, a patient was admitted, 36 years old, had three miscarriages, but managed to get pregnant, now she is in the twenty-third
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week, which is the catch, the catch, an ultrasound revealed a growing tumor. in the area of ​​the fetal coccyx, malignant, fortunately not, well then we can work with it, yes, kirill yuryevich, i’m sure the operation is very complicated, well, that’s why i invited two of my best surgeons, evgeniy boris, you understand that each of us you can handle this operation alone, really, what’s the catch, talk to the patient, inessa demina, she’s waiting for you.
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of the fruit. yes. what? is it that bad? tumor grows, draws back the blood flow.
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anesthesia, with this syndrome there is a very high risk of blood clots, we will risk not only the fetus, but also you, i am ready to take any risks for the sake of the child. inessa, listen to the doctors. andrey, this is my last chance, i will never be able to get pregnant again, i was told about this at the consultation, well, we are very sorry, we will do everything possible to save your child. dr. kaveren, dr. sorokin, will soon take the place of chief.
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"i need your support, carpet, this is not professional, such blackmail can be expensive get along with the patient, kiril yuryevich, what kind of blackmail, what about, don’t do this again, good, but who is the best surgeon in the center, here, here, of course, i, valerievich, and i’m ready for cutting, caesars, oh, great, let's go, what will this beauty be called, alexandra, in honor of her husband, sashka, that means gleb valerievich, uh-huh, i
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don’t know how it happened, but it seems that one tampon is missing, a snout. well, count it again, i’ve already counted it five times, it would be better if you lost the scissors, where you can at least see them on the knot, look for them, but i’ve already searched everything, sorry, this is my first time, we had a small problem, and we lost the tampon, i didn’t take anything, and, unfortunately, neither did i... it turns out that it remained somewhere inside you, but to say the probability, after all i can only, when will you take it off, and maybe he, maybe he will somehow dissolve on his own, well , how do you understand the flow of the pen, pauline,
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the magpie, when did she manage to look so innocently with her blue eyes, blue, strange, what confuses you, my husband has karya, well, it happens, they are born from blue, then over time it darkens into brown, again with a probability of 6%, maybe a grandmother or great-grandmother, genetics, interesting? yes, come in, evgeny borisovich, i categorically disagree. with what? with
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my wife's upcoming surgery. i assure you, she is in the capable hands of our best surgeons. you can give a 100% guarantee of its safety. one hundred percent, only god can, alas, stop the operation immediately if you don’t want serious problems, the placenta is on the back wall, the raft lies with its back to us, well, great. will get there, then we exclude the blood flow, right here we remove the tumor, nothing to add, i agree,
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you can’t overstretch the wall of the uterus, the show must withstand another 4 months of intense kicks and elbows, i’m ready, let’s start, on emotions, she’s not able to accept . he ordered her to stop immediately, my wife made an adequate decision, her choice, better in the world than losing a child, is illogical, we have made a decision, your wife asks you to support her decision, i am protecting her from herself, without my consent you cannot carry out an operation, it is you who cannot impose a veto on your wife’s decision, i spoke with lawyers, the father can prohibit the operation of his own
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child, what do i intend to do, i spoke with our lawyer, he is still studying this issue, we have a patient on the operating table, he will study for a long time, yes, i insist on termination of pregnancy, again you are jumping in over your head, this can only be decided by you. wife, but she refused, i won’t let you operate on the child, okay, stop the operation, we’ll wait until the lawyer comes to an agreement, why are you smiling, excuse me, you just said a child, the concept of a child arises only after birth, and before that it is legally considered. fruit, so what difference does it make, is it a gamer? it would seem, but you will agree that there is no such thing: the father of the fetus, and therefore you
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cannot forbid us anything, the fetus will become a child as soon as we remove it from the uterus. i agree, but we won’t cut the umbilical cord, and while he is connected to his mother, legally he is not yet considered an independent entity. that's it, get me out of this thing of yours. anyway, he won’t be here soon, right, kirill yurievich, as you say, evgeniy borisovich, what about the indicators, the indicators are
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normal, the patient is stable, the raft is normal, well , great, let's start, scalpel, absolutely. mirror, i hold it, i go into the uterus, the heart rate is unstable, we continue, systal pressure is 90, we are starting a heart attack, the access in the chest is burned, we are processing a working
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retractor. when she comes to her senses, the pregnancy will have to be terminated, sleep, i came to check on you, but how are you feeling,
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the test results came, well... how quickly, well, everything seems to be normal, congratulations, you have a healthy daughter you are normal, yes, something is wrong, i have the first blood group, and my husband has the second, my daughter has the third, this happens, no, it doesn’t happen, yeah, but the great is already sure, i’m sure, yeah, that’s it, well, that means they messed up in the laboratory, lord, don’t worry so much, milk, milk, we’ll sort it all out, okay, that’s it, rest, our center lacks discipline, the volunteer dismissed you all, but we’re not
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a sweater, but... and you will build me too, well , if you stay first, you will have more pleasure, so that i did i quit myself or should you fire me? you ’re dangerous to others, you’re a bastard, for you your own principles are more important than the health of your patients, here’s the thing, the old lady gave birth, come on, come on, let’s be more detailed, but what’s more detailed? you almost lost a patient to a heart attack today, why? why? because you followed her lead, decided to eat me, what did this lead to? to a chance, kirill yuryevich, for her, for her child, and you have rules, prohibitions, instructions for everything, hidden in all this, like in a house, and everything about you is like water and water, but... i value the health of patients
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and i won’t risk their lives in vain, you know what’s the difference between us, kirillov yuryevich, i’m a military surgeon and i know the real price of life, and i know the price of a single chance, but you just give up right away, oh you deserter, yeah. and you’re not afraid for your patients, but for your own skin, and you know that i won’t give you pleasure, i’ll quit myself, heparin will reduce the risks, yes, you almost killed my wife. how did everything
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go? the operation had to be interrupted as a blood clot formed in the heart artery. for me or for the child? you. and the child is stable. a his tumor is stable. this means we have to start all over again. did you hear me, you had a heart attack, well, maybe it was an accident, no, it was a pattern, tomorrow the pregnancy will have to be terminated, finally, the risk of re- thrombosis is too high, they should have listened to me right away, andrey, honey, well, i right'. gleb
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valerievich, i insist on having a second operation to remove the tumor. the next heart attack will kill you, give my child a chance, no, we can only save you, “olef valerievich, everything is fine with you, yes,
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what did you want, so you asked for the result of the analysis of the doshcherizoretskaya blood group, oh, what? that’s good, go, go, cardiogram, let’s see, then the result is true, that you are the strongest girl russia, however, i have 20 records, incredible talents await us, you are the best voice of the earth, yes, we are a two-time champion of russia in dance sports, i starred in -20, yes in -20, this is not a competition, there is no... neither prizes, no judges, we have a cancellation, only amazing children, i won the moscow cup, but how is that it's called, scooterman, scooter, you can play the harmonica for 5 hours, well, yes, we found the coolest ones, besides knives, are you
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doing anything else, oh, i have so much work, i'm racing, i'm helping my mom pick potatoes, whoever you want to become, when you grow up, the president, the criminals of belarus, or the classes of the russian federation, each of them is a small, big miracle. yes, do you ever use the following phrase: we have crime, perhaps crime, yes, great talent, sometimes less than you think, i want to give you a medal books of russian records, a miracle with arseny popov, a new show, soon on ntv, a mask - a special issue for the anniversary of igor krutoy, tomorrow at 20:00 x5 club presents, oh misha, what are you doing? i forgot, but i didn’t forget anything here, i didn’t forget to show the x5 club card at the crossroads or pyaterochka, and i didn’t forget my chance to win prizes either, use the x5 club card, get even more benefits with every purchase, what are the names of the products for every day at low prices prices, goods on sale,
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we found out my daughter’s blood type, third, third, so i have to ask, is the father of the child your husband? what kind of hints? i was faithful to my husband. this is not a hint, i’m directly asking if your husband is here, but in life everything happens, in my life everything doesn’t happen, hear me, my husband was the first and only man in my life, and we did everything to give birth to a girl , all this is that, lord, doctor, we did iko here in your clinic, iko, yeah, and the family for iko was donated by your husband, you don’t hear me, who still in your opinion? they took it a long time ago, 4 years ago
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my husband’s tests revealed a low active sperm count, we treated him, made the first attempt, it didn’t work, then i took another hormonal course and we made a second attempt, and for a new one my husband gave it again, no, his problem returned and we used an old family one that we rented out. 3 years ago, yeah, so, who took you to us, doctor elagina, elagina, so, my husband’s last name is zaretsky, yes, i took his last name, last question, 4 years ago we took the test in september, yes, it seems that it was at the beginning of autumn, and how do you know, let’s assume, these are my guesses, i’ll be back now. i can't believe it.
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what exactly? so, i want to break it all down once again. did you accidentally find out that 4 years ago, startseva became pregnant during ivf , not from her husband? yes. i tried to figure this out, yes, today you gave birth to another patient of mine, maria zaretskaya, yes, and you think that she conceived from startseva’s husband, yes, what are you, well, everything is written right there, 4 years ago, the elders in zaretsky donated sperm on the same day, in september, both checks were taken by the same courier, brilliant, if we assume... that the courier accidentally or intentionally
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mixed up these test tubes, then it turns out that the child is an old man from zaretsky, you will now burn a hole in him, but the fact will be the same as the facts, this is for now your assumption, well, we’ll do a paternity test for zaretsky’s daughter and the assumptions will become facts, i’ll have big problems, the courier will still answer me, you’re too lazy for me,
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that’s right, the court will sort it out, and i, as the city prosecutor, will put pressure on the court i have no right no desire, everything has grown together, one question, why did you agree to meet with me if you don’t want to do anything, mock me, sit down, i was reviewing the criminal case in which i recently interrogated you.
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and i don’t want to remain in debt, action will help me, let’s do it, i don’t guarantee you anything, but tomorrow morning i’ll talk to a person who can solve your issue, thank you, nothing for now. you know who is behind all your problems, right? i guess, berdeev, that means he’s aware, anton antonovich is a vindictive person, he’s very loves it when they interfere in his affairs, and even more so when he ruins them, what are you driving at, you can find out that berdyaev will not reach me,
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but on you, he can still get it back, i want to warn you that i can’t help you anymore... i can’t, well, how can you not, not to want, all the best, citizen, trustee, i won’t detain you any longer, thank you, alexandrovich, well, at least something good, at least some hope. yes, ribbon, where are you? that's it, that's it, i'm flying, i'm flying.
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come on, now i’m ready to listen, gleb, great start, we need to talk. "judging apparently, there won’t be a wedding, this concerns elder, she also proposed to you, you don’t know who to choose, stop, i keep thinking about that incident, about what you said,
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that you supposedly accidentally found out that we got pregnant , not from your husband, it seems to me that you are not telling something, i don’t believe in such cases."
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wait, you asked me to be honest with you, so, i admitted, i admitted, after i got caught, i’m with you like as if i came out of a coma, it feels like we have known each other forever, we are an indivisible whole, because between us just.
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so where are you taking sasha? she refused, zaryadskaya abandoned her daughter, officially? yes, she already signed. hello! just don’t persuade me, i didn’t intend to, then why did you come, i came to listen to you, yeah, well, listen. “i
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loved my husband very much when he left, the only thread that connected us was our child, yesterday this thread broke, well, how did it break, sasha, there was, there will be, your daughter, but how did it break then, tell me, that's it my daughter, but not ours"? you know, doctor, i, i didn’t sleep all night today, i was so angry at your whole center, i swore, i swore that i would find the culprits of those who cut off
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this only connection with.. my husband, i dreamed of how i would sue you all, but then i realized that this was a sign, a sign of what, a sign that my husband was sending me, he was letting me know that i should stop living in the past, that i should stop hoping to get her back. the old life, you know, moved on, and i decided, i will leave the city, i will leave the country, and the child, he will only bother me, he will will remind you of the past, i can’t do this anymore, misha, you’ll start a new life, yes, your
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daughter is not the past, it’s... it’s easy to part with her, i literally, my heart literally stopped when i, when i decided to do this, my heart stopped, and the worst thing is, i will hate her, i will take it out on her, i will take revenge on her every day for... the fact that she is not sasha, she is a daughter, one small request, maybe, please don’t check out today, don’t let your emotions decide for both of you,
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yes, i didn’t expect you to understand me, yes, i understand you, i’m just asking for one day, please, no, i know how to save her child, no, carpet, no, i won’t let you risk her, you can just listen to me, just give me one minute, ugh, to save? in inessa’s heart, we have to stop it, you’re out of your mind, forever, for the duration of the operation, we ’ll connect you to a heart-lung machine, and then we’ll start it up again,
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if the heart doesn’t beat, then it won’t be in danger of a heart attack, that’s brilliant, this is nonsense, no, nonsense, no, and you know that what is not is what is precedents in the world, forget it, forget it and don’t even think about interfering with the operation, i’ll call the security, think about why you are here, come here, you should have done this right away, what is this? hold, hold,
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so small, now at this particular moment your wife is being taken to an operation to terminate the pregnancy. but i know how to save your child, your wife, there is every chance, but i need you to trust me, i need your categorical consent, she is so defenseless, but my wife has already humbled her. i know, that’s why i need you to talk to her and try.


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