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tv   Rasplata  NTV  July 28, 2024 4:35am-5:20am MSK

4:35 am
great, great, great, and are you alive, or something, the rumor has passed, it seems that you can take it away, but no, i was on a mission, what kind of mission, on a very secret one, hello, yes, yes,
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i’m just an idiot the king is worried, your king is dead, an evil man, very close to him, he is dead, what are you doing? has artyom lost his business? no, this is nonsense, respect me, respect what my cards say, the cards don’t lie, okay, okay, she still doesn’t believe me, you better tell your fortune, i can see everything in your eyes, you’re pining for a guy, brown-haired, lush hair, handsome, yes, that’s true, but fortune telling will not help you, it will only upset your soul. here a revolution is needed, but
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it will help, it will help, how much does it cost, i’ll get the money, okay. “asked to come to the entrance, well, thank you, blackmar, do you hear that and tell me, you’ll be staying for a long time, how do i know that to hurry up, yes, i’ll explain, i actually wanted to leave, not say goodbye to anyone, in english, well, who needs that , yulka called me this morning, she basically invited me to come to her, so what’s the matter, go to her, show her, did you go together?”
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you know, well, it’s a semi-official visit in a brotherly way, like, come on old man, don’t be boring, you know, in the neuter gender, that i don’t understand anything, well, i can’t, i’m the only one to go to her, well, i can’t, well, wait then, come on, yeah, yes, oh, igoryuk, sit down. listen, are you a
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sentimental person? no, i don’t seem to cry at the movies, well, your friend is a sentimental pate, you know what he has, no, what about you, your closest friend, well, that’s how it is, well, you’re a normal guy, so we came to fishing, the task is assigned to someone. screw up, you screw up and celebrate your victory, right? well, well, he’s some kind of pate, you know, a fighter for freedom and justice, maybe i’m wrong, but if he stumbles and starts talking purgul, can you somehow correct him, influence him, support him? yes, of course, i can, i rely on you, igor, don’t let the post office make a mistake. which will be very sorry, got it,
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got it, go. did we take some live bait? i have it, great, then i'll smoke. tell me, have you been dating nastya for a long time? and i’m not dating nastya, well, i mean, we’re not friends, or what? i swear, no, well, maybe not...
4:41 am
now thank you for the candy, please listen, pasha, if there was a matriarchy, would you become the second? if there was a matriarchy, i would be the commandant of oche and would fight for the patriarchy, and then i wouldn’t get married at all, coffee, oh, thank you, and you, thank you, perhaps no,
4:42 am
what did you want to talk about, yes. i'll wash my hands, yes, pash, pash, i'm pregnant.
4:43 am
no, wait, excuse me, but i won’t get in the car with you anymore. i will be a father, imagine, imagine, but i haven’t yet, a son will be born, i will name igor. now i have an idea why? special, it’s a pity, but shame on him, at least don’t leave. nowhere, i need to live, not for other people’s money fight, listen, well, stay, i gave my word, although i did it stupidly, but my word, yes, i won’t leave you in peace in the forge, it’s true, listen, well,
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the best defense against attack, listen, maybe, maybe you’ll stay, whatever you say there do, let's leave the straw, he has a girlfriend, that's also an idea, then we'll do this, you'll go to the straw and say that i'm not taking him with me, or my movie, in a friendly way, we'll leave before everything was agreed upon, and that's an idea, come on, i’m going home to pack warm clothes, eight of them are like yours, even at 17, and you’ve overplayed your game at home. we'll all have to leave at seven.
4:45 am
good afternoon, can i give you some advice? no, it’s not me, i’m just looking, i haven’t had a baby yet, you’re expecting it soon, i think, yes, i ’m just leaving for a long time, so i decided to buy a stroller in advance, and you have such a choice here that i’m confused, let’s go, i i'll show you, let's go.
4:46 am
what is your name, bear? maybe pashka, you’ll definitely be pashka. don't be afraid, plow on, motherfucker!
4:47 am
holy shit, black. designed, but you didn’t design anything, i’m actually expecting a child,
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congratulations, thank you, and if it’s not a secret, who the child’s father, i don’t know, okay, that’s okay, i understand my task, i’ll try to get both of them back alive and healthy, thank you, volodya, i’ll go. okay, come on, well, someone is lucky, but who? vladimirich, what did you put there, dill, laugh, laugh, all of you... and then your hair stands on end, please stop, i personally believe, well,
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of course, what else can you do, stop, my mother taught me this since childhood, this is a real love potion, a sick person can send this decoction, and a lover of love is an illness. well, why are you sitting there, shake it properly, well well, it worked, now you will go to the house of your offender, you will spray the vice, what words to say, i will write it on a piece of paper for you, then you will go to him and do the same thing, understand?
4:50 am
who am i, this is black! go, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, what happened, let 's add, come on, come on, where, what happened,
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what happened, wait a minute, they shot me, these same ones, while you're fucking here. or did you leave? firstly, i don’t fuck, but make love, secondly, we agreed not to wander around alone, what are you doing, and it’s good for you to say, you have a chick right next to you, and i once went out to buy a stroller for yulia , what kind of stroller, she’s already disabled, and she’s pregnant, what are you doing? did you know? that i knew, i say, no, where, to bullshit, learn , come on, come on, fuck, don’t put pressure on me, what do i care, i don’t understand, black, what do you think, it’s easy to hide the secret of one friend from another, with a good solo to fulfill what kind of
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nonsense, is it my fault that you two assholes can’t share one woman, and what does the pate have to do with it, she got pregnant from me, she got pregnant from the pate, that’s all. what a bastard, the first bastard managed to do it, i hope you don’t do anything now let's start, we'll leave as agreed, wait, it was at 9, already at 8, i almost decided to stay here, i almost decided. hello, sanya, i'm ready, come on, plans have changed, stay where you are, let's explain for a long time, then, for now, whatever you're doing, shut up, don't say anything, you still need to hit him, not by the neck, so that he doesn't throw the boys , come on, don’t be late, wait,
4:53 am
idiots, you are 30 years old, and you played bandits, who should you be, idiots, pour on broad daylight, can you imagine what could have happened, morons are complete, so what should i do with you, and came at... you see what’s happening based on your damn tips, that you’re smiling, that you’re smiling, you asshole, get up, sit down, right here, but you didn’t really think that
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i’d give kristinka to you. and i just wanted to say that the pochtet and his friends are leaving for the zakotai region today, consider that your friends are no longer there, they are already waiting for them there, and what should i do, in fact, what should they do, but find yourself some another patron who will need your stupid denunciations. personally, i don't need you anymore you stay with him, but what’s wrong with you? oh, look, my guards are all around here.
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they’ll tear you right away, what are you, are you really sick or something? masters of the four walls, now everything here is yours, uh, stop! what a fool you are, you don’t even understand who
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you are connected with, you were a stranger, you will become nobody’s. everything will be fine, pauline, what are you doing? oh, look, the pate has arrived, uh, pate, great, are you following me? well, what else? and the place called me, can you imagine, he said it’s now being transferred earlier, i was already thinking about catching a car? great, i didn't miss you on purpose i warned you, i thought i’d take it from the house, well, the hammer. did you take your things? and so here on the bench, wait a minute, i’m here now, come on quickly, great guys, great, wide in the morning, you promise that sashka and the other guys,
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if you started all this, you would go yourself, that you’re setting others up, i went, and you, sasha , tell me that i can cope without his help, good, good, that’s it, go, go, you lost your girlfriend, you want to ruin the lives of others, but the sun, it’s in vain to talk about my girl, it’s in vain, as if you don’t know, he’s waiting the child from the knitting needle is not from you.
4:58 am
what, what are you laughing at? yes, it’s funny, but he liked the news about yuli, are you stupid or something, it’s
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true, san, yes, it’s true, i heard it myself, okay, the main thing is, i didn’t hear anything, let’s come back from the low rise, we’ll sort it out. yes, he’s fine with you, he wants to name his son pasha, well, thank him, you ’re coming, yes, then hurry up, i love you!
5:00 am
guys, send you for death, move over, let's go, what do we have there? roma, well, they’re slowing down the car, they’re fooling us, so what?
5:01 am
are you serious? so what? i already paid money for the car. zub, where is the money that you were supposed to give to khabar? at your place in the safe. in the car, wait, come on. show him
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the newspaper, the cops are looking for a killer, they need a motive, a debt, for example, so you have no monetary debt. eh, i didn’t want to spoil the solemn moment, but i have to say, no one leaves the game, refusal will have serious consequences, my arms are long, but guys, it’s more fun, i’m a grateful person, you will have a lot of money, and now on the road , let's
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assume that i am this... what are you, black, something is tormenting me, okay, let's go, let's go, along the way, if we stop, okay, okay, okay, yes, well look.
5:04 am
is there anyone alive, hey, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, here, come, oops, you, me. ran away again? no, they sent me to say hello to you. who? well, you know? knife, decide, i don’t care. i don’t need your death, and i don’t have any money, i need your help, what kind of help? from me? can you help me find my old friends, the pate specialist?
5:05 am
well... everyone who ratted me out, okay, burden, take it, let's go to the car, go,
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was steels stoy, was still! you would do everything as it should, yes, everything, as you said, will soon begin to work, as we see, i will see, i will tell you, a photograph
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give, come on, follow me. without me, life is not a joy, bread is not food, life is a joy, bread is not food, you without me are like birds without the sky, like clouds without wind, like birds without sky, like clouds without wind, crying with bitter tears until i if you don’t see, i won’t see you, i won’t see you, we’ll become whole or the day will become night.
5:08 am
listen, he and i seemed to have eaten at some eatery, but i was fine, we drank something, no? it’s like, damn, he’s severely storming, yes, dimon, just leave him, just listen, they’re spoiling him, but we can’t wait, my address
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cottage, you know, i'm taking two, and you stay, let's go, that's it, that's it, quiet, quiet, quiet, stay , stay, come on, black, hold on, everything is going fine, okay, let's go to bed, the priest is there, black, listen, what a bastard, the main thing is that he’s driving now and thinking, we’re putting on a show here, let’s take the wheel, you bastard.
5:10 am
how is it, nastya? nastya, okay, she’s looking for you, and i’m fine too, put it on, what is this? put it on, put it on, why? it will come in handy. thank you.
5:11 am
bash, come on, come on, stop, car, stop the car, now, stop, stop! dimon, did you dream that a dim, are you cold, or what? pasha, do you know the way to the oil rig? i don’t know, but we’ll find it, kapusin told you that they are collecting homeless and drunkards, well, yes, pash, i’ll pretend to be a homeless person and they ’ll take me, all you have to do is follow me. black, are you an idiot? simon, do you understand where i’m taking you, dima, pash, maybe
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i’m an idiot, guys, follow me, please, okay, volodya, tell this idiot, well, he’s sick, what are you saying, we have other options, get behind the wheel . who is this stranger? boss of the local mafia, so can you change it for us? not yet. let's, let's go out, come on, help
5:13 am
, it's too much to carry, that's it, let's go, let's go, listen, i see you're a smart guy, what's your name, it doesn't matter, what difference does it make to you, i have money, i'll share it with you , i have a lot of money, no, it has nothing to do with it at all, i’ll tell you one secret, yeah, the keys to carl’s dad’s closet, you’re probably looking for an oil rig, right? well, something like that, yes, listen, i’m alone, no one knows the password except me, i’m the only one who knows, like that, don’t listen to him, he’s about to bring a blizzard, wait, let him say that you, no one but me knows the password, how to get to this tower, well, speak then. “deal with this scumbag for now, and take
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him away, remove the scumbag, mih, are you talking from the frost, well, from the frost, and you have a stupid last name, you are a stranger, from the local mafia. help me, come on, come on, come on, come on, where is the stranger, come on, let's go there, put your hands in the trunk, hands forward, what? hands forward, why, stand like that, why, what are you doing, what are you
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doing, untie me, you know who i am, of course . , i know who, got off, password, i can’t hear password. untie me, untie me, look, you’re not a stranger, you’re stupid, whore, but i say sometimes, i’ll say, 25, 25, 25 km from the fishery there is a fenced area, it’s very difficult to pass, it’s guarded by crazy people, it’s impossible to get through there, in terms of? i am the only one who knows the password, no one will help except me, interesting
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story, i don’t hear the password, word, word, this is the password, word, word, password, password, word, you understand, last name, this is the password, password, word, yes, word, password, because his last name is a wordsmith, word password, word, password, i understand,
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musya, musya, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, she ran away, let’s go home, alina, alina. take the cat, you'll be running around the basements again, alina, your cat ran away,
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