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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-6  NTV  July 28, 2024 5:20am-6:11am MSK

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ran away.
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when the murder happened a few hours ago, the details after hiding me when to come tomorrow, take it away. “some kind of strange apartment, no photographs, no things to cling to, only business cards, and those seem to be from work, a strange lady, oh, what a woe, who would have thought, when i saw her, there was a door it’s open, there ’s blood lying there, so quietly, uh-huh.
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who’s there? hello, please, excuse me, the body of a woman was found in the thirty-sixth, i’d like to ask you a few questions, can i ask you? mom, what happened? denis, murder, the neighbor downstairs was killed, please come in, thank you.
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please tell me, did you know alina zvyagintseva well, yes, we met on the stairs, said hello, in fact, she has only recently been living with us, for six months. tell me, maybe you saw some friends go to see her or a fan, i don’t know, i didn’t see anyone. and your son, maybe he saw something, denis. denis, he doesn’t see anything except my computer, he studies at my university, he entered without money, now he’s doing scientific work, yeah, thank you, excuse me, can i call from you, yes, yes, of course, let’s go to my room, please come in.
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hello, thank you, yes, i’ll be down now, yeah. tell me, did you go anywhere in the evening? no, i was sitting at home, preparing an essay on psychology. fine. good view from the window, maybe
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you still saw someone while smoking? i already told you. i didn’t see anything, well, i didn’t see it, i didn’t see it, but if you suddenly remember something, i’ll call you, so i had to pick it up for you, then try it, don’t waste it,
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marina, we’ll go to europe on vacation, what kind of money, did you receive an inheritance, look, my capital is here, everything was paid for a long time ago, but how are you going to earn money? will you follow in gurov's footsteps? gurov, they say, received a lot of money for his book, 1.40 for sure. this is not our publishing house, americans. i’ll move forward with science later, now, if i manage one little thing, then everything will be fine. we will be with you, marinka, as if in chocolate. are you with me, in what sense?
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girl, i invite you to the bright lights of a luxurious life, but you doubt it. come on, okay. let's go to the guru, i'm at his place i need to pick up the book, let's go, so the murdered alina zvyagentseva, 37 years old, lived alone, came to peteroti six months ago, worked as a social psychologist in a crisis center, well , more precisely, the samurai will tell you when he arrives, the neighbors say: she lived quietly, her parents will arrive today from novosibirsk, no more leads, well, the neighbor who found her says that some guy visited her, we made an identikit, but so far no results, listen, we definitely need to find him, otherwise the wood grouse will hang again, more details with the parents about this alina let's talk about where she lived, what she did, the
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more we find out about her, the faster we will determine the motive for the murder, well, it looks like he's an amateur, because he acted as if he didn't understand what he was doing, uh-huh, he left the door... at work, they respond to apathy good, but she kept her distance from her colleagues, frankly speaking , the girl was not at all simple, she entered wisely, where did such mystery come from, maybe her boyfriend was married, what? great, well , what's the news, so both shots were made from the same weapon, it was fatal the second, the murdered woman did not resist, did not fight the killer, uh-huh, and the neighbors didn’t see anything, but no, by the way, the guy upstairs knows something, he just doesn’t want to talk, what makes you think, yes, i talked to him, he’s like -he behaved strangely
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, kept his eyes averted, was nervous, and from his window the courtyard was very clearly visible, just perfect, this doesn’t mean anything, come in, denis, please, i’m behind the accentuated personalities. yes, yes, yes, i know, pasha told me, he left you a book, would you like some tea? no thanks, i have a seminar. anna vladimirovna, pavel sergeevich did not say anything about work. he hasn't spoken yet, but don't worry, he will definitely find a place for you. he now has so much trouble about publishing the book in the states. my son could not even think that science would begin to bring him generous dividends, is this? yes, yes, this. damn, the words, well, i know what i’m thinking, i still want to go to the university, check up on this kid, why? yes, it seems to me that he is not telling something, there may be several reasons for this, even those that you don’t mention.
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you suspect, no, slav, i feel something is wrong, it’s just an inner voice, you want an anecdote about an inner voice, what, a man lost. at the casino at roulette, he lost everything, only one family ring remains, he looks at it, it seems like he wants to win back, he hears an inner voice. bet on red and win everything back, and what do you think, uh, bet on red and lost, the inner voice says: sorry, i was mistaken, no, thank you, i didn’t convince you, go, boy, hello, hello, can i have a cup please? your wonderful green tea, it will be done, mashenka, please make me a cup of tea, new case, yes,
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a young woman, murdered, yes, oh, where did you get that from, this is a suspect, he looks like pavel sergech. he teaches psychology at the university. recently it was my father’s anniversary, so he was there. so. come on, tell me more about this town. denavit is a very worthy person. elena petrovna, nothing has alarmed you about alina lately. maybe she was acting strange somehow? hmm, try to remember, because... now the smallest detail is important, no, on the contrary,
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she was so happy, you know, she decided to move to st. petersburg, after the seminar in moscow, she called us on the phone and said that she would now have... “everything is fine, i was so happy, i thought, but finally, things got better for her personal life, yes, this is an old story, in the tenth grade, when she was studying, she had an affair with one..." no, even more than roman, it was the love of her life,
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a boy from a not very prosperous family, we were shocked by this friendship, if only the family were drunks, but alya went crazy about him and... he for her too, we expected with horror, this is what would happen, but it all ended suddenly, he left her, and why? i still don't understand. he was not of this world at all, people like that are now
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called workaholics, but before they were just crazy, in the evenings he worked part-time in a psychiatric hospital, i worked as a doctor then, well, i got him a job as an orderly, it was still a pity. boy, in his free time he sat in the library, then alya left, entered the pedagogical institute, got married, but not for long, you see, her husband was a good guy. but not an eagle, she had other men, but that’s all
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empty, obviously, alechka was a one-love girl, she loved only one pasha, you don’t know how his fate turned out later, no, i know that he left when he graduated from school. at that time , many people in our city were leaving, and so the wife of the secretary of the regional committee left. then a terrible tragedy occurred: the secretary of the regional committee and his son crashed in a car, and his wife could not survive this for a long time. she was in our clinic for some time and had gizoid syndrome. then she left, and
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apparently decided to start life from scratch. sheet, tell me, maybe you are familiar with this human? lord, it's pasha. pasha.
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fine. yes, hello, hello, criminal investigation department, what is my duty, yesterday alena zvyagentseva was murdered, you knew her. where did you meet alena zvyagensova? six months ago in moscow, she immediately moved to st. petersburg, right? yes.
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what was your relationship with alena zveginsova? sometimes we only met. yes, i'm quite old-fashioned. i'm sorry, i have some advice. if you allow me, i will also be present. well, let 's not go to lectures tomorrow.
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excuse me, are you not from the fifth group? yes, from fifth, then, then. you can't help but know denis muramtsev? i know of course. and, you know, i need to give him the cds. and he is now at 310 at a lecture with gurov, but their classes have already started. and who are you? i'm his friend. it's clear. girl, you have no idea what our meeting means to me. really? no, i'm serious. i'm having a creative crisis. my hero meets the heroine. i don’t know what to do next. what's the intrigue? and then you come across it. it’s just from above, and you’re a writer? i, no, what are you saying, i'm not a writer, i'm a tv guy screenwriter, and by the way, excuse me, a television screenwriter is different from writers, as you look at, the radio is from the barrier, wait, wait, wait, where are you, i ask you, don’t leave, if you leave there are
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millions, just hundreds of thousands of russian-speaking tv viewers, no will they find out what happened in the tenth episode, i mean, and what will happen next in your script when the heroes meet? further, he will ask her for her phone number, no, she will refuse, of course, she will refuse, but, but, at the same time, he will say, let's go to a cafe, have a cup of coffee, she will agree, agree, okay, what’s your name, marina, marina, i’ll tell you this now. can i please, i want to turn to kavka’s work. to his world of despair, the horror of hopelessness. the fact is that this world was not born out of nowhere, it grew out of
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the author’s personal tragedy. before us is the clearest example of an eddie complex, which had a tragic impact on kavka’s relationships with women. let's imagine a similar situation in life, a mother and son live, and although he is almost 40, he... still cannot establish his personal life. subconscious fear of his mother forces him to hide his very difficult relationships with women from everyone. nevertheless , every day the desire grows in him, the desire to break out from under her control grows, and she has a correspondingly opposite reaction. so, if one of the participants in this drama suddenly, unexpectedly suffers from psychopathic deviations, then he is a victim. becomes the third person, the woman with whom the son is dating, thank you, the lecture is over.
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yes, this becomes especially interesting when you consider that a real murder, why did you meet with alina taina? well, because we had nothing to advertise, yes, you suspect me,
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you know, it’s very difficult to look for a black cat in a dark room, especially if it ’s not there, but it can be worse, someone who doesn’t prepare for distant difficulties will definitely have to wait for the next ones troubles, hmm, confusion? you read, under other circumstances we would have talked to you, i’m interested in one topic right now: a young woman was killed, where were you last night, at home, working, can anyone confirm this, yes, my mother, she’s been there all evening was at home, i would ask you not to leave the city anywhere, okay, denis, now i’m out of... work, agurov is his scientific supervisor, he, by the way, promised to help him, but although gurov now has problems through the roof, he sold his book to the americans,
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so soon he will be a wealthy man, he might even get married, finally, and who knows, he is a prominent man, and dinya said that he goes to see some aunt in their front door, for dinya now the main thing is to find a job, well, this guy is smart, he’ll get through, yeah. he told me i also said, soon there will be a lot of money, a new car, a trip to europe, a beautiful life, uh-huh, marinochka, you can’t imagine how much you helped me, why, tell me, do you have a pen, uh-huh, now, hold it, leave it give me your phone number, if you don’t leave me your phone number, i’m going to fall and scream. stop fooling around, okay, stop,
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excuse me, okay, okay, please tell me, the screenwriters are all as crazy as you, yes, everything, the costs of the profession, great, i understood everything, but how much imagination. that i wanted you ask, we'll go to the club today, we'll go today, no, you'll go, no, fuck, no, there's a lot of work, you don't want it, as you want, i won't go with you either, that's it, okay, bye, that's it, come on, bye, girls, good, what's new? yes, i’m sending a request to novosibirs, so what? siberian, they
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had an unsuccessful romance at school, but having met six months ago in moscow, they resumed their relationship, so i got an idea, i want to check the past of our professor, whatever one may say, gurov is still the main suspect, especially since he lied to us , murder evening, neighbor petra saw him, and now tell me, why would an honest man fool us, here comes the answer from novosibirsk, let's say, more precisely, on the one hand, you are both right, except for the mountain.
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the majority of schizophrenics make the most winning impressions, oleg georgievich, i was right, denis hinted to the guys from the group that if one business failed, he would soon become rich, i think he was going to blackmail gurov, because he should get big money for the book money, you chill out dreamer, sit down and drink a cup of tea. guys, why don’t you believe me, we believe, well then explain why denis didn’t tell us that he knew that gurov went to olina, he saw him perfectly well, and peter too,
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maybe they signed him up as a syntazhist? yes, but unlike denis, peter told us. don't forget that denis is considered ugurov's best student. maybe he didn't want to set his teacher up. and you can make money from any hack job.
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pashenka, dinner is ready, now, now, i’m coming, are you in trouble? no, it's okay, sorry, i have to go. it's an urgent matter, but dinner will come later when i come.
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everything will be fine, hello, listen, how much does a paper guy give his car for? for three, and when will i get the money? ay, listen, in a couple of days, tell him that you waited a week, i, yes, i’ll take it, okay, you say, that’s it, bye, bye.
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well, yes, here's an answer from novosibirsk. what 's the news? not at all what i expected. he still had the same family, his parents almost . parental rights, but he himself is absolutely clean, not a single criminal record, a self-made man, without any patronage, support, only relying on his brains and hard work, i respect such people, yes nikolai, there you are looking for some professor of gurov. “bor, give him here, come on, come on, come on, come in, hello, sit down, please, hello, i want
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to confess, i killed alina zvyagentseva.” why did something happen between you? is it so important? however, i know, i can name a thousand and one reasons why a man can kill a woman. i have one of them. well, continue, i'm listening to you. fine. you came to her in the evening, probably quarreled, lost your temper and fired the whole clip at her, right? are you trying to catch me? it's not important, everything is important what i killed, with my cowardice,
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indecision, betrayal. but you did this 20 years ago, that’s what you think, of course, i knew that nothing good would come of our relationship, but i couldn’t refuse it, alina even moved to st. petersburg, and where did you get the weapon, i bought it, then threw it away . where, i don’t remember, memory lapses, it will be very difficult to prove otherwise, listen, i
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don’t want to answer your questions, you can, okay, sign the protocol, now they will take you to the cell, you will have time to think. i'm so tired.
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completely different, maybe we should talk to her, come on in. what’s wrong with him, what’s wrong with pasha? he was arrested, your son confessed to the murder of alina zvyagentseva.
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pasha is innocent, he didn’t kill anyone, it was me who killed her. anna vladimirovna, how do you explain the fact that gorov’s mother’s name was valentina stepanovna, who are you to him? tell me, my husband was the secretary of the regional committee. in novosibirsk, we lived well, but one day he and
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our son went by car, they crashed to death, i ended up in the hospital, nerves, and pasha?... he worked there as an orderly, you imagine you can’t imagine how he looked after me, it’s certainly hard to believe, but then he really fell in love with me, he was 17 years old, and i was almost 40. this happens. pasha
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broke up with his girlfriend and we left. for me, pasha was everything, both husband and son. we tried not to advertise our relationship, because public opinion was completely different then than it is now. after. his career, that’s why i pretended to be his mother, when my father’s mother died, i, of course, fictitiously married him, his father, by that time he was completely drunk and i had little idea what was going on, but how did you find out about alina? it was after a trip to moscow that he became completely different, i
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know him too well, he became completely different, i began to follow him, i saw it was alina, alina, she again could take everything away from me, but i couldn’t a second time in life to lose a family, you understand, i just wanted to talk to her, just talk at that... i went, i stood at the house, i saw how pasha left her, i just wanted to be alone with her, talk, explain that’s all for her, i beg you, listen, i won’t listen to you, i i i won’t listen to anything, it’s some kind of thing.
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lord, i really beg you, i just beg you, leave him, you are still so young, you have everything ahead of you, but understand, he doesn’t love you, he lives with you out of pity, don’t you feel it,
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and where do you get it? gun? i bought it about five years ago in secret from pasha, it was then that
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i began to be afraid, you can’t even imagine how terrible it is when you... are visited by fear, i kept thinking that they would take him away, some other woman would come alina will take everything, everything, from me. where did you put the gun? pistol, when i came to my senses, i went to the bride and threw it away there, but what will happen to me now? i don’t know, the court will decide, you...
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true, he is really immensely tired of being responsible for a sick person, an enemy, what do you understand about love? what do you understand about love?
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wanted to sell, no, young man, we would like to buy 20 dollars, here you go. do you want to change? are you changing 100 dollars? well, of course. 1 2 3, here you go, uh-huh, thank you,
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great, great, how are you today? better than yesterday, now, keep it up! happily, how much? 3,000, come on, we need rubles, not yet, in two hours, okay, in two hours we’ll give you a ride, where to go now, let’s get started.
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so, i’ll start with the main thing, comrade officers, how are things going with our physical training, and what do you mean, andrei petrovich? i was at the department yesterday, in 2 weeks we are supposed to have a meeting with the tax inspectorate, and what is the subject of the meeting, the subject of the meeting. a football match between our teams, that is, how? i repeat, between the tax
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inspectorate team and the team of our department, there will be football match, i want to tell you right away that the mood is only for victory, yesterday the department hinted to me that... if we lose, then the entire department will lose a quarterly bonus, but what if we win, well, in case of victory it won’t be lost, yeah , comrade colonel, we have no experience in this matter, yeah, i thought of it. well, study, yeah, i have bookmarked the most important places, so
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it is recommended to start playing football at the age of 8, at a later age the techniques of the game are learned much more difficult, correctly, than the sooner you start preparing for the match to train, the more... you have a chance of winning, yes, they asked me to tell you from the management, keep in mind, we only need a victory.
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good day, traffic police inspector kazlov, documents, please, there is insurance, yes, on the glass, a sticker, okay. take everyone’s documents, let’s leave, let’s hurry up!


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