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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-6  NTV  July 29, 2024 4:55am-5:40am MSK

4:55 am
“pour a glass, otherwise you’re completely frozen, get out of here, pour a little glass, do you hear, friend, you should get out of here, but still there’s no place for you here, and i’m not your friend, the money is here quickly, move, give me the bag, give me- i want that beautiful one, oh
4:56 am
, hello, where is the seriously wounded man? , i've been waiting, money here, faster, even faster, money! and you say, there are no wounded, two armed. robbery: in the first case , a security guard was killed; in yesterday's robbery, the security guard remained alive and is now in intensive care. let's take a closer look. slav, the first murder and robbery was committed by garbun, 30-50 years old, dressed as a homeless person. the identikit was compiled from the words, yes, very good. and in the second case, when the guard remained alive. the robbery was committed by the driver,
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an ambulance doctor. in both cases, the gang consisted of three people and fired from the same weapon. this means that one gang is operating. well, it's possible. about 7 years ago i encountered similar robberies, and the criminal acted in different guises each time. was he thundered? and he put on makeup,
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but most likely the current robberies are not his job. why do you think so? well, maksimov is now in prison, according to my estimates , he still has a pretty decent time. i personally participated in his arrest. he had a special handwriting. i have never encountered anything like this before. what did this mean? i think he was not right in the head, or he was just making fun of us. each time before the robbery he sent to the police station postcard with poems. with poetry? with quatrains. in them, with the help of hints , he described the future robbery, but he really is an artist and somehow he did it deftly, i would say, even talentedly, those postcards with poems have been preserved, but they are filed in the archives with the case, postcards with poems have not yet arrived to us they came, okay, let's get back to the current matter, andrei petrovich, there were postcards with poems, what do you mean, well, postcards came. i didn’t bring it, i just
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read it and decided that either someone had made a mistake in the address, or was joking, well, what the hell are you doing with them, well, they’re lying in the office, if no one has thrown it out, go quickly and bring it, yeah, yes, things, so, where are they, where are they, where are they, where are they? here they are, here they are, the candle is burning, the candle is burning, we illuminate the night gloom, the one whom no one knows, traces. it says candle
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is burning, what do you mean candle? candle corner, someone will leave marks on the corner. well, let's read the next postcard. i love the number seven and i know there is a deep meaning in it. yes. i respect everything very much, i love corners, i love doctors. well me. it seems that everything is clear here, there is a big avenue, and the seventh az, she on the corner, doctors. so, seventh and eighth. as far as i understand, these postcards arrived every time before the robbery. so why,
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oleg georgievich, didn’t you do anything? you were in charge of this case. so andrey petrovich, this is the first time i’ve seen these postcards. what were you thinking? why didn't you report? are you still hanging around with girls? comrade colonel? okay, we’ll sort it out with you later, what are your considerations? well, there are two assumptions: does anyone know if maksimov’s handwriting works for him? or is this just a coincidence? yes, with difficulty i believe in such coincidences. we need to take up maksimov’s case and look at the poetry. agree. i agree, oleg georgivich, just in case, make a request to the colony where the criminal is imprisoned. guys, are you going to do anything else? no, no, varenki, thank you. var, listen, can i get a loan today? you can. thank you. did you receive your salary yesterday?
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yes, yesterday i walked with my girlfriend a little, we went back and forth to the cafe. all that's left. listen, kira, do you want to earn extra money? how? and my dishwasher quit, maybe you could work temporarily? what are you sick? yes, i’m kidding, i’m kidding, my friends are going on vacation and want someone to live in their apartment, they don’t want to leave it empty, they’ll pay the money in advance. come on, how to meet them? come on, i ’ll make an agreement with them in the evening, and you come here. ok , great, go ahead. yes, hello, georgievich. yeah, robbery, i understand, we'll be there now, maksimov escaped from the colony a month ago, let's go, yes, you can eat, you can, maksimov, alexey viktorovich, born in 1955, was convicted for the first time in
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1978 for theft, the second time for 85 yeah, and the last time was in 1997 for murder. hold on, you will need to send out photographs to all departments and security services. please give me a postcard, this one, 7 rubles. thank you please. who else was involved with him in this case? nikolaev sergey vasilievich, shot during arrest. antonov, dmitry sergeevich, is in a colony. yeah, hulyakova, vera aleksandrovna, was
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a witness in maksimov’s case. is she his partner or something? maybe you can find out her address? but if my memory serves me right, sredny prospekt, building 27, apartment 14, since there are no other leads, we need to establish surveillance of her, maybe meet her? no, she still won't say anything.
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take your legs off. so how are you? she arrived recently, i didn’t see anyone suspicious at the entrance. here you go, there's still some coffee left. i jumped, i'm late. oh, the keys. i have mine, he’s coming now, he’s sometimes
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late, here he is, hello, meet me , he’s late, this is kiril, ivan, tanya, well, you two talk for now, but i still have things to do, yeah, you sit down hi, great, your coffee, ok, sorry, once again... the situation is this, we are leaving, here are the keys to the apartment, thank you, here is the address, money, yeah, entrance from the street, door code 507, third floor, leopard, feed once a day and better in the evening, leopard, i left the instructions in the kitchen on the table, well , you'll figure it out, we 'll be back in two weeks, if anything happens, call, here's the phone number, call, call, thank you, that's it, we ran, otherwise we're already late for the airport, sir
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5:08 am
on the shore under this vaulted roof in the evening twilight i will enter, the sky is in diamonds, well, what can this mean, yes, anything, lord, yes, starry sky, wealth, i see, listen, maybe he meant a jewelry store, he should make up crossword puzzles, listen, georgievich, and then you carried out a psychiatric examination, yes you did, they recognized me.
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137 rubin ordinary 16 so nothing interesting agad nevsky 51 something on the banks is not a lot so what?
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please, thank you, look, it’s a little expensive, let’s come next time, okay, thank you very much. good afternoon, hello, girl, hello, can i tell you something, yes, please, what interests you, i would like look at this cross, uh-huh, please, oh,
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dear thing. it is cast from gold, i see, fine workmanship, there are 12 diamonds in it, the number of the savior’s disciples, this is very wise, where was this thing made, re-send the cross from the leaf to the forest, a worthy place, worthy, after all, drive away, you are tramping, well, i’m going as best i can, we'll be there soon. well, why were we scared, we are all mortal, why were we dumbfounded, don’t be afraid, quickly, i found the purse, all the buckles, all the money is there, now,
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in my opinion, it’s here. calm down, police, mine, security officer, calm down, citizens, police, everyone stay where you are, your documents, please, calmly, calmly. have you noticed anything suspicious today? in what sense? in direct? well, again, mimocasses? it looks like, well, it's a waste of time again. the word listens. what?
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jewelry store robbery? coal? venevsky japanese god, lie down, lie down, lie down, don’t move, work, so stay in your place, don’t you understand, i said, hands behind your head, don’t move. well, what have you, the bullet hit right in the forehead, uh-huh, yes, i see, death occurred instantly, well , the saleswoman is hysterical, now the doctor is in they bring order, well, at least she said something, well, she said, a priest came in, looked at the jewelry, and then started shooting, she didn’t remember his face, it’s strange that
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this store wasn’t on the list, although it’s located on nevsky, because that he recently. here you go, the jewelry store salon art neva invites everyone to buy gifts for the holidays. well, did you screw up again? better not ask, what do you have? nothing interesting. okay, i'll go. come on, look. i mean, not a woman, believe my experience, i believe it, come on, citizen, wait, wait,
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stand, i said stand, didn’t i understand? come on, come on, damn it.
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as you can see, are you alone? of course, alone, come in, take your hands off, that means sergey viktorovich grigoriev, absolutely right. born in seventy-third, what were you doing on the street like that, sergei viktorovich? what exactly is the matter, on what grounds was i detained? why did you run away from the
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police officers? how do i know that you are from the police, look at him, a regular bandit, i thought i was going to be robbed, look at yourself, i ’ll put you in the common fund, they’ll quickly explain to you what why, and what are the complaints against me, i was coming from the monocol club, spent the whole evening there, didn’t touch anyone, who... okay, sergei viktorovich, free, listen, you should at least change your clothes. goodbye, boys, come on, i'm here for the meeting,
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come on, but you were supposed to get out after 3 years, i was released early, well, you've been in the city for a long time. week, why didn’t you call earlier? let’s not talk about it, i’m here, this is the main thing, come to me, listen to the corridors. cars, move away, hey, the first season is like first love, it never rusts,
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there are questions, a lot, comrade colonel, nevsky, and if i don’t want it, everything from the very beginning, i demand an order and a lawyer, you see, another fan of the series, today at 16:45 on ntv. i love the mask precisely for such numbers, let’s watch everything from the very beginning,
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i’ll never be able to unsee it and hear it, mask, i was more surprised only by prigozhino in the pineapple, today at midnight on ntv, well, what will you give me, i’ll eat you now, yes what are you borsik, borsik, hungry borsik, come on, you know what, quiet, quiet, quiet, well, hold the door, you want to hold the door, in the bathroom, sit bye, it’s harmful to eat at night, ah, ah... oh,
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come on. for you, for you.
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you're covered in lipstick, i'll come soon, i'm going to the bath, olya, oh, kira, kira! why are you so scared? i have to go to work. here are the keys. wait, could you take a few weeks off? well, i think i could, but why? for 7 years i dreamed of swimming in the sea. and when do you want to go? i'll tell you one of these days.
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well, everything is fine, bye, bye.
5:24 am
well, guys. where are dymov and volkov? well, volkov is watching kulyakova, yeah, well, and dymov, and dymov went to replace him, well, yeah, yeah, that ’s it. more just arrived at our address something. postcard, that's right. now my road lies to where ships are built. they lie alone in the depths of the sea. treasures of the earth, what considerations will there be, ships are being built, shipbuilders are on the street, so what are they going to rob there, there is a big hotel there, there is, there are a lot of shops there, well, yes, sea travel to sea travel, what does that mean, the shipbuilders have a station wagon sea, large, the largest in my
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area, but today... it is already closed, most likely they will rob it tomorrow, that they will rob it at night they can’t rob, but they are not just robbers, raiders, for them it’s a game, so, guys, tomorrow morning, set up surveillance of the supermarket, okay, wolves and smokes will be there in the morning, and what are we doing with the shorebird surveillance? you will keep an eye on the sandpiper, uh-huh, it’s clear, this is our main safe, this is where the revenue accumulates for the day, uh-huh. who is here? cashier, security guard, the door here is armored. yeah, and how can you get here? to the left is the exit to the sales area, to the right is the staff room and office director. well, let's go into the hall. there is always a security guard near the entrance to the hall.
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tell. is it possible to enter the building from the service premises? yes, there is an emergency exit, there is also a guard near it, all exits in the room are controlled by video cameras, yeah, in general, it seems to me that you are showing us too much concern, our supermarket. have never been robbed, it is unrealistic to do this, if you want peace, prepare for war, but what do you think, today there will be a lot of revenue, today is friday, people buy food for the weekend, so there is no money a lot is expected, well, guys, i can’t stay here, maksimov knows me by sight, thank you, you stay with the eldest, okay, today is friday, there are a lot of people, so let’s get down to business, and if he’s not alone, it’s okay. let's remove the ambush, i'll send you a couple, let 's go, trim, pum-pum, oh, listen, i'm so tired of shopping around, i understand very well, i need to get married urgently, go out,
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go out, find some good match, mistress it will be, let it be marked around the store, i'm tired of it, kira, look, over there the guy is kind of suspicious. let's go and see, come on, yeah, come on, come on, come on, go, go, kolya, well, what do you have, you have nothing, everything's fine, so, well, wait here, well, you've chosen, look , here with condensed milk, here with some kind of caramel, come on quickly, maybe it’s taking so long, come on, choose, come on, look, caramels, stop your order on the orders of major solovets, are they
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crazy, or are they in uniform here? glow, just quickly into the shovel, let them guard the cashier’s office, okay, let’s go, i’ll show you. prices crazy people in general, so what do you have here, don’t let him come, georgivich, amon sent for reinforcements, well, well done, that’s not the word, oh, easy to change, yes, how are you doing there? it’s quiet for now, thanks for the reinforcements, what reinforcements, well, you sent riot police, what riot police, i didn’t send you anyone,
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but hands, hands, where the hell did maksimov go, well
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, we’ve finished the game, detectives, motherfucker, that’s it i have to figure it out, they brought the criminals to gassir’s office, they’re laughing at me... the whole department is laughing, but they managed to detain two criminals, they are wounded, but the doctors say in a week they will testify, the identity of the criminals has been established, they had no documents, the experts have taken fingerprints, now they are going through the file cabinets, and where is the main person involved in this case, unfortunately, colonel maksimov has not yet been detained, so do it this way whatever you want, but so that...
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you know maksimov like a fool, but we are working andrei petrovich, in general, i was in the morning... if these crimes are not solved in the near future, the question of your incompleteness will be raised official compliance, just like that, it’s clear, what’s not to understand here, healthy, what’s in our business, but wait. hold,
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well, well, well, what did you want, what, what did you want, what’s on our trunk? yes. i can’t make you happy, other cases are not going well, judging by the marks on the cartridge case and the bullet, the pistol is new, most likely made in china, yeah, yeah, well, thank you, fight,
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but the words, come in, something happened, come in, come in , sit down, what happened, to your health. and you’re not sick, what’s wrong?
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you know, when was the last time i maksimova he took it, for some reason he got it into his head that all his troubles were my fault, so what? well, i think that he started this game with poetry to take revenge on me personally. “listen , you know what i think, you’d better step away from the case somehow, he’s killed so many people, let’s handle it ourselves, you know, if he wanted to kill me, he would have done it a long time ago, no, he wants to finish his you see, i brought the game from cherdyntsev half an hour ago, my last riddle is not simpler, but not more difficult either, i’m heading off to the land without looking back passing warm days, and what's going on here?" "what do you think about this? it seems to me that maxim is going to go somewhere in the near future, and
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if we don’t take him now, we’ll never see him again, hi, oh, kira, don’t, he’s at work, stop it, someone will see him, do n’t, you're on business, well, of course, what do we have there, well, look, it means that the first prints... our card index is not there, uh-huh, the second, the second belong to sergei yuryevich terentev , born fifty-six, was involved in the case of robbery of the savings bank, yeah, yeah registered at nikrasova street, building 44, apartment 7, thank you, great, bye, bye. citizens attesting witnesses, pay attention
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, a cache with three packs of north american money has been discovered, georgievich, count it, then you will recount it, look further, guys, look, misunderstandings, pay attention, a makarov pistol has been found, the number has been knocked down, attach it to the eternal evidence for... so, oh, so, atlantic travel agency, sea cruises, kira, um, when was the last time you were in a travel agency.
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hello, hello, i'm talking about the cruise, please, galya, hello, hello, galya, have a seat, thank you, and you want to go on a cruise, this is a very right decision, but not entirely, i have a different opinion. question, i’m listening to you, please tell me, sergey yuryevich terenteev, did i buy any tickets from you? yes, sergey terentyev bought a third-class ticket from us for the next cruise. yeah, tell me, can we
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make a printout of all the passengers on this cruise, of course. yeah, please, here are the lists, yeah, thank you, yeah, kulyakova vera aleksandrovna, thank you, when does this flight leave?
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oleg georgievich, i said weapons to the ground,
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today a certificate arrived from the prison hospital where maksimov was lying; he had no more time to live. months, well, that’s why he ran in, decided to take a last breath of free air, listen, why didn’t you tell me that they had an armadillo living with them, well, kir, i thought the owners would explain everything to you, right, but they decided that you’re everything to him explained, but they should have called the armadillo a leopard, but he’s big, thank you, thank you. here it is.


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