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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 29, 2024 10:00am-10:35am MSK

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our troops are destroying western equipment in the northern military district zone, an achievement of the russian military on the front line. the israeli army attacked lebanon. reaction of the international community. less than 100 days until the us presidential election, i don’t want to be too optimistic, but camelli harris will not win this election, as the political show unfolds today, venezuela has re-elected nicholas madura as head of state. and the amazing situation in
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the omsk region. an eight-year-old resident of omsk owes bailiffs almost millions. all they admitted that this was a mistake, but working on the mistakes turned out to be difficult. vlada kopylovskaya will tell you. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. in the studio of yulia bekhtereva. immediately 15 villages were cut off from the mainland in dagestan. due to heavy rainfall in the republic. mudflows converged, washing away everything in their path, even bridges could not withstand the pressure of water, roads were washed out in places, lep supports were damaged, as a result, fifty villages were left without electricity. according to authorities, restoration work has already started. footage of flooded settlements comes from the chelyabinsk region. heavy rainfall has continued in the region for several days. the water is arriving rapidly in some areas, the level has increased by more than...
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the villages will prepare for evacuation, one of the most affected, yemanzhelinsky, the governor arrived there today, there is still an overflow here, in fact, further the water goes towards the village of workers, where i i was just there, the situation continues to be quite difficult, but the water level is decreasing, i just talked to people, it’s clear, the main question is...
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in the kherson direction on the right bank of the dnieper, crews of the grad multiple launch rocket system destroyed a temporary deployment point in the ssu at night. the israeli army attacked lebanon, local media reported. 15 settlements in the south and east of the country, as well as near the israeli border, came under fire. heavy artillery was used for the attack. there is no information about dead victims yet. there could be a blow to lebanon. response to saturday's shelling of the dutch
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heights, which killed 12 human. the authorities of the jewish state blamed the hezbollah movement for the attack and stated that they would not leave the strike unanswered. as it became known, israel's military-political cabinet authorized prime minister netanyahu and the country's defense minister to make polevano's decision. the head of the military department said that he had already become familiar with the operational plans for a possible response. meanwhile, hezbollah denies its involvement in the shelling of the dutch heights, while the group is ready to withdraw its unit if the idf forces stop attacks on lebanon. to escalate the conflict already from... sweden and saudi arabia. a number of foreign airlines have suspended flights to beirut.
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turkey also made a harsh statement. president erdogan threatened israel with the deployment of his troops. the last 100 days of the presidential race are counting down in the united states. despite the refusal. head of state joe biden from plans to run for a second term, most media, even democratic ones, are in no hurry to call vice president kamala haris the favorite. most polls show republican states now favoring trump, and many of those while they hesitate. but at the same time, haris was able to collect a record $200 million in donations for her campaign in a week. in addition, changes in the ranks of the democrats increased the party's ratings. however, experts called it a honeymoon and said it would still be difficult for haris to keep up with trump. do you think democrats will be able to close this gap in the next 100 days? hmm, let me
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think, of course not. look, honestly, i don't want to be too optimistic, but kamal and harris won't win. these elections because she is too radical, unpleasant and... the republican headquarters are still remaining calm, since they were more afraid of the nomination of michelle obama, and she is much more popular with the population than harris. trump himself has stepped up his attacks on the vice president. he said that 3 weeks ago, harris was a quote: a slacker, and now she has taken first place on the democratic ticket. there are many ways to say her name, not explained, you can say kamala, or you can say kamala. i answered: don’t worry, 3 weeks ago she was a nobody, empty place. if the radical liberal kamala haris comes to power, she will appoint hundreds of far-left judges to forcefully impose
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on americans across the country the crazy liberal values ​​that she thanks to san francisco. did you see what happened in san francisco? 15 years ago, this was the best city possible. throughout our country, it is now barely livable. the authoritative british publication the times gives an impartial assessment of what is happening in the united states. they note that the presidential race is increasingly turning into a circus, where unwanted there are more resurrections than in the movies. the author of the material gives a chronology: trump is defeated, returns to duty again, almost dies, and then resurrects again, while biden, having died countless times.
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the election commission reported that almost all the votes of the current head of state have been counted, more than half of them. madura has already been congratulated by the leaders of cuba, bolivia, handuras and nicaragua, but there are countries that refuse to recognize the results of the vote: costa rica, argentina and peru. the latter recalled its ambassador for consultation, the usa reacted, as secretary of state antony blinken said, states do not believe the announced results reflect the will of the people. the venezuelan opposition refused to consider maduro the elected president. meanwhile, caracos accused nine latin american countries of interfering with the company. the ministry of foreign affairs reported that the governments of argentina, guatemala, the dominican republic, costa rica and other
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countries tried to carry out their operations, and maduro said that the venezuelan electoral commission was subject to a serious hacker attack. in the meantime, the president of argentina dissatisfied with the results. elections in venezuela , those who are dissatisfied with him in his own country. javier miley promised to resolve the financial crisis upon taking office. the head of state planned to fight inflation with radical measures. used shock therapy, but the economy is still in decline. alexey kvashenki understood the situation. javier miley was remembered for his loud pre-election statements: liquidation of the central bank, reduction of civil servants, most importantly - reduction of inflation, sick for argentine theme. he said that he would make sure that the head of the central bank carried out dollarization, and then the central bank would be liquidated. in terms of the path to success, mele took a detour.
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on the other hand, the president’s decision reduced subsidies that allowed many households to pay less than 5% of the real
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cost of electricity; already in july , prices for electricity and gas doubled, and consumption limits were introduced for poor households that continued to receive state support. i'm a pensioner, i can't make ends meet making ends meet, for example, on monday i have to pay 30 thousand pesos for gas and 40,000 pesos for electricity, what should i do when i only have 140,000 pesos in... in addition , experts fear that in order to pay off external debts, the shallows should again launch a printed machine, which will return inflation to its previous rate, another option is to declare a default on external obligations, which miley will decide. with my main advisor, dimiyan reidol, we are rewriting much of economic theory. if everything works out, i'll probably get the nobel prize for economics together with dimian. while the plan is in
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development, and in order to maintain public support and slow down price increases, the libertarian leader has postponed further increases in fuel taxes. alexey kovoshenkin, anastasia vishnyakova, polina timofeeva, tv component. the olympic organizing committee did not justify why it deprived tas journalists of the right to cover the tigers in paris. this was stated in the russian news agency. at the same time, journalists. complied with the rules of work at the tournament, correspondents were able to get to the opening ceremony, the first competitions, the staff did not presented them with no comments, tas employees arrived in france in advance and received olympic accreditation. in response, the committee only referred to the decision of the french authorities, but did not provide any details. another scandal that has not subsided for several days is the public reaction to the last supper, which was parodied during the opening of the games. instead of jesus. christ and his disciples were shown as transvestites; fragments from this scene were restricted for viewing on all official
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resources of the moscow committee. those under a barrage of criticism tried to apologize to the public, but this did not save the games from losing advertising contracts. one of the largest american internet providers has already refused to cooperate, and the deputy prime minister of slovakia stated that he would not go to the closing ceremony of the tournament; he called the incident political theater. the anti-terror group alpha celebrates its half-century anniversary today. this is the first such unit in the history of the country. it was created in seventy-four. now this is directorate a, the fsb special purpose center. for 50 years activities, the detachment’s fighters carried out many complex operations and assaults and freed thousands of hostages. about the past and present of the legendary unit pavel rybalchenko. every time i enter this room, but... i say, hello, vladimirovich, he replies, yes, the mood rises and life
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goes on, in portraits and gratitude on the wall in memorable photographs in the album, decades of his life and hundreds of lives saved . vladimir eliseev, a veteran of the legendary anti-terror group alpha, his first task was to snatch children from their hands remembers the criminals in detail, as if it were just yesterday, the year ninety-five was captured. a bus with schoolchildren, there during the negotiations, these are mineral waters, during the negotiations the terrorists were provided with money, helicopters were provided, the schoolchildren were released. well, then, during the chase on other helicopters for the criminals, the criminals were neutralized, and over all the years, well, there were probably dozens of different operational combat activities, especially since all the hot spots of the soviet union, from november 1988 to , maybe, 1990, we didn’t get out of business trips.
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50 years ago, these people did not even suspect what tasks they would have to perform after... alpha is management and the federal service , therefore, everything was fine, so today the russian security group, the work of those who stood at the origins of the fight against terrorism, is now continued by the fighters of the new generations. the task is one, in my opinion, everyone has the same task today, everything is being done, and we veterans are doing everything to help, because we can do something
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, everything is being done for victory, like what specifically, well, friends, i probably can’t tell you in full. and to the young guys, we sincerely congratulate them, we envy them in the good sense of the word that they ended up in this particular unit, the choice fell on them, and we are absolutely sure that they will be the future of our side. speaking about the future on the fiftieth anniversary, alpha veterans cannot help but remember the past, especially those who, shielding defenseless people, did not live to see this holiday. the unit's fighters had more than one monstrous day behind them. budenovsk, nordost, beslan. thank you.
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at any cost, including the cost of the life of a special forces officer. hundreds of operations performed in russia and abroad, thousands of lives saved, almost all of this is top secret, but when they retire, they can finally take off their masks, and the country can see its heroes. pavel rybalchenko, natalya okmaikina, denis shuisky, anna martynova, ntv television company. tomorrow in sevastopol the museum and temple will open for visitors.
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will remove arrears on microloans, loans and debts for utility bills. immediately in in several regions, bailiffs entered the girl’s data into the debtors’ database. why a loan was issued for a child and who did it - vlada kopylovskaya found out. by the age of eight, arina had accumulated debts amounting to 700,000 rubles. for loans, utilities and major repairs.
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i didn't have to do anything for this. letters with different amounts for different debtors simply pour in from bailiffs from different parts of the country. chatki of the moscow region and belgorod. without going to government services, i saw seven debts, because i was very busy, i didn’t immerse myself much, i go in the next day, there are already 34 debts in the amount of more than 600,000 rubles. the first time this happened was when arena was 3 years old, her mother saw a debt in the name of her daughter on public services. the notice arrived from kamchatka. then the bailiffs admitted that there was a mistake, and maria removed the child’s data from public services to avoid other people’s sins. this. it was just the beginning of the marathon, when the time came to register the already first-grader arina on the educational platform, it was necessary to connect her mother’s account and it began, debts fell on arina almost immediately, maria found out that they come to... the child, but the pension fund does not deny any problems, the government services also say there are no failures. maria wrote to the bailiff, reached moscow, where they sent the request down to the omsk
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region, where the family lives, but they couldn’t help in omsk because they didn’t initiate any proceedings. there are no enforcement proceedings against maria gavrilenko, as well as her eight-year-old daughter, and there are no enforcement proceedings in which the girl was mistakenly identified. the woman tried to contact...
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with time and nerves for other people's mistakes, the girl dreams of a trip to the sea. only after the debts were cleared did a new 13.00 rubles arrive. he was written off again. and arina again doesn’t owe anyone anything. bye. vlada kopulovskaya, viktor melnik, ntv television company. omsk environmentalists and volunteers carried out a general cleaning of the shores of kamchatka. the action was supported by the russian geographical society. activists have cleaned up the coastline of the reserve, where tons of household goods arrive from the sea every year. garbage. first , experts studied the territory from drones, and then the degree of pollution appreciated artificial intelligence. our correspondent, sergei
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antsigin, joined this action. from a bird's eye view, the coast of the south kamchatka reserve looks impeccably clean, but experienced ecologists know well: nature has many ways to mask traces of anthropogenic influence. garbage thrown out by the waves of the sea of ​​okhotsk is clogged under stones and buried deep in the sand. and behind the surf it hides in the grass. i found this wonderful collar, i can even try it on. employees of the kronotsky nature reserve, under whose management there is this is a specially protected natural area, the volunteers were instructed in advance that in order to properly clean the shore from household and industrial waste, you need to carefully look around and make a lot of physical effort. large fragments of trees, metal barrels, fishing gear and all kinds of plastic products. all. once intentionally or accidentally fell into the sea and was carried back to land by the current, it can weigh several tons. for us, for the residents of, as they say, the coastal region, it is also
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important that we still have a coastal this strip was clean. marine inhabitants, whales and killer whales, sea otters, and many of them are listed in the red book, rightfully consider the coastal waters their home. what harm do fishing nets and synthetic waste cause to mammals? once demonstrated by scientists from an expedition to the rookery of the commander islands and the sakhalin region. there is a groove, we will operate. to preliminarily assess the scale of pollution of the okhato sea coast and calculate cleanup costs, the south kamchatka federal reserve is located in difficult to reach areas. environmentalists are turning to artificial intelligence. long before the volunteers arrive , drones survey the area, then the video recording is analyzed by a neural network. the principle is approximately the same as what has already been implemented... the end result is what
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resources, how many people, what equipment is needed for such a large-scale cleanup. project participants are trying to establish from which neighboring regions and even countries of the pacific basin tons of rubbish are floating to kamchatka, and colleagues from the far eastern federal university soil and water samples are carefully studied, where. so it’s important for us to find this dependence also on the garbage, which is on the large garbage that comes across the coast, how it is connected with the microplastics that are in the water or in the ground. the problem of ocean garbage is relevant for the entire far eastern coast, and many participants in environmental cleanups ask themselves the question: how to recycle the maximum amount collected on the coast. trash. in vladivostok, the lack of opportunities for making second strength awakened creative fantasy. this sculpture of the red book amur tiger was made from a pile of scrap metal that was found at the bottom of the bay. serge.
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we see the special importance of this approach for orphans, for graduates of orphanages, when they are no longer children by law, but they still need support, and they need a person who can be nearby. alfabank is the best bank for business. open a free account with alfabank and get up to 10% cashback on your business card. alfabank has the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs. x5 club presents. about, misha, have you forgotten here? and i haven’t
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will be approved? compare simplifies this task. we checked the offers and collected them in one place. just select an mfi and submit an application. the money will come directly to the card. take a loan on the website or mobile application. compare. this is the program we are continuing today. in russia, with the support of the state , the institution of mentoring is actively developing. volunteers from among adults take patronage over orphans. within the framework of such projects they provide...
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he will support, he will always be on your side, but i have a feeling that marina is part of my family, well, to be honest, to speak openly, this is an important person in my life, a mentor for marina was selected at a charity foundation where volunteers come , we are ready to become our own personal adult for orphans, this mainly applies to teenagers, we try not to assign children who are younger, because they are younger, no matter how much you say it to them, they still they are waiting for their mother, waiting to be taken into the family. and here these roles can be mixed up , this expectation is superimposed, older teenagers, they may already, for example, have been in an orphanage for a long time, or even if they got there recently, they still remember their parents or their adoptive parents, they may already have and not be so ready to go directly to the family or to
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make a request to the family, but an adult is important to them. the story about mentoring is about relationships, if not for life, then for years, and volunteers are told about this at trainings preparing for psychologists accompany all the difficulties that may arise in communication... he has practically none, in this regard, mentors, i always say, graduates need them even more than children in an orphanage, who, in general, have quite a variety of activities, enough a lot of care. maria herself once became a mentor for three teenagers, andrei is one of them, today he is already 24, he learned... he now works as a doctor in an ambulance, this, according to him , is largely due to maria, who in her time helped him improve his performance at school, but most importantly, i believed in him. and statistics say that either eight or nine out of ten children leaving such
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institutions go downhill, that is , someone becomes an alcoholic, someone abuses psychoactive substances, and very many of these people have a tragic fate, so this includes mentoring... it can be nearby and help in a difficult situation, we know that there is already such practice in the regions, practice shows that if a graduate has a mentor, he has a greater chance of becoming successful adults, especially since teenagers and orphans grow up faster,
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marina at 18 is already an independent person, lives alone, is going to study to become a veterinarian, ksenia supports her in this , as in everything. inna osipov, ekaterina katilevskaya, television company. cadets of the mikhailovsky military academy assigned a special name, the first and last were traditionally dedicated to navy day, the artillerymen also honored the great naval commanders and shipbuilders, the show was watched by thousands of citizens and guests.


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