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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  July 29, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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they are conducting a pre-investigation check, search and rescue operations are underway on the spot, three people are listed as missing, according to the ministry of emergency situations, a total of 10 people were injured, seven of them are now safe, rescuers have been involved in the search for the rest , they are also searching from the air, it has been previously established that in the morning, an accident occurred at the gateway due to the flow of water, the temporarily installed sand embankment was washed away, it was placed in the flood zone during repair work, and settlements located in the immediate vicinity of gateway. in short, there is no dam, it simply doesn’t exist. these nearby houses, there were houses there, several houses were demolished along with people , three children, unknown, there is no information yet, what could have been gathered from rumors. at 7:25, a message was received about the erosion of the temporary sand bridge at the eleventh lock of the white mur-baltic canal in the sigirsky municipal district.
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the settlements at the eleventh lock and snt baltiyskiy were flooded, and three houses were cleared. a state of emergency has been introduced in the district situation, rescuers are now working at the scene of the accident, more than a hundred people have been put on alert by the disaster medicine force, as well as the air ambulance. doctors are providing assistance to the victims and have set up a temporary accommodation center in a nearby village. a man was arrested who attacked a girl in korolev near moscow; she barely survived. nikolai ocherin tracked down the victim and attacked her in the entrance of a high-rise building, he didn’t take anything, at first everyone was sure that this was someone’s revenge, but it turned out that this was not the case, diana kovando will continue. these shots are a new phobia for all the ladies who, having been late at work or at a birthday party, return home late alone. night porch of a new building in korolev, a woman with shopping, both her hands are busy, enters the house. not suspecting that
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the tail has been following her all this time. the door closes behind the man, chaotic shadows appear on the asphalt, a struggle begins, this is what is happening inside at that moment. upon entering the entrance, the unknown person immediately takes out a pepper spray and sprays the contents in the victim’s face. with her hands, as best she can, she tries to close eyes corroded by a dangerous liquid, loses orientation in space, tries to hide from the attacker, essentially blindly, not seeing where he is rushing. finishes off the poor criminal with several blows to the head with a glass bottle, the fact that after such abuse his victim remained alive, nikolai ocherin finds out already at the police department where he was taken, detained in hot pursuit, i saw the girl, what she was wearing, crying, i think i remember the car closing, that is, i overtook her a little, sat down in the driveway, she walked into the driveway, and i followed her, a man followed a local resident into the vestibule of the entrance to a house on the street.
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suddenly sprayed pepper spray in her face, and then hit her in the head several times with a bottle. when this terrible video spread across local public pages, everyone thought that he probably attacked because of unrequited love and decided to take revenge, so cruelly inhumane, or just a city madman who pursues only one goal - to harm, but during interrogation it turned out that everything was much more banal. the goal is to steal money from her without finishing it scared. it turns out that the cowardice of the failed robber saved the victim’s life, hiding from fear that they might find him in the cameras, gave the victim a head start to run to the apartment to call the ambulance, nikolai ocherin did not think about only one thing, even without the robbery, the law enforcement officer had something to show him. a criminal case has been initiated under part two of article 213 of the criminal code of the russian federation. as a result of operational search activities with
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criminal investigation officers, they established the identity of the suspect and detained him in the city shchelkovo district. the loser robber moved to the moscow region from kuzbass, did not work either there or here, and was probably looking for easy money. this will be his first conviction. for the crime he faces up to 7 years in prison. diana kovando, nadezhda zybkina and alexander tutarinov, ntv. investigators are establishing how seriously the krasnodar policeman was injured during the fight. neighbor in the stairwell, the girl was listening to music, she was asked to turn down the volume of ekaterina matveikina, who was resting in the company of friends, she didn’t like the form in which the remark was made to her; to be honest, the policeman behaved rudely and was not in uniform. i don’t think for long, ekaterina went on the offensive, everything was filmed by surveillance cameras, investigators have the opportunity to study everything in detail, however, just like we have a report by sergeyakov, who met with the heroine of the video and interviewed her.
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not an opponent who, although clearly not in her weight category, is still a man, in an unequal battle one after another, she strikes him with cutlery directly on the head, but at some point the young man still manages to escape. but katya no longer reacts to her friend’s screams, seeing the enemy’s escape before her eyes. in the style of mma fighters, she rushes after him and embraces him tightly, continuing to throw kicks . again. from the conversation that
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preceded the skirmish, it became clear that this was not just a conflict between two neighbors, an attempt by a police officer to detain a persistent offender. listen, can i get my administrative card there, in the nightstand? girl, come with me to the department now, let's go, get ready, get ready yourself, where the decoration is complete, church, you should grab it like a dog and lead it like that, here are the cctv camera footage, they show how during a fight her friend rushes to katya’s aid, probably for greater persuasiveness, taking a helmet with her, next to with her, the young man's companion records the confrontation, which had already gone beyond the corridor, on the site where the attack took place... traces of the crime remained on the policeman, on the walls, the corridor and even on the door that leads to the common balcony, visible drops of blood, this shows how strong the blows were that the enraged woman delivered. ekaterina matveikina is a single mother, a member of the local motorcycle community. in an interview with our film crew, she said that initially
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a girl knocked on her door and demanded to turn down the volume of the music. the lights in the apartment went off, so i decided to look at the entrance to see if it had also turned off or not. approaching the door, the light turned on. but i still opened the door, a girl stands there, she says, in response to the noise of the complaint, she claims that she will call the squad to the police, i answered in the affirmative that i was giving the go-ahead, calling, then, as can be seen on the recording , a young man approached the apartment, who introduced himself as a law enforcement officer, he did not fully introduce himself, began speaking without any subordination, claiming that he was an employee, poking what - in short, to claim that... a police officer or anyone, i didn’t see any inscription, no name, no surname, nothing like that, he rushed towards me with his hand, for which i was afraid for my safety, it turns out i answered him as well blow. after the fight the man who in fact, he turned out to be a police officer,
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turned to doctors, and a criminal case was opened against ekaterina in the regional lawsuit. in response to legal demands, the woman, while intoxicated, used a police officer... this will determine how serious the punishment for ekaterina will be. it is possible that after the incident the guardianship authorities will visit her. sergey potyakov, mikhail vlasenko, radu alexander yarmakova, ntv television company, krasnodar region. point your camera mobile phone to the qr code that you see on your screens or type chpntv in the telegram search bar, i will remind you that under
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any publication you can leave your comment or suggest news, well, our editorial office is connected around the clock, then the details of the escape of a fifteen-year-old girl from ufa orphanage. now a pupil of this institution is in the hospital, from whom and from what she tried to hide, who dared to stand up for her, we will learn about this immediately after a short advertisement on ntv. loyalty program sberspasibo has been updated and has become even more profitable with an izberp subscription, plus two top cashback categories, 1% on everything, twice as many bonuses.
1:35 pm
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thank you, thank you, you can’t put it in your pocket, here rubles, vtb, together everything will work out. okko online cinema, the world i watch. with age, we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, why does the body fail, is it possible to stop these harmful changes? yes, our body has a main computer, the brain, which is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood and sleep. and regulates the work of each of our organs. the brain is an electrical system,
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made up of nerve cells and processes between them, through which electrical signals constantly flow. with age in the head changes occur in the brain, brain cells age and are damaged by the environment and stress. scientists from kyoto university have found that the japanese eat a unique mollusk. it's called azumopectinide. it turns out that they contain azumopectinide. al components that contribute to the restoration of the brain, they all belong to the class of phospholipids, there are more than 100 names, this is how a product from highly concentrated phospholipids of the japanese mollusk appeared: prolong the youth of your brain 8800 100 exactly 1985 8800 100 exactly 1985 the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood. sleep regulates the functioning of each of our organs, but with age we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence,
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and disturbances in the functioning of our organs. this year , a russian distributor purchased a batch of japanese brain therapy, which contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain therapy is produced in japan. brain aging can be reversed. and he will serve you faithfully again. prolong the youth of your brain. 8 800 100 exactly 1985 800 100 exactly 1985 learn more about the japanese product brain therapey kingfisher - new season today at 14:00 on ntv. there is another emergency on the air and we continue our broadcast. the court put an end to the case of the death of the child.
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the process became a real test, for almost a year they were forced to participate in the investigation, which constantly clarified the circumstances of the death of their son, the very first swimming training was the last for a seven-year-old boy, the child was gone, the toys remained, things remained, everything, everything left, friends, he still has everything left, we meet him, but there is no child, but it’s not a matter of forgiveness, it’s not a matter of forgiveness, it’s not a matter of being together. matter, let the children return home.
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the two swimming coaches who taught classes that day, mikhail trushkin and andrei krasilov, were blamed for the fact that misha did not return home. based on surveillance camera recordings , investigators were convinced that the child, who could not swim, was left without the supervision of teachers. at 17:15 krosilov met a group of schoolchildren in the hall, escorted the boys to the locker room, at approximately 17:22 misha found himself on path and almost immediately sank to the bottom. they were discovered only 10 minutes later, when they decided to lift the children out of the water onto the side and one was missing. they withdrew from visual observation of the training process. as a result, during... classes , a minor jumped into the water and was unable to swim out on his own, the child died. while misha was drowning, the trainers engaged in a lively conversation, sometimes giving short instructions to individual children splashing in the water, but did not control the entire situation, as investigators and teachers found out, they did not even tell to the child who came for the first time about the rules of behavior in the pool, but they do not consider themselves guilty. the defendants
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did not admit guilt at the stage of the preliminary investigation, which is very unfortunate in our opinion, we did not see. some such, let’s say, steps from the accused, from the defendants, who would say that they are repenting and that they, let’s say, have drawn some conclusions for themselves. the management of the pool also did not take responsibility; other parents who learned about the tragedy explained the circumstances in such a way that everything they made the child guilty. he jumped out and saw his sister in the previous session. and he ran into it. he flopped down , he didn’t know how to swim, so he was saved by a coach who is now, now born, even if you believe that events developed exactly like this, this does not relieve the teachers of responsibility; they should not have taken their eyes off a child who cannot swim , provide him with a vest and other accessories, all this was not done, which is confirmed by misha’s sister, she really was in
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the pool then, although she didn’t see how on the side the brother appeared and how he jumped into the water, only when... the child was lifted from the bottom, i realized what had happened, actually carried out the first identification, and also told the parents the terrible news over the phone: the girl had been traumatized for life, all this was obvious and judge, both coaches were found guilty, they will spend the next 3 and 3 and a half years in a general regime colony, in addition, after serving their sentences, they were forbidden to return to teaching. ivan gubin, sergey marunyak and larisa kapinskaya, ntv television company. escape story the window of a fifteen-year-old pupil of an orphanage in ufa acquires new details. while in the hospital, the girl told us her version of the event, she was bullied by other teenagers, the teachers did not protect her, and only one person stood up, her lovers. well , now the researchers. every day they call on a video call for the girl from
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the orphanage, she is now in the hospital, ivan has become her best friend, the pupil received serious injuries over time.
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veronica was admitted a year and a half ago, before that she was raised in a foster family, biological the mother refused when the baby was only 2 months old, but the guardians could not cope and returned the child. the orphanage employees are sure that the ward simply cannot adapt to the new way of life, so they came up with a story about the attack. veronica is an open, sociable, driven, responsive, active girl, but she has a number of health problems. during the first half of 2024, veronica did the same for us. troubled teenager is a pretty convenient explanation, although escaping through a window, which obviously could lead to tragedy is hardly an ordinary event, even for difficult ones, it is a loud cry for help, there are no eyewitnesses who would confirm the version of the beating, but the orphanage workers can deliberately cover up an aggressive teenager in order to avoid a conflict with him, with
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the teachers, but ivan, like a person from the outside has repeatedly seen how that same person communicates with others. the nurse will now be experienced psychologists, teenagers who find themselves in a similar situation, abandoned, misunderstood, good at manipulating adults, but what if veronica really became a whipping girl... there are also children who were removed from a dysfunctional family, who were regularly subjected to some kind of physical and emotional violence, these children, finding themselves in
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an orphanage, can use this model, the interaction that is familiar to them, which they had in the family, they can find the weak and regularly humiliate them, insult them and even use some kind of physical violence in the incident. and the main thing is that investigators are already looking into what preceded it, and they intend not to let it all be attributed to character a girl who, except for her only friend, had never been protected by anyone before. a minor was injured as a result of falling from a height of the third floor when she tried to escape through a window from the institution, tying a blanket to the bars. in addition, the minor’s arguments about a possible conflict with another pupil are checked. detectives will also evaluate the action, or rather inaction, of teachers.
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among them, the children believe that the culprit is the kamaz driver, who wanted to pass in front of the train. we'll tell you the details in a couple of minutes. today is a significant day. if you get scared and don’t take this step, you won’t be able to look into your son’s eyes. the kharkhans gathered all their forces and attacked our akeshaga. this is my home. my life, whoever wants to, will share this life with me, whoever doesn’t want to, out the door, if there is war, then fight openly,
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who to fight with, with your own sister, sairan, everyone will be shocked if we go out together, that’s just beginning, kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. big sale of clothes on ozone. adidas sneakers for 4,499. heldi hair set for 279. x5 the club presents. oh, misha, have you forgotten here? and i haven’t forgotten anything here. i didn’t forget to show my x5 club card at crossroads or pyaterochka, and i didn’t forget my chance to win prizes either. use the x5 club card and get even more benefits with every purchase. you don't decide. you will meet your first love, you do not decide where you will find friends for life, you do not decide which option you will get,
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taxis and others, and even the percentage on everything is more profitable with a subscription from berp. what are the names of everyday products at low prices? goods are on sale, buy instant mccofe gold for 159 at ozone in the cafe . there is another emergency on ntv live and we continue our broadcast. passenger train, vadler, traveling from kazan, left the reels of the volgograd region. there is information that about 100 people were injured, including children. the accident occurred on the gremyachaya kotelnikov section. the train collided with a truck, after which eight cars derailed at once. ambulance crews are working at the scene to transport the victims; the driver of the truck that
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the train collided with has been hospitalized. according to preliminary information, he tried to get in front of the train; more than 320 people and 100 pieces of equipment were involved in the liquidation after the accident, two mi-8 helicopters are preparing for takeoff. a plastic surgeon who inflicted terrible injuries on his patient will probably face a criminal case, at least this is what nadezhda luft is seeking. she trusted the doctor, who promised her a completely different effect, but now nadezhda already has it. her face after plastic surgery is a cry of despair. this is what nadezhda luft looked like before the doctor’s intervention, this is how it is now, you can’t show your right eye without cuts. i had the operation on june 13th. now i’m in
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this state, this was supposed to be a banal plastic surgery for blepharoplasty, nadezhda, after all, the head of the travel department of one of the sanatoriums, her appearance must be presentable. for the sake of the procedure, i went from the moscow region to kirov to see a specific experienced doctor, but something went wrong from the first minutes on the operating table, the patient says immediately after the administration of anesthesia. he said all his actions out loud, what he was doing there, what he would do, and he also voiced this, that his skin was white, why white? here he is, continuing to operate, that’s all i kept repeating why white? the attending physician recommended staying in kirov and taking a course of iv drips, but then discharged me and allegedly flew off on vacation. the patient was not getting better, says nadezhda. at some point , the seams came apart and necros began in correspondence. surgeon dmitry bushmelev advised not to touch, apply ointment and take antibiotics. then it was scary to be alone, you don’t know what to do, where to go. who operated, was not my
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support, in the social networks of the clinic, dmitry bushmelev is called one of the most experienced plastic surgeons in the region admit that blepharoplasty is one of the most popular procedures, he, so to speak, ate the dog with it, however, on the internet, along with laudatory reviews about bushmelev, there are also not very favorable ones. the price for his work personally is high, but his attitude is bad and there is no support at all after the operation. all his recommendations were: treat the eyelids like a crystal vase, when asked for clarification. i repeated the same thing, if you want an indifferent attitude and it’s not a fact that the operations were carried out with high quality, this is the place for you, however, in the case of hope and backlash, the media clinic somehow immediately closed, the patient came to the organization’s management several times with complaints, but she was not accepted, and the letters remained unanswered, apparently, the main rule of the medical center is now silent, while we do not give comments , i think that you will know something soon anyway, but at the moment i cannot get any comments to give you. nadezhda luft
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had to look for a new doctor. recently she underwent skin graft surgery. moscow hospital doctors explain complications after blepharoplasty they do occur, but such consequences could have been avoided. these are complications. quite formidable and rare, we cannot exactly guess what it is connected with, with a greater probability, perhaps, that the solutions were accidentally mixed up, some other solution was introduced instead of the anesthesia solution. the investigative committee also became interested in this story; detectives have already begun interviewing clinic employees and studying medical documents. a pre-investigation check is being carried out on this fact, within the framework of which circumstances are established. and the reasons for its former beauty, no one can predict what has not happened, how soon can luft’s hope return, the current attending physician does not rule out that more than one operation will have to be performed, but now under constant supervision and control. pavel kuznetsov, danila boklanova and anton lukyanov, ntv. the man who stole
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a pekingese dog near one of the stores was detained in hot pursuit by police officers near moscow. everything that happened was filmed by a street surveillance camera, you can see how... the owner of the dog left it on i went shopping on the street, at that moment another man approached the pikinese, untied the leash and went home with the animal, the owner of the dog named busi discovered that it was missing and called the police, the police had no trouble identifying the thirty-year-old local resident, he was taken to the department, where he told that he stole a dog because he had long dreamed of one. they took the dog for what purposes, cash, that is, you just wanted such a... dog for yourself, maybe in relation to a detained man who had not previously been criminally responsible was involved, now a criminal case has been opened under the article of theft, he faces 2 years of imprisonment . that's all for now, goodbye,
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good luck to you. kingfisher.
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let's go, thank you very much, but no problem, no problem, we had to work hard, but we were still able to squeeze him into a corner, now we can relax, he is ours, he is alone. alone, now everything is like in childhood, probably even more lonely, so let’s keep him company, let’s go upstairs, dad,
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bastard, chaferit, don’t get excited.


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