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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 29, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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[000:00:18;00] dinar usmanov will talk about the causes of the passenger train crash, liquidation of the consequences of the disaster, and what is now happening in the volgograd region and kazan, where the passengers were coming from. the assault group under the command of the marine, who lost his leg in the battles for the vremevsky ledge, is preparing for new operations in the southern donetsk direction. rostislav skidan met with the aggressor and his fighters on the eve of the combat exit. enterprises are being restored, wages are rising, and more and more taxes are being collected. what are the details of social development vladimir putin discussed this with the head of the donetsk
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region today. report by roman sobol. for half a century, these fighters have been resisting the main threat of our time, the alpha anti-terrorism unit is 50 years old, more details in the report by pavel rybalchenko. alexey kovashenkin found out how he slowed down inflation, but at what cost, and how the president of argentina is trying to cope with economic problems. artificial intelligence in the fight for the environment, how modern technologies help in cleaning protected areas in the far east, and how poro solves in unconventional ways
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processing problem. report by inna osipova. hello, welcome to the telecomponent tv information service. this is the program today, its presenter is elmira ifendieva and vladimir chernyshov. in the zone of a special military operation, the crew of the iskander ema complex destroyed the american multiple launch rocket system and vehicle support. the strike was carried out near the village of novotroidskoe in the kherson region. as a result of the precise attack, kiev lost western equipment and 15 militants. and in the area of ​​the village of velikaya novoselka in the dpr. our military hit a temporary location of militants, the blow was delivered by a one and a half ton guided glide bomb. as the ministry of defense emphasized, the nationalist objects that were located there were destroyed. in the donetsk direction, tankers from the southern group of forces destroyed the enemy’s stronghold and manpower and captured its fortifications. the crews of the modernized t-72-b-3 tanks, under heavy fire from the militants, broke through
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the defense. having received confirmation from intelligence that the targets had been destroyed, the crew safely
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returned to the departure airfield. in the southern donetsk direction of the special operation , the marines captured several ssu strongholds and improved their positions in the vremevsky salient area. the main task of the assault units now is to clear the fortified areas of the militants, where the enemy is trying to organize a defense after a failed attempt to escape. every operation of our marines is carefully planned; soldiers even train at training grounds in their free time. rostislav skidan supervised their preparation. i went, and even our marines spend 8 hours a day resting in the trenches. this is the job. the pacific assault squad is preparing for the next mission in the southern donetsk direction. according to legend, the fighters need to take a large enemy stronghold, wait for reinforcements and advance further, expanding their operational space. a few weeks before an offensive operation, reconnaissance takes photographs of enemy fortifications and the infantrymen recreate them with their own hands to
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ensure accuracy. remember the route of the future operation. this group of marines has dozens of successful operations at the forefront. there have been cases when three people are sitting. there are times when the support was completely empty, in different ways, well, this does not give a reason to relax somehow, enchanted to make their way, let’s say, always on the alert, rear, look, rear, look, rear, don’t forget, now the kamchatka marines are leading battles in the southern donetsk direction, the last major success was the liberation of harvest on the vremevsky ledge, the enemy defended this village from the air, transferring dozens of unmanned strike groups to the area, and on the ground holds back the onslaught of our troops vysu. the rule of the mobilized ukrainians, those who are so motivated, who are not also motivated there, let's call them those, these are not nazis, the bulk are one or two people, the rest are all mobs, a little bit of fuss begins, well, let's call it that, they are on
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rollback, and these guys are to the end, then captured, well, mostly 200, because no one will sort out the war there, our offensive in this area is advancing to the eastern villages, assault groups are taking fire control forest plantations on the approaches to makarov. with ten years of experience, at first i just came voluntarily, signed a contract, each person chooses his own path, i chose it, i don’t regret anything, making noise is much more effective and more interesting than just sitting somewhere in the rear. last year, the marines held
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the defense on the eastern flank of the vremevsky bulge. in the battles for the village of novodonetskaya, the command of the ukrainian armed forces then abandoned its marines, the thirty-fifth brigade. equipped to nato standards exclusively on western armored vehicles. i couldn’t leave in any way, because from the moment the unit was formed, we were all together, carried out tasks together, but i couldn’t, the guys were waiting, yes, we, as they say,
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are one big family, so i couldn’t leave them , even i didn’t think about returning to the special military operation zone, come on, come on, come on, come on,
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come on, rastislav skidan, we are planning by the end of the year, well, let’s just say, we see that the average salary should increase to 54,100 rub. since the beginning of the year , four more enterprises have been restored, with more in the pipeline. 15.v first of all, we are talking about mines. donbass coal is in demand in metallurgy. construction is booming, including through private investment. i’ll tell you that very quickly investors even came to mariupol, but they didn’t understand how, but the first results, now three houses have been commissioned and put into operation. by the end of the year, 15 houses are planned, but for sites on the territory of donetsk and makeevka. and yenakieva, but i’ll tell you, there’s already some kind of excitement in the competition,
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we have to choose to look, compare projects, we don’t just need boxes in there should be a clean field, there should be parks, convenient roads, clinics, schools, shops around. of course, we are paying very serious attention to the azov water area, thank you very much, on june 1 you gave instructions, and on september 1, to adopt a development strategy for the razov water area until the fortieth year. and we associate very serious things with this, let’s say, this is not entirely typical for us, for an industrial region, direction, but nevertheless we see that the recreational component is underestimated in the sea of ​​azov, inland russian sea. the task is to create all the amenities for tourists so that they feel like fish in water here. speaking of fish, the creation of fish farms is considered very
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promising. there are some. has changed the strategic balance of power in europe,
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now germany needs deterrence forces on its territory, while berlin is allegedly ready to discuss arms control if there are grounds for this. the day before , at the navy day parade in st. petersburg , vladimir putin said that moscow would be freed from the moratorium on deployment own medium- and shorter -range strike weapons in the event of the deployment of american weapons in germany, according to the president, the flight time of missiles to... in the most difficult, emergency situations
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showed courage and fortitude. they have stormed the most complex objects and rescued many hostages. three members of the special group are worthy of the title of hero of the soviet union, nine of the title of hero of russia. pavel rybalchenko will tell you how the famous division developed and continues to develop. every time i come into this room, but i say, hello, vladimirovich, he answers, yes, it lifts my spirits. and life goes on, in portraits and thanks to the wall in memorable photographs in the album of tens of his life and hundreds of lives saved. vladimir eliseev, a veteran of the legendary anti-terror group alpha, remembers his first task, to snatch children from the hands of criminals, in detail, as if it was just yesterday. ninety-five , a bus with schoolchildren was seized, there during negotiations, these are mineral waters, in progress. negotiations the terrorists were given
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money, helicopters were provided, schoolchildren were released, well, then during the chase on other helicopters for the criminals, the criminals were neutralized, and so on over the years, well, there are probably dozens of different operational combat activities, especially since all the hot spots of the soviet union, from november 1988 to probably 1990, we didn’t go on business trips. 50 years ago, these people did not even suspect what tasks they would have to perform after being selected for a special unit of the kgb. the fact that at any moment the fighters could go on a mission. i took the oath, so despite the fact that there was already a family there, two children, that is, an order was given, you know that you could die, but you keep going,
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the family doesn’t know, we left for yaroslavl, that was the legend, so everything was fine there, today the alpha group is the directorate of the hell center of the special forces of the fsb of russia, the work of those who stood at the origins of the fight against terrorism is now continued by fighters of the new generation. there is one task, in my opinion, everyone has one task today, everything is being done, and we veterans are doing it everything is in order, because we can do something to help, everything is done for victory, like what exactly, well, friends, i probably can’t tell you in full, but to the young guys, we sincerely congratulate them, we envy them in a good way sense. words that they ended up in this particular unit, the choice is on them, and we are absolutely sure that the future of our side will belong to them. speaking about the future on the fiftieth anniversary, alpha veterans cannot help but remember the past, especially those who protect defenseless people before i didn’t live to see the holiday. the unit's fighters had more than one monstrous
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day behind them. budenovsk, nordost, beslan. rescue of schoolchildren at school number one in beslan, september 1-3, 2004, once again. insisted that the employees of alpha and vympel covered with their bodies the schoolchildren who were being shot at, initially, when creating our unit, the real task was, and it still stands today, that the safety of the hostage is in the foreground, the hostage must be freed at any cost, including number at a price life of a special forces officer. hundreds of operations performed in russia and abroad, thousands of lives saved, almost all of this is top secret, but when they retire, they can finally take off their masks, and the country can see its heroes. pavel rybalchenko, natalya akmaikina, denis
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shuisky, anna martynova, ntv television company. the circumstances of a train accident near volgograd are being investigated, as a result of which a passenger train crashed into a truck. preliminary version, the driver of the dump truck went to a crossing at a prohibitive crossing signal. the driver tried to stop the train and applied emergency brakes, but a collision could not be avoided. hundreds of people were injured, dozens of them, many children, were hospitalized. the train was traveling from kazan to adler, and entire families of people were going on holiday to the sea. denar usmanov has collected the latest information. the first emergency reports are that
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a crash occurred in the volgograd region near the city of kotelnikovo. actually became the culprit of the disaster, he drove onto an unregulated crossing at a prohibitory signal, a heavy dump truck practically crashed into the train, the impact was so strong that the multi-ton car was torn in half, the forty-two-year-old man who was driving received numerous serious injuries, but also miraculously survived, the passengers could hardly believe their eyes when eyewitnesses who rushed to help turned over the wreckage of the cabin and found a living person human, alive, alive! even if he were alive, alive, alive, a man, there is only blood, on the hands
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of a man who was clearly in a state. who is there, who has converted, turns out to be here too including necessary medical care. investigative committee officers also arrived at the crash site to collect evidence. they have already conducted a preliminary interview with the surviving dump truck driver. according to him, he simply could not stop the heavily loaded car before moving. these readings have yet to be verified. it is also known about the driver’s personality that it is difficult for careful drivers to name him. the machine he operates was included in traffic violation reports. more than thirty times, so there is no technical fault the only version of the investigative committee is that the cause of the train crash was most likely
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the negligence of the truck driver; it is he who will most likely be charged as part of the criminal case that has already been opened. a criminal case was initiated on the grounds of a crime provided for in article 263 of the criminal code of the russian federation, on the afternoon of july 29, 2024, at 185 km of the kotelnikovo gremyache section in the volgograd region. collision of a passenger train on the kazan-adler route with a kamas freight vehicle, in as a result , the passenger cars overturned. at the moment, all evacuees have been accommodated. doctors operate and fight for the health and life of every victim. it’s too early to make predictions, but doctors really hope that the worst scenario will be avoided by everyone admitted to the medical facility. help is provided not only to those injured at the crash site in the volgograd region, but also to relatives of passengers. here in kazan at the railway station, employees of the transport prosecutor's office are already receiving and consulting everyone who is still for some reason i was unable to contact
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my family. as for temporarily accommodated passengers, they will be delivered to their destination by special personnel, and those who decide to interrupt their vacation that began so unsuccessfully are ready to return home free of charge. dinar usmanov, ildu salaatulin, ntv television company, volgograd region, tatarstan. nicolas maduro won the presidential elections in venezuela, the current leader received 51% of the votes and was re-elected to a third presidential term. in the center of caracas , thousands of people were waiting for the announcement of the results, madura was beaten, they met songs, dances, and a drone light show took place in the sky above the square in front of the meraflora palace. vladimir putin sent congratulations on his re-election to nicolas maduro, but he also
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invited the venezuelan leader to russia. the united states has already stated that they have serious concerns that the announced results do not reflect the will of the people; costa rica, peru, argentina have completely refused to recognize the voting results, but argentina itself now has its own problem, where dissatisfaction with president javier meley is growing, the reforms he carried out put the country on the brink of a new crisis, hundreds of thousands of people were left without work, prices
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for food, fuel, and utilities. make sure that there are more us dollars there, so that later the capital restriction can be lifted and the transition to a new monetary regime. then austerity was introduced on government subsidies and subsidies. as a result , monthly inflation decreased from 25%. annual
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inflation slowed to 270%, while for... however, these measures do not always work in one direction, so by the decision of the president , subsidies were reduced, which allowed many households pay less than 5% of the real cost of electricity; already in july , prices for electricity and gas doubled, and consumption limits were introduced for poor households that continued to receive government support. i am a pensioner, i can’t make ends meet, for example, on monday i have to
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on azon, take part in the drawing and... 1% on everything, twice as many bonuses every month, it’s more profitable in savings with prime. kingfisher - new season, tomorrow at 14:00 on ntv. this is the program today, we continue our release. a search operation is underway in kareli; rescuers are trying to find three people who are still considered missing after the accident. on the white sea-baltic canal. there , a temporary bridge between two sluices, installed during the reconstruction of the old wooden palotina, was washed away. there was an uncontrolled release of water, a powerful flow destroyed several country houses. one person died, seven were injured. three of them were hospitalized. the head of the region, artur parfenchikov, went to the disaster zone. the main water hammer took place here. now
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there is one family from this village in a temporary accommodation center; they are residents of murmansk, they have a dacha here. well, now the most important thing, of course, is to track the passage of the entire mass of water downstream . they were under threat of flooding. 10 settlements, more than 100 employees of the ministry of emergency situations, special equipment, a mi-8 helicopter, as well as a team of doctors, including infectious disease specialists and epidemiologists, were promptly sent to the disaster zone, it is reported that now the water is gradually receding, the movement of ships in the emergency section of the white sea-baltic the channel was adjusted, one cruise ship that was heading to solovki had to be turned around. the regional investigative committee is conducting an investigation into negligence and safety violations during construction. work, a criminal case was initiated. the northwestern transport prosecutor's office is looking into how the law was implemented
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during the operation of hydraulic facilities. it was decided to include the project for the construction of the first high-speed railway from moscow to st. petersburg in the list of self-sustaining ones. this scheme will make it possible to attract up to 300 billion rubles from the national
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welfare fund to create the road on a return basis. about this today. geographical society is cleared of plastic, old fishing nets and other garbage and the territory of one of the oldest nature reserves in the country, kronatsky. dozens of species of seabirds and animals live there, many of which, such as humpback whales, sea otters and killer whales , are listed in the red book. expeditions in
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kamchatka, report by sergei antsigin. from a bird's eye view, the coast of the south kamchatka reserve looks impeccably clean, but experienced ecologists are well aware that nature has many ways to mask traces of trapogenic influence. garbage thrown away the waves of the sea of ​​okhotsk are driven under stones, buried deep in the sand, and hidden in the grass behind the surf. i found this wonderful collar, i can even try it on. employees of the kronovsky nature reserve, under whose management this specially protected natural area is located, instructed the volunteers in advance that in order to properly clean the shore from household and industrial waste, they need to carefully look around and make a lot of physical effort, large fragments of trees, metal barrels, fishing gear all kinds of plastic products, everything that once intentionally or accidentally fell into the sea and was carried back to land by the current can weigh several tons. students. russian universities and
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residents of the villages closest to the reserve were not embarrassed by this amount of work. any housewife probably takes care of her kitchen, and i think that for us, for the residents of, as they say, the coastal region, it is also important that our coastal strip is clean. marine inhabitants, whales and killer whales, rightfully consider the coastal waters their home. seals and collans, many of them are listed in the red book, what harm is the mammal. to preliminary assess the scale of pollution of the sea of ​​okhotsk coast and calculate cleanup costs. the south kamchatka federal nature reserve is located in a remote area; environmentalists are resorting to the help of artificial intelligence. long before the volunteers arrive, drones survey the area and then analyze the video footage. networks, the principle
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is approximately the same as what has already been implemented in modern waste processing complexes to sort waste on a conveyor, a robot quickly recognizes objects and what material they are made of, we analyze the coastline with the help of artificial intelligence to see what kind of garbage, what volumes, and the end result is what resources, how many people, what equipment is needed for such a large-scale cleaning, thus cleaning of the protected coast is not just another... but a fairly comprehensive research project, it was supported by the russian geographical society, in the future it can be implemented in other specially protected areas of the country, the program is not limited to the use of artificial intelligence and direct waste removal; project participants are trying to establish from which neighboring regions and even countries of the pacific basin tons of trash are coming to kamchatka, and colleagues from the far eastern federal university are carefully studying soil samples. microplastics
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enter the food chain, which generally ends up on a person’s table, so it is important for us to find this dependence also on the garbage, which is on the large garbage that comes across the coast, and how it is connected with the microplastics that are in the water or in the soil. the problem of ocean garbage is relevant for the entire far eastern coast, and many participants in environmental cleanups ask themselves the question of how to recycle the maximum amount. rubbish collected on the coast. in vladivostok, the lack of opportunities for producing secondary raw materials has awakened creative imagination. this sculpture of a red book amur tiger was made from a pile of scrap metal
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that was found at the bottom of the bay. creates a future for our children, children, preserving and increasing our beautiful suryan taiga. tiger day was not missed in moscow. on one of the streets, artists created graffiti depicting wild cats from the red book.
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special lighting was turned on at the ostankino tower. and it is worth noting that our country has a program for the conservation of rare predators. at the initiative of the president , the amur tiger center was created. since 2013. reporting by inna osipova. only at alfabank. spin the reel in the app and get a superkick up to 100%
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poured out. all like father and mother, these people have become family, and it’s not a matter of heredity, it’s about what you can pass on to the child, become kindred spirits on adoptive.rf, national project demography, this is the program today, we continue our release, eurasian ones will appear in the post-soviet space lyceums. this is the name of a new large-scale educational project, and its launch was agreed upon at the international forum eurasian change, which was held in moscow. more than 100 teachers from armenia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, moldova, tajikistan, and uzbekistan took part in it. the goal of the project is to introduce innovative educational programs. the eurasian special council will deal with this; it has already been created. we believe it is very important to have a training program. the education program was introduced together with russian colleagues, because it is clear that russian
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education is ahead, yes, than post-soviet due to its capabilities and the size of the state, so today we want educational resources and technologies to go integrated together across the entire post-soviet space, and for this the idea of ​​a euro-asian lyceum was created, teachers from different countries came to talk about the possibilities of russian education, said minister of education sergei krovtsov, forum participants. visited schools and universities in moscow, met the best teachers, as well as visitors to the memorial on poklonnaya hill, where they laid flowers at the eternal flame. in russia more and more charitable foundations, with the support of the state, are developing the institution of mentoring. there are several such projects in the regions: volunteers, as a rule, are adults, accomplished people, take care of teenagers from orphanages, then accompany them for many years, help them get involved in adult life, get a profession, become financially difficult... if difficulties arise, consult with professional psychologists, according to experts, this is precisely
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the practice that is in great demand, since orphans they do not have the experience that ordinary children get in families, because of this , it is difficult for former wards of orphanages to adapt to realities. inna osipova looked at how the mentoring institute works. only the closest people are always invited to graduation. for mariyana persenyeva, who was left an orphan after the death of her mother 5 years ago, she became such a person. mentor and friend, this is a friend who can help and will support, he will always be on your side, even if everyone turns away from you, this person will always be on your side your country, i remember how i called her in tears at 2:00 in the morning, told her everything, this person supported me, but i have a feeling that marina is part of my family, well , that’s it, to be honest and open. this is an important person in my life, and i really
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like being, i hope, an important person in her life too, i love her. a mentor for marine was selected from a charity foundation where volunteers come and are ready to become their own personal adult for orphans, mostly teenagers. we try not to prescribe children who are younger, because the younger ones, no matter how much you tell them, they are still waiting for their mother, waiting. they will be taken into a family, here these roles can be mixed, this expectation will be superimposed, older teenagers, they may already, for example, have been in an orphanage for a long time , or even if they got there recently, they still remember their parents or their adoptive parents, they may no longer be so ready to join the family directly or to request the family, but an adult is important to them, the story about mentoring is about relationships, if not for life, sometimes for years, and volunteers are told about this at trainings, preparing for all the difficulties that may arise in communication. psychologists accompany mentors at every stage, because every child who has experienced orphanhood has severe psychological
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trauma. today nastya tells her mentor everything. they meet once a week and go for walks together. at the movies, at concerts, we keep in touch all the time, but it didn’t happen right away, the path to trust was not easy, but now they are both confident, they need each other, she is my older friend, my older friend, i have fun with her, she has great humor, she is very kind, she is a child with a huge heart, simply huge, she loves absolutely everyone, starting from that, she loves children very much. i was surprised, usually teenagers treat younger children, well, not very, let’s say, correctly, but nastya loves small children very much, i know that she helps a lot, a mentor is an adult friend who gives the teenager attention, shares their experience, but the main thing is to make it clear that you are not alone in this world, because 18 years of childhood ends, teenager
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goes into adulthood, the standies provided him with absolutely everything, food, clothing, some of them don’t even know how... why pay utility bills? a person is left alone, and he has practically no life experience. in this regard, mentors, i always say, graduates need them even more than children in an orphanage, who, in general, have quite a variety of activities and a lot of care. maria herself once became a mentor for three teenagers, andrey is one of them. today he is already 24, he studied to be a doctor and now works in the ambulance as a felcher and in this... according to him , much of the credit goes to maria, who at one time helped him improve his performance at school, but most importantly, believed in him. and statistics say that either eight or nine out of ten children leaving such institutions go downhill, that is, someone becomes an alcoholic, someone abuses psychoactive substances, the fate of many such people is tragic. so this is
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mentoring, including help in understanding what a person wants. i think it will help correct these statistics in the best side. that is why the state pays special attention to the topic of mentoring and there is an understanding that such projects need to be further developed. we see the special significance of this approach for orphans, for graduates of orphanages, when they are no longer children by law, but they still need support, and they need a person who can be there and help in a difficult situation. that there is already such a practice in the regions, practice shows that if a graduate has a mentor, he has a greater chance of becoming a successful adult, especially since growing up in teenage orphans it happens faster, marina at 18 is already an independent person, she lives alone, she is going to study to become a veterinarian, ksenia supports her in this, as in everything. inna osipov, ekaterina katilevskaya,
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ntv television company. in sevastopol , a unique museum and temple will be opened to visitors tomorrow. the new khersanez complex is a whole byzantine city. on the territory of the garden park ensemble there are buildings and various structures with an area of ​​140,000 m2. the complex was created in record time, less than 2 years. previously, there were military units on this territory, which were moved to modern buildings. entrance to the complex is free, but pre-registration is required on the official website. it is expected that up to 50 thousand will be able to visit the complex daily. man, on the eve of the day of the christening of russia, the complex was solemnly illuminated. new khersanez includes three spaces dedicated to christianity, antiquity, byzantium, as well as crimea and new russia. as the president noted, the complex should become a symbol of identity, victory, development and prosperity of russia. and now
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it’s time to find out the weather forecast in our weather studio irina polyakova. we are, of course, not weather forecasters, but changes are. sphere today , well done, well, then i’ll try to explain these changes from the point of view of a weather forecaster, here’s what we have here, serious cyclonic forces are at work, there are two cyclones at once, a young one, full of strength, it’s creeping from the west and the old one is already well lived, poured an enormous amount of moisture into the urals, but never calmed down, and now they will work together, unite into one huge funnel, it will spin almost the entire atmosphere of the european territory of russia, in such a situation, rain and thunderstorms are due to almost everyone, from north to south, from the baltic... to the urals. the good news is that their intensity is not very high, and this cyclonic funnel pumps cooler air into us. in the central regions, as a result of this weather penetration, the temperature will be lower, fortunately, non-catastrophically, by only 1-2°. tomorrow in the center and generally in the middle zone about twenty or even a little higher, and the rains are the most noticeable. they will move to the black earth region in
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the volga region. in the north-west it is also about twenty, short-term thunderstorms remain in the forecast. well, in murmansk tomorrow it’s only +14. the southern regions also feel the approaching coolness, tomorrow the temperature there will drop by five degrees to begin with, but there will be dangerous thunderstorms in the lower to... in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be +21, short-term rain is possible, in moscow everything basic has poured out today, tomorrow it will rain in places too +21, higher temperature at the beginning you shouldn’t wait for august, but this is not a death sentence, colleagues, oh, we hope, you don’t really want to say goodbye to summer, no, it’s too early, too early to say goodbye, thank you, thank you, irina polyakova with the weather forecast, well, this is the main news for this hour, and we, elmira fendeeva and vladimir chernushov, say goodbye to
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you, see you, goodbye. okay, what did you want? i’m interested in your beaten security guard, but what’s interesting is that he doesn’t work here anymore, that is, i fired him, but the guy didn’t pass the probationary period, sometimes things turn out badly. it happens, you’ll play the fool for a long time, who is it,
7:59 pm
you know him, who is it, i’ll break your hand, who is it, it hurts, voronov, leonid, just like that right away. “who is this, golden youth, well, his father gave him a business, he himself only knows how to lift a glass, that’s it, who is dad, that you don’t know who he is, voronov, pavel, well, this owner of factories, newspapers of steamships, he has an advertising agency, banners for city, a couple of magazines, that’s it, then there are no more questions”? thanks for what? for cooperation? i
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didn't tell you anything, okay? bye, well done, you started well, name you know the suspect. so you can find him and bring him, what do you mean, how will it go? on wednesday he gave me 2 days, according to the law, 10, this is according to the laws, you know how many hang-ups zaitsev has, the person needs help, great, listen, i went to the personnel again about the certificate, well, they say there are no crusts, i’ll interest you in the tebedrovik. i don’t understand, it’s interesting, otherwise you’ll end up running around with a puppy all your life? it's a joke? no,
8:01 pm
it’s not dangerous to go to the planet on monday, why? are you


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