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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 30, 2024 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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dozens of passengers of the kazan-adler train, which derailed the day before, are still in the hospital; repair and restoration work continues at the crash site. the russian military attacked the enemy from a distance of more than 15 km. mostly, of course, due to the accumulation of equipment, specifically to some columns, groupings of troops, most of all to the rear. and repair company masters are increasing the protection on tanks. and how effective it is, having visited the tankers of the tenth regiment of the southern group of troops - evgeniy found out golovanov. donald trump criticized.
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in such cases, dietary supplements can help, we will tell you in this issue. hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the studio of yulia bekhsereva. at the site of the emergency in the volgograd region, where the kazan-adler train derailed the day before, search and rescue operations have been completed. more than 300 specialists took part in them. rescuers collected the passengers' personal belongings and will soon return them to their owners. people this night. we were put
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on buses to the station where the backup train would depart. movement of trains on the railway section where the accident occurred has been partially restored from the scene . report by amar magomedov. all last night and early morning work was carried out at the accident site. almost two hundred regional railway workers and two repair trains arrived to help local specialists. crews will have to restore 250 m of tracks and three overhead power poles. at least 12 passenger trains that were heading from the krasnodar territory to the black sea resorts changed their routes and were offered alternative routes through the rostov region, work is ahead of schedule; a branch of neighboring tracks has already been opened for freight trains. this is what the crash site of the kazan-adler passenger train looks like now, almost all the windows of these mangled cars are broken, the fact is that the passengers.
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degrees of severity are mainly abrasions, cuts, bruises. 55 people were hospitalized, 15 of whom were children. doctors are concerned about an elderly woman who was crushed by a massive metal structure during the crash. it all happened quickly, unexpectedly, as it probably happens, you never expect something extraordinary to happen to you. my wife and i were riding on the side, i was at the bottom. well, everything went a little crazy.
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with a locomotive, the impact threw the truck cabin tens of meters away, the forty-three-year-old driver was hospitalized with head injuries and multiple fractures of the limbs, that ’s how we have all the trains. seven trains, here we were in this one, that's all , the rest stayed, here the kamaz just drove in, according to information, the speed of the train was low, about 65 km/h, the weather was clear, the railway tracks were good were visible at a distance of about a kilometer in both directions, according to the driver, he began to give sound and satellite signals hundreds of meters before the road crossing, but the truck driver did not react in any way... he explained that he did not have time to brake; it stalled on the tracks, but in connection with the fact of the train crash, the investigative authorities opened a criminal
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case under the article of violation of traffic safety rules and operation of railway transport. omar magomedov, rabadam bagomedov and kamil ibragimov, ntv television company volgograd region. in the nwo zone on in the northern direction, russian artillerymen destroyed the command and observation post of the ukrainian armed forces. the strikes were carried out by crews of d-20 howitzers from the southern group of forces. thanks to this, assault groups of tula paratroopers were able to capture ukrainian positions and capture three militants. and in the avdeevka section , the grad multiple launch rocket systems knocked out armored vehicles and infantry. our military attacked the enemy at a distance of more than 15 km. for the most part, of course, in terms of the accumulation of equipment, specifically some columns, groupings of troops, more just to the rear, well, because the machine is serious and works precisely in areas, we are now helping, that is, the entire group in our direction, so there is enough work, be
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healthy. meanwhile, in the zaporozhye region , fpv drone operators helped assault troops take positions of the ukrainian armed forces in the forest belt. they launched air strikes. and thereby deprived ukrainian military personnel of the opportunity to defend themselves. as a result, the enemy dugouts were captured without resistance. and our tankers came up with additional protection for their vehicles. to hide from the drums enemy drones, they began to use improvised materials. in addition to the standard armor of the tank, nets and chains are hung, metal structures and gratings are installed. together with the popular front. "the fighters are supported by our tv channel, ntv continues to raise funds for military personnel, to join this action, you need to scan the qr code that you will now see on your screens. evgeniy glovanov will continue. in conditions when
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even distant approaches to ukrainian positions are viewed by drones- scouts and are shot through, the tanker of the tenth regiment of the southern group of troops on combat missions has to move around open areas. just like that, making its way through the trees, not even along the road, but along forest paths, the tank drives out to a firing position, it’s called a closed firing position, from there the crew will fire at the ukrainians, one fire, shot, several kilometers to the target, accuracy hits from a long distance are provided by spotters or... it happens at the front of the eye, right there, now the figure is to the left, wow, right there, they are adjusting the fire with the help of drones, this is already footage of the work of the tank crews of the center group of forces, the ukrainian nationalists took refuge in a forest plantation, it didn’t help, the drill, the same, one
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fire, fire, ukrainian militants are increasingly sending attack drones to hunt for our tanks. but they found control long ago, in addition to the rap system, then all these camouflage ones will be caught, here the creature is hanging, confused, this is already the third, within an hour, then they will put them on a chain, they will install such a homemade protection as an addition to the standard one on the tank front-line kulibins, well, here we weld the racks, these are healthy ones, then there are grilles on them, the grille is closed by the mechanics, on the other side the fans are closed, they closed the monoblock, which... it cannot be hit, in theory , from three points on top 45 in a straight line, because that they are made like scales, it is impossible for a projectile to fly through there. before the special operation, konstantin worked as a welder at an aircraft factory, a year ago he volunteered to help the military, he himself developed drawings for additional protection, selected
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materials in consultation with the commander, and this not always iron, on the sides they hang louvres made of rubber conveyor belts from coal mines, viscous material with metal veins dissipates the cumulative jet. they weld anchor chains onto cars, the chains weigh like this, it’s better not to come up with anything yet, you can’t hang dynamics, but they will get in the way. if something happens, it’s easy to get out , just like that, you can get out, of course, the tankers themselves are not made of iron, sometimes they come out of battle with wounds or shell shock, but their character is certainly steel, after hospital, they always return to the regiment, they cannot afford to leave the crew, and the common task that needs to be completed is something internal, one might say the call of the ancestors or righteous anger, something like that... it’s difficult to explain , well, now we’re back and until victory, well, of course, victory will be
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ours. evgeny golovanov, maxim belikov and yuri krivasheev, ntv, donbass. bratislava reacted negatively to the decision of the kiev regime to block the transit of russian oil that enters slovakia via pipeline "friendship". as prime minister robert fitz noted, the blocking will harm ukraine, slovakia, and hungary, but will not affect the interests of russia. the politician noted that bratislava pays maximum attention to this problem and set conditions for kiev: if it does not lift its sanctions on the transit of russian raw materials, slovakia will stop supplying ukraine with diesel fuel from one of the largest refineries in central europe. the problem with the ukrainian transit of russian oil cannot change our position towards the war in ukraine. it must be ended immediately with a truce, and do not renew. mass clashes with
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the police began in venezuela; thousands of supporters of the opposition, which refused to recognize the victory of nicolas maduro in the presidential elections, took to the streets. in caracas, the first battles broke out in the center, a crowd of protesters threw sticks, stones and molotov cocktails at the security forces , they responded with tear gas and rubber bullets, and arrests began. some activists armed themselves much more seriously, as evidenced by the fact that the military personnel who were sent to support ok, got it.
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abroad they are trying to bring people into the streets, hold unsanctioned rallies, escalate the situation, in the center there are now clashes with law-enforcement structures, with the military, the center is blocked, we are under the protection of the russian embassy here in our russian embassy center in venezuela. the russian embassy recommends that our citizens observe safety measures.
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this is not the first time we have encountered what we are faced with today. an attempt is being made to impose a coup d'etat in venezuela, again fascist and counter-revolutionary in nature. nine latin american countries also refused to recognize the results of the presidential elections in venezuela; they demanded a complete review of the results and called for an urgent meeting of the council of the organization of american states. in response, caracos recalled diplomats from seven countries: argentina, chile, costa rica, peru, panama, the dominican republic and uruguay. the venezuelan central election commission published the election results the day before. according to them, the winner, nicolás maduro, received more than 51% of the votes. this is the data after counting
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8% of the ballots, as the president said, it is not possible to publish 100% results, because the country’s nazi office is continuing a massive hacker attack. donald trump criticized the opening ceremony of the olympics in france. he called the parody of the last supper involving transvestites a disgrace. in fact, it was terrible, if you become president, then influence the organizers so that this does not happen again, we will not have such a meal. the way they portrayed her, i just think about others, and i'm basically very open-minded man, you know, you know me better than most people, i'm a very open person, but i think what they did is truly a disgrace, trump noted that if the games were held in the us under his presidency, he would i personally checked that the feelings of christians were not hurt, so
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the country's first lady jill biden believes that the opening ceremony was a success, she... stated that it would be difficult for the americans to surpass the french at the next olympics, which will be held in los angeles in 2028. biden's position is shared by the state department, there, too, did not notice the insult to the feelings of believers. the paris games have been hit by yet another transgender scandal. tmok allowed two athletes to compete in boxing. previously , they were disqualified from the world championship, because after a series of dna tests it turned out that they were citizens. they want to prohibit russia from disseminating information about the sale of dietary supplements without labels on websites and marketplaces. the new bill, which the government has developed, will help
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block information about dangerous dietary supplements in a pre-trial manner. it is expected that this will also determine the criterion by which such drugs. will be considered useless for the body. in addition , the ministry of health and manufacturers will jointly decide for which diseases supplements should still be prescribed to patients. alena repina looked into how the new mechanism will work. reishi mushroom - aka tinder fungus for cancer, tripanga extract - aka crushed shellfish in alcohol for potency. all of these are dietary supplements, dietary supplements, which are currently being sold on marketplaces, and are kind of useless. some dangerous, block the most terrible ones can be decided by a court, but it takes a long time, up to 3 months, how many people will decide during this time to be treated with mushrooms instead of chemotherapy, so the government has developed a bill to block bad dietary supplements pre-trial. this mechanism will allow you to block this false information literally in a matter of days. using the example
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of medicines, such a mechanism has already been working for several years, and roszdravnadzor , together with... website pages containing information, including on the sale of medicines that do not have state registration. the blocking mechanism is the same, only the complaint is sent not by the ministry of health, but by rospotrebnadzor; dietary supplements, like all food additives, are in its field of view. the law does not propose blocking the entire marketplay. spot work. the department sends a letter demanding that the product card be deleted. and then, if he does not do this, then a resolution is already sent to roskomnadzor, and roskomnadzor, using all its technologies, begins to limit access to this information, and the law will also explain where the good ones are and where bad dietary supplements for doctors. it is assumed that the ministry of health, together with the manufacturers of dietary supplements,
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will jointly decide which diseases to prescribe for which diseases, the medical community is split over the idea. some people support the law, saying that it has long been necessary to put things in order so that doctors stop prescribing useless or even harmful unicorn extracts, but do not bypass, for example, vitamin d, if its deficiency is confirmed by tests, or folic acid when planning pregnancy. supporters of evidence-based medicine do not share the new approach; dietary supplements do not work clinical studies, no one collects thousands of people, divides them into two groups and compares whether half of them become sick less? taking an extract of something niki, or is it a placebo effect and health has improved because the patient, for example, stopped drinking or began to swear less at his wife. the effectiveness of dietary supplements, unfortunately, is now not controlled in any way, not regulated in any way, they are not medicines, they do not treat anything, they simply replenish the necessary, let’s say, elements and other substances in
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body, effectiveness is already such a story, prodrugs are big, will there be doctors? we will not know now to describe which supplements and which ones for which diseases. the ministry of health should develop recommendations only for the second reading of the bill. alina repina and irina prochakovskaya, ntv. today in russia , planned exercises of the forces of the baltic, northern and pacific fleets and the caspian flotilla began. about 300 surface ships and boats, submarines and support vessels, almost all involved, are participating in the maneuvers. 50 drones, 200 pieces of equipment and more than 20 thousand military and civilian personnel. over the course of several days, ships, aircraft and coastal troops will complete several hundred. navy of all levels, as well as the readiness of crews
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to perform combat missions. with this we say goodbye to the viewers of central russia, see you later. the sberthank you loyalty program has been updated. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even a percentage on everything, it’s more profitable with a subscription from berp, there are more cashback applications, daily, we’ll find where to stay, what are the names of the goods for each day at low prices, goods on sale, buy nazon, instant coffee maccofe gold for 150. doshirak broth is prepared using fermentation, packaging with a convenient lock, my dishes turn out especially tasty, what broth, broth, secret of taste, fermentation, find out your credit score
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on everything, twice as many bonuses every month, in sberbank it’s more profitable with prime, socon bank cash loan and cashback up to 10%. about the weather for today in the european territory of russia now the weather is very uncharacteristic for this summer. the barns are cool, there are rains and thunderstorms almost everywhere. if in the north +20 is almost the norm, then in the center it is not enough for the end of july. and for the south and +30 below, but no one dreams of intense heat there anymore. in the long-suffering urals, there is still little warmth and rain in places, and tomorrow there will be a new wave of precipitation, just like the european one. in siberia there are fewer complaints about the weather, it’s warm everywhere, even in the north in the south up to 28 places and above, the main rains are in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory, but these are fronts.


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