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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 30, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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besides you, of course, dozens of passengers of the kazan-adler train, which derailed the day before, still remain in the hospital, repair and restoration work continues at the crash site with... mostly, of course, due to the accumulation of equipment, for some reason columns, groupings, most of all in the rear, our artillerymen destroy the armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces. about how artillery duels take place in battles in the vremevsky sector, rastislavsky. venezuela is
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on the verge of a coup. how does the re-elected president of the country react? donald trump criticized the olympics in france. what they did is truly a shame. what other opinions were expressed in the usa? and also in russia. we’ll tell you in this issue how to avoid harming yourself and in what cases dietary supplements can help. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. in a studio. the driver
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of the truck, who the day before caused an accident on the railway in the volgograd region, drove through a red light. the ministry of internal affairs reported this a few minutes ago. a criminal case has been opened into the incident; investigators continue to establish the circumstances. what happened. meanwhile, traffic on the volgograd region railway was partially restored after the accident. search and rescue operations have also been completed. for passengers. they sent a reserve train, now they are on their way to their destination. from the scene , reporting by amar magomedov. all last night and early in the morning , work was carried out at the scene of the accident ; almost two hundred regional railway workers and two repair trains arrived to help local specialists. crews will have to restore 250 m of tracks and three overhead power poles. how at least 12 passenger trains. who
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were heading from the krasnodar territory to the black sea resorts changed their routes, they were offered alternative routes through the rostov region. the work is progressing ahead of schedule; a branch of neighboring tracks has already been opened for freight trains. this is what the crash site of the kazan-adler passenger train looks like now. almost all the windows of these twisted cars are broken. the fact is that passengers broke out window openings to escape. everything happened 4 km away. from kotelnikovo station in the volgograd region. by according to russian railways, there were 811 people on the train at the time of the accident. judging by these amateur footage, even before the emergency services arrived, local residents, passengers, and conductors helped the victims get out of the cars. so many people were crushed there in the cruelest way, it’s just cruel. about 150 people were injured of varying severity. these are mainly abrasions, cuts, and bruises. 55 people were hospitalized.
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everything happened quickly, unexpectedly, as it probably happens, you never expect something extraordinary to happen to you, we were driving with my wife on the side, me below, above, well , everything went a little crazy, the dance ensemble from naberezhnye chelny was heading to the krasnodar region to participate in a music competition. remembers when the collision occurred, they fell from their seats due to a strong push, there were no fractures, but many received bruises, at a general meeting via video conference with their parents, it was decided to continue their journey to the black sea coast. we felt a push, well, as a musician i say, we heard it, then it means the second one that means the third strong one, who was upstairs, was already getting ready, as they say, for a lunch nap, for the lunch hour. then our
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train lurched into our carriage, of course, fear, horror, in the morning all the passengers from the temporary accommodation point were offered to continue their journey on the reserve train, the majority. the impact threw the truck cabin tens of meters away, the forty-three-year-old driver was hospitalized with a head injury and multiple fractures of the limbs, that’s how we have all the trains, seven trains, we were in this, it’s all simple. the rest remained, here the kamaz just drove in. according to russian railways, the speed of the train was low, about 65 km/h. the weather was clear, the railway tracks were clearly visible at a distance of about a kilometer in both directions. according to the driver,
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he started sounding garden signals hundreds of meters before the road crossing, but the truck driver did not react to the warning in any way, then emergency braking was applied, but a collision could not be avoided. the truck drivers had already been interrogated right from his hospital bed, he explained that he did not have time to brake and stalled on the tracks. in connection with the train crash, investigative authorities opened a criminal case under the article of violation of safety rules and traffic and operation of railway transport. omar magomedov, rabadam bagomedov, kamil ibragimov, ntv television company. volgograd region. and updated data on those injured as a result of this accident has just appeared, as the minister said. 22 people are being treated by the healthcare system, eight of them are children, the condition of three patients is rated as severe. washington will allocate two new arms packages to ukraine, the pentagon announced: the amount of the first tranche
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will be $200 million, it will include interceptors for air defense systems, artillery shells, ammunition for missile systems, in particular haimers, and anti-tank systems. the second package of one and a half billion will be allocated to ukraine to strengthen defense; it is assumed that washington will use this money to enter into contracts with weapons manufacturers, and not provide them directly from their reserves. in particular, we are talking about means to enhance air defense, high-precision aviation ammunition, communication systems and various spare parts. our embassy has already responded to the news. anatoly antonov noted that washington is spending enormous amounts on ukraine.
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artillerymen from primorye work there. with the help of geocind self-propelled guns , every day they destroy enemy fortifications, strongholds and armored vehicles, including, of course, western-made ones. rastislav visited a combat mission with our military skidan. shot. a short series of volleys into cover. this is how the primorye artillerymen go on combat duty in the zaporozhye sector of the vremevsky salient. the enemy always responds with fire, the position in the ssu is about 7 km away, there is only one mystery: what exactly will they hit this time, the intensity of the enemy’s fire has increased due to the supply of western partners, the so-called our
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enemy, cluster munitions, rocket munitions, the khimmars system, the vampire system, well, the rest. take cover from our shelling artillerymen have to. on the ground, but the machine, albeit with only one barrel, but still on the surface, there were arrivals, and they often attacked in pividrons, barrel artillery also worked on it, many times already. repaired, pulled out, evacuated, rescued, but nevertheless it fulfills its task. the self-propelled geocenter rarely moves in the realities of combat in the southern donetsk direction; it is too noticeable a target for reconnaissance in the ssu. baba yaga flies at night, it’s dangerous to move, and during the day, when the sun is already shining, drones attack while drinking. we're trying to choose a time when it is more or less twilight, or very bad weather, raining, fog, poor visibility. this summer, the weather in donbass and navorosiya is not pleasing to the military, with forty-degree heat and 24-hour clear
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skies. changing positions in such conditions means being prepared to be attacked by drones. the crew of this geocinth s decided to add protection against kamikaze drones and cumulative projectiles to the standard anti-fragmentation protection. it is very primitive, it consists of several rolls of logs and bags of sand. also now superimposed more bottles of water, one and a half, that is, we are winding up the water. in order to somehow extinguish, that is, we act on the principle of a volcano, in order to extinguish the cumulative jet. a platoon commander will have enough military tricks to fill a whole reference book. during the special operation, typhoon traveled almost the entire line of combat contact from the first days, and was wounded three times. in the vremevsky sector, his batteries are now smashing ukrainian fortifications and armored vehicles in the ssu. we got a direct hit on the tank, but the tank caught fire, and after some time it burned out. reward for completing the goal. in during the enemy's fire, he was presented with state awards, the order of courage and
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a medal for courage, shot! according to this platoon of artillerymen, dozens of destroyed howitzers of the ukrainian armed forces, including american triaxes and the recent achievement of the ukrainian bogdan self-propelled gun, developed for the nato caliber 155 mm. the artillery spent 2 months hunting for this rare vehicle together with the pilots of our lancets. rastislav skidan. bratislava reacted negatively to the decision of the kiev regime to block the transit of russian oil, which enters slovakia via the druzhba pipeline. as prime minister robert fitsoo noted, the blockage harms ukraine, slovakia and hungary, but does not affect the interests of russia. the politician noted that bratislava pays maximum attention to this problem and set conditions for kiev: if it does not lift its sanctions on the transit of russian raw materials,
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slovakia will stop supplying ukraine with diesel fuel from one of the largest refineries in central europe. problems with ukrainian transit of russian oil cannot change our position towards war in ukraine. it must be completed immediately with a truce, and not artificially extended with the unrealistic goal of bringing russia to its knees and the real goal, even more. now the main international news is that there has been a coup attempt in venezuela. this is what nicolas maduro called the protests of thousands of people organized by the opposition in disagreement with the results of the presidential elections. opponents of the re-elected leader took to the streets the night before the voting results were announced. the protest gained momentum in at some point i was practically armed. clashes with security forces. nikita korabenkov's chronology of events. this is not
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the first time that nicolás madura has failed to properly celebrate his election victory. opposition protests almost derailed his second term. 5 years ago, washington and a number of european capitals recognized oppositionist juan guaida as the interim president of venezuela. maduro regarded this as a coup attempt. the protests were massive, but they were stopped. as a result, guaido moved from venezuela to colombia, and then to the states. same now painting. the opposition is encroaching on a third term. after sunday's elections, venezuela is so hot that police station town halls are catching fire. became after processing 80% of the ballot, the local central election commission announced that maduro managed to get 51% of the votes, and the opposition candidate edunda gonzalez 44. madur’s opponents did not agree with the numbers, according to their exit poll calculations, gonzalez should... get much more. i want to tell you that all the protocols that we receive are checked,
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inspected, summarized, scanned, then digitized and posted on a secure web portal. now i am very happy to tell you that we are at 73.9%. and with this result, our peacefully elected president edmunda gonzalez. in caracas, the first battles broke out in the center. and here everything is according to the known plan. protesters are demolishing monuments in these shots of the monument. maduro, whose heir is considered, clashes with the police. the crowd threw sticks, stones and molotov cocktails at the security forces, who responded with tear gas and rubber bullets. detentions began. some activists armed themselves much more seriously, as evidenced by the fact that the military, who were sent to maintain order, received gunshot wounds. caracos is partially paralyzed, tires and garbage are burning in the streets, some roads are blocked by activists on motorcycles, and other neighborhoods are cordoned off by the authorities. cordons set up a publication of the central election commission near the presidential palace. maduro himself called what was happening an attempted coup. this is not
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the first time we have encountered what we are faced with today. as the chosen one said the president, some of the citizens who participate in protests against the government of venezuela returned to the country recently and with the help of the united states, the president noted that the actions of the protesters are similar to the actions of participants in color revolutions, behind which the americans stand, the protesters are paid $ 150 a day, his hand the west was also noticed by russian observers, who had to take refuge during the clashes in the diplomatic mission building. opposition. hold unsanctioned rallies, escalate the situation; in the center there are now clashes with law enforcement agencies, with military, the center is blocked, we are under the protection of the russian embassy here, in our russian embassy center in venezuela, right
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here the americans are playing along with the opposition, the state department said that they have concerns that the announced result does not reflect. the will and voice of the venezuelan people. a number of latin american countries that are allies of the united states also began to rock the boat. major latin american players sympathize with the venezuelan opposition, and many did not even recognize the election results. peru recalled its ambassador from caracas in protest. the foreign ministers of uruguay, paraguay, ecuador, panama, and costa rica issued a joint statement expressing concern about the election process in venezuela. and the eccentric leader of argentina completely abandoned the restrained politeness and picked up a smartphone in the hope of raising the venezuelan people to the barricades. you. this is a message to the heroic venezuelan people. the fraud committed by dictator maduro is nothing more and nothing less than a worthless victory. don’t be discouraged, dear venezuelans, you will succeed. keep fighting, don't give up, yeah, long live freedom, damn it. but there are also a number of countries that came out in support of maduro and did not question the election results. these are
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russia, belarus, china, iran and cuba. the prosecutor general of venezuela, amid the unrest , announced the detention of at least 15. donald trump criticized the opening ceremony of the olympics in france, he called the last supper with the participation of transvestites a disgrace. in fact it was terrible. you are talking about ridiculing the last supper, christians all over the world are outraged. i just think. trump noted that if the games took place in the united states during his presidency, he would personally ensure that the feelings of christians were not hurt. but the country's first lady, jill biden, believes that the opening ceremony
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was a success; she even said that it would be difficult for the americans to surpass the french next.
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in russia they want to ban the dissemination of information about the sale of dietary supplements without labels on websites and marketplaces. the new bill that the government has developed will help block information about dangerous dietary supplements in a pre-trial manner. it is also expected that will determine the criterion by which such drugs will be recognized as useless for the body. in addition, the ministry of health and manufacturers will jointly decide for which diseases supplements should still be prescribed. alena repina figured out how the new mechanism would work. reishi mushroom, also known as tinder fungus, tripanga extract, also known as crushed shellfish in alcohol for potency. these are all dietary supplements, dietary supplements that are currently being sold on marketplaces, some useless, some dangerous, you can block the worst ones by
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a court decision, but it takes a long time, up to 3 months, how many people will decide during this time to be treated with mushrooms instead of chemotherapy, so the government has developed a bill to block bad dietary supplements pre-trial. this mechanism will allow you to block this false information literally in a matter of days. using the example of medicines, such a mechanism has already been working for several years, and rosdrovnadzor, together with roskomnadzor, has blocked more than 75 thousand pages of websites containing information, including on the sale of medicines. drugs that do not have state registration. the blocking mechanism is the same, only the complaint is sent not by the ministry of health, but by rospotrebnadzor, dietary supplements, like all food additives, are in its field of view, block everything...
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otherwise harmful extracts of unicorns, but were not bypassed, for example, vitamin d, if it deficiency confirmed by tests, or folic acid when planning pregnancy. supporters of evidence-based medicine do not share the new approach; dietary supplements do not undergo clinical testing. improved because
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the patient, for example, stopped drinking or began swear less by your wife, the effectiveness of dietary supplements, unfortunately, is now not controlled in any way, not regulated in any way, they are not medicines, they do not treat anything, they simply replenish the necessary, let’s say, elements and others. substances in the body, effectiveness is already such a story more about medicines, whether doctors will prescribe supplements and which ones for which diseases we will not know now, the ministry of health should develop recommendations only for the second reading of the draft law. alina repina and irina prochakovskaya, ntv. let's take a break now a short advertisement, and in a couple of minutes we will talk about how the situation in the middle east has worsened and what it threatens. don't switch. unfortunately, 12 boys and girls who played football here were unable to reach the shelter. hezbollah is responsible for this, and it will pay.
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one of the reasons why we are now working hard on a ceasefire in gas is that it is not just for gas. the time has come for alfabank, the time for benefits for everyone, from beijing to the baltic sea, with instant delivery of cards to thousands of cities, the time the best bank for millions of entrepreneurs, supercache time and the best application for tens of millions of people.
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external. israel blamed hezbollah for the recent rocket fire on the dutch heights. prime minister benjamin netanyahu threatened to give a tough response to the attack, after which the israeli air force launched several strikes on lebanon.
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hezbollah denies the accusation and assures that it was not their missile, but an israeli air defense system. it turns out that whoever fired the missiles would hit their own people, because the druze live both in israel and in lebanon, jordan and syria. benjamin netanyahu, who arrived in the affected village of majdal shams, was greeted by local residents with protests. israeli prime minister
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promised even harsher strikes against lebanon. unfortunately, 12 boys and girls who played football here were unable to reach the shelter. some - france, norway, canada, sweden, saudi arabia - called on their citizens to immediately leave lebanon, others warned israel about the consequences of a strike on hezbollah. mid-iran spokesman sir kanani said that any rash action by the zionist regime could lead to wider instability, insecurity and war. in the region, turkish president recep tayeb erdogan threatened military invasions into the region, the turks have a special relationship with cargo, because it was the ottomans who gave them these lands in the 15th century in exchange for taxes and in gratitude for their help in the war with egypt. we must be very
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strong so that israel cannot do this to palestine. but turkey and israel do not have common borders; between them is syria, with which ankara has a conflict. perhaps that is why in recent months the parties have been talking about the possible. thaw in relations between assad and erdogan. the yemeni houthis will not remain aloof from a potential war. in an interview riyanovosti agency, the head of the group said that they are entering a new stage of the conflict with israel, in which there are no red lines. the time has come to unite arabs and muslims, use their strengths and stand together in this battle. an israeli foreign ministry official shared his recipe for peace in the region. according to him, the only way for the world to prevent a full-scale war, which will turn out to be. devastating for lebanon to force hezbollah to implement un security council resolution 1701. among other things, it talks about disarmament of the group, but calling on opponents to respect this un decision. tel aviv turns a blind eye to something else. much of the dutch heights has been under
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israeli occupation for 50 years. the knesset unilaterally recognized these lands as jewish; the un condemned this decision. friends of israel, as well as turkey's nato allies, are warning the jewish state against attacks. on hezbollah targets in beirut, albeit with reservations. the united states supports israel's right to protect its citizens from terrorist attacks. one of the reason why we are now working hard on a ceasefire in gas is that it is not just for gas. we may also have the opportunity to achieve lasting peace between israel and lebanon. meanwhile, the situation in the gas sector itself remains tense , the un middle east agency said that calls for evacuation have covered almost 90% of the enclave's territory. this is usually a harbinger of a new idf operation. the humanitarian issue is also acute. according to turkish journalists, the israeli military blew up a reservoir in rafahi. so a major war in the middle east can already be said to be ongoing, while it is a war
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of words and harsh statements. nakhidbaev alexander dekin, ntv. today in russia scheduled exercises of the forces of the baltic, northern and pacific fleets and the caspian sea began. floted. about 300 surface ships and boats, submarines and support vessels are participating in the maneuvers. almost 50 drones, 200 pieces of equipment and more than 20,000 military and civilian personnel are involved. over the course of several days, ships, aircraft and coastal troops will carry out several hundreds of combat exercises with practical use of weapons. as reported by the ministry of defense, the main goal of the exercise is to test the actions of control bodies. mmf of all levels, as well as the readiness of crews to perform combat missions. and by this time that’s it, nastavatichnaya ntv. about the weather for tomorrow and in
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the far east, another cyclone from china is already preparing to cover the amur region , khaborovsk territory and primorye, with showers and thunderstorms, so far no precipitation and + 2328, but very cold air in the northeast of yakutia, there up to... snow and it’s colder in yakutsk as expected, but still not so extreme. there is an atmospheric front stuck in siberia, here it is, tomorrow it will manifest itself most actively in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory, with showers and thunderstorms. closer to baikal, the intensity of rain is less, from novosibirsk to altai too, but the temperature background is 25-30 everywhere, in omsk it is already +25, then higher, but then new rains, the same ones are now approaching the ural region, the main showers and thunderstorms while in the pre-urals, and the southern air flow will be responsible for... russia, here, thanks to his efforts , the temperature regime is almost everywhere, although a little, but will lag behind the norm. main showers with thunderstorms in the northern half ...


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