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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  July 30, 2024 1:25pm-2:00pm MSK

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adler, who crashed in kazan, will be remembered for the rest of his life. for some, it all flashed before their eyes in the volgograd region the day before, as it is accurately called, at the moment when a terrible grinding sound was heard and the carriages went downhill. only after recovering a little from the shock and finding themselves in a hospital for assistance, many people realized that they had come within a hair's breadth of death. i was sitting knitting, my friend was lying down, glasses flew, i didn’t understand, and flew out the window, i myself remained in the composition. my whole head was in glass. liliya khabirova is one of the few who was seriously injured as a result of the crash and was unable to leave the carriage on her own. she was pinched between deformed structures. fellow travelers, eyewitnesses of the incident, who rushed to the rescue, helped get out. they also saved the culprit of the disaster, the kamaz driver, who drove onto the railway crossing at a prohibitory signal. the severely injured man was crushed under what was left of the cabin. everyone was sure he was dead, but when... the wreckage was lifted, everyone couldn’t believe
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their eyes, the driver was alive and even in consciousness, alive, alive, even if he were alive , alive, alive, human, there is only blood, and the driver of the kamaz truck, along with other victims, was promptly sent to the hospital for emergency assistance, in total more than fifty people were taken to the medical facility, but surgical intervention was required a few, the majority were examined, found... help on the spot and released, later they were comfortably accommodated in a temporary accommodation center. we have the thirteenth carriage, at first we thought, oh, this is the thirteenth carriage, unlucky, that's for our family really seemed happy in this carriage, well, i’ll never forget, now it’s numbers. marina and her family were heading on vacation from tsyzran; the very moment of the collision and the first minutes after the disaster were truly terrible, although the train had been moving at low speed. we already got there, saw these carriages, it was so terrible. so you just can’t
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imagine, we jumped out, the driver was alive, in general, completely broken, and we didn’t predict anything, everyone who was in the first minutes at the scene of the disaster immediately understood that there are a lot of children in the carriages, because it’s the holiday season and summer holidays, almost a quarter of the more than 800 people were young passengers, some were traveling in entire groups, a dance group from tatarstan was heading to a competition in the south, and another theater group, on the contrary, was returning to sochi , yes... the teacher accompanying the children's team managed to rush to the children after the first shock, perhaps thereby saving them from injury, taking the blow herself. there was a grinding sound, there was a hum, and it was clear that something was happening serious, then i took a few steps and the car began to turn over.
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it turns out that i fell on the bottom, my children fell on me, none of the children even had to go to the hospital, doctors examined them on the spot and found no serious injuries, they placed children’s groups at a local kindergarten, fed them, gave them the opportunity to take a shower, delivered to them the things left in the carriages, it was for this reason that some at first refused to leave the crash site until the evening, and why are you here, because i need to pick up my things, i thought that maybe something had been taken out, these were there for me... he counted all the clothes, everything, everything, everything, in the end i managed to persuade even the most stubborn to convince that not a single little thing would be lost, things were delivered in an organized manner to the temporary accommodation center, laid out on tables where they could be picked up, and representatives of russian railways and the local administration also regularly came there to convey information directly to passengers about their future fate. the work continued all night, the tracks were cleared by the evening movement, things were taken out of the carriages and passengers were brought in. at night and before dawn, everyone
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was transported by bus in an organized manner to the assigned reserve train. according to russian railways, by this time many passengers had already arrived safely at their destination. the children were in time for the competition, relaxing in a booked hotel. 22 people remain in hospitals, three of them are in serious condition. the criminal investigation is also ongoing. the trial of the forty-two-year-old kamaz driver, who caused the passenger train crash, will also be interviewed. kaza. the famous yekaterinburg special school number 124 was sentenced to be an institution for difficult teenagers, but for a very long time no one knew what monstrous things were happening within its walls, it would have remained a secret if a boy had not escaped from the school, who simply could no longer tolerate ... the worst thing is that humiliation was
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almost part of the educational program; high school students raped and beat children with the consent of the school management, as sadists were punished, diana will tell. kavando. everything at this meeting indicated that the verdict for these three. none of the accused are under eighteen. rather a fascinating performance in which they are the main characters. sitting on a bench behind bars, they smile at the camera and give interviews. for the first time , so much attention has been paid to their persons. they didn’t even let us go because, like, resonance isn’t resonance. that's all. while they smile and wave in the street, their parents shed tears. one of the defendants turned 10 today. 17 mother came to congratulate her on her birthday. the defendants are charged with 15 counts of sexual assault. they difficult teenagers with criminal records for petty hooliganism, theft, theft, and robbery. finding themselves in the notorious ekaterinburg closed special school, they turned it into a real camp, the prisoners
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of which were children who were physically and morally weaker and younger. they not only beat them, but, as the investigation established, they regularly subjected them to sexual violence, filming everything on video. there is such a supreme measure. punishment is a waste of time, the first time it’s like a punishment, and then it’s sort of used, well, as pleasure. in jargon this is physically and mentally suppress, explains the former boarding school student. this child is only 12. he found himself behind barbed wire for stealing chips from a store. having difficulty finding words, he recalls that the defendants mocked him for more than two weeks, forced him to do indecent things, so they punished the younger ones for disobedience according to local rules. the high school students decided who would fall under the distribution once again. at the friendly trial, the fear in the child’s eyes that they were punishing them through a sexual nature, i was generally just discouraged, and it becomes even worse from the fact that lynching was carried out by cruel children beyond their years with the tacit consent of the teachers themselves, we
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talked about this story when the case of the former director of the boarding school natalya poddubnaya was heard in court, investigators found correspondence in her phone, probably with someone of the students, which contained videos of... violence and came to the conclusion about how children bullied children, she knew that the director was not a very good person, the director had frozen children there, for which someone smoked, she was there let's give her cigarettes forced, however, natalya poddubnaya did not go to prison for negligence, she was given 11 months of correctional labor, in court all three of her students denied their guilt, although they confessed during interrogation, the prosecution is confident that they will change tactics, they were advised by lawyers. but it’s impossible to come up with something like that, that is, it’s one thing when a child sits in the investigator’s office, but he can tell something, but when we arrive at the place and there are just sincere tears in the child, in the teenager, who walks and says: this is it was here, he showed everything in detail, that is , it is objectively impossible to come up with such a thing, whether the victims will be able to fully recover, first of all mentally,
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now not a single doctor guarantees, one thing is obvious, these three broke not only other people’s lives, but also their own, they all received real sentences, two for 9 years, the third one. will not serve their sentence in a correctional colony. diana covandoo radu gurdish and alexander tutarinov, ntv. ekaterinburg. with manic persistence, he pursues his vocal teacher, a sixty-five-year-old pensioner, sergey selin from nizhny novgorod. angelina gubanova, who, by the way, is about to give birth to a child, simply does not know what to do. her family, fleeing from an annoying pursuer, even changed their place of residence, but celine found his victim there too. obscene vulgar messages on social networks, inscriptions in the entrance, now celine is writing a statement to the police against angelina, posing as a victim, and gubanova herself has complained to all authorities many times, but nowhere is anyone in a hurry to help her. sergey selin considers himself
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a man in the prime of his life, sincerely not understands, may not evoke sympathy. tomorrow i have a date with an eighteen-year-old girl, amazing, better than the twenty-year-old yesterday, i was like 5 kg, thanks to you in a month and young women like me. the monologue, according to the logic of an elderly romantic, should have aroused jealousy in angelina gubanova, it was she, a young, talented graduate of the nizhny novgorod conservatory, and now the founder of a private vocal school, who became the object of the pensioner’s admiration, i will become for you. the fan quickly crossed the line, his immodest he left fantasies in the form of poetry in the entrance hall where the vocalist lived; he had to change his place of residence, but he tracked her down, he reminded himself. he drew an obscene sign on our door itself, i’ll show you now,
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he painted it all with a spray can, then it was also written here in capital letters. twenty-nine-year-old angelina made it clear that she is married and it is not worth attending her classes with such a request. traumatized by the refusal , celine turned into a stalker, has been following her around for six months, calling, bothering relatives, sending sms and voice messages, what do i want from you? well , if i dream without holding myself back from reality, i want to rejoice at you in the morning and
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admire you in the evening, i can’t even somehow protect myself, so that this person doesn’t come near me there anymore, but he , i understand what he’s trying to deduce he is trying very hard to make me, especially my husband, emotional, and in order for some kind of crime to most likely be committed, that is, it looks like this, angelina wrote about a dozen statements. to the police, the problem is that such obsessive attention of one person to another is not regulated by a separate article in our legislation, although in such a situation dozens of women find themselves unprotected. the most important thing here is to prove that you are really subjected to this, let’s say psychological violence, and this information brings you moral and moral suffering. this falls into the category of, let’s say, slight severity, yes, accordingly a person can. simply be subject to an administrative fine and not be punished, that is, he can be released from
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criminal liability, another pursuer, also from nizhny novgorod , was nevertheless brought to the dock by pathological love, we talked about an investigator who was tormented by an obsessed colleague for 4 whole years, sergei selin had better step on the throat of his song, especially considering that the object of desire is in his eighth month pregnancy, and such obsessive attention frightens me... law enforcement officers are already studying the wall art of her former student in a lawsuit for libel.
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daria mosalova, radu gurdish, sergey marunyak and anton lukyanov, ntv. the degree of pressure to which angelina gubanova is subjected can be judged by the audio messages and text messages with which celine bombards her victim. we made a selection of such recordings and posted it on our telegram channel. to subscribe, point your smartphone camera at the qr code that you see on your screen. just type chpnttv in the telegram search bar under any publication in our channel, you can leave your comment or suggest news, well, our communication office is 24/7. and then, staff the killer of the seversky gang begins to be tried during the trial andrei voronin remembered what happened in his native sergeev posad in the nineties, why he himself became a bandit and who he killed and what punishment he faces. you will find out about this after the advertisement. a tip has arrived, they want to take down a certain businessman silaev, an executive, an architect, you’ve already
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crossed paths with him, we’ll take him right away when handing over the barrel, he has a sense of the cops, a rare sense, like a dog, i urgently need an ambulance, don’t move, i say, semyonov, it's because of him it was not possible to detain the architect, stop nodding at semyonov all the time, he’s like a thorn in one place, right? today at 16:45 on ntv. you don't decide exactly how you meet your first love. you don't decide where you make lifelong friends. you don't decide which option you get. but only you decide what your future will be. study wherever you want and don’t worry about tuition payments with an educational loan selected with
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the functioning of each of our organs. the brain is an electrical system, it consists of nerve cells and processes. between them, through which electrical signals constantly flow. as we age , changes occur in the brain: brain cells become damaged by the environment and stress as they age. scientists from kyoto university have found out what the japanese eat a unique mollusk called azumopectinida. it turns out that azumopectinide contains unique components that promote brain recovery. all of them belong to the class of phospholipids; there are more than 100 names. this is how a product was created from highly concentrated phospholipids of the japanese clam: prolong the youth of your brain. 8800 100 exactly 1985 800 100 exactly 1985. the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs.
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however, as we age, we all experience deterioration. memory and intellect, disturbances in the functioning of... organs. this year, the russian distributor purchased a batch of the japanese mozgterapy product. it contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain therapy is produced in japan. brain aging can be reversed . and he will serve you faithfully again. extend the youth of your brain. 8.800, 100 exactly, 1985. 8.800 100 exactly 1985. find out. more about the japanese product brainterapy. kingfisher new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. live again an emergency and we continue our release. a tourist who received serious injuries after a collision with a hang glider in
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bashkiria was hospitalized and diagnosed with multiple fractures. the man knocked her down. when trying to land on a homemade aircraft, the moment of the fall was filmed on the phone by one of the eyewitnesses, the woman did not have time to dodge and collapsed to the ground from the impact. to deliver the victim from the mountain to the carriage soon, rescuers had to be called, the ministry of emergency situations employees and volunteers put her on a stretcher and handed over to doctors, the glider himself received minor injuries. andrei voronina, a killer of one of the bloodiest groups in the moscow region,
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investigators are sure, this no longer a young man has at least five murders, attempts on businessmen, and also illegal weapons trafficking, explosives and banditry, and how did you even end up in the group? , life was boring, or something, i don’t understand, the case materials are all there, but what did you do, the case materials, the case materials, vyacheslav sokolov, one of those who were lucky survive the assassination attempt by voronin from the seversky team, sokolov has a vision problem after falling to the bandits, and was beaten as a warning by another businessman. made an attempt on the life of the leader of the organized crime group viktor lazovsky, a tough and cruel man, detectives are sure that voronin killed his crime boss and his friend when redistribution began in the gang. lazovsky’s right hand, dmitry gladyshev, decided
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to take all power into his own hands. the accused, like his brother, participated in the planning and commission of a number of murders, as well as other serious crimes, for 9 years. the victims of the elder voronin were five businessmen, two of whom managed to survive, as well as the leader of the gang and his acquaintance. op seversky, almost the bloodiest group in modern history, began their journey in the nineties in sergegiev posad, businessmen were intimidated, those who refused to pay were shot in broad daylight, they also dealt with their own people, here is the interrogation of andrei kukushkin, who said, how he and his accomplices shot the oldest member of the group because he criticized the leader. i met a carpenter who told me that i need to prepare all the necessary details and commit the murder of sakovich. for this a folding ladder was needed, they say the seversk people were afraid of konstantin peskarev, known in the criminal world as kostya bolshoi, one of the most notorious crimes of kostya the great murder
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of the mayor of sergiev posad, evgeny dushko. according to rumors, peskarev was only a performer; the real customers could have been from the severskys. in addition to carrying out criminal activities, gang members led ordinary lives, often their families did not even suspect that they are in a gang, since they didn’t tell, they kept it a secret. they named him. in honor of the sever restaurant in sergiev posad. in it, members of the group rested and held an important meeting. a few years ago the catering establishment burned down. surprisingly, immediately after this, the operatives began to detain the gang members one by one, until they got to the last leader, dmitry gladyshev. he ended up being afraid of justice and took his own life in the shower room of the pre-trial detention center. andrei voronin is one of the last surviving members of the gang. the process has just begun, but it seems he himself has no hope of being released. pavel kuzentsov, natalya popova, nadezhda zybkina and dmitry salnikov. ntv, moscow region. vladimir antonov, who shot down 11 people in kaluga, is now on trial. fortunately, everyone who
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fell under the wheels of the car survived, but most people received very serious injuries. antonov rushed through the city under the influence of drugs. this was established by the examination. the accident happened a year ago, but road accident victims are only now being discharged from hospitals. the violator will find out what sentence he faces stanislav kostikov. the gun flies out at full speed onto a busy sidewalk, where there are dozens of passersby, the car demolishes everything in its path, stopping only when it crashes into the facade of a house. the first seconds after the accident, shocked eyewitnesses try to help the victims and call an ambulance. only by some miracle did no one die under the wheels of the car; 11 people were hospitalized with serious injuries; forty-nine-year-old vladimir antonov was driving the toyota that flew into the people. eyewitnesses immediately drew attention to him. inappropriate behavior, the man is not reacted to what was happening and seemed to understand nothing. drugs were found in the body of the person responsible for the accident. as it turned out, 3 months ago he was deprived of his driving license while under
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the influence of substances, which did not stop antonov from driving again. after his arrest, he was charged with several counts. violation of traffic rules by a person driving a car in a state of intoxication, and deprived of the right to drive vehicles, resulting in negligence in causing serious harm to human health. use of violence, not dangerous to life or health, threat of violence against a government official. due to an inadequate driver, gor basentyan’s life almost ended at the age of 17. now every step is given to the young man with pain, he says the best gift for his 18th birthday is the long-awaited discharge from the hospital. how are you feeling about coming of age? well, yes, but well, it seems joyful, it seems so-so. i have a fracture of my right collarbone, then a fracture. left forearm, here you can even see your shame, and a fracture of the left hip, here, it turns out, i have a plate here, here a plate,
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here, my jaw has also slipped a little, this is what gore’s face looked like immediately after the accident on the way to the intensive care unit, he survived only thanks to the timely help of doctors, the young man has several complex operations behind him, many years of rehabilitation lie ahead , well, these 5-6 days, while my child’s hands were operated on separately. then the legs from the jaw are decent there for us for another five or six years, we definitely need to do all this, rehabilitate them, they said everything is possible, but it’s very difficult. in the hall in court, the culprit of the accident told his version of what happened. antonov stated that he was drunk at the time of the accident, lost control of the car due to a sudden attack of epilepsy, and also admitted that he had actually used drugs, but a few days earlier. what they found on me, i no longer...
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calm, only calm, the pharmacist at the pharmacy prevented an armed robbery with one phrase, footage from the crime scene and the confession of the loser robber immediately after. advertising, hatice and i will get married soon, from now on hatice will be the main mistress of this house, she will drink all the blood out of you. shikhmus, tseyran returned to the mansion, now with her aunt, how am i supposed to become its owner now? belin
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left, like... that she left, it’s obvious that someone helped her, pray to allah that the karkhans aren’t behind this, she’s an elderly woman, even if you kill, no one will understand, they’ll think it’s due to old age, dimorodok , new season, today at 14:00 on ntv, this summer is with us, this summer is with us, it will sparkle with new colors, buy it. people with long-term anxiety often hear advice, calm down, don’t be nervous, you need to sleep, but in fact anxiety can be treated,
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i didn’t forget my chance to win prizes either. use the x5 club card and get even more benefits with every purchase. oh great. submarket now cooper? the supermarket is now cooper, super, super! and what has changed to begin with is the name kuoper, delivery is super. in there is another emergency on ntv live and we continue our broadcast. she demonstrated an example of equanimity in the most stressful situations. a female pharmacist from blagoveshchensk, when a visitor burst into the pharmacy and pointed a gun at her face, she continued to wipe her hands with a napkin with icy calm. the robber demanded that he be given a prescription drug,
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but the threat had no effect on the pharmacist. so what, now we’ve shot ourselves, that we’re busy , that promedone doesn’t matter. after listening to the iron arguments of the pharmacist, the drooping the raider left empty-handed, watching the uninvited guest leave, the woman called the police, who, in hot pursuit , detained a lover of potent drugs, who committed a pistol, suffered from this with postmas, found this pistol somewhere on a playground somewhere, or not everything went by i was walking somewhere, probably wanted to go to a store, or something and my head started whistling. i don’t remember anything, i remember something, but why go there, well, i was joking about something, i probably decided, i don’t know, the police didn’t appreciate the joke regarding the detainee, a criminal case was opened under the article of robbery,
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more news on our website in the cpntv telegram channel, that’s all for today, thank you for your attention. kingfisher.
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yes, grandfather, you should have seen kazym’s face, this is something, well done, at some point i was afraid that this... with his conversations would break hatice’s heart, offend her, because hatice is very sensitive, she is vulnerable, please tell your wife not to laugh at us, sairan, what are you saying? “i’m not laughing at you, i’m only laughing at my aunt, that is, my aunt has such a vulnerable heart, you can’t break it, you can’t offend it, how will you resolve this situation, grandfather and
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grandson, i’m just wondering, son-in-law khalis, shirit? sorry, i said something wrong, after so many years, it will be very difficult for auntie, i just wanted to say that it will be very difficult to please her. she is right, hatice should have everything, this wedding should suit me, her, our marriage, which we are entering into after so many years, then we will have to ask for help from sairan, the grandfather of all. only she agrees to help the family, to be honest, halisaga, you and my aunt are just made for each other, you know, you're not...


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