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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-6  NTV  July 31, 2024 4:55am-6:31am MSK

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they are waiting for you there on the platform at the top of the loop , they said, from the loop? well, yes, from which loop? they told me i just conveyed everything that he conveyed, so why did i freeze? go, tell me, i’ll come now, i’m coming, i’m coming, i’m coming, i’m coming, i’m coming, i’m coming. we work, we continue, blah, what kind of games of hide and seek, do you want to ask me or tell me something, i’m here...
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you’ll tell me now why this little soldier has become a noose across his throat, the price is going around the prison, my people are not deaf either, they know everything , yes, that’s right, everyone knows that, in short. give the loop so that she can tell me the words that this guy gives him finished it off, so tell him, so tell him, that’s what he called for, well, yes, what kind of business are the disants with a noose, if i tell him, you’ll let him in, you’ll say, you’ll live.
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there is not only one paratrooper, there are three of them, they know something about business, serzh, this is not a joke, about serge, i heard, i know this one, everyone doesn’t regret anything about them, something very serious, or something was stolen , or you heard, let him go, okay, go say hello to whom, the apostle peter,
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it’s strange that the weather seems to be good. there are no clients in sight, probably out of town, they rushed to the dacha, i never understood what kind of joy there is in the land digging, it’s because you don’t have a peasant’s soul, where are we, we were going to have a drink, yes, seryozhenka, calm down, girls, we’ll have a drink here, where is it? igorok will agree
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on a boat and we’ll go for a walk, we’ll go for a ride, that’s great, maybe it’s not worth it, katya, what do you mean it’s not worth it, well katyusha, well, support the company, okay, let’s go, just for a little while, that ’s wonderful, today there won’t be anyone , wait, yeah i’m not going, hello, great, how are you, and little by little, i see you’ve decided to go for a ride again, yes, sergei maksimovich would like to rent a boat from you a few hours, you’re always welcome, when he’s sitting in the car, now he’ll come over, uh-huh, uh-huh. well, it seems that the day was not in vain, a fat client, lucky, well, what else, i’ll even tell you more, very fat, and you’ll walk along the fountain as usual, yes maksimych, the client is not picky, good luck, well, let’s work, and
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i think i’ll go to the parking lot and continue the banquet on the water, quickly! forward, great, captain, good evening, hello, we decided to visit you again, well, you are welcome, thank you, little one, katya, good, you feel at home, come in. you are free today, pick me up on monday. fine. well, sergeyech, give us a ride, we’ll do it. come on, come on! hello, my little glasses, hello,
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my little glasses, how have you been? did they remember me? girls! your health, what a beauty, yes, we don’t appreciate beauty, but we, seryozhenka, just appreciate it, we encounter it every day, in what sense, at work, we work in an art salon, with paintings, “seryozhenka, well, mostly souvenirs, so come in, maybe you’ll look for something for yourself, by all means i’ll come in, buy a couple of rubles, support, so to speak, your business, well, well done, what
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bunnies, one more at a time, come on, come on, go for a walk, that’s for sure, just wait”? hello, hello, no, no, sorry , today i can’t, where am i, well, we’re floating along the fountain past the circus, rolling champagne, i won’t do it anymore, katyusha, stop breaking down, relax, like, okay, girls, for you, for...
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quickly, quickly , i said, they were widening, hurry up, watch, chain, take off, oh you bitches, let’s leave, torich colonel, and olegovich, come in, sit down, he was at the house today. bosses, i was puzzled, recently
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robberies of passengers on pleasure boats have become more frequent, i heard about this, yes, of course, so yesterday one of the attacks ended in murder, so... take your eagles and start an investigation, this is not our territory, transport workers work there , besides, we ourselves have several things to do, at least you watch tv. “soon there will be an international summit in our city, tourists are being killed here, in short, at the highest level it was decided to use all forces, here is the phone number of captain somov from the transport police, call and get involved in the work. listen, what do you think, the water is warm,
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warm, now i should go for a swim, but what ’s stopping you, nothing, so come on, listen, what is it on your hand, it’s a tattoo, a master friend did it, you know what’s written, no , not mira narato nor mira naranay, and what this means is, nothing will lead to anything if you do nothing. yeah, okay, guys, you'll chat, you'll go swimming after work, so what, there's nothing here, there'll probably be a current, yes, somov, that's solovets, how are you, nothing so far, well, look, look, yes, did you talk to the witnesses yesterday, no, they were in shock, we gave them a sedative and sent them home, okay, i ’ll... i’ll pick him up, andrei sergeevich, tell me, did you know the murdered man well? how can i say,
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i have a lot of acquaintances like that, they’ll come and hang out, mostly with girls, but what was he doing? some kind of calf, he seemed to be selling something, but he paid regularly, it’s a shame to complain, he agreed with you in advance, but how? sometimes he called, sometimes he came without calling, uh-huh, tell me, who? chose the route for that trip, our route is standard, first along the fontanka, then along the hook channel, and then the garbage dumps, that is, at the pier they knew where you would go, yes, of course, why should i hide, yes, they called another girl, she boasted that she was sailing along the fontanka, and this which one, well, the one that, according to the baychei, tell me, you weren’t able to... see the robber? well , i was able to see them, but they were wearing masks, maybe based on
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their figures, based on their clothes, well, how young and old they are, i think, two guys and a girl, about 30 years old, but they didn’t remember the boat number? no, i don’t remember, the model is cupid, what color? gray-white, well, maybe some signs, at least something, but no, like a boat... i’ll even say more, there are a lot of them in the city, uh-huh, uh-huh, i passed the alarm, yes, of course, damn, the heel flew off, well, let's go into the workshop, hello, hello, molovets, criminal investigation department, i called you, let's go talk, did you know the murdered man well? no, we just met yesterday. how did this happen? we went to have a snack at
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a restaurant, the weather was good, we sat outside, drank a glass of wine and were about to leave, but at that moment someone came to us sergei came up, he offered us another drink, ordered wine, snacks, sergei joked a lot, we had fun, and then he said that he would like to continue the evening in another place, we stopped at a supermarket, sergei bought a lot of drinks, snacks, and then he brought us to the pier, who offered to take a boat ride, “we thought we were going to visit him, i said that there was no need to go, tell me, did you
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talk to anyone on the phone during the walk? yes, they called me friends, after all, lena, and they came to st. petersburg and wanted to see who they are, they are from voronezh, we met a year ago in sochi, they promised to call me back, but for some reason they didn’t call me back, do you have their phone number? yes, voronezh, at home in your notebook, okay, come home, call me and dictate their number." uh-huh, mikhail semyonovich, on the day of the murder you were at the pier? well, of course, i’m here every day, and you knew the murdered man, where did he come from? , i saw it for the first time, but what can you say? a respectable man, it’s immediately obvious that he’s not a tourist who counts every penny, but don’t remember his car number, number, i’m on i didn’t pay attention to the car, but where were you at the very moment of the murder, well, that means, andryukha left, i hung around here for another 10 minutes
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and went to the parking lot, who can confirm this from the same parking lot, and i was there half an hour later, huh? where is your boat? look, it’s worth it on the promenade. did you know which route borenko was sailing? well, of course, we are all here. who do you think is involved in this murder? maybe the tail was following the boat? tail? yes, yes no, there didn’t seem to be a tail. who is involved - it is clear who is involved river business. yes, look at the piers on the islands, in the summer it’s worse than a gypsy camp, by god, thank you, mikhail semyonovich, here’s my business card, if you suddenly remember something, be sure to call, thank you, goodbye,
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what’s wrong with you? why could both the cutterman and the girls be gunners? this is what happens here: the boatman chose the routes himself, and the girls called during the walk , and she said where they were sailing? what do you have? well, no one knows the details of the dead man, but everyone knew the route. listen, maybe they chose a boat accidentally? maybe by accident, you still need to get everyone through the card index. come on, son, step back, watch how a real samurai does it, well , yes, with his eyes closed, yeah, we’ll get dirty with 10 fools, come on, you’re fooling around again, yes, the work is not the best, and they’re not frolicking, so
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georgivich, 5 minutes until the end of the working day, okay, what did you find out about the boats, here’s the list, well, that’s it, there are 64 boats of this model in the city, four of them are white, yeah, a list and information about the owner, well, there’s something to work on, so, start tomorrow morning, yeah, yeah, here you go also, here’s voronezh’s phone number, a certain lena and vitya, find out who they are, and whether they were in st. petersburg on the day of the murder, will you have some tea, yes, pour it, okay, you’re having tea here, and i guess i’ll go, where for this one? time, it’s a temporary party, i want to go and warm up, so to speak, dance bye, young, boy, bye, don’t break your legs, yeah, girl, uh, can you tell me which one is
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now, 15 minutes past nine, girl, huh... how your name is? where are you going, girl? leave me alone. oh well, i just wanted to know what your name is. they don't call me anything. what do you have no name at all? i'll call the police now. there are no police here. are you wrong, dear? hmm, what do you need, dude, leave the girl alone, why, are you deaf or something, listen, go where you were going, and i was going to hand you over to the monkey bar, where, to put you in a cage, where, listen, you got me, oh, you'll break your arm, it hurts, go, go,
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come on, it hurts, open the door, come on. “hello, senior lieutenant parakhnya, we wish you health, what happened, but when he’s drunk, he violates public order, uses obscene language, harasses women, okay, we’ll file it now, so maybe you have some kind of unsolved murder or robbery there?” so you hang it, we’ll just annoy you here, we’ll find it now, thank you guys, what are you doing? never be rude to strangers or girls pester, all the best, goodbye, well, nefyodov, you’re still
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fussing, but i just wanted to find out what the girl’s name is, next time i’ll put you in jail, now get out of here, thank you, but in the wrong direction, freak, through the other door. thank you. you're welcome, but you're really welcome, but you're really a policeman, yeah, yeah that it doesn’t look like, to be honest, no, my name is kirill, olga, it’s very nice, but what are you going to do? and i'm going home to the city. here's the thing, a club is opening nearby, on the shore, well, there's a disco there, i have two tickets, let's go, i can't, my mother is waiting for me at home, she 's worried, and we'll call her, i have
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a phone, okay, wake up, us they robbed us for coming, yes. well, haven’t you slept at all, about two hours, where do we go, where, where, there, hello, hello, we need mikhail petrovich banshchikov, it’s me, what’s the matter, we’re from police, we can talk, yes, please come in, uh-huh, thank you, come in, come in. thank you, are you interested in fishing? yes , i’m not carried away, i live with it, maybe i have some tea, no, if you want to leave, i’ll pour some vodka in the kitchen, no,
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thank you, mikhail petrovich, tell me, you own a boat, a white cupid, yes, i bought it a year and a half ago, before that everything was with shore to shore, on a boat is a completely different pleasure, what did you do on the night from wednesday to thursday, but i was fishing with friends, last night we returned, we went on a boat, of course on... a boat, but why am i did you buy it? can anyone confirm this? oh, whoever, there were about 15 of us on several boats, and something happened? happened, can you give us your friends' phone numbers? for god's sake, as the ice melts, life begins on the water. i’m special, guys from all over the country land here, that ’s where the bear from kamchatka usually stops, there’s a little further away seryoga from vororezh, there’s always a whole
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team from arkhangelsk here, in general the people are law-abiding, many of them live on boats like they live in dachas, took it today they landed at petropalovka, tomorrow at the fontanka, and after tomorrow they went to the islands, and so on all summer, it’s beautiful. it’s beautiful, there are a lot of murders, but no, in our country people usually drown due to drunkenness, well , 10 cars with a bridge fall over the navigation, we put up barriers and hang up signs, but nothing helps.
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great, hello, great, great, great , hello, hello, slava, very nice, zoya, here, meet slava, experienced water inhabitants, yes, lyosha, we have a veteran, you, who have been mooring with us for years, yes, it's been a long time... fifth or sixth, sixth, sit down, have lunch with us, no, thank you, thank you, we are on business, tell me, do you know anton petrovich liontiv? - of course, i’m familiar, yes, but where can i find him? yes, we already missed each other, he just went to the store for spare parts, and what is he repairing something? yes, a boat, it hit him recently, well, there’s a crack in the hull, the steering wheel has fallen off, you know, where’s the boat? yes, here, let’s go, i’ll show you, here’s
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the cat. yeah, and he's been standing here for a long time, well , three weeks for sure, everything is clear, thank you, maybe chiyku, but no, thank you, if allah gave us a son, it would be just great, what do you think, i don’t see anything wrong with this, i want to be happy, i want to love you, and what will he do, divorce me, marry someone else, bring her here, i would really like to become the father of our common son, true, we
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attacked a bunch of people at once... replied, make them suffer before your eyes, destroy everything that is dear to them in life, let everything around burn from your revenge, kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv, well, it looks like there’s no one, what are we going to do, let’s go into the yard, let’s go. hello hello, hello, we are from the police, can you tell me how we can find marya sergeevna krasova, she’s at the dacha, pine, it’s already fun, and you don’t happen to know the address of her dacha, why don’t i know, i know, well, next, where, let’s do it all -left, yes, right, right,
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let’s turn here. so left or right, yes, don't you think straight, right, let's go right, okay, right, that's it, we've arrived, oh, what, oh, we've arrived, well, where next, there's a man going, ask him, excuse me , please, can you tell me how to get to the third forest passage drive through, the third forest passage, you've passed, this... you need to go back to the lake, and then along the main road, go down the hill on the right , there's an enemy, and there's a big construction site, turn left at the store and drive past the birch grove and the factory tower to the crossroads , ask there, i’m always happy to help, did you remember, excuse me, but won’t you repeat it?
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please ask, yes, we need marya sergeevna krasova, i’m listening to you, and marya sergeevna, we are from the police, what happened, is it possible to pass, please come through, please. hello hello, you are the owner of the boat amur p-2870lg, and where is it located now? what boat? i don't have any boat. marya sergeevna, here is the certificate of registration of the boat in your name, this is your signature. now just a minute.
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a crime, that yes, marya sergeevna, what are you saying, yes, get ready, oisinki, i ’ll tell you everything, some philandering young man came up to me, and he said, here’s 2,000 rubles for you, sign a power of attorney, and register the boat in my name , and you agreed, and that my pension is 1500, what should i do, what you registered a notary, but you didn’t come straight home, like the guy’s last name, oh, i
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don’t remember, sclerosis is nothing... so, marya sergeevna, you still have to come with us, why, in order to draw up an identikit. yes, yes, what, yes, you’re not an easy bastard, and you thought they’d just give you 200 rubles, i didn’t think anything, listen, maybe we’ll go and have a beer, so do you have money, or something, but no, where from? so i don’t have one either, let’s get to work, who is this, great, petrovich,
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oh, he’s not praising you, you’re a hamster here, well then there is no work, there are dozens of gentlemen looking for, maybe some seeds, i decided not to paint it like a pistol, it’s great that i got a job, so did i...
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it’s not a heart-to-heart talk, now he’s here, but what are you, he’s at this time it never happens here, people all sleep like people at night, and he goes somewhere on his boat every night, yeah, he comes back with junk, where, where is his boat, and there’s a bridge over there, georgievich, how to change the font, wait, hold on.
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yeah, you will, come on, i'll go get some water, come on, i wish you good health, comrade colonel, yeah, i i see that you have a complete idyll, what do you have here, well, yes, sandwiches, pies. but the matter stands as always, in your years i was never in an office, i worked with witnesses, i sat in ambushes under bandit bullets, i didn’t sleep
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every night, sometimes, you know, there wasn’t enough time for food at all, but what do you get, like pushkin's, already half... have you checked them? comrade colonel, two boat owners have alibis at the time of the crime, and the third is registered as a pensioner krasovo. she wrote a power of attorney to an unknown person, so the location
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boat and owner, unknown to us. the last boat belongs to mikhail anatolyevich prokhorov, born in his sixtieth year. in 2000 he was convicted of theft, released in 2002. so where is he now? well, he doesn’t live at his place of registration, but according to witnesses. every night he sails on his boat from the yacht club in an unknown direction. comrade colonel, we sat in ambush for two nights, but prokhorov never showed up. well, the results are more than... modest, we need to intensify the search, you were specifically involved in the case for its acceleration, and you are marking time, you stocked up on pies in incredible quantities, by the way, what you have them with, i don’t know, i haven’t tried it, but help yourself, andrei petrovich, okay, i’ll take one for testing. eagles should be more active in the investigation, let’s
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come closer, it’s impossible, he’ll notice. they'll leave and we'll chase them, glory, let's go after them, just be careful.
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yes, they want to whistle our little siskin. well, where do they go now? so, let's take these three to the department, and let's get this one on our bus. well, misha, the skull, he stole, he stole, and
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now he started killing, who to kill, we didn’t touch anyone, yes, we only wanted to sell the bird, today the bird, and a week ago, when the man was killed, why on the eighth on thursday, witnesses saw your boat, so let’s find out who shot from you, let’s think about it, it’s electric, they cut it off like hell, 300 m, what cable, on thursday, just a second, we still didn’t have time to push the cable that day. it’s in my garage, you can check it, don’t
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worry, we’ll check it, kira, let’s go out, yeah, how do you like all this, we’ll have to do it tomorrow take care of the boat grandma, you smoke, i don’t smoke. yeah, guys, you mean, to the southern piers, gunner island port, and volodya and i, stone lagoon to the island, oh, thank you, come on, thank you very much.
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sash, pier please, this pier, okay. hello, great, guys, yeah, listen, we are looking for just such a boat, number p-2870 lg. look, no, i haven’t seen such a boat, there’s nothing like it here, so listen, what ’s the salt, oh, oh, look, guys, so,
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come on, come on, come on, come to us, come to us, oh, the men were brought and docked. well, guys, save me, i’m already tired of entertaining them here, sorry, old man, but we’re at work, sorry, just a minute, we haven’t seen a boat like this, only with different license plates, look carefully, guys, i know this parking lot well, another time , let's go, where are you going, where are you guys. hello, nigga, cops, got it, put out the fire,
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you've lost your mind, the process has to go on for another 15 minutes, otherwise we'll lose all the goods, now the cops will take us, we'll lose everything, come on, come on, come on, close the hood, hello, hello , hello, tell me, do you fish here often, maybe once or twice a week, but what do you say, haven’t you seen this boat? but somehow i don’t keep an eye on the boats, i have one concern, you didn’t catch very much here, so the main thing is not the catch, but the process, what kind of reserve is so strange, and a week ago they poisoned the rats, now they died under the floor and they stink now, let's go take a look,
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let's go, where? i saw this fisherman, but i can’t remember where, open the damper, otherwise we will all suffocate here, can’t you, we have to wait until the cops leave, everything is fine. we left, i remembered where i saw this fisherman, where he was involved in the murder of a drug dealer, oops, yeah, come on, turn around, oh handsome, eh.
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oh, the killers came to us, and this is the district police officer, he’s always here doing checks, no, don’t tell me, you see that guy on the right, this is volkov from the homicide department, he was investigating something with us last year, well and what does he need here, well, i don’t know,
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hello, hello, good afternoon, what are you looking for? are we interested? this boat, what is the number? p-2870 lg. you don't have him parked? we didn't have one. do you ask around at other parking lots? yes, they've already asked. did you ask at the pier near the tennis courts? there is a new parking lot there, they often take left boats. so, where is she? let me show you, shall we? great. get on the boat. and if you remember anything, call this number. thank you please.
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thank you for the bottle, of course, but here the matter is more serious, you see, i have a problem
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of a financial plan, you understand what you want, i want 5 tons of bucks in debt, you see, this bastard wants 500 bucks, like in debt, maybe snitch, okay, wants to get it? stas, come to the fort, well, you know where, we are waiting for you, we’ll decide everything here, okay,
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hello, vitalik, hello, hello, stas, there are sub-slaughter cops hanging around on the pier, they were looking for your boat, i’m asking. what and how and that you didn’t tell them anything, said i don’t know anything, didn’t see anything, sent them to another parking lot, that the cops broke through the shutter, are grazing in the old parking lot, stas, i have a bottle, well , of course thanks for the bottle, but there is something more serious here, a problem of the material plane,
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you know , what do you want? we wait, we’ll decide everything here. fine. hey guys, great, long time no see,
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let's go to the table, have a bite, talk there, let's go. well, tell me what the cops were sniffing out, yes, last week they killed a guy on the fontanka, one of the witnesses spotted your boat, right? well, let's have a drink, have you told anyone that we are your boat? they were holding you, but no, am i logical or something, there was no tail behind you, no, no, everything is fine, i said that i went to a gas station, walked along the ducts myself, there was definitely no tail, exactly, it’s clear, please tell me , on what boat
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he arrived, new clients, they went to the dacha. they asked me to take a look, thank you, then i called, listen, vitalik, it’s time for me to go to the pier, what about the money, there’s no money, i’ve earned it, here you go,
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lord, what is this? well, sasha, he was killed yesterday, presumably between 2 and 4 p.m., and at one o’clock in the afternoon, he was talking to us about how he did you end up here, did the current bring something? it’s unlikely that they could have killed anywhere, but i think that the body could have been thrown somewhere here near the fort, yeah, we scared someone away yesterday, yes,
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apparently, the dead man was somehow connected. it turns out that there are two corpses in one case, the grandfather will be dissatisfied, oh, hello, mikhail semyonovich, what are you doing here? well, the local security guard started drinking, so they asked him to replace him. yes,
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this happened to him before, unfortunately, he didn’t drink, but... was killed, what are you saying? was he such a good guy? and why? we don’t know where yet his things? accounting books, but the things are here, and the accounting books, accounting books, i don’t know where, let me, we’ll look at it ourselves, please, yeah, look, of course, what do you have, tell me, but we carried out operational activities, as a result of which the . several crimes. i, lieutenant porakhna, managed to detain a criminal group specializing in the theft of non-ferrous metals. we also discovered a drug production laboratory at one of the piers on krestovsky island, and the case
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was transferred to the appropriate department. well i can say? well done. you remind me of the fishermen who went to catch pike and caught tadpoles. what about the latest murder? stanislav viktorovich lebedev , born in 75, was killed; he worked as a security guard at a boat stop on krestovsky island. the murder weapon was a knife, presumably a hunting knife. by all accounts, the man killed was either a member of the gang we were looking for or an important witness. an hour before the murder i met with '.
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that you have spread your nets, but the school has long left, will not leave, andrei petrovich, we won’t allow it, we will allow it, we won’t allow it, don’t share the catch earlier time, by the way, about non-ferrous metals, i have decided to reward you with a cash prize for the operation carried out to save the little siskin. a big prize, andrei petrovich, well, a decent one, but this case should be noted, but there is nothing special to celebrate, why, andrei petrovich, due to the fact that
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you still have not solved the murder on the fontanka, i decided to give you this award deprive, these are the pies, that's it, free, but... free, stop, turn it off, go, call the police.
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hello, hello, hello, this is did you call us? major solovets, criminal investigation department, chevelikhin, anton, uh-huh, andrey, look. it looks like this is our client, the same one, passport, sergei maksimovich belonogov, born in 1967, oh look, that’s it.
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dear st. petersburgers and guests of our city, we invite you to take a ride along the rivers and canals of st. petersburg. thank you, listen, let's go on the boat. let's get ready, no, kir, i can't, i have a literature exam tomorrow, i need to prepare, oh well, you can't breathe before you die, i have an idea, let's go, well, tell me what your idea is, tell me, you have there are answers to questions about tickets, well, there are, but what’s the point, you give them to me, and i’ll tell you how, look, i ’ll put a microphone here for you, i’ll give you an earphone, somewhere nearby, you take a ticket,
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dictate it to me, i’ll give you the correct answer over the radio, yes, i’ve done this myself more than once, and it’s okay, cool, hello, tvarer, hello, great, great, bon appetit, thank you, you’ll eat, thank you, good luck, well , i went to this justa, uh-huh, they didn’t even notice that the boss was missing, they decided that... he was on a spree again, found out something interesting? yes, in general, nothing special, according to witnesses, belony lost his mobile phone, here is his phone number, tell parakhna, let him go to the telephone company, that let him go to the telephone company, maybe someone is still talking on it, parakhna with i called in the morning and said that he would be delayed, he was meeting his mother at the airport, but there was enough, so call him back, find out where he is, i called him back, the mobile phone was turned off, so again, i’ll go, what are you doing?
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thank you, thank you, you are a little worried, not worry, everything will be fine, the technique has been tested more than once, oh well, there’s no other way out, because there’s no other way, put in an earphone so you can hear me, since you can hear me well, now say something. what should i say? it also sounds good. well, let's go? let's go. so what to do now? where is your toilet? one floor below. so, give answers to the questions. that's it, go to the exam. come on, come on.
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hello, so, olga yushina, yes, take a ticket. leo tolstoy, war and peace. okay, go get ready, uh-huh.
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war and peace, not a historical novel, but family chronicle, chronicle of the life of several families, rostov, balkonsky. kuraginykh, who 's next? me, what is your question? dante's divine comedy. very good, ready to answer? yes, the novel is full of historical figures. such as kutuzov, napoleon,
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wait a second, cool, bro, relax, listen to how cool you talk about war and peace, want to smoke, criminal investigation. well, get what you have left, get what’s left, i say, quickly, toilet, get enough sleep, get enough sleep, come on. well, bring down the trees, man he's a drug addict here, so i'm here, i'm here, i'm
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here, oh, so, so, where did i stop, napoleon, napoleon, napoleon. napoleon, and napoleon, that is, after returning to paris, bonoparte began vigorous activity to create a new army. at this time , a new coalition against france arises in russia; it includes england, austria, portugal, prussia, spain, and austria. tell me, what chapter are you in? have you read about the anti-napoleonic coalition and napoleon's new army? i'm sure i don't remember her number? okay, tell me, honey. a have you read the novel? i read it. then answer me
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a simple question. how many men did natasha rostova fall in love with? eight, go, yushino, retake it in the fall, i’m sorry, i don’t understand what happened, what did you dictate to me, what did you give me, did i dictate? this is about literature, fir-trees, sticks, hold your junk and give me my notes, olya, well , excuse me, but the fucking drug addict, olya, olya,
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hello, hello, hello, girls, tatyana, who, here she is, hello. tanya, we are investigating the murder of one of your clients, we need to know what calls he made from my phone over the last week, what number? this? calls from this number stopped a week ago, yeah, tell me, but if your client’s phone was stolen and a new sim card was put in it, you can set the number of the new owner, of course, hello, olenka. hi,
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this is kirill, well, forgive me for yesterday, it’s okay, i’ll find you a new tutor, uh-huh, uh-huh, what are you doing tonight, but a new club is opening on petrogradskaya, do you want to go, uh-huh, then at 10 at our place, that’s it i am kissing you, bye. you won't get enough sleep again look, i won’t wake you up tomorrow, you know, my dear, the night was made for love, why are you sitting here, we’re filling out the paperwork,
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we’re filling out the paperwork, but where are the wolves? i haven’t returned yet, i met my grandfather in the corridor, angry as hell, he was going fishing for the weekend, he was in charge. in general, he’s not coming , he won’t let us rest, where are you hanging around? what the hell are you doing, i was working by the way, so what did you find out? well, what did you find out? belony's phone number is now with a certain yuri zubov, i didn't find him at home, the neighbors say that he works as a bartender in restaurant wave, float on the neva, i should go see him, here you go, along with the scoundrel, georgich, i can’t, i have business today, yeah, business, why, he has a date. it’s okay, go on a date next time, okay? were you the one who stole your grandfather's cutlass when you were 7 years old? that's what the men from the yard told you, you're a fighter! this! you've never been afraid of a fight, it's with you, she's calm everywhere, it's on you, friends
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can always rely on you, it's you who can't stay away, it's you, and here you are, among your own people, great, dog, dog, your dog us. want him return? vsu, reinforcements are urgently needed. the legendary detective rushes to the rescue. mukhtar, mukhtar, mukhtar, don't miss the loudest comeback of the summer. the criminals are already missing you, they are worried that you are not catching them. the return of mukhtar from the very beginning. it's not just a dog, it's a weapon. today at 8:25, at 11. about the weather on the last day of july: in the south of the far east, the change of months will take place under
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heavy rains, the next chinese cyclone began in the amur region, by the evening it will unfold in the khabarovsk territory in the primorye region, the situation is serious, there will be a lot of precipitation, possible flooding, river floods, in the daytime it will be up to +30, tomorrow it will be fresher, baikal is also below 30, but relatively calm, though already in... the urals have not had time to dry out again under the rains of the cyclone , which waters the european territory of russia, there are thunderstorms in places, including in the long-suffering chelyabinsk region, the temperature will not rise further in the northern half. territory is supervised by the same cyclone, only the kaliningrad region, in the north, escaped from its influence
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there is less precipitation, in arkhangelsk + 22 - this is now, by the way, the most popular temperature, right up to the black earth region, there is rain everywhere, with thunderstorms in places, in the south the weather is also not yet stable, with temperatures around or below normal, but for another day there will be more sun and heat. in st. petersburg there are short rains again, plus 20-22. in moscow it is about 20°, this is the maximum air temperature, and rain is included. you know, i was thinking, well, we’re fine, well, where’s your club? listen, let's go and huddle in this stuffy basement, yo after all, let’s go and sit on the deck, well, here’s kira, on the deck after all. it’s cold, i’ll give you a jacket, and i ’ll be like a scarecrow in it, oh, kolya, hi, great,
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great, this, meet me, this is olya, olya, this is kolya, very nice, kolya, what are you doing here, yes so , for some reason he came out to get some air, listen, come with us, let’s sit on the deck, what is this, yeah, no, you know, i don’t go to restaurants, excuse me, wait, wait, i... i received my salary today, why are you, yeah, i’m treating you, that is, at your expense, yeah, well then i i agree, yeah, you chose something that’s not a cocktail to your taste. okay, i’ll have apple juice, man,
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beer, uh-huh, 3 minutes, wait, please, please, thank you, please sit for a couple of minutes already, we’ll be right there, okay, okay,
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come out, why are you there right away? they didn’t show us, they didn’t have time, commander, listen, can we let the girl out? girl, can i,
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girl to go out, olenka, excuse me, for god’s sake, listen, sit here, wait for me, please, i’ve had enough, thank you for the evening, and don’t call me again, please, ol, boss, well, you can say the meeting took place, yeah, lieutenant, uh, you can find a room, talk to that client in a bow tie, of course you can, with the others, what should you do, let them sit for an hour or two, yeah, let's go , zubov, with me, so, sit down, start again, where did you get your phone number from? let's not do tricks, you've already pissed us off enough today, the day before yesterday some company was hanging out until the morning, 2.0 wasn't enough, they left the phone, what kind of company, i don't know, they were with us for the first time, listen, this phone is involved in a murder case, and you will easily become an accomplice, yes, it will take five years, in short, let’s rack our brains, how
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can we get them, i only know three, they were at my school, they studied in a parallel course, so, give me their names ... last name, i remember, one was definitely called vitalik, so, the second zhenya, and the girl, from the same place, what’s the name, i don’t remember, school number, eighty-sixth, on the third soviet, when you graduated from it, 13 years ago, tomorrow will be physics test, i’m not at all ready, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, it’s not like smoking, i’m sorry. veronica sergeevna, in the ninety-first year you graduated from class 11b, do you remember it well? certainly. tell me, were there boys named vitali and evgeniy? and yes, vitaly polishchuk and zhenya petrov. yeah. do you
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still have the yearbook for this class? would you like to watch? well, yes. actually it has been preserved. i'll find now. thank you, now, so, here, uh-huh, here’s zhenechka petrov, here’s vitaly poleshchuk, did they have girlfriends in their class? they had one girlfriend, anya kirillova. here she is. the three of them walked. but why are you asking? just there the assumption that the guys were involved in computer hacking, this cannot be, they had c grades in mathematics, no, i don’t think so, what interested them in general, and what interests young people, discos, football, here, here, here, this our teachers, yeah, and
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school workers, wow, what is tverdyakov teaching here, and this is our former caretaker, former? well, he was fired a year ago, fired, but for what? well, well, i wasted my school money, i wonder if i can borrow this from you for a few days, yes please, hmm, i guess i’ll go, i’ll refuel, there are still no customers, come on,
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hello, friend, hello, make three beers, well, we’re working today, no, we need to rest for a couple of weeks, what are you doing, what am i doing?
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around, and why did they kill this idiot from the parking lot? he wanted to blackmail us, he demanded 5,000, i got rodshalds so that he could give away such money like a sucker, look, the log book, look here, the boat number, your phone number and what’s your name, i realized, at the last moment he took it in front of the names’ noses, if if it weren’t for me, they would be cuckooing now on the bunk, in in general, we need to lay low for a couple of weeks, if we don’t pay off our debts, we’d better surrender to the cops ourselves, in short, either you
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give us a tip today, or we’re working without you, okay, wait for a call after nine, and so on this once without makruha? there are two more, i see what a business it was, what a business, for 2 years i was feeding on everything. why were we given the solvent, and why the solvent, and you squeezed it out, that’s right, well , you remember what a hangover i had, if i hadn’t squeezed it out, i would have died, well
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then i’m not whining, well, i’m not whining, and i'm not whining, i'm noah said, there’s another one floating. like this, much stronger, oh, the clients have arrived, come on, pasha, it’s your turn, i’m coming, hey, hey, would you like to go for a ride? we wish you, please, please, along the rivers, along the canals, around the center,
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please take a boat. pay in advance, not after the trip, well, let me help, let's go!
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listen to me carefully, the client left with the pashka, in 10 minutes they will be with you, remember what i told you, no wet stuff. samurai, he moved away from the pier and goes to the center, i understand, follow them with words, yeah. one, two, i won’t take this one, it’s broken, okay, how much more? happened? 27 rubles 50 kopecks. let's go get a beer, no, son, we won't get beer here, i know a cheaper place, go ahead. what’s
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the matter with the engine, what’s the matter, they’re crazy or something, that’s it, gentlemen, they’ve arrived, money, valuables, faster, you’ve been told, faster, hands. open, open, open, well done, well!
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oops, oh, come on, let's go, let's go, nectar, good, but our city is so beautiful, but you didn't take the crackers, why didn't you take it, i took it all, well, get it, it'll always squeeze everything, again on you're running over me, on... take it, well done, oh, look how beautiful they are walking, yes, yeah, great, athletes, here's the engine.
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who is it, some conscientious tourist got caught, yeah, that’s not it, oh, that’s what he’s doing, that’s what he’s doing, i know our people, well , oops, we’ve lost our minds, opana, opana, yeah, here’s three or three, excellent, than we answer, but
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not like that, like this, oh, yeah,
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why do you need this, after all, it’s like they came to confess to murder, citizens, bosses, register a confession, be so kind, please, to murder, come on, come on, yeah, okay, tell me, everything is in order, but what can i tell you, we drank beer with a hamster, and the fool took this from the bridge. i dropped a bottle and hit the guy right on the turnip, the bottle was in tatters, and his head was in rags, which bridge was it on, on mikhailovsky, on mikhailovsky, right? people like you disgrace our city, but your coming to confession shows that you are not yet completely lost to our society, so we forgive you and let you go freely,
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georgievich, savior, i won’t forget up, georgievich, moreover , thank you, thank you, thank you, on behalf of the police, i’ll give you a gift, here you go. and know that the task of the organs is not only to punish, but also to re-educate, and seeing that a person is improving, to encourage him as much as possible, clearly, clearly, freely, let’s go quickly and take the things, yeah, now, georgivich, if anything happens, you know, i remember, but these are seeds for you, help yourself, it calms your nerves, but they say correctly, every creature is good for something, uh-huh, yes, yes, the smoke is listening, hello, yeah, now, go, you, city of fogs and long nights, city of shadows, and
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city of rains, after separation, as after trouble, you look into my eyes, nevsky prospekt floats and melts. ma flies, hurries, walks, the outlines of houses are washed away by the rain, ima table, we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we clarify the details of the emergency... incident, we carefully monitor the road, along with the first transmission, on ntv there is an emergency program in the marat studio seddikov.


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